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Please: On Monday and Tuesday this week, Our Ladys School will undergo its Ofsted Inspection. Please keep in your prayers the Staff and Pupils, Governors and all who are involved in the life and work of our parish School.

OUR LADY IMMACULATE, BRYN and GARSWOOD Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709 Archdiocesan website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : Masses for the week 11 - 19 February 2012 Rosary Mon, Wed, Fri 8.30am; Sun 9.00am (OLI) Sixth Sunday of the Year (B) Tues, Thurs 9.30am (SW) Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Margaret Hughes Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon (OLI); Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Ethel & Robert Boffey 5.15 - 5.45pm (SW). 11.00am (SW) Parishioners Novena Wednesday 7.30pm 6.30pm (OLI) Brian Topping Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm Weekday Masses Monday 9.00am (OLI) Mary OBrien Memorial Book Tuesday 9.30am (SW) Catherine & Reg Powell 12th February Mary Agnes Eccles Wednesday 9.00am (OLI) Eileen Wright Cecilia Witherington Thursday 9.30am (SW) Anthony Rogerson 13th February Mary OBrien Friday 9.00am (OLI) Deceased Cunliffe family Craig Stephen Duffy Saturday 10.00am (OLI) Jill Finnerty 15th February William Balmer Hannah Rodican Seventh Sunday of the Year (B) 16th February Joseph Andrews Saturday 6.00pm (SW) John Marsh Elsie Pickton Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Evelyn Fagan 18th February Harry Lowe 11.00am (SW) Deacon Roy Moore 6.30pm (OLI) Parishioners The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Staff & Pupils of Our Ladys School. Dates : 19/02; 26/02; 18/03; 25/03.

A Celebration of Marriage and Family Life takes place at St Marys, Leyland, PR25 1PD on this Sunday 12th February at 3.00pm. Archbishop Kelly will preside. All are welcome. Catholics in Healthcare will celebrate Mass for the World Day of Prayer for the Sick at Christ the King, Queens Drive, Liverpool this Sunday 12th February at 3.00pm. Bishop Tom Williams will preside. All welcome. Coffee Morning : This Wednesday, 15th February, in the Parish Centre 9.30 - 11.00am. All are welcome. Charity Lunch on Friday 17th February in the Parish Centre from 12 noon to 1.30pm in aid of Fr John Peter Swaminathans Christ the King Mission in India. All will be very welcome. Civic Mass at the Cathedral next Sunday 19th February at 3.00pm will also celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Archbishop Kellys Ordination to the Priesthood. All are welcome to attend. Support for those who are Divorced or Separated : The next series of meetings, organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage and Family Life Department, begins mid-February. Contact Frances on 0151 727 2195 or Maureen on 0151 722 1029. Confirmation : Letters have been sent this week to parents of pupils in Years 4 - 6 in Our Ladys School and years 7 - 8 in St Edmund Arrowsmith regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation which will take place in May. Preparing for this will begin after half-term, so responses are required by 26th February. Anyone who does not receive a letter should speak to me as soon as possible. Last weeks Collection ; Gift Aid : 242.56 Loose Plate : 193.22 Total : 435.78 Many thanks. I gratefully acknowledge receipt of a very generous donation of 500 given recently to Parish Funds. Question of the Week : Take me for your model, as I take Christ. (1 Cor 11:1) What can you do this week to be an example to others? Would you have the courage to tell others to do as you do in order to be like Christ? If not, why not? Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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