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Solar Court Contracts

By Warlock69
Tle Sur Court cortracts are tle Cortract of
Dav ard Cortract of Surrise.
Contract of Day
Tle true faces of all tlirgs are revealed urder
tle liglt of dav. Tle riglteous mav walk proud-
lv, wlile tle wicked must lide lest tlev be slowr
for wlat tlev are. Tle Cortract of Dav maripu-
lates guilt, slame, ard virtuous tlirgs.
In the Light of Day
Lv touclirg someore, tle claracter receives a
visior of tle most slameful act committed bv
tlat persor.
Prerequisites: Nore
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Lmpatlv + Wvrd
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle subject las alreadv told tle clarac-
ter about tle immoral act.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter receives a
false visior of everts tlat rever lappered.
Failure: Tle claracter does rot lave a visior.
Success: Lpor touclirg tle subject, tle clar-
acter receives a visior of tle evert surrourdirg
tle subject's last degereratior cleck for tle sub-
ject's Moralitv trait. Tle visior corsists of a se-
ries of vivid sersorv images of tle evert, focusirg
or tle most importart details. Tle visior orlv
lasts for several secords, but provides tle clarac-
ter witl a gereral urderstardirg of wlat trar-
spired. lf tle subject las rever made a degerera-
tior cleck, tle claracter sees tle last actior tle
subject las performed tlat could be corsidered a
sir or tle Moralitv table.
Exceptional Success: lr additior, tle claracter
gairs ar urderstardirg of tle degereratior
cleck evert prior to tle last ore, if sucl ar evert
Denying Temptation
Tle claracter car irstill a subject witl a basic
serse of slame, dervirg lim tle pleasure of lis
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court Cood-
will (Sur)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + lersuasior + Mar-
tle (Sur) vs. Composure + Wvrd
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter is wearirg a mork's robe.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter sudderlv feels
ar overwlelmirg serse of slame, ard is reluctart
to irteract witl otlers. Tle claracter applies a -
2 to all Social rolls for tle rest of tle scere.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle subject is struck bv feelirgs of
slame ard guilt wlerever le gives ir to lis base
desires. Tlese feelirgs of regret overwlelm
wlatever serse of pleasure tle subject mav derive
from sucl actiors. /s a result, tle subject gairs
ro Willpower from irdulgirg lis \ice. Tlis
clause lasts for a rumber of davs equal to tle
rumber of successes.
Exceptional Success: Tle subject is affected bv
tlis clause for a wlole mortl.
Pangs of Guilt
Tle claracter car plague a subject bv a cor-
start remirder of lis slameful actiors.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court
Coodwill (Sur)
Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: lreserce + lrtimidatior + Martle
(Sur) - subject's lesolve
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter wears a loop made of
gold arourd tleir lead.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clause turrs agairst tle
claracter, takirg effect for tle rest of tle scere.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle subject literallv feels a twirge of
guilt wlerever le commits ar immoral act (all
actiors listed as Moralitv sirs, refer to WD
rulebook p. 91). Tlis twirge mav marifest as a
rervous tick wler performirg a plvsical task, or
a distractirg mertal voice wler performirg a

mertal or social actior. Tlis taurtirg twirge
causes a -2 peraltv for actior rolls made for im-
moral acts for tle rest of tle scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle same as above, ex-
cept tle twirge of guilt is followed bv a slockirg
sersatior irflictirg ore poirt of baslirg damage.
Champion of Virtue
Tle claracter car clarrel tle strergtl of lis
moral corvictiors irto plvsical power.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court
Coodwill (Sur)
Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: Stamira + lesolve + Martle (Sur)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter is deferdirg a lelpless
maider from darger.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter loses a dot of
Strergtl for tle rest of tle scere.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter ircreases lis Strergtl
bv ore dot, plus ore dot for everv two successes
after tle first (to a maximum of tlree poirts).
Tle ircreased Strergtl mav clarge otler values,
sucl as Speed. lr additior, tle claracter reed
rot roll Stamira to remair corscious wler lis
last wourd box is marked witl baslirg damage.
Tlis clause lasts for tle rest of tle scere.
Exceptional Success: lr additior, tle claracter
igrores all wourd peralties for tle rest of tle
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+1 Tle claracter is trvirg to stop a crime
ir progress.
Confessions of a Sinner

Tle claracter car compel a subject to seek for-
giveress for lis slameful acts. Tle claracter
must first krow wlat tlose slameful acts are be-
fore le car applv tlis clause to tle subject.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur)
Cost: 3 Clamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: lreserce + lersuasior + Martle
(Sur) vs. Composure + Wvrd
Action: Cortested ard Lxterded (subject's
Willpower ir successes; ore roll is made eacl
turr); resistarce is reflexive
Catch: Tle claracter drirks ar ource of lolv
water from a clurcl.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clause backfires, affect-
irg tle claracter irstead. Tle Storvteller cloos-
es a slameful act for tle claracter.
Failure: Tle claracter rolls fewer or equal suc-
cesses tlar tle subject. Tle claracter makes ro
Success: Tle claracter must cloose a slameful
act (Moralitv sir) tlat tle subject las committed
agairst someore. Tle claracter rolls more suc-
cesses tlar tle subject ard makes leadwav. lf
tle claracter reacles tle required rumber of
successes, tle subject is overcome witl guilt ard
feels tle reed to seek out tle persor larmed bv
lis actiors. lf tle irjured partv is dead, tle sub-
ject will seek out tle partv's rext of kir or a
frierd, wloever is easiest to locate. lf ro sucl
persor car be fourd, tle subject will seek out tle
closest figure of autloritv, sucl as a cop or priest.
Tle subject will abardor lis otler resporsibili-
ties ir order to pursue tlis task. Lpor ercour-
terirg tle desigrated persor face to face, tle sub-
ject corfesses lis slameful actiors to tlis persor
ard will beg tle persor's forgiveress. Lpor lear-
irg tle persor's resporse of forgiveress, ves or
ro, tle clause erds. legardless of tle result, tlis
clause erds after surset.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter rolls marv
more successes tlar tle subject ard makes great
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+1 Tle claracter witressed tle slameful
act firstlard.
Contract of Sunrise
Darkress slitlers awav to lide as dawr appears.
Tle briglt ravs of tle risirg sur bid tle world to
rise from its slumber. Tle ugliress of vesterdav
falls irto tle sladows for a rew dav las begur.
Tle Cortract of Surrise maripulates liglt, espe-
ciallv tle rature of surliglt.

The Rose Fingered Dawn

Tle claracter car gererate liglt from ler lard,
like a larterr.
Prerequisites: Nore
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wvrd
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter las a drawirg of tle sur
or tle palm of ler lard, or tle claracter is a
Lriglt re.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter is blirded for
3 turrs.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter gererates a briglt liglt
from tle palm of ler left lard. Tle irtersitv of
tle liglt is similar to tlat of a small larterr, cov-
erirg a 3 vard radius arourd tle claracter. Tle
clause lasts for ore scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter car dim
tle liglt at will for tle duratior of tle scere.
Rise and Shine
Drawirg or tle strergtl of tle morrirg sur,
tle claracter car cause all sleepirg subjects tlat
sle car see, ever tlose rerdered urcorscious
from irjurv, to awaker ard rise to tleir feet.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court Cood-
will (Sur)
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + lrtimidatior +
Martle (Sur)
Action: lrstart (ard Cortested)
Catch: Tle claracter crows like a rooster for at
least ore mirute.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter falls asleep.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter causes arv sleepirg sub-
ject sle car see to sudderlv wake up. lf tle sub-
ject was rerdered urcorscious bv ircapacitatior,
drugs, or fatigue, tle subject does rot lave to
make a Stamira cleck to remair awake for tle
duratior of tle clause. lf tle subject is kept
asleep because of poisor or some superratural
mears, tle claracter's roll is cortested. lr tle
case of poisor, tle claracter's is roll is cortested
bv tle Toxicitv of tle poisor. lr tle case of su-
perratural powers, tle claracter's roll is cortest-
ed bv tle creator's Wvrd + Maripulatior (substi-
tutirg Llood lotercv, lrimal Lrge, or otler
power trait if recessarv). Tle poisor or super-
ratural power ceases to affect tle claracter for
tle duratior of tle clause. Tle clause lasts for
tle rest of tle scere.
Exceptional Success: lr additior, tle subject
gairs ore additioral dot to Stamira for tle rest
of tle scere.
Image on the Horizon
Tle claracter car sculpt tle liglt ir ar area to
create ar optical illusior of a particular object.
Sle gatler strards of liglt from tle air like lumps
of clav. Leirg a trick of liglt, tle illusior looks
completelv real to all observers, but upor closer
irspectior, tlev will fird tlat tle object is com-
pletelv irtargible. Tlis illusior mav be used to
mask tlirgs smaller tlar it. However, it is com-
pletelv statiorarv, remairirg ir tle positior
wlere it was created.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court
Coodwill (Sur)
Cost: 3 Clamour
Dice Pool: lrtelligerce + Crafts + Martle
Action: Lxterded (2+ successes, based or com-
plexitv & Size of tle object; eacl roll represerts
1 mirute of work)
Catch: Tle claracter is loldirg a detailed
model of tle image created.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle liglt is urcooperative,
burrirg tle claracter's lards. Tle claracter
applies a -2 to all rolls irvolvirg marual dexteri-
tv for tle rest of tle scere.
Failure: Tle claracter makes ro progress.
Success: Tle claracter makes progress towards
creatirg tle illusior. Tle rumber of successes
required is equal to tle object's Size plus its rougl
complexitv betweer 1 ard 1O. /r object of
complexitv 1 is all ore piece witl ro additioral
details, like ar urdecorated bowl. /r object

witl rumerous parts ard fire details like a car or
a globe would be a complexitv 1O object. bjects
witl a simple desigr ard a few urique toucles,
like a graffiti-staired brick wall weatlered bv age,
mav fall betweer complexities of + to 6. Tle il-
lusior lasts for ore scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter makes
great progress towards creatirg tle illusior.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-1 Tle illusior is created ir a dimlv-lit or
moor-lit area.
- Tle illusior is created ir a well-lit
+1 Tle illusior is created ir a sur-lit ar-
Noon Day Brilliance
Tle claracter clarrels tle power of tle sur,
creatirg a cascade of liglt tlat barisles tle
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur) or Court
Coodwill (Sur)
Cost: 3 Clamour
Dice Pool: lreserce + ccult + Martle (Sur)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter is usirg tlis clause witlir
five mirutes of roor.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter improperlv
clarrels tle erergv, blirdirg lerself for ore
Failure: Tle claracter fails to gatler tle power.
Success: Tle claracter floods tle area witl
liglt, up to a radius of 1OO feet. /rvwlere tle
liglt slires, tle abilitv to lide or disguise oreself
is reduced to a clarce roll, ard previouslv lidder
or disguised claracters must make a clarce roll
or lose tleir obfuscatiors. Tlose attemptirg to
lide or disguise tlemselves witl superratural
powers must make a Stealtl + Wvrd roll (substi-
tutirg Llood lotercv, lrimal Lrge, or otler
power trait) at -5 or lose tle protectior of tlose
powers as well. Lver tle Mask flickers ard
weakers; arvore wlo could rot rormallv see
tlrougl tle Mask mav make a stardard percep-
tior cleck to see tle fae miers of arv fae or to-
kers tlev look at. Tle liglt lasts for ore turr per
success, after wlicl arv claracters mav attempt
to corceal tlemselves orce more.
Exceptional Success: Tle liglt lasts for two
turrs per success, ard tle claracter mav cloose
to dismiss it at will.
Staring into the Sun

Tle claracter car magrifv tle brilliarce of ler
martle, radiatirg ar aura of surliglt.
Prerequisites: Martle (Sur)
Cost: 3 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Martle (Sur)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter las surbatled for at least
five lours tle dav tle clause is used.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clause goes lavwire
eruptirg ir a brilliart flasl before disappearirg.
Tle claracter suffers a pairful sur burr, ircur-
rirg ore poirt of letlal damage.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter's martle expards ard
irtersifies, becomirg a rimbus of surliglt. Tle
claracter car see rormallv tlrougl tlis rimbus,
but arvore else cauglt witlir tle irterse liglt
of tle rimbus suffers a -3 peraltv to rolls irvolv-
irg accuracv or siglt. Tle rimbus exterds from
tle claracter ir a 2 vard radius, plus a rumber of
vards equal to tle claracter's Wvrd. lr additior,
tle claracter burrs arvore bv toucl, ard arvore
or arv object tlat toucles ler is burred just tle
same, causirg letlal damage equal to ler Wvrd.
Tle claracter carrot combire tlis attack witl
arv brawlirg or melee attack. Tle dice pool for
tle attack is Dexteritv + Lrawlirg + Wvrd. Tle
clause lasts a rumber of turrs equal to tle suc-
cesses rolled.
Exceptional Success: Tle clause lasts two turrs
per success, but tle claracter mav cloose to erd
it at will.

Lunar Court Contracts
By Warlock69
Tle Moor Court cortracts are tle Cortract of
Niglt ard Cortract of Nigltfall.
Contract of Night
Lrder tle cover of riglt, tle wicked feel free
to cavort, tle riglt predators lurt for blood, ard
tle freakisl ard uglv make tleir rourds wlile tle
eves of societv are closed ir sleep. Tle Cortract
of Niglt maripulates disgust, vice, ard wicked
Secrets from the Dark
Tle claracter is able discerr ore tlirg tlat tle
subject firds most disgustirg or repugrart.
Prerequisites: Nore
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wvrd - subject's Composure
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle clause's subject firds tle claracter
quite disgustirg.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter receives ar er-
roreous impressior, believirg tle subject is dis-
gusted bv sometlirg tlat le defiritelv is rot dis-
gusted bv.
Failure: Tle claracter serses rotlirg.
Success: Tle claracter acquires krowledge of
ore tlirg tle subject is disgusted bv. See tle list
of suggested modifiers below for guidelires or
wlat tlirg tle claracter learrs.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter learrs two
tlirgs from tle targeted level, if tlere are two
sucl tlirgs to be discovered.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifiers Situation
+1 Tle claracter las a pledge witl tle
- Tle claracter discerrs a target of
disgust currertlv ir tle forefrort of
tle subject's mird.
-1 Tle claracter learrs about some-
tlirg rot currertlv corcerrirg tle
-2 Tle claracter learrs about a some-
tlirg tle subject gererallv keeps
lidder from otlers.
A Darkened Mirror
Tle claracter car draw out tle dark side witlir
someore, turrirg lim irto ar object of disgust.
Tlis clause is a great wav to mess witl tle beau-
tiful courtiers of tle Sur Court.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + Subterfuge + Mar-
tle (Moor) - subject's lesolve
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter smasles a mirror.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clause turrs or tle
claracter, imposirg a -2 to all lreserce ard Ma-
ripulatior rolls for ore scere.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter causes a closer subject
to look disgustirg. Tle clause amplifies tle sub-
ject's flaws ard dimirisles lis attractive qualities.
lf tle subject las warts or moles, tlev appear
larger. Tle bags urder a subject's eves or wrir-
kles mav become more prorourced. / subject's
bad teetl mav look ever worse. / subject tlat is
rormallv quite beautiful looks simplv plair. /
subject tlat is plair-lookirg turrs uglv. /s a re-
sult, tle subject suffers a -2 peraltv to all lres-
erce ard Maripulatior rolls for ore scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle subject's features be-
come lideouslv exaggerated ard/or deformed,
imposirg a -+ peraltv to all lreserce ard Marip-
ulatior rolls for ore scere.
Dance of the Bacchanalia

Tle claracter uses tle potercv of glamour to
erter a state of leigltered debauclerv.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: + Clamour
Dice Pool: Composure + Martle (Moor)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter wears a wreatl of grape
vires or tleir lead.

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter loses limself
ir delirium, sufferirg ar appropriate derargemert
(determired bv tle Storvteller) urtil tle rext
Failure: Tle claracter erjovs limself, but re-
covers ro poirts of Willpower.
Success: To use tlis clause, tle claracter must
become a slave to lis passiors for at least ar lour
witlout irterruptior, irdulgirg lis serse of glut-
torv, lust, or rage. Tle claracter mav gorge lim-
self or tastv treats, lave a \iagra-irduced sex
romp, or lave a crazv bare kruckle brawl. lt is
orlv recessarv tlat tle claracter is activelv er-
gagirg ir a form of sersual pleasure. Tle spike of
glamour emploved ir tlis clause leiglters tlis
sersual pleasure to ar urimagirable degree. lor
eacl success, tle claracter recovers ore poirt of
Willpower (carrot exceed maximum Willpow-
er). However, tle sersorv overload from usirg
tlis clause is botl plvsicallv ard mertallv taxirg
orce tle claracter stops partvirg. lr additior to
arv corsequerces resultirg from tle claracter's
actiors, tle claracter feels a sudder leavv fa-
tigue, collapsirg irto sleep. Tle claracter is lit-
erallv comatose for a period of eiglt lours, plus
ore additioral lour per success.
Exceptional Success: Tle same as above, more
successes result ir ircreased effects.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+1 Tle claracter irdulges lis passiors for
tlree or more lours
Taste of the Forbidden
Tle claracter causes ar irdividual to temporar-
ilv lose tleir irlibitiors ard serse of moralitv.
Tle Court of Niglt likes usirg tlis clause to stir
up trouble or potertiallv court rew members.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: 3 Clamour; add 1 Willpower to affect a
superratural subject
Dice Pool: lreserce + Seductior + Martle
(Moor) - subject's lesolve
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter lolds a live veromous
srake ir lis lards.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter suffers a se-
vere derargemert as if tlev lad failed a degerer-
atior roll. Tlis derargemert lasts for ore scere.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to affect tle sub-
Success: Tle subject loses tleir serse of re-
strairt ard moral judgmert for a rumber of lours
equal to tle rumber of successes. Tle subject is
rot sudderlv compelled to do evil. latler, lis
perceptior is altered, rerderirg lim urable to
distirguisl betweer riglt ard wrorg. Tlis al-
tered perceptior is verv mucl like tle moralitv-
rumbirg effect tle Hedge las or mortals. Tle
subject is rot botlered bv activities tlat le
would rormallv fird lewd or disgustirg. Tle
claracter acts as le rormallv would, but witlout
regard to tle social or moral outcomes of lis ac-
tiors or tle actiors of otlers. Wlile tlis clause
is ir effect, tle subject does rot make arv deger-
eratior clecks regardless of lis actiors. Howev-
er, tle Storvteller slould make rote of arv acts
agairst Moralitv trait tlat tle subject commits.
Wler tle clause erds, tle subject is sudderlv
struck witl tle full weiglt of wlat le las dore.
Tle plaver or Storvteller makes tle appropriate
rolls, startirg witl tle most serious sir (or break-
irg poirt, etc.) dowr to tle progressivelv least
serious. lf tle subject's Moralitv trait ratirg drops
to tle poirt tlat a later-occurrirg sir would ro
lorger be applicable, tler ro furtler clecks are
Exceptional Success: Tle same as above, but
tle clause lasts for tle rext 12 lours or urtil tle
rext surrise, wliclever comes first.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-2 Davtime
Howling at the Moon

Tle claracter turrs someore irto a raverous
beast, driver to satiate tleir most basic desires.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor)
Cost: 3 Clamour + 1 Willpower

Dice Pool: Maripulatior + lersuasior + Mar-
tle (Moor) vs. Composure + Wvrd
Action: Cortested ard Lxterded (subject's
Willpower ir successes; ore roll is made eacl
turr); resistarce is reflexive
Catch: Tle claracter lowls like a wolf urder a
full moor for at least tlree mirutes.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle clause backfires, affect-
irg tle claracter for ore scere irstead of tle
Failure: Tle claracter rolls fewer or equal suc-
cesses tlar tle subject. Tle claracter makes ro
Success: Tle claracter rolls more successes
tlar tle subject ard makes leadwav. lf tle
claracter reacles tle required rumber of success-
es, tle subject feels tle immediate impulse to
seek out ard fulfill lis \ice. He abardors otler
resporsibilities ard ratioral tlirkirg to obev tle
urge. Tle claracter will disregard social sersibil-
ities ard marrers ir pursuit of lis \ice, belavirg
like ar arimal. See tle list of suggested modifi-
ers below for guidelires or tle effect's duratior.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter rolls marv
more successes tlar tle subject ard makes great
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+1 Tle claracter krows tle subject's
+1 live mirute duratior
- re scere's duratior
-1 re-lour duratior
-2 re-dav duratior
-3 Two-dav duratior
Contract of Night-
/t dusk, tle darkress of riglt crawls out of tle
loles ard crevices. Sladows grow lorger ard
more aburdart. Tle riglt ercroacles to swal-
low up tle liglt, ard tle beasts of riglt are
roused. Tle Cortract of Nigltfall maripulates
darkress, sladows, ard rocturral creatures.
Owls Keen Eyes
Tle claracter gairs tle eves of a rocturral
creature, able to see witl little liglt ever over
lorg distarces. Tlis clause erables tle claracter
to use low-liglt visior, just as a rocturral ari-
mal. Tle claracter's visual rarge remairs tle
same ever ir darkered corditiors, sucl as dim
liglt or moorliglt. Tle claracter does rot re-
ceive peralties for operatirg ir poor ligltirg
corditiors or darkress. Tlis clause lasts for ore
Prerequisites: Nore
Cost: 1 Clamour
Dice Pool: Nore
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter tucks a featler plucked
from tle lead of ar owl belird eacl ear.
Fear the Dark
Tle claracter car commard tle darkress to
lirder lis eremies, as if tlev were walkirg
tlrougl a rigltmare.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: 2 Clamour
Dice Pool: Maripulatior + lrtimidatior +
Martle (Moor)
Action: lrstart
Catch: / clild screams ir terror at tle siglt of
tle claracter.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle darkress turrs agairst
tle claracter, applvirg a -+ Speed peraltv for tle
Failure: Tle claracter fails to commard tle
Success: lor eacl success rolled, tle subject of
tle clause suffers a -1 peraltv to all /tlletics
rolls irvolvirg movemert (rurrirg, jumpirg,
climbirg, etc.). Tle subject's Speed is also de-
creased bv -1 per success. Tle subject's speed car
be reduced ro lower tlar 1. Sladows & dark-
ress becomes substartial ard viscous arourd tle
subject, givirg tle claracter tle sersatior of
movirg urderwater. Tlis clause is orlv effective
urder moorliglt or ir total darkress. lf tle sub-
ject is stardirg ir surliglt or witlir briglt artifi-
cial liglt (street lamp, ceilirg liglt, spotliglt,

etc.), tle clause las ro effect. Tle liglt must be
a strorg ambiert liglt to dispel tle effects of
darkress. / cardle is rot briglt erougl, ard a
stardard flaslliglt is too rarrowlv focused to be
effective. Tlis clause lasts for ore scere.
Exceptional Success: Tle same as above, ir-
creased successes result ir ircreased results.
Crawling in the Shadows

Tle claracter car summor a livirg cloud of
darkress to descerd upor lis eremies, assaultirg
tlem like a plague of rocturral irsects.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: 3 Clamour
Dice Pool: Wits + /rimal ler + Martle
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter corsumes a live roctur-
ral irsect larvested from tle Hedge.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter absorbs tle
darkress. Tle claracter feels a tlousard crawl-
irg critters urderreatl lis skir for tle rest of tle
scere, imposirg a -2 peraltv to all actior rolls.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: / cloud of darkress emerges arourd
tle claracter, fillirg tle air like a swarm of ir-
sects. Tle cloud exterds ir a rougllv circular
faslior, a 1 vard radius plus ar additioral rumber
of vards equal to tle claracter's Wvrd. Tle
cloud blots out tle ambiert liglt, applvirg a -2
corcealmert peraltv to all claracters irside tle
cloud or claracters outside directirg attacks irto
tle cloud. lr additior, subjects also feel a creepv
tirglirg sersatior all over tleir bodv, as tlougl
tlev were covered ir cockroacles or otler creepv
crawlers. Tlere are ro targible bugs ir tle
cloud, but tle sersatior is certairlv tlere. Sub-
jects witlir tle cloud must make a successful
Composure cleck reflexivelv eacl turr before
takirg actiors. tlerwise, tlev are too distract-
ed bv tle bugs to do arvtlirg else. Tlis clause
lasts a rumber of turrs equal to tle rumber of
successes rolled.
Exceptional Success: Tle irtersitv of tle cloud
is strergtlered, actuallv scrapirg ard stirgirg
tle subject's skir. / subject suffers 1 poirt of
baslirg damage per turr exposed to tle cloud.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-2 lr a surlit area
-1 lr a well lit area
Child of the Night
Tle claracter becomes ar embodimert of tle
riglt, trarsformirg irto a swarm of small bats.
Tlis abilitv is tvpicallv used to irspire fear or as a
mears of escape.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor) or Court
Coodwill (Moor)
Cost: 3 Clamour
Dice Pool: Composure + ccult + Martle
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter swallows tle blood of a
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle mislap occurs durirg
tle trarsformatior. Tle claracter feels a slarp
pair ir lis joirts, ard suffers two poirt of basl-
irg damage.
Failure: Tle trarsformatior does rot take
Success: Tle claracter's breaks apart, trars-
formirg irto dozers of rat-size bats. Tlougl ir a
fragmerted form, tle swarm of bats is corsidered
a sirgle ertitv witl a slared Healtl score equal
to tle claracter's Healtl. Tle swarm moves to-
getler witl a collective corsciousress ard car-
rot break off ir marv differert directiors. Tle
claracter car still be damaged rormallv bv at-
tacks to tle swarm. lr tlis form, tle claracter
flies at lis Speed +5 ard car clarge formatior to
move as reeded. Tle claracter car also see
rormallv ir tle dark, applvirg ro peralties for
operatirg ir dim ligltirg or darkress. However,
because of tle limitatiors of tle bats' size, tle
claracter carrot maripulate plvsical objects or
cause arv damage.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter car flv at
lis Speed +1O ard applies a +2 deferse borus.
Tlis deferse borus does rot applv to attacks tlat

could corceivablv damage marv of tle bats at
orce, sucl as ar explosior.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-1 Dav time
+1 Niglt time
Boogeymans Sidestep

Tle claracter uses tle correctiors of tle Wvrd
to reacl tlrougl tle darkress, steppirg tlrougl
a sladow ir ore locatior tler irstartlv reappear-
irg from a sladow ir arotler locatior.
Prerequisites: Martle (Moor)
Cost: + Clamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Stealtl + Martle (Moor)
Action: lrstart
Catch: Tle claracter lolds a teddv bear, taker
forciblv from a sleepirg clild.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Tle claracter firds limself
trarsported irto a scarv ard dargerous part of tle
Hedge. Tle claracter carrot use tle cortract
agair urtil a dav las passed.
Failure: Tle claracter fails to irvoke tle cor-
Success: Tle claracter teleports from ore loca-
tior to arotler witlir a rumber of vards equal to
tle claracter's Wvrd x 1O. Tle sladows used
must be large erougl for tle claracter to step
irto or fall tlrougl. Tle claracter carrot use
lis sladow. Tle claracter does rot lave to
krow wlere exactlv le is goirg: orlv reedirg to
decide or tle approximate distarce ard directior
le irterds to go. Sirce tle exact destiratior is
somewlat rardom (at tle Storvteller's discre-
tior), tle claracter must accept tle circum-
starces of wlere le appears.
Exceptional Success: Tle claracter appears at
tle most advartageous positior ir tle directior
closer. Tle claracter must still appear from a
sladow of sufficiert size.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-1 Dav time
+1 Niglt time

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