Thesis Formal Requirements

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Semmelweis University School of PhD Studies

Inser 11

The Formal Requirements of the PhD thesis

The language of the PhD thesis can be Hungarian or English irrespective of the language of the candidates publications.

The cover should include the title and author of the PhD thesis, tutors name, the place where it was written, year School of PhD Studies of Semmelweis University, the name of the departmental School of PhD Studies, the list of the PhD final examination board and the name of the official reviewers





Introduction (with the background of the technical literature) objectives methods conclusions acknowledgements bibliography the bibliography of the candidates publications (the publications related to the theme of the PhD thesis should be listed separately in chronological order) Summary: in the Hungarian and English language (up to one page each; spaced 1.5, approximately 25 lines)

Length: maximum 150 pages in A4 format (every page should be numbered); 1.5 spacing between the lines Margins: 3 cm in either side (for binding!) Presentation single sided and high quality paper, preferably printed with a laser printer Character type: not smaller than 10 (12, Times New Roman is recommended) Page numbers: the bottom centre of the page. References: numbered with Arabic numbers in the text e.g. (6, 12) In the reference section the references should be either alphabetically or chronologically ordered. Number of copies: five copies to be submitted unbound ITEMS TO BE SUMITTED WITH THE PHD THESIS Copies of all the candidates relevant publications (off-prints if possible) The minutes and records of the candidates university department. pre-defence discussion of the PhD thesis A tutors statement in the event of research having been undertaken as a joint effort between the candidate and others. The statement should indicate the extent of the contribution of the candidate. A PhD thesis outline in both Hungarian and English (generally 8-15 pages, A5 format) An electronic copy of the PhD thesis, the summaries and the PhD thesis outlines (rtf and in pdf format if possible, on a disk or CD) A supporting letter from the head of the departmental School of PhD Studies

Semmelweis University School of PhD Studies

Inser 11

PhD candidates without former training have the option to choose the following format instead of the conventional format described above:


The structural and format requirements are identical with the ones described above (including the summaries), except the length which should be 30-50 pages without the graphs and references. This is followed by the candidates publications (with the list of numbered publications). In a short PhD thesis the candidate is obliged to present the objectives, results and conclusions (it is not sufficient to refer only to the published articles). It should also show how each of the candidates published articles contributed to the wider topic of the PhD thesis. Additionally, articles by other authors should be used as references.


The off-print of the candidates own publications The minutes of the PhD thesis debate (which took place at the candidates work place) If there was a research team the tutor should issue a statement about the participation proportion of the PhD students/candidates PhD thesis outlines in Hungarian and English (generally 8-15 pages, A5 format) The electronic copy of the PhD thesis, the summaries and the PhD thesis outlines (rtf and in pdf format if possible, on a floppy or CD) The supporting letter of the head of the departmental School of PhD Studies

Exceptionally, a book or an artistic piece can be considered of similar value to a PhD thesis. The summaries and PhD thesis outlines are required in this case as well (depending on the nature of the work). The Doctoral Council of the University can determine other requirements or dispensations for individual cases.

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