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Exclusive Interview with Joe Vitale

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Johannesburg, South Africa. Today is Friday the 16th of July 2010, and I feel very grateful and honoured to be interviewing today my good friend, role model and mentor, Dr Joe Vitale.

Dr Joe Vitale is the author of way too many best-selling books to mention right now, but let me just mention a couple. Joe is the author of The Attractor Factor, Lifes Mission Instruction Manual, The Key and Zero Limits.

Joe has also recorded many best-selling audio programs including: The Missing Secret and The Secret to Attracting Money.

Joe has been in over eleven movies including the blockbuster, The Secret.

Joe has also been a featured guest on Larry King and Donny Duetchs TV show.

Joe has created a Miracles Coaching programme that helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deepest levels of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Right Action.

Joe was once homeless but today is an international best-selling author who believes in magic and miracles!

So, welcome Joe Mr Fire Vitale. - Hi Joe, how are you today?
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JOE VITALE: Oh, Im doing great. Its great to be here. Great to hear your voice. Im looking forward to this.

SAUL MARANEY: Well thanks very much, and I really, really appreciate this opportunity. Joe, it was really wonderful spending time with you recently again in Austin, Texas at Unseminar8, and as you know, that was the third time that Ive made the trip to Austin to come and spend time with you and Pat and all your friends there.

JOE VITALE: Youre an inspiration.

SAUL MARANEY: Thanks so much Joe.

JOE VITALE: Three times! I got tired just hearing about it.

SAUL MARANEY: Id like to talk to you today about Hooponopono and The Law of Attraction, and Id like to start off by asking you: How were you first introduced to Hooponopono, and what did you first think about it?

JOE VITALE: Well, my friend Mark Ryan told me about Hooponopono years ago. We were at a convention together working a booth, and he didnt really know anything about it. He didnt know the therapist. He just had this vague story.

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And when I first heard it I thought, Oh come on! Some therapist helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals? That just sounded like an urban legend. And as much as I love Mark, I just thought that just cant be true!

So I dismissed it. I dismissed it for an entire year.

And then a year after that we were at the same convention and Mark again said, Did you ever check out that therapist and the thing he was doing to heal those people? And I said, Ok, thats a sign, Ive got to drop everything. And he and I got on a laptop computer and we started doing research, and at that point many years ago, there was next to nothing.

Mark didnt know anything about Hooponopono. He didnt even know the therapists name, so we had next to nothing to go on. And when I left that seminar and I went back home, I spent about a week doing intense research until I found the name of that therapist, which as we both now know is Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len. I had to find out for myself whether the story was true, and so I tracked him down, and he was very kind and let me get on the phone with him and I interviewed him for about an hour. At that point my curiosity was off the charts and I thought, If this story is true, somebody has to write about it, and maybe that person could be me.

So thats the short story. When I first heard it I thought, Man, this isnt true, and then as I explored it I thought, Oh, someone has to tell the world.

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SAUL MARANEY: And you took immediate action on it, and you managed to track down Dr Hew Len, and I loved in your book, Zero Limits, your storytelling method and how gracious he was and how he agreed that you could interview him, and thats how the whole story started.

JOE VITALE: Yeah, thats absolutely right. He was very generous. He didnt know me at all, and he gave me his phone number and I called him. He was in California, and he spent a good hour on the phone just answering question after question. I wanted to know, did he really work at that hospital for the criminally insane? And of course he did! And did he really help heal those people without actually doing any therapy directly on them? And yes he did! And what was he doing? So, he said this thing called, Hooponopono, which at that point I couldnt even pronounce. And I said, Well, whats the essence of it?, and he kept telling me that, all its about is cleaning. Just cleaning and clearing all the data in you to take care of what you perceive to be a problem outside.

And at that point in time it made almost no sense at all to me. But I knew he was doing a seminar about a week or two later and I said I am going to this seminar. In fact, I paid for Mark to go with me because I was grateful to Mark for telling me about the great story that he had and I thought, You know what, he needs to meet this guy too! So as a gift, I paid for Mark and I to both go, and we met Dr Hew Len at the same time, at the same event - our very first Hooponopono workshop years ago in California.

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SAUL MARANEY: That must have been incredible!

I know that a couple of years ago, after I read Zero Limits, and after I first met you, I went to London and I myself took a Hooponopono weekend with Dr Hew Len. And throughout the weekend, Dr Hew Len really stressed that everything that is in our reality, we created it. And he stressed, over-and-over, this concept of one hundred percent responsibility.

Joe, you know that the concept of one hundred percent responsibility is obviously quite a big one. How do you relate that to your life?

JOE VITALE: Well, the first thing to say is that that is the number one thing that bothers everybody.

People dont want to take one hundred percent responsibility. They want to say its other peoples fault. Its their parents fault for bringing them up the way they did; or its their bosss fault, or the economys fault, or the terrorists, or the President, or whatever it happens to be. Anybody elses fault, but their own.

And so everybody wrestles with that one, and even Dr Hew Len told me that.

We spent a lot of time together because we ended up writing Zero Limits, as a joint project, and so hes been to my home, and he spent some time here and we would walk and talk. And he said hes been doing this for well over twenty
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five years, and he still has trouble taking one hundred percent responsibility! And I even still have trouble myself because were dealing with the human ego, and the human ego has this default system in it where were wired to not accept full responsibility because its too much for us at that level of understanding when we first hear it, to do anything with it.

In fact, I have a friend who is a lawyer and he says, In the human psychology, the programming is such that people will not accept responsibility. Its always somebody elses fault. Its never their responsibility.

So when I first heard about this, I thought, That is the toughest thing for any of us to accept. And in my personal life, on a day-to-day basis, I am always coming up against that. Because I have to remind myself that if I look out there in the world and I perceive anybody as a problem to me, or as a threat to me, or as a complaint in my world; that I am perceiving that from inside myself. And in order for me to change the outer, I have to do all the work on the inner, so I have to daily remind myself that, Yeah its one hundred percent responsibility, yeah, its going to be really tough to accept that, and yeah, once I do accept one hundred percent responsibility, thats when I have the opportunity to actually clean and clear and create a miracle in my life again.

So like Dr Hew Len, this is a daily challenge, but I think its our lifes work to awaken, and this process of responsibility is one of the biggest challenges but also one of the biggest miracles, if we actually get through it.
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SAUL MARANEY: Thats incredible Joe.

You know what really drew me to Hooponopono was that its all about one hundred percent responsibility; we change others by working on our self, and thats what Dr Hew Len did when he was in that hospital in Hawaii. He used to look at those mentally criminal peoples files and he would work on the feelings of shame and anger within him, and as he did that, people got better.

Can you talk a little bit more about this process, and how we can all use Hooponopono to improve our daily lives?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, Id be glad to.

Well, that was one of the things I had to learn directly from Dr Hew Len. He first told me on the phone, in that very first conversation, that all his purpose in life is to clean and clear. And it made no sense to me at the time.

So I went and did the first workshop - Ive actually done several - he and I have done several workshops together; they were called Zero Limits. So Ive spent a lot of time with him, and Ive heard the message over and over and over again. In my own words, based on my relationship with Dr Hew Len and my understanding of Hooponopono, there is nothing outside of our perception. Nothing. All of it is, in some sort of Buddhist term, an illusion. We think its real, and we can actually reach out and we can touch other people;
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or we can touch the furniture or the walls; or we can read the newspapers or look online and see the news and see whats going on in the world; but we have to remind ourselves that the only way we experience any of that is from inside ourselves.

The only way I could acknowledge you is by looking inside myself and say, Okay, I have a perception that there is somebody on the other side of the phone here who is in Africa right now, whos interviewing me. But my perception of that is all inside me; it is not outside, everything is inside of me.

So if I have a problem with you or my neighbours, or in any particular relationship, I have to go to The Source. The Source is not outside of me. The Source is inside of me.

So, what I have to do is look at what is bothering me inside of me and thats the part I have to clear. I have to clean on that until I am at a place of neutrality, where that either is no longer bothering me, or I have totally accepted it and loved it and cleared it; and at that point, when I look outside, it will either be gone or it will have changed, or it will just not trigger me anymore. And again, all the work is inside because my perception of life is from the inside.

This is what Dr Hew Len was doing with those patients. He told me over and over again, and he said it at all his workshops, and he said it in the book we co-authored. He said he did not do traditional therapy on those patients. He
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already knew therapy didnt work. All the other therapists that had gone to the mental hospital, they tried therapy and were quitting because nothing was working. These criminals, these mentally ill people, they were violent. Many of them were shackled, many of them were sedated. And so, Dr Hew Len would just walk the halls and he would look at their files and their reports, and sit in his office, and he would note what he was feeling in himself, and if he looked inside himself and said, Oh my God, that person is really violent, or that one is really embarrassing. Oh, I feel so angry about this particular person who raped or who killed somebody, well, he wouldnt try to change those people on the outside, because the problem wasnt with them. The problem was with his perception of them that is again internal. So, he just cleaned on the inside of himself and as he did this the most astonishing thing took place.

As he cleaned the inside of himself, working on his own perceptions and got at peace with that, those mentally ill, shackled and sedated patients started to get better.

That is the greatest testament to how this works, and this whole example of: You dont change the outer, you change the inner, and then the outer begins to transform all on its own.

SAUL MARANEY: Thats really powerful.

Ive heard you say a number of times before that Hooponopono has become your new self-talk, and that you do it all the time silently and that it isnt one of
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those things that you tell people you are doing, but that all the time youre silently doing Hooponopono. Can you talk to me a little bit more about this?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, Id be glad to.

Well, most peoples self-talk is very critical. The average person that is listening to themselves in their own brain is usually critical of themselves and other people. Theyre putting themselves down; theyre saying theyre not good enough, this isnt going to work out, this isnt going to work for them, this isnt true. The monkey mind is generally very negative and very critical, and in fact, if any of our friends talked to us the way we talked to ourselves, wed probably want to kill them.

So we let most of ourselves get run by this monkey mind inside of our skull, and I know for the longest time when I was homeless, and I was in poverty for well over ten years, I was struggling and very, very unhappy.

Well, why was I unhappy?

It was because I was listening to that negative voice in my head which just kept saying, Youre a loser; youre never going to make it work out; you keep trying to be a writer but you keep failing. Why do you just keep persisting?

And so thats the negative voice that most of us have.

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Now over time, if anybodys into personal development or success literature or self-help, they learn that they can change that voice, and they can start to be more of a cheerleader to themselves. They can say things like, You love yourself and Youre going to be able to do it. And You can succeed and You can win. So they can give themselves a pep-talk and thats a step up. Thats a step in the right direction. Obviously, thats much more healthy.

So what I found with Hooponopono is that I can erase all of that stuff by simply using my new self-talk, the four phrases that Dr Hew Len and I put in the book Zero Limits: I love you / Im sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you.

And I circulate those. Its like the new tape in my brain thats going on almost twenty four hours a day. And at this point, Ive been doing this for years.

So even when Im speaking now, Im talking to you and answering your questions, in the back of my mind Im cleaning on all of this, because the tape in the back of my brain right now is not criticizing me and is not giving me a pep-talk. Instead what its doing is saying: I love you / Im sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you / I love you / Im sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you / I love you / Im sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you. And Im doing that because thats the magic mantra that Dr Hew Len said from the Hooponopono mystical tradition; it is the one that is going to clean and clear all the data in the way of me communicating with you and your listeners and even to myself in the highest, most Divine, most inspired, most clear way.
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So thats become my new self-talk, and most recently Ive just reduced it to: I love you.

And in the last couple of seminars that Ive done with Dr Hew Len, and in my last few conversations with him, he openly said, Look, if you dont want to say all four phrases, because some people have problems saying, Im sorry or Please forgive me. Just say I love you inside your own mind. Just say I love you to everything. Every thought, every feeling, every perception, everything just say, I love you. That alone will transform your entire world experience.

So if Im not doing all four phrases, which is pretty automatic for me, Im at least focusing on I love you; I love you; I love you. And Ive actually been in seminars where I would tell people, Look, if you just said this inside your brain, isnt that going to change your vibration? Arent you going to smile more? Arent you going to feel happier? Arent you going to feel healthier? Arent your interactions in the world going to be better? Arent you going to be sending out a different vibe from a Law of Attraction standpoint? Isnt all of this going to transform your entire energy in your mind/body system? All because youre saying three words I love you.

I think its worth it all just to say that.

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SAUL MARANEY: Thats a hundred percent right and I couldnt agree with you more.

Joe, in your amazing book, The Attractor Factor, you talk about a five-step formula for manifesting anything we desire. Step three is a key step, one that Ive never seen in any other self-help book, and that is all about getting clear. Is this how Hooponopono ties into the Law of Attraction?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, thats a great question.

Well the first thing to understand is that were all already attracting everything into our experience. So whether we admit theres a Law of Attraction or not, it doesnt matter. Its almost like arguing with gravity. Now, you can say theres gravity or you can say theres not gravity. In fact, theres a scientist who just made the headline news yesterday, a physicist, who said that gravity isnt even real. So everything is open to speculation, everything is open to questioning.

So what I have learned is that the Law of Attraction, whether you want to call it a law of physics or a law of psychology, says that: Everything in your life experience has been brought into your life experience because of your energy within you. And that energy within you is made up of your thoughts, your feelings and your beliefs.

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I just reduce it all and say, Look, your unconscious belief is what is causing you to have your life experiences. Unconsciously you have beliefs that are magnetizing the people and events around you to come into your life. Why are they coming in? For one main reason to help you to awaken! Awaken to the beliefs, awaken to your connection to Divinity, awaken to your inner power. But the whole purpose of life, as far as Im concerned, is to help us awaken.

Now Hooponopono is profound in helping us get clear.

And I just want to back up for a second and say, I agree with you that step three in The Attractor Factor is probably the most important step and probably the cornerstone of my work. Its to tell people: If youre not getting the results you want, its because youre not clear within yourself.

And what do I mean by that?

Well, I say that we have conscious beliefs and we have unconscious beliefs. Consciously you can say to yourself, I am attracting more money, or I am attracting the perfect relationship, but if unconsciously you have negative, limiting beliefs about money or yourself or relationships, youre going to veto your affirmations.

Youre going to say, I am attracting more money, but unconsciously youre going to be thinking, Money is bad, money is evil, rich people are greedy, and so you dont want more money, and youre not actually going to attract it.
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Or youll say, I am attracting the perfect relationship, but unconsciously youre thinking, Im not a worthy person; I cant ever have the right relationship; Im not loveable; Im not likeable; Im not desirable. Well thats going to veto the very affirmations you put out.

So what we have to do is get clear of those unconscious beliefs. We have to get clear of those unconscious counter-intentions.

Theres lots of different ways to get clear, but in my mind, from my money, Hooponopono is the most powerful, the most direct, the easiest, and obviously its free so anybody can do it right now, way to go ahead and get clear.

So when people are having these bumps in the road, yes, theyve attracted them because of the Law of Attraction, but its not a reason to be upset or beat themselves up or feel guilty or shameful. What it is is an opportunity to clean. How do they clean? Well I say, Use Hooponopono!

SAUL MARANEY: And thats exactly, Joe, what I found in my own life.

You know, a number of years ago I picked up you book The Attractor Factor, and although I really loved it, I knew that I wasnt ready for it. And at that stage I did a lot of work with a top hypnotherapist in South Africa and then I did a lot of work with Hooponopono, and when I came back to your book The Attractor
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Factor, it was just a perfect fit and it resonated very, very deeply with me and it all sunk in. And what I really realized, was that quite like youre saying, you know these counter-intentions need to be cleared in order to allow us to get the results we want, and to engage the Law of Attraction, because so many people, and myself included, and I always find it interesting to monitor peoples language, is that these counter-intentions are our pre-programming from when we are very young, going back even generations, and thats why a lot of people even make the statement that the Law of Attraction doesnt work. But it all has to do with these counter-intentions that we have in us. Is that correct?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, thats absolutely the case.

We are so programmed, not only from birth but if you listen to Dr Hew Len, in Hawaiian culture they believe that weve been programmed from our generations past. As Dr Hew Len has said many times, We actually come from amoeba, and we have actually carried data, the limiting beliefs and everything, from the cave people on up to modern time. And when you start to think of it that way, we get overwhelmed when we just think, Oh, Ive been programmed from birth. Like Im almost fifty seven years old, so Ive got fifty seven years worth of programming, most of which is done in our early years. But then we start to consider that I also brought in the programming from my ancestors. And when you start to think about how much unconscious baggage thats in my mind, and then every persons mind, and then from the Jungian perspective, the collective unconscious, we have a phenomenal
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amount of negative, limiting programming out there that needs to be cleaned.

One of my favourite stories is that theres a famous body-builder, a fitness guy, Dave Draper. He was in the movies in the 50s and hes still alive, but he had to have heart surgery a year or so ago. And he was confused by it because he thought, Im in perfect shape. Ive always been in perfect shape. I dont do anything to hurt my health. And he asked the doctors, How could this happen to me? And the doctors said, This had nothing to do with you and your lifestyle. This is from your grandparents and how they lived their lives. You inherited their basic DNA, and from an ethno-genetic, new scientific way of looking at your body and life, this has been in your programming.

And this is a wonderful, perfect example that in his particular life, he was consciously doing the best he could, but unconsciously he still had data that was a limiting, negative belief that still needed to be cleared.

So we all have this, and people who say that the Law of Attraction doesnt work, well theyre just coming from that superficial understanding of the Law of Attraction. They might have seen the movie, The Secret, or read one of the many books out there on the Law of Attraction and thought, Oh, all you do is sit in a chair, close your eyes, meditate; you can have a bicycle or a new car, open your eyes and there it is. And thats an entry level understanding of the Law of Attraction. If you want the graduate school level, you have to go and look at my other work, like my book The Key, or look at Zero Limits itself,
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or even listen to my audio program The Awakening Course, because this goes and gives you an in-depth overview that says, Look, everything in your life is coming because of your unconscious beliefs. You can consciously sit and believe whatever you want all day long, but if you have an unconscious counter-intention to that belief, youre going to get the unconscious counterintention over it. Why? Because the unconscious is bigger, deeper, more powerful and its been around longer. So this is why we need to do cleaning like Hooponopono, to help us get more of the magic and miracles that are available in every moment, and we can only do that as Dr Hew Len has said, by constant cleaning and clearing.

SAUL MARANEY: Thats right. Ive also heard you say Joe, that you are a big fan of Inspired Intentions. Can you explain why you say so?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, you know this is something that, when I got a chance to update my book The Attractor Factor, I took it and in the new edition of The Attractor Factor, which is the over-sized looking workbook, it says Second Edition. It has a white cover, thats the one Id prefer people to read, because thats the one where I talk about Inspired Intentions. Because its real easy for people to come from an Ego Intention, and an Ego Intention might be a very competitive desire that they want to have the biggest house on the planet, or the most cars of all time, or be the wealthiest person in their neighbourhood, if not the State, or have the most beautiful woman from the cheerleading squad, or whatever it happens to be. Theyre ego-based intentions, and a lot of people who first learn about The Law of Attraction want
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to go and attract toys. They want to just be on this material level. And Im not dismissing the material, I love the material, and I think that the material is just the hard form of the spiritual, its all one. This is all part of the gift of The Divine to us, to go and play and spend it.

However, as I say that, theres also Divine Intention, and what I want people to pay attention to is when they feel inspired.

When they feel inspired to take action, when somethings really exciting them and thrilling them, and it seems unique to them, thats probably coming from The Divine. Thats probably a Divine Intention versus an Ego Intention. One example that I sometimes give, is that I do have a small car collection, and if I wanted to have a car collection bigger than the one that Jay Leno or Jerry Seinfeld has, or some of the local museums have, then Im starting to come from ego because Im starting to get into competition and Im starting to want to outdo everybody else who might have a passion for car collecting. But the way my cars come into my life is that I get inspired and I look around and synchronicity kicks in, and suddenly theres a car that looks beautiful that is suddenly in my awareness, and somebody wants to sell it for a screaming deal, and Im there and the money is there and everything comes together! And I kind of look in amazement at the moment and go, Oh, this just has to be inspired because I didnt try to make it happen. If youre trying to make it happen thats coming more from ego, and so thats more of an Ego Intention.

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But if youre going with the flow and suddenly theres another car for me to acquire, or whatever it happens to be in the moment, then thats a Divine Inspiration.

So I tell people, If you really want to experience the magic and miracles and the real juice of life, pay attention to your inspiration. Try to discern the difference between your ego wanting something and The Divine wanting something for you to experience. The more you can come from a Divine Inspiration, the more your life is just going to be this glorious thrill ride, and youre smiling, youre happy and youre upbeat and your energy is high. The Ego Intention can be fun but its going to be very temporary. Often theres struggle with it; often theres a bit of smugness to it; but the Divine Intention has this certain holiness to it that makes you feel complete, makes you feel whole, makes you feel satisfied, just by this experience.

So there you go, Ego Intentions versus Divine Intentions.

SAUL MARANEY: Right. Usual intentions that come from the ego, theyre usually based on perceived limitations and we doubt ourselves, but Inspired Intentions are given to us from The Divine and are much bigger than we would have ever come up with our self.

JOE VITALE: Well thats great. Let me just stick to that for a second because you just highlighted something very important.
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Most people who set intentions for themselves do them within the limitations of their ego. In other words theyll think, Okay, what would I like to experience in my life? And when they ask the question, what they compare their answer to is what theyve experienced in the past.

So most people who set an intention from their ego are just looking at their past history and going, Okay, I had this kind of experience before, maybe I could just have a better one. But when you listen to The Divine, The Divine can often startle you with something so much bigger and better than your ego could ever, ever imagine, so that it becomes this miraculous experience.

So I tell people, Yeah, everybody here has an ego. We all have an ego. Thats how we get through the day. That helps us not walk into walls or not walk into each other. The ego is to take orders though, not give orders. The orders need to come from The Divine. When the ego follows orders from The Divine, things work out much better.

So when it comes to setting intentions, let The Divine give you the intention through inspiration, because thats when you get startled with something really magnificent.


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And I guest theres even no comparison between an intention that comes from the ego compared to a Divine inspiration? Like you have started this Operation Y.E.S. to help people redeem themselves and rebuild their confidence, and helping people that are really in a bad economic state.

Can you talk a little about that and did that come to you from Divine Inspiration?


Well its an interesting story because I, of course, was

homeless at one point and never planned to do anything about it. In fact I never even planned to talk about it because it was embarrassing, it was traumatic and I didnt want to share it with anybody. And over the years, there were other people, Mark Joyner, an Internet Marketer, in particular who said, Joe, you have to tell the story. He said, People think you were just born lucky, that you were just born wealthy. They dont know how you struggled and if you tell the story, it will inspire them.

I slowly started to tell the story, and then as I did, I started to hear from people who had been homeless. Many people, for example Brian Tracey who is a famous author and speaker, he was homeless at one point. Now of course he is very successful and improving a lot of lives. So I was hearing from more and more people and then I thought, Well wait a minute, there are still people homeless out there, good people who just need some help. And I remembered that one of the things that helped me when I was homeless in Dallas was the public library. I would go to the public library and I would read
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all the self-improvement books and I would pray and just keep holding out and rooting for myself; but it was work, and of course I was also dealing with selfesteem issues. I was fighting with that internal dialogue that wasnt always being uplifting.

Well recently I went back to Dallas. CNN is making a TV show about my homeless project called Operation Y.E.S. (people can read about it at, and they wanted me to go back to the library in Dallas and re-live my experiences, and I thought, Oh God, I dont really want to do that, but I did, I faced my fears, which is another secret to success! Face your fears and keep cleaning on whatever comes up for you, which is what I kept doing. And I went back to the library and as I was there, I started to calm down, I started to feel gratitude for the library and as I wondered around I saw a guy on the sixth floor and he was reading business books. One of the books he was reading was mine. He was reading one of my books and I went over and talked to the guy and he didnt say he was homeless but I got the feeling he was struggling. So I told him my story and I said, Look, thirty-something years ago I was homeless and I was coming to this very library and I would read books like you are reading right now and I would keep working on myself and keep trying and keep taking action.

So at this point I was there with CNN filming me, and I had come into town with my Rolls Royce Phantom that a friend of mine drove me in. So I returned to this scene of homelessness as this wealthy, successful, happy, inspired man.
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And as I did this for the guy and it was all filmed, I kept thinking, Ive got to do this for the people who are struggling, who are homeless, who just need a handout - and I dont mean a financial handout, they just need to be inspired, they need support, they just need to know theres tools and means to get themselves off the street.

There are people that are out there that are chronically homeless and those people I need to clean internally because I dont know how to help them. So I have to do the very thing that Dr Hew Len did with those people in the mental institution, those criminals - he just cleaned them by cleaning himself.

Well, when I think of the chronically homeless, the people who are on drugs or maybe have mental problems, Ive got to clean that perception in me. But The Divine Inspiration says, For those people that have situational homelessness, the people who need some help, Joe, do this Operation Y.E.S. and as you proceed, things will come together, like CNN will follow you around, theyll turn it into a TV show, it might turn into a movie, it might turn into a book, you might go back onto Larry King just to talk about thisjust follow the steps.

So yeah, Divine Inspiration is leading the way and I, as a good ego, am saluting and taking orders.

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SAUL MARANEY: Wow, thats really incredible Joe!

And thanks for sharing that very, very personal story. I really appreciate that.

Joe, in your book Zero Limits, you talk about the first three stages that we go through in our life, those being Victim, moving to Creator of Life, and then The Servant of The Divine. And in your Awakening Course you talk about the fourth stage, that being the reality that We are The Divine. Would you please discuss with me these steps and how they develop?


This is the most important work that I have most recently done. In fact, I will be going back into the audio recording studio at the end of August with Nightingale Conant to make anther program on how to live from the fourth step. It will be called The Abundance Paradigm, and in fact, that is exclusive news for you. I have not mentioned this anywhere else, on any other interview or radio show or anything. I just finalized the deal yesterday, and it will be called, The Abundance Paradigm, and it will be on how to live as a spiritual being in a material world, which is all about the fourth step.

So let me quickly go through these steps because I think that these are the levels of consciousness or a map of consciousness if you will, and it helps explain why some people think that the Law of Attraction doesnt work, but

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theyre actually on a different level of consciousness than those who know that it does work.

So the first level is that of a Victim, and almost everybody, 99.999 percent of everybody that is born, is born into the Victim mentality and I think thats on purpose.

I think that The Divine wants us to experience that so that we can actually grow through it and grow out of it and actually become awakened at that final stage where we realize its all a game; we set it up and were actually The Divine itself.

But in the first stage we dont have a clue. We just think that we are solely against The Universe. It is us against them. We blame, we hurt, we cry, we struggle, we ache, we try to do things, we fail, we beat ourselves up. Thats where Henry David Thoreau said, Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.

Well in stage one, almost all of us are there.

When I was in stage one, I definitely was homeless, I definitely was in poverty, I definitely was struggling, and again, everybody is there at some stage, but most people are still there. They still think of themselves as a Victim, they still think that theyre struggling, they still think its them against the world, that its all out to get them.

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So at some point, if theyre lucky, something will come along. It will be a book, it will be a person, it will be an organization to help awaken them from that first stage. For many people it was the movie The Secret. I was fortunate enough to be in the movie. I had written The Attractor Factor before that, and because of the book The Attractor Factor, I was invited to be in the movie The Secret. So for some people reading The Attractor Factor helped them. For some people seeing The Secret helped them. You mentioned I am in a lot of other movies, well there is another movie called The Meta-Secret that just came out that Im in. And all of these different movies and the TV shows, and the books, and the organizations, and the speakers, and the life-transforming technology, all of this is to help people get out of being a Victim, and that leads them to stage two.

Stage two is the stage of Empowerment.

This is when they start to feel their oats, so to speak. When they start to learn some techniques where they can start to attract and manifest with some degree of conscious control. This is when people start to manifest the parking place for example, which is a common thing people start to do once they learn the power of visualization. Or some people do something bigger, maybe theyll get a new job, or theyll increase their pay or theyll attract more money, or theyll start to get a better relationship or better health, and theyll start to feel better because now theyve got strength, now they feel in control.

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However, at some point during this Empowerment stage, theyre going to bump up against the fact that they dont have complete control. Something will happen. Maybe theyll get sick, maybe there will be an accident, or maybe there will be some sort of challenge that comes their way. Maybe it will just be a book. Maybe theyll pick up Zero Limits. Maybe theyll listen to a phone call like this. Maybe theyll listen to The Awakening Course. Who knows? Something or someone will come along and it will suggest to them that, You are not in control completely, because being in control completely is an ego trip. None of us are in control completely. At times we may feel like we are, but thats part of the self-delusion that is the weakness of the second stage of awakening.

So Empowerment is a great stage. It feels great, it certainly feels better than the first stage. Youre no longer a Victim and you have some control. But you dont have complete control, and you start to realize that, Ok, you got more power than you ever thought, but you dont have complete control of your life.

Who does?

This leads to the third stage, when you start to have a relationship with The Divine.

Now some people call The Divine, God; you can call it Toa; you can call it Gaia; you can call it Life; you can call it Nature. You can come up with all kind of words, there is even a book called Ninety-Nine Different Names for
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God. I always liked the words, The Divine. It seems politically correct. Its one that Dr Hew Len uses a lot; we used it in our book Zero Limits.

And so you start to have a relationship with The Divine, and you realize The Divine is what is actually giving you life and The Divine is what is actually operating your actual being. Its operating it through your beliefs, your conscious programming and your unconscious programming, and the more you can clean and clear up the beliefs of limitations, the more The Divine can actually breathe through you and live through you and guide your life to one of magic and miracles.

Stage three is all about Surrender. Stage three is about letting go and what youre letting go to, is to The Divine.

But theres still a fracture there. Theres still The Divine and theres still you. Theres still God and theres still the ego, so theres a bit of a battle going on. Now its much less of a battle than in earlier stages but theres still a separation. Theres a duality thats still going on, which is why theres a fourth stage, and the fourth stage is one of Awakening, and Awakening only comes by grace. It comes from The Divine itself bestowing it on you. You can prepare for it. You can meditate, you can eat right, you can do whatever you think is correct, but its up to The Divine itself to actually breathe the Awakening moment into your being. And what happens when youre Awakened? What happens is that you as an ego dissolve, so that The Divine lives and breathes and speaks through your body and mind.
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Very rarely does the Awakening happen; thats the state of Buddha, thats the state of Jesus, thats the state of Lao Zhu. I think there are a few people who are awakened on the planet. I think that Byron Katie is probably awakened; I think that Dr David Hawkins is probably awakened; I think there are a handful of spiritual teachers on the planet who are probably in that fourth stage. But those are the four stages and as Ive said many times, our whole purpose in life is to awaken. Awaken from the first stage into the second, awaken from the second into the third and awaken from the third into the state of Being The Divine, and from Being The Divine, you live a life of magic and miracles in every moment, without doubt, without questions, in full integrity, because you as an ego are no longer there.

SAUL MARANEY: Right, and Joe, how does it work? Do we constantly move through these stages during the day? Like we may wake up in the morning and be feeling like a bit of a Victim but then we remember, Hold on, my thoughts are very powerful, I am a creator of my life. Then we realize, maybe later on, that we are a Servant of The Divine, and only by surrendering will we get real results. I usually feel that I move through a few different stages throughout my day and Id like to ask you, how important is it to appreciate which stage were in, because it does change all the time?

JOE VITALE: observation.

Yeah, well again, thats a great question and a great

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I agree with you. I find that myself, and people I notice around me, just kind of slide through the first three stages all day long. Therell be moments where something doesnt go right and they feel like a Victim for a moment, and then maybe if they are aware enough they may realize, Oh, Im now feeling like Im blaming and what I should be doing is actually forgiving or taking the next step towards the Empowerment stage, and all through this they should be cleaning and clearing, and Im speaking about myself included, and that means that youre going from the first stage, to the second, to the third stage, just like playing a piano, those three keys on a piano all day long.

Now I think the more we can keep cleaning, which is one of the techniques from the third stage, thats all Hooponopono; the more we can do that twenty four hours a day, which is what I said earlier is what Im getting close to doing because its the background tapes of my mind, the more we can do that, the more we will permanently leave the Victim stage; the more we will hang around but not need to be in the Empowerment stage; and the closer we will get to The Divine giving us the Awakening stage.

But I think that people need to realize that for the most part as a human experience, because we still have our egos and were still living through them and with them, that were going to bounce around through those first three stages. Were just going to keep playing them like those keys on a musical instrument or a piano. However, if we can just keep forgiving ourselves, dont beat ourselves up because we were a Victim again, but just realize that, Okay, that was a program. That means that we have more cleaning and
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clearing to do, and as Dr Hew Len has said many times, Our whole purpose is just to keep cleaning, because the more we keep cleaning, the more we get rid of the data, the more we have a chance of experiencing the awakening and letting The Divine breath through our being.

SAUL MARANEY: Right, and thanks for clearing that up Joe, I really, really appreciate it.

In your book The Attractor Factor, one of the big lessons and messages that I got is the big idea about gratitude, and to really feel grateful for whatever is happening in our life because by feeling grateful, we send out signals to the Universe for more moments to be grateful for.

JOE VITALE: Exactly.

SAUL MARANEY: How does this feeling of gratitude tie into achieving what we want?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, I think gratitude is the single most powerful thing any of us can do right now to transform ourselves because when we do that, what happens is that first of all, were back in the moment with an experience of appreciation.

Most of us are not completely in the moment to begin with. Most of us are thinking about what somebody else did, what Im going to say, what I did
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yesterday, what Im going to do later. Our minds are all over the place, theyre chasing us up trees, and so most of us are not in the moment. When we start to feel gratitude, it will pull us into the moment, and I tell people, Just look around right now, what do you feel grateful for? Maybe its this phone conversation, maybe its the fact that they can listen to this, maybe they have ears or they have the audio equipment, or they have a chair, or they have a puppy or a kitty. Just look around, and in the moment find something theyre sincerely grateful for. It will pull them into the here and now and the more were in the here and now, the closer we are to The Divine because The Divine is in this moment, right here. We just dont usually see it or feel it because again, were scattered, were all over the place - thats the first thing.

The second thing is, the more we feel gratitude right now, the more we send out an electrical energy, a vibrational charge, that attracts more experiences like it - meaning, that if you feel grateful now, youre going to magnify the moment coming next, to have even more reasons in them and more inherent meaning in them to place some gratitude.

So gratitude for me is probably the most powerful thing we can do; I think it helps pull us into the now, it helps magnify and better our next moments coming along and I also think its a way to kind of give a prayer to The Divine. Its like telling The Divine, I am grateful for what I have right now, thank you so much for it. And The Divine, like a good uncle, is going to look at you and go, You know what, if you appreciate this moment Im going to give you even better moments coming up after that.
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So gratitude for me, I cant say enough good things about it. I am grateful for gratitude. What a wonderful gift from The Divine. Just use gratitude and everything transforms.

SAUL MARANEY: Thats a great thing that youre grateful for gratitude. Ive never heard it put like that but Im also very, very grateful for gratitude and its just an amazing feeling. I feel that when I am grateful I can really feel that Im vibrating in the way that I was created, but when I have negative feelings or feelings of doubt, I can definitely feel a discord within myself and its very, very tangible for me.

Joe, in The Attractor Factor you talk about how when we get the lesson from the experience, we no longer need the experience. And how I understand that is that problems only re-occur in our life because theyre trying to get our attention and Ive tied that into my own mind with Hooponopono as well, is that once I clear in my mind on issues that are repeating, I no longer will have to experience them once theyve been cleaned in my own mind. Is that an accurate way of looking at it?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, thats perfectly accurate.

Its one of the most startling insights from the book. People often comment on it and Im proud of it because I know that in my own life, I had recurring problems with money. I mean, I mentioned homelessness and I mentioned
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being in poverty, but its hard really to imagine that I lived in a dump for the longest time, and it cost like $200 a month to live in this room, and the toilet was in the very same room - I mean it was just a one-room place and I lived in there for well over ten or twelve years, and so I had the recurring pattern of always struggling with money, never being able to leave that dump of a place that I didnt appreciate then, and Im only using the word dump as a way to describe it because I am grateful that I had it - I was able to go through it, Im on the other side of it.

But during that time it was miserable. I kept thinking, Why do I keep having problems with money? Why do I keep having problems with this place? Why cant I leave this place? Why is this happening over and over and over and over and over again? But what I learned is that whenever anybody has a reoccurring problem - I knew a guy who got married seven times, I mean he just kept marrying and divorcing, marrying and divorcing - this is a sign of a reoccurring problem. Or there are people who have health problems, one after the other after the other. Whenever there is a reoccurring problem there is an underlying belief in the unconscious that is trying to get erased. It is coming up to get our attention.

Now there may be more than one belief. In my case with money stuff - I had beliefs about money, like I thought that money was evil; and actually its the lack of money that causes evil, money itself is neutral, and I had to learn that. And I thought that rich people were really greedy and I had to find people who were wealthy, who were actually healthy and wholesome and happy and gave
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a lot of money away, and made a big difference in their life and in their friends, families and communities lives.

So I had to do a lot of work on my beliefs about money, most of which Ive written in my book Attract Money Now, and anybody can read that. Just go to because Im giving away access to it. And so as I went through that and I got rid of the beliefs about money, money started to dissolve as a problem.

Now of course, I mentioned a car collection and all these other wonderful bells and whistles, I live more of a luxurious lifestyle. I go where I want - I just came back from Poland, probably going back to Peru, Russia and The Dominican Republic. Im travelling and I just added another car, a very rare car called a Spyker, handmade from Holland, to my collection. I mean it just keeps going. Why does that keep happening now? Because the recurring problem with money was trying to get my attention. When I looked at it, cleared the beliefs that were under it and caused it to be blocked, I no longer had an issue with money. Now I even have new beliefs, including the one that says, The more money I spend, the more money I receive. And I say it with great gusto and great fun!

So yeah, thats a big insight from my book, The Attractor Factor and all anybody has to do apply it is to look at their life and go, Okay, what keeps happening? Maybe its a boss problem, a neighbour problem, a health problem, a financial problem or whatever it happens to be, but then they just
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want to focus on that and whatever theyre feeling internally, they want to love it. Do the Hooponopono, do the clearing on it and do the cleaning on it I love you / Im sorry / Please forgive me / Thank you - until its swept away from the inside, because when you feel it swept away from the inside, youll notice it stop happening on the outside.


And Joe, what really excited me about Hooponopono and Zero Limits, when I read your book and I attended the course with Dr Hew Len, was that in fact with Hooponopono, we can clean on ancient memories and ancient thoughts in our subconscious mind that were not even aware of, and in your book, Zero Limits you talk about the concept that we dont really have free will and that a lot of our thoughts come from our subconscious mind and our decisions are actually pre-determined by whats going on from our ancient programming in our subconscious mind. Can you expand upon this a little bit if you dont mind?

JOE VITALE: Yeah, thats one of the better insights from the book Zero Limits and it helps people realize that they need to leave stage two, Empowerment, and get into stage three, Surrender because when youre in stage two, Empowerment, you think, Oh, my thoughts create my reality and whatever I think will be manifested because the Law of Attraction is just going to pull it in. So when you start to read that section in Zero Limits and you realize that the scientific research shows that when you have a thought, it
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actually occurred in your unconscious mind before you became aware of it in your conscious thought. When you realize that, you have to ask yourself, Where do those thoughts come from?

You thought it came from you because it felt like it came from your conscious awareness, but thats an ego trip. Thats self-deception. It actually came from your unconscious mind.

Well, if it came from your unconscious mind, how did it get there and where did it come from? And what were looking at is that most of the time its come from childhood programming, but according to Dr Hew Len and the ancient mysticism of Hooponopono, it actually came from ancestors. The ancestors and all of their thoughts and all of their programming are still in the unconscious mind. Its in the collective unconscious, but its certainly in your unconscious mind.

So you might be driving along and minding your own business when all of a sudden a thought pops up into your awareness and you think, Where in the world did that come from? It didnt come from your conscious mind. It came from your unconscious mind, and probably stemming all the way back to your ancestors.

So what do we do about this? We have to clean. We have to just keep cleaning and we cant stop. People have often asked me, When do we stop cleaning? When do you stop saying I love you, Im sorry, please forgive me,
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thank you, or anything else, or even just the I love you? You never stop! And why do you never stop? Because there is a mountain and mountain is not even the right visual because it is so big, there is so much: an ocean of programming in our unconscious that needs to be soaked up. It needs to be erased, it needs to be cleaned, it needs to be cleared; that Dr Hew Len, you, me and all the other people practicing this have to keep doing it until we get to that place where The Divine just kind of pops through us and we realize weve completed it; but we got a lot of work to do.

SAUL MARANEY: Yeah, we do have a lot of work to do, but what really excites me is that I can silently do my Hooponopono as I go throughout my day without telling others, feel what Im feeling, but silently do the Hooponopono inside of me and know that it is working. And quite like what youve said and Ive seen you present live a number of times, and Ive listened to a lot of your podcasts, Ive bought all your books and your audio programs, Ive actually got a part of my hard drive thats just Joe Vitales work, and its a big inspiration to me. But you say that your job here is to awaken people and you know, I try to apply that to my life by living my calling and doing what makes me come alive, and when I came to see you guys in Austin, Texas and by travelling around the world, Ive got clients from my Hooponopono products in over forty different countries! Its incredible, the feeling that I get from doing what makes my heart sing and what really makes me happy. And how I use Hooponopono is that whenever I get doubtful about that, or I start doubting myself, Hooponopono comes in to clear that because I know that my unconscious mind really predicts my next thoughts and by not engaging
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with my conscious mind, but by working on Hooponopono, I can aim towards that Zero State.

Joe, that Zero State that you talk about in Zero Limits, can you talk a little bit about that Zero State and how we can actually reach it?

JOE VITALE: Well, the Zero State to me, Ive often used the visual analogy of calling it the whiteboard, and when I give some talks, and Ive done this with Zero Limits and some earlier conversations Ive had. What I would do is put an actual whiteboard up in front of everybody and theres nothing written on the whiteboard, its just white and theres nothing on it, and then Ill start writing things on it and Ill ask people, for example, What do you think The Universe is, or What do you think The Divine is? And they may say, Love, and so Ill write the word Love on it. And what else is there? And they Good, and so Ill write the word Good on it. And so what else is going on in life? Well theres Earth and theres death and theres everything in-between, and so I start writing that on there.

It doesnt take long for the whiteboard to be covered, absolutely covered with words and sentences. Well those words and sentences, in this very minor example, will eventually blackout the whiteboard. We wont see the whiteboard any more. All well see are these words, these phrases, these judgements, these thoughts, these projections, these ideas and the whiteboard is gone.

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And then Ill reverse it and say, Okay, lets start cleaning, and well look at some of the phrases we wrote out, and it might say, Money is evil, and as we say, Money is not evil, thats actually just a belief, I erase it off the whiteboard. And Ill say something about deservingness, and when we realize we all deserve wonderful things, Ill erase deservingness off the whiteboard.

As I keep going through this process, I get to the point where the whiteboard is white again. Well, thats my metaphor for the Zero State. The Zero State is Divinity with purity. It is the place where the thoughts and projections and beliefs and negativity, the programming we put into our lives, isnt there and what we want to do is keep cleaning and erasing so we get rid of all that data that prevents us from actually being Zero.

Being Zero is being at the place where we get to experience the wealth of the moment, the health of the moment and the happiness of the moment because everything else is gone - weve erased it.

That is the most powerful example I can give you.

This is what Zero Limits is all about. When you get to Zero, there are no limits, because the limits that were there beforehand were just data, just thoughts, beliefs and programming that we allowed to be there.

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We keep cleaning, we get back to Zero, which to me is the way forward towards purity.


And to reach that whiteboard just takes constant

cleaning and self-belief and perseverance, and when I heard you talk a little while ago in Austin, I remember your wonderful example that we all have thoughts, but were not our thoughts, and we have bodies but were not our bodies, and we have emotions but were not our emotions. So if were not our thoughts, bodies and emotions, what are we? And, we are the witness to that, which is Zero, and that essence is the same in everyone.

JOE VITALE: Thats exactly it!

SAUL MARANEY: So Joe, thank you very, very much for speaking to me today. I know that our time is just about up and again I would really like to thank you for giving me an hour of your time. I really, really appreciate it and I want you to know that you have really inspired me and helped me throughout the last five years and youve made a massive, massive impact on my own life and I would really like to thank you for that. And Id like to close by asking you one more question Joe.

You know, you have achieved so much in your life and youve come such a long way from being homeless and youve inspired so many millions of people around the world. What do you still want to achieve? Do you still have further things that you want to achieve at this point in your life?
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JOE VITALE: Thats a wonderful question.

Well you know, you used the phrase earlier that Im here to awaken people, but the way I would word it is, Im here to inspire people, because I dont know if I can awaken anybody but I believe I can inspire them. I can inspire them with my life, I can inspire them with my writing, my audios, my DVDs, my words, my deeds, and so what I want to do is inspire myself and others to achieve and attract their wildest possible dreams.

The more I can do that with whatever The Divine wants me to do next, the happier, the more complete Ill feel.

So my mission is to inspire people and so I just look to The Divine to hand me my next To do list and Ill do it.

SAUL MARANEY: Well thanks very much Joe. I really, really appreciate your time and thanks for that great answer. Weve had a fantastic conversation, and its cleared up quite a lot of questions that I had about Hooponopono and the Law of Attraction.

JOE VITALE: Thanks for doing the wonderful work you are doing yourself, my friend, and this is one of the most in-depth interviews that covered some of the best questions Ive ever heard.

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So Im very flattered and honoured and even inspired to have been part of this. God speed to all your listeners, God speed to you and thank you again, my friend.

SAUL MARANEY: Thank you.

This is Saul Maraney from Johannesburg, South Africa. I hope all of you enjoyed this conversation, that it inspires you and that it improves your life.

Thank you very much. <><><><><>

Thank you for downloading this Exclusive Ho'oponopono Interview today! If you are interested in learning more about Ho'oponopono, I have some other very exciting Ho'oponopono resources that may be of great interest to you: 1. I made a Ho'oponopono YouTube video called: Ho'oponopono Simplified. It can be viewed at: This video gives a very clear explanation of Ho'oponopoo, and it has been viewed 92 00 times! 2. At my blog: Ho'oponopono Insights: I have written over 100 Ho'oponopono Articles based on Dr Hew Len and Dr Joe Vitale's mind-bending book "Zero Limits" and other interviews of Dr Joe Vitale, Dr Hew Len and other Ho'oponopono teachers.

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3. Check out my Hooponopono Self Hypnosis product: In Harmony With Your Unconscious Mind Through Hooponopono In Harmony With Your Unconscious Mind Through Hooponopono is based on the teachings of Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len. This new Hooponopopono self-hypnosis tool allows you to finally let go of all your unwanted old behaviours, feelings, thoughts, perceptions and beliefs. All you have to do is put on your headphones and listen. It also comes with The Hooponopono Cleaning Mp3. Vol.2, and a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. To read more about it, please visit: 4. Check out my Hooponopono Self Hypnosis product: Reformatting Your Unconscious Mind With Hooponopono: Reformatting Your Unconscious Mind With Hooponopono is an 18 minute self-hypnosis audio product, which combines the KEY concepts from Joe Vitales powerful book The Attractor Factor, and Hooponopono cleaning. This audio product will help you set clear intentions in your life, while at the same time cleaning the ancient memories in your subconscious mind. Reformatting Your Unconscious Mind with Hooponopono comes with two very valuable bonuses, and a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. To read more about it, please visit: 5. You can read my summary notes on Dr Hew Len and Dr Joe Vitale's groundbreaking book "Zero Limits", at: I hope that you enjoy all of these Ho'oponopono resources, and please don't forget to email me your testimonial to: describing how you enjoyed this interview! Many thanks,

Saul Maraney Johannesburg, South Africa

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