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Writing aLout thc CoId War has rcccntIy

dcvcIocd a scciaI currcncy. Thc idcoIogicaI

cIarity of thc criod whcn onc worId was
not cnough and thc rcvoIutionary zcaI that
saturatcd sonc of its racticcs today offcr a
uscfuI raIIyingoint against a dcoIiticiscd,
narkctruIcd cuIturc. Within LarcIy two
dccadcs of its cnd, thc CoIdWars association
with csionagc, LctrayaI, Lastard diIonacy,
saLotagc and roaganda now sccns arcanc
and unthrcatcning cnough to rovidc an
acccssiLIc tooILox of anccdotcs and artc
facts. Thc rcccnt cxhiLition CoId War
Modcrn, at Londons vsn Muscun, cxca
vatcd a nunLcr of thcsc and rcvcaIcd how
dcsign of doncstic oLjccts, vchicIcs, LuiId
ings and citics was rccruitcd into thc roa
ganda cffort of thc rst and coIdcst hasc of
thc CoId War, Lctwccn iq and i;o. Thc
onc disaointncnt of this show was its
Lrackcting of thc criod so as to dcny any cvaI
uation of thc i;os and 8os, Lut this was tcn
crcdLy thc fact that sonc of its Lcttcrknown
oLjccts wcrc on saIc in thc nuscuns gift
sho. Thcsc roaganda itcns turncd con
ncrciaI gadgcts arc oncc again Lcing ro
duccd undcr Iiccncc as art of a growing
Gcrnannarkct for ostalgia(a nostaIgia aLLrc
viatcd to aIign it norc dircctIy with aII things
cast, or Ost). In its fascination with consuncr
cuIturc, thc vsn sho cvcn acarcd to Lc
rccast in rcfcrcncc to anothcr CoId War
noncnt thc sucrnarkct instaIIcd within
thc i Ancrican NationaI ExhiLition in
Moscow, fron which Sovict dignitarics and
sinIc Muscovitcs ockctcd as nany sou
vcnirs as thcy couIdcarry.
Thc vsn cxhiLitionwas organiscdsothat
artcfacts fron Loth sidcs of thc iron curtain acarcd as if in dia
Ioguc with cach othcr, as roducts of a sharcd CoId War cuIturc.
Thcsc cars, toys anddoncstic chcncra wcrc oftcnvcry siniIar, and
nowrcgistcr norc as roducts of thcir rcscctivc dccadcs os, 6os,
;os than of any articuIar sidc of thc iron curtain. Indccd, to rcad
thc castcrnand wcstcrnLIocs and thcir corrcsonding natcriaI ro
duction as sinIy oositionaI nisscs a norc suLtIc roccss
through which thc arns racc and its cuIturaI cchocs Lccanc cntan
gIcdinsharcdrojccts of ninicry andconctition. Thc nctaoIiti
caI conccts of frccdon and dcnocracy nay havc Lccn dcvoid of
aII ncaning, Lut thc idcoIogicaI confrontation Lctwccn thcn
invadcd aII asccts of Iifc. DcIoying houschoId roducts, architcc
turc and city Ianning, thc CoId War was as nuch aLout how to Iivc
as it was aLout howtokiII.
A twofoId dynanic which can Lc traccd articuIarIy wcII in archi
tccturc and urLan Ianning undcrins thc suLscqucnt ncItdown of
this criod and thc turn towards cuIturaI artcfacts that noLiIiscd
oIiticaI activisn against Sovict hcgcnony.
Onthc onc hand, thc arns racc undcrtakcn
with houschoId roducts, architccturc and
city Ianning rovidcda cIcar andcontinu
ous inuIsc for ncw dcsign. On thc othcr,
thc Iogics of thc connunist rcvoIutionary
socicty continuousIy chargcd thc oIiticaI
ncaning of that racc. In thc cast, to cnforcc
thc cxccutivc owcr of thc statc, thc city was
Ianncd dynanicaIIy, Loth to ronotc nass
ccIcLrations, statc rituaIs and raIIics, and to
otinisc thc suLordination of thc rivatc
cnvironncnt to thc statcs wiII. Yct at thc
sanc tinc, whiIc thc city was agitatcd as a
fornof ouIation controI in thc cL, cast
crn city Ianning ironicaIIy rcccivcd furthcr
inuIscs fronthc Ianning racticcs of thc
FcdcraI RcuLIic.
An arns racc itscIf can Lc dcncd as thc
continuous incrcasc of niIitary owcr Ly
two or norc statcs, Lascd uon thc convic
tion that rctaining an advantagc in such
owcr is thc onIy ncans of cnsuring
nationaI sccurity or surcnacy. Thc rcIa
tionshi Lctwccn ooncnts is ncvcr staLIc,
Lut is an cvcrchanging systcn of associa
tion dccidcd as nuch Ly thc quantity of
wcaonry as Ly its caaLiIitics. Thc idca is to
not just to kcc u with thc racc, it is to Lc
aIways ahcad of thc othcr as soon as onc
systcn faIIs Lchind, it has to rcIoad or
rcdcsign. Thc Lricf advantagc of onc
instantIy rcscnts a crisis for thc othcr. Any
noncnt of LaIancc or arity has toLc innc
diatcIy surasscd. So, aradoxicaIIy, as Iong
as thc arns racc is running, as Iong as
inrovcd wcaon systcns arc Lcing dcvcI
ocd and roduccd, thc haicr and norc
caccfuI cachsidc rcnains.
Thc qucstionhcrc, howcvcr, is howa ar
ticuIar congurationof sacc canignitc con
tinuaI tcnsion and a statc of ncvcr rcsoIvcd conict. Architccturc, in
sonc ways, aIways rcrcscnts conditions of conict in sacc, and
undcrtakcs thc transfornation of thc LuiIt cnvironncnt as thc vcry
tooI and conscqucncc of oIitics. TransIatcd into architccturc, thc
concct of anarns racc sccns articuIarIy aggrcssivc a war aInost
Lut what docs anarns racc witharchitccturc, withLricks and nor
tar, Iook Iikc How can architccturaI catcgorics Iikc forn, sitc and
function Lcconc nunitions dcsigncd to dctcr thc othcr sidc fron
using its ownarscnaI of wcaons
Thc niIitary arns racc of thc CoId War crcatcd a conIcx Iand
scac of Lyroducts: nissiIc siIos, niIitary Lascs, atonic tcst cIds,
nucIcar LonL shcItcrs, ctc. Most of this infrastructurc stood siIcnt
andunuscdandsynLoIiscs nowonIy a tinc whcnLothsidcs ocratcd
withina continuous dcfcncc condition. Intandcnwiththcsc hysicaI
rcnnants, thcrc aIso cxistcd a araIIcI infrastructurc of tunncIs and
voids, dug Lcncath city strccts. Thc nost infanous of thcsc was thc
tunncI systcnconstructcd in iq as art of Ocration GoId a joint
ocration Ly thc cin and thc British Sccrct
Scrvicc dcsigncdtotaintothc IandIinc con
nunications of thc Sovict arny hcadquartcrs
nn riirs z
cuIturaI convictions and anorhous idcoIogics canc togcthcr in a
forn of gcsturc architccturc that rojcctcd its ncssagcs whcrc co
Ic couIdnot go ovcr andacross thc WaII.
Pcrhas onc of thc carIicst architccturaI nanocuvrcs in this
urLanarns racc was thc Sovict War McnoriaI inBcrIins Ticrgartcn.
UnvciIcdas carIy as NovcnLcr iq (LarcIy six nonths aftcr vr Day),
it was thc rst of thrcc najor ncnoriaIs in thc city that conncno
ratcd thc war dcad in this casc, thc 8o,ooo Sovict soIdicrs kiIIcd in
thc BattIc of BcrIin. Dcsitc thc IitcraIisnand aLscncc of nctahor
in thc hysicaI incarnation of thc statuc, it rcsonatcd with a signi
cant nigration of idcas and natcriaI rcaIitics. Thc nonuncnt itscIf
a Lronzc statuc conoscd of a Sovict soIdicr, ankcd Ly two Rcd
Arny mizo artiIIcry guns and two isi tanks sct on to of a narLIc
cdcstaI was unwittingIy constructcd out of thc rccycIcd rcnnants
of two of thc nost anLitious dcnonstrations of totaIitarianisn. Thc
narLIc had Lccn cut in ItaIy and dcIivcrcd to BcrIin as art of AILcrt
Sccrs gargantuan Ncw Rcich ChanccIIcry rojcct, whiIc thc tanks
wcrc vcry roLaLIy nanufacturcd using stccI fronnining divisions
in thc UraIs, roduccd initiaIIy for thc construction (suLscqucntIy
suscndcd) of StaIins PaIacc of thc Sovicts in Moscow. With thc
rcsuIting ncnoriaI, thc iron curtain, art BoIshcvik, art Nazi,
dcsccndcdintothc hcart of thc GcrnancaitaI.
Thc rccisc Iocation of thc nonuncnt aIso crcatcd an intcrcst
ing hysicaI rotuLcrancc in what wc convcntionaIIy undcrstand as
thc swccing, cIcarIy dcncdIinc of thc BcrIinWaII. Positioncda fcw
hundrcd nctrcs wcst of thc dividc that was to sIit thc city (on a sitc
artIy dccidcd uon Ly AIIicd forccs), it canc to rcrcscnt a kind of
cxtratcrritoriaI cncIavc, guardcdLy Sovict soIdicrs scnt out fronEast
BcrIin. CcIcLrations cvcry ycar on 8 May, conncnorating vr Day
with thc Iaying of a wrcath, had to Lc ninutcIy organiscd Ly thc cL
inanintricatc chorcograhy of ccrcnony. But as thc ios unfoIdcd,
and thc Lordcrs Lctwccn cast and wcst Gcrnany Lcgan to soIidify,
thc nonuncnts Iocation in thc inncdiatc vicinity of thc Rcichstag
was incrcasingIy sccn as a LIot on thc ncwIy cncrging idcoIogicaI
Iandscac of Wcst BcrIin. This scnsc of castcrn intrusion, or inva
sion cvcn, was nadc nanifcst in i;o whcn onc of thc nonuncnts
Sovict guards was shot at an incidcnt that suLscqucntIy Icd to a
ncutraI Britishforcc guarding thc ncnoriaI.
Consistcnt withthc titfortat naturc of thc cnvcIoing arns racc,
thc Sovicts had grascd thc owcr and inortancc of architccturaI
scctacIc in thc inncdiatc aftcrnath of thc Sccond WorId War.
Bcyond thc Lurcaucratic and institutionaI ncccssitics of urLan
rcconstruction, thc rinary oLjcctivc for thcsc MoscowcontroIIcd
govcrnncnt Lodics was thc construction of an idcaIiscd urLan suL
jcct. This rhctoricaI anLitionwas to Lc rcaIiscd Ly instiIIing thc idca
of thc ncw, thc innoccnt and thc rogrcssivc into uLIic racticcs
andcvcryday haLits. Inordcr tocngravc thcsc idcaIs ontoa shattcrcd
socicty, noraIIy and hysicaIIy ruincd, daiIy Iifc had to Lc rcorgan
iscd so that socicty couId Lc infuscd with a ncwidcoIogy and as thc
oIdonc noIongcr cxistcd a ncwidcntity.
Thc idca of crnancnt rcvoIution, as it was Iatcr thcoriscd Ly
Lcon Trotsky, was a fcaturc of thc BoIshcvik RcvoIution which thc
Sovict Union sought to srcad across thc worId. Through it, thc
rhythn of rcvoIutionary activity was dcsigncd to inIy a ronisc
thc ronisc that thc ycarnings of a nythicaI coIIcctivc idcntity wouId
Lc fuIIIcd. Whcn a fccIing of rcvoIution crvadcs cvcry cId of cuI
turc, thc statc, andcvcrything whichit controIs, Lcconcs ina scnsc a
rcaratory ncdiun for soncthing yct to conc. In thc casc of thc
in BcrIin. Thc tunncI, which ran fron NcukoIIn in thc Ancrican
Scctor to Trctow in thc Sovict Scctor, rcrcscntcd an cxcctionaI
cnginccring chaIIcngc a qon assagc cxcavatcd 6n undcr thc
worIds nost hcaviIy oIiccd Lordcr, intcrsccting with a tcIchonc
caLIc Luricdq;cnLcIowstrcct IcvcI. WhiIc stiII inits Ianning stagcs,
howcvcr, a noIc in British intcIIigcncc (thc douLIcagcnt Gcorgc
BIakc) aIcrtcd thc Sovict authoritics, who dccidcd to Ict Ocration
GoId continuc, sccing in it otcntiaI for disinfornation. Whcn this
ran its coursc, ii nonths aftcr construction, Sovict and East Gcrnan
soIdicrs Lrokc intothc castcrncndof thc tunncI, dccIaring it a Lrcach
of thc norns of intcrnationaI Iaw anda gangstcr act.
SatiaI gcsturcs Iikc thcsc wcrc not onIy rontcd Ly niIitary
thinking or Ly aninvisiLIc andonnircscnt nccdfor rotcction, thcy
aIsorcrcscntcda LattIc withthrccdincnsionaI forns anda sccic
cId of rcfcrcnccs that is, in sonc scnsc, a LattIc fought Ly archi
tccts. Susan BuckMorss, for cxanIc, has cxIorcd thcsc rcfcrcnccs
fronan carIicr Sovict criod and suggcsts a conncction Lctwccn thc
rcIcasc of thc rst King Kong novic in i and thc conctition for
thc PaIacc of thc Sovicts a fcwnonths Iatcr, whcrc thc winning cntry
fcaturcd a gigantic statuc of Lcnin on to of thc highcst LuiIding in
thc worId. BuckMorsss oLviousIy IayfuI rcading has rcccivcd a
norc dognatic, douLtfuI undcrtonc in ]canLouis Cohcns rcccnt
study of thc dircct inucncc (not to say outright Iagiarisn) of
Ancrican rcccdcnts on Sovict architccturc and dcsign. Othcrs havc
anaIyscd how thc cjorativc dciction of thc Sovict BIoc hcIcd to
sinIify thc conIcxitics of CoId War antagonisn and Itcr thcn
into wcstcrn uLIic consciousncss. As a nunLcr of thcsc thcorists
havc ointcd out, onc of thc nost fanous articiants in thc ccIIu
Ioid roaganda war was AIfrcd Hitchcock. Frida Grafcs study
Filmfarben, for cxanIc, dcscriLcs howthc dircctor had wantcd Torn
Curtain, rcIcascd in i66, to Lc thc rst of his Ins to havc a rcaIistic
sctting. This was to Lc achicvcd through a twofoId stratcgy: a Lcttcr
quaIity of Instock and thc usc of rcaI, rathcr than sct, Iocations. In
i66 thc CoId War was at its cak and thc sccond of thcsc oLjcctivcs
rovcd inossiLIc to rcaIisc. Thc cL sinIy did not grant Ining
rights to HoIIywoodroductions, so Hitchcock was forccdto rccrcatc
it indoors. Undctcrrcd Ly this sctLack, hc rcnaincd dcscratc to nd
thc right coIours with which to aint East Gcrnany. To gct thc
dcsircdcffcct, his cincnatograhcr Iaccda scctrunof Lcigc Itcrs
in front of thc cancra whiIc thc actors wcrc outttcd in a varicty of
grcys. Extra rougc was cvcn sccicd for thc chccks of thc oIiccncn
to givc thc vicwcr a fccIing of thc coId coning fron thc aIIid
coIours. Hitchcock Iatcr wcnt so far as to doctor thc Gcrnan Agfa
stock in an attcnt to achicvc thc watcrcoIour toncs hc wantcd,
coIours that wcrc dcsigncd to sct thc nood of hostiIity and naIcvo
Icncc that charactcriscdthc rcginc inwcstcrncycs.
Morc than thcsc ouIar cuIturaI artcfacts and thc antoninc
dciction of Sovict BIoc good and Lad in thc wcstcrn ncdia, what
wiII Lc cxanincd hcrc is thc norc cxIicitIy architccturaI conict
that took Iacc aIong thc Lordcr tcrritory Lctwccn thc FcdcraI
RcuLIic of Gcrnany and thc Gcrnan Dcnocratic RcuLIic, whcrc
CoIdWar antagonisnandLrutaIity was nost visiLIc. At thc ccntrc of
this LattIc was thc dividcdcity of BcrIin. Hcrc, thc cuIturaI confronta
tion was Iaycd out in rcnorscIcssIy conctitivc urLan Ianning
an cast vcrsus wcst conict fought with avcnucs, housing cstatcs,
uLIic LuiIdings and towcrs, cach standing as thc natcriaI cnLodi
ncnt of thc ccononic night and idcoIogicaI strcngth of thcir
rcscctivc sidc. This was city Ianning as roaganda. Through it,
i May iq6
Looking wcst aIong Untcr dcn Lindcn
Courtcsy Landcsarchiv BcrIin
zz nn riirs
Revolutionary Reenactment
and the Urban Arms Race
in Cold War Berlin
Ines Weizman
zq nn riirs
Gcrnan govcrnncnt to thc city. Thc conctition was artIy notivatcd
Ly a dcsirc to cnLarrass thc cL, which for ycars had Lccn trying to
roducc a nastcrIan for thc city ccntrc Lut had not cvcn nanagcd to
scttIc on thc forn and styIc of its ccntraI towcr. AIrcady unhay, thc
cL forLadc its architccts fron cntcring aftcr onc of its rooscd
jurors was rcjcctcd Ly thc wcstcrn connittcc. But thc nain rovoca
tion was stiII to conc: at a tinc whcn thc FcdcraI RcuLIic was using
intcrnationaI diIonacy to chaIIcngc thc cxistcncc of a sccond
Gcrnan statc, thc conctition Lricf sccicaIIy dircctcd cntrants not
to cxcnt Iargc swaths of East BcrIin fron thcir Ians. WhiIc nany of
thc rcsuIting suLnissions drcwon cxisting idcas and what thc dcsign
crs kncwaLout BcrIins oIitics and urLan history, thc ction of BcrIin
as thc ccntrc of a rcunicd Gcrnany, a worId nctrooIis, cncouragcd
othcrs to roducc sonc of thcir nost radicaI urLan statcncnts.
Anong thcsc, ccrtainEurocanarchitccts, roLaLIy Icss awarc of thcir
rojccts oIiticaI ranications dcsigncd skyscracr fantasics aLIc to
acconnodatc aInost haIf thc citys rcquircncnts for housing and
ofcc stock. Thcsc gargan
tuan structurcs which
rangcd in sizc fron a singIc
;zontowcr (CastigIioni) to a
grid of vc zzzn Cartcsian
towcrs (Lc CorLusicr) wcrc
not onIy grotcsqucIy taII Lut
aIso dcnonstratcd a con
Ictc disrcgardof cvcry ascct
of urLanisninEast BcrIin.
In rcsonsc, on ; OctoLcr
i8, four nonths aftcr thc
cnd of thc CaitaI BcrIin
conctition, thc East BcrIin
govcrnncnt Iaunchcd its
own cxcIusivc idcas concti
tion for thc rcorganisation of
thc ccntrc of thc city. OnIy
architccts fron sociaIist
countrics wcrc invitcd. ]ust Iikc its wcstcrncountcrart, howcvcr, this
conctition had IittIc hysicaI inact, IargcIy Lccausc of its organis
crs sIowncss inaLsorLing Krushchcvs caIIs to rcfocus thc discussion
to addrcss thc inncdiacy of thc housing crisis rathcr than any notion
of anidcaI city siIhoucttc or anaroriatc nationaI styIc. BIindtothis
Sovict incrativc, thc articiants trcadcd rccariousIy Lctwccn two
nodcIs of architccturc that thcy Iatcr discovcrcd wcrc no Iongcr
accctaLIc: thc StaIinist hcavy nationaI styIc and thc wcstcrn ocn
city attcrn. Thc onIy radicaIIy ncwdcsignwas suLnittcdLy architcct
Hcrnann HcnscInann, who rooscd a oon nccdIcIikc Towcr of
SignaIs rathcr than thc ccntraI housc rcquircd Ly thc Lricf, and
tocd this towcr with a satcIIitcIikc structurc whosc static orLit
wouId hovcr crnancntIy ovcr thc urLan cnscnLIc. PrcdictaLIy,
HcnscInanns dcsign was rcjcctcd Ly conctition ofciaIs and
dcsitc uLIic cnthusiasna nodcI of his towcr was rcnovcd fronan
acconanying cxhiLitionfcaturing aII of thc suLnissions.
Things took a norc hostiIc turn on z May i8, onIy two days
Lcforc thc cndof Khrushchcvs BcrIinUItinatun, whcnAxcI Sringcr
Iaid thc corncrstonc for his ncwuLIishing housc. At thc tinc, oIiti
cians (incIuding WiIIy Brandt, thcn Mayor of
Wcst BcrIin and a good fricnd of Sringcr)
suortcd thc rovocativc gcsturc of siting a
quashcd Ly Sovict tanks and troos and thc dcath of at Icast iz ro
tcstcrs, as constructionturncdtodcnoIitionwithina nattcr of hours.
Thc workcrs thcnscIvcs, stiII houscd in tcnorary housing in thc
IargcIy dcstroycd city, had cIcarIy fcIt thc disconncctionLctwccnthcir
daiIy Iifc andthc rojcct thcy wcrc hcIing toLuiId. Contrary tocIains
Ly statc roaganda, thc i,8oonIong StaIinaIIcc was not a workcrs
aIacc. In rcaIity, thc workcrs had vcry IittIc chancc of inhaLiting
it, as thc aartncnts wcrc IargcIy rcscrvcd for arty ofciaIs or
othcr statc functionarics. Thcy aIso had to LuiId using traditionaI
tcchniqucs Lorrowcd fron snaIIcr scaIc, Iuxurious doncstic con
nissions using hcavy Lricks, ccranic tiIcs, handchiscIIcdornancn
taI dctaiIs and cxcnsivc intcrior xturcs and ttings. Such contradic
tions inthc vcry roccss of LuiIding whicharchitccts and oIiticians
aIikc hcIcdtoacccntuatc togcthcr withthc ovcraII scnsc of oIiticaI
discontcnt (with growing dcnands for frcc cIcctions) cvcntuaIIy
fanncd thc StaIinaIIcc unrcst across BcrIin and othcr citics in East
Gcrnany. Thus, a rojcct dcsigncdfor thc rccnactncnt of a rcvoIution
ironicaIIy Lccanc thc vcry
sitc of a countcrrcvoIution.
WhiIc East BcrIin
Iaunchcd niIitary attacks
against its own rcLcIIing
workcrs, in thc city wcst of
thc BrandcnLurg Gatc thc
annuaI May Day ccIcLrations
that sanc ycar wcrc
strangcIy nutcd. An archivaI
inagc fron i shows a
nass of coIc congrcgating
in a wastcIand within thc
Ticrgartcn, Iistcning intcntIy
to sccchcs Ly IocaI oIiti
cians and tradc unionists.
Thc aarcnt assivity of thc
crowd, ccric givcn its sizc,
can Lc cxIaincd in art Ly a
ruIing inoscd Ly occuying Ancrican forccs in thc inncdiatc
ostwar criod. StiII not trusting thc Gcrnan sychc, irrcscctivc of
a wcstcrn or castcrn aIIcgiancc, thcy rohiLitcd thc carrying of Lan
ncrs or sIogans during uLIic gathcrings. Thc rcsuIt was an inani
natc crowd, sct against a hugc vciIcd Lackdro that shicIdcd it fron
associations rcsonating fronthc Sovict war ncnoriaI.
Six ycars Iatcr, in i, Wcst BcrIins May Day ccIcLrations wcrc
stiII Lcing hcIdoncxactIy thc sanc sot, dircctIy oositc thc Sovict
ncnoriaI. Howcvcr, Ly this tinc, thc cvcnt was francd Icss Ly thc
aLscncc of any Iandnark or signagc thanLy thc striking rcscncc of
a ncw stccI structurc, dcsigncd Ly a rofcssor of architccturc fron
thc Acadcny of Arts (rcortcdIy Hans Scharoun) which forncd
Loth a Iatforn for thc scakcrs and a gigantic LiIILoard. Thc rca
son for thc cxccssivc hcight and shac of this structurc onIy rcaIIy
Lccanc aarcnt thc foIIowingnorning, whcnWcst BcrIinncwsa
crs victoriousIy dcictcd its sIogan, BcrIin LIciLt frci, francd Ly
thc guardcdorticos of thc adjaccnt Sovict nonuncnt.
A nuch strongcr urLan Ianning initiativc against thc cast
occurrcd in i; whcn thc FcdcraI RcuLIic and thc Wcst BcrIin
Scnatc, suortcd Ly Icading BcrIinLusincss
ncn, announccd thc CaitaI BcrIin architcc
turaI conctitiontoronotc thc rcturnof thc
Overleaf: Oskar Kokoschka, i66
Photograhcd on thc roof of thc Sringcr LuiIding
Photo Svcn Sinon
stood, howcvcr, had acquircd such oIiticaI signicancc that thc
dccision was cvcntuaIIy takcn to rcLuiId it in stonc. With this rccon
struction thc forncr StadtschIoss aIacc and its history wcrc syn
LoIicaIIy Luricd, Lut a sirit of rcvoIutionary ccrcnoniaI zcaI wouId
now Lc rcscnt thc whoIc ycar round. In hotograhs of thc tinc,
thc triLuncs shar angIcs and stark whitcncss contrast strikingIy
with thc surrounding grcyncss of thc dcstroycd city. Indccd, thc
frcsh dcsign and coIour of thc triLunc wcrc sccicaIIy Ianncd to
stand for thc futurc rosccts of thc ncw socicty. Howcvcr, othcr
vicws of thc sanc sccnc aIso show how thc shac of thc aradc,
which stiII Iackcd a LuiIt faLric to franc its cdgcs, had to Lc inro
viscd with rows of oIiccncn standing in Iincs. Thc triLunc, and thc
PaIacc of thc RcuLIic which rcIaccd it in i;6 to its cxact dincn
sions and Iocation, show how oIiticaI scctacIc was actuaIIy
inscriLcdintoLuiIt forninthc cL.
Thcsc ains and rinciIcs couId not Lc rcaIiscd without thc fuII
connitncnt of urLan Ianncrs to thc oIiticaI causc. At thc ccntrc
of thcsc transfornations
stood thc guidcIinc for
urLan rcconstruction titIcd
The Sixteen Principles of
Urban Planning. PuLIishcd
in io, it was strongIy dic
tatcd Ly Sovict Ianning
idcaIs. To nakc thcir oIiti
caI invoIvcncnt cIcar, Ian
ncrs wcrc caIIcd on to fuII
thcir oIiticaI dutics, to
nakc thcnscIvcs and thcir
work rcrcscntativc of thc
oIiticaI goaIs of thc coIc.
In thc roccss, statcd thc
Principles, thc Ianncr
wouId Lcconc a statcsnan
in thc highcst scnsc of thc
word. In its rst scction,
thc guidc idcnticd thrcc cononcnts of urLan Ianning: squarc,
aradc strcct and towcr. Thcsc cIcncnts (which aIso diagran thrcc
dincnsions insacc oint, horizontaI Iinc andvcrticaI Iinc) wcrc to
san an authoritarian forcccId that wouId function as a oIiticaI
sinc, vitaIising and conccntrating civic oIiticaI Iifc. For thc cL,
cach of thc thrcc Ianning tyoIogics was to answcr a articuIar
ncccssity of thc sociaIist city. Thc squarc was to rovidc a static gath
cring Iacc, thc aradc strcct offcrcd thc sacc of ow, thc towcr a
sacc of rcrcscntation.
This kind of urLan chorcograhy nds its nost cffcctivc and vio
Icnt nanifcstation in thc grand rojcct of BcrIins StaIinaIIcc, a nonu
ncntaI sociaIist LouIcvardLuiIt Lctwccnizandi6otohousc work
crs aartncnts, shos, rcstaurants, a hotcI and a cincna. Thc con
struction of thc sitc, cnIoying thousands of workcrs, unwittingIy
Iaycd a najor art inthc articuIationof inncr oIiticaI, ccononic and
sociaI contradictions in East Gcrnany, whcn it Lccanc, on i; ]unc
i, thc sctting for a fuIIycdgcd rcLcIIion against a conuIsory
incrcasc in working hours and changcs to accctcd industriaI condi
tions. Enragcd, LuiIdcrs on thc sitc thcn thc onIy cncrging architcc
turaI rcrcscntation of thc ncw rcginc
dcnonstratcd against thc connunist gov
crnncnt, an urising that was vioIcntIy
cL, thc nccd to ovcrconc history Lccanc an incrativc which
thrcatcncd thc rcscnt. Sincc connunist idcoIogy had Lccn
inoscd Ly thc Sovicts without thc rccursory rcvoIution, gcncrat
ing an atnoshcrc of rcvoIutionary achicvcncnt Lccanc a kcy
chaIIcngc in thc oIiticaI foundation of thc statc. Thc rcvoIution, in
its various rcrcscntations and rituaIs, had to Lc incororatcd and
rcrcscntcdas a civic cvcnt inthc uLIic saccs of various citics, as a
way of cstaLIishing thc sanc dcgrcc of Icgitinacy as a rcginc that
had dcvcIocd organicaIIy. Thc Ian was for thc BoIshcvik
RcvoIution, which had itscIf Lccn shacd Ly thc oIiticaI Icgacy of
thc Frcnch RcvoIution, to Lc rccnactcd as a kind of ninctic rcvoIu
tion. Thc chorcograhy of nationaI ccrcnonics, with thcir novc
ncnt of Lodics in sacc, functioncd as a sinuIation of this non
cxistcnt rcvoIution.
In BcrIin in iq6 thc rst May Day dcnonstrations nirrorcd thc
oIiticaI scaration of Gcrnany, or norc rcciscIy thc scaration
of thc sociaIist sL arty (which unitcd with thc connunist xL
and sociaIist unity srL ar
tics in thc Sovict Scctor, Lut
rcnaincd aIonc in thc Wcst
crn Scctor, having faiIcd
to ncrgc with connunist
grous). Thc rcsuIt was that,
inthc wcst, thc sL caIIcdfor
dcnonstrations to Lc hcId in
front of thc Rcichstag, whiIc
in thc cast, thc May Con
nittcc of thc Sovict Scctor
organiscd its rivaI dcnon
stration in thc Lustgartcn,
Lctwccn thc AItcs Muscun
andthc StadtschIoss. Accon
anying thc Sovict raIIy, ags
and Lanncrs wcrc disIaycd
aII ovcr thc city on aartncnt
LuiIdings, uLIic institu
tions and factorics, as nuch as thcy wcrc carricd, wavcd and worn Ly
coIc on thc strcct. This rst ostwar ccrcnony, which was anIy
fundcd Ly thc statc, and LroadIy suortcd Ly thc uLIic, was
dcsigncd to rcrcscnt thc succcss of thc cdgIing Sovict cconony
and to win thc hcarts and ninds of thc ouIation in thc wcst.
Howcvcr, just onc ycar Iatcr, and thc Sovicts antiwcstcrn roa
ganda had intcnsicd to such an cxtcnt that cnthusiasts fron thc
wcst who canc to takc art in thc casts May Day ccIcLrations fcIt
ostraciscd and rcjcctcd. Thc originaI dcnonstration in thc
Lustgartcn, which had Lccn stationary, was Iatcr rccongurcd as a
aradc inwhich thc uLIic (coning fronthc BrandcnLurg Gatc, as if
joincd Ly wcstcrn synathiscrs) wouId narch Lcforc a tcnorary,
Lut considcraLIy Iargcr Iatfornof Party ofciaIs.
As strccts and LuiIdings grcw u aIong thc routc of thcsc carIy
narchcs (ncticuIousIy dctaiIcd Ly dcnonstration Ians), thc
Connunist Party and its urLan Ianncrs can Lc sccn to havc drawn
thc LIucrint of thc ncw city fron thc footrints of its citizcns. And
whcrc thcy found that thc cffcctivcncss and ncaning of thc roccs
sion was disturLcd Ly cxisting LuiIdings, thcsc wcrc rcnovcd as
was thc casc withthc StadtschIoss, sIatcdfor
dcnoIition in io. Thc ocn sacc on
which thc StadtschIoss triLunc Iatforn
Above: i May i, PIatz dcr RcuLIik
Opposite: i May i6i, MarxEngcIsPIatz
Courtcsy Landcsarchiv BcrIin
nn riirs z
arovcd. Wcst BcrIinhadLccnIanninga ncwcL towcr of its own
sincc i, Lut a conLination of IcgaI, nanciaI and oIiticaI oLsta
cIcs had continuaIIy dcIaycd its construction. Whcn thc cL con
Ictcdits iv towcr rst, ini6, it fcIt it hadwona grcat victory inthc
LattIc of thc skyIinc, a scnsc of satisfaction nadc cvcn norc cnjoy
aLIc Ly thc discovcry that HcnscInanns towcr aIso intcrfcrcd with
connunications systcns at Wcst BcrIins TcncIhof airort.
OfciaIs inthc cast of thc city dcarIy nccdcd this schadcnfrcudc, if
onIy so as to rcsond to AxcI Sringcr. In i66 thc Gcrnan/ItaIian
architccturaI aIIiancc of Bcga and Franzi (MiIan) and SoLotka and
MuIIcr (BcrIin) had conIctcd thc istorcy highrisc for Sringcr on
Kochstrassc. Instcadof its originaI squarc Ian, this ncwLuiIding was
conccivcd as a taII rcctiIincar sIaL, a for
naI shift that cncouragcd runours that
Sringcr Ianncd to rojcct ncws sto
rics onto thc cxtcrior waIIs of his uL
Iishing housc soas tonakc thcnvisiLIc
to East BcrIincrs onthc othcr sidc of thc
WaII. AIthough Ians for what wouId
havc Lccnthc worIds rst digitaI scrccn
a thcn novcI concct, which wouId
havc anticiatcd thc fashionaLIc scrccn
facadc of ostnodcrnisn was ncvcr
rcaIiscd, thc roaganda war ro
cccdcd aacc. Thc LuiIding was cvcntu
aIIy cIad with Lronzc rccctivc gIass, a
novc dcsigncd to rojcct a scnsc of
wcstcrnouIcncc intothc cast. Thc onIy
disscntcrs wcrc Sringcrs cnIoyccs,
whosc vicw ovcr thc WaII to East BcrIin
wouId Lc forcvcr soiIcd Ly a goIdcn
tint. For thc cast, howcvcr, thc rcscncc
of hundrcds of writcrs and journaIists
andthc uLiquitous aIIsccing cycs of thc
worId hiddcn Lchind Sringcrs nir
rorcd gIass acarcd to rcincarnatc thc
ccnsorious gazc of thc Panoticon. By
constantIy nonitoring thc WaII and
rcccting its dystoian anorana Lack
into East Gcrnan socicty, thc goIdcn Sringcr LuiIding succccdcd in
cxcrcising a suLvcrsivc fornof rcssurc onthc cL.
To cnhancc andccIcLratc thc Easts disconfort, whcnthc LuiIding
was inauguratcd, Sringcr invitcd thc fanous Vicnncsc aintcr Oskar
Kokoschka to takc u tcnorary rcsidcncc on thc roof of his LuiIding
and aint thc vicw ovcr East BcrIin. For Sringcr, it was not cnough to
caturc thc hunan crinc of thc ncighLouring rcginc as his journaI
ists did, rathcr, hc wantcd to indict thc cast with thc sIowncss, intcn
sity and assion of an artwork. Kokoschkas styIc of ainting,
rcnowncdfor its cxrcssionistic vioIcncc, was wcII suitcdtothc task. In
rough, angry, LIurry Iincs in a ainting titIcd Berlin August , hc
dcictcd a narchof civiIianarncd forccs ccIcLrating thc construction
androtcctionof thc WaII, against a IooningLackdroof watchtowcrs
ina fragncntcd, dcscrtcdcity.
Of coursc thc tcnsions of thc CoId War dcnandcd that thc cast
rctaIiatc in kind. Fron thcn on LuiIdings ncar thc WaII wcrc dcsig
natcdto Lc no Icss thanSringcrs i storcys,
and siniIarIy had to fcaturc nirror gIass on
aII facadcs. Thc statc aIso chosc to Iocatc its
highrisc uLIishing housc ncxt to thc dividing Iinc Lctwccn East and
Wcst, aIthough CoId War roagandists in thc cL , with a nandatc
that sokc to thc coIIcctivc futurc of BcrIin, had voiccd thcir disIcas
urc at thc schcnc, arguing that such a taII LuiIding wouId disturL air
trafc. It was not untiI May i6o that thc East, in thc gurc of WaItcr
UILricht, gcncraI sccrctary of thc SociaIist Unity Party, addrcsscd
architccts crsonaIIy, dccIaring that thc cL was ncaring a criod of
victorious sociaIisn that Icft no roon for any fccIings of scIfdouLt.
Thc Ianning of highriscs aII ovcr thc wcstcrn haIf of thc city, hc
insistcd, nust Lc inncdiatcIy nirrorcd with visuaI narkcrs of cvcn
highcr quaIity, rcrcscnting thc workcrs and casants statc. Thc
dcIay in cstaLIishing this rcsonsc nay wcII havc Lccn thc consc
qucncc of tcchnoIogicaI and nanciaI
shortconings, Lut was norc IikcIy a
synton of thc oIiticaI insccuritics of
cL ofciaIs and Ianncrs in dcaIing
with thcir sucriors in Moscow.
Khrushchcvs rcforns had aIrcady
rcvcrscd Ianning doctrincs oncc and
cL dccisionnakcrs now rcfcrrcd to
wait for a norc staLIc oIiticaI cIinatc
Lcforc connitting thcnscIvcs or thc
ccntrc of thc caitaI tonajor idcoIogicaI
nanifcstations inLricks andnortar.
Thcsc rivaI architccturaI nanocu
vrings wcrc inncdiatcIy ovcrshad
owcd(and, at thc sanc tinc, cncrgiscd)
in i6i with thc construction of thc
BcrIin WaII. Thc WaII, in aII its nakcd
aggrcssionandowcr, was unqucstion
aLIy thc Liggcst gun in this arns racc,
unaraIIcIcd in its cnLIcnatic rcaIisa
tion of thc oIiticaI usc of architccturc.
Its construction ronotcd yct anothcr
hasc in thc idcoIogicaI LattIcground,
inwhicharchitccturc scrvcdnot onIy as
thc hysicaI fortication of two rivaI
statcs Lut aIso as a synLoIic instru
ncnt in an idcoIogicaI war. ArticuIatcd
through it, thc vcrnacuIar of LuiIt fornoffcrcd a scanIcss continua
tion of thc rhctoric roagatcd Ly thc Icadcrs of thc two sidcs, ro
jccting thcir ncssagcs ovcr and across thc WaII via thc onIy ncdiun
that couIdcxtcndaLovc its .6nhcight. As thc Sringcr LuiIdingwas
stiII toLc conIctcd, inDcccnLcr i6 thc BcrIinscnatc fundcdthc
construction of a Iargc scrccn, instaIIcd on thc roof of thc csw
Housing Association LuiIding on Kochstrassc. SIogans Iikc Ein
BcrIin and Wir sind aIIc cinc FaniIic countcrcd Sovict aninosity
towards thc Wcst and cstaLIishcd a dircct Iinc of connunication
withcitizcns inthc East.
Yct thc nccd to rojcct uwards (ironicaIIy, rcinforcing thc
unrcnitting horizontaIity of thc WaII) was aIso ronotcd on thc
citys castcrn sidc. In i6q, aftcr Khrushchcv had ordcrcd thc razing
of thc unnishcd construction sitc for thc PaIacc of thc Sovicts in
Moscow (idcoIogicaI nonuncntaIity was now noraIIy rcdundant),
thc cL govcrnncnt suddcnIy changcd its nind aLout
HcnscInanns Towcr of SignaIs. PIanning
crnission was grantcd and thc cIaLoratc
cnginccring rcquircd for a iv towcr was
structurc which had scrvcd as a gathcringoint for ccrcnoniaI
narchcs sincc thc ios. In this crsatz grandstand, howcvcr, thc Iong
LaIcony on thc wcstcrn sidc of thc aIacc was uscd as ticrcd scating
onIy oncc, Lccausc thc rst niIitary aradc which asscd in front of it
roduccd so nuch cxhaust snokc fron tanks and othcr hcavy niIi
tary vchicIcs Party rcrcscntativcs found it inossiLIc to grcct thcir
uLIic throughthc cnsuingfog. It was as if thc LuiIdingLccanc victin
of its owntortuous and rotractcd concction. This was no Lad thing,
though as a PaIacc of thc RcuLIic, what thc LuiIdingnccdcdwas not
rcrcscntativc aradcs Lut a gcnuinc, Iivc uLIic. And untiI its cIo
surc, it was indccd considcrcd to Lc such a uLIic forun, conLining
cntcrtainncnt faciIitics and a ccrtain affordaLIc Iuxury. In thc
autunn of i8, howcvcr, on thc cvc of
thc qoth annivcrsary of thc cL,
dcnonstrators sontancousIy gath
crcd in front of thc aIacc, IoudIy
dcnanding changc. Anticiating fur
thcr dcnonstrations that wouId soon
rcciitatc rcginc changc, thc LuiId
ings synLoIic owcr as a aIacc of thc
coIc and a oIiticaI forun canc to
thc forc and crascd its forncr roIc as a
oIiticiscd stagc. Thc i8 dcnonstra
tions uItinatcIy norc signicant
than thc urisings of i; ]unc i
turncd thc whccI fuII circIc. Thc LIock
in thc city whcrc hordcs of coIc
annuaIIy rccnactcd a rcvoIutionary
nythLccanc thc sitc of a countcrrcvo
Iution. SinuIation ovcrtook rcaIity and
hcIcd to ronotc a dynanic that rosc
u fron thc ground to thrcatcn thc
statc itscIf, as thc cLs conIcx
oIiticisation of cvcryday Iifc ut into
roduction thc vcry nightnarc scc
nario it had aIways drcadcd. By of
ciaIIy ronoting rcvoIutionary fcrvour
in a oIiticaI and tcrritoriaI cnviron
ncnt, Ly turning thc rcvoIutionary,
rogrcssstriving ouIation into virtuaI risoncrs, thc cL hcIcd
tocrcatc anunsustainaLIc aradox whichwouIdcvcntuaIIy dcstroy it.
With thc rcginc that it synLoIiscd now gonc, thc coda to thc
PaIacc of thc RcuLIic andthis CoIdWar arns racc is aIso onc of cra
surc. FoIIowing thc dcnonstrations in i8, just rior to Gcrnan
unicationinOctoLcr io, it was discovcrcd that thc intcrior of thc
LuiIding was contaninatcd with asLcstos oIIutcd fron outsidc
and within, thc cxtcrnaI fog of dicscIcnginc carLon nonoxidc nir
rorcd an cvcn norc IcthaI intcrnaI carcinogcn. Thc conscqucncc of
this contanination was a costIy roccss of disnantIing that wouId
Iast for nuch of thc ncxt two dccadcs. To offsct this cxcnsc, how
cvcr (and as a naI irony in thc continuing Icgacy of nyth and rccn
actncnt), thc ,ooo tonncs of stccI that oncc hcId thc aIacc
togcthcr havc Lccn soId and shicd to thc Unitcd AraL Eniratcs to
Lc uscd in thc construction of soms i6ostorcy Burj DuLai towcr,
thc totaIitarianisn of statc sociaIisn having found its naturaI host
and acconanying nctonynic architcc
turaI synLoI in thc totaIitarianisn of
niddIccastcrnSharia caitaIisn.
taIIcr tcncncnt LIocks, such as thosc on Lcizigcr Strassc, to cffcc
tivcIy function as a sccond waII inhaLitcd Ly confornist arty ncn
Lcrs and Lurcaucrats which wouId LIock thc inagcs coning fron
thc wcst, or at Icast hidc thcir contcnt fron thc ncw statcs norc dis
contcntcd rcsidcnts. In contrast to thc souIIcss ofcc LuiIdings of thc
caitaIist city ccntrc, Lcizigcr Strassc was to Lc a uLIic huL whcrc
housing and cuIturc cocxistcd for thc Lcnct of thc citizcn. Thc origi
naI (i6) roosaIs for thc strcct had cnvisagcd a varicd scrics of
highriscs, of which thc taIIcst wouId Lc Lctwccn zz and z storcys
high. In i;o, thcsc roosaIs fcII victin to rcviscd Ianning guidc
Iincs and an ccononic Ian which sccicd ncw construction ncth
ods, using ancIs fron thc ws ;o scrics (WohnLauscric i;o). Thc
conIctcd rojcct incIudcd a nunLcr
of 8iq storcy LuiIdings and four zz
storcy LIocks. AII incororatcd cuIturaI
anduLIic functions onthc Iowcr oors
and offcrcd attractivc Iiving conditions
initiaIIy avaiIaLIc onIy to thc riviIcgcd.
In sitc of thc rcIativc Iuxury cnjoycd Ly
rcsidcnts aIong thc striof Iandthat ran
adjaccnt to thc WaII, sonc of thcntook
advantagc of thcir Iocation to cc thc
country on scIfnadc hanggIidcrs.
Escac storics notwithstanding, thc
construction of Lcizigcr Strassc in thc
carIy ;os rcrcscntcd an inncnsc
urLan undcrtaking, thc sizc and inor
tancc of which couId Lc conarcd onIy
to thc construction of thc StaIinaIIcc in
thc ios. Frccd fron thc dcLatc sur
rounding Russian ncocIassicisn and a
nationaI styIc, Lcizigcr Strassc aIso
rcturncd architccturc to a forn of
aLstractcd cIassicaI nodcrnisn, and
with it cstaLIishcd thc siIhoucttc that
has rcnaincd so charactcristic of
Eastcrn BIoc Ianning as to Lcconc a
kindof nodcI for a sociaIist vcrnacuIar.
As thc ccntraI city within thc cLs
ccntraIIyIanncd cconony, BcrIin continucd to cnjoy a riviIcgcd
osition in tcrns of East Gcrnanys Ianning rojccts. What is intcr
csting aLout thc Iast hasc of its architccturaI arnancnt, though, is
that dcsitc thc fact that thc castcrn haIf of thc city couId Loast an
inrcssivc skyIinc, fuII of highrisc LIocks, tcIcconnunication tow
crs and othcr visuaI Iandnarks, thc ccntraI towcr, Iong ncant as its
star attraction, was ncvcr actuaIIy rcaIiscd a dcath that was rcgis
tcrcd, aroriatcIy cnough, in i; with thc construction of a Iong
horizontaI Lox. CaIIcd thc PaIacc of thc RcuLIic, and ocncd in i;6
on MarxEngcIsPIatz, on thc cxact sanc sitc that oncc hcId thc BcrIin
StadtschIoss, this scat of thc East Gcrnan arIiancnt was LuiIt, Iikc
thc towcr LIocks it was dcsigncd to conctc with, Lcncath a fashion
aLIc facadc of Lronzc nirror gIass. Instcad of conccntrating aII thc
inortant statc and arty institutions in onc LuiIding, in Iinc with
rcvious nodcIs, thc ncw aIacc was conccivcd as a nuItiurosc
uLIic LuiIding that wouId aIso housc thc coIcs chanLcr and its
nain nccting roon. Thc horizontaI oricntation
of thc aIacc was dcsigncd to ccho Loth thc forn
and thc function of thc tcnorary grandstand
Overleaf: Vicwovcr thc forncr East BcrIin, zoo
Takcn fronthc AxcISringcr VcrIag BuiIding
Arnin Linkc
i May i
Above and opposite: TriLunc PIatz dcr RcuLIik
Courtcsy Landcsarchiv BcrIin
nn riirs z z8 nn riirs

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