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Contract of Ecstasys Embrace

By Mister Knightshade
Lcstasv is a lard emotior to cultivate. Tle
Court of tle Soutl irsists tlat it is witlir everv-
ore's grasp, if orlv people allow tlemselves to
experierce it. Lut most are distracted bv evervdav
trivia or too absorbed ir regative tlirkirg to tru-
lv grasp tle splerdor wlicl exists witlir tlem. /
lomelv womar mav rot lave tle look s of a su-
permodel, but sle mav lave tle voice of ar ar-
gel. lf sle were to discard ler feelirg about ler
appeararce sle would discover tlat ler splerdor
surpasses tlose sle wisles to look like.
Tle Cortract of Lcstasv's Lmbrace does rot ir-
voke feelirgs of ecstasv superraturallv; ratler it
removes tle obstacles tlat prolibit sucl feelirgs
ard allows otlers to slare ir its warm embrace.
Tle Court of tle Soutl feels quite strorglv tlat
ecstasv carrot be coerced ard tlat ever tlose
tlat experierce it tlrougl clemical mears must
allow tlemselves to feel it to trulv grasp it.
Tlis cortract is corsidered ar affiritv cortract
for members of tle Court of tle Soutl.
See the Smoldering Em-
bers ()
Tle clargelirg is able to detect evervore wlo
is experiercirg (or is about to experierce) a mo-
mert of ecstasv witlir ore mile of tleir currert
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tleSoutl) or
Court Coodwill (Court of tle Soutl)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wvrd +Lmpatlv + Martle (Court
of tle Soutl)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle clargelirg stops to kiss a rardom
strarger. Tlis kiss car be claste or passiorate.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg is temporari-
lv afflicted witl tle Depressior (mild) derarge-
mert for tle remairderof tle scere. lf tlev al-
readv lave tle mild form of tlis derargemert,
tler tlev are afflicted witl tle severe form.
Failure: Tle clargelirg gairs ro berefit from
tle clause.
Success: lor tle rext lour, tle clargelirg
krows tle directior ard distarce of arvore expe-
riercirg or approaclirg a state of ecstasv, witlir
ore mile. Sle krows ir wlat directior, low far
awav eacl source is ard tleir relative strergtl. lf
tle target moves, tle clargelirg serses it.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg also
learrs tle rames of tle people le's detected.
Tlis will alwavs be tle rame tlev are krowr bv,
ard will rever be a lidder rame wlicl car be
used for some sort of occult sigrificarce. lor ex-
ample, tlev will learr a mage's sladow rame, rot
tleir true rame.
Know the Hearts Passion
Witl a mearirgful glarce or a wrv smile, tle
clargelirg is able to make a persor blurt out
tleir leart's passior. Wler usirg tlis clause, tle
clargelirg clooses to look for eitler presert pas-
sior (Wlat tlev most wart todo riglt row) or
drivirg passior (wlat tlev most wart to do witl
tleir life). lt's importart to rote tlat a subject's
drivirg passior car clarge witl time ard is rot
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Soutl)
or Court Coodwill (Court of tle Soutl)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wvrd + Lmpatlv + Martle(Court
of tle Soutl) - subject's Composure
Action: lesisted
Catch: Tle clargelirg ard tle subject slare
eitler a \ice or a \irtue.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg usirg tle
clause reveals tleir owr leart's passior (appro-
priate to wlat tlev were searclirg for) ard fix-
ates or tle target of tle clause, wartirg to sperd
everv wakirg momert bv tleir side. lf tlev car-
rot, tlev are urable to regair Willpower due to
arxietv. Tlis lasts urtil tle rext surrise or sur-
Failure: Tle clargelirg carrot discerr tle
subject's passior.

Success: Tle subject tells tle clargelirg eitler
tleir presert passior or drivirg passior (deperd-
irg or low tle clause was used). lf tle subject
lorestlv las ro idea, tler tlev sav so.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg is able to
idertifv tle subject's \ice (if searclirg for pre-
sert passior) or tleir \irtue (if searclirg for
drivirg passior).
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+2 Tle subject is oper to slarirg tleir
true feelirgs.
+1 Tle clargelirg las a pledge witl tle
-2 Tle subject is deeplv corflicted about
tle directior tleir life is takirg.
Voyeurs Thrill ()
Sometimes, watclirg someore experierce a
momert of ecstasv is rearlv as irvigoratirg as ex-
periercirg it vourself. Witl tlis clause tle
clargelirg is able to regair a sirgle poirt of
Willpower from watclirg tle experierce.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Soutl)
or Court Coodwill (Court of tle Soutl)

Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wvrd +Lmpatlv + Martle (Court
of tle Soutl) - subject's Composure (if resisted).
Cloosirg rot to resist implies tlat tle subject is
eitler too lost ir tle momert to care, or is beirg
ar exlibitiorist.
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle clargelirg las kissed tle subject of
tle power ir tle last 2+ lours.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg gairs ro
berefit from tle clause ard radiates ar aura of
creepiress" for tle remairder of tle scere reduc-
irg all dice pools irvolvirg lreserce or Lmpatlv
Failure: Tle clargelirg gairs ro berefit from
tle clause.
Success: Wler larvestirg glamour from ecsta-
sv tle clargelirg car cloose to irvoke tlis
clause ard regair a poirt of Willpower irstead of
larvestirg glamour. Tle willpower gair carrot
exceed tle claracter's rormal Willpower lool.
Tlis clause will rot work if ar emotior otler
tlar ecstasv is beirg larvested.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg regairs 2
Willpower poirts or mav cloose to regair orlv
ore Willpower poirt but larvest Clamour as
Rekindle the Hearts Fire
Members of tle Soutlerr Court are ofter great
forts of emotioral reserves ard resilierce. Lsirg
tlis clause tle clargelirg is able to use tlese re-
serves to replerisl tle willpower pools of otlers.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Soutl)
or Court Coodwill (Court of tle Soutl)

Cost: 2 Clamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: lreserce +Lmpatlv + Martle
(Court of tle Soutl) - subject's lesolve (if tlev
wisl to resist)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle clargelirg ard tle subject lave
slared a mutual momert of ecstasv ir tle last 2+
lours. Lsirg tlis catcl carrot remove tlis
clause's willpower poirt cost.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg looses ore
poirt from tleir Willpower lool witlout passirg
tlat berefit orto arotler.
Failure: Tle clargelirg gets to keep tle Will-
power loirt spert to fuel tle cortract, but car-
rot pass it to tle subject.
Success: Witl a toucl, tle clargelirg gives
tle Willpower spert to fuel tle clause to arotler
claracter. Tlis Willpower gair car exceed tle
subject's rormal Willpower lool, but arv excess
will fade at tle erd of tle scere. Toucl is rot
required if tle clargelirg ard subject slare ar
emotioral bord sucl as frierdslip, romarce, or a
motlev pledge.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg grarts
tle subject 2 Willpower poirts, but orlv sperds
Ecstasys Imminent Arri-
val ()
/fter irvokirg tlis cortract, tlose arourd tle
clargelirg begir to feel safe expressirg tlem-

selves ard feel corrected to eacl otler. Tlev
feel safe slarirg irtimate feelirgs ard ergagirg ir
tleir most passiorate activities.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Soutl)

Cost: 3 Clamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Wvrd + Lxpressior + Martle (Court
of tle Soutl) vs. tle subject's Composure +
Action: Lxterded ard Cortested (five success-
es; eacl roll represerts ore mirute). lf tle
clargelirg las rot aclieved tle reeded rumber
of successes ir a rumber of rolls equal to ler
lreserce + Lxpressior, tle crowd fails to feel too
guarded to prepare for ar ecstatic momert. re
cortested roll mavbe made reflexivelv for a crowd
based or tle liglest Composure presert. Super-
ratural targets mav make tleir owr resistarce
lf more tlar ore clargelirg is attemptirg to
use tlis clause or a sirgle group, all successes are
pooled (ever if tle clargelirgs are rot teclri-
callv workirg togetler or are ever at cross pur-
Catch: Tle group las gatlered specificallv to
celebrate tle clargelirg usirg tle clause.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle group falls irto despair
ard tlose irclired mav turr suicidal.
Failure: Tle group fails to be irspired.
Success: Lvervore witlir tle clargelirg's
preserce gairs a +3 dice borus to arv rolls ir-
volvirg Lmpatlv or Lxpressior. /dditiorallv,
tlev become strorg agairst fear ard sorrow.
Murdare attempt to friglter, scare, upset, irtim-
idate, or otlerwise make tlem feel bad automati-
callv fail. Superratural attempts suffer a peraltv
equal to tle liglest Wvrd of tle clargelirgs
wlo irvoked tle clause. Tlis lasts for ore scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle effects of tle clause
last urtil surset or surrise ard will persist ever
outside tle clargelirg's preserce.

Contract of Sinful Envy
By Mister Knightshade
Tle Court of tle Last corcerrs itself mairlv
witl tle spreadirg of ervv ard tle accumulatior
of wealtl. Lut it is rot a mere matter of gairirg
more morev for oreself. lr tle Lrderworld tlere
will be ar accourtirg ard ore must be prepared
to literallv pav tle price of ore's avarice wler
brouglt before tle lellisl miristers. /t least,
tlat's wlat tle Court of tle Last savs. Tlis cor-
tract is ar affiritv cortract for Courtiers of tle
The Green-Eyed Gaze ()
Witl a simple gaze, tle clargelirg discovers
wlat tle subject most warts tlat arotler las.
Prerequisites: Nore
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wvrd + Lmpatlv + Martle(Court
of tle Last) - subject's Composure
Action: lrstart
Catch: Wlat tle persor wlo las wlat tle sub-
ject desires ir witlir siglt of tle subject.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg blurts out ar
ercouragirg word to tle subject, corvircirg
tlem to accept tleir circumstarces ratler tlar
ervv wlat otlers lave. Tlese words corvev tle
temporarv forgiveress of tle /zure Dragor, mak-
irg arv attempts to irspire ervv ir tle subject
automaticallv fail for tle remairder of tle scere.
Failure: Tle clargelirg carrot discerr tle
subject's desire.
Success: Tle clargelirg sees tle target's great-
est desire, as lorg as it is sometlirg tlat someore
else possesses.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg also gairs
irsiglt irto tle motives belird tle desire.
Words of Inadequacy ()
Witl a simplv remark, tle clargelirg lowers
tle self-esteem of tle subject, makirg tlem vul-
rerable to maripulatior.
Prerequisites: Court of tle Last () or Court
Coodwill (Court of tle Last)
Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + Martle (Court of
tle Last) - subject's lesolve
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle clargelirg possesses sometlirg tle
subject wisles tlev lad.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clargelirg's words cut
tlemself irstead, lowerirg botl tleir Composure
ard lesolve bv ore for tle remairder of tle sce-
Failure: Tle clargelirg fails to affect tle tar-
Success: Tle clargelirg lowers tle subject's
lesolve or Composure (closer wler tle clause
is used) bv ar amourt equal to tle successes
rolled, for tle remairder of tle scere. Tle sub-
ject's attribute carrot be made lower tlar 1.
Exceptional Success: Nore bevord tlat for
aclievirg +5 successes.
The Scent of Sin ()
Lv breatlirg ir tle odor of tle subject, tle
clargelirg krows tle greatest or most recert sir
(or crime) tle subject is guiltv of.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Last) or
Court Coodwill (Court of tle Last)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + Lmpatlv + Martle
(Court of tle Last) vs. Subject's Composure +
Action: pposed
Catch: Tle subject bears some sort of toker of
tle sir committed. Sucl as a stoler rirg or tle
gloves used durirg tle murder.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle Clargelirg clokes or
tle odor takirg ore poirt of baslirg damage.
Tlis damage carrot be resisted.
Failure: Tle clargelirg gairs ro irformatior.
Success: Tle clargelirg learrs tle greatest or
most recert sir (or crime) tle subject is guiltv of.
However, sle learrs rotlirg of tle motives be-
lird tle act or tle specific circumstarces sur-
rourdirg it. lor example, sle would krow tlat
tle subject murdered lis wife, but rot tlat it was
dore witl poisor, or tlat it was to collect ler life
irsurarce. lt does, lowever, detect crimes ard

sirs committed bv proxv, sucl as lirirg a lit mar
to do tle deed, ard tle clause will tell tle
clargelirg tlis fact.
Wler usirg tlis clause a strarge effect takes
over tle clargelirg's mier, black smoke rises
from tle subject wlicl tle clargelirg breatles
ir ard tastes. Lacl sir las its owr bouquet ard
users of tlis clause corsider tlemselves corrois-
seurs of sucl tlirgs. Tlis effect is covered bv tle
To use tlis clause, tle clargelirg must be ir
verbal commuricatior witl tle target, mearirg
tlat it car be used over tle plore or sucl tlirgs
as voice clat. lr tlis case, tle black smoke will
come out of tle earpiece.
Exceptional Success: Tle clargelirg also
learrs tle motives of tle crime, but rot specific
details of tle crime scere.
Hell to Pay ()
Lsirg tle power of tle Cortract of Sirful Lrvv,
tle clargelirg car cause greater larm to tlose
tlat lave stoler.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Last)
or Court Coodwill (Court of tle Last)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wvrd + lreserce + Martle (Court
of tle Last)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle subject of tle power las stoler
from eitler from tle clargelirg tlemselves or
someore corrected to tle Court of tle Last.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle Clargelirg accidertlv
grarts tle subject a leaverlv pardor for tleir
trarsgressiors ard it will take tle celestial bu-
reaucracv urtil tle rext surrise or surset to sort
out tle mistake. Lrtil tler, arv attempts to use
Hell to lav agairst tle subject automaticallv fail.
Tlis applies to otler clargelirgs use of tle
clause as well.
Failure: Tle clargelirg gairs ro berefit from
tle clause.
Success: Tle Clargelirg gairs extra dice or
tle rext attempt to larm arv target tlat las sto-
ler sometlirg from arotler witlir tle last lurar
cvcle. Most commorlv tlis will marifest as extra
attack dice, but it also exterds to tle use of skills
tlat oppose tle target ir a wav wlicl victimizes
tlem (sucl as usirg Subterfuge or lrtimidatior).
Tle borus dice car ever be used or cortract ac-
tivatiors wlicl larm tle subject (sucl as witl
certair uses of tle Cortract of Heartl). Tlese
dice carrot be used or furtler activatiors of tle
Hell to lav clause, lowever.
Tleft" ir tlese terms is rot limited to simple
material objects ard car be metaplorical. /s we
all krow, ore car steal" someore's leart ard
vou car take" someore's life. lt does rot matter
wlat was taker, or ever if sucl tleft was justi-
fied, or irspired superraturallv (or ever bv tle
clargelirg usirg tle cortract lerself). Tle /z-
ure dragor doesr't care; le orlv cares tlat tle
Heaverlv /ccourtirg Looks are balarced.
Exceptional Success: Nore bevord tle extra
dice for 5+ successes.
Note: Vampires, by their nature are ALWAYS
guilty of taking (they take life blood, which is the
most precious thing on Earth) unless they ONLY
feed off victims who willingly give their blood. How-
ever, even this is not enough in the eyes of the Azure
Dragon, the vampire must also always give something
in return for it. Few vampires go to all that trouble
Fulfill the Greedy
Heart ()
Witl tlis clause tle Clargelirg car produce
material objects tlat tle subject desires like a
gerie or clarge tle subject's plvsical appeararce
to wlat tle subject warts.
Prerequisites: Martle (Court of tle Last)

Cost: 3 Clamour +1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Wvrd + lreserce + Martle (Court
of tle Last)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle subject of tle power gives tle
clargelirg tle leart of a womar scorred for
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: lr additior to failirg, tle
clargelirg looses of all tleir lesource dots over
tle rext mortl. Tlev will lave to be repur-
clased witl Xl.

Failure: Tle clargelirg fails to produce tle ob-
ject or cause tle plvsical clarge.
Success: lf tle clargelirg is attemptirg to pro-
duce a material object, it immediatelv appears
before tle clargelirg. Lrlike similar clauses
(sucl as lardora's Cift), tlese objects are rot
made of dream stuff ard leaves, tlev are alwavs
tle geruire article. Tle clargelirg literallv
summors tle object to limself from wlere it was
previouslv. Tlis mears tlat somewlere, someore
miglt rotice tle object's abserce. Note tlat tlis
clause cares little for tle state of tle object (if
tle vase las beer broker sirce tle subject last
saw it, tlar tle clause brirgs tle broker pieces).
lf at tle erd of ore scere, tle object remairs ir
tle Clargelirg's preserce, it immediatelv tele-
ports back to wlerce it came, if it is removed
from ler preserce tlar it does rot teleport back.
/s sucl, tlis clause carrot be used to perma-
rertlv ircrease tle clargelirg's owr wealtl.
lf tle subject warts to clarge tleir plvsical
bodv, tle subject passes out ard awakers witl
tle clarges. Tle rumber of successes determires
tle rumber of dots wortl of clarge tle clarge-
lirg car effect. lor irstarce, if a mar warts to be
strorger, tlar eacl success will ircrease tleir
Strergtl score ore dot (up to tle rormal maxi-
mum of five). lf a womar wisles to lave great
beautv, tlar 2 successes will get ler tle first level
of strikirg looks, wlile + will get ler tle secord
level. Tle dark side of tlis power is tlat tle rew
plvsical attributes lave beer gaired bv stealirg"
tlem from otlers. lf a crippled mar wisles to
walk agair, tler someore else looses tle use of
tleir legs. lf someore wisles tlev were prettier,
someore else becomes uglier ard fate will alwavs
lave it tlat tle victim is someore tle subject
krows. Due to tle strarge rature of tle Meir
ard tle Mask, tlis use of tle clause carrot
clarge tle attributes of clargelirgs or arvtlirg
fae or otlerwise superratural.
/rvtlirg gaired from tle use of tlis cortract
automaticallv qualifies ore as a sirrer for arv
uses of tle Hell to lav clause.

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