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Vampire the Requiem House Rules for Dreams of Darkness

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Vampire the Requiem House Rules for Dreams of Darkness

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Concept and Design: Jereme Linniel Erithil Lith Maethor Morwen Auriel Yulian (Embrace, originally posted in WW VtR forum) White Wofl staff (errata on original material) Bloodline Concept and Design: Cybersluagh (Tenebrae, originally Chiaroscuro, first seen in WW VtR forum) Ezo (Diaboli Nocturni, Pullignus) Gabryal (d'Antraigues) Jereme (Phenomial) Jo (Ranyar) Kae (Parvuli Angeli) Linniel Erithil (Ithilion, Kiasyd) Lith Maethor (Chrysalise, d'Antraigues, Daughters of Cacophony, Granuaile (originally Zephyrs), Ithilion, Kiasyd, Lamiae, Lhiannan, Nathran, Parvuli Angeli, Ranyar, Sancrouere) Mackie (Granuaile (originally Zephyrs), Tinkers) Morwen Auriel (Nathran) Sakura (Shao Luong) Yarf (Ranyar) White Wolf staff (VtM bloodlines of Daughters of Cacophony Kiasyd, Lhiannan) Covenant Concept and Design: Jereme (Childer of Haqim) Linniel Erithil (Childer of Haqim, Disciples of Asclepius, Orbis Cruentus) Lith Maethor (Childer of Haqim, Disciples of Asclepius, Odins Chosen, Orbis Cruentus) White Wolf staff (VtM clans of Assamite, Salubri, Tzimisce) Discipline Concept and Design: Jereme (Cauldura, Mentat) Cybersluagh (Nocturne, first seen in WW VtR forum) Ezo (Aeolis (originally Zephyrious), Deimos) Garlick (Crac, rituals first seen in WW VtR forum) Jo (Ogham) Kae (Eros) Linniel Erithil (Clerity, Folderol, Obtenebration, Valeren) Lith Maethor (Aeolis (originally Zephyrious), Crac, Deimos, Eros, Folderol, Grafis, Melpominee, Mentat, Nathazra, Ogham, Phantomus, Sanguinus, Talon of Flesh, Valeren) Mackie (Aeolis (originally Zephyrious), Cotterscraft) Morwen Auriel (Crac) Sakura (Luong Feng) Yarf (Ogham) White Wolf staff (VtR disciplines of Celerity, Obtenebration, Resilience, Vigor and VtM disciplines of Chimeristry, Melpominee, Mytherceria, Obeah, Ogham, Valeren, Vicissitude) Merit Concept and Design: Lith Maethor (Animal Ghoul, Cant of the Blood, Fighting Style: Feng Chuan, Fighting Style: La Guirlande Epineusse, Fighting Style: Blood Fury, Mandragora) Sakura (Fighting Style: Feng Chuan) White Wolf staff (Fighting Style: La Guirlande Epineuse) Developers: Jereme Lith Maethor Layout & Typesetting: Knightmare Linniel Erithil Lith Maethor Interior Art: Ian A.A. Watson (for most Bloodline and Covenant symbols) Lith Maethor (for the rest of them) Cover Design: lolaness Playtesters: All you players out there...

Thanks to all those that were forgotten, skipped or omitted for whatever reason from the Credits. Also, thanks to all our friends and the people close to us for putting up with us and the long hours we dedicated to this channel and the creation of this document. Special thanks to all the people in White Wolf for giving us one of the best Role Playing Games out there.

Dreams of Darkness is not connected to White Wolf in any way whatsoever, we are just a few of the people that enjoy their games, with a bit more extra time in our hands in order to create this document. We are responsible for whatever is written here unless stated otherwise in the Credits section. This document includes elements from all Vampire the Requiem related books, not just the rulebook. The original books are still needed and all sections of this document were written under the assumption the reader either owns these books, or at least has legal access to them.

For more info on the channel and probably the place you got this file from, please visit our site: For more info on Vampire the Requiem and the World of Darkness in general, please visit the White Wolf site For more symbols from White Wolf (and others) games, please visit WolfSpoor: This document was created with, so pay these guys a visit if you have the time...

Vampire the Requiem House Rules for Dreams of Darkness

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Table of Contents
Credits Chapter One: Society of the Damned Childer of Haqim Circle of the Crone Disciples of Asklepius Ordo Dracul Chapter Two: Character Merits Disciplines Chapter Three: Special Rules and Systems Appendix One: Bloodlines and Unique Disciplines Daeva Bloodlines Gangrel Bloodlines Mekhet Bloodlines Nosferatu Bloodlines Ventrue Bloodlines Unique Disciplines 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 15 16 32 34 35 45 53 57 65 71

Vampire the Requiem House Rules for Dreams of Darkness

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Gangrel with a missing hand, no eyesight and poor hearing before the Embrace of course one has to ask why a Sire would choose such a poor specimen will start his Requiem blind, with a missing hand but perfect hearing. The Blood makes someone fit to be a predator, but there are limits even to that power.

Chapter One: Society of the Damned

The Embrace
Overall, the experience lies somewhere between absolute, sensual pleasure, and the sort of blind, animal panic a drowning victim feels. The Kiss causes pleasure, and likely a drowsy sort of chill comes over you as you lose more and more blood, then warmth as shock begins to set in - shock victims feel very cold, but this would be the "warmth" of being very close to dying sort of a floaty numbness. Then, before the victim can just drift off into death, something just explodes across his tongue and burns its way down his throat. Of course that's when he start to feel his soul being violently altered, yanked away from wherever it was drifting to. The Vitae races through his digestive system, altering it as it goes, then starts surging through his circulatory system, reaching every part of his body as his cardiopulmonary system shuts down behind it. Once the heart stops, more panic sets in as he is sort of used to having that beat, and the Beast starts waking up for the first time. All he has to hold on to is the blood he is being fed and the overwhelming force of his Sire's will hammering down on him, guiding the changes. As the Vitae seeps free of his capillaries, he start to feel an absence of the chill and warmth from before. His jaw aches in an almost pleasurable fashion as it and his teeth start changing. His teeth align a bit straighter, any fillings are shoved free as they fill back in and sharpen across the crowns and incisor edges. His canines, of course, lengthen into lethal fangs, then the formerly immobile tissue around them alters, allowing them to retract far up into the jaw. His jaw itself lengthens a bit nothing too obvious of course giving his features a bit more of a feral cast as the joints at the ends of his mandible change, allowing a much greater bite radius than before. Over the next few hours, his new body starts settling into its changes. Any excess weight starts coming off at alarming speed, the fats being harvested for one last use, helping fuel the Vitae-created alterations, although unless he was quite thin to begin with, he usually retain at least some subcutaneous fat for contour, although most Vampires do run lean. What's left of his digestive and excretory systems have one last usage in a night or two, getting rid of the last bits of actual food he had beforehand, before shutting down entirely. His skin starts altering as well, becoming paler and smoother as minor blemishes vanish completely and his pores begin closing. Then, of course, his Clan becomes manifest. As he shakes off the Embrace itself, some portion of him enhances. He grows stronger, smarter, more perceptive, or more durable. His Disciplines manifest quickly. Technically they might be immediately available, but of course, he does have to figure out what it is he can do, although mild urges towards their use might manifest if his Sire doesn't immediately instruct him - such as an urge to try giving someone a direct order if he has developed Dominate, or a desire to try and look off into the distance or sniff objects if it's Auspex. While the Embrace will not free the new Vampire of anything like a missing limb or total loss of a sense, it does help the senses reach their full potential. For example, a newly Embraced

While most Vampires are content to spend their Requiems alone, the Danse requires them to form Coteries and this is something all Covenants actually support, each for different reasons of course. Loners are usually nudged into forming Coteries and naturally the ones pulling their strings are the Elders. Even so however, especially when the Coterie shares a haven, the bonuses outnumber the drawbacks.

THE COVENANTS The Childer of Haqim are a covenant of hired killers, spies and assassins. They are among the deadliest of Vampires and their reputation often puts them in the role of bogeyman, next to the most notorious of Acolytes, Belial's Brood or even VII. The founders of the covenant lived among the original assassins in the mountain fortress of Alamut. As is expected, the covenant counts most of it's members in the Arabic world. The Disciples of Asclepius stand in direct opposition to the Lancea et Sanctum and their dogma. They are accepted mostly in the East, where they often replace the Sanctified, but recently they have gained some respect among the Vampires of the Western world. The covenant claims descend from healers of Asclepius in Ancient Greece.

Dead Cultures

Around the globe, Mortals outnumber Vampires roughly 50.000 to one. Edinburgh however, like many other cities, can and does support a much larger ratio of Vampires, even after the recent blood moon massacre. One has to keep in mind that the more Vampires are out there, the more chances for things to go wrong and for Murphy's Law to triumph. With more potential fuck-ups in the city, the Prince is bound to be more strict about certain rules, especially those related to the Masquerade.

The Body Count

A Gilded Cage
Vampires are by no means fond of travelling, or even leaving territory they know in favour of new ones... this however does not mean that travelling between cities is impossible, or that there is a large number of Vampires who move to and from Edinburgh, without necessarily falling under the Nomad blanket term. Unless such Vampires are established in the society however, others tend to view them with suspicion and quite often act upon that perception

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The Danse Macabre

The Fog of Eternity
With the origin of the undying lost in time, theories fly back and forth among Vampires scholars, socialites during Elysium gatherings and curious neonates. Most of these theories are simply ideas thought during idle times with nothing but a vivid imagination to back them up and most of the times they are treated as amusing past time material. Sometimes however, a theory is formed that sounds as if it could answer the most ancient question in Vampire history and when that happens, the world changes... that is exactly what happened with the Sanctified dogma after all. Some scholars, presumably of the Lancea et Sanctum, believe vampires hail from none other than Caine, the biblical third mortal, the First Murderer who was cursed by God for his crime and who in turned Embraced the first Vampires. They say that as Jesus showed humanity the road to salvation long after its creation, so did Longinus showed them the task ahead long after the first Vampire, Caine, walked the face of the Earth. Others, more cordial to the Circle of the Crone, speak of Lilith the First Wife, mother of demons, the first aspect of the Crone and, according to them, the first Vampire. This theory is supported by the fact early worshipers of Lilith followed a path similar to that of the Acolytes where creation is power and even predators like Vampires have a place in the natural state of things and the food chain. Naturally, those opposed point out the Circle of the Crone simply absorbed such cults into its fold over the centuries. Unsurprisingly, the Covenant where most of these theories first form is the Ordo Dracul. The Dragons may not necessarily believe any of them, but even just for curiosity's sake or to promote their Great Work they try to validate or discredit any theory they come across, even those formed by those outside the Covenant. Unlike the theories of others however, Dragon theories are based on facts though the definition of fact is somewhat shady and not necessarily scientific not religious fervor and superstition. The Dragons believe than knowing the truth about their origins will give them insight about the ways to transcend the curse. Those few Dragons who can boast relatively close relations to the Uratha those better known as Lupines suggest the origin of Vampires cannot be found in the Material World, but across the Gauntlet, in the Shadow Realm. According to this theory, Vampires are nothing other than a Host, but not like the Azlu or Beshilu. It is not clear what the nature of the Host is however, some say Blood, others say Leech, Hunger, Murder or even Sloth. If this theory proves to be correct, sireless Embraces like those of Longinus or Dracula can be explained rather easily. Dragons with close ties to the Awakened and privy to their knowledge of the Supernal Realms say Vampire origins can be traced back to the realm of Stygia, the Underworld or even the Abyss, for less optimistic scholars. According to them, what spawned the curse in the first place, was either spawned in the realm of death then somehow leaked down to the Fallen World, or a cruel creation of the demons of Abyss meant to plague those not awakened to the truth perhaps in an attempt to destroy Mages before they awaken.

In Vitae Veritas
Predator's Taint
While players will not be asked to check for Frenzy upon meeting a new Vampire for the first time, the Predator's Taint has to be roleplayed, as if a successful roll was made this means no Frenzy, but all involved are quite clear on what they feel. The Storyteller can ask for an actual roll at his or her own discretion.

The Sweetest Sin

Vitae addicts and Vampires known to feast upon the blood of others of their kind, especially when its not because of age and Blood Potency, are not well liked and such behavior is best left for when there are no witnesses. Vampire lovers are expected to partake of each other's blood and are often suspects of addiction, or even Diablerie, but are generally tolerated as something unavoidable.

Common Law
Common sense and a survival instinct drive vampires to seek out the ones in power of either Covenant or Clan upon moving to a new city, if they ever do. After all they have a better chance to be accepted and survive if their Covenant or Clan can put in a good word to the Prince for them. It is common practice for Vampires to learn the basics of the power plays of their city before they actively take part in them, or choose to stay out of the Danse Macabre.

Clan, Bloodline and Covenant Restrictions

Life is not fair and unlife has no reason to be any different. Certain Bloodlines have a hard time getting accepted in a city, either because of past transgressions of their members or simply because of their very blood and powers. Other Bloodlines on the other hand are simply too localized to be found all around the globe, it is therefore wise to consult a Storyteller before selecting one for a character.

Feeding Restrictions
While the Prince is the ultimate authority in most cities with the exception of Carthian controlled ones he is not the only one to declare certain groups or places off limits. Individual Vampires will go to lengths to preserve and protect their private hunting grounds and in some cases this can lead to Final Death.

Vampire Covenants
While no Blood Hunt is called on a Vampire for leaving a Covenant, not in most occasions at least, Vampires who change their affiliations are often looked down upon and are mistrusted, both by their old Covenant and the one they join. Attempts of infiltration without the consent of his or her original Covenant's hierarchy can have dire consequences as the politics of the Danse Macabre require a delicate and fragile balance.

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Childer of Haqim
History speaks of Alamut, the mountain fortress of the Hassassin, the followers of the old man of the mountain a man named al-Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah and according to Awakened history, a Mastigos. Of an army of fanatics who did not even fear death. Of a heavenly garden and great riches. Of dark secrets and a river of blood. Of the first terrorists and their effect on the world. There that the first Childer of Haqim started their Requiems. In 1258, a few years before the final fall of the original assassins, a coterie of Vampires sent to kill the master of the sect, as some say infiltrated the fortress and before long, the men who put fear in the hearts of Crusaders, faced something beyond their understanding, or power. One by one, the elite spies and hitmen fell. For reasons unknown, one of the Vampires Embraced one of the fallen, known as Haqim, and soon after the attack ended, with the coterie along with the new childe leaving Alamut and a bunch of confused Hassassin behind. All info on Haqim's Sire or the coterie is lost but their number is known. Seven.


Once a Hassassin, always a Hassassin... but unlife has a way of changing things more than anybody can imagine beforehand. Because of this, not all the ideals of Hasan can be translated into the realities of the Requiem. This of course does not stop the Elders especially those who were alive during the days of Alamut to keep trying... if it worked then, it should work now... or so they keep telling themselves. Nobody can escape Death For the Hassassin, Death was the path to Heaven, to their promised reward, for the Childer of Haqim, Death is... well, they are Death actually and even though they will eventually meet Final Death, they are the instruments of death for others. As Death is inescapable, so must they be. Their reputation hints that they take this creed very seriously. Fear is the true path to power The Hassassin were spies as well as killers, as such, they were feared by all. Fear, gave them Overview respect, it gave them power. This legacy of fear is one After the initial attack, Haqim returned to the Elders of the Covenant seek to maintain. Even Alamut every few years, to bring into the fold more of his though Childer often are employed by Princes as Hounds or former brethren. In those raids, he often took the childer of in similar positions, it is clear that they have their own his Sire's coterie-mates who he trained in the ways of the hidden agenda ...and more so than other humans, what Hassassin. Those Vampires would later become the founders of the Vampires do not understand and cannot destroy they fear. Childer and arguably among the most feared Undying of history. Where they are now is everyone's guess, though most believe they are Rituals and Observances either in Torpor or met Final Death centuries ago. Traditional to the point of being anachronistic, the The founders of this Covenant were skilled assassins and Assassins keep the spirit of Alamut alive, centuries after the spies even before they were Embraced and they kept their tenets and training, refining them and adjusting to their newfound powers. Due mountain stronghold fell. Haqim himself and his childer made to some details in the Covenant's origin, there are those who link sure to convert those rituals and practices of the assassins, so that them to VII, a rumour the Elders of the Childer neither confirm nor they could work for the undying version, as well as the living. The Garden of Blood deny. As is expected, only a handful of Vampires are insane or Mortals Embraced into the Covenant, undergo a ritual that determined enough to prove there is a connection between the two. has its roots in the days of al-Sabbah. Before they awaken undying, they are transferred into a garden with riches, attractive mortals and Members plenty of blood. They are told they are in Heaven or for the less Open to all Clans, the Covenant urges its members to learn religious ones, simply a place where they are rewarded for their how to use their Disciplines as efficiently as possible. Age is loyalty. Those already Embraced are asked to drink from drugged respected but that doesn't mean younger Vampires have no place in mortals and are carried to the Garden before they snap out of it. the Covenant, after all, foot soldiers are always needed. While new Stronger than Steel recruits are often mistaken for cold blooded assassins, even they are Legend has it that when Hasan requested, his Hassassin disciplined enough to not draw too much attention to themselves. took their own lives, just to demonstrate his power over them. A Older and wiser Childer, are the ones training the rest and dealing variation of this theme works for the Childer. When the Elders of with security. In some cities, no Childe can accept a contract unless the Covenant ask, the Childer are expected to meet Final Death by his Elders approve it, or simply assign him to it. their own hand. In some domains, this only stands for the Childer

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that failed to complete a contract, or otherwise disgraced the Covenant After all old and wise Childer claim it is foolish to destroy your best weapons during a war and for the Childer of Haqim, there is always a war.

Clans in the Covenant

Daeva One would expect the Succubi to be rather numerous among the Childer thanks to their affinity to physical Disciplines. Their lack of control however, along with the Covenant's lack of obvious influence reduce them to shock troops and cannon fodder, with the occasional muscle or bodyguard. That said, many Daeva serve as the Covenant's public relations experts and recruiters. Gangrel Feared and respected for their survival skills, many Gangrel find the Childer a Covenant that accepts them as they are, in return they often have to instruct others in their skills and in turn be instructed, becoming more deadly and fearsome. While their feral streak often makes them unpredictable, they are still considered more in control than Daeva. Mekhet By far the most numerous Clan in the Childer, the Mekhet's affinity to stealth and secrets makes them ideal for the Childer. It is not surprising that most of the low ranking Childer are Mekhet, or that the same trend shows in the Childer that are known to most Vampires as experts in the field... or even more importantly, to those that forever remain in the shadows. Nosferatu Not as numerous as the Mekhet, Nosferatu often find the Childer as the perfect Covenant for them and their skills. Some of the Covenant elders are Haunts and quite skilled at their Clan Disciplines, as well as the secret arts of the Childer and any skills befit an assassin or spy. Ventrue Being kings more than king-makers, Ventrue are most often on the receiving or hiring end of the Childer and rarely among their ranks. So few are the Lords that join the Covenant that elders usually are suspicious of them, as Ventrue are notorious of using everything and everybody to advance their own agenda.

Titles and Duties

The Childer of Haqim, true to the traditions of Alamut, keep the old ranks and titles alive. If someone managed to witness a Childe meeting, he would have a hard time not thinking it is something out of centuries past. Titles, duties, mannerisms, they all point to a time where Alamut still stood and the Hassassin stirred fear in the hearts of their enemies. That said, the chance of an outsider being witness to any inner Covenant ceremony, is next to zero... or at least the survival rate is. Hujja This was originally the rank given to al-Sabbah, the old man of the mountain himself. These nights, this rank is given to the eldest Childe in a city and, some speculate, to the head of the Covenant in general, if such a person even exists. The Hujja is responsible for giving out assignments, for approving all contracts and dealing with the other Covenants and local authorities. Vizier As was always the case with those holding that title, a Vizier is an advisor in this case, of the Hujja. If Childer numbers in a city allow, there are six with this title, but even then their role is completely advisory... even if they all agree on something, it is the Hujja that has the final say. That said, most wise Hujja listen to their Viziers... after all, nobody can escape Death. Amr Caliph The top alchemists of the Covenant, those with this title know all possible applications of Cauldura and are responsible almost exclusively responsible for new solutions. When an Amr Caliph is in a city, he becomes the most important member of the Childer and is protected at all costs. Rafeek Factions within the Covenant Those bearing this title are the elite assassins of the Covenant, a killer's killer. They serve both as bodyguards to Hujja There are no known Factions within the Childer of Haqim. and Viziers alike, as well as to hunt down the most dangerous This could mean the Elders of the Covenant rule united, or that enemies of the Childer. As is expected, when employed by outsiders, Vampires simply do not know enough about the assassins. the boon owed to the Covenant is double.

Belial's Brood: Somebody should put them out of their misery... we are often paid to do just that... Camarilla: Such a thing could never work, especially not without our services... Carthian Movement: Not much better than the ones they oppose, simply taking a different path Circle of the Crone: True to their nature, but little else to them Disciples of Asclepius: Wolves playing sheep... not sure if we should admire them for their courage or pity them First Estate: Power hungry and obsessed with control... but they pay handsomely for a contract Lancea et Sanctum: More honest than the Crusaders, but just as vile Ordo Dracul: Not sure what they are all about... some of their abilities are very practical though Unbound: Lost... if they can be taught, enlighten them, if not remove them from your path VII: Efficient

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Circle of the Crone

Factions within the Covenant

As fractious as the Circle is, one could consider every city its own faction. Sometimes however certain belief systems and structures expand outside the limits of their place of origin and more Acolytes follow that specific dogma, always within the limits of worshiping the Crone of course. One of the most famous factions of the past that eventually broke off and became a Covenant in its own right is the Cult of Set. This faction first appeared in Egypt, as one might expect, and while most of the cultists never left the country, it spread quickly to the surrounding areas, as was the case with mortal cults of the ancient world. Similar, but never important enough or diverse enough to break off, was the Greco-Roman cult of the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis Diana for the Romans. Word is that most Acolytes of Greek or Italian origin, worship the Huntress. Rumours of fox hunts with normal prey have been heard, but they remain to this point just that.

As is natural and following the same pattern, Acolytes of Celtic origin focus on the worship of Morrigan, Brigid or other deities of the pantheon of their ancestors. Some of the most feared Acolytes were followers of Morrigan and blood was never in short supply when they were around. As one would expect, pretty much all countries with old worships and pagan history display such variations of the Circle, yet it is rare for such a faction to divert enough in order to break off. Some, however, come close enough and if they threaten to alter fundamental parts of the Crone worship and core philosophy, the Circle is known to take care of its own problems and usually in a terminal manner. Of particular interest are factions within the circle that focus on the worship of male deities. Holding a man in power among followers of perhaps the ultimate female cult, is at the very least a dangerous practice. Such factions are under constant surveillance and if they begin to lose focus, blood is spilled.

Cult of Set
We are the Guardians of this world, cross us and you will join the spirits we hunt
Legends speak of an ancient Covenant, one that rivaled the Camarilla itself, with its roots in Ancient Egypt. Vampire history mentions the Cult of Set usually in connection to the Circle of the Crone or the Mekhet Bloodline of Khaibit. This of course does not mean it is common knowledge in any way, just that if someone is willing to dig up info, this is all he will get. As the story goes on, the Cult of Set withered away as the old ways of Egyptian gods went out of practice and people accepted either the Roman gods, or a bit later the One God of Christian dogma. What history won't tell is that the Cult of Set survives to these nights. They may be part of the Circle of the Crone, but they have their own agenda and safeguard ancient secrets only few are deemed worthy of knowing. Those who know of them, speak of a supernatural task force, of spirit hunters that are often seen dealing with Mages, Lupines and even stranger beings. The cultists do not comment on such rumours, but every now and then a new recruit finds the truth about them. Appearance: Since the Cult originated in Egypt, it is no surprise most members especially the old ones are of Egyptian origin, or at least from the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Younger members can be of any origin, provided it does not traditionally conflict with the Cult's goals and that there actually is a tradition behind it. They try to dress in a way that keeps them out of notice and more often than not, they prefer clothes that provide hiding spots for small weapons, armour or even talismans. Some, have wards inscribed somewhere on their person. Haven: Cultists serve as guardians of the material world against spirits and other entities, as such they tend to keep their havens where they are most wanted. Sometimes this means underground tunnels next to forgotten shrines, other times its a cabin in the woods that just happens to be portals to the Shadow Realm or even the Abyss, and some times its right in the middle of Elysium, guarding the Hierophant, the Prince, or both. In any case, the Setites are found wherever their services are needed the most.

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Contrary to Circle customs, high ranking cultists sometimes take the title of Priest and they are the first to offer counsel to the Hierophant or Prince, as well as the ones who handle night-to-night affairs of the Cult. Since the Cult is not exactly public or numerous, most cities do not claim more than two or three Priests, where this is not the case its either because there are not enough cultists, or the Cult is in full strength and there are up to twelve Priests depending of course on the total population of Vampires in this city. Most cultists however, are Shadow Guards and make the backbone of the Cult of Set. These are the warriors, the bodyguards, the actual keepers of the ancient secrets... and in the end, the ones who get to put their ass on the line and the ones who risk everything each night, when dealing with spirits and corporeal dangers all the same. In some domains, these Vampires are called Hunters or Keepers. In those domains where the Cult is the bulk of the Circle, or where their numbers simply are enough to hold more titles, there is another caste, that of the Speakers. Such Setites are ambassadors, entirely responsible for creating and maintaining ties to the local Awakened and Uratha, since both have the means to help the cultists in their task of protecting the physical world. When the numbers cannot support them, that task falls to the aforementioned Priests. True to their origins, the Cult of Set practices numerous and elaborate rituals that some speculate actually go all the way back to the original Setites and Ancient Egypt. While this cannot be proven it certainly sounds accurate and in the end it matters little how true to the originals the rituals actually are... after all, the Setites are not trying please anyone, it is just their way of keeping their mission alive and bringing fresh blood into the fold... the details are not really that important. Concepts: occult researcher, mortal cultist follower of Set, Hierophant of Egyptian origin, paranoid Acolyte, mortal ghost hunter

Background: You don't hear about the modern Cult unless you are really good at snooping around, about to die or a possible recruit. Acolytes who end up in the Cult are among the most dangerous and even ruthless Vampires around. The cultists have a task to fulfil and that needs individuals who can see the big picture and do not stop at anything, anything less is simply not acceptable or does not survive for long anyway... spirits can be more dangerous than flesh and blood enemies sometimes. Due to the nature of their prey, members of the Cult of Set must be Vampires who are more than able to put aside superstitions, stereotypes, preconceptions and petty selfishness in order to work well with Lupines and Mages if needed as both have more experience when it comes to dealing with spirits than any Vampire or at least most of them, with the possible exception of the Cult's own Khaibit and Anubi. That said, most members of the Cult are quite schooled in the occult and more or less know what to expect, or at the very least have a better chance of being prepared for dealing with a troublesome spirit, an ancient curse, or something along those lines. Where the cultists may come short, is dealing with the mundane, whether mortal or supernatural not unlike mortal researchers of either the occult or science, who tend to lock themselves away for years in order to find something and end up getting cut off from the people around them. Organization: To no one's surprise, the members of the Cult follow hierarchy models found in Ancient Egypt and the clergy of the old gods. With that in mind, it is no surprise the cultists serve the Hierophant above all either after all, the title itself is something that originally belonged to the leaders of the Cult before they merge with the Circle of the Crone. When the local Hierophant is a member of the cult, their devotion is beyond imagination. When such a Hierophant becomes Prince, there is no Vampire who supports him more than his fellow cultists.

Odin's Chosen
Ragnarok may not come... but if it does, I will be the one who survives....
One more Circle cult that eventually rose and expanded beyond local borders, Odin's Chosen often cause mixed feelings to those around them. That is to be expected of course, since the members of this faction are not so different from apocalyptic pseudo-prophets. At first glance, they are just a bunch of paranoid vampires, that believe the end is nigh, or to be more specific, Ragnark of Norse Mythology. No matter what their beliefs however, they are honorable and will never break their word... if you make them to give it in the first place something most of them are not very fond of doing. Even though their philosophy revolves around Ragnark, it is not, as some expect, the core of their beliefs. While many focus on getting ready for a final battle, the vast majority use the Norse imagery more as an excuse to be always prepared for the worst. Other Vampires, especially those Embraced in recent nights, or of secular beliefs, are usually quick to dismiss them as deluded, outdated or simply crazy, but even then have to admit the Chosen are survivors. The Chosen themselves, do not care about what others think, they simply make sure that if Ragnark happens, they will survive.

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all human ideals, honor most of all. Living by a warrior's code, Odin's Chosen are reluctant, to say the least, to give their word, but once they do, there is practically nothing that can make them take it back. Some members of the Covenant are known to have met Final Death while keeping their word, even to a fallen comrade in some occasions. By the same measure, Odin's Chosen are relentless towards those who give their word to them but fail to uphold it. Organization: The Chosen have a myriad of titles, most of them only of importance during a mission and for Coterie-level activities. Most of these ranks are different from city to city and have been the source of many misunderstanding between Chosen of different cities. Some of the titles however are universal in both name and importance. Just like the Fates of Norse Mythology, the Norns of the faction are female and three. They are above all others and the ones that guide the Chosen out of the battlefield. In most cities, the Norns are believed to be able to see into the future, which makes them rather important, although their visions are nothing but glimpses, if even that. No man has ever taken the mantle of Norn even though the faction doesn't lack individuals worthy of it. Another order within the Chosen has members that resemble their namesakes in stature and skill, just as the Valkyries were the ones to bring the fallen to Valhalla, so are the members of this order the recruiters of the Chosen, the ones fishing Acolytes for new members. As expected by mythological imagery and pop culture alike, most Valkyries are highly charismatic and most often, very attractive though not always with long blond hair. The fighters of the Chosen, the order of the Einherjar are the ones that find themselves in the front line in whatever conflict takes place. The Einherjar can be anything from skilled warriors with a few decades of experience on their backs, to cannon fodder fledglings that were Embraced months ago and may or may not survive the next conflict. That said, most Einherjar are fully aware of this fact and believe that even death for the Covenant brings honor, within reasonable limits of course. As the seafaring Vikings had to go through the ritual of crossing the line to be fully accepted from their brethren, so do new Chosen. Even though the details of the ritual vary from one city to the next, one thing is in common, it is quite shocking and usually justifies the newfound respect Chosen have for those who undergo it. This rite of passage can be anything from testing the warrior side of the Chosen, to pushing his tolerance to extremes, something that has sometimes ended in frenzy, to the disgrace of those who failed. Concepts: Ex-military, follower of Odin, Hierophant of Norse origin, paranoid Acolyte, mortal psychic that became Norn

Elders of the Chosen sometimes hint at the younger members that there is some kind of a connection between this order of the Circle and the Lodge of Garm, of the Forsaken and the Suthar Anzuth, the Blood Talons. As is to be expected, few are those who try to find the truth behind this, most are not even aware Lupines are not just blood thirsty killing machines out for their blood. Those rare few that know enough of both factions note that their similarities are too many to ignore, but even those get nothing more than rumours from the Elders. Some rumours speak of the Norvegi, a Bloodline of cannibals, that sometimes joins the Chosen, as its founders, and of course it is a surprise to no one that the Rtgrafen are prominent members. Appearance: As a rule of thumb, most members of the Chosen are of Norse origin and generally fit. They favour practical clothes, usually with enough pockets to carry equipment for a small army. While this is mostly a side effect of their mentality, many Chosen give people a vibe not unlike that of marines, or men and women in special forces this usually makes them calculative and somewhat distant, but that is up to the individual and some can put a pretty social face on when in the company of others as to best hide and keep them off guard. Haven: With many Gangrel and nomads among them, Chosen claim a variety of havens from caves and abandon farmhouses to warehouses and normal apartments. The only thing these have in common is security and a second way out or in some cases, a third, fourth, etc... Usually having only the necessary, the apartment of a Chosen is rarely a mess unless of course this offers the Chosen added security. Whether it is a cave out in the wild, or an apartment downtown, there are rarely hints that anyone ever lived there, when the Chosen is not present. Background: Not sworn to secrecy or trying to hide from the mainstream Circle, Chosen like to recruit from those Acolytes who best fit their mentality. Deeply religious, with a militaristic undertone, Odin's Chosen are less fanatic than the Lancea et Sanctum but just as eager to hold their beliefs, no matter what. For them, Vampirism is simply another state of being and offers new possibilities, as well as is limited by new obstacles, but in essence it is not that different from mortal life. No matter what others think about Odin's Chosen, nobody can argue that they are among the most resourceful of Vampires and are rarely caught off guard. Always able to find the best way out of a tough situation, the Chosen are more often than not, the ones to get their coterie out of harm's way, sometimes by sacrificing themselves, or at least coming very close to it, following the second part of their beliefs... Being a Vampire is not an excuse for someone to abandon

Belial's Brood: Intriguing, dangerous, mindless.. I wonder if there is more to them Camarilla: A dream long dead... world vampire government? It would never work... Childer of Haqim: A mystery... one can only wonder what ancient secrets they hold Disciples of Asclepius: Interesting.... VII: There to cull the weak. We may not be weak, but it is best if we strike first

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Disciples of Asklepius
Presumably one of the oldest Covenants of Vampire society, the Disciples of Asclepius were founded in Ancient Greece, or at least this is what its members claim. Even though the truth about the Covenant's history is lost in the Fog of Eternity, rumor has it that it was founded by Embraced Asclepeians, healer priests of Asclepius. Their unique outlook of the Danse Macabre and their connection to snakes, causes much discomfort among Vampires, especially those with a few centuries of unlife. While not very common an attitude, some connect them to the presumably extinct Cult of Set or even the notorious VII, for those that are more conspiracy inclined. Either looking for easy power among what they believe to be naive fools, or truly moved by the display of mercy and forgiveness both extremely rare values in Vampire society new members join every night. No Clan or Bloodline is banned from joining and one can find a Neonate Embraced only a night ago, studying next to a 5 centuries old Elder, as if they were equals. Bloodlines that are focused on disease, illness or medicine in any way, are often accepted in order to mitigate the damage that would otherwise be done.

Firm believers of second chances and making a difference in the world, the Disciples devote their unlives to helping others mortal, vampires or otherwise in every way possible. In many ways, they resemble a monastic order one with warrior monks perhaps and try to set an example with their actions. Many often meet Final Death while trying to uphold their beliefs and this has gained some renown for the Covenant as a whole in as many cities as those where it makes them loathed for their strength of conviction and their attitude to others. Everybody deserves guidance True to their character, the Disciples rarely turn down a possible recruit. They believe everyone can be made to see their way is best, even the most devout Lancea et Sanctum Inquisitor. This does not mean they are nave of course, but that they try to keep an open mind... whether or not the person in question follows their way is a different matter altogether. Even if others do not join the Covenant however, the Disciples still offer their help if asked, or if they see it fit to do so, something that often puts them in direct confrontation with the followers of Longinus.. To follow is to believe Disciples may be pretty open when approaching possible recruits, but once someone joins the Covenant, no pretense is tolerated, you either truly believe, or you do not belong among them. Posers often find it easier and safer to leave the Covenant for one that suits them better and those who have been expelled in this manner, do not speak of the details, at least not lightly. This does not mean there are no infiltrators in the Covenant, simply that they do not last for long, or that they end up true believers before long.

The Disciples of Asclepius go against what most Vampires believe to be proper attitude, or necessary evils in their Requiems. There is no need for Vampires to perpetuate the circle of fear and violence. Having a second chance at life as plagued as it may be by the realities of Vampire physiology means people should try and make a difference in the world. Naturally, this very attitude makes the Disciples heretics in every domain where the Sanctified hold power, whether they rule the city or not. To them, the healers of the Covenant are nothing more than pagans or fools that defy the truth of Longinus and all his church stands for. When in a Sanctified domain, the Disciples often have only two options, fight or flee, more often than not, the Disciples choose to flee but stands against all odds are not unheard of. To those who only have a brief exposure to the Disciples and their Requiems or those with different ideas about unlife, like First Estate or Sanctified members they seem like nave do-gooders who are blind to what it really means to be Kindred. They say they will learn with time and grow out of it when they are forced to make one sacrifice after the other. This would certainly be the case, if the Covenant did not claim many Ancillae and Elders among its members. There are old and powerful Disciples who managed to avoid all traps and dangers of unlife or fell and got back up and are there to help younger Vampires follow in their steps.

The majority of the Disciples believe that the dogma of the Lancea et Sanctum is as far from the truth as possible. This means a great deal of them are Lancea et Sanctum members that changed Covenant when they found an opportunity to. Such members left behind any and all knowledge they had and even if they know Theban Sorcery rituals, choose never to use them. A number of new members joined the Covenant after witnessing an Elder perform a miracle on someone, even if that someone was the Elder's enemy.

Rituals and Observances

Ever the antithesis to the Church of Longinus the Lancea et Sanctum the practices of the Disciples are more personal and without the fanfare and grandiose seen in most parishes. What they have in common however, is that they focus on the Covenant's beliefs in such a way that after attending a ritual, the Disciple finds his own faith in their goal strengthened and their hearts lighter.

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Hesychasm While the term was first used after Christianity was established in the Roman Empire, the practice itself is both older and universal usually with similar practices under the blanket term meditation. Disciples spend a couple of hours in perfect stillness and silence, looking inward and trying to explore their inner self. Some Disciples of Eastern descend, call this opening the third eye yet this is just a poetic description or at least nothing supports a third eye actually appears on the ones practicing Hesychasm. Progonon Paraklisis Although it is not necessary, this ritual is usually performed by all the Disciples in a city. The Disciples use chants long forgotten by the bulk of humanity (except perhaps those Awakened aka Mages) to call the spirits of their ancestors, either Mortal or Undying, and ask for guidance. This ritual helps the healers to strengthen their own resolve and their sense of community.

Titles and Duties

While the healers are the exact opposite of the Sanctified, their model of hierarchy is similar. Both Covenants are not unlike clergy after all and tend to be more interested in the spiritual side of things, rather than politics and the nightly struggle of egos at least as much as they can afford to do so without endangering themselves. Disciple officials are more spiritual guides than leaders. Panacea Similar to the Acolytes' Hierophant, the Panacea is at the same time the spiritual and political leader of the Covenant in a city. It is also the one responsible for the rest and the one to deal with the local authorities. More often than not, they are excellent diplomats a necessity, given the Covenant's reputation. In most cases, the Panacea is a former Ophiuchus who got chosen by the other Disciples to serve the Covenant. Ophiuchus Among the best snake handlers in Vampire society and akin to Sanctified Priests in duty, the Ophiuchoi do not go unnoticed and usually are rather vocal about their convictions. Standing by the Panacea's side, they are often advisers both to their leader and to those outside the Covenant. In situations where they are forced to reveal their martial side, they are formidable opponents that always keep an ace up their sleeve ...or a deadly asp.

Daeva Not so different from Daeva elsewhere, the Succubi of the Disciples are more often than not the spokespersons or muscle. It is not strange to see one of them beat the crap out of people in a bar fight, only to tend to their wounds after the ruckus is over and making sure nobody got really hurt. Gangrel A seemingly oxymoron, there is nothing more unnerving than a Savage Disciple. The Clan's shapeshifting abilities combined with the snake handling of the Covenant, make a very dangerous and sometimes volatile mix. Most Gangrel to join do so in order to keep their bestial sides at bay. Mekhet Strangely the most populous Clan in the Covenant, the Shadows make the backbone of the Disciples. Some say it is because of their insight, or their ability to find secrets in most cases ancient cures where others cannot. Mekhet Elders sometimes say that the different approach opens up new paths to knowledge. Nosferatu Beauty is only skin deep, the saying goes... the Haunts that join the Disciples try to prove that so is ugliness. Usually helping those in the outskirts of civilization and in the center of cities sometimes they can often be found among those who can barely afford to eat, let alone pay for doctors. Ventrue When the Lords get interested enough to join the Disciples, they usually end up being the coordinators of the Covenant, or in some cases the diplomats. While most are surprised to see a Ventrue helping others, the wiser among them note that people are more eager to follow someone they like and respect.

Clans in the Covenant

Factions within the Covenant

There are no known factions within the Disciples of Asclepius, but whether this is the actual truth or simply lack of information, is anyone's guess. Cells of the Covenant in many cities have different rituals, rites and customs, in much the same way the Circle of the Crone cells form, but even so the Covenant displays an impressive image of unity.

Stereotypes Belial's Brood: Unhealthy reaction to centuries of Sanctified influence over Undying society Camarilla: We have watched them rise and fall, we endured, they did not Carthian Movement: A good idea I am sure, but lacking spirituality Childer of Haqim: I don't get them Circle of the Crone: Deluded like the rest, using their beliefs as an excuse for the monsters they are First Estate: Power means nothing without a purpose Lancea et Sanctum: It pains me to see how low one can sink and how easily an excuse for it can be found Ordo Dracul: On the right path... just a few steps behind Unbound: Waiting to be saved, help them as you can, but never force them into our beliefs VII: Scourge of the Undying, Fanatic Assassins or something far more sinister

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Ordo Dracul
Dragons who belong to one faction or the other, are often as Factions within the Covenant different from the rest as if they are of a different Covenant. With Boasting almost as many factions as the Circle of the Crone, the Sworn of the Ladder and the Sworn of the Locust being the the Order of the Dragon is an interesting case. Some of the most extreme cases, factions within Ordo Dracul can factions are the ruling castes with the Sworn of Axe, endorse radically different behaviours, from the most Dying Light and Mysteries, being the epitome of what a humane, to the most detached. Still, only a handful of Dragon can be while others are hidden societies, a those can be placed in their faction with certainty. conspiracy's conspiracy as is the case with the Sworn In recent nights, rumours spread of a new faction of the Ladder and Locust. rising among the elite Dragons, those who have Membership to a faction especially to one of mastered the Coils and seek something more, the hidden ones, does not prevent a Dragon from something different. This faction is known by many joining another, in some cases it is even expected from names, Orbis Cruentus Latin for Crimson Circle and him to hold membership to multiple factions, even those Sworn of the Dragon, being the prevalent ones. Slaves and of opposite beliefs after all, what better way to hide their Masters alike, speak of beings that are barely vampires in true allegiance? Rumours speak of high ranking Dragons any way. Edinburgh is often cited as the faction's stronghold. who are members of up to three different factions.

Orbis Cruentus
One can not hope to transcend, when the flesh is holding back evolution
Nobody knows exactly how Orbis Cruentus was founded, the truth is hidden under layers of lies. Some give credit to the rumours that name the faction Sworn of the Dragon, and claim that, as the brides founded their Sworn, so did Vlad. In short, there are those Dragons, that believe Dracula himself, after mastering the Coils some even say during his time in Torpor founded them. While there is no way to prove or disprove such claims, the Dragons of Orbis Cruentus are legendary. Even rumours of their uncanny abilities are enough to send spine chilling shivers to even battle hardened Elders. Seeing one of them in action can shake most minds and leave them scarred for eternity or in some cases, enlightened. Though most Vampires are not aware of the Crimson Circle, those that are try to either stay away or never attract the, unwanted, attention of the Sworn of the Dragon. The members of the Orbis Cruentus have taken the struggle to change to a more physical level and most of them look rather inhuman, in a good or bad way, more importantly however, the Sworn of the Dragon think inhuman. Members of the other Covenants and even most Dragons outside the faction are usually unnerved by the fleshcrafters and tend not to trust them, but quite frankly, the Sworn of the Dragon could not possibly care less. Over the centuries, there have been many Dragons claiming to be Vlad Dracula himself. Some of them were Sworn of the Dragon and supported the rumours that claim him as the faction's founder, but officially as much as this can be told the Orbis Cruentus has never supported their claims in return. In a strange twist of fate, this seems to give such claims even more credibility as often truths are denied by those involved. Even with all the rumours, lies, bits of knowledge in general and whispers in the dark about the Sworn of the Dragon, the very existence of the faction is not something many know. Elders will sooner dismiss all talk of them as hearsay and superstition, before giving any sort of useful information provided they possess something useful in the first place. Most Dragons ranking lower than Adept never even get word of the faction and unless they are Sworn, they never get anything more than speculations about them. So secretive is the faction, that Ordo Dracul Elders speak of unworthy Dragons who found out about the Sworn of the Dragon and were destroyed no later than three nights after. Even more disturbing are the rumours that say many of these Dragons took their own lives and it had nothing to do with assassins sent by the Orbis Cruentus, or anything of the like. One report in particular is

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really care about how Dracula became a Vampire, he had one good idea, Vampirism and an eternity of unlife gives you the chance to evolve and you have to do whatever possible to make it happen. That said, some of the Sworn of the Dragon are among the leading Vampire experts on origin theories and the insight each of them can bring to one who wishes to transcend the curse of vamprism. Altering your body means you are capable of taking the necessary steps. Their fascination with flesh leads some to think of the Sworn of the Dragon as narcissists and hedonists and make no mistake there are both within their ranks and lately in an alarmingly large percentage - as they work their way up the Dragon's Tongue. Organization: For a faction that is based on self improvement and individuality, the Orbis Cruentus have a strict hierarchy that is based on how far on the Tongue the fleshcrafter is. Even though when two members meet, no formal, faction specific, title is used, both know if the other is their superior or not, Blood Potency matters little but respect is not something that is automatically given to one of higher status, like most things it has to be earned. While all other hierarchies and ranking systems are completely ignored, it is common for Sworn of the Dragon to show some respect to those who are higher than them in another faction, even more so if it is known that the other Orbis Cruentus belongs to a second faction as well, and thus is twice or even thrice Sworn before joining. The Voivode is the highest ranking of the faction in a city and almost always, one of the Sworn of the Dying Light. The Voivode is also the one leading the ceremonies and annual meetings meetings taking place always on the night of crimson moon, the full moon of August. On average, the Voivode lasts for ten years, unless the one holding the seat is ineffective, which usually leads to a rather abrupt removal. Those already Sworn in the Mysteries, can find themselves bearing the rank of Vourdolak. They are the counselors of the Voivode and are usually female but that varies from one city to the next. What is common is that their control of the common and rare Coils, not related to fleshcrafting, far exceeds their skill with the art of body sculpting. The elite guard of the faction, the ones holding the title of Volkodlak are masters of fleshcrafting and quite adept at using their skills in combat. They guard the faction's and Covenant's secrets and will go to great lengths to make sure nothing gets out without them saying so. Usually male, but in recent nights more and more female Dragons follow that path after all, most Volkodlaki are Sworn of the Axe and their founder was Mara. Concepts: Mad scientist, monster in human guise, enlightened Sworn, master shapeshifter, transcendence specialist

enough to make most stop any research concerning the Sworn of the Dragon. According to it, a well known Master of Equilibrium and Sworn of the Mysteries from Dublin, made the mistake of sharing information about the Orbis Cruentus with a Slave and the following night, each member of the local academy received a body part of both the Master and the Slave. Appearance: As a result of their fleshcrafting abilities or just their mindset members of Orbis Cruentus are inhuman. Some of them are very attractive with exotic traits, while others are nightmarish and monstrous. Needless to say, some of the most extreme cases are rarely, if ever, seen in public, as they would draw too much attention and that is something no vampire wants. The official colour of the Sworn of the Dragon is, ironically, green. Though never spoken, no Dragon who is not a member of the Crimson Circle dares wear green in any official event. Those that do are either on their way to become members or soon to vanish from existence, in either case not repeating the offense. Haven: Members of Orbis Cruentus tend to follow what trends other Dragons follow or in some cases, the Sworn of their primary oath. However, if one was to run around the globe, from one Orbis haven to the next, he would see that most of them share certain traits, tall castles, impressive structures drawing attention. Some speculate that the Sworn of the Dragon are pompous and pretentious while others believe this is a form of tribute to the alleged founder of the faction and Ordo Dracul in general. If asked about it, they simply shrug it off and say it feels right and cannot see themselves living elsewhere which of course fuels those calling them pompous and pretentious even more. Background: While the faction is open to all Clans and ages, it takes a special kind of Dragon to become a member. One requirement that is non-negotiable is the fact all recruits are already members of the Sworn. It doesn't matter if their oath is to the Axe, the Dying Light, the Mysteries, the Locust or the Ladder... unless they have already proven themselves to be dedicated enough to hold membership in at least one other faction, they cannot join. While Orbis Cruentus Dragons do not shun any of the philosophies of the other factions at least not openly the Sworn of the Dragon require from their members to not draw too much attention to themselves. This of course means that few Sworn of the Locust bother trying their luck with Orbis Cruentus. There have been reports of academies composed entirely of Dragon Sworn. More secular than the rest of the Ordo Dracul, the Dragons of Orbis Cruentus may not dismiss God as the figment of someone's imagination, - though a large number of them supports theories about the creation of Vampires in general and Dracula in particular that do not involve the judeochristianic god in any way but don't

Belial's Brood: Misguided or hired trouble, in any case, nobody can be that stupid for real Camarilla: Good in theory perhaps... but lousy implementation... and none of us leading... it was bound to fail Childer of Haqim: One wonders if they are connected to the Azerkatil in any way... time will tell Disciples of Asclepius: Idealistic and nave, or possessing knowledge we do not... a real conundrum VII: A mystery wonders if they know something we don't

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animal itself never increases its Blood Potency after all. Any animal can be turned into an Animal Ghoul, but it is both customary and practical for Vampires to choose predatory animals for their companions and guardians. Unsurprisingly, the members of the Gangrel clan are most often found in the company of such Ghouls over the more socially accepted human ones and usually treat them better than they would treat the humans as well.

Chapter Two: Character

Character Creation

Step Four: Add Vampire Template

Covenant The Children of Haqim: The assassins of Alamut have access to the alchemy of Cauldura and the potions and poisons of their trade that make them deadly. The Disciples of Asclepius: The healers and defenders that exist to prove the Sanctified may not be all that, have access to the defensive or healing rituals of Valeren. Disciplines The five Clan specific Disciplines are not available to characters with creation dots unless of course they belong to the Clan that claims the Discipline and can only be purchased with experience or during the chronicle. The only exception is when they are treated as Bloodline Disciplines. Blood Magic Some rituals or forms of Blood Magic require membership in a faction within a Covenant. If the character is not a member of that faction, the ritual or form is not available.

ANIMAL GHOUL CREATION Step One: Concept Choose Ghoul species/name, function and concept. Step Two: Attributes Distribute 4/3/2 (in any order among them). Step Three: Disciplines Assign two dots to Disciplines (one to a in-clan Discipline). Step Four: Assign Skills Distribute 6 dots between Skills of your choice. Step Five: Rank Bonuses Each rank grants one extra Attribute or Skill dot to be added to the base ones. Step Two: Finishing Touches Record Willpower (Resistance x2), Vitae (Resistance +1), Initiative (Finesse x2), Speed (Power + Finesse + Species factor), Defense (Finesse) and Health (Resistance + Size).

Effect: A variation of the Retainer Merit, Animal Ghoul deals with non-human retainers and companions of the Undying that in some cases are more popular than their human counterparts As such, these Ghouls are treated more like Uratha Totems and Mage Familiars and range from rebellious to well-trained, depending on the number of dots purchased. Animal Ghouls are often described as larger, more fierce versions of their mundane cousins. This however is not always the case and when calculating the Size of an Animal Ghoul it should be noted that the Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether the creature has increased in size under the mystical influence of Vitae. It is possible for a player to raise the traits Attributes or Skills of an Animal Ghoul with the Character's experience points at a cost of 6x new dot. New Discipline dots cost 8x new dot and only the physical Disciplines are available to Animal Ghouls, since they do not possess the intelligence needed to master other Disciplines that said, there have been rumours about Animal Ghouls with Animalism, Auspex, Majesty, Nightmare and even Protean. Who and what the Regnant is, plays a significant role in the development of the Animal Ghoul. Nobody can teach his Animal Ghoul a Discipline he himself has not mastered. The Regnant's Blood Potency is irrelevant when it comes to what the limit is for the Animal Ghoul, no matter what, 5 is always the maximum the

Animal Ghoul ( to )

Prerequisite: Vampire. Effect: Though the thought never crosses the mind of most Vampires, truth is that the Blood that binds them together, the carrier of their curse, alters their way of perception when it comes to verbal communication. Similar to the High Speech of the Awakened, or the First Tongue of the Uratha, Cant of the Blood is a Vampire language and understandable only by them, with Clan affecting accent.. Surprisingly enough, not many know the Cant even exists. In ancient times it was the only way for Vampire to communicate, as well as component to many rituals, but perhaps due to the Fog of Eternity, its secret was lost to all but few that have interest in digging into Vampire history and lore. The mystical properties of Vitae, as well as the peculiarities of the Vampiric condition allow them to communicate meanings alien to outsiders. Unlike the Tongue of the Beast the members of Belial's Brood are rumoured to use, Cant of the Blood is a structured language and capable of complex conversation. Even though the irrationality of the Beast is part of the Vampiric condition, it is by no means the basis of the Cant, Vampires are more than mindless monsters thirsty for blood and regardless of Potency, the Cant is theirs to know. Prerequisite: Status (Ordo Dracul) or higher, Sworn. Effect: Those precious few that lead the Order of the Dragon as Sworn, have access to its deepest secrets, this one enables the Vampire that possesses it to advance in the coils as if they were individual ladders and not to be halted by the growing difficulty of changing oneself. Even hinting at the existence of such a power to

Cant of the Blood ()

Coil Separation ()

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outsiders is reason for destruction. Coil Separation is not even mentioned in Ordo textbooks and archives, but is instead whispered among the high ranking Dragons that have access to it. A Character with this Merit can purchase Coils as if they are separate Disciplines, calculating only the prior tiers to the one they seek to learn instead of all the tiers of all the Coils they know thus far. For example, a Dragon with Coil of Banes 2 and Coil of Blood 3 that wishes to learn Coil of Banes 3 will purchase it as a third level Coil instead of a sixth level one.

Fighting Style: Feng Chaun ( to )

The pride of the Shao Luong Bloodline, Feng Chuan (The perfect footsteps) is a martial art that takes advantage of their unique ties to the earth and the flow of energy. Following the principles of their signature Discipline, the Shao Luong are able to perform feats impossible for others. Prerequisites: Dexterity , Stamina , Strength , Brawl , Luong Feng Effect: Your character is trained in the art of manipulation the ley energies and is a member of the Shao Luong Bloodline or has been taught by one and can manipulate ley energies otherwise, which is theoretically impossible. Dots purchased with this Merit allow access to unique martial art moves. Each move is a prerequisite for the subsequent maneuver. So your character cannot have Dragon Scales until he has Push Hands. These moves and their effects are described below. All moves are based upon the Brawl Skill. Due to the unique nature of this Fighting Style, for the moves to work as intended, Luong Feng must be activated and this costs Vitae as per its normal use, naturally this makes it all the harder for a Shao Luong to keep a straight face if fighting with hunger as well as the opponent. Push Hands (): The Shao Luong's Defense is added to his attack dicepool against an opponent after he fails to land a hit. This power works for a whole scene as long as a Luong Feng power is used. Dragon Scales (): Using ley energies as a shield, masters of this move add their Luong Feng rating to their Defense. The duration of this effect is limited by the Blood Potency of the Shao Luong at a rate of one turn per dot Throwing Touch (): Understanding the flow of ley energies goes a long way and enables the Shao Luong to perform a throw without the need for a grapple before. Butterfly Wings (): Like Whirlwind Strike from Fighting Style: Kung Fu, but the Luong Feng rating is added to Dexterity for the purpose of calculating maximum attacks. Stone Fist (): By focusing energies on the very tip of the attack, the Shao Luong is able to inflict lethal damage with his hands at a bonus of +1.

Fighting Style: Blood Fury ( to )

Considered the most dangerous Vampires and for good reason, the Gangrel are deadly in close combat, partly because of their dreaded claws that can reduce a Vampire to ash within moments. Some Savages took things one step further and managed to hone their feral combat prowess and protean abilities so they can be used with finesse without losing any of their brutal efficiency. Prerequisites: Dexterity , Brawl , Protean , Instantaneous Transformation, Partial Transformation Effect: Your character is trained in shapeshifting, a master of Protean indeed, and almost exclusively Gangrel, as the members of the Clan do not share this secret easily. Dots purchased with this Merit allow access to unique combat maneuvers using Protean abilities. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the subsequent maneuver. So your character cannot have Ambush until he has Bestial Focus. These maneuvers and their effects are described below. All maneuvers are based upon the Brawl Skill. Due to the unique nature of this Fighting Style, for the maneuvers to work as intended, Protean and any Devotions used must be activated and this costs Vitae as per its normal use, naturally this makes it all the harder for a Gangrel to keep a straight face if fighting with hunger as well as the opponent. Bestial Focus (): Learning how to focus on another predator, the Gangrel gains a +1 bonus for his next attack against that opponent. This can only be used on Vampires, Uratha, Thyrsus mages or skinchangers, as only those are predatory enough to be considered a worthy challenge. Ambush (): Able to survive out in the wild is not the only merit of Haven of Soil. A Gangrel learning this maneuver can strike against a single opponent in the same turn he emerges from the ground without penalty. Pounce (): Either from animal form, or using Partial Transformation, the Gangrel pounces his target, automatically making an overpowering move without the need for grappling. Jaw Lock (): Whether using maw or beak, canine teeth or serpent fangs, the Gangrel is able to snap his jaws around the flesh of his target. While to use this maneuver a grapple is needed, it then acts as one, leaving the Gangrel's hands free to be used. Spirit Rend (): The source of many rumours and hushed Elysium whispers, this maneuver does not come cheap but is extremely effective. Using it enables the Gangrel to perform two attacks using Claws of the Wild, while in the form of Body of Spirit at least partially.

Fighting Style: La guirlande epineuse ( to )

Exclusive to the Spina Bloodline of the First Estate Daeva and the Most Honourable Order of the Thorned Wreath, La guirlande epineuse is a deadly fighting style that manages to combine the lethality of a fine sword with that of Disciplines like Celerity and Vigor at least in its pure form. Prerequisites: Dexterity , Weaponry , Celerity , Vigor Effect: Your character is trained in the art of sword fighting and is almost exclusively a Spina of the Thorned Wreath, taught by a master of the same line and order. Dots purchased with this Merit allow access to unique combat maneuvers using swords. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the subsequent maneuver. So your character cannot have Bluff until he has Insult. These maneuvers and their effects are

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attacks Tara with a baseball bat and dicepool of 7, her defense of 7 would render him harmless, but his Celerity rating of 2 subtracts from her 4, leaving her at Defense 5, and Malcolm attacks with dicepool of 2, missing all the same. Tara just smirks, and moves to grab the insolent neonate with dicepool 9, her Celerity 4 cancels out Malcolm's Celerity rating of 2, leaving him with Defense 2. He is grabbed, and will answer for this attack against the Sheriff as well.

described below. All maneuvers are based upon the Weaponry Skill. Due to the unique nature of this Fighting Style, for the maneuvers to work as intended, the Disciplines must be activated and this costs Vitae as per their normal use, naturally this makes it all the harder for a Spina to keep a straight face if fighting with hunger as well as the opponent. Insult (): Like Thrust from Fighting Style: Fencing, but the character's Vigor rating is added to the attack roll. Bluff (): Like Feint from Fighting Style: Fencing, but the character's Celerity rating is added to the attack roll. Repartee (): Like Riposte from Fighting Style: Fencing, but the character's Celerity rating is added to the dodge roll, while his Vigor rating is added to the attack roll. Final Say (): Like Moulinet from Fighting Style: Fencing, but the highest of the character's Celerity or Vigor rating is added to the attack roll. Prerequisite: At least one dot in the Haven ( to ) Merit whether it is Location, Security or Size. Effect: Part Retainer, part Haven Security, a Mandragora plant is an eerie and quite useful addition to the personal domain of any Haven. It takes time and effort for a plant to be nurtured into Mandragora so only the most patient or stubborn of Vampires are able to create them. Gardeners of the Circle of the Crone are often the creators of these plants. One dot of this Merit represents a newly created Mandragora plant that offers no real benefit to the Vampire. Two dots represent a Mandragora that displays all the known traits of mandrake plants, but does not produce lacrima. Finally, three dots represent a Mandragora capable of producing lacrima at a rate of one litre per week. The fourth and fifth dot, double and triple lacrima production respectively.

The Dice Pool is not affected by Status, unlike the Dice Pool for Dread Gaze that is. Dice Pool: Wits + Persuasion + Dominate Resolve

The Forgetful Mind Possession

Mandragora ( to )

Since Possession cannot be used on Vampires, the bonus dice given when used on blood relatives, is not applicable.


The effect works automatically. Rather than comparing successes people are now always affected in order of Composure levels, lowest first, highest last. So it's still not possible to single out a specific person. The amount of people affected is still determined by the penalty you are willing to take. The chart remains the same. People affected pay attention to the Vampire. They laugh at jokes and believe the stories the Vampire tells. Subsequent uses of Awe can be attempted to affect more people, but the results of the new Disciplines attempt replace the successes of the previous roll (so it could get worst if you get less successes). Success: Any social rolls he engages in with them gains a Auspex number of bonus dice equal to the number of successes rolled to activate the power. Aura Perception Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. The power can be resisted by a contested Composure + The power is still 1 scene and people can still be thrilled to Power Trait roll on the subject's part. see the Vampire again after the affect has ended. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex

When using Celerity, a Vampire's rating is automatically Monstrous Countenance subtracted from the rating of any opponents also using Celerity he is The power now affects just one person. You can only affect a engaged in combat with. When facing an opponent without Celerity, group indirectly in that the companions of the affected person may it offers only the normal bonus in Defense. decide to follow his lead and join in on running away. This is purely Example: Sheriff Tara Kerrigan tracks down the Mekhet neonate up to the group members though, as they are not directly affected by Malcolm she is supposed to bring to Prince Macalister, but when she the power. The onlooker must still see the Vampire and the corners him in an alley, Malcolm decides to fight. Tara has activated television/video clause is still in place. Action: Contested, resistance is reflexive Celerity 4 and Defense trait 3, resulting in Defense 7. Malcolm has Defense 2 and Celerity 2 activated, giving him Defense 4. When he



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Cost: Each Solution requires a number of Vitae equal to its level and only from the user himself, not a donor, willing or otherwise. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Science + Cauldura Action: Extended. The number of successes required to create the Solution is five times the level of the Solution. Each turn represents five minutes of mixing. Note also that each point of damage suffered in that time is a penalty to the next mixing roll made for the Character, in addition to any wound penalties that a caster may might suffer. Vitae is spent and lost before the mixing starts, without the possibility of ever being reclaimed. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The solution fails to be created, or is created with different effects, but the user of Cauldura is blissfully ignorant and considers the solution a success, something that can often lead to disastrous effects and has claimed the life of many a Childe of Haqim. Failure: The solution is not created, but the caster can try again without any penalty. Success: The solution is created and remains usable for a number of nights equal to the successes rolled. Exceptional Success: No added effects, additional successes are their own reward. (Level-One Cauldura Solution) Unfortunately for would-be assassins, their targets often have a small pack of dogs guarding their homes and havens. Fortunately for the Childer of Haqim, this Solution smells exactly like them but more intensely, as to distract, confuse and mislead any dog or tracker based on scent. This Solution is so powerful that scent-wise, whatever is coated with it registers as the user himself, even another person. Additionally, after the next dawn, the scent fades and is even removed from the memory of anybody who took notice of it.

Mortal Fear
The Nosferatu clan weakness does not apply to the Discipline users roll. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare subjects Composure

Shape of the Beast
While she is in animal form, a vampire can use any Discipline in her repertoire except for Blood Sorcery and Dominate (which becomes impossible when one is trying to bark and yip commands). Each form conveys a separate host of benefits due to its form: As a wolf, the vampires claws and teeth inflict lethal damage and add a +1 bonus to attack pools, Speed is doubled, Size becomes 4, and two bonus dice are added to any Wits + Composure rolls to be aware of events that happen in the wolfs environment. As a bat, the vampires Strength and Size become 1, but he can fly at a Speed of 20 (plus five more per dot of Vigor activated), three dice are added to all hearing-based rolls, and Defense increases by two. Adjust the vampires Health to reflect the Size of the new form. The vampire's Clan plays a significant role in what forms Shape of the Beast grants and quite often, as does the Bloodline. While wolf and bat are what legends speak of when it comes to vampire forms, this is what actually happens, based on Clan: Daeva: Lynx and Hawk Gangrel: Wolf and Falcon Mekhet: Cat and Owl Nosferatu: Jackal and Bat Ventrue: Dog and Crow Certain Bloodlines, as well as vampires of certain locales like places where wolves and bats are not native to, or long extinct and backgrounds where a different pair of animals has more significance may display forms different to those expected, something that is usually noted in their respective write-ups.

False Scent

Action: Reflexive

Action: Reflexive

(Level-One Cauldura Solution) Sometimes called smoke bomb by Childer of Haqim relatively young, this solution has exactly that effect... with a twist. When a vial of this Solution is destroyed, a blood red cloud is released that shrouds the senses of all but the assassin that used it. All awareness rolls made by others, suffer a -2 penalty. Auspex or similar powers can override that effect.

Shrouding Veil

Akin to the Ordo Dracul's selection of Blood Solutions, the unique form of Blood Alchemy of the Childer of Haqim employs the mystic abilities of Vitae to grant many different effects to the user. Unlike the Dragons' Solutions though, those of the Assassins are not necessarily consumed, but they can be thrown at someone, or even applied on to produce the desired effect. The Blood Potency of the one creating the Solutions does not matter.

(Level-Two Cauldura Solution) Left to dry for three nights after creation, this Solution comes in the form of dust, all the more easier to blow it in someone's face. When used, Sand of Dreams will do what the name implies, vampire targets will succumb to daysleep, even in the middle of the night, while Mortals, Mages or Lupines will fall asleep provided they fail the reflexive Stamina + Power Trait roll of course. Any damage inflicted will wake the subject up at once, without the need of further rolls.

Sand of Dreams

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(Level-Two Cauldura Solution) Even the most skilled marksmen often need to rely on something more than skill and luck is simply not trustworthy enough. Because the Childer have a reputation to uphold, they often use Straight Arrow. This solution enchants a melee weapon or a projectile such as an arrow, stone or bullet so that it finds its target easier. All attacks with a weapon or projectile coated with this Solution gain a +2 bonus. (Level-Three Cauldura Solution) Younger and less pompous Childer of Haqim, call this Solution Bullseye and apparently for good reason. Once a person or item is covered by Deathmark, there is simply no place to hide. On one hand the Solution is immediately absorbed and turns invisible, on the other hand it remains active only for one night or till it is removed. When tracking down the marked target, the assassin gains a +3 bonus and has a faint idea of where the target is a form of targeted Direction Sense.

Straight Arrow

A character's dots in this form of Blood Sorcery, subtracted from 11, is the maximum to which his Humanity may rise. If Humanity is raised above the limit the character's Crac rating allows, all rituals and bonuses of the ratings higher than what the new Humanity allows become unusable. The spell is active in the turn where you either exactly hit the right amount of successes or go over it. Thus you cannot continue rolling to get more successes.


(Level-One Crac Ritual) The Acolyte with this ability can use the power of his blood to awaken the spirits of plant life in his territory; they will act in her defense against any unwelcome intruder. Roots tangle feet, grass grasps at boots, trees sway unnaturally in foes' way, and so on. Typically the caster slits a wrist and whirls in place counterclockwise, or stabs a palm and walks a widdershins spiral pattern through the foliage that she wishes to awaken. The spirits of the plants awaken and any intruders suffer a -2 penalty to all physical actions from Haqim's Vengeance distraction and physical interference. Additionally, for every turn they remain within the area of effect, they suffer one level of bashing (Level-Three Cauldura Solution) damage if the plants are capable of inflicting that, as most trees and Legend speaks of an Elder who once hired Haqim for a kill bushes are. but when the deed was done, refused to fulfill his end of the Dance of Saturn contract. Haqim left the Elder safe and sound, but before the end of the night, the unfortunate and unwise Elder was a pile of ashes. This (Level-One Crac Ritual) Solution is a poison so vile it inflicts one level of aggravated damage A popular part of some Acolytes' solstice festivals and per hour. It lasts till dawn or until the person who consumes it, does Masquerade efforts, this ritual alters a vampire's body to temporarily the same with at least one Vitae doing so does not trigger simulate a mortal's aging process. The sorcerer, or a willing vampire, Vinculum or Blood Addiction or at least that is what the Assassins changes in appearance to become either much older or much claim and as expected so far the ones who have tested this are younger. Each success changes the vampire's apparent age by ten dramatically few.. years, to a minimum of about 13 and a maximum of about 90. Stress Devouring Acid to the vampire's occult metabolism lowers all three physical attributes by one for the duration. The rite wears off automatically at the next (Level-Four Cauldura Solution) sunrise or sunset, or if the vampire beats the original successes used One of the most feared applications of Cauldura, Devouring to cast the ritual on an extended Stamina + Blood Potency roll. Acid is a Solution that introduced many vampire to Final Death and Selene's Blessing whatever lies beyond. The initial use however is somewhat different as early records of the Childer show. In order to be able to reach (Level-One Crac Ritual) their targets, they sometimes had to bypass iron bars, heavy doors, or This ritual was created by the Circle of the Crone branch of other obstacles even Disciplines would not ignore easily. Smashing a the Ithilion Bloodline. The Acolyte may use her blood to inscribe an vial of the Acid on any object with destroy 1 points of Structure per ancient symbol of the moon on her forehead or that of a subject. In turn, till it is removed. The effects are even more devastating if the doing so, the Acolyte channels the power of a celestial spirit or object in question is a person, as each vial is able to cause unnatural simply unlocks such powers in her own blood, since Luna probably burns that equal to one level of aggravated damage. does not care creating a form of talisman. The Acolyte must spend Blood of Elders 15 minutes inscribing a symbol. The player spends two additional Vitae and after the symbol is inscribed, a puff of crimson smoke is (Level-Five Cauldura Solution) released and it becomes barely visible, if at all. The effect depends on Arguably the most potent of Solutions, Blood of Elders is the phase of the moon the night the ritual is used: consumed to grant the user abilities beyond what is normal. With New Moon: add one die to Stealth rolls this ritual, the assassin gains one Vitae and his Blood Potency is Crescent Moon: add one die to Dexterity rolls treated as one higher for the remainder of the scene. This enables Half Moon: add one die to Wits rolls the assassin to possibly be able to use more Vitae per turn, store Gibbous Moon: add one die to Social rolls more Vitae in his body and ignore any feeding restrictions of his Full Moon: add one die to Combat rolls new Blood Potency while the effects last.

Consecrate the Grove

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(Level-Two Crac Ritual) Similar to the ritual Heimdall's Valor of the Odin's Chosen, Crimson Woad may easily be the original. The Acolyte traces mystical runes or script on his own body in Vitae, inviting spirits of war to infuse him and gird him for battle. When so imbued, he ignores all wound penalties and is immune to frenzy as the spirits guide his Beast. The caster can also lash out at his enemies with a fierce, blood-borne attack. The Acolyte is immune to would penalties and each success offers a bonus of one die for the purposes of resisting Frenzy or Rtschreck. This effect lasts till the caster suffers enough damage for the runs and script to be destroyed. (Level-Two Crac Ritual) While it was Skadi's eyes that betrayed her when she was choosing her groom-to-be, they also made the goddess one of the best hunters among the Norse gods. Acolytes of the Odin's Chosen that call upon Skadi to lend them her eyes, do so in hopes to override the penalties imposed by weather bad weather in particular. The ritual grants the Acolyte perfect vision even in the worst blizzard or thickest fog and with better clarity than Auspex would. For the duration of the ritual's effects, the Acolyte ignores any visual obstacles due to weather completely. As is expected, this ritual is mostly used in places where the weather is bound to cause such problems, or by nomads that have a higher probability of finding themselves there. (Level-Two Crac Ritual) This brutal rite can detect and analyze a Vinculum in a vampire or human. The sorcerer must perform one or more killing blows (see WoD rulebook pg 168) on the target, inflicting at least 7 levels of Lethal damage, and then taste the victim's blood. If the ritual is successful, the sorcerer detects any Vinculum over the target and traces it back to the regnant. The sorcerer gains a clear mental picture of the regnant's face and learns their Clan. This ritual has no effect on victims who are not under a Vinculum. Other than torture and/or murder, obviously. Performing this ritual usually prompts all but the most callous Acolytes to perform a check or lose Humanity

Crimson Woad

Eyes of Skadi

Trace the Strand of Atropos

(Level-Three Crac Ritual) The Acolyte inscribes the name of an enemy on his body in Vitae, in whatever language or set of symbols he likes. When the name is so inscribed and the caster's enemy can see it, baleful spirits become bound to the name and enact a curse upon that enemy. The curse takes effect the moment the victim sees his name scrawled in blood. It is not required for the victim to be able to understand but if that is the case it is possible to resist with a Wits + Occult + Power Trait roll but it must be where he can see it. The curse works differently depending on where the caster inscribes the name. Body: Inscribe the name on arms, legs or belly. The victim's body becomes ill and weak (suffering a -2 penalty on all physical rolls and wound penalties are augmented by one die) or, in the case of vampire, the victim cannot use blood for any other reason than waking up each night. Mind: Inscribe the name across the forehead. The foe becomes confused as parts of his mind become disconnected from one another; he must spend one Willpower point in order to attempt any Mental Skill or use any magical ability (physical Disciplines, Gifts and Spells or rotes are excluded.) Soul: Inscribe the name down the sternum and over the heart. The subject loses his will to resist the Beast (or simply his feral side) and resisting Frenzy (or Kuruth for the Uratha) is at a 2 penalty. Mages are unable to cast any spell till the curse is lifted unless a master of the Fate Arcana removes it. Mortals are overcome by fear, the victim must flee the caster's territory unless a successful Composure + Resolve roll is made. Voice: Inscribe the name on the throat. The victim loses the power of speech; he can grunt or moan, but cannot say any words. (Level-Three Crac Ritual) This ritual temporarily transfers the loyalty of the Vinculum over a mortal from the regnant to the caster. The sorcerer must drink at least one Vitae worth of the subject's blood in the same scene that he enacts the rite. The mortal's Composure is subtracted from the dicepool. For one hour, the mortal subject shifts his unnatural loyalty to the Acolyte, temporarily forgetting his Vinculum to his old master and gaining a new one to the sorcerer. Once the ritual fades, the old loyalties are restored. Barring the use of other powers such as Dominate, the mortal remembers everything he did while under the effects of Sup of the Traitor's Grail. This ritual does not tell the sorcerer the identity of the mortal's regnant, and causes nothing more than a slight tingle in mortals who are not bound by a Vinculum. (Level-Three Crac Ritual) This ritual mystically transforms a mortal's blood to cause the Vinculum as if it were the caster's own Vitae. The sorcerer enacts this ritual upon a human, applying a dab of his own Vitae over the mortal's heart. The transformation lasts for one hour per success. For the duration, any character drinking the mortal's blood moves one

Inscribe the Curse

Sup of the Traitor's Grail

(Level-Three Crac Ritual) The vampire may summon Heimdall to aid in battle by inscribing mystical characters on herself. The Chosen must spend a scene inscribing her body with ancient symbols. The player rolls Intelligence + Occult. For each success, the Chosen may ignore one point of wound penalties due to pain, and may subtract one from the difficulties of rolls to avoid Rtschreck and frenzy. Additionally, the Chosen may, once per scene, make a "wrathful strike", a brawling or melee attack. The number of successes on the inscription roll is added to the dice pool for the attack, after all other modifiers. The runes maintain their power for the duration of one combat, or until the vampire takes four or more Health Levels of damage (at which point the runes are obscured.)

Heimdall's Valor

The Cuckold's Bridal

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step closer to a full Vinculum to the caster. For the duration, the Blood Blight subject's blood will also taste like the caster's Vitae rather than his (Level-Five Crac Ritual) own. Astute vampires may detect the caster's Clan and possibly Ghouls are possible targets as well. Any Vitae is lost with lineage on an Intelligence + Occult roll (as per VtR rulebook pg 163) but by then it is usually too late. The mortal's blood is not lethal damage filling up the remaining successes. So if six successes considered vampire Vitae for any purpose other than causing the are rolled, a Ghoul with two Vitae will lose the Vitae and suffer four levels of lethal damage. Vinculum. Blood Price Stamina Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Criac subject's + Power Trait (Level-Four Crac Ritual) Call the Forgotten Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Criac subject's (Level-Five Crac Ritual) Composure + Power Trait When the Acolyte reaches this level of Crac mastery, he Drink dry the Earth can tap deeper into the spirit half and is able to draw information (Level-Four Crac Ritual) from the Shadow Realm. The caster learns the names of many Vampires are often drawn to sites of mystical energy, mythical beings mostly high ranking spirits but occasionally even whether ancient stone circles, faerie rings or dragon nests. The demons from the Abyss, if the Acolyte is unlucky enough and can mystical power of Vitae can wrest spiritual energy out of those places therefore invoke them. These beings are dangerous and are never of power and use it to aid the caster. Drawing too much energy called forth lightly; when the Acolyte invokes such a creature she however will drain the site and render it barren and lifeless till must appease it and respect any desires it may have. Essence returns to it. If a site is drained every night for a week, the Strum Inktomi's Strabds site is drained irrevocably. Since those mystical sites are Loci and (Level-Five Crac Ritual) thus used or even claimed by mages and werewolves as well as other This powerful ritual inflicts harm directly through the vampire, the wise Acolyte is careful about using this ritual. Each success enables the caster to draw one point of Essence from the Vinculum, and is used to eliminate compromised agents or Locus and add it to his Vitae. Exactly how much is too much incompetent underlings. The sorcerer performs the ritual on himself or another willing vampire and targets one thrall, who must be a depends on the strength of the Locus. Vinculum. The ritual can be Lust for the Hidden Ancestor mortal, ghoul or vampire under+the full Potency. Each success inflicts resisted by the thrall's Stamina Blood (Level-Four Crac Ritual) one level of Lethal damage. Thralls killed with this ritual die The sorcerer alters the Vitae of another vampire, replacing exceptionally agonizing deaths. This ritual is not limited by range. If its ability to cause the Vinculum to the subject with the ability to the thrall has died or somehow managed to escape the Vinculum, induce the Vinculum to the caster. The sorcerer enacts this ritual on the ritual has no effect. Vampires holding a Vinculum over the another vampire, applying a dab of his own Vitae over the vampire's subject are not affected in any way. Shit, as the saying goes, rolls heart. The transformation lasts for one hour per success. Any downhill. character tasting the subject's blood moves one step closer to a full Vinculum to the caster, not the subject. For the duration, the Theban Sorcery subject's Vitae will also taste like the caster's blood rather than his own. Astute vampires may detect the caster's Clan and possibly A character's dots in this form of Blood Sorcery, subtracted lineage on an Intelligence + Occult roll (as per VtR rulebook pg 163) from 11, is the maximum to which his Humanity may rise. If but by then it is usually too late. The subject's Vitae is still Humanity is raised above the limit the character's Theban Sorcery considered his own for all other purposes. rating allows, all rituals and bonuses of the ratings higher than what Mark of the Huntress the new Humanity allows become unusable. Willpower can be spend in second and further rolls of activation, as long as you adhere to the (Level-Four Crac Ritual) 1 Willpower per roll rule. The spell is active in the turn where you Acolytes that feel the Goddess of the Hunt Artemis close either exactly hit the right amount of successes or go over it. Thus to their dead hearts, can call upon her hunting skills to aid them you cannot continue rolling to get more successes. track down their prey. While this ritual can be used for night-toVitae Reliquary night feeding runs, it is usually reserved to track down those who earn the wrath of the Acolytes. For the ritual to work, the subject (Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual) must be first marked with the blood of the Acolyte herself a few Offering: The vessel of infusion itself is the offering, and drops are more than enough and is in effect for a week, or until must be something the caster can lift with one hand. The offering the blood is removed. The hunter gains two dice for the tracking roll crumbles to dust after the last Vitae is removed. Prior to that point, and usually the subject would be better off with a neon bullseye the item functions as it normally would (a knife may still be used to painted on her forehead as Spirits of vengeance become interested in attack, a book may still be read). her whereabouts.

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(Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual) Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery subject's Resolve or Composure (whichever is higher) + Power Trait (Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual) Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery subject's Resolve + Power Trait

Liar's Plague level his Humanity allows, or lower. Once Humanity is restored, the
rituals of the appropriate level are again usable by the Character. (Level-One Valeren Ritual) Using Asclepius' insight and snake venom as a catalyst, a Disciple is able to gain information about a patient that can usually proves to be crucial. The user must touch the target in order for the ritual to work and the effects are instant. No resist is possible but the subject can dodge the attempt to be touched as per normal combat rules. Sleepwalkers, Ghouls and Wolf-Blooded are considered Mortals for the sake of determining what the type of creature is. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple misreads the subject in some way.. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Depending on the number of the successes, the Disciple gains the following information: 1 Success type of creature 2 Successes remaining health levels 3 Successes remaining Vitae 4 Successes diseases the subject suffers from or carries Exceptional Success: The Disciple gets some insight on what brought the subject to his current state. (Level-One Valeren Ritual) By praying to Asclepius (or God, Mother Nature or any benevolent higher power the Disciple believes in) and coating his palm with snake venom, a Disciple is able to relieve others from pain. The user must touch the target in order for the ritual to work and the effects are instant. If used in combat, the absence of pain can temporarily disorient the target, or drive him into heroic acts, that will probably take their toll after the ritual's duration is over. The ritual can be resisted by a Resolve + Power Trait roll on the target's part but only in the case the subject has a reason to resist and is able to. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The snake venom causes one level of unsoakable lethal damage to the Disciple. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Depending on the number of the successes, the effects of the ritual last for: 1 Success one turn 2 Successes one scene 3 Successes one hour 4 Successes one night

Sense Vitality

Blandishment of Sin

(Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual) The Sanctified always preach that Kindred should focus more on the spiritual side of things and their mission, than petty politics, pleasures and earthly riches. With the help of this ritual, the follower of Longinus can prove his faith is superior to matter as anything he touches crumbles within seconds. Mirroring the Crac ritual Touch of the Morrigan, Hands on Decay can damage any item, eating away its Durability, at the same rate Touch of the Morrigan damages tissue. Offering: The item destroyed is the offering required. If however the successes are not enough to destroy the item completely, an item on the Sanctified sometimes of similar nature using the ritual is used as offering. (Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual) Only one instance of the ritual can affect a target at a time. New application invalidates the previous one. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery subject's Resolve + Power Trait

Hands of Decay

Malediction of Despair

Touch of Asclepius

(Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual) The victim closest to the sorcerer when the ritual is cast suffers lethal damage equal to the successes on the ritual's activation roll, minus the subject's Stamina. (Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual) Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery subject's Stamina + Power Trait

Spear of Faith


The rituals that give the Disciples of Asclepius their reputation as healers as well as snake handlers, are collectively known as Valeren. Using their conviction, snake venom, Vitae, or a combination of all the above, the Disciples are able to perform feats that to an unsuspecting mortal look like divine miracles. With Valeren as their answer to Theban Sorcery, Disciples of Asclepius help those they can and in some extreme cases of very altruistic Disciples, they even help sworn enemies. A character's dots in this Discipline, minus 1, is the minimum to which his Humanity may drop. If that limit is violated, the Disciple can only use rituals of the

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Exceptional Success: The ritual works as intended. In addition, the Disciple can put the subject to sleep for 8 hours (or torpor till dusk) if he so wishes. (Level-Two Valeren Ritual) One of the deeper banes of Vampire existence is their inability to truly feel. Whatever they experience during their living days, is what they can call upon as Vampires, yet nothing more. By anointing the subject's forehead and chest (over the heart) with snake venom and vitae, the Disciple enables the subject to truly feel once more, as if the Embrace never took place. This however does not mean any new emotions stay with the subject after the effect wears off. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Composure + Empathy + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple loses all emotions for the rest of the scene. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Depending on the number of the successes, the ritual lasts for: 1 Success one turn 2 Successes one scene 3 Successes one hour 4 Successes one night Exceptional Success: As above, but the new emotions are added to the subject's arsenal. (Level-Two Valeren Ritual) Often enough, the Disciples that are martially inclined or that need to avoid confrontation, need to find a way to disarm an opponent without harming him, or end up taking a life. Using this ritual enables them to mesmerise a subject into inaction. The Disciple only has to lock eyes with the subject and ask him to stop, for all hostile actions to be halted immediately. This does not strip the subject of free will, but simply gives the Disciple a breather the subject can move out of the room for example, then return without the ritual stopping him from performing any hostile action. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Intimidation + Valeren subject's Resolve + Intimidation + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple enrages the subject further, often to disastrous results. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success stops the subject from performing hostile actions for a turn. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward.

Anael's Grace

(Level-Three Valeren Ritual) Using a mix of Vitae and snake venom, the Disciple may heal the injuries of others by laying her hands over the wound and channeling her own energies into the healing process. The subject feels a warm tingling in the affected area as it heals. The power works on any living or undying creature, but the character must touch the actual injury, even over clothing, although most Disciples prefer to have a clear view of the wound (or the closest part of the body, in the case of internal injuries). Aggravated wounds can also be healed in this manner, but twice the Vitae is needed. Some Disciples claim Corpore Sano destroys Spirits, Ghosts, or Zombies working against the death based magic that animates such beings. Cost: 1 Vitae per health level Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple suffers two levels of aggravated damage. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success heals one health level, provided the damage is bashing or lethal. Exceptional Success: As above, aggravated damage is healed at normal cost. (Level-Three Valeren Ritual) This ritual allows the Disciple to spread an aura of calm and peace around a small chamber (about 5 square metres). Under its influence, tempers that had flared out of control find restraint, and arguments over trifles are reduced to differences of opinion. Masters of Elysium have found this to be extremely helpful in talks between Covenants or even between Vampires and other supernaturals especially Lupines. For the ritual to work, the Disciple chants to Asclepius her voice must be audible, even if just barely. Those under the effect, gain two dice to avoid Frenzy (or Death Rage). Once the effect wears off, reactions vary depending on the character from reversion to hostility to acceptance of peace. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple suffers a 2 dice penalty to avoid Frenzy for the rest of the scene. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success is translated into ten minutes of calm and peace. Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Corpore Sano


Gaze of Serenity

(Level-Four Valeren Ritual) It is said that music has the power to soothe the savage

Euterpe's Song

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Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Any and all damage is healed at the end of he ritual, regardless of type. Exceptional Success: As above, but only half the Vitae is used.

beast. When you sing or play an instrument, your patients seem to heal better and relax more. This can help someone to forget physical pain, draw him out of depression, or even assist another healer in working her craft. The music or song must be appropriate to the situation (not many can relax while listening to death metal after all). Naturally, two or more Disciples can work together for this ritual. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Valeren Action: varies Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Healing slows down by one health level, derangements are upgraded for the rest of the scene. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success lowers healing time by one health level, derangements are ignored for the scene. Exceptional Success: As normal, additional successes are their own reward.

(Level-Four Valeren Ritual) This power allows the Disciple to remove a subject's derangements, or to at least mitigate their effect for a time. Disciples Embraced in the modern age or with the appropriate background prefer to use psychological interview techniques, while older Healers go for soothing words or exorcism rituals. This ritual cannot be used on the Disciple herself, but a fellow Healer is able to use it to the same effect. Malkovians cannot be cured completely from their derangement, but it is eased for the rest of the night. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Valeren Action: varies Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple gains the subject's derangements for the rest of the scene. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. The Coils of the Dragon Success: Each success permanently removes one derangement from the subject. To this point there is no decoration officially associated with Exceptional Success: No added effect. knowledge of a fifth tier of any Coil, however Timeless and Renewed Vigor Celestial are both considered by the Sworn of the Dying Light and the Mysteries.. (Level-Five Valeren Ritual) The Coil of tBanes Rumour has it only seven Disciples know this ritual and Elders of the Covenant do nothing to deny or confirm this claim. Fifth Tier: Brave the Day What is certain is that whoever first used this ritual was a master After decades of research, one of the Dragons of Edinburgh healer. It can heal virtually any ailment as long as the subject still managed to unlock the fifth tier of the Coil of Banes. A Mekhet lives. The body of the subject or what is left of it must be herself, she was fascinated to discover that she was able to no longer submerged into snake venom mixed with Vitae, if that is not burn as much by diffused sunlight and had greater resistance against possible, the Healer must coat a big enough portion of the body with losing herself to the Beast because of the sun. Diffused sunlight does it for example the torso, or a limb. only bashing damage to those who have mastered this coil and they Cost: 4 Vitae get a +2 bonus to resist Rtschreck due to sunlight. Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant The Coil of the Mind Roll Results One of the three Draculas first brought some mind Dramatic Failure: The subject dies or falls into Torpor.

Mens Sana

(Level-Five Valeren Ritual) A Disciple may use this ritual to pass through a crowd without fear of harm. This does not make the character invisible to the mind as Obfuscate does, but rather a sort of active neutrality that makes all around the Vampire inclined to treat her favourably and step out of her way. She seems inoffensive, pleasant and harmless, and people are respectful and helpful to her without stopping to consider why. This power also ensures that anyone who pursues or obviously wishes to do her harm is met with unfavourable reactions by those affected by the ritual provided the pursuer himself is not affected. A piece of discarded snake skin is consumed by the Disciple for the ritual to work that piece of skin is not regurgitated later as anything but Vitae usually is. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Socialize + Valeren highest subject's Resolve + Composure + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Disciple is met with hostility or distrust, as the reptilian nature of the offering gives off the wrong vibe. Failure: The ritual fails, the Disciple is free to try again the following turn. Success: The ritual works as intended for five minutes per success. Exceptional Success: As above, any pursuer gives up for the rest of the night.


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suffer no such fate. Those who have mastered this tier can change appearance at will moving their flesh in whatever way they choose, provided they have some skill in crafting as a bad move is painful. More skilled fleshcrafters only need will their flesh to change shape, instead of physically craft their bodies. Second Tier: Craft the Bone As the Dragon advances, the final obstacle is removed from his path to transcendence through body alteration, his bones are no longer the immutable anchor of the flesh, but simply another tool in the hands of a skilled fleshcrafter. More practical, or paranoid, Sworn of the Dragon, use this power to change their height when needed in order to never have the same appearance for too long, throwing their pursuers real or imagined off their track, at least for a while. Third Tier: Body Familiar In a bizarre twist of fate, the road to advancement led to the ability to spawn Homunculi from the body of the Blood Dragon. They have minimum intelligence and are able to follow simple commands from their parent by means of telepathy and Vinculum. These creatures are considered body parts of the Blood Dragon who spawned them and no Disciplines that control mind or emotions have any effect on them.

shielding abilities to the Academy of London and from there their use spread among Dragons everywhere. Taking this a step further, the Grand Wyrm of the Academy of Edinburgh, studied these abilities to a deeper level, turning them into more than simple tricks, into a Coil representing the fourth part of vampire nature, Mind. The associated domain is of Genius and the associated decorations are Willful or Enlightened First Tier: Devouring Worm Replaces the Merit Mind of the Devouring Worm () (Ordo Dracul pg204), no Intelligence prerequisite. Second Tier: Unblinking Serpent Replaces the Merit Mind of the Unblinking Serpent () (Ordo Dracul pg204), no Intelligence prerequisite. Third Tier: Inscrutable Hydra Replaces the Merit Mind of the Inscrutable Hydra () (Ordo Dracul pg204), no Intelligence prerequisite. Fourth Tier: Retaliating Wyvern The character can now defend against mental probing without conscious effort. By spending a Willpower point at the beginning of each night, any attempt to read his mind results in the mental probing being turned onto the one responsible. Since this often includes the Beast of the mind reader, the results can be quite unpleasant for them and those unlucky enough can easily go mad. Fifth Tier: Invincible Dragon A legendary ability, if it truly exists, the fifth tier of the Coil of the Mind enables the Dragon that has mastered it to shake off any attempts at mental or emotional manipulation against him. By spending one Willpower point at the beginning of each night, the Dragon becomes immune to all sorts of manipulation, including Dominate, Majesty, or even the emotional aspect of the dreaded Vinculum.

Animal Swarm
(Animalism , Protean ) Upon activating this power, the Gangrel dissolves into a swarm of animals. The creatures remain under the Gangrel's control, and he may direct them in unison or as individuals. The vampire may reform from all or any of the creatures, but forfeits the blood carried by any creatures that do rejoin the whole, rounding up. The Gangrel may disperse into as many creatures as he has Vitae or may choose to form fewer creatures rule of thumb: an animal can have a minimum of Vitae half its Size. The power lasts until sunrise, or until the Gangrel chooses to retake his humanoid form. Creatures who do not rejoin the Gangrel's body may be reabsorbed through the course of the night. Any creatures left running around at dawn instantly dissolve into small piles of ash and blood. It is impossible for a Vampire to turn into a swarm of insects, or any animal he cannot shapeshift into with Shape of the Beast, which means no insects for all but the most bizarre Bloodlines like for example the Nathran or the legendary Melissidae, even the latter are even still alive. This Devotion allows the Vampire to ignore the drawbacks of the Swarm Mind () Merit as it is a more complete transformation. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power costs 24 experience points to learn.


The Talon of Flesh

Granting the Orbis Cruentus what the Coils of the Dragon cannot, the Talon of Flesh focuses of transcending the curse of vampirism in a different, far more physical and frightening way. From shaping the Blood Dragon's own flesh to spawning Homunculi, each tier is as unnerving as the next. A character must have at least one dot of Covenant Status (Ordo Dracul) and be a member of at least two of the Sworn, with the Sworn of the Dragon being one, in order to learn any Talon of Flesh tier. As such, it is practically impossible for a starting character to possess even one tier of the Talon of Flesh. Any time a player wants to increase his character's Talons of Flesh score, the character must still have at least one dot of Covenant Status (Ordo Dracul) and be a Sworn of the Dragon to do so. The Talon of Flesh expands on the principle of Dracula that everything changes. If everything is mutable, then the body is no different, it should change as well and since being undying prevents it from changing, its up to the Sworn of the Dragon to take matters into their own hands, or will (Intelligence + Crafts). First Tier: Shape the Flesh While most Vampires have to pass their Requiems looking exactly as they did on the night of their Embrace or in the best case, changing hairstyles every night the Sworn of the Dragon

Army of Beasts
(Animalism , Dominate , Majesty ) This power enables the character to summon all the

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creatures within a certain area, and to become one with all of them. The creatures controlled thus must be predators themselves, or beings traditionally related to vampires, like for example rats and other vermin. While her body remains stationary, she takes control of each animal summoned as though she were that animal. In effect she becomes both general and soldier, seeing through the eyes of whatever horde of creatures she has called. No special concentration is required to control the animals - they are she and she is they. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Survival + Animalism Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: All the animals within a mile radius attack the character. Failure: The power doesn't work, the character is free to try again in the following turn. Success: All the animals within range are summoned. 1 success: 1 mile 2 successes: 2 miles 3 successes: 4 miles 4 successes: 8 miles Exceptional Success: As above but the character can act as well. This power costs 42 experience points to learn.

Best Intentions
(Dominate , Majesty ) Someone Dominated through Best Intentions requires no specific commands. Instead, the target will always act in the character's best interests until the Dominate is broken. This power roughly duplicates the effects of a Blood Bond. It differs in that the Dominated individual does not have to guess what the controller wants him to do in specific situations - he knows. The hold is broken when the target either gains a Willpower Dot or gains Humanity. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Dominate target's Willpower + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power backfires on the character. Failure: Nothing happens. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above but lasts until the target's Humanity is raised. This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

Body Armory
(Protean , Talon of Flesh ) A Devotion that makes Gangrel of the Orbis Cruentus truly deadly, Body Armory allows skilled fleshcrafters to create weapons of bone that can do aggravated damage like Protean claws. Especially crafty Sworn of the Dragon can create bone whips that have devastating effects on unsuspecting and opponents, likewise, a bone mace may not be as accurate, but with a good swing may even destroy an opponent with one hit. Cost: 1 Vitae more than Shape the Bone Dice Pool: As Per Shape the Bone. Action: As Per Shape the Bone. Roll Results: As per Shape the Bone. While weapons created with this Devotion are extremely dangerous and can render the most powerful opponent defenseless in a few rounds, they have to be maintained. Every two nights, the character must pour 1 Vitae over each weapon, or it dissolves into ash. Such weapons are also susceptible to the typical banes of Vampires, namely fire and sunlight, as well as anything that would render any normal weapon useless, but can be restored by pouring 1 Vitae over them. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

Barrier Merge

(Celerity , Protean ) This is a variation of the Protean Haven of Soil, the vampire becomes semi-tangible and able to mist through a barrier. Vampires with that power have little trouble walking through closed doors or bodies of solid rock, much to the dismay of their captors. It only works for barriers up to a number of meters wide equal to the user's Blood Potency and made out of a single material found in nature. While a 2m wide wooden door will not stop the vampire, a steel door will, even if just an inch thick, as will a floor made of wood and stone. Cost: 1 Vitae (or 2 Vitae) Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival Action: Instant (Reflexive if the added Vitae is burned) Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character takes 2 levels of lethal damage as the merge is not entirely successful. Failure: The character is unable to phase through the material. Success: The power works as intended Chameleon Skin Exceptional Success: As above, but the vampire is able to use this power with no cost on the same barrier for the rest of the (Obfuscate , Protean ) night. This power allows the vampire to turn her skin to stone or This power costs 12 experience points to learn. any other material found in nature, giving the vampire a bonus, Barring the Bone Gate depending on the material used. Members of the bloodline claim this helped them survive the sun for a few minutes. For this power to (Dominate , Majesty , Vigor ) work, the vampire must touch the desired material with an open No longer a secret of Mexican Vampires, this power was palm alternatively, hold it in her hand. It can be turned off at will reinvented in a Devotion others can learn. and can provide numerous bonuses, with a +2 Defense bonus being This power costs 18 experience points to learn. a norm. To the dismay of many, this power doesn't work with fire,

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only too late, as the sun burns through his undying flesh. Failure: Nothing happens, blood is lost, the Vampire is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success allows for an hour of use and only 3 levels of lethal damage are inflicted upon first contact with sunlight Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward. This power costs 33 experience points to learn.

any such attempt will result in the character taking damage. Cost: 1 Vitae (or 2 Vitae) Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Protean. Action: Instant (Reflexive if the added Vitae is burned) Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character is immobilized for a turn as he copies the material too well. Failure: The character is unable to copy the texture. Success: The power works as intended Exceptional Success: As above but the vampire gains + 3 in Defense The power 15 experience points to learn.

Eyes of the Forest

(Auspex , Animalism , Majesty ) This awe-inspiring power is at the root of many folk tales about brooding forests and forbidding mountains. The Vampire interns himself in the ground of his chosen domain, spreading his physical and spiritual self through the area. The animals and even insects within the area serve as the Vampire's eyes and ears, providing him with an intimate knowledge of the nighttime goingson of his domain. The power is activated upon entering the ground and lasts as long as the user remains there, or until he decides to turn it off. The area itself should be relatively well-defined geographically, although it can be quite large; a mountain or valley, an isolated wood, a plateau. The vampire sees and hears everything within the enclosed area through the animals and insects that inhabit it. Additionally, the Vampire may use mental Disciplines that do not require physical or eye contact to initiate. While the power is active, it is practically impossible to attack the Vampire directly. Significant damage to the domain, however fires, strip mining, explosives, chemical contaminants, etc will also damage the vampire, and are likely to drive him from the ground, as per normal for Haven of Soil. Cost: 6 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: The area under the Vampire's influence reflects their nature. Even the most cheerful wood during daylight becomes a place of terror for mere Mortals when the sun sets. Should two masters of Animalism somehow claim the same area, the Vampire with the greatest Willpower achieves success, if tied, the greatest Blood Potency wins, if both Willpower and Blood Potency are tied, the one that was there first wins. This power costs 42 experience points to learn

(Auspex , Obfuscate ) By using Clairvoyance, a Vampire can perceive distant events without using Twilight Projection. By concentrating on a familiar person, place or object, a character can observe the subject's immediate vicinity while staying aware of her own surroundings. Other Auspex powers can be used on the scene being viewed; these are rolled normally. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Auspex Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character cannot use any Auspex power for the rest of the scene. Failure: Nothing happens, the character fails to perceive anything but his own surroundings. Success: Each success allows the user to perceive the events and environment surrounding the target for one turn. Exceptional Success: As above, but no Willpower or roll is needed to use the power on the same target again for the night. Clairvoyance does split the Vampire's perceptions between what he is viewing at a distance and what is taking place around him though. As a result, while using this power, a character suffers a 3 dice penalty on all rolls relating to actions that affect her physical surroundings. This power costs 24 experience points to learn

(Protean , Resilience ) There are no recorded uses of this power so it remains a legend at best, but rumors say it allows a Vampire to walk in daylight, with no fear of getting scorched by the hateful rays of the sun. The reality of this power however is less impressive, but still enough to spawn the rumors above. The Vampire that uses this power can indeed walk in the sun with no fear for his unlife, but only for a while and with a rather high cost. Repeated uses of it, leave the Vampire starving and, in some cases, half mad. Cost: 5 Vitae to activate, 2 Vitae per hour of use Dice Pool: Stamina + Resolve + Resilience Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The user realizes the power doesn't work

Familiar Infestation
(Dominate , Talon of Flesh ) Ventrue that join the Orbis Cruentus are more than eager to expand their influence over the body, as well as the mind of their victims. This Devotion allows them to sculpt the flesh and bones of others as if they were their own with almost no problem Deranged or Sworn of the Dragon with low humanity create truly unnerving creatures out of their victims, whether they are humans or animals. The procedure can be very pleasant or excruciatingly painful, depending on what the user has in mind and how well the user knows the human body and its anatomy especially skilled fleshcrafters are able to kill the nerves of the target, or reverse pain

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Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: Even though that seems to be the case on first glance, attacks made with Flower of Death do not deprive the character of his Defense, as all-out attacks do. This power costs 27 experience points to learn

and pleasure.. Cost: 1 Vitae more than Talon of Flesh used Dice Pool: As per Talon of Flesh used target's Power Trait (+ Resolve if target is unwilling) Action: As per Talon of Flesh used. Roll Results: As per Talon of Flesh used. Because the only way for the Blood Dragon to affect someone is the target to be of the same blood, the user of this Devotion must first infest the body of their target with a homunculus, a Body Familiar, even though it doesn't have to be a visible one. The Body Familiar then proceeds to merge with or being absorbed by the target of this Devotion, allowing the user to shape the body as he pleases. As a result, Vampires are better defended against this and usually age plays a vital role in this. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

Ghost Run
(Auspex , Celerity ) This power allows the Vampire to combine the increased mental acuity of Auspex with his superhuman speed and move at the speed of thought, allowing him to cover great distances almost instantly by foot. The vampire can use this power to cross the distance in miles/hour granted by enhanced speed in a mere second. When using this power, a phantom image of the character appears at the desired location, or even part of the path if long enough, before the character is actually there. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Athletics + Celerity Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Devotion works in reverse and actually slows down the Vampire using it, causing him to lose the next turn. Failure: The Devotion does not work. Success: The Devotion works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above but the character can move indoors without a problem, as the control over Ghost Run is perfect. The Vampire using this Devotion can travel instantly to any point within the range of his running speed while boosted with Celerity and only if there is nothing blocking the way. One important limitation of this power is that it is generally more effective for crossing large distances in outdoor areas, as most indoor spaces are too cramped to allow the speed and hair-trigger movements of the Vampire using Ghost Run, and a Vampire who attempts such will likely end up smashing into things and hurting himself without enough space to maneuver. The only way for someone to follow the path of a character using Ghost Run is by using another Devotion, Quicken Sight. This power costs 30 experience points to learn.

(Celerity , Vigor ) It is a truism that "the great ones always make it look easy." In the case of Flick, that saying stops being a truism and becomes literal truth. With this power, a master of Vigor can make the slightest gesture - a wave, a snap of the fingers, the toss of a ball - and have it unleash the full, devastating impact of a dead-on strike. The attack can come without warning, limiting the target's ability to dodge or anticipate, and thus making Flick one of the most feared applications of Vigor known. Flick requires that the Vampire make some sort of gesture directing the blow. What the gesture is remains up to the player - anything from a snap of the fingers to a blown kiss has worked in the past. Flick's range is equal to the limit of the Vampire's perception, and the blow struck does damage equal to a normal punch (including all bonuses). Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl + Vigor target's Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The user is affected by the power instead of the target. Failure: Nothing happens, action has no effect past normal. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, extra successes only add to the damage. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Flower of Death
(Celerity , Vigor ) In combat, as in all things, speed kills. A proper application of Celerity in combat can turn even the meekest Vampire into a walking abattoir. How much more deadly, then, is a Vampire with the ability to utilize his preternatural speed to the utmost in combat? The answer to that question is "Rather a lot." Flower of Death allows a vampire to take his Celerity and apply it in full to each hand-tohand or melee attack he makes, replacing Strength. Flower of Death is not cumulative it is impossible to "layer" uses of the power over one another to create astronomical dice pools. Cost: 4 Vitae to activate, 2 Vitae to keep on.

Glorious Chrysalis
(Majesty , Protean ) Created by the founder of the Chrysalise Bloodline, this power enables the Vampire to combine the shapeshifting abilities of Protean with the awe-inspiring aspects of Majesty in order to create an alter ego or avatar, as some would say. Using this power enables the Butterfly to change skin tone, eye colour, hair colour and shape, to produce a different and usually surreal or inhuman visage that is unique to each user, not unlike a Mage's nimbus. Anything from an albino of pure white to a blue skinned humanoid form works, but those who know this Devotion take pride in creating the most impressive and hopefully subtle enough to maintain the Masquerade identities, putting on a good show is always fun, but

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not when it brings the Hounds after you. The new identity remains till dawn, or until cancellation by the user of this Devotion, whichever comes first and grants no mechanical bonus, except from whatever bonuses having a possible alternate identity may grant someone Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Majesty. Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character is unable to use Majesty or Protean for the rest of the scene. Failure: The power fails, but the character can attempt the following turn. Success: The power works as intended and the new identity is assumed by the character. Exceptional Success: As above but the power lasts for two nights instead of one. The power 12 experience points to learn.

emotion that the character broadcasts; visitors with no ties to the area and supernatural beings are affected for a duration one success step lower. The character can choose to terminate this effect at any time before it expires. Heart of the City can be used by a character in torpor but it can only affect Mortals and Undying with blood ties to the torpid Vampire. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Socialize + Majesty 1 die per 50.000 residents of the city. Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character is unable to use Majesty for the rest of the night. Failure: The power doesn't work. Success: The desired emotion is projected as intended, with duration based on successes: 1 success: one minute 2 successes: ten minutes 3 successes: one hour Hatch the Viper 4 successes: one night Exceptional Success: As above but it affects supernaturals as (Protean , Valeren ) Even though Disciples of Asclepius are not exactly Vampires it does Mortals. This power costs 39 experience points to learn. to fear even if most do Gangrel of that Covenant are feared because of this Devotion. It is one thing to have to fight someone Imprint with claws that can kill you and a completely different thing to fight the same Vampire surrounded by snakes under his control. Elder (Protean , Vigor ) Disciples of Asclepius often use this trick to discipline the younger A Vampire with extensive knowledge of Vigor can squeeze members or simply to have a source for the snake venom used in very, very hard. As a matter of fact, he can squeeze (or press, or push) most Valeren rituals when mundane sources are not available. so hard that he can leave an imprint of his fingers or hand in any hard surface up to and including solid steel. A use of Imprint can Cost: 1 Vitae per viper hatched simply serve as a threat, or it can be used, for example, to dig Dice Pool: Action: Instant (limited by the user's limit for Vitae handholds into sheer surfaces for purposes of climbing. The specifics of the effect Imprint has on a material, are up to the Storyteller. expenditure per turn as dictated by Blood Potency) Cost: 1 Vitae Roll Results: Dice Pool: As powerful and terrifying this Devotion may be, it costs Action: Instant blood and is a very easy way to drop someone's Vitae to very low Roll Results: levels, bringing the user all the more close to Wassail and the Beast. That said, most users of this Devotion are usually careful not to This power costs 15 experience points to learn. hatch too many vipers as frenzy may have opposite effects than the Inward Focus desired ones, or even bring the Final Death of the user if things get out of control. (Celerity , Protean , Resilience , Vigor ) This Devotion costs 27 experience points to learn. This power has no outwardly visible effects whatsoever. Indeed, its very existence is unknown outside those dozen or so Heart of the City Gangrel who have developed it and a handful of Vampire scholars. (Animalism , Dominate , Majesty ) The internal effects of this razor-sharp honing of Protean, however, A Vampire who has developed her Majesty to this terrifying are in some ways more dramatic than any external manifestation. A degree can control the emotional climate of the entire region around vampire with this power can heighten the efficiency of his undying her, up to the size of a large city. This power is always in effect on a body's internal workings to levels undreamed of by lesser Vampires, low level, attuning those who dwell in the area to the Vampire's withstanding inconceivable amounts of injury and moving with mood, but it can also be used to project a specific emotion into the blinding speed and shattering strength. There are three effects of this minds of every being in the area. Heart of the City affects residents power. First, the character gains a number of extra actions during much more strongly than tourists, and also has a significant impact each turn equal to his unmodified (by alternate forms or Vitae on those individuals who might be elsewhere at the time but who expenditure) Dexterity score. Second, the damage of his physical still have strong ties to the affected city. The number of successes attacks is increased by three dice per dice pool. Finally, all damage indicates how long Mortal residents are affected by the particular inflicted on the character is halved and rounded down (so an attack

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Failure: Nothing happens, power doesn't work. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, but he user can take the same form without rolling or spending Willpower for the rest of the night. This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

that inflicts five health levels is reduced to two health levels). Cost: 3 Vitae to activate, 2 Vitae to keep on. Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power may be used in conjunction with other Protean powers that modify the character's combat abilities. It may also be used in conjunction with Celerity, Resilience and Vigor, turning a Gangrel who has mastered this power into a truly terrifying opponent as long as he has enough Vitae to keep the Devotion going of course, something that only the most powerful Vampires can afford. This power costs 45 experience points to learn.

Mass Control
(Dominate , Majesty ) A truly skilled elder may command small crowds through the use of this power. By manipulating the strongest minds within a given group, a gathering may be directed to the vampire's will. The player declares that he is using this power before rolling for the use of another Dominate power. The Dice Pool for the roll is altered as required to Dominate the most resistant member of the target group - if he cannot be Dominated, no one in his immediate vicinity can. For every success past that needed to inflict the desired result on the first target, the player may choose one additional target to receive the same effect in its entirety. The Vampire needs to make eye contact only with the initial target for this power to work. There are rumours that the infamous Madonna of Wasps a legend of British Vampires has developed a version of this Devotion with which it is possible to use this power with no eye contact and simply the power of her voice,, most just discard such theories as nothing but rumours and tales meant to scare foolish neonates. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power costs 30 experience points to learn.

King of the Mountain

(Majesty , Resilience ) The most formidable opponents are not only hard to hurt, they are hard to even touch. This power grants the Vampire an aura of resistance that impedes attackers, making it trivially easy for the Vampire to block the incoming attacks of numerous opponents. The Vampire does not gain the benefits of the power when he actively attacks. Instead, each attack against him, is treated as if he actively tries to dodge, even if he stands still. Every time an attack is made with a weapon against the Vampire, Resilience is rolled. If the roll grants more successes than the Size rating of the weapon, the weapon shatters on contact with the Vampire (for ranged weapons and firearms, only the ammunition is affected, not the actual weapon). In hand-to-hand attacks, a successful Resilience roll inflicts as many levels of damage as successes rolled. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power costs 33 experience points to learn.

Mythic Form
(Majesty , Protean ) Using this power, the Ithilion can transform himself into a creature of myth, complete with the terrifying abilities that such creatures must have possessed. Ancient Scythian vampires would choose the form of the griffin. Egyptian Gangrel may choose the sphinx, Native American vampires may opt for the form of the thunderbird and so on... The Ithilion also acquires any special abilities attributed to the mythic beast; a griffin, for example, would have the ability to fly and a devastating claw attack. This lasts until the next sunrise or until the Vampire voluntarily returns to his natural form. It is possible for the Ithilion to learn additional forms, at the cost of 3 xp per form, similar to Shape of the Beast. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: 3 turns Roll Results: While transformed, the user retains the ability to speak although his voice will be changed to reflect the nature of the assumed form. The user is able to move and even fight during the transformation, while the specific bonuses of the form he assumes, are up to the Storyteller and are tied to the form's legends. It should be noted that except for Aspect of the Predator, Protean powers do not work unless the user reverts to his original form.

Mask of a Thousand Faces

(Dominate , Obfuscate ) The Vampire can influence the perception of others, causing them to see someone different from the immortal himself. Like with Familiar Stranger, the Vampire's physical form does not change, but unlike Familiar Stranger, any observer who cannot sense the truth sees whomever the Vampire wishes her to see. The vampire must have a firm idea of the visage he wishes to project. The primary decision is whether to create an imaginary face or to superimpose the features of another person. Manufactured features are often more difficult to compose in believable proportions, but such a disguise is easier to maintain than having to impersonate someone else. Of course things get simpler if the Vampire borrows the face but doesn't bother with the personality. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Obfuscate Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The character believes the power works even though it didn't.

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that the victim will act as if he is the character, taking actions just as the character would He has in fact become the Dominator and his personality has been infused with that of his master. A link is maintained between the two; thus, the puppet is intuitively aware of what the master needs and desires. This power can be attempted only once per year on a single individual. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy target's Willpower + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power backfires on the character, making the target the master as if he rolled two successes. Failure: The power doesn't work. Success: The power works as intended. 1 success: Confusion reigns, but on occasion the puppet will take an action as the master would have him do. 2 successes: Schizophrenic; the victim's personality is half his own and half that of the master (and very confused). 3 successes: Save for occasional (but severe) lapses, the victim thinks as the master would. 4 successes: The victim consistently (but not always) behaves and thinks as the master would Exceptional Success: The mastery is complete - it is as if there are two of them. The player can, in fact, play both characters as if they are one. This power costs 30 experience points to learn.

This power costs 30 experience points to learn.

Mock Mind
(Auspex , Dominate ) This power costs 15 experience points to learn.

Predator's Gaze
(Nightmare , Protean ) Drawing on the myth of vampires with glowing eyes, Predator's Gaze enables the Vampire to combine the self-altering abilities of Protean with the terrifying effect of Nightmare. When used, this Devotion makes the Vampire's eyes glow red or in another colour, equally disturbing to others. A clear breach of Masquerade, it is used only in rare occasions, by those who don't care about keeping a low profile or by truly scary Vampires. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Reflexive Roll Results: While the glowing eyes do not give the Character any bonuses when it comes to seeing things in the dark, Predator's Gaze has another effect that some consider to be even more useful and versatile. When encountered by a Vampire using this Devotion, mortals and supernaturals alike feel a fear more intense and somehow more subtle than what Eyes of the Beast cause. For as long as the Devotion remains active one scene unless cancelled earlier or activated again the character gains a +3 bonus for Intimidation rolls against onlookers. Since everything eventually loses its shock value however, if it is not the first time the victim has seen this, the bonus is reduced to +1. This power costs 10 experience points to learn.

Resilient Mind
(Dominate , Resilience ) At this level of accomplishment, the Vampire extends his preternatural resistance to the very depths of his personality. Upon acquiring this power, the Vampire may shed centuries of paranoia, tics, quirks and other perturbations that have accumulated in the cobwebby recesses of his brain. Additionally, it becomes more difficult to use mental Disciplines against the Vampire. As is to be expected, this power is extremely popular among the Ventrue. While this cleansing of mind and soul is a one-shot deal, this power has added effects that make it very attractive to those that know what it can do. Every use of any mind-altering Discipline or magic on the character is penalized by 3 dice. This does not penalize or stop Vinculi, Majesty, or other Disciplines that affect the emotions, it works only for mental control and derangements. Cost: Dice Pool: Willpower + Resilience Action: Reflexive Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The user gains three derangements that can never be removed. Failure: No derangements are removed, other effects are still on. Success: Each success removes one derangement from the user's psyche and mind. Exceptional Success: Any and all derangements are removed.

Promethean Guard
(Chastise the Beast, Resilience ) The vast majority of Vampires are in the dark about the Created. Fewer still know anything about Prometheans past a random encounter that usually results in someone getting hurt or dying. Few scholars however have learned enough about the Promethean condition to know of Disquiet, or at least its effects. Unsurprisingly, those scholars were members of the Ordo Dracul and thus relied on the Coils to find a way to counter Disquiet. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: Readjusting and focusing the effects of Chastise the Beast to counter the effects of Disquiet on Vampires requires force of will but once done, the effects are permanent knocking off one level of Disquiet. The Devotion does not make the user immune to Disquiet however, so later exposure will have an effect as normal. This power costs 7 experience points to learn.

Puppet Master
(Animalism , Dominate ) The character is able to Dominate another so completely

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on an unsuspecting target. This may be done in advance, but the blood must still be wet for the power to work. Cost: 1 Vitae to activate Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Protean target's Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power fails and the target gains 1 Vitae without any risk of Vinculum or Vitae Addiction. Failure: Nothing happens, blood is lost. Success: The power works as intended and the target resumes his natural form. Exceptional Success: As above, but the user can control the shapeshifting abilities of the target for free for the rest of the night. The power persists for a full scene, or until the target removes the Vampire's Vitae from his body, whichever is sooner. Cleaning the blood takes at least a turn and is up to the Storyteller to decide how much time is needed. If the target has consumed the Vampire's Vitae, tough luck the power will persist for the full scene. The target must reactivate the shapeshifting ability when and if he chooses to resume his adapted form, re-incurring any associated costs. The power is effective on any and all shapeshifting abilities of Vampires, no matter their specific nature. Most importantly, it also confounds the native shapechanging abilities of Lupines, thus making it easier for the Vampire to survive in areas where the Lupines are hostile (which means most areas the Lupines are in). This power costs 21 experience points to learn.

This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

(Dominate , Resilience ) Even rumors that a Vampire has mastered this power are enough to make others stay away, as most tend to value their safety and unlife. At this level, the Vampire is virtually invincible as no attack, no matter how powerful, can harm him. Vampires who have mastered this power always keep a few retainers around them just in case, as this power allows them to redirect damage done to them, to those around them, one at a time. While this power does not work against Sunlight and Fire damage redirected to a mortal will inflict lethal damage instead of aggravated, Sacrifice remains one of the most unnerving powers a Vampire can use. Cost: 5 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power costs 33 experience points to learn.

Seeing Double
(Auspex , Obfuscate ) Even though most Vampires are oblivious to the presence and existence of Doppelgangers, some have been burned by these creatures and over time they have developed this Devotion. As expected, this power is rather popular among Mekhet and Vampires that are interested in the other mysteries of the world. Some rumours speak of people using this Devotion to track down Doppelgangers in hopes of using them as assassins. Cost: Dice Pool: Composure + Wits + Auspex Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The user gains three derangements that can never be removed. Failure: No derangements are removed, other effects are still on. Success: The user of the power is able to sense the unseen presence. Exceptional Success: As above, but the user knows exactly who the doppelganger's template is. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Sudden Breakup
(Majesty , Nightmare ) As many a Daeva have found out, sometimes putting someone under Entrancement is more trouble than it's worth especially when they have powerful friends not agreeing with the idea. For that reason, a wiser-than-before Succubus came up with this Devotion, in order to be able to negate the effect of Entrancement before it fades out on its own. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare successes in Entrancement roll Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power fails and the target gains 1 Vitae without any risk of Vinculum or Vitae Addiction. Failure: Nothing happens, blood is lost. The vampire is free to try again . Success: The power works as intended and the target is free of Entrancement. Exceptional Success: As above, but the subject knows exactly what happened. This power costs 12 experience points to learn.

Shape Mastery
(Dominate , Protean ) Gangrel or Ventrue who have mastered this Devotion may use the power of their blood to force other shapeshifters to resume their normal forms. For the power to function, the Vampire must have some portion of his blood in contact with the target, whether unwillingly or willingly. Some refer to this power as throwing good blood after bad. The Vampire must first place his blood on the target. If the target has successfully attacked the Vampire with natural weapons or with a short weapon like a knife this requirement is fulfilled. Otherwise, the Vampire must smear at least one Vitae on the target by making a successful attack or sprinkle it surreptitiously

Swarm Communion
(Animalism , Dominate ) This power costs 15 experience points to learn.

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fangs. However these nails are too fragile to offer any real bonuses for damage with an exceptional success they will give both the (Auspex , Obfuscate ) target and the vampire one level of lethal damage as they shatter No longer a secret of Mexican Vampires, this power was and only add to the image of the predator. After all, a hissing Vampire with nails that look like they can claw your eyes out is more reinvented in a Devotion others can learn. scary. This power costs 12 experience points to learn.

The Feather's Flight

The Jungle's Sting

(Animalism , Protean ) Successfully resisting Blood Addiction gives a +1 die bonus No longer a secret of Mexican Vampires, this power was for the next roll. Unlike the penalty for failing to resist, the bonus is reinvented in a Devotion others can learn. not cumulative and is reset for every roll. This means that if a This power costs 12 experience points to learn. Character keeps succeeding, without exceptional success, he rolls the Veridical Tongue same number of dice. (Dominate , Majesty ) Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Majesty subjects Composure

Blood Addiction

(Celerity , Resilience ) Zephyr produces an effect vaguely similar to one of the legendary comic book-style uses of enhanced speed, allowing its practitioner to run so fast he can run across water (he's moving so fast he doesn't have time to sink). Particularly successful applications of Zephyr allow a vampire to go so far as to run up walls and, in at least one recorded instance, across a ceiling, though the latter is more of a parlor trick than anything else. Cost: 1 Vitae + 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (only if attempting to perform an action other than moving) Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Depends on the situation, it usually hurts... a lot. Failure: Nothing happens, character keeps running. Success: The character can perform simple actions like changing direction or avoiding something. Exceptional Success: The character can perform more complicated actions like using a weapon. Unfortunately, Zephyr requires such extremes of concentration that it cannot be combined with any form of attack, or indeed, with almost any sort of action at all, at least not without great effort on the user's side. Most times, a vampire moving at such a rate of speed is barely visible, appearing more as a vampire-shaped blur than anything else, clearly visible only with Quicken Sight. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Vitae used for the Blush of Life that replaces bodily fluids and normal blood in a Vampire's system is diminished in potency and as such, does not trigger Blood Addiction even if whoever drinks is already an addict, it registers as normal blood and does little to feed the addiction. This Vitae can be used normally for imposing the Vinculum.

The Vinculum
The three (or more) drinks needed for the Vinculum, one sip each, have to be taken in three (or more) nights. Forcing someone to take more than one drink in one night does not further the Vinculum, but grants the Vitae and triggers Blood Addiction.

Attitudes towards the Vinculum

Enforcing the Vinculum on a Vampire if not sanctioned by the Covenant or City hierarchy is something best avoided, or remain hidden. Depending on the situation, such behavior can be consider an act of treason and can lead to disastrous results. There have been cases where the Prince of the city has ordered Vampires to meet their Final Death after enforcing the Vinculum on someone without permission. Vinculi can be sanctioned only by the Prince, or someone acting under the Prince's authority. An exception to this rule, Vampire lovers are suspected to be at least partially bound to each other, which is why some highly strict and rigid Covenants prefer to monitor the private lives of their members.

Blood Ties
To enhance the role of the patron, and to reinforce the notion that all blood flows from him, the patron gains an additional +2 blood-tie bonus. Furthermore, any character within one step of each other (i.e., sire/childe) gains a further +1 blood-tie bonus.

Chapter Three: Special Rules and Systems

The Taste of Family

Vampires within a family should not necessarily risk blood addiction with each other. A Vampire can smell a sample of blood and determine if it is a relatives with an Intelligence + Survival roll. One success confirms if it is kin. Two successes will indicate whether its from another family (if the character is family with that family).

Properties of the Blood

Keeping it Scary

Vampires are able to make their nails grow as well as their

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Three successes will indicate if the family is older or younger (i.e., more or less powerful) than the character. If the vampire tastes the blood, he can automatically determine if its kin (but risks blood addiction if that is not the case). With one success, he knows if the target is older or younger, and with two successes, he knows exactly who the target is (assuming they have met).

The Traditions
The Tradition of Masquerade
Contrary to popular belief, vampires do not have a missing or distorted reflection, or more accurately, they do not unless they wish to, most of the time. For a number of hours equal to the Vampire's Humanity after waking up each night, the reflection is normal and nothing separates the reflection of a Vampire from that of a mortal. When the time expires however, the reflection is distorted as described in VtR rulebook pg 169. The ability to clear one's reflection by use of Willpower is reversed during the time it is normal blurring can be done at will, often to avoid identification.

Blood Sympathy
When it comes to directly related Characters, as a Sire and Childe, there is no distance great enough to nullify the bond between them and any bonuses granted by Blood Sympathy are in effect. The same happens when talking about an Avus and the adopted Childe but not between Childer of the same Sire.

Blood Supply
In most cases the vessel doesnt resist, as the ecstasy of the Kiss overwhelms the shock the Vampire places on the mortal's system. This depends on the environment, however. A vessel seduced or even surprised and subjected to the Kiss may lose herself in it, while a foe bitten in combat (or even one who feels threatened or otherwise at risk) does not yield to pleasure just because the Kiss feels good. Players of mortals and other living victims who wish to resist the Kiss must succeed on a Resolve + Composure roll, with a 5 dice penalty imposed by the supernatural power of the Kiss. Vampires are immune to the Kiss of other Vampires, know exactly whats going on and can fight back. For example, a Vampire would have to consume an amount roughly equal to 86 percent of the blood in a human body to glean a single point of Vitae if the blood in question was stored. Possible exceptions to this rule are reserves of mystically stored Vitae and are mentioned in the description of the way Vitae is thus stored.

Voluntary Torpor


Voluntary torpor lasts at least as long as the base duration set by the characters Humanity. At the end of that time, the character can choose to wake up with a successful Resolve + Composure roll. The player may choose not to make the roll at all and let the character continue to sleep for another increment of time. If the player fails the roll, the character remains in torpor for another increment, and so on. Example: Dylan finds himself on Lord Nuada's shit list and decides to lay low for a while, seeking refuge in voluntary torpor. His Humanity is 4, so he spends at least one year in torpor. After that first year, Dylans player decides not to make the roll to awaken, so Dylan lays torpid for another year. After the second year, Dylan's player rolls Resolve + Composure but fails to achieve any successes. Dylan remains torpid for another year, at which point the player succeeds on the roll and Dylan is free to rise.

THE VAMPIRES BITE If a vampire wishes to feed from a foe in combat, he goes about the procedure as normal, except a vampires bite causes lethal damage, not bashing. Instead of biting to inflict damage, however, a vampire may choose to consume Vitae that turn. In this case, the vampire inflicts harm through blood loss: one point of lethal damage.

Driving a stake through a vampires heart is extraordinarily difficult. The feat requires melee or ranged attack with the stake. In combat, the attacker suffers a 3 dice penalty to strike so precisely and an exceptional success (5 or more successes rolled) is required to actually thrust through the vampires body and into the heart. The staked vampire immediately collapses into torpor, appearing stone dead for all that a mortal can tell.

Abilities and Powers

Ghouls of a Vampire that belongs to a Bloodline are completely incapable of learning the Unique Discipline of that Bloodline. The Ghoul is considered to belong to the parent Clan and can only learn what Disciplines a Vampire of that Clan with Blood Potency of 1 would be able to learn. No Ghoul can ever learn a Discipline over level five, without exceptions. Animal ghouls can only learn physical Disciplines, exceptions must be approved by at least two Storytellers.


Appendix One: Bloodlines and Unique


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Nothing is permanent... and change can be soooo much fun...
Most Bloodlines are the result of long and arduous pilgrimages in behalf of their founders, the climax of a personal journey in search of some kind of edge over other Vampires, or a meaning in the Requiem. And then you have the rest, Bloodlines that spring in one night, brought to existence by an accident. The Chrysalise, are two parts quest, eight parts accident. The founder of the Bloodline is a French member of the Ordo Dracul, childe to a Toreador Daeva. At some point, she travelled to America, only to find her way back to Europe decades later, as one of the Sworn of the Axe an Oath that not all agreed was fitting, most of all the Dragons of Edinburgh, the city she set roots after returning to the old continent. Her reasons for leaving America, or for choosing Scotland instead of France, are not as important as what she found in her new home, change. Joining the Academy of Edinburgh changed her outlook of the Requiem greatly and it was not before the Daeva Ancilla displayed potential of becoming a good Sworn of the Dying Light, a path almost opposite to the one the New World had in store for her. Paired with an actual member of the Light Sworn, she mastered the coils faster than expected and perhaps for the first time she was in the middle of an ever changing environment. Arriving to the city months after the blood moon massacre brought her into a city unlike any other, where all visible threats were eliminated and supernaturals were able to work together much closer than anywhere else, especially in a playground as dangerous for them as Britain is. It was an environment that, while not free of prejudice or danger, promoted growth and the search for knowledge, something that Mireille, the would-be founder of the Chrysalise Bloodline, needed to realize her potential. In an attempt to understand the Vampiric nature better, she learned the Protean Discipline from her Dying Light mentor, the founder of another Bloodline himself and no stranger to change. Even with her new understanding however, Mireille was far from transcendence or even the change in her blood at that point. Disappointed by that fact and without telling anyone, she chose torpor instead of pursuing the Great Work further, a move that would turn out to be of great importance. Angered by this decision and unable to understand or agree with her motives, her mentor, the founder of the Ithilion Bloodline, used his own vitae to awaken her body. Moments before doing so, he had fed on one of the Awakened and while still in the aftermath of that, he offered his blood to the torpid Daeva. That was the beginning of Mireille's true change. For reasons unknown, the mage blood reacted with her mentor's vitae and turned into an elixir that triggered a very peculiar change in her own blood. The first change, and the one hardest to spot, was that she now was addicted to Awakened blood and would go to great lengths in order to sate her newly acquired taste for it. The visions triggered by it were certainly not enough to discourage her from seeking more of it, something that was relatively easy as her mentor was in friendly terms with many of the city's Awakened. Beyond that however, was a deeper change. While unable to change before, now change was part of her nature to the point that she could not remain the same for more than a few days at a time. As expected she started experimenting with looks, behaviour even habits she held dear before her torpor and awakening. Not changing something about her now was enough to send her into a fit of depression or agitated nervousness. On the more obvious side of things, she was now able to grow wings out of her back, no doubt a side effect of Ithilion blood. These wings were made of crystal and were like nothing found in nature, something mirrored by her Protean claws and eyes that now turned crystaline and a blue so bright they were practically glowing, as if out of a Dune book. Another change would soon find Mireile, in the form of an abused girl. Rescued by Ithilion, the girl was turned into a sex toy by her degenerate father and his friends that soon joined the numbers of the Branded. Angyles, as was her name, turned out to be a passionate girl that was soon ghouled by Mireille in order to protect her from other vampires and accepted into the greater Crypt brood quite easily by vampire standards. It was not long before Angyles proved herself as a worthy childe and a promising Dragon. Leaving her old life behind and regarding the Crypt Wyrms as her family, she was finally embraced by Mireille and it was not long before the Chrysalise blood was activated, turning her into the first member of the Bloodline besides the founder and according to some, the first true Butterfly. While the two got along rather well, it became obvious with time that Angyles was gaining trust and sympathy of the Crypt Wyrms, vampire or otherwise, faster than Mireille and got to spend more time with her Sire's mate and family in a way replacing her, at least in the eyes of outsiders. This was not lost to the Ancilla and while their relationship did not suffer, her relationship with the Crypt Wyrms did as they preferred the company of her childe. With tension building up, things gradually became less idyllic for Mireille and eventually she was offered the position of Kogaion, partly because she was the perfect person for the position, partly in order to get her away from the others. Naturally this did not sit well with her and she withdrew even more than before, growing cold to others as they had grown cold to her.

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Appearance: Like most Daeva, the members of the Bloodline tend to be on the attractive side of the spectrum, if not the outright impressive. Tattoos are common and more often than not, those that see a Chrysalise do not forget easily. They tend to dress in whatever fashion is appropriate for the surroundings and occasion. The inhuman eyes and great wings are the only true common traits. The wings appear overnight once they reach Blood Potency of 3 and can be absorbed for 2 Vitae. Their shape and nature reflect the vampire's personality and cannot be found in nature. Haven: While no haven is to be shunned by the Bloodline members, they have a tendency to live in large and impressive havens, like high class lofts or even castles. Skylights and luxuries that make for comfortable accommodations are often found in a Chrysalise haven, as is a healthy level of security sometimes in the form of Animal Ghouls or, in some cases, Gangrel allies. Background: With only three Bloodline members in the world, it is impossible for additional members to be created out of play. Possible new Butterflies adopted or not will have to join the Bloodline in game and are subject to all uncertainties and hazards of roleplay till and if they ever join them. Character Creation: Being social predators first and foremost, it is no surprise that possible members should have Social Attributes and Skills as primary, with Mental and Physical ones alternating for secondary. Expression and Crafts are often high and the Striking Looks ( or ) Merit is almost a requirement. Favorite Attributes: Dexterity or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Protean, Vigor Weakness: Since the change that led to the transformation of the founder's blood in order for the Bloodline to become a reality was caused by Mage blood, it is no surprise that Butterflies develop an addiction to Mage blood and try to be where a source is available. Their fascination with change also causes them to lose Willpower is they spend more nights than their Composure without changing at least one trait on their person or immediate surroundings, at a rate of 1 Willpower per extra night. Organization: There is no real organization in the Bloodline. Its members follow whatever hierarchy exists where they are with only the Embrace of new members being something they all get involved in. Concepts: Shapeshift addict, Savage noble, Transcendence expert, Social predator

Angyles on her part moved to a separate haven, an apartment not too far from the Crypt, not because of any ill will towards the Crypt Keepers but simply in an attempt to find herself, no doubt through a series of changes, some small, some quite radical. Even away from her family, she is still better liked than her sire and before long she was asked to Embrace another that would replace her Sire in the Crypt Wyrms. The childe, Circe, displayed the same affinity for the Coils as the two before her but unlike Angyles she was not accepted with open arms by all. To make things worse, one of those that warmed up to her died within the first few months, leaving Circe with even less people on her side. Even with that she proved to be worthy of the second life she was given and remains one of the faster evolving Dragons in the city, much to the dismay of some. Due to the ease that all Chrysalise managed to master Coils with, some believe that their predisposition to change enables them to learn the secrets of the Ordo Dracul faster than anyone else. Whether that is true or simply a wrong guess has yet to be determined. Impressive as both were at it, it is not uncommon for the Dragons of Edinburgh to be more advanced than Academies elsewhere. Another strange rumour follows the Bloodline. According to it, its members are actually capable of giving birth to children that are neither vampires nor mortals but something strange and unique. Naturally most are quick to discard this as nothing but a crazy urban legend no real basis in truth whatsoever... yet the rumours remain. While the Butterflies have nothing against taking Ghouls, it has only be done once and because it was a matter of life and death. That ghoul was later embraced and was treated as such even before she was brought into the Bloodline. How exactly Chrysalise blood affects Ghouls remains to be seen. Those few animal ghouls however have developed eerie traits similar to those of their unnatural regnants. Parent Clan: Daeva Nickname: Butterflies Covenant: Exclusively in the Ordo Dracul, at least so far which is not hard since there are only three members of the Bloodline around. While anything is possible, chances are any childer to come will follow in the founder's footsteps and join the ranks of the Dragons since they will already possess the proper mentality and predisposition towards change.

Daeva: Maybe one day our brethren will join us in enlightenment and find out how much fun it can be. Gangrel: Our teachers, our companions, they have many things to teach to those who listen. Mekhet: They observe change, we embrace it... see the difference? Nosferatu: Never judge someone by appearance alone... and never judge a pretty Haunt if they can hear you. Ventrue: Boring... I wonder who put the stick there in the first place. Changelings: Never met one... wonder what they taste like Mages: Tasty... no really, have you tasted one yet? Highly recommended. Mortals: Some of them understand change better than us, perhaps it is time for them to share. Prometheans: Stay away from them. Really. Shifters: Intriguing... and so much like our Gangrel allies, yet different enough to keep a safe distance.

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Daughters of Cacophony
Why do we sing? Because we must. The noisome undercurrent that passes trough each of us must be let to the surface, or it will boil us from within. Let it never be said that an undying heart feels no passion.
As far as Vampires are concerned, the Daughters of Cacophony are a modern Bloodline, coming into being only within the last few centuries, around 1700 according to most reports. Many vampires believe this curious Bloodline to be somehow connected to the Toreador, but little in its obscure history connects the two Bloodlines except for the common ground of their affinity to art. Few Vampires in the New World have heard much about the Daughters of Cacophony and even fewer have had the opportunity to meet one. The Bloodline's presence seems to be in the Old World and of little overt influence. Whatever their origin, the Daughters of Cacophony are singers extraordinaire, possessed of supernaturally magnificent (or terrifying) voices. Their voices, however, are better known for something other than their mystical allure. Through singing, a Soprano may fracture the minds of those who hear her. Darker tales tell of Daughters who can shatter objects and individuals with their voices as a mortal singer shatters a glass, and feeling even less remorse about doing so. What troubles Vampire scholars more than the Bloodline's origin however is the origin of their signature Discipline, their very strength and pride. In most cases, unique Disciplines are forged one step at a time and usually by the founder of the Bloodline, yet in the case of the Daughters and Melpominee, Bloodline and Discipline appeared at the same time for no apparent reason. The first recorded member of the Bloodline was known only as Melusine among the Undying of Paris. Her voice was as impressive as was her beauty and she was known for her singing as much as for the coldness of her heart. She was the first to display the powers of Melpominee and at full range too. The rumours about her origin are as many as for the Bloodline itself but Melusine herself never gave a solid answer or support to any of the theories. Before too long Melusine Embraced two childer, the first was named Lorelei and her disobedience towards her Sire, earned her the title Daughter of Cacophony, that later got stuck with the rest of the Bloodline. The second childe was kept out of the spotlight and both Melusine and Lorelei never mentioned her or his existence more than absolutely necessary. Some records show Melusine either was disappointed or feared her second childe. Lorelei and Melusine rarely saw things eye to eye and within a decade of her Embrace, the original Daughter of Cacophony moved to the New World only to return to Europe years later with a childe of her own. In the meantime, Melusine had a new childe as well and from that point on, the numbers of the Bloodline started to grow. Even in modern nights however, the Daughters of Cacophony are a rather small Bloodline and quite localized. The Daughters of Cacophony are often considered inconsequential by those Vampires with whom they share domain. Whether it is because the Bloodline largely avoids the nightly perils of Vampire politics or because of the fact they never rise within the Covenants, if they choose to join one that is, local authorities tend to ignore the Daughters. In their complacency, however, they have ignored much that has occurred in the modern nights of the Bloodline. Whereas the Bloodline once admitted male members referred to as Sons of Discord it has recently culled them from its ranks for reasons unknown and some say it was done by means of Diablerie, yet no proof of that has ever been given. According to some rumours, the male members of the Bloodline were working together on a project, a Great Song, that would make the Daughters of Cacophony the masters of the Vampire race. Other rumours speak of male Sirens that opened themselves to demons and things from places best left alone. Finally, some Daughters of Cacophony simply say that the males drew too much attention to themselves Erik, the famous Phantom Opera Ghost of literature is often given as example, yet it is everyone's guess if that figure was a member of the Bloodline, Vampire or even real to begin with and to the Bloodline, or even Vampire in general, that is a very bad idea, so culling them was the only option. When given these possibilities, practical minded Vampires agree it was the wise move. Naturally, the Daughters are silent as to their greater agenda, if indeed any exists at all. They prefer to while away their nights in song, offering their musical interludes to each other and small, intimate collectives of those who follow their undying careers knowingly, or otherwise. They tend to associate with Daeva and Ventrue, most often of the Toreador and Malkovian Bloodlines, all of whom seem to be able to appreciate the unnatural beauty of their songs and sometimes become entangled in their machinations. Sopranos when they can be bothered of issues so peripheral to their interests, sometimes fall in whichever Covenant exerts the greatest influence in their immediate surroundings and show little interest for whatever belief the Covenant holds, paying lip service for the protection it offers instead. More than one account has circulated, of Sopranos spending nights with elders of any Covenant and leaving them maddened after a particularly rousing concert. Even with rumours of such performances prominent Vampires especially Masters of Elysium and First Estate Elders try to secure one of the Sirens for a public or private concert, in hopes it will keep their names on the lips of every Vampire that matters and in a good way. Although in two cases the Sirens were the only Vampires to walk out of such a concert, such an event is usually a great addition to an Elysium night.

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Appearance: Female in their entirety for the last few decades at least the Sirens vary widely in appearance, from rail-thin waifs to rotund opera divas. Members of the Bloodline affect clothes and manners that befit their musical niche; the Daughters have their share of leather-clad punk-band frontwomen, satin-dressed piano ingenues and everything in between. Haven: The Daughters make havens wherever suits their tastes, which may be derelict warehouses, high-rise condominium developments or even the opera houses in which they perform. They typically hide them from others, relying on isolation to protect them. Background: The Bloodline Embraces only those females that possess alluring or noteworthy voices. These individuals need not be singers or musicians in life, though most were and rather promising at that. Daughters of Cacophony come from strata of society, chosen for their singing ability and voice above any other concerns (except gender, of course). Character Creation: Daughters of Cacophony often are entertainers or performers and as such, their Virtues and Vices reflect that in most cases. Most favor Social Attributes and Skills, with Expression being the main focus. Daughters almost always have a Herd of admirers surrounding them. Favorite Attributes: Manipulation or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Melpominee, Vigor Weakness: The Daughters of Cacophony, upon their Embrace, become almost trapped by the music that circulates through their souls. As the Toreador who become entranced by beauty they observe, so must the Daughters fill the opposite end of the equation. If a Siren does not perform in front of an audience for a night, she gains a penalty of 1 dice in all Social rolls. Organization: The Daughters have no formal organization their numbers are so few and far between that any given location is unlikely to be home for more than one or two of them (if any) When they do congregate for whatever reason the younger members of the Bloodline often defer to the older ones. Some Vampires have been witness to small assemblies of Sirens who perform songs of haunting beauty or frightening timbre that leave their audiences... moved. It has been noted by observant Vampires more than once that even in the most impromptu or performances, all Daughters present seem to know exactly what will be sung in addition to all the verses. Concepts: Opera Singer, Diva, Vocalist, Choir Member, Pop Singer

The music style each Daughter of Cacophony follows, colours her Requiem accordingly. Sirens into the metal, rock or even pop scene tend to have more active and sometimes shorter Requiems as they live and shine among the fans of such music, while those into opera or more classical styles enjoy calmer and less eventful Requiems. Eventually even a choir member Siren will succumb to the Daeva curse and let her passions take over, though rarely in a way that breaks her facade. To the surprise of many and while the Bloodline as a whole is quite famous in certain circles, no single Soprano has ever been a household name, easily recognized by those who have never seen her perform. This baffles many Vampires that expect a Daeva especially one that is into art like the Sopranos are to be interested in fame and acceptance among her peers. When asked about it, Sirens simply say that the Art is all that matters. Many are those that speculate the Sopranos are only special when in person, or if you have heard them perform at least once before listening to a recording. Even though no Soprano is famous worldwide in either the world of Mortals, or that of Vampires most of them began their Requiems just when they were beginning a very promising career in singing, a few of them might have even changed the world of music forever if allowed to reach the apex of their skill. The Sopranos in question are often quite certain they got a better deal out of the Requiem and the power Melpominee offers them more than anything a mundane career in music would ever be able to. Often creating Ghouls out of their entourage, the Sopranos are never short on helping hands. Favouring young, attractive and charming individuals, Daughters make sure their servants are as much a lure as they themselves are. Vitae changes the Ghouls in such a way that they often fall into a trance when their mistress sings, using Melpominee, in their presence. How each Soprano treats her Ghouls is up to her, though most tend to be fairly civilized and reasonable. Parent Clan: Daeva Nickname: Sopranos Covenant: Generally, the Sopranos care little for politics, and even though they join whatever Covenant is in power in the City they are in, they rarely rise in rank. A great deal of them are with Unaligned, simply because it means they have more time to sing that way. That said, the First Estate, Lancea et Sanctum and Carthians tend to attract more Daughters than any of the rest.

Daeva: Such passion, such inner fire... if only they knew what it is to feel the music in you... some do and soon join us Gangrel: I wonder if the Savages can appreciate music, I will sing to them anyway to find out Mekhet: They like to spend hours over a book, one has to wonder, do they enjoy music as much as reading? Nosferatu: Monsters and not afraid to hide it... I fear the beauty of our music may not be enough to reach them Ventrue: They often become our patrons, for that alone you have to respect them... or never let them hear anything else Changelings: For some reason, they sound like they can appreciate our music. Mages: Hopefully they know about us as little as we know about them... I would settle with less as well Mortals: Ah, I still remember how it was without the music in me... I can't say I really miss it Prometheans: Surely our talent is lost to monstrosities such as these. Shifters: Fearsome beasts, if only our music could affect their souls ...if they even have a soul to affect that is...


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Pain is so close to pleasure ...usually just a couple of inches away ...your pain, my pleasure...
Founded a few months after the appearance of Parvuli Angeli, this Bloodline is for all intends and purposes their archnemesis. The founder, a Daeva known only as Lucifer was sickened by the Cherubs so made it his unlife's goal to counter their every move. Rumors say Lucifer is actually Damien Randolph, the first childe of the Cherubs founder, that for some reason unknown to this day and night went against his Sire's practices. What is known about Lucifer is that he was gone for a few years, reemerging with new powers without any explanation as to where he got them. As often happens in such cases rumours started flying and many were those that said Lucifer made a pact with some dark entity or another, some even going as far as to suggest he contacted a being of godlike power exactly which one depends on the religion and personal beliefs of the one sharing the rumour. He spent the next couple of decades embracing three childer and watching them sire their own in turn. With fresh blood and a new agenda, he used his newfound powers to establish and spread his Bloodline. Nobody knows exactly what he had in mind but for the most part he did what most brood patrons try to do, find a safe haven for themselves and their brood. Perhaps out of spite, most Fiend havens during that period were desecrated churches. The first childe, known as Raziel, went to the Middle East and northern Africa, furthering Lucifer's agenda whatever it may be among the Arab vampires. As expected, Jerusalem was the focus point of Raziel's efforts, with many religious sites as the centre of Diaboli Nocturni activity in the area. The second childe, Gideon, went to North America, where he sought to do as Lucifer commanded among the Vampires of the New World. Many are those that believe he was involved in some way in the witch trials of Salem and similar events. That of course may just be a rumour, as it clearly conflicts with the established history of both Fiends and Cherubs. The third childe, Selene, remained in Europe and at Lucifer's side, his protg and lover. By far the most wicked of the three, she became a Crone of the Circle before long and for a time used the local cults to further her own agenda. Spending most of her time in eastern France and Switzerland, she was seen rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, of mortal and vampire aristocracy alike. Each of the childer is said to have embraced thrice, all seeking characters close to their own, or that at least furthered their goals in some way. Because of that, there are three Houses in the Bloodline, structured much like First Estate ones, surprisingly enough. Each and every Fiend now undying can claim membership to one of these Houses and often try to outclass each other in terms of wickedness and manipulation of others. Currently Lucifer is rumoured to be in torpor somewhere in Eastern Europe, as are his first three childer. Some among the newest Fiends claim that the four of them were actually diabolised long ago and this is simply an attempt by the ones that did it to silence and cover their crime. Others still believe that this is a fairytale to scare foolish childer. While the Fiends will go out of the way to investigate rumours of a Cherub in the domain a search that never gets any solid results in all cities but one, not that the Fiends know this they are not concerned with the existence of Parvuli Angeli in general. Their hate and loathing only extends to what they can see and touch, pursuing a vendetta with a target that may not even exist, is not exactly part of their agenda, nightly or otherwise. Unlike the Cherubs, Diaboli are loners and avoid each other's presence if they can help it. The company of others is usually tolerated, especially since they need someone to torture. They will go to great lengths to make sure they have a plaything for the night and usually get bored after a while, so eventually their victims are tossed away or killed after a few nights. The vast majority of the Fiends can be found in western Europe and the eastern shore of North America, with New World domains surprisingly enough holding the bulk of the Bloodline. At the same time, most of the Elders are found in Old World domains where few others can be found and they have less competition and a thicker herd. Even though they are antisocial or rather sociopath, Diaboli can be rather smooth and manipulative. The use of Deimos, their unique Discipline doesn't help them in any way but to instill fear in the hearts of those that have heard the stories. Not afraid to use Vinculi since that ensures there will always be people around for them to toy with. This stands for relationships within the Bloodline, with the Elders using the Vinculum to control the younger Vampires, their own childer. When a new member joins the Bloodline it is done in an almost ritualistic way and in the past the founder, now the eldest member is there to grant permission or pass judgment. If the new addition is found lacking, both he and the Avus are driven out of the city and while the Avus can return in time, the Bloodline is forever closed to the one that failed to qualify. If for whatever reason the childe returns to the city, they risk Final Death, the Fiends suffer no fools or failures. There is a strange rumour regarding the Elders of the Bloodline, one only spoken of in dark corners and away from prying ears, one whispered among neonates and ancillae in fear. According to it, the Elders do not simply look like demons, but actually offer

Diaboli Nocturni

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Haven: Not trying to escape their looks and reputation, most Diaboli Nocturni go for old, derelict or just goth looking buildings with lots of space and perches. Aiming to inspire awe and dread, they go to great lengths in order to decorate their havens in ways that reflect their dark nature. Those of them that can afford it, build rather impressive labs or torture chambers, depending on who you ask. Quite a few of them honour the rumours about Lucifer, choosing desecrated sites of any creed and religion. Background: The new members are drawn among the base Daeva recruits, the same virtues and vices are sought after but with a twist. Fiends look for those with a mean streak, sadists of varying degree, debauchers, degenerate socialites, it all comes down to having something that will make the sire take interest in the childe to be. Quite a few Fiends are artists or well cultured Character Creation: Like the parent Clan, they focus on Social Attributes and Skills, with Mental and Physical ones following in equal preference mostly depending on the favourite form of torture of the Fiend in question. Unlike most Daeva, they use their Disciplines significantly more than social skills to feed, so both Deimos and Majesty are among the favorites. Merits that affect how others see the Fiends are quite common, as are flaws that affect how the Fiends see others. Favorite Attributes: Manipulation or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Deimos, Vigor Weakness: In addition to the normal slavery to their Vice that all Daeva suffer, the Fiends are so repulsed by the ones that try to do good that simply have to take any possible opportunity they get and use it to inflict pain, physical or otherwise, to those around. Failing to do so breaks them and they lose one Willpower point per night until they successfully make someone suffer. Organization: Loners by nature, the Fiends don't play well with authority unless in the Lancea et Sanctum or when it comes to Lucifer or his first three childer. They will defy anyone that tries to pass as superior at first chance. That said they are no fools, they know how to bow and survive when they have to. Concepts: Deranged artist, Serial killer, Executioner, Religious fanatic, Black Widow

their bodies as vessels for otherworldly entities that most people would classify as demons. Rumours speak of old and powerful Fiends with burning eyes and hands that can set a Cherub in flames with a simple touch. In the past, that rumour has been the source of problems for the Bloodline, especially with the Disciples of Asclepius and the Ordo Dracul. True to Dracula's teachings, the Dragons seek to destroy and diabolise those that willingly offer their soul to any sort of demon or deity. In one particular case somewhere in the East Coast a whole coterie of Dragon Fiends was supposedly destroyed by an Axe Sworn raiding party. The local Academy however denies any involvement, claiming ignorance to their whereabouts. Ghouls only have two uses as far as the Fiends are concerned, playthings and trainees. Quite often the two are the same as the new ghoul learns to enjoy torture even if he is the victim. The ability to heal comes very handy in the training of a childe-to-be as it prolongs the suffering till the Sire feels its time for the Embrace. As all Ghouls find out, a Fiend's Vitae makes them addicted to pain and suffering their own and of others. Parent Clan: Daeva Nickname: Fiends Covenant: Going against the mainstream Daeva, the members of this Bloodline easily join the Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul, surprisingly a great deal of them are found in the Lancea et Sanctum, their demonic looks making them ideal for the job. The rest are mostly unaligned since they do not really care all that much for politics and power, well... not in the open anyway. Naturally, the Disciples of Asclepius is not their Covenant of choice. Appearance: Like most Daeva all Diaboli Nocturni are very attractive, that changes slowly once embraced however. Within three weeks, they gain their wings in pretty much the same way the Cherubs do. Depending on the Humanity (or lack of) of the individual, these wings range from simple and smooth bat wings, to truly demonic looking ones. As they reach Blood Potency 3, they are able to absorb their wings for 2 Vitae. At Blood Potency 5, small bone spurs grow along the spine or joints, giving the Fiends a more demonic appearance. At Blood Potency 7, this is enhanced further as small horns grow on their forehead. If there are other changes, it is yet unknown.

Daeva: They think they know about passion and vice... how delightfully ignorant, I would love to enlighten them... Gangrel: Savage animals... one cannot help but wonder if they feel pain the same way the rest do... with their claws however, I have no intention to find out unprepared... Mekhet: The shadows will keep you safe from the sun but not from me. what will you tell me to let go... or keep going... Nosferatu: We have many things in common with the Haunts... which is why I choose not to mess with them. Yes... that and their pesky little powers... Ventrue: Have you ever wondered just how much pain it takes for a broken mind to shatter? ...well, lets find out Changelings: They sound too frail to withstand physical abuse... good thing there is always the psychological option. Mages: My my... now mortals come in new flavors... I wonder if they are just as eager to talk after a few hours with me... Mortals: Nothing but food and playthings... well, every now and then you might find one worthy of your Vitae... but of course you have to test him... a long and painful test... Prometheans: So much torment, so much pain... yesss.... Shifters: Oh yes... I bet these ones can take lots of pain... I just don't want to be near when they come to collect...

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Parvuli Angeli
"No, no, no, you've got it all wrong... If you want to know the truth about them, I can tell you... But you have to pay for it... I could use a strong lad like you around"
A strange experiment, even by Vampire standards, the founding and history of this Bloodline still confuses those who take an interest in the story. Nobody knows exactly when the events that led to it took place, but the first recorded appearance of the founder is in Boston sometime during the last century... and even that is often disregarded as suspicious or inaccurate by those who dwell in the details more than others. According to the records, the founder of the Bloodline was a Daeva named Lillian Maer. While that is not in any way impressive of out of the ordinary, her age certainly is. Those who actually met her before she starts the line that would be later known as Cherubs, say she was or rather her body was only twelve, or even younger, when she was Embraced... yet those who encountered Lillian later in her unlife, speak of a young woman of unsurpassed beauty... and in her early twenties. The mystery never found a solution but as is natural, many theories saw the light of day... or night. One of the most popular theories is that Maer never was a child, but knew of a way perhaps a unique Discipline or Devotion to change her appearance, age, or both, at will. The downside of this theory is that she was never seen using it ever again. Since she first appeared to grow older and leave childhood behind, no other change took place. Another theory that sounds almost just as likely to be true, is that Maer grew older in body as her blood became more potent. Advocates of this theory say that this explains why she was never seen changing since then and speculate that the Bloodline's weakness has its roots on Maer's true age when she was Embraced... a child at her age, they say, are neither very strong nor especially sturdy. Others are quick to point out that such a transformation would make her a unique case in all Vampiric records. There is one theory however that is not as popular, yet appears to be closer to the truth than the rest as improbable as it sounds. According to it, Lillian's transformation was the result of a ritual performed by a cabal of Mages, presumably members of the Tremere Lich legacy. While a select circle is aware of the legacy and its ties to Vampires, nobody but the members of that cabal is aware of the true reason behind their alleged involvement in Lillian's unnatural change. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is for sure... Lillian reentered Vampire society a couple of decades later this time in Europe and was for a time under the care of a Gangrel ancilla. The nature of their relationship is unknown to all, as well as why a Savage would put his unlife at risk to save a frail and seemingly useless Daeva fledgling. It was during her time there that Lillian developed the trademark wings of her Bloodline and apparently the same time she had somewhat of an emotional awakening. After leaving the Gangrel, she returned to the States, where under unknown circumstances she Sired her first childe. The childe's name was Damien Randolph and he soon after became better known as Lucifer. He was everything Maer hoped he never would be, a perfect antithesis to her. Whether he was like this before the Embrace and fooled her long enough to get the dark gift or if entering the Requiem changed him, will never been known. In any case, Maer fled the States again, this time to avoid her childe, to return to her old guardian, the Gangrel by the name of Ithilion. This time her stay was somewhat longer and she was there when he Embraced his first childe, an experiment that went far better than her own. Little is known about her time there, except for one rather significant detail. She underwent another change in character and had to leave Europe once more, this time for New Orleans, the domain of Prince Vidal. It was during her stay in New Orleans that she Ebraced her second childe, this time out of need to save her and against Vidal's praxis. Luckily for both, the night this happened was a night of many strange happenings and against all reason and chance, both Lillian and her childe survived with nobody saying a thing... at least for a couple of years and then the problems started. As they say, nothing good lasts forever and this was no exception to the rule. When the climate became too much for them to handle, both Maer and her childe fled the city. Some speak of Lucifer coming back to haunt his Sire, some think the local spirits of vodoun could not tolerate them any longer, while others simply speak of the locals finally catching up with an unsanctioned Embrace. Either way, it was time for them to move and move they did... for a few years after that, all trace of the two Angeli is lost, but eventually they reappear in Chicago. The windy city proved to be more hospitable for the Cherubs, Lucifer was nowhere to be seen and for a while, no clouds were seen in the horizon. Unlife was once again good, which makes what followed rather strange. Without any apparent reason, the two left the city, Lillian to an unknown direction, her childe to Edinburgh in an attempt to find her Sire's old guardian. There are no records of either one since and some suspected the childe was lost in the infamous blood moon massacre of August 2005, before she appeared once more months later, as a Disciple of Asclepius. With only two members of the Bloodline known there are rumours that claim Maer Sired more childer, but nobody knows if this is true or if they joined the Bloodline it is fairly easy to describe certain patterns, behavioural or otherwise. One has to keep

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wings do not appear overnight, and their growth does cause the Vampire some pain. Around five days after the Cherub's Embrace, she will begin to feel a sharp pain below her shoulder blades as new bone growth begins to break the surface. The sight of a newlyEmbraced Cherub after their wings have begun to grow is gruesome, to say the least, taking 2 weeks for the bones to grow entirely and for feathers to begin to emerge. At 3 weeks, the Cherub's wings will be complete. Upon reaching Blood Potency 3, the Cherubs are able to absorb their wings for 2 Vitae. Haven: Whatever the haven of choice may be, there is usually a library in, or near, it. Since most Cherubs are forced into spending their first few weeks alone, books are good company. As is to be expected, there is usually a way out by means of flying so basements are less than favored by the Cherubs. Background: There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the way the Cherubs choose childer, though an Embrace only comes after much thought on the matter, and only if the proposed childe agrees. Once that happens, the childe is usually kept as a blood doll for a period of time before the Embrace. Character Creation: As most Cherubs are scholars, Mental Attributes and Skills are favored. Social are next, as they need allies in order to survive. As is expected, Physical Attributes and Skills are nearly ignored, not exactly the Cherubs' cup of tea. Favorite Attributes: Dexterity or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Celerity, Eros, Majesty, Vigor Weakness: Unlike most Daeva, the Cherubs are not exactly the physical type, not as far as fighting goes at least. Lovers and not fighters make the Bloodline as the Parvuli Angeli do not reroll 10s in rolls of Strength or Stamina and 1s remove successes. While they can be very dexterous, the Cherubs are usually frail and delicate, which is why they often employ bodyguards. Organization: The Parvuli Angeli don't have much of an organization, per se. It's more like loose family ties, since there are so few of them. The Bloodline progenitor, does try to keep tabs on those descended from her, though, and requires news of any new childer of the Bloodline sent to her. Concepts: Barfly, Bookworm, Librarian, Psychologist, Socialite, Teacher

in mind of course that neither Lillian nor her second childe are typical Vampires and this is reflected upon the Bloodline as a whole. The Cherubs are as passionate as any Daeva, but most of them seem to focus their drive in the acquisition and recording of knowledge, in whatever shape or form. Perhaps inspired by the mystery of their founder's transformation, the Cherubs rarely let go of a source of information and usually when they do it is because it poses a risk to their own unlives. Due to their weakness, Cherubs have a unique outlook on unlife, they rarely can survive by themselves sooner or later their quest for knowledge has them upsetting the wrong people so they seek out people that can protect them. It is not rare to see one of the Parvuli Angeli in the company of Gangrel, normal Daeva or as some reports say, Shapeshifters and more exotic bodyguards. For similar reasons, as well as whatever reason any other Vampires can think of, Cherubs keep Ghouls with them. They do not see the Vinculum as something bad and tend to treat their thralls well, in some cases as equals. If Maer had her way with the second childe, she would be a Ghoul long before the Embrace was even considered... perhaps she got a chance to do this with her childer after the second if there are any to begin with. If the Vitae of the Cherubs somehow changes the Ghouls, it is not known. Parent Clan: Daeva Nickname: Cherubs Covenant: Since Cherubs are of high humanity, it is no surprise they remained away from the Lancea et Sanctum, the Childer of Haqim and even the Circle of the Crone and the Ordo Dracul. It is not known if Maer ever joined a Covenant, but her second childe found her way into the ranks of the Disciples of Asclepius, under one of the Ophiuchi. Rumours speak of a Cherub meeting Final Death during the second siege of Edinburgh. Appearance: At first glance, a Parvulus Angelus may seem to many to be anything but a vampire, because of the large birdlike wings (with a wingspan roughly three times the vampire's height) that spread from their back. The color of these wings is dependent upon humanity rating. High humanity Cherubs will have white wings, while those with low humanity will have black wings. These

Daeva: "Our guys are the most sensuous beings ever... Most of us will gladly keep your ass safe and sex you up while we're doing it... But be careful. We can be intoxicating." Gangrel: "Sometimes they think we're them, but they definitely fight better than we do, so play nice. Trade your knowledge for their protection. They can be good friends. Careful not to piss them off though. Mekhet: "These people know things. Get them to talk, however you can, and listen to them." Nosferatu: "Don't freak out. Yes, they're creepy as hell, but they have knowledge... And they make fairly good bodyguards" Ventrue: "They have money and can get you some rare texts. Act nice, smile and broach your ideas carefully." Changelings: I wonder if they are anything like in the books... must research further. Mages: "It's good to befriend them. They can shed some light to the mystery of the Transformation, and have nifty books." Mortals: "What do they know? Not many of them know anything that's worth anything to us, and they can't really protect us. Yeah, we used to be them, so they should get some respect, but..." Prometheans: Such a dreadful existence... no wonder they try to escape it. Shifters: "Do not anger them, for they will rip you apart if you get on their bad side. Stay away from them if you can."

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Shao Luong
"The path of civilization is paved with the hard work of it's defenders."
The Shao Luong Bloodline is of a rather indeterminate and unmentioned antique origin in the orient, often associated with monasteries of a martial inclination. They nearly disappeared in China in the middle of the twentieth century, or were forced underground. The same thing occurred in Japan in the late 19th Century to them. Since then, the Bloodline has stuck to teaching mostly weaponless fighting and meditation, trying to help their brothers to fight the burning urges they all feel. Known as Shen Luong Spiritual Dragons among the Chinese and other Asians that still held the old legends, they became known to the westerners as Shaolin Monks, probably due to someone hearing the Chinese term wrong and confusion over stereotypes and cultural influences, something that happens often. The Shao Luong name traces itself to the most ancient of Chinese cultures, once thought merely tradition, evidence has recently been uncovered that the Shao Luong did exist in northern China from about 2100 to 1800 BC. It is in the roots of the Sheng Dynasty, the first true Chinese dynasty, that the Shao Luong are founded themselves as what they still are even today. Their warriors and ghouls being instrumental at providing the support of setting up the Shang Dynasty (1700 1027 BC). But what they founded became fragmented, over time, and they recognized the need for a true centralized authority. In 227 BC the Shao Luong, then truly much as they are today, were ready to implement their plan of unifying civilization, not the first time they would resort to the art of war to achieve peace. This culminated in the founding of the short lived Qin dynasty which ruled all of China from 221-207 BC, it's Emperor Qinshihuangdi, too maddened by the blood of the vampires was put down finally and entombed in an elaborate manner. Recent discovery of his tomb and the army of statues around it make one wonder about the Shao Luong tradition that the act of great war to unify found them shame, and much of the warriors who did it took form as statues to await a time when their skills and numbers could be put to defense instead of offense. With the tomb of the first emperor of China still as yet unopened, it leaves one to wonder what could have been buried with him all these millennia, the long sleeping army of the Shao Luong, waiting for a chance to redeem themselves, as their history says. Maybe they are waiting on the End of Days, to try to make a difference in the final fight.. maybe those statues are just that now. Statues. Meanwhile, around the same period some of the Shao Luong had helped to found and maintain the Japanese Jomon culture, and had put tendrils out to Southeast Asia, and Korea. Small in numbers, their skill and connection with the Dragon the earth itself was as strong as their ideals. In fact, many Shao Luong are quite proficient geomancers and tend to seek out others with similar interests and skills. Many past Shao Luong are honored by the clan in word. Elder Sun Tzu master of war, Wing Chun the blossom of China who perfected Kung Fu, the legendary warrior princess Fa Mu Lan, Ping L'ao the ancient Korean elder whose insight into Luong Feng created many new applications to its use. The ancient masters are often rumored to rest once their potency becomes too high, entombing themselves in stone and awaiting awakening by another, with most of them still in torpor and away from modern civilization. This practice was at one time common, but as centuries have passed many cultural centers of the Bloodline have changed hands, and well regarded ancient stones containing Shao Luong elders grace many museums and public areas their true contents unknown to all but maybe a very few. However, the Shao Luong waiting with patience have maintained some sort of custody over many sites, whether guarding them openly as martial arts schools, monasteries or centers of culture, they do what they can to preserve their ancient centers. The Shao Luong are openly underground in places such as Beijing, Kyoto, Seoul, Nepal, Loyang, Changan, Kaifeng, Dali, Lhasa, and so on. Perhaps more impressive is the diaspora of the Bloodline. Few places without a cultural centre for Asians are without at least one Shao Luong among the mortals, guiding and guarding them, sometimes relatively open, veiled only under layers of culture and legend. Quite often the resident Monk will pose as a community elder, a spiritual leader or a blatantly supernatural presence, casting a long shadow over their wards. France, Britain and North America show the greatest concentration of such communities in the West, with the United Kingdom and the United States taking the lead. Some of the Bloodline's respected elders are rumoured to run such communities, while a few paranoid voices speak of ancient masters walking among the flock as equals, watching and waiting. Under normal circumstances having an elder of the Bloodline watching your back would be a good thing, but the Shao Luong have little problem culling the weak for the betterment of the community and in the past have been known to do so with brutal efficiency. This is especially true for members of the Bloodline itself, failure to uphold the code of the Shao Luong is not tolerated and Final Death is a common enough punishment for the transgressor. On the other hand, the majority of the Shao Luong Bloodline keep to themselves, living as remote and solitary an existence as a vampire can, with a few of them acting like ronin,

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Appearance: As this line has yet to leave the orient in any way that matters, all of it's members are oriental, and are selected usually from fine martial artists, so that they tend to appear fit, strong, and dexterous. When possible, the Daeva standards of beauty and grace can easily be seen in the Shaolin Monks. Haven: Shao Luong usually hides in the open, using dojos, convents, monasteries or any place someone would expect to find an oriental mystic, even if its just an expectation born of pop culture misconceptions. Shao Luong are strangely used to the support of others, and usually meld well with a group. Background: These warriors are very selective of who they embrace, picking and choosing those with dedication to take on the curse in order to fulfill their mission. They are Asian due to their origin, but it is possible if one finds a suitable applicant of another racial origin, they will value the goal and belief over racial purity. Character Creation: Given the history of the Bloodline, most Shao Luong are skilled in one form of combat, most often oriental martial arts and weaponry. Focusing more on Finesse traits they use speed and grace more than brute strength. Usually having the Fighting Finesse () Merit, along with an appropriate Fighting Style. Beyond that, they are equally split between those focusing on Social and Mental Skills. Members of the Bloodline are allowed to take the Merit Geomantic Nexus ( to ) whether they are members of the Ordo Dracul or not. Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Wits Bloodline Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Vigor, Luong Feng Weakness: Like the parent clan Daeva, the Shao Luong find it difficult to resist their hedonistic impulses, when she does not give in to her vice, it costs her two willpower points. In addition, the bloodline values artists highly, especially those with civilization maintaining, creating, purpose, and especially healers. They will strive to protect them, even at risk of their own lives. The Player must spend a willpower point or succeed at a reflexive resolve roll to avoid to committing to their defense, despite any odds. Organization: The Shao Luong are informally very organized, gathering often in groups, but the will of its members are respected, and are often found as wandering ronin outside their centers that often contain 10 to 20 mortal for every vampire, often unaware of the undying status of the 'leaders'. Concepts: Ronin, Defender, Feng Suei consultant.

finding causes they believe in, and devoting their existence to. These noble goals are almost always beneficial to the immediate community, but some Monks look at the bigger picture, even if the smaller group suffers for it. Depending on the goals chosen and the means used, they are seen as heroes or villains. The long history of the Shao Luong Bloodline and more importantly, its established role in human society from early on, makes one wonder about the true age of vampires and of the Daeva Clan in particular. What is known for certain is that the Bloodline is one of the oldest and their claim to be the ones responsible for civilization may not be as unfounded as some would like. With the influx of orientals into the west and the growing popularity of ancient techniques and knowledge, many Shao Luong take it upon themselves to educate a whole new audience to civilization as they know it. Some do it for the sake of progress, while others make sure to get more mundane rewards from it at the same time, in a way treating their wards as they are expected to be treated. Far more important however is the fact the Shao Luong finally met with modern technology, both in the orient and in the west. Learning to use the fruit of human civilization with ancient techniques is a challenge many members of the Bloodline take. Most of them are working on geomancy and energy channelling, focusing on the legendary connection between the Monks and the Dragon, Earth itself. While Shao Luong Ghouls are rare, they remain a possibility. The Shaolin Monks prefer either those in need of their protection, or like-minded individuals who will in time be ready to receive the Embrace. The Vitae of the Shao Luong alters the Ghouls in a peculiar way, no matter what happens, those who serve the Bloodline retain a calm, almost docile, demeanor. Parent Clan: Daeva Nickname: Shaolin Monks Covenant: Usually this Bloodline is found only in an oriental Covenant dedicated to preserving civilization westerners often mistake it for the local flavour of the First Estate or the Carthians, depending on the specific form of it in a given location in fact it seems the Bloodline is a Covenant in itself. However some of the more idealistic have been leaking over to a western Covenant similar to that, the Discliples of Asclepius. Just as many show interest in the Coils of the Dragon as means to better focus on their duty without having to worry about the drawbacks of the curse.

Daeva: This parent clan is older than many others think, and their passions can lead to good, as we represent. Gangrel: Admirable this clan can be in it's pure animalistic rage. Be careful of them, but they are not our enemy. Mekhet: Their knowledge can be very useful, especially to your charge. Nosferatu: Do not mistake twisted body for twisted mind. These are usually well worth talking to. Ventrue: Classic aristocrats, but can be manipulated like any court being. Changelings: One has to wonder what their place is in the grand scheme of things. Mages: Truly a fountain of knowledge, but be wary of their magics. Mortals: Our charges and our responsibility. You have to feed from them, but you should never kill unless well deserved. Prometheans: Fascinating creatures, they seek to become more like our charges. Shifters: Like us they are defenders, but of a different sort. Work with them when possible, else avoid to anger them.

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I got PMS and can claw your head off... any questions?
The founder of the Bloodline was born a few centuries ago in Greece and led a rather adventurous life, namely from one bed to the next, or at least thats how he remembers things. In one of his adventures he met the woman that would change his life... by ending it. The Embrace added a new thrill in his ways but did not make him change completely. Some would argue he was more of a Daeva than Gangrel, yet he displayed a wild side few of the clan possess. For most of his life and a great part of his unlife, he remained away from politics... but the Danse Macabre eventually catches up with everyone... Not staying away from other Vampires for long, he eventually found himself to the side of a Daeva countess in Italy and even though he didn't join the First Estate as she would have him do, he spent a decade or two with her and among the things he picked up was the Discipline of Majesty. His newfound knowledge naturally led him to even more adventures, with or without the countess and some of them not of the kind he enjoyed. It also drew the attention of certain Vampires of influence from different Covenants, for better or for worse. Some in order to recruit him and others to remove a potential threat from the political arena, or simply from the thoughts of a favoured childe, paramour or vassal. The moment that proved crucial to his personal future, and the creation of the bloodline was when the founder finally made up his mind, and joined the Ordo Dracul. Ithilion were started pretty much unwittingly, some months after the founder was fully accepted in the covenant, as an experiment he did with his own blood, to result that surprised even him. Wanting to test the effectiveness of the Coil of the Beast against a stronger such, he developed a strange flaw, his temper became much dependent on the moon, which indeed drew him even closer to his own inner bestiality... As an odd, physical display of this change, his eyes changed, turning to wolf ones. But another, much more subtle change occurred in the founder's very blood. Known among the social circles for his passionate nature, animal magnetism and enjoyment of beauty, especially in female form, often thought for a Succubus, rather than a Savage, his vitae changed to give more merit to these claims, or perhaps to simply reflect his nature. From the moment he learned the discipline of Majesty, he found to enjoy it greatly, and employ it just as much, to the point of it becoming like a second nature to him. After the experiment he conducted with his blood, though, it became even easier to him to master the gift, now a second nature indeed. The experiment was a success. But at the time, the founder didn't realize just how much of such, and shortly after the completion of the change in his blood, he was driven into torpor, a fact that postponed this realization for more than a century. This realization, as with most Bloodlines, came with the founder's childer, two young pretty women that made most Succubi jealous with their charisma and grace, with a feral streak to rival that of most Gangrel. Upon reaching Blood Potency high enough to join the Bloodline, both displayed the trademark animal eyes, one of them feline, the other avian. The childer, that as of yet had not Embraced anybody at least as far as it is known followed separate paths, with the first accepting her predatory nature and joining the Circle of the Crone, while the second, following in her Sire's and mate's footsteps, became one of the most promising Dragons. After the massacre that claimed the unlife of the Dragon childe, as well as the lives of many Vampires in the city of Edinburgh where the Bloodline is based things changed dramatically. The founder and the Acolyte childe took it upon themselves to hunt down those responsible and for the months to follow, they went to sleep as they woke up... bathed in the blood of the killers. It was almost as if they forsake their charm for the sake of savage instincts and brutal revenge. It is rumoured, that some unholy pacts were made during that time, to ensure they would have their vengeance. The two remaining Ithilion the founder and his first childe own a night club in Edinburgh, the Crypt, that is housed in a castle and rather popular with both mortals and supernaturals, even though only the owners have feeding rights there. Before long, the first childe embraced one of her own, one that found her way to the founder's bed and Covenant of choice. It was not meant to be however, as she was found dead by Ithilion among four agents of the Madonna of the Wasps, soon after the second siege. Ithilion are shapeshifters, first and foremost and promises of any shapeshifting Discipline or ritual can make them pay attention instead of just clawing their way out. They share their secrets with other members of the Bloodline and will go to great lengths to protect them, even if it means going against their Covenant. They are loyal first to the Bloodline, not the Clan, then to the Covenant of their choice, or at least the two loyalties compete with each other in a race without winner. The founder of the Bloodline is quite active in the affairs of the Ferals. So great is his influence that no member is fully accepted until and unless he gives his consent. There are those that claim that the founder, instructed his childer not to sire more than two childer each and on the extremely rare occasion they break that rule, there will have to be a very good reason to do so. In the unfortunate event that someone joins the Bloodline without permission, the Ferals are expected to take things into their own matters and call a Blood Hunt


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their haven and the club underneath as hunting grounds. Large enough to house many rooms, with a garden and a greenhouse and enough space for pretty much anything someone can think of, their haven puts to shame some of the havens of more prominent Vampires of Edinburgh. Word is that they are extremely fond of water, so pools are in numbers within their haven Background: With only two Bloodline members around, it is impossible for additional members to be created out of play. Possible childer adopted or not will have to join the Bloodline in game and are subject to all hazards of roleplay till and if they ever join the Bloodline. Character Creation: Being social predators first and foremost, it is no surprise that possible members should have Social Attributes and Skills as primary, with Mental and Physical ones alternating for secondary. Expression and Crafts are often high and the Savage Kenning () Merit is almost a requirement. Favorite Attributes: Composure or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Majesty, Protean, Resilience Weakness: Against all odds, Ithilion suffer from the Ventrue weakness instead of that of their own Clan. In addition, they are closer to the Beast than everyone else, and there is an actual physical manifestation of this, their eyes change to animal, color changing, ones, that often betray their mood. The real curse however is that all Ferals are lunatics, which means they have difficulty controlling the Beast as the full moon gets closer. All checks for anger Frenzy suffer a -1, -2 or -3 dice penalty, depending on the moon phase. In the nights during and near the full moon it is as if they have the Predator's Bearing () Merit. Organization: A bit more organized than the rest of the Gangrel, Ithilion are all together, a Brood and a Coterie, a Pack of Savages so wild and charming few dare cross them when in full numbers. Since they share a haven it is practically impossible for them to face any important event alone or for someone to steal their blood without the rest knowing. Concepts: Shapeshift addict, Noble savage, Transcendence expert, Social predator

on the usurper that will end with him being staked or killed. Some brave vampires whispers that Ferals will go as far as diabolizing such an offender in order to punish and set an example. Ithilion never keep ghouls since the Vinculum is against everything the founder of the Bloodline believes in the only way to accept a Vinculum is between lovers instead, they Embrace those worthy without waiting long and teach them all they can learn as far as Disciplines go. There are rumours that they cannot ghoul humans, but proof of this has not been found. The only exception is ghouled animals, that some Ithilion keep as companions these beasts turn into magnificent and vicious specimens. Not being as wanderers as most Gangrel also helps. Rather territorial, they are very protective of their domain and will not hesitate to make a point if someone dares invade or, even worse, poach. Parent Clan: Gangrel Nickname: Ferals or Mooncrazed Covenant: The remaining members of the Bloodline belong to one of two Covenants. The founder is a prominent Dragon a Grand Wyrm actually, while the childe is a known Circle of the Crone member. Although this has never been an option in their minds, it is safe to assume no Ithilion would ever join the Sanctified of the Lancea et Sanctum, or even the Disciples of Asclepius, even though they seem to be in good terms with the latter. Appearance: The simplest way to describe them is stunning. While not necessarily the most beautiful or handsome Vampires around, their animal magnetism and natural good looks combine to a rather interesting effect. Young and beautiful, with a feral vibe even when the moon is new. They seem to have a fascination with tattoos and are very careful about decorating their body, permanently or just for one night. They also favour long hair but that seems to be more of a coincidence. The color changing animal eyes and great wings are the only true common traits. The wings appear overnight once they reach Blood Potency of 3 and can be absorbed for 2 Vitae. Their shape and nature reflect the vampire's personality and are usually connected to their animal forms, just like the eyes. Haven: The three members of the Bloodline use a castle as

Daeva: Seek them out if you are looking for a good time, these guys know how to party... but little else Gangrel: What can I say? We are all Savages... okay, some more than others... Mekhet: The probably know all your dirty secrets... play nice, keep them close and have them watch your back Nosferatu: Creepy but they don't really stand a chance in a fair fight... for some reason, I don't think thats even part of their repertoire Ventrue: Befriend one of them, use whatever resources he gives you... if he starts asking too much in return. grab something smelling like him and dump it near the next fuzzy you meet. Don't lock eyes unless you want to be a Ventrue's bitch Changelings: As soon as I bump into one of these, I will let you know Mages: LSD in a walking bottle... and powers I don't have any intention of studying first hand... thanks but I will stick to what I know... besides, if I need a fix I can get it otherwise Mortals: If you ask me during the full moon, I will say food ... if you ask me during the new moon, I will say some are good for a quick fuck... in between, well... depends on who is around... Prometheans: They want to be mortals... what the fuck is wrong with them? ...I guess lynch mobs can get old after a few years. Shifters: Next time a pack is after you, fly away.. if you can't fly, run... and hope you are faster than the stiff next to you... hope it is a Ventrue...

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Stay out of my forest if you wish to live... the trees themselves will rise to stay your grasping fingers
Wild and fey, living mostly in rural areas, and still following pre-Christendom traditions. No one knows exactly where the Lhiannan line started. Even the Bloodline itself only knows that at some time in the distant past, a woodland spirit was somehow bound into the body of a vampire by a shadowy female figure that called herself the Crone, and with that the act began for the Lhiannan. The Lhiannan survived in isolated villages throughout Europe and secret groups that stayed true to the old ways. As the forces of Christendom drove back the last of the pagan religions and stamped out (or assimilated) the superstitions of the common peasant, the Lhiannan were pushed further and further from the lights of civilization. This made the Druids a dying breed. Even more so, their own mystical nature marked them indelibly, giving them an aura that is almost noticeable by ordinary humans. This made them easy targets for witch hunts and ambitious Kindred that wanted to make a name for themselves and remain in the good graces of the Lancea et Sanctum after all, the very existence of the Lhiannan may be proof the Sanctified follow nothing but an empty dogma. The spirit that joined with the first Lhiannan was a highly territorial, bloodthirsty being that demanded sacrifice from those around it. When the first Lhiannan Embraced the second, that spirit broke off a piece of itself or perhaps cloned itself into a new spirit and passed it into the newly-made vampire. The process was repeated time and time again over the centuries to the point where spirit and vampire merged completely. The Lhiannan have inherited a great deal from their spirit half. Fiercely territorial creatures, they choose an area and then stay with it, keeping most others out unless it is in their best interest to do so, in which case they can be quite patient. They are strongly tied to the woodlands and when living in a city, they stick to parks, zoos and similar surroundings. Their signature Discipline of Blood Tenebrous, gives them a certain amount of power over spirits. Other European Vampires see the Lhiannan as little more than a legend these nights and even so, no mention of their spirithalf is made. So thorough was the attempt by the Lancea et Sanctum to weed them out that in most historical archives what few Vampires keep the Lhiannan do not register as Vampires at all. Instead, the Sanctified mention a legion of demons ment to draw Kindred and kine alike away from God and the Church of Longinus. In modern nights, Lhiannan can be found in Northern Europe, mostly Britain, Ireland where the founder of the line is supposedly sleeping the centuries off in torpor and Scandinavia. Having forsaken their woodland roots in favour of urban areas with better prey, they are no longer an oddity of the countryside. Being half spirit and half Vampire, affects the Lhiannan in many ways, the least of all being the fact they get along with the Uratha more than other vampires, something that in the past earned them the moniker Wolfbrothers. With both vampires and werewolves sharing their partly spiritual nature, common ground was easily found almost as easily as reasons to rip each other apart. This familiarity between the Bloodline and the objects of many a Kindred's nightmare was but a factor that made the crusade of the Lancea et Sanctum easier to sell and more successful than it would be otherwise. Mankind fears what it does not understand, Kindred even more so... and even if the Lhiannan were not the demons the Sanctified made them to be, they could still call on werewolf allies and that kind of power should not be in the hands of any Vampire unless of course the Vampire in question is whoever said that. On the other hand, the Lhiannan have suffered great losses at the claws of the Pure Tribes, who consider the vampire-spirit hybrids anathema and to be killed-on-sight not that vampires in general get a better treatment. Many of the most powerful Lhiannan met Final Death when a pack of Pure werewolves decided to rid the world of them or perhaps who simply wanted the Lhiannan's locus for themselves. This past experience has led even more Lhiannan to befriend Forsaken werewolves and often tip them off on Pure activities. But the dual nature of the Druids goes beyond that. Though it has never been confirmed by others or by the Lhiannan themselves it is said that especially older members of the Bloodline are able to gain nourishment from Essence as well as Vitae, a theory that is supported by the fact many Lhiannan had domains around Loci. On the other hand, a Locus is rare and given the territorial nature of the Druids it is entirely possible they just chose these locations because of that. Something that cannot be denied however and that is undoubtedly a side effect of their dual nature is that Lhiannan are sensitive to spiritual activity, be in it Twilight, or even across the Gauntlet. When the Lhiannan are near a spirit or another Lhiannan for that matter they know it even if they cannot see it, the same goes for Loci or Verges. In a strange alteration of feeding preferences, Spirit-Ridden and Spirit-Claimed make for excellent and more rewarding meals as the Druid can draw nourishment from the spirit's Essence as well as from the host's blood. Surprisingly enough even though the signature Discipline of the Lhiannan has to do with spirits, they are known for something else. According to some rumours, Lhiannan were behind the very

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their spirit half, the same does not happen with their clothes of choice in private though that often are too outdated for public use. When performing one of their spirit rituals however, they shed most clothes and inscribe bloody glyphs and runes on their bodies. Haven: In the past, the Lhiannan favoured forest glens and isolated rural villages where the old ways were still practiced. In modern nights however this is not the norm and most live in the cities, almost always near nature in some form. Many Lhiannan havens are not unlike those of any other Gangrel, or even Daeva in some cases. Background: The Lhiannan prefer to Embrace individuals that display some of their own traits. Those with respect for or a link to nature and animals, a feral streak and most importantly, who do not follow any monotheistic faith are good candidates for the Embrace. Even more so, those who are actively against Christianity but not in a way that would draw too much attention catch the attention of a Druid before others. Character Creation: Any Attribute set can be primary. Lhiannan often have high ratings in Animal Ken and Survival, and even a bit of Occult. Many Lhiannan also have Animal Ghouls and Herd as Merits but it takes a very unique domain, or a very creative and manipulative Lhiannan for her to have Allies, Contacts or even Status. Favorite Attributes: Composure or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Blood Tenebrous, Protean, Resilience Weakness: The Lhiannan are part nature spirit and the mark of their inhumanity runs strong with them. Those who attempt to detect their nature via Auspex or similar powers gain a +2 bonus and even normal humans may feel vaguely uncomfortable around them if they are not used to nature which is the case with most people these days. As their Blood Potency rises the Lhiannan resemble Spirit-Claimed more and more. Organization: The Lhiannan are extremely individualistic and territorial. They do experience loneliness on a personal level, not merely social as they often are surrounded by others but they usually slake it by allowing it to build to the breaking point over decades and then Embracing someone. It only takes a couple of years for them to grow tired of their childe's company and send her away but even then, they remain in touch and offer aid when needed. Concepts: Cultist, New-age shaman, Uratha liaison

first Crac rituals. Given the Bloodline's history with the circle of the crone, this theory cannot be ignored and may hold some truth to it. Scholars that support this theory, insist that any and all Crac rituals that deal with the Shadow Realm and spirits in any way are creation of the Lhiannan that put their altered Beast to good use. For that reason, when Lhiannan make their presence known they are sought after for those rituals. If there are other such rituals to be discovered, the remaining Lhiannan keep their lips sealed. The Bloodline has suffered enough because of ignorance and to give knowledge to those who have not earned it, is never a good idea. It is rumoured however that even in modern nights elder Lhiannan and Vampire scholars alike are trying to unlock long lost rituals that may reveal more about the nature of the Lhiannan and perhaps the Vampire race as a whole it is safe to assume that Sanctified enforcers do not like that prospect and often bury such research. In the rare occasion that Lhiannan ghoul someone, that person or animal, as if often the case is treated as part of their domain even more so than the way other Vampires treat their ghouls. Depending on the regnant, ghouldom under the Druids can be from nightmarish to simply restrictive and many ghouls often become paranoid, feeling their regnant's eyes everywhere they are often right. As the Ghoul tastes the regnant's Vitae more, he begins displaying minor traits usually found on SpiritClaimed and tied to the nature of their master. Parent Clan: Gangrel Nickname: Druids or Wolfbrothers Covenant: Druids tend to join the Circle of the Crone and given the legend of the Bloodline's creation, that is not really a surprise. Just as expected is their deep hatred for the Lancea et Sanctum and the First Estate at least in domains where the First Estate supported the Sanctified. Some Lhiannan join the Ordo Dracul in hopes of finding more about themselves, while most of the rest are among the Unbound Appearance: Most Lhiannan are female, yet male members of the Bloodline are known to exist. All have an exotic feral beauty and that is one of the reasons they try to blend in when in the company of others, at least to a point. It is entirely possible to see a Lhiannan in an evening gown or an Armani suit if it means she will live another night. In the privacy of their haven or sometimes even in public, the Lhiannan wear talismans that supposedly strengthen

Daeva: Hollow passion and empty Requiem, I think I'll pass Gangrel: Some of our brothers show potential, others are regrettably lost... bring those you can into the fold Mekhet: They have often betrayed us to the Sanctified... don't trust them even when they are on your side Nosferatu: Often hunted like us, it doesn't make them much better than the rest unfortunately Ventrue: Too caught up in temporal power to see what it truly means to watch over your domain Changelings: The Fae are not of this world, best be careful when dealing with them. Mages: There seems to be more to humanity than blood, these are the proof of that Mortals: Food, followers, possible childer... thats all Prometheans: They can be bad for your turf, keep an eye out. Lupines: The beasts are more like us than most vampires, in the past we have seen things eye to eye but not often, so beware

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Despite what you may think... Mages don't always know what they are doing
It all started somewhere in Australia, when a certain Gangrel is killed. His childe, a neonate of only two years with no memory of her mortal past, does what she knows best, she tries to survive. Against all odds and the very nature of most Vampires, she crosses the globe to get away from whatever caused her sire's Final Death. Her journey ended in Scotland, not long before the second siege of Edinburgh, it was there that everything changed for her. As she was taught, she immediately sought the most powerful Gangrel in the city, the Grand Wyrm of the Ordo Dracul. He took her under his wing and it was not long before she joined the Covenant and started on her path on transcendence. Since then, she has reevaluated pretty much every aspect of her life, not always changing her views but certainly learning to think in new ways. Throughout history, the greatest discoveries have been made either in the face of imminent danger, or during idle times when the mind was left to wander. Unsurprisingly enough, this is also the case with the creation of many Bloodlines and in some rare cases like the Ranyar, it was a little of both, with more than a healthy dose of dumb luck perhaps even something far less random. During the second siege of Edinburgh, the Shattered Prism cabal was in the Crypt, making their stand there against the invading force. At some point, the leader of the cabal, in the spirit of trust and discovery suggested that Ranya tastes each and every member of the cabal, one of each Path. None involved could have guessed what was going to happen, least of all the Gangrel neonate. Perhaps due to the special nature and strength of the Crypt dragon nest, perhaps due to some unseen force, after tasting the fifth mage, Ranya fell into torpid coma. Nobody could guess exactly what happened, even if all had a pretty good idea as to what triggered it. Since however such an experiment has not been attempted since, it is entirely possible that this is exactly what happens when a Vampire tastes mages from all five Paths. For the world, Ranya spent the next day in torpor, oblivious to what was going on around her. Just as oblivious were the others to what she was going through. In a mystery play not unlike that of many Awakenings, the ever nomadic Ranya wandered once more, this time presumably in her own mind or soul. Members of the Shattered Prism have since argued over the exact nature of this experience, not getting to any conclusive decision. The dreamscape she had to escape displayed elements of all five known Supernal realms. She crossed from one to the next, making her way down the path that would lead her back to the world of the conscious. The only common factor the five stages of that journey were twenty five runes. Scholars that would later study them would find out they hold similarities to both the Cant of the Blood and the so-called Atlantean runes of mages. Using her survival instincts, she managed to escape a nightmarish landscape, letting it change her as she went on. While the threats there were not physical, they were no less real or able to end her Requiem. When she came back to her senses, she was no different than before, at least not physically. Her soul, or at least some part of her being however, was forever changed. It was not long before Ranya decided to look closer at the strange runes. Over the span of a month, she noted all the runes down and began decyphering them. One by one the runes started revealing their secrets, each unlocking a new way for Ranya to use her altered blood. Ranya however was not a scholar and she was well aware of that fact, so she turned to her mentor and lover for help, there was little he could do though. Help came in the unexpected form of a Haunt, a local recently awakened after serving as wall ornament in a Sanctified crypt for the last century and a half. A Sworn of the Dying Light, the woman now called Meridiana was a scientist first and foremost. In the spirit of discovery and transcendence, she agreed to have Ranya as her Avus becoming the first member of the Bloodline that was not of Clan Gangrel. Between the two of them, all runes were mapped and all that remained was for them to learn how to unlock their powers. Ranya's pragmatic outlook and Meridiana's near child-like enthusiasm for all sorts of discoveries combined to great effect and soon the Dragons of Edinburgh had one more mystery in their hands and the promise of more experiments with mage blood in the future.

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Bloodline Disciplines: Clan Disciplines, Ogham Weakness: All Ranyar keep the weakness of their parent Clan after the Embrace. In addition, every time they use one of the Ogham runes or any other vampiric Discipline but not innate powers like healing, or acquired ones like the Coils of the Dragon a nimbus of sorts appears, visible to all supernatural creatures. Mortals with the Unseen Sense () Merit are also able to perceive this nimbus. Organization: Given the circumstances and reason behind the only known Embrace within the Bloodline, its rather pointless to speak of any organization, members are simply related by blood if even that. If the Bloodline proves to be what happens to all vampires when tasting all Paths, then it would not be too strange to think of the Bloodline as a subspecies, rather than a family. Concepts: Drifter, Wandering Scholar, Researcher, Rune Expert, Mage hunter

Parent Clan: Any Nickname: Travellers Covenant: Looking at the two Ranyar, its easy to say the Bloodline is exclusive to the Ordo Dracul. Upon closer inspection it becomes obvious they are not actually tied to any Covenant or Clan for that matter even if the bias in favour of the Dragons is there as they were the ones responsible for the very creation of the Bloodline. Appearance: The founder of the Bloodline and her childe have only one thing in common when it comes to appearance, they are both attractive young women. While one is a brooding beauty that seems more at ease away from civilization, the other looks perfectly in place on a fashion show catwalk. Unsurprisingly, tattoos with the Ogham runes in them are easily seen on them but otherwise there is no common element in how they dress and look. Haven: Due to the very nature of the Ranyar it is impossible to label any specific type of haven as preferred by them. While both known members living in Ordo Dracul chapter houses in elaborate Scottish castles with access both to dragon nests and vast libraries, it is entirely possible to find one of them living in the woods like a wild hermit feeding off the animals there. Background: With only two Bloodline members around, it is near impossible for additional members to be created out of play. Possible childer adopted or not will have to join the Bloodline in game and are subject to all hazards of roleplay till and if they ever join the Bloodline. Character Creation: There is no standard build for the Travellers. Some of them are hardened nomads with Physical Attributes and Skills as primary, others are more intellectually inclined with focus in Mental ones. No Ranyar can get any dots in Ogham from the Embrace. The magic of the Bloodline has to be unlocked through a personal journey. Favorite Attributes: Stamina or Wits

Daeva: "Useless fops or brainless brawlers... tend to make bad recruits avoided either way." Gangrel: "The best of the bunch. Some pretty weird variations though Mekhet: "They know stuff... but we have better toys to unearth secrets... I bet they are dying to join" Nosferatu: "Creepy fucks... not even our runes can help with that" Ventrue: "Pompous asses that can screw you over... but motivated correctly, they may be of worth" Changelings: Never met one, can't sense them. Mages: "When one of them tells you to try something... don't." Mortals: "Food, what else?" Prometheans: Odd ones... sucks to be them... else who'd want to be food? Shifters: "They come in packs... thats why they are dangerous."

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"They say the meek shall inherit the earth ....I'm here to collect"
Throughout the medieval era, and renaissance times, the nobles of Scotland participated in what were known as "The Land Clearances". In order to gain more land to graze their sheep and cattle on, they forced many ancient and noble clans to leave their hereditary properties and find new homes, such as the Americas, Australia or South Africa. But before these places had become common for people to migrate to from their native Scotland, displaced people would take to the forests and live off the land. Starvation and poverty drove many to thieve cattle, and become highwaymen, stealing from travelers. They became such a nuisance, that nobles were forced to find a solution. And find a solution they did. Branded as "broken men" and referred to as "Tinkers", the nobles found good sport in hunting them. After all, what better prey than one who thinks like both man as well as animal. Despite obvious similarities between the Scottish Tinkers and the Irish Travellers that sometimes are referred to by the same moniker but are better known as Pavee and have been features in many works of art have no relation beyond clearly circumstantial and personal ones, capable of confusing only ignorant outsiders. One major difference is that the Tinkers of Scotland were more savage and blunt with their means to an end and the last couple of centuries boast no to very few living members of the group. The resourcefulness of these "Tinkers" caught the attention of the Gangrel, and much new blood was infused into the Clan of Savages. Those who showed the most cunning and skill though were found to have developed differently after he embrace. Based on their ingenuity and guile, a new Discipline seemed to have formed out of the blood. The parent clan, was unsure what to make of this, some amazed at these new abilities, some fearful of it. Regardless, the Gangrel accept the Tinkers as a Bloodline close to the Clan's spirit and refer to them as "Stags", because of their unique ability to transform into a temperamental male deer. Although it is not unheard of, for female members of this bloodline to be, it is however quite uncommon. Any female Tinkers who prove themselves worthy are treated as equals among the rest of the members. There are never usually more than a dozen or so in existence at any given time, and once every five years they all return to Etterick forest in Scotland to hold a gathering, and swap tales of their travels, as well as meet any new members who have been embraced. The very first to have developed their unique form of Discipline exists still. After the blood moon massacre of August 2005, the Vampires of Edinburgh have expressed their concern about the Tinkers actually being either an offshoot of or the same Bloodline as the London based Tanners, infamous for being harbingers of the Cull. In reality, such a connection is completely unfounded, as the Stags are a much older Bloodline and have every reason to hate the English. Naturally, this doesn't stop the rumours from circulating. The Tinkers themselves, at least those that make their Bloodline known to others, obviously deny any ties to the Tanners and the ominous events they seem to Herald. Any investigations attempting to find any hint of connection between the two Bloodlines, or even the Cull and the Blood Moon Massacre have failed to produce any sort of evidence to support the theories. Though the Tinkers avoid creating Ghouls, in the rare occasions they do, it is someone who would be good for the Embrace, but for whatever reason that was not possible at the time. Those who remain Ghouls for long, often get a wild appearance and seem to be more at ease when away from centres of civilization. Parent Clan: Gangrel Nickname: Stags Covenant: As is to be expected, the Tinkers stay far from the First Estate or the Lancea et Sanctum. The majority of them join the Circle of the Crone and consider themselves avatars of Cernunnos the Carthian Movement, or simply remain unaligned. There are rumors of Stags that joined the Ordo Dracul, but there is no proof. Appearance: Looks tend to vary among the Stags. Some can be very attractive while others look like a bucket of smashed assholes. The ethnic make up of the Bloodline initially consisted of those from Scottish/Irish descent, perhaps with some Norse and English intermixed. Nowadays, with the amount of global traveling, any ethnic makeup could produce a good Tinker if they suit the right profile. Haven: Tinkers, like most Gangrel, tend to stick to the outdoors and most have found housing away from cities so they don't fall prey to their weakness. When in a city, they try to stick close to parks. Background: The Bloodline tends to find its new blood in resourceful drifters. Homeless bums who panhandle on the streets hold no interest. Potential members of this bloodline must exhibit the same same qualities as the founders. Cunning and guile and resourcefulness. Those who roam the landscape with next to nothing to their name, yet are content, and can still exist comfortably. Character Creation: Survival, animal ken, and fighting ability are the most common traits among the Stags. Occult knowledge of their origins is also essential for them to grasp their own special Discipline. The social aspects of the character are minimal as they spend a deal of time in solitude. Physical and Mental


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Attributes and Skills are most common. Favorite Attributes: Stamina or Composure Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Cotterscraft, Protean, Resilience Weakness: Spending time away from the great outdoors, is not a Stags idea of fun. For every night they are away from comfortable surroundings (ie: woods, forests or even parks in lack of better haven), they suffer a -1 to their dice pool for all actions. Organization: The Eldest, and first of this bloodline to possess their unique abilities still exists, and is considered to lead them. Although no standing orders dictate them, his guidance and wisdom is taken for law among the members. Any Gangrel Elders, and pack leaders whom members associate with are normally paid due respect as well. As most Stags are solitary, leadership only comes into play during their gatherings, or in a case of a new childe being sired. Due to the small size of the Bloodline, it basically falls to the fact that your age is your rank. Concepts: Drifter, Loner, Bum, Anti-government Militia

Daeva: "The beautiful people, or so they think. They truly miss the real beauty in this world." Gangrel: "Our cousins, our brothers, our family. Even apart we are united Mekhet: "They like to hide. Let them hide." Nosferatu: "If anyone can make us look good physically, these are the folks. They can be good friends in times of need, but keep your own secrets to yourself." Ventrue: "They with their noble titles and positions. Come out of your city safeholds into the woods and let me introduce you to a few positions you won't like." Changelings: Creatures of folklore just like us... they are probably real. Mages: "Magic mortals. Sounds like a breakfast cereal. Open them up to find your prize." Mortals: "Substance for survival." Prometheans: Huh? oh... never liked the movie... Shifters: "The best way to deal with them is not to. If you happen to find one who isn't interested in tearing you a new one then just remember to be courteous."


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Be very careful. Thats an original Gutenberg Bible you're holding. If you damage it, I shall have no choice but to exact reparations; I doubt you'd live long without your skin.
Rumor has it that centuries ago, a rather adventurous Mekhet, now known only as Kiasyd, was roaming the Earth, going almost anywhere in his quest for knowledge, forbidden or not. After a disappearance that lasted almost a century with no records of where he had been he returned to civilized Vampire society with a new Discipline he named Folderol. That was the birth of a new and very mysterious Bloodline. The rumours about Kiasyd's time in absence range from the most mundane, such as self-induced torpor, to the bizarre, with some more mystical minded Vampires mentioning ancient curses, hexes and the work of unseen divine or demonic forces. Others, speak of ancient spirits that for some reason took an interest in the founder of the Bloodline. Finally, there are those who link the founder's altered looks with those known as Fair Folk in lore (and modern Fantasy) or Fae, children of Oberon. This last rumour was fairly popular in the past, when people believed in such things but as society advanced it was considered more of a fairytale than actual possibility for the origins of the Bloodline. With Changeling freeholds appearing around the globe many are those who look back into that theory as more than a fable. While not the most social of the lot, Kiasyd can be found in the company of almost anybody, especially if they can learn something new from them. That said, its not entirely unlikely to have a Kiasyd locked in a library for decades, only going out to feed and that, only if there are no other options. There have been rumours of Kiasyd with large herds of Ghouls that exist and reproduce for the sole purpose of being a food supply for the Kiasyd scholar, without forcing him to stop research in order to go hunting. Not very big on family ties, Kiasyd can work with others and usually do. When it comes down to choosing between Covenant or Bloodline, they go with the former unless the Bloodline as a whole is in danger. Usually alone or in the company of their fellow Covenant members, more often than not on a quest to find something, be it knowledge or artifact. New additions to the Bloodline are welcomed as long as they display the required enthusiasm about finding out what should be hidden. Truth be told, many Kiasyd would gladly allow members of other Clans in the Bloodline if it was possible. The founder of the Bloodline is nowhere to be seen for the last few decades and rumors about him range from Final Death to Golconda. The whereabouts of the first childe on the other hand, are known and the same goes for most of the ones who followed. Born to an Irish family and ahead of her time, she was a strong willed redhead that refused to act her gender and often passed for a young man something that made it easier for her to sneak out and fly off into one adventure after the next. Despite what one would expect, she did not meet her Sire or any Vampire during one of these adventures but they met in Dublin when her father took her with him on a business trip whatever that could mean in the 1500s. Kiasyd was researching the myths and history of Ireland at the time some speculate to unearth hidden mysteries and forbidden lore and was surprised by the redhead lass. After a quick deal with her father, the founder of the Bloodline became the employer and given the standards of the time, the owner of the girl that would eventually become his first childe. Unlike most, if not all, women at the time, she was educated at least as much as the average man was, which was not much to begin with and eager to learn more. It has been rumoured that Kiasyd had his eyes on the Irish lass long before she was old enough to receive the Embrace. Nobody knows if that was possible, or simply something he said to appease her. Some speculate that Kiasyd managed to develop a power that enabled him to look into the future to such extend that he knew his childe's future long before he ever met her. Whatever the case, he took her in and while waiting for her to reach her prime, he molded the young girl to what he perceived as the perfect childe or as many say, what he saw she would turn into. Kiasyd and his first childe soon left Ireland and despite what was and still is considered normal for Vampires, took on a nomad lifestyle. They travelled all around Europe and some even claim seeing them as far as Africa mostly Egypt. Eventually however their travels brought them back to Britain, where they would settle for a few decades in Scotland. After that time passed, Kiasyd left to an unknown direction, leaving the childe to her own devices. She left soon after, returning home to Ireland where she would spend quite some time. For reasons unknown, the redhead, answering to Anastasia, left Ireland once more in favour of Scotland and more specifically Edinburgh, where she and her sire once lived. It was there that she eventually came across and drew the interest of the Ordo Dracul. After a period of testing her mettle and determination, she was finally accepted and to the surprise of the local Academy, she took the Coils with surprising ease, something that brought her a certain amount of renown. It was not long before her talents and inquisitive nature brought her to the position of Kogaion. With Changelings making an appearance soon after the second siege of the city, Kiasyd in general and the Ordo Dracul Kogaion in particular find themselves in the center of attention.


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would expect, in fact some are surprisingly outgoing and whimsical. Character Creation: Most Kiasyd come from scholarly or socialite concepts, as attractive and studious people draw their attention. Mental and Social attributes and Skills are prized. As is to be expected, Physical Attributes and Skills are not that common, that said, Kiasyd are not weaklings, at least not all of them. Favorite Attributes: Presence or Wits Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Folderol, Obfuscate Weakness: Driven to the shadows by their Clan weakness, all Kiasyd have chalky white skin, which takes on a faint bluish glow in the moonlight. Rumor has it that the tone of a Kiasyd's skin is an indication of the age of the vampire, since neonates are generally less pale than ancillae or elders, but nobody knows for sure. No matter the amount of Vitae used, they can never give their skin a natural tone. Their features are usually elven and their eyes are abyss black and show no whites or pupils. Due to their haunting beauty, all social rolls against mortals suffer a one die penalty. Organization: The Kiasyd have a strange combination of tight and loose organization. While every one of them knows where the rest are most of the time, they don't really care what they are up to. Using technology and the internet to keep in touch, they meet in person every 50 years, in order to exchange knowledge. Whatever the individual background may be, these meetings are always civil and the chance of a fight is next to none. Concepts: Librarian, Educator. Student, Museum Curator, Archaeologist

When the rumours started that such creatures existed, the Dragons naturally got interested in them, with the Kiasyd as the spearhead. On their part, the Lost were hardly eager to discuss the fine points of living in Faerie, especially with someone supposedly touched by the Gentry. Due to the fact they can spend months studying at times, the Kiasyd are no strangers to the concept of Ghouls. Be it for a steady source of blood, protection, assistance in research or simply the need to be with someone during a break from their studies, Kiasyd usually have a number of Ghouls. Depending on the vampire and the Ghoul, they treat them as property or as almost equals. As a strange nod to certain rumours about the Kiasyd's founder, the Ghouls of the Albinos display a strange allergy to items made of cold iron. Parent Clan: Mekhet Nickname: Albinos or Fae-Touched Covenant: Wherever there are secrets to unearth, the Kiasyd are there. As their parent Clan, most are either in the Carthian Movement or the Lancea et Sanctum, but the Circle of the Crone and the Ordo Dracul claim some Albinos in their ranks, even if fewer. A number of Kiasyd is said to have joined the Childer of Haqim, either to discover ancient secrets or as informants. Appearance: Usually attractive, the Kiasyd are a mixture of old and new when it comes to fashion sense. Its just as easy to see a Kiasyd dressed in Victorian clothing as it is to see one in goth. Whatever the case, they usually stand out in a positive way. Sunglasses are often used to hide their eyes as contacts don't really work, even as an explanation. Haven: Permanent havens are important to the Kiasyd. They often seclude themselves in their havens, whiling away the innumerable hours of study until they decide to leave, usually forced due to the curious prying of unwelcome guests. They often choose a private library, museum, art gallery, historical ruins or catacombs in which to establish havens. Whatever the style, the haven almost invariably has a very large and well-stocked library, and many of the accouterments of genteel living. Kiasyd pride themselves in being gracious hosts and some keep vintage Vitae for guests. Background: Kiasyd choose polite and intelligent mortals as progeny. Potential childer are well disciplined in their studies and share the Kiasyd's love of books and curiosity for unearthing new knowledge. That said, not all Kiasyd are as formal and rigid as one

Daeva: If only they channeled all that passion to research... they might even challenge us Gangrel: There may be wisdom in their savage ways. Extracting it is not always worth the time Mekhet: We go where they cannot... those that follow eventually become us Nosferatu: Monsters... but ones that know things, always good to keep an eye on them, they keep an eye on you anyway Ventrue: They have the resources to gather what we need... we have the common sense to take them Changelings: If you believe the legends, they are responsible for us.... I dread the possibilities Mages: There is something awfully familiar to those mortals... as if home beckons... a mystery to be solved no doubt Mortals: What we once were, what we need to survive... where we can look for new family members Prometheans: Strange creatures, definitely worth examining further Shifters: Not a mystery I want to solve... except maybe from afar

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"You have cast me into the shadows, then the shadows I shall become. But know now that the darkness belongs to me. Come not into my domain."
Late in the 17th century, the Venice branch of the Lancea et Sanctum, concerned with the current prince's growing secular policies, staged a coup that removed the First Estate prince from power. The coup was successful and a new Lancea et Sanctum Prince/Archbishop was installed. All the Primogen of Venice, hoping to increase their own status and influence, ardently supported the Sanctified takeover. The only decenter was the Mekhet Primogen. While his real name has been lost to history, he went by the name Tenebrae. While Tenebrae didn't actively oppose the takeover, loyal as he was to his prince, he and his followers did nothing to help eiter, such was their devotion to self-preservation. While he couldn't, in good confidence, harshly punish the recalcitrant Mekhet, he couldn't let the slight go without consequence. So in the first Primogen meeting before the new Prince, the Sanctified ruler revoked all Tenebrae's territorial rights, and instead gave him a new dominion--the Barrens, the shadowed, smoky slums and ruins unfit to feed in. The rest of the Primogen laughed and laughed at their peer's sudden loss of status, but Tenebrae, the new Lord of the Barrens, remained stoic. When the laughter finally stopped, the Mekhet addressed the assembly. After that Tenebrae left the assembly, as the Primogen laughed once more. Tenebrae and his disciples marched boldly into the Barrens and hid themselves among the smoke and shadows. Over the next year, a strange transformation came over the Venice Barrens. The smoke and shadows grew, and the sun never seem to fall fully on the tumble-down buildings and diseased streets. Rumors began to circulate among the Venice Kindred that the disenfranchised Mekhet had made pacts with demonic powers. Others said that Tenebrae and his brood had made deals with mortal witches. The actual truth remains a mystery, but what is known is that the Lord of Barrens and his followers not only survived in the darkened slums, but seemed to flourish. Tenebrae never attended another Primogen meeting, and whenever the Prince sent agents to look for the missing Vampire, the agent's skull would be found on the Prince's steps the next evening. Tenebrae's followers and their childer took the name of their leader as their bloodline, and have since spread across the world. With their unique discipline of Nocturne, they are more at home in the shadows than even their normal Mekhet brethren. Now they make their home wherever other Vampires find uninhabitable. When the Phantoms bother with Ghouls at all, they choose whoever is best for whatever they need a Ghoul for. A common trait among those who serve the Tenebrae, is light sensitivity, to the point they often require sunglasses to even go out on a cloudy day. In most cases, this gets worse the more someone is a Ghoul. Parent Clan: Mekhet Nickname: Phantoms Covenant: In modern nights the Tenebrae are often found in the Ordo Dracul. That covenant's philosophy of personal transformation seems to connect with the bloodline. After all, their founder was able to transform somehow and over come his own persecution. For similar reasons, the Bloodline is often found within the Circle of the Crone. A few older Tenebrae make their home in the First Estate, feeling residual loyalty that their founder did to that covenant. Others cast their lot with the Carthian Movement and the Unaligned, where they make excellent agents for the disfranchised. Very few Tenebrae join the Lancea et Sanctum, due to the longstanding animosity and mistrust. Those that do often become masterful spies. Appearance: Most of the Tenebrae have a distinct Italian or Mediterranean look to their skin. Almost all of them have dark, dark eyes with over large irises, almost black. This is rumored to be a byproduct of their use of Nocturne. Haven: Tenebrae tend to make their homes in places other Vampires find distasteful, underground caverns, abandoned and cramped subway tunnels, etc. Anywhere where the lights of the city rarely reach. They seem to be fond of the Barrens as well, and have an uncanny knack of surviving there. Their chosen habitats often bring them in contact with the Nosferatu. Background: Tenebrae usually prefer to embrace mortals who are already at home in the shadows. Quiet and introspective loners are often their first choices. As a member of the bloodline, the new vampire will have to be used to spending a lot of time in the darkness where not even other Vampires like to dwell. Thieves, librarians, and third-shift security guards are all like candidates for embrace. Character Creation: Tenebrae tend to prefer mental attributes with a secondary inclination towards physical attributes, especially Dexterity (useful for staying hidden). Social traits are rarely a major concern; Tenebrae don't interact much with those outside of their blood line. Herd is often an important merit, since Tenebrae tend to live where food is scarce. Of course, a dot or two of Blood Potency is always recommended. Favorite Attributes: Composure or Intelligence Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Nocturne, Obfuscate Weakness: Even more than normal Mekhet, Tenebrae are vulnerable to light. Whenever they are in an area of bright light (even artificial light), they suffer a -1 penalty on all dice pools. The dim light of street lamp is rarely enough to cause this discomfort, as

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is the short-lived blast of the dance-floor strobe light, but the average restaurant interior or a well-lit Elysium causes problems. This discomfort is not just caused by eyes, but is a whole-body issue. Sunglasses or welding goggles do nothing to help this weakness. Organization: Tenebrae are not extensively organized. They have few unified goals, but will usually come to the aide of another bloodline member. Most Tenebrae keep to their own company, often forming small Mentor-and-Students circles with which to study. Concepts: Intrusion Expert, Prince's Master Spy, Stalker, Subway Haunt

Daeva: Degenerates that revel in their lost passions, some of them drove us away, time to return the favour... Gangrel: Outcasts by choice, one can only respect their wisdom... Mekhet: Shadows? No, not really... just a meaningless name until they join us Nosferatu: Driven away as we were, make no mistake however, they won't treat you any better than the rest Ventrue: Most of them too full of themselves to see past their little power plays, luckily for them we can use their resources Changelings: If they exist, they are definitely worthy of note. Mages: An oddity for sure, one has to wonder how such beings came to existence Mortals: Diamonds in the rough, coal, food... it all depends Prometheans: They are often chased away, as we were. Shifters: A mystery best observed from the safety of the shadows

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The Dark Mother has a special place for you, little one... Take my hand
According to the legend of the Bloodline, the first Lamia ever was a daughter of Lilith. Lamiae who believe in the judeochristian methos, speak of a fit of passion between Lilith and Adam after she refused to service him and the child that came from it. Most of them however sneer at this, insisting that the Dark Mother would never open herself to Adam. Naturally, such origins are questioned and doubted by most modern Vampires, but in the end it matters little how exactly the Lamiae came to be. Their connection to Lilith or the Crone as more conventional Acolytes note is unquestionable and no Gorgon will tolerate even hints of it being a lie. Following the legend, the female mortal descendants of the first Lamia served as high priestesses for Cults of Lilith throughout history. It was an inherited position, passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. Each Lamia upheld the memory of the Dark Mother, venerating her with violent rites and acts of carnage. Each Lamia gathered worthy women to her, instructing them in the Dark Mother's secrets and teaching them the arts of ritual and war. One night a lone unnamed Nosferatu Acolyte found a hidden temple at which a Lamia performed her vicious rites. He was touched by her erudition and fervor and determined that he would make her his childe. He swiftly bore down upon her and Embraced her by force before she could realize what happened. The Lamia whose name is lost in the Fog of Eternity was overcome by dark visions as she sank briefly into death. The Dark Mother spoke to her then in a voice as ancient as the wind, instructing her to prepare for her distant coming. I am Death, she said in her reedy voice, and your new patrons shall be the key to my return to the world. Protect them at all costs. Or so the legend claims and Hierophants around the globe never doubt it. When the Lamia had completed her transition to undeath, the Acolyte told her that she would now join the Circle of the Crone in their worship. She smiled secretively and whispered in his ear. What happened next varies depending on who is telling the story. According to some, the Nosferatu asked his childe to Diablerize him, so that she would grow stronger and be able to fulfil her duties better. Others say he fled, meeting the sun as soon as possible. Nobody knows what exactly she told him, but whatever took place that night, changed the newly Embraced Vampire forever. She was now the first of a Bloodline named after her sire even though his only contribution was the Embrace of the Lamia and ready to do the bidding of the Dark Mother as guardians of her favoured children. In an incredible show of resolve, she Embraced five other priestesses the same night she became undying all of them women, a tradition held even these nights by the members of the Bloodline. The Lamia made her way to the nearest Circle of the Crone coven, where the local Hierophant initiated her into the Covenant. From then on the Bloodline remained close to the Acolytes. The Lamiae shared the Acolytes' fervor in worshiping Lilith an aspect of the Crone and most of their views, fell right in place with those of the Circle. They reveled in vampirism as a gift from their Dark Mother, the natural evolution of humanity according to them. They fell naturally into their new role as predators, perhaps not so different from their previous activities. The Lamia cult had always emphasized the arts of violence and war, so the transition from simple cult to defenders of the Circle of the Crone was a small step for them. They believe that the Covenant serves the Dark Mother and they are happy to maintain that arrangement. Their exaltation of the female principle is in many cases the backbone of the Circle's beliefs in a domain and the Lamiae make for excellent examples of empowered women. Few in numbers, the Lamiae are close-knit and loyal to their vision of the Dark Mother's plans for them and the Circle of the Crone. Their status as the servants and guardians of one of the major Covenants leaves many Vampires uncertain about how to treat them, particularly given their bloody and zealous reputation. The Lamiae often receive a respect denied to most other Nosferatu, if only out of wariness and respect for the Acolytes where that is the case giving them a sort of middle class status. For many reasons including the fact the Haunt was a man the members of the Bloodline erased his name from all records. Most Acolytes abide by their wishes it is safer after all and never mention it, referring to them as Lamiae, or in the case of younger Vampires, Gorgons. While the Lamiae themselves prefer the former, they accept the latter without dismembering anyone. Nowadays, Lamiae can be found all around Europe, Middle East and North Africa, yet there are no rumours of them being present anywhere else. According to some, the Bloodline is reluctant to move outside that range and North America in particular seems to be a region they avoid at all costs whether they know something others don't, or it is because of some superstition remains to be seen. As guardians of prominent Acolytes, it is no surprise that the Bloodline crossed paths with the Khaibit many times in the past, or at least with those Khaibit that still remember their duty. While there is no rivalry between the two Bloodlines, Lamiae usually consider the Khaibit as inferior if they were not, they would not forget their duties after all. When possible, a Harlot will try to replace an Asp as the protector of the local Acolytes of note, or will at least try to become the superior guardian. When confronted about the First Estate House Lamia in the


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Appearance: Most of the original Lamiae are of Mediterranean descent; a few Europeans have been Embraced since. They prefer to dress in black and often in ritualistic garments especially when at the side of the Hierophant. Most are tall and muscular and all are possessed of a feral beauty in the form of the Striking Looks () Merit. Haven: The Lamiae prefer solitude in their havens, the better to contemplate the mysteries of the Dark Mother. In ages past, tombs and sarcophagi were favoured havens, as were convents. In modern times, Gorgons can be found in more conventional havens (apartments and the like) and quite often they share a haven with the Acolyte they are bound to protect. Background: All Lamiae are women, end of story. No man has ever been introduced into the Bloodline and even if a male Haunt tries to, the effects are explosive and lethal. Often into the occult and relatively young, Harlots have a rather narrow background span. In addition, most women that were brought into the Bloodline had pretty strong beliefs about the place of woman in modern society and the world in general. Character Creation: Even those Lamiae primarily concerned with things ritualistic and religious tend to have Physical Attributes primary the rites of the Lamiae are violent and strenuous. Each Lamia possesses at least one combat related Skill usually Weaponry as blades are more efficient against Vampires but Firearms are getting more disciples lately and many are the Harlots that focus on unarmed combat.. Favorite Attributes: Strength or Resolve Bloodline Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Resilience, Vigor Weakness: Aside from the fact Lamiae cannot Embrace or even ghoul men, the Bloodline suffers one more weakness. While there is no Vinculum between the Lamiae and others, the members of the Bloodline suffer a -1 penalty when trying to work against Acolytes with Circle of the Crone Status higher than their own. This is even more crippling, if the Acolyte in question, is a Yagnatia. Organization: The Lamiae have a cult-like hierarchy. Most Lamiae remain with their sires for at least a decade before moving on to a new haven or if needed, domain. They zealously serve the Circle of the Crone at Lilith's behest and the wish of the Hierophant comes before that of any Bloodline member. Concepts: Descendant of Lamia, Martial artist, Lilith cultist, Active feminist, Assassin

Greek co-capital, Thessalonki, Lamiae say its three members are not their sisters in Blood, but are in fact Embraced descendants of Lamiae that never met Lamiae or any of his childer. How the three Greek Vampires view the Bloodline on the other hand, is not known as for whatever reason they have made no comment about Lamiae. If there is a connection, it is not likely to be discovered anytime soon, since Thessalonki is an Ordo Dracul city. A strange development in recent times, ties the Lamia to the Awakened Path of Thyrsus. According to Atlantean lore as found in scrolls recently uneathed Lamia was herself Awakened, or at the very least touched by the Supernal Realm of the Primal Wild. If in fact Lamia was Awakened, that is a paradox as she would be the first Mage to ever be Embraced, something considered and repeatedly proved at least as far as official records show impossible. When confronted about that, Thyrsus Mages do not or cannot offer an answer to that, both Lamia's true nature and whether Embracing a Mage or not is possible, is not something they have knowledge of... or are willing to share with members of the Bloodline, perhaps to avoid a second attempt. Those few Thyrsus that know about Lamia and the story of her Embrace, often hint that the Dark Mother is none other than the Oracle of the Thyrsus, one of the most feral and primal beings to ever exist, a wild beauty that certainly fits in with the Bloodline's outlook and generic appearance. Few claim that Lamia was in fact Obrimos, but are generally ignored. Lamiae ghouls female in their entirety act as servants to both their regnant and whoever she is protecting. More often than not, they play the role of Herd, bodyguards or cultists that use their powers to enlighten others in the mysteries of the Dark Mother and eventually bring new blood into the fold. Rumours say that after a while, all Lamiae ghouls display signs of their regnant's blood in ways most peculiar, black lips, pale skin and black hair have been fairly common something that makes most of them easy to blend in among goth crowds. Parent Clan: Nosferatu Nickname: Harlots Covenant: All Lamiae are members of the Circle of the Crone with no exceptions whatsoever. More often than not, the members of the Bloodline serve as bodyguards to the Hierophant or prominent Acolytes and unsurprisingly, they are rather rigid around Sanctified, if not outright hostile.

Daeva: Rarely does one find a person so lost to their own weakness Gangrel: The majority of the Savages follow the Dark Mother, for that alone they earn our respect Mekhet: Some say they can see things we cannot... that is fine, we hear what they do not Nosferatu: Most of our sisters are worthless, nothing but monsters... those who are more, eventually become us Ventrue: Their resources come in handy, their pride is their downfall Changelings: We do not know enough about them to judge... yet. Mages: Is the Dark Mother the source of their powers? Is it someone else? Mortals: Sweet children ...once we were them ...some of them are fit to follow in our footsteps Prometheans: There is no doubt the Goddess had her hand in their creation. Shifters: Dangerous... if there is more to them, its best to observe from a distance

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You call us monsters and outcasts... if you could guess the truth, you wouldn't be calling us anything, you would be too busy running. in fact, you better start now, I would enjoy the hunt
Those who had the misfortune to meet a member of this Bloodline, or even worse a coterie of them, are seriously shaken afterwards. The truth about the Bloodline's origin is lost in the Fog of Eternity but some speculate it has its root in ancient pagan religions and cults that worshiped the spider as a god. One of the incarnations of the eight legged god is Azsutha, which is the name the founder of the Bloodline gave herself after initiating the change of the blood. Its not unusual to see four or five Nathran, usually all the members of the Bloodline in the city, sharing a Haven. They shun the company of other Vampires, except maybe other Nosferatu or Mekhet and then only for obtaining information about one thing or the other. Their only interaction with mortals is when they are hunting or defending their Haven. Shelobs don't care about being popular in the least, even less so than most Nosferatu. They are antisocial and can be rather aggressive to those outside the Bloodline. When not in need of something someone else has, they tend to stay in their havens and do whatever the Azsutha says. Their loyalty lies with the Bloodline and they don't really care about the Covenant, just play the part when they have to. Azsutha, the Bloodline's founder is rumored to be alive for longer than Blood Potency would normally allow but there is no connection between her and the Ordo Dracul Coils especially since most Academies are loathe to risk the wrath of Uratha by having a Nathran among them. Given the godlike status she holds in the Bloodline however it is not too far fetched to assume this is simply a rumor and nothing more. The point is, there is always an Azsutha leading the Bloodline, whether it is the founder or just one of her childer. At times, the odd Lupine will come face to face with one of the Shelobs and when that happens, things get messy faster than introductions can be made. The Bloodline is well aware of the Uratha's hunt for the Spider Hosts, the Azlu, but how they found out or whether there is a connection between the hosts and the Nosferatu Shelobs, is a question not answered yet. Certain rumours say that Azsutha is nothing more than one of the Azlu that somehow got Embraced, naturally those who spread such rumours never live long enough to regret it. As a result of the similarities between the Azlu and Nathran the latter are hunted down by the Uratha whenever a member of the Bloodline makes the mistake of showing too much in the presence of werewolves. Such an attitude however does not go unpunished by the Shelobs who in turn make the life of any packs that cross their path less than idyllic. There have been rumours about Azlu and Nathran working together, but there are no survivors of such a foul alliance, so they remain shady and without proof. Recent history also speaks of a feud between Shelobs and Wasps, between the nefarious Nathran Nosferatu and the even more so Melissidae Ventrue. On the other hand, the Wasps seem to have had a problem and a feud with pretty much everyone in the past, so that was hardly surprising, even though some more scholarly Vampires note the similarities between similar struggles found in the animal kingdom. Nathran tend to have a number of Ghouls in their havens, working as drones. These unfortunate servants make sure everything is in order and the future doesn't look too bright either. They have the Embrace to look for, or an eternity as Ghouls if they are not sacrificed to be used in one ritual or the other. With their minds warped by the Vitae of the Nathran, the Ghouls often go Reinfield and can be seen eating small insects, especially spiders. Parent Clan: Nosferatu Nickname: Shelobs Covenant: It is not unusual for a Shelob to be in the Circle of the Crone. They tend to avoid Disciples of Asclepius and show no preference, or interest, in other Covenants, thus a great deal of them are Unaligned. No Nathran has ever been accepted in the Ordo Dracul. While the Nathran would make good assassins, so far there has been no report of one joining the Childer of Haqim. Appearance: Obviously, like the rest of the Haunts, Shelobs are not the ones you would choose to go to a party with, even more so since after a certain point they start behaving or even looking like real spiders. They don't even bother to follow trends or deal with tattoos and piercings and their clothes are simply there to hide what can be hidden. Haven: Like most Nosferatu, the spiders tend to lay low, even underground spiders, they set traps, not always of web though, that can stop most intruders and if lucky catch their dinner. When above the ground, or close to it, the typical haunted house setting works perfectly well for them but they can also be found in the dark basement of a modern building Background: New childer or recruits are selected among the loners with a slightly analytical view on things, of course this means a good deal of them is not really sane or in perfect mental condition. The higher the Morality or Humanity of the new addition, the harder it is for him to be accepted by the rest, but skillful acting can sometimes help. Character Creation: Mental Attributes and Skills are vital for the Shelobs with physical ones a close second. As is to be expected, social ones are the least focused ones. Nosferatu in general and Nathran in particular don't really care if people like them, they


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stay focused on what they do and thats all. Favorite Attributes: Strength or Wits Bloodline Disciplines: Nathazra, Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor Weakness: Bringing the Nosferatu weakness to new heights, the Shelobs resemble their namesakes, either mentally or physically. The higher their Blood Potency, the more traits they gain, up to a maximum of 10 of course, additional limbs and other physical traits are only fully functional when the appropriate level of Nathazra is reached. Organization: The Shelobs are one of the most tightly organized Bloodlines and rarely by means of Vinculi. The leader of the Bloodline, locally or otherwise, is a Matriarch, also called Azsutha, that is responsible for everything that has to do with the Bloodline. The rest are following her orders no matter what. Concepts: Homeless, Sociopath, Mad Scientist, Entomologist, Agoraphobic

Daeva: Pathetic fools that simply don't have the guts to admit what they have become Gangrel: Closer to the truth than most, at least they don't deny what we are ...not to mention they have claws don't argue with someone with claws ...maybe just scare them a bit Mekhet: Shadows and secrets like us, yet so different ...can be useful sometimes Nosferatu: Most of them have potential ...a matter of time before Azsutha pulls them in her web Ventrue: Play kings all you like, we still are the ones true to our nature... on the other hand, you have the Wasps... Changelings: Fairytales are for children Mages: More secrets to learn ...I wonder, who I can send to uncover them for me Mortals: Those pesky mortals try to ruin our nests ...let them try, in the end they will join us for dinner Prometheans: Never face them in the open, they will easily win. Shifters: These beasts hunt us down for no reason, we try to return the favour when we can... and hide when we cannot

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Gargoyles? No my friend... Gargoyles are not after your blood...
During the Bronze Age in the Roman cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii, the sewers of the great cities were infested with more than just the rats that go hand in hand with such great cities. A scourge commonly referred to as Worms made the ancient water ways their homes. The lives or unlives as they be of these Haunts was one of leisure for many years. However, in 62 AD the massive earthquake struck the pair of ancient cities, leveling them to the ground. Which while the heartache of the mortals on the surface was great, their need to rebuild their shattered homes led them on, the Nosferatu beneath the city suffered greater damage, a number of their passages crumbling from the upheaval and destroying elders who had no means of escape, leaving a handful of elders left to teach the neonates. They had barely gotten their lives back on track by their old standards when in 79 AD Vesuvius added it's wrath upon the Romans. The crushing weight of the sulfuric ash and super hot mud, utterly destroying the human food source for the Vampires beneath the city. With no humans to feed upon, the Nosferatu that would eventually be known as Pullignus had no choice but to turn on whatever small game they could find in their underground prison, or in the case of the Elders, on their fellow Worms. For reasons that remain hidden to this day, the Elders decided to fall into self-induced Torpor instead of facing an eternity in their stony cage. Without the threat or the guidance of the Elders over them, the Neonates were left in a very peculiar situation... and on top of everything, they had not found a food source yet. The fact no Vampire let alone a group of them could survive for that long without a steady source of blood, leads many Vampire historians to discredit the origin story of the Pullignus as nothing but a fairytale. The years following were not easy for the young Worms, their lives spent rationing the vermin that infested the sewers while they sought exit from their once meticulous home, devastated by nature's wrath, altered in unimaginable ways. In order to survive their blood adapted, at first allowing them to manifest claws to try to dig their way out of their now-abhorred existence without sight of the surface. Slowly they mastered their new abilities, always making more progress in their works for freedom, taking the shape of beasts eventually, to make their tunnels better. For years they worked, never knowing the extent of the devastation above, nor their own new differences from the clan they were brought in to. They became survivors, despite seeing only the devastation around them and the death of their way of life. Out of the thirteen Neonates that were a part of this new era, one stood out from the rest, the one who adapted the fastest of them all, calling herself Chantal, for leading the younger ones through the rocky times that was forced upon them. After decades of digging, and tunnels that collapsed while they were being shored up, killing three in the process, they finally broke the surface five miles away from Herculaneum, escaping the area that had been covered in the mud that had hardened like concrete. The night after their final escape they began surveying the surface, finally discovering how their home had been so badly destroyed and why they could not break the surface closer. They realized they could no longer live within the city, nor ever trust again the sewers they had once thought the perfect place of hiding. They went into the world, changed irrevocably from their brethren, now ten strong with Chantal still to lead them. They made their way through the wilderness, feeding on only the amount they needed from the animals that they happened upon, and seeking others of their blood. Those they found were not like them, and some even shied away from contact with them at all. They never stayed long in most places, the world all seeming to be naught but destruction and death and decay on their way, never knowing what had befallen the world in their absence. They had also happened upon those of the Gangrel clan, whom they felt more akin to than their Nosferatu brethren. The band made a pact of sorts with them, though they were not of the same blood the sought to join them and learn and teach as they could. And they became nomads and wanderers, following their new Savage allies through the land until they found a place to settle. In modern nights, the Bloodline has spread forth from their ancestral home and Gargoyles can be found all around Europe and there have been rumours of a couple of members in South America. A large number of Pullignus are based in Paris, London and Prague, with small groups wherever there is a network of sewers or subway tunnels large enough to support them. Under the cities proper and usually under the radar of local Vampires, the Gargoyles try to remain autonomous for as long as possible before entering Vampire society this is usually because in most cases Daeva and Ventrue are the ones calling the shots and most Pullignus are edgy around them. When forced to join other Vampires, or when they see the status quo favours such a move, the Pullignus make good Hounds but rarely, if ever, bother to rise higher in the hierarchy and it is even more rare for a Gargoyle to be offered such a title in the first place. Among other Nosferatu however, the Bloodline is held in high esteem and quite a few Prisci all over Europe can claim being grandchilder of the grandchilder of the grandchilder of those who followed Chantal out of the stony prison. Surprisingly enough nobody ever claimed to be a descendant of Chantal herself, or to hail from the broods of the sleeping Ancients under Herculaneum.

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(WoD rulebook pg 158) but otherwise they settle back along the skull. Male Gargoyles tend to have shaved heads to be able to tattoo their skin and hide the horns, while female ones use their hair. Havens: Since their adaptation and newfound disdain for trusting the stability of city sewer systems partly due to other Nosferatu Bloodlines, they have begun taking to living in the wilderness or forests, though some still might brave the horrors of being surrounded by the inevitable destruction and death found within the city limits. But they will under no circumstances limit themselves to a place where they might be trapped once more. Background: With their predecessors' experience, they still embrace those who are social cast offs, those who have little to lose, however they also seek to draw in only those who are true survivors as they always expect more disaster to befall them and the world, and only the strong need apply to the endeavor. The Requiem of a Nosferatu can be harsh and that of a Pullignus is even more so, thus new recruits must have the right mindset, lest they despair and meet the sun. More often than not, potential Gargoyles have some knowledge of the sewer system before they join the Bloodline. Character Creation: Like their parent clan, Physical and Mental traits are far more favorable than social, as with the survival skills to make their way in nature. Most of the Gargoyles try to keep their Blood Potency low, fearing that they would fall into the catch 22 that the elders had when they were first trapped underground, needing to drop into torpor to be able to survive from lack of food source. Few of them do not heed this philosophy, seeking power to be able to endure. Favored Attributes: Composure or Strength Bloodline Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Protean, Resilience Weakness: Due to their many years of isolation within a desolated land and seeing those around them die off only led to them seeing their entire way of life demolished in a single day, the adaptations to their blood caused their eyes to absorb all the death and destruction they witnessed, instilling the fear into those who look upon them, and tainting their views of others. The discipline of Majesty holds less sway over the Gargoyle suffering a three dice penalty as their sight makes everything crumble before them, but they also suffer the same on all social rolls except intimidation. Concepts: Rogue Scholar, Runaway, Hunter, Social Miscreant, Hermit.

Rumour has it that especially old and powerful Pullignus some say the sleeping Ancients of Herculaneum that finally awakened can even withstand sunlight, as long as they remain in a torpid state, or in the stasis of daysleep. This is part of why the Bloodline has earned the moniker Gargoyles, as neonates often believe the Elders of the Bloodline are sleeping hidden in plain sight, mimicking the grotesques often found in old buildings and castles. They say that every now and then, these elders rise and prey on Vampires as well as the kine, naturally this has never seen any proof. The existence of actual Gargoyles and creatures very much like them is not lost to the members of the Bloodline and they have as many theories about them as there are members. Some say these beings are ghouled servants of the Ancients, sent forth into the world to keep an eye on the childer of the thirteen Neonates of Herculaneum. Others believe they are constructs, created in the image of the Ancients that have now evolved past the vampire state in their torpor under ruins and molten rock into something more dangerous and horrifying. As is to be expected, these rumours have never seen any proof, but all feel close to the truth enough to make quite a few journey to the location of the city, never to be heard of again. Pullignus rarely have Ghouls and when they do, it is in small numbers, one or two at best. They serve in pretty much the same manner they serve others without any special or Bloodlinespecific functions. Altered by their master's Vitae, most Pullignus Ghouls eventually develop a unique version of Unseen Sight, viewing all Vampires as horrific versions of themselves, usually ending up paranoid because of it. Parent Clan: Nosferatu Nickname: Gargoyles Covenant: The majority of the Gargoyles seek out the Circle of Crone to try and rebuild the world they constantly see as decimated and destroyed, to fix all the problems that they see, while others wish to join the Lancea et Sanctum so that they will fit into a role as the scourge of mankind, and not feel so out of sorts, while the occasional one will join the Ordo Dracul. Appearance: Like most Nosferatu their appearance is rarely what one might call gorgeous. Because of their harsh environment and adaptive skills, their skin tends to be rough, as someone would expect the skin of those who work in harsh conditions, something that gets worse as they age and rise in Blood Potency. The same happens to the horns that extend from their head while feeding,

Daeva: Some say their debauchery invoked nature's wrath upon the city of our Ancients... if it is so, they will pay Gangrel: They are like us, yet different... survivors. Learn from them, they earned our respect Mekhet: They trade secrets and live in the shadows. It is a good idea to stay on their good side Nosferatu: Our brethren... or so they say. Till they join us, I do not trust them Ventrue: They ruled while we were buried... we both thrived... but they owe us Changelings: Too pretty to be real. Mages: Some say they were around before the Ancients were lost... I never saw one of them Mortals: Food... is there something more to them? ...ah yes or two may be worthy of the Embrace... eventually Prometheans: Someone has it worse than us.. go figure. Shifters: Formidable opponents and rather interesting.. especially their blood

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Your heart's blood is sacred to me... I believe you realize where our problem lies...
The original name of the Bloodline is lost in the sands of time, but they are content to use Sancrouere instead. It seems that this name is a mispronunciation of sacre coeur French for sacred heart and the Bloodline's history supports this theory. Parent Clan: Nosferatu Nickname: Heart Hunters or Quasimodos Covenant: The bloodline is almost exclusively devout members of the Lancea et Sanctum and many Quasimodos are Priests, Crusaders or Legates. The rest of the Covenants do not see one of them even as infiltrator and there have been rumours of Sancrouere that burst into flames and died after casting their first Crac ritual something that no doubt makes the remaining members of the line reluctant to join the Circle of the Crone. Appearance: Despite their moniker, members of the Bloodline are not grotesque or unattractive by default, in fact most of them can easily be described as noble and quite attractive, closer to the stereotype of a Daeva. They tend to dress in clothes one would expect to see a devout Catholic in or whatever Christian dogma is prevalent in their domain. Haven: Background: Character Creation: Favorite Attributes: Stamina or Presence Bloodline Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Sanguinus, Vigor Weakness: All members of the Bloodline have one step Vinculi to each other. In addition, when two or more Sancrouere are within 10 meters of one another they share the pain of any wounds. For each level of damage done to a member of the Bloodline, the rest suffer one level of bashing damage, regardless of the type of the original wound. Organization: Concepts: Devout Catholic, Relic hunter, Holy guardian

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Daeva: So much misguided passion, its a shame... more often than not we need to show them the way, the hard way Gangrel: Lost to the Beast even if they do not see it, if only we could liberate them Mekhet: They often unearth things that should remain hidden. Without our counsel they are dangerous Nosferatu: They embrace their nature, but can often lose focus of their true duties, we are here to guide them Ventrue: Almost as debauched as our parent Clan, most are too obsessed with temporal power Changelings: Surely such things do not exist, if they do, the devil is obviously responsible. Mages: The people of Salem had the right idea about those... these nights people would sooner defend them if they found out Mortals: Our wards, our charges, our sacred source of Vitae... Longinus tells us how to deal with them ...who are we to argue? Prometheans: There is never too late for a good lynch mob. Shifters: These beasts are abominations and anathema and should be treated as such someone else, preferably

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"Power to the People... or else"
A relatively new Bloodline that traces it's root's back to the Comte d'Antraigues, of late 18th century France. Turning on King Louis XVI and the First Estate who upheld him, d'Antraigues, and his childe became known for their vitriolic and often violent disagreements with the ruling faction. Disgusted with the debauchery of the rule of Louis XVI, the this Bloodline played a significant role in the starting of the French Revolution. Whether through written articles or attacks on the King's men (and other Vampires who supported him). The passion of this bloodline spilled over into mortal streets. Not afraid to take matters into their own hands, this Bloodline was rightly feared by Royalist Vampires of the time, as being ruthless in their persecution of the Bloodlines motto. "Justice Shall Rule". Though the d'Antraigues Bloodline failed in it's attempt to create a Republic founded on Justice, they continued their fight after the rise of Napoleon, d'Antraigues and his childe continued their fight, aiding British forces in Spain, until in 1812, their founder was killed while sleeping by an Italian servant (loudly rumoured to be a First Estate Ghoul by the bloodline), and his childe were forced to go into hiding. The passion for Justice still runs deep in his blood however and Vendetta is not above it's members in removing Elders who draw their Ire. These are the Renegades of the Ventrue clan, who are more than willing to take their cause into their own hands in order to see the destruction of the long standing Archaic institutions that continue to, in this bloodlines eyes, keep Vampire society from reaching it's full potential. The typical member of this bloodline is ruthless in their beliefs, but compassionate about their cause. They are not necessarily violent beyond reason, if they can better serve the bloodline's obsession for Justice, they will take whatever steps are necessary to further it. They are not wanton destroyers, but strategic planners who remove (when they can) those who stand in their way by whatever means are available. They take their place in the Dance Macabre as the conscientious objector, the Devil's advocate, the loyal opposition, or the Insurgent, depending on circumstance and opportunity. Powerful members of this bloodline are rare, but they do exist, few over a century old are now left, but wherever an insurgency is in the world it is a safe bet that at least one of d'Antraigues childer or grandchilde is behind the scenes, or on the front lines, removing the most strategic targets, and using their contacts to fulfill the role of a supplier to the "Forces for Justice and Liberty", members of this Bloodline have been known to have had a hand, if a small one, in the American, Civil War, The Irish Troubles, South American Insurgencies, European Governments, and other places where the bloodline's cause has been raised amongst mortals. Due to their status as being against the powers that be, d'Antraigues line has moved into an underground movement of late, reluctant to give their bloodline out easily to others, and often having at least one if not more, back up "safe houses" away from the power centers of the Covenants. They work hard to blend into the mortal world, and as result there is now skepticism amongst older Vampires whether this blood line still exists, or as some say, ever existed. However, when a car bomb goes off and sends to final death a rapacious Elder, or a First Estate officer's Haven burns. There is the rumour that The "Rebel Line" is at work again, and while often unprovable, it is also something to which every Vampire that has placed himself in the path of this Bloodline has at least thought about once or twice. Socially d'Antraigues take on a calm demeanor for the most part, their actions deliberate and precise, with focused minds. Developing a calm demeanor is the mask for the cause, the hiding of the attentions so that the enemy does not realize their danger until it is too late, this has perhaps given rise to the belief that this bloodline, if it exists, is nothing but as an emotionless hardened criminal element with no real beliefs, while nothing could be farther than the truth, this is a belief that a typical d'Antraigues is quick to take advantage of when the circumstances allow. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was of course convincing the world he didn't exist Parent Clan: Ventrue Nickname: Insurgents or Rebels Covenants: Looking at the history of the Bloodline, it is not hard to guess where the Rebels fall. The vast majority of the Bloodline are members of the Carthian Movement with the remaining staying outside any Covenant and often become prominent Unbound. While no official report of them in other Covenants exists, its safe to assume no Rebel ever joined the First Estate. Appearance: A military bearing or appearance is not uncommon, though often vary from place to place. Often in the name of insurgency various differences in appearances are brought about, long hair, tattoos, or facial hair. On recent nights new childer that differ wildly from this stereotype have been reported to be d'Antraigues, however this does not always hold true. The Spanish dancer at the local nightclub may have been a spy for Duke Wellington during the Peninsula campaign. Also in recent nights suspected members of this bloodline have been known to adopt all manner of dress, reflecting a trend toward specialization. Haven: d'Antraigues Havens often favor security over

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comfort, and may have a second haven nearby as a safe house. These Havens are almost always near kind populations that are not fed upon, as great steps are taken to keeping other Vampires, at least those not of their covenant. From discovering them. Background: Almost all of the bloodline that were embraced within the last twenty years come from an insurgency background, however on recent nights the trend toward specialization has brought, engineers, computer programmers, political students and all manner of other skills into the fold. Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Resolve Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Resilience, Celerity Weakness: Due to their devotion to their ideals d'Antraigues, are particularly effected by their own moral code. This has led to some violent reactions to situations under which their cause is seen to be under assault. When personally witnessing a violent event that goes against the Vampire's Virtue, a WP check must be made to avoid Frenzy Organization: The bloodline numbers so few in modern nights that any organization larger than two, usually a vampire and his childe, is rare. Where these exist they adopt the four person cell system invented by the IRA and copied world wide by insurgency groups. Concept: Insurgent, Undercover Agent, Freedom Fighter, Terrorist

Daeva: Worthwhile allies when they are, I just wish they were a little more focused... Gangrel: Very Dangerous to anger.. but then again the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Best to treat with respect, some of them have earned it Mekhet: Very useful tools, and very dangerous enemies. Don't turn your back Nosferatu: Often their actions are in line with our actions, and often what we do is credited to them. All the better Ventrue: Our traitorous cousins have lost all the nobility of our Clan, beware of their scheming, but don't fear them Changelings: If they exist, and I'm not saying they don't, what powerful allies they could be... Mages: They have their plans and we have ours, if they don't interfere with us we will pay them the same courtesy Mortals: They can surprise you with their passion, but so many don't live to see it through Prometheans: Subtle... very subtle Shifters: Allies or enemies they are worth paying attention too, if for no other reason than their claws

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"In honest service, there are commonly low wages and hard labor; in this plenty, satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power"
During the golden age of piracy, in the 17th and 18th centuries, many privateers were given letters of marque, which in essence was a license to attack and pillage any ship flying under the flag of an enemy to the issuer of said letter. In short, legal piracy. Many a Ventrue with power issued these letters for a portion of profits. A few however preferred a hands on approach, and set to sea to make practical use of the letters, or even to engage in such practices without a letter. Over time they became more attuned to their surroundings and developed a discipline to call their own. This variation of the Clan Ventrue became known as Granuaile. It is not know who the founder of the line was and even though they claim it was Grainne Ni Mhaille, the truth may be closer to a Ventrue, or many, related to Captain William Kidd. Some tales suggest that the powers simply developed in those who spent a lot of time at sea. Stranger stories have been told after all. They became attuned to the weather, as well as direction, now they were not just masters of man and beast, but of the open sea as well. A life, or unlife as it were, at sea, and sailing under a pirate banner meant that plunder must come in constantly to keep the crew happy. Who better than a Ventrue with an uncanny knack for sailing and tactics to make this happen. Although on most pirate ships, the captains were elected, on most Granuaile run ships, there was no questioning the captain. Normal pirate ships were a democracy, while on Granuaile run ships it was more a tyranny. Granuaile captains would ghoul some of the more influential crew members and use them as whips to deal with the rest of the crew to nip any potential mutiny in the bud before it started, though more than one story is told of a captain unable to contain his anger at being disobeyed and killing his entire crew himself. It was not long before the Privateers realised they were neither the only, nor the first Bloodline to form out in the open sea. Centuries before the first Granuaile was even born let alone Embraced another line of Ventrue reigned in the water. The dreaded Rtgrafen were the undisputed masters of the sea and a legend among mortal seafarers. When the Privateers showed up, it was only a matter of time before the two lines clashed. Even the open sea was not big enough for two Ventrue Bloodlines. That was the beginning of an interesting chapter in the history of the Granuaile. The first few skirmishes between the Privateers and the Red Dukes were brief and shrouded in mystery and superstition. Such meetings were the source of many legends among mortal sailors and even members of the two Bloodlines had a less than secular view of the whole thing. The Rtgrafen believed that one of the gods opposing Loki was responsible for the Granuaile. The Privateers on the other hand, viewed the viking pirates as a nightmare from the past, coming to test the mettle of those bold enough to claim the sea as domain. As the years passed, the golden age passed with them, but piracy never went away. The Granuaile never went away either. They adapted with times passage, and are even known to this day to be wreaking havoc on certain parts of the seas. One is even rumored to have gained control over a former Soviet nuclear submarine during the confusion after the fall of the Iron curtain, something that still remains only a rumour. Privateer Ghouls live only to serve their undying masters and its easy for them to become obsessed with procedure and ritual, when it comes to the hierarchy on a ship. When something along the chain of command does not go as planned, they become erratic and often violent till things are back to normal. This is part of the reason behind the Bloodline's reputation as tyrants of the sea, as most perceived this attitude of the servants as the wish of the masters. Parent Clan: Ventrue Nickname: Privateers Covenant: Truth be told, the Granuaile have no official affiliation to a Covenant. They will join the First Estate, in order to have some power base. They will join the Carthian Movement to use it as a ladder or simply to recruit for their crews. They will join the Ordo Dracul for no other reason than the bonuses the Coils offer. In general, they will join almost any Covenant that promises power. Appearance: Granuaile can have a wide range of looks to them, but in keeping with the parent clan they tend keep themselves well dressed, and have roguish good looks. While a few tend to dress in old world styles, the majority of the Bloodline are up to date and more than half of them in uniform. Haven: Granuaile tend to keep haven aboard their ships with the security of their loyal crew protecting them. Some however do keep estates on terra firma, always close to the shore however as they don't stay out of the sea for long, especially with their Bloodline weakness. Background: Most Granuaile are drawn from naval officers, and merchant marine captains. On occasion though a particularly gifted mortal with no sea knowledge, may find himself embraced and taught the ways of the sea by a sire willing to put in the effort if the new childe proves unworthy, there are many ways to make him disappear. Character Creation: A good head for tactics and strategy, as well as finance. Those are what make good Granuaile, so mental


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Attributes and Skills are favored. Some do prefer to keep physical abilities at the ready as well, setting social skills to the side. Favorite Attributes: Manipulation and Wits Bloodline Disciplines: Aeolis, Animalism, Dominate, Resilience Weakness: Being a sea born line, Granuaile tend to become increasingly agitated when on land. All Willpower rolls have an increased difficulty when away from the sea for more than 24 hours. This is pretty much the reason they never stay on solid ground for too long. A Ventrue without self control is usually considered a black sheep, even with the number of psychos in the Clan. Organization: The Bloodline holds true to their parent clan. All know and can recount their lineage when need be. They are proud of their line and consider themselves simple Ventrue, but with a specialty. That said, there is not one Granuaile that doesn't take pride in their special history and the fact they spread Ventrue supremacy in the seven seas. Concepts: Naval officer, Merchant marine captain, Particularly gifted landlubber, Pirate

Daeva: "Use them when the need arises. Placate them to your favor. Ignore their whining otherwise" Gangrel: "Oddly enough, they can be useful in their animal forms, as scouts and such. Never fully trust one though. They can and do bite the hand that feeds them if incensed enough Mekhet: "Never leave port without making a thorough search for stowaways. These shadowy knowledge seekers tend to go to extremes" Nosferatu: "A good source of knowledge but be wary of the price they try to exact and more importantly, their means of doing so" Ventrue: "What most of them lack in adventure, we make up for. Our overall goals are in harmony though" Changelings: Never saw anything like that in the open sea. Mages: "A rare, dangerous and useful tool if you can cozen them to agree with your motives" Mortals: "If not for mortals, life at sea would be next to impossible. Do not let them think they are friendly with you though. We don't play with our food." Prometheans: I think I read a book about them. Shifters: "Thankfully it is only in tales that one has ever heard of these beasts plying the waters. If I've ever unknowingly met one I consider myself lucky to be here to say so"

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I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent...

Though not a product of recent nights these creatures of the night have not been heard of, except by the rarest investigator. Though the unfortunate fool would unlikely be capable to tell the tale. They may not be as scarce as the make themselves out to be, but most Vampires know more about the Nosferatu. Rumors say the Bloodline started as a group of psychics was Embraced by a Ventrue that wanted to use them in his plots. They now move among others, as scholars or mercenaries, on rare occasions they are permanent bodyguards. This is only how it seems however, their true purpose for leaving is their studies, or more correctly, experimentation. Application of their learned skills. However this has not come without a price. They prefer to investigate, and gain knowledge than fight. While a few are willing to venture forth and explore, they tend to stay in one place for a long time before moving on. While they, like the Ventrue, prefer not to come to open combat, the Psychics are not adverse to using the method with those they think respond best to such methods. They work individually but they are definitely a growing fear among Vampires. They care little for the Covenant, or the Clan for that matter. Being true Lords, they are interested in domination, over others and their own mind as their unique Discipline shows. Phenomial are all loosely in contact with each other, more for the information they periodically choose to share with each other. Not even they know what happened to their founder, though most feel that he is still around, perhaps watching his childer. The Phenomial have taken to deep secrecy, training and studying the effects of Vampirism, specifically on its effects to the mind. As most Ventrue, the Psychics consider Ghouls a resource that can be discarded when no longer useful. Employing them as bodyguards, servants or simply test subjects for their mental experiments, after all, how can you master the mind if you don't train and how can you train without someone to train on? Conditioned by their masters' Vitae, Phenomial Ghouls develop a Danger Sense that serves to keep both them and their masters our of harm's way. Parent Clan: Ventrue Nickname: Psychics Covenant: The psychics may bey found in any Covenant as they are always experimenting. This means using their abilities under any facet. Even though they tend to follow their parent lines, they have a slightly higher concentration in the Ordo Dracul, the Carthian Movement and the Circle of Crone. Appearance: Due to an age gap in the Bloodline, older Phenomial tend to be clean cut and from a military background, while newer younger psychics are loners none have physically impressive attributes, though there is always the exception that proves the rule. Haven: Being prepared and true survivors, well as far as polite society goes, a psychic prefers to be found in small residential areas, with several places hidden in a given city that they can sleep safely through the day. While they are resourceful, they will not sleep just anywhere if they can help it, preferring clean simple surroundings. Background: Unlike most Bloodlines, Phenomial have a pronounced age gap, close to a century. This is due to the alliance with several governments, most notably with the American. The older of the the line are from a strict military background, a very select few beyond the original groups embraced until the whole line ventured forth from the alliance. The younger, tend to be the better half of social outcasts, from the neglected dbutante to the quick mademan of the street. Character Creation: As is to be expected, Mental Attributes and Skills are favored, with Social ones a close second. Not so few Psychics focus on Physical Attributes and Skills, preferring them over Social ones. Even though they tend to have high resources its something they use, not something they show. Favorite Attributes: Intelligence or Wits Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Mentat, Resilience Weakness: Psychics delve into the darkness of the human mind so deep something always comes out with them. Every time they use Dominate, one of the derangements of the one nearest to them becomes their own for the scene. Organization: As formal as any Ventrue, any Phenomial knows his lineage, at least to a point. Whether he shares it with others outside the Bloodline is another issue. Most Psychics have whole fake lineages they can call upon when needed. Not always revealing how much of a Bloodline they really are, few know them for anything more than Ventrue and that suits them just fine. Concepts: Ex-military, Paranormal researcher, Scientist, Geek


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Daeva: "Fine muscle to be sure, especially when your own hands need to be clean" Gangrel: "We've done extensive testing on animals, they are just the next step" Mekhet: "Each is good for only one thing. what, depends on the individual. Alas the Achilles' heal of devotion" Nosferatu: "Tragic masters of secrecy, meant to be used and cast away as they have always been." Ventrue: "While i don't frown on personal gain, they become far too single minded and seem to have little ability to multi-task thus we begin where they end" Changelings: Don't be a fool, such things do not exist Mages: "A rare specimen, learn from them if you can, or if your adventurous, or stupid, enough capture him and extract what you can. Mortals: "A rare thing when you find something that simultaneously answers two enigmas. Treat then as they are, sustenance and guinea pigs, nothing more." Prometheans: Curious experiment... very interesting. Shifters: Everything has a boundary, you can push it , cross it or leave it alone. I find that where these particular monsters are concerned, the latter tends to allow another night to pass.

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own reward.

Unique Disciplines
The whims of weather always plagued seafarers and the Privateers would be fools to let such an advantage go to waste. Weather manipulation has helped members of the Bloodline time and time again, some times in practical ways, others just to unnerve the ones facing them. Granuaile are able to literally blow some steam off with this Discipline ...and when they do, few people enjoy it. Starting with gentle breezes and concealing fog, moving on to more violent and harsh winds and finishing with the power of a storm unleashed, a master of Aeolis, is not to be ignored.

North Winds

Probably the trademark power of the Privateers, even this relatively subtle control over the wind is usually enough to discourage most would-be attackers. While this is not by itself a deadly power, as all Ventrue the Privateers leave nothing to chance and usually Breeze is used when it is most efficient. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Drive + Aeolis Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The breeze causes a kickback and the Granuaile risks being knocked down Failure: Nothing happens, the Granuaile is free to try again the following turn. Success: The resulting breeze is able to move items of Size equal to the number of successes, with a speed of as many miles per hour as the Granuaile's Blood Potency. Exceptional Success: Same as above, but speed doubles.

Sailors learn to fear the North Winds, be they mundane or supernatural in origin and Privateers know why... they are actually part of the reason. Invoking the power of the north winds, Granuaile are able to freeze someone to death, or at least way below comfort. This power may not kill someone on the spot, but its aftermath usually sticks with the target for quite some time. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Intelligence + Science + Aeolis target's Stamina + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: No subsequent attempt can be made by the Granuaile on the target for the rest of the night. Failure: Nothing happens, the Granuaile is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success drops the target's temperature by two degrees. Exceptional Success: The target suffers a level of lethal damage due to extreme cold.

Winds of Fury
At first glance, Winds of Fury seems like an upgraded version of Breeze, in reality it is less subtle and much more dangerous. Instead of using wind to push items and people around, the Granuaile is now able to use it in order to destroy whatever stands in the way. There are rumours of mortals and Vampires alike who were reduced to a pile of bones or ash scattered in the wind after this power was used on them. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Drive + Aeolis target's Stamina + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: No subsequent attempt can be made by the Granuaile on a target against whom he fails for at least a year. Failure: Nothing happens, the Granuaile is free to try again the following turn. Success: Each success causes one level of bashing damage to the target. When used on items, each success reduces Durability by 1. Exceptional Success: Each success causes one level of lethal damage to the target. When used on items, each success reduces Durability by 2.

Cover of Mists
Privateers believe in having any advantage possible, especially when in a situation they cannot fully control. Sometimes things do not go according to plan and the Granuaile need a smoke screen to make sure they live to fight another night. Using Cover of Mists offers this in the form of fog thick enough to make it harder for people to see through unless of course Auspex or a similar unveiling power is used. Mundane means of penetrating the shroud of mist fail automatically even though they may be successful on mundane mist. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Stealth + Aeolis Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Mists cover everyone but the Granuaile, granting them the same bonus the user would get. Failure: Nothing happens, the Granuaile is free to try again the following turn. Success: Concealing fog appears out of thin air, effectively increasing the user's Defense by 1 per success rolled. Blood Potency does not limit the maximum rating of Defense. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their

Raging Storm
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned says the old saying and the Privateers are bent on proving it wrong. Those unfortunate enough to enrage a Granuaile who has mastered this power are in big trouble. By itself the power is harmless, but when combined with the previous levels, bad things tend to happen fast. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Survival + Aeolis Action: Two turns

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Cost: Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results:

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Granuaile cannot use any Aeolis power for the remainder of the night. Failure: Nothing happens, the Granuaile is free to try again the following turn. Success: A storm gathers, covering a range depended on the successes as follows: 1 Success half mile 2 Successes 1 mile 3 Successes 2 miles 4 Successes 4 miles Any Aeolis power used within the range of the Raging Storm, gains a bonus of 2 dice per roll for the rest of the scene. Exceptional Success: No rolls are required for any of the previous Aeolis powers, they are considered exceptional successes automatically. The cost needs to be paid as normal.

Comhdaich Coillteil (Shelter of the Woodlands)

This is the power that probably started rumors about haunted forests and trees that moved to grab bypassers with their branches. When the Tinker is using a tree to rest in, something they usually do because of this power, he has the ability to possess the tree and will it to move in order to trip or grab his prey. If they are disturbed during this time (ie:somebody decides to cut down the tree or it gets struck by lightening), the Tinker emerges forcefully in a hail of wooden splinters and is forced to take 2 points of bashing damage, plus any other damage inflicted by the said reason for the disruption (ie:lightening strike, forest fire etc.), at the Storytellers discretion. Cost: 1 Willpower Cachexy Dice Pool: Action: Instant Contaminate Roll Results: No roll is required to activate this power, but a roll may be Lasair Spiorad (Flame of the Spirits) necessary to touch the target. The range of this power is 10 yards per Living in the forests for so long made the Tinkers somewhat dot of the Morbus Stamina. Victims who escape the range continue sensitive to the spirits inhabiting them (maybe even Fae?). By to suffer for the remainder of the powers established duration. breathing over an arrow, stone, or anything that can be used as a projectile, the Tinker invokes a spirit and it can set the object on fire. Cotterscraft The arrows do normal damage for fire, and at the Storytellers During the earlier times when they were hunted by nobles, discretion a test to resist Rtschreck may have to be made. The invoker is immune to Rotschrek, but has to get rid of the projectile the mortals known as Tinkers knew the difference between being brave and being stupid. Most were quite good at making a getaway within 3 turns or the fire dies. Cost: 1 Vitae when outnumbered or outgunned. Those who weren't... died. It's no Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cotterscraft target's surprise then that when the Gangrel started embracing these broken Resolve (highest if multiple) men, that they developed differently. They seem to have developed Action: Instant their own unique discipline, to aid in their flight, and if need be... in Roll Results their fight. Hence Cotterscraft was born. Some aspects of this Dramatic Failure: The Tinker takes 1 level of aggravated discipline are designed to help the Tinkers hide, some to enhance their senses to danger, and others help to get away or make a sloppy damage from unseen flames. Failure: Nothing happens, Vitae is lost and the Tinker is hunter, or unsuspecting enemy sorry they messed with the Tinker. free to try again the following turn. Very few outside the Bloodline realize the full potential of the Success: The number of successes dictate the number of discipline, and Tinkers tend to prefer it this way. Alone Cotterscraft projectiles set on fire. can be a dangerous weapon, and a useful tool. Combined with Exceptional Success: As above but the fire lasts for 6 Animalism, and Protean, it's a very deadly concoction. One that very seconds. few, if they knew, would dare to bring upon themselves.

Geosgail (Blustering Talk)

Damh's Leum (Stag's Leap)

Due to the fact that they have been hunted throughout the years, the Tinkers have found the ability to attune themselves to the warnings of nature itself in their surroundings, like a sixth sense. In the hinterlands this would mean hearing approaching dangers far sooner, or even seeing a dust cloud kicked up by an approaching threat from a further range. In a city scape this may include hearing footfalls approaching them. Although this aids the Tinker in knowing when things are afoot, details can be sketchy at best as to what may be happening. When this power is active, all Perception rolls gain 2 dice.

This power allows the Tinker to transform into a fully antlered deer buck. It doesn't matter whether the Tinker is male or female, they will always be a buck in this form. This is both a fight and flight form, as deer are generally very fast and agile, but also aggressive and can do much damage with their antlers. If kicked or pawed by the bucks hooves, a victim will receive bashing damage +2, for the hardness of the hooves and the added leg strength. If gored by the antlers or slashed, the damage is normal, but aggravated and can only be soaked with Fortitude. Fire and sunlight do normal damage while in this form.

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the following turn. Success: The power works as intended, revealing the target's vice to the Fiend. Exceptional Success: As above but the Fiend gains 1 die when trying to make the target indulge his Vice for the rest of the night.

Cost: 1 Vitae (or 3 Vitae) Dice Pool: Charisma + Survival+ Cotterscraft Action: Three turns (or Instant) Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Tinker cannot shift for the rest of the night Failure: Nothing happens, Vitae is lost and the Tinker is free to try again the following day. Success: The Tinker shifts into a stag. Exceptional Success: As above, antlers do an added level of damage.

Hell's Kiss
In order to mock the Cherubs and inflict pain to their victims, the Fiends have developed Hell's Kiss, a power than when used, makes the vampire's kiss one of the most painful, and sometimes deadly, experiences. There is no change in their feeding rate however, just on how bad the effect on their dinner is. Cost: Dice Pool: Resolve + Empathy + Deimos target's Stamina + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Kiss acts like Lover's Kiss (Eros 2). Failure: The Dark Kiss is normal. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above and the Fiend causes one extra level of lethal damage.

Duathar a' Cheo (Murk of the Mist)

By using this power, the Stag melts to a slightly greenish colored phosphorescent, acidic liquid, similar to swamp water in texture. The glow of the liquid is hardly enough to be considered a light source, but in a dark enough area, it can be fairly pronounced. In this state the Tinker is not intangible but still cannot be harmed by physical means. This ability has the benefit of being able to slip through small crevices and through door locks and such, they can however be contained. Fire and sunlight do regular damage though. The character can move at a walking speed but may be hampered by an object being inserted into them, such as a foot when stepped in. They will not disperse enough that they cannot resume their physical form. Damage from their acidity is 1 health ever per turn, and can be soaked normally unless the person botches their soak roll, then it becomes aggravated. Cost: 1 Vitae (or 3 Vitae) Dice Pool: Action: Three turns (or Instant) Roll Results:

Phantom Pain

The trademark Discipline of the Diaboli Nocturni, Deimos is focused on pain and corruption. More often than not, the subject of the Fiend's attentions will be welcoming death before long... and sometimes they get their wish. With Deimos, the Fiends have a potent tool of interrogation or, given their preferences, amusement. The powers of this Discipline allow the Diaboli to identify a subject's weakness, to inflict pain real or not and even the means for mass murder with the use of toxic clouds.

Smell the Sin

Upon refining their powers, Diaboli are able to make their victims believe they feel excruciating pain while all there is, is the will of their tormentor. In some cases, especially when dealing with mortals, this pain can be deadly, while Vampires suffer to the point of Torpor, without ever entering it, or meeting Final Death. No pain is left when the Diabolus stops using this power. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Deimos target's Composure + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Fiend is affected instead of the target for 2 levels of unsoakable bashing damage. Failure: No pain is inflicted on the target. Success: The target believes he suffers one level of aggravated damage per success. Exceptional Success: As above, extra successes only add to the damage. Taking torture one step further, Diaboli are able to cause physical harm with a mere touch, unlike Phantom Pain, this power can actually kill a Vampire, or at least send him to Torpor. This is a rather useful power in combat but against a stronger opponent can be as much of a disadvantage as an advantage, since it may provoke frenzy. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Deimos target's Stamina + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results

The Fiend is able to virtually sniff out the Vice of the target. This ability is a matter of empathy and has nothing to do with smell, but most Diaboli do exactly that for dramatic effect. This power is the reason the Bloodline earned their nickname as they use that knowledge to creep into their target's mind and soul. Cost: Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Deimos - target's Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Diabolus gets misleading information about the target's Vice. Failure: The Fiend senses nothing and is free to try again

Affliction of the Damned

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Dramatic Failure: The Fiend is hurt instead of the target, for 2 levels of lethal damage. Failure: No damage is done. Success: The target suffers one level of lethal damage per success. Exceptional Success: As above, extra successes only add to the damage. Nobody knows exactly how the Fiends earned this power, or how the Bloodline managed to outgun the Cherubs. Some say it was pure spite, in any case however, Breath of the Wicked is a reality. It allows the Fiend to exhale a toxic cloud that can be lethal to Mortals, while it distracts and annoys Vampires or other supernaturals. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Resolve + Survival + Deimos target's Stamina + Power Trait Action: 3 turns Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Fiend is hurt instead of the target, for 2 levels of lethal damage. Failure: No damage is done. Success: The cloud starts spreading and covers the room in three turns. Those present suffer one level of lethal damage per turn of exposure to the toxic cloud. Exceptional Success: As above, but the cloud covers the room instantly.

Lover's kiss
The second level of Eros makes the Cherub's Dark Kiss twice as pleasant, to the point where even Vampires are affected by it. Mortals and others that are usually affected have a hard time resisting, if able at all. Most are too lost in the pleasure of the Kiss to care. To resist one rolls Composure + Survival + Power Trait (or Primal Urge for Lupines), Mortals and others normally affected by the Kiss roll with a 1 die penalty. Cost: Dice Pool: Action: Roll Results:

Breath of the Wicked

Satiate the Beast

By using this power the Cherub can feed from a Mortal no matter how high his Blood Potency is, if it is low enough to allow feeding on Mortals, it makes the feeding twice as effective. For each Vitae consumed, the Cherub gains two. If feeding on Mages or Lupines, the effects of their blood are doubled as well both in nourishment and duration. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Resolve + Survival + Eros Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Cherub becomes addicted to the blood of the target. Failure: The feeding goes as normal. Eros Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above but the Cherub is immune to Blood and love, that is what Eros is about. While the Blood Addiction and Vinculi if feeding on a vampire. Bloodline's founder was not the most seduction-minded Vampires, it is generally easier to stay safe if people actually like you and this Cupid's Bow Discipline ensures few will ever dislike the Parvuli Angeli, as long as When the Cherub uses this power, nobody is safe. All it its effects are still active. Safety is but one use of Eros and its first takes is a touch and the target is as good as fully Blood Bound to the power but the focus moves to pleasure and blood after that, as well Cherub. Rumors say it even overrides an already existing Vinculum, as the power of Vinculum and the false love it brings. even if full. Mortals, Mages, Lupines and Vampires alike are Scent of Venus susceptible to Cupid's Bow that, even though temporary, is a Due to the fact the members of the Bloodline are close to valuable asset in the Cherub's arsenal. Cost: 1 Vitae each other, it is possible for one Cherub to sense another when they Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Eros target's Composure are near. The fact they sense each other helps with the Frenzy check + Power Trait for a first meeting, but in no way ensures the Angeli will like each Action: Instant other. This power makes it easier for the Bloodline founder to keep Roll Results tags on her childer Dramatic Failure: The target is aware of the attempt and Cost: may react violently. Dice Pool: Wits + Composure + Eros Failure: No bond is formed between the Cherub and the Action: Instant target. Roll Results Success: The target acts as if fully bound for one hour per Dramatic Failure: The Cherub perceives a non-Cherub as success or until next sunrise. one. Exceptional Success: As above but the bond overrides any Failure: The Cherub is oblivious to the other members of and all Vinculi. the Bloodline in the area. Success: The power works as intended, each success adding 30 feet. Folderol Exceptional Success: As above but the Cherub gets added As a result of Kiasyd's lust for knowledge the odd Discipline information about the rest, like Blood Potency.

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knows as Folderol was created. A collection of powers inclined thereafter. towards the exposure of new knowledge, Folderol has driven many of Cost: its victims to babbling madness, or at least frustration. The Kiasyd Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Folderol are grateful others outside the Bloodline cannot learn the Discipline Action: Instant they know that were it turned against them, they may be forced to Roll Results reveal secrets the world is better off not knowing. Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd loses his own aura instead of Truth Sayer the subject. Failure: The subject's aura is not absorbed. It becomes increasingly difficult to deceive the Kiasyd as they Success: The number of successes determines the amount of absorb more and more knowledge. This power reveals lies told to information absorbed from the subject and taken as native by the the Kiasyd in several different ways, which varies from vampire to user. One aspect of the person's identify (species, emotional state, vampire. Some Kiasyd perceive lies via their teller's tongue glowing in special circumstances) per success, change ownership as intended an unnatural color, while other's eyes well up with blood tears when Exceptional Success: As above, but the aura is completely lied to. The manner varies from Kiasyd to Kiasyd, but the effect is absorbed. always the same - he knows you have lied to him. Protection Ward Cost: Dice Pool: Wits + Expression + Folderol target's The vampire can create mystical wards, symbols of occult Manipulation + Subterfuge + Power Trait power that disorient onlookers. Many Kiasyd use these glyphs to Action: Reflexive protect their libraries, though some spiteful vampires use them as Roll Results curses by placing them on individuals who have earned their Dramatic Failure: The power works in reverse and the disfavor. The vampire creating the ward inscribes the the symbol in a Kiasyd may take truth for lie. visible location such as a library door, bookshelf or individuals Failure: The power does not work. clothing. Anyone entering the warded area or touching the warded Success: The power works as intended. object loses two dice from her Intelligence dice pools as long as she Exceptional Success: As above, but for the scene. maintains contact or proximity to the ward. Additionally, anyone Looking Glass seeing the ward becomes addled and lost unless she makes a Wits + Investigation roll but the Kiasyd is immune to his own wards. If the Kiasyd are able to see past the Mask of fae creatures, tapping glyphs are destroyed in any way, the ward is broken. into the alleged ties of the Bloodline's founder to Faerie. Cost: 1 Vitae per glyph Changelings, the True Fae, hedgespawn garments, even tokens and Dice Pool: Intelligence + Security + Folderol target's areas near the Hedge all look as they truly are in the eyes of the Willpower + Power Trait Kiasys. When Looking Glass is used, the Kiasyd's eyes turn into Action: Depends on circumstances mirrors with the true form of their surroundings reflected on them Roll Results for all to see. Dramatic Failure: The Ward affects the Kiasyd for the Cost: 1 Willpower scene. Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Folderol Failure: The Ward fails, blood is lost. Action: Instant Success: The glyphs last for a duration indicated by the Roll Results number of successes on the Intelligence + Security roll with each Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd cannot use the power for the success granting five minutes. scene. Exceptional Success: The glyphs last for the scene. Failure: The Kiasyd is unable to see past the Mask of fae but Riddle Phantastique can try again. Success: Looking Glass works for a number of turns equal to The Kiasyd has knowledge of many hidden and intriguing the successes. truths. He can phrase these enigmas as a vexing riddle, causing Exceptional Success: As above, but for the scene. whoever hears the Riddle Phantastique to do nothing but try to solve Aura Absorption it. The Riddle is so impenetrable that it can actually damage the fragile brains of those who think about it. Malkovians and deranged This power allows the Kiasyd to absorb the aura of a person individuals sometimes have it easier when solving the Riddle, but at and take its elements as his own. The Kiasyd must touch or pick up other times it plagues them by driving them even more insane. on the subject and first perform a successful read. Instead of just Cost: receiving and interpreting the patterns and colours of the aura, the Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Folderol target's Kiasyd absorbs the impressions into his own. Anyone attempting to Willpower + Power Trait + 1die per derangement use this power on or read the aura of the same subject subsequently Action: Instant must accumulate more successes than the Kiasyd did to get any Roll Results impression at all. The first Kiasyd's successes subtract from the Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd falls under the spell of the number of successes scored by anyone trying to read the subject Riddle for the scene

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as the ocean, but keep in mind that the ocean itself moves. This can be combined with dot 1, at only the expenditure of 1 additional Vitae . Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics +Luong Feng Action: Instance Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Shao Luong cannot use Luong Feng for the rest of the scene. Failure: The vampire fails to walk on the surface. Success: The Shao Luong can use the power normally Exceptional Success: As above, but max speed can be twice the normal.

Failure: The target knows the answer immediately. Success: After a successful roll, the victim can do nothing but sit and ponder the Riddle until she accumulates three times the riddler's successes. The subject rolls Wits + Occult. She makes this roll as soon as she is told the Riddle, and then once per hour until she has gathered enough successes. Should the victim botch on a roll to solve the Riddle, she takes one level of lethal damage as the mystical enigma racks her body, and she loses one success from the accumulated total. This damage cannot be healed until the Riddle has been solved. The riddler can end this trance just by telling the victim the answer, but no one else can do so. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus.

Luong Feng (Dragon's Footsteps)

The Discipline of the Shao Luong, is focused on the element of earth and abilities often attributed to it in Eastern philosophy. Most powers of Luong Feng, seem like applications of magnetism or control over stone and rock. When asked about it, Shao Luong simply say it is all about discipline and focus. There are rumours that mortal monks have developed similar abilities, but no proof of this has been found.

Shi Tou Wu Qi (Weapon of Stone)

Tu (Earth)
The vampire has learned to attune herself to matter, she cannot be knocked down or thrown. The Shao Luong is still vulnerable to all attacks and thus standing in the way of say, a moving vehicle, while the power is active is still considered one of the greatest blunders known to man or Vampire. If one is to try such a move, the outcome is usually a blood splattered vehicle and two ripped off feet still on the ground where the Shao Luong stood. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results:

Liu Shui (Flowing Water)

The vampire can push through solid objects up to their Blood Potency in thickness in meters. The vampire is vulnerable to attack while in this state. Also it can be used in a manner similar to "Haven of soil", allowing the vampire to hibernate for as many nights as they have Blood Potency (set at a pre-determined number when they slumber). Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: 1 turn per meter passed through Roll Results:

This power is used to create weapons of stone, any sort of melee weapon. Most vampires have their favorites, while many prefer swords or one sort or another, larger ones often favor tetsubo or other crushing weapons, and more than one Shao Luong have made a name for themselves with a stone staff. The vampire must touch a quantity of stone at least one cubit foot. This stone need not be in natural form, the stone walls of a building or tombstone would be sufficient, for example. Note that taking the stone away from a wall or large rock may cause instability or collapse, though this is not the power's primary purpose. The storyteller should decide whether the damage is sufficient to cause any further events. The stone weapon may be used in melee combat and its damage rating equals that of a weapon of it's type, plus two. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Crafts + Luong Feng Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Shao Luong cannot use Luong Feng for the rest of the scene. Failure: The vampire fails to create the desired weapon. Success: The weapon is created as intended (size limited at will or by the available material). Exceptional Success: As above, but the weapon created does aggravated damage.

Ye Hua (Wild Flower)

Bu Xing (Walk)
The vampire can literally walk on any surface, they are attuned to matter and can easily walk narrow ledges, up vertical surfaces, even on water. A side effect of this power is that they leave no footprints. All stealth rolls gain a bonus die, and all leaping distances are doubled (due to a lightness and springiness to body), falling damage is halved, and the vampire does not leave impressions behind (footprints), also they can literally walk on any surface, such

With this power, the vampire can force the earth to disgorge it's contents.. things buried, or set within constructs can be brought out. The vampire can force the earth of 10 cubic meters per Vitae used, to disgorge everything within it, bringing to the surface anything within it the only limit is that the size of each object cannot exceed twice the Blood Potency of the Shao Luong that uses the power. With a known object, especially something the vampire has touched, this range extends exponentially, covering up to 100 cubic meters, things like bodies, constructs, things they have hidden, rising to the top of the earth. This can also be used to cover a smaller area of man made substance, at a rate of 5 cubic meters per Vitae used, allowing things like removing embedded objects within concrete, floors or walls and capable of causing much havoc. If looking for something specific, or within long range, with less clue of it's proximity, a roll is required. When extending range and power of

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this Discipline, you may not spend more Vitae than your current of paranoid schizophrenia. Blood Potency allows. Cost: 1 Vitae Cost: 1 Vitae at least Dice Pool: Wits + Expression + Melpominee Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Luong Feng Action: Instant Action: Instant Roll Results Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Daughter is muted for the scene. Dramatic Failure: The Shao Luong cannot use Luong Feng Failure: The power does not work, the Soprano is free to try for the rest of the scene. again. Failure: The vampire fails to locate or raise the desired Success: Each success grants a turn of speech. object. Exceptional Success: Speech is granted for the scene. Success: The desired object is raised as intended. Madrigal Exceptional Success: As above, but the size of the object is The Vampire may imbue her audience with the emotions no longer limited. expressed in her song, rousing them to passion or deluging them with seemingly bottomless despair. Princes on good terms with Melpominee Daughters of Cacophony sometimes have the songstresses croon Named for Melpomene, the Greek Muse of tragedy, the before they make an appearance, bolstering their fellow Vampires unique Discipline of the Daughters of Cacophony is one of speech with a sense of loyalty. The song the vampire sings must reflect the and song. The powers of this Discipline explore the various uses of emotion she wishes to engender no one's going to mob the concert the voice for both benefit and harm. As is the case with mortal art, it security no matter how well she sings High Hopes, but they might is not always clear which of those directions these powers take. No if she wails Cop-killer. Cost: 1 Willpower character may have a rating in Melpominee higher than her Dice Pool: Charisma + Expression + Melpominee target's Expression rating. Melpominee affects the subject's soul as well as Willpower + Power Trait the ears; thus it works perfectly well on deaf subjects, and has caused Action: Depends on the song at least one known breach of the Masquerade due to this effect. Roll Results Additionally, the powers of Melpominee work only on those who are Dramatic Failure: The song irritates the audience, with the present when it is used Daughters of Cacophony cannot encode Melpominee effects onto compact discs or send them across radio possibility of them attacking the Siren. Failure: The song has no effect whatsoever, the Siren can try signals. again with her next song. The Missing Voice Success: Each success instills the chosen emotion in a fifth A vampire with this power may throw her voice anywhere of the Vampire's audience. The Storyteller decides precisely which within her line of sight, even carrying on two conversations members of the audience are affected. Exceptional Success: As above. simultaneously (one with her Missing Voice and one with her actual, physical one). Treacherous Daughters of Cacophony impersonate Siren's Beckoning other individuals' voices in order to mislead listeners, and less This power reaches deep into its victims' souls to twist their devious members of the Bloodline can use their two voices psyches. Siren's Beckoning causes temporary insanity in its victims. simultaneously to perform hauntingly beautiful duets or eerie oneactress plays. Using The Missing Voice while performing any action Malkovians and vampires in Golconda, if such a state exists, are other than speech or singing incurs a penalty of two dice on that immune to Siren's Beckoning, the former are too warped to be further affected, and the latter are too centered. Siren's Beckoning action due to the disruption of the character's concentration. can affect only one victim at a time. Cost: Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression + Melpominee Action: Instant target's Composure + Power Trait Roll Results: Action: Extended, Resisted Phantom Speaker Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Siren is affected instead of the target, With this power, the vampire may project her voice to any one individual with whom she has more than passing familiarity. probably to disastrous effect. Failure: The song fails to affect the target, the Siren can try The only distance limitation is that it must be night whenever the again with her next song. intended listener is. The vampire can talk, sing or make whatever Success: Five successes are needed to give the target a new other noises she wants. The sounds are inaudible to anyone but the intended subject, unless an eavesdropper has Auspex 3 or higher derangement of the Storyteller's choice for the night. Exceptional Success: As above but extra successes make the (and has a reason to be listening for such). The Vampire cannot hear the sounds or the subject's responses unless she is within earshot. derangement last for additional nights. The use of Phantom Speaker has been responsible for several cases

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Although many low-level Melpominee powers allow a vampire to affect only one target at a time, those who have mastered the Discipline may entertain a wider audience, as it were. The Daughter may use Phantom Speaker or Siren's Beckoning on a number of targets equal to her Stamina + Expression. Calculate Cost: 1 Vitae per 5 targets beyond the first Dice Pool: Depends on the power used. The blood affects the Phenomial mind in many ways. The Action: Depends on the power used. more potent the blood the greater its effects. The positive effects are directly controlled by the vampires will. As he moves to the next step Roll Results: Depends on the power used in this ability he has a state of mental preparedness he may call on. is used, he player then rolls the same Mentat When this power best results of the two. The vampire mayroll twice only counting the only use this ability as many times as his Blood Potency, per night. Mind over matter, that was always a core belief of the Cost: 1 Vitae Phenomial and naturally, their unique Discipline reflects that. A Dice Pool: collection of many abilities, usually referred to as Telekinesis or Action: Reflexive Psychokinesis as well as prophetic ones, Mentat can, and usually Roll Results: does, come very handy when dealing with interesting situations. With the power to predict the future, even if limited, and correcting Bend the Matter mistakes before they are made, as well as with their Vitae As the Phenomial masters this ability, he becomes truly empowering their minds in order to manipulate physical objects, the resourceful. He can manipulate the physical shape of objects. Be it Psychics are quite formidable. the illusion of bending iron bars into pretzels, or pulling the broken Premonition chair leg into fine point. The vampire crafts simple inanimate objects As often the Phenomial's background contains combat into the shape they please. He must be able to hold the object in his training, the first of their unique abilities is learned in relation. hands and the Size of the object is limited by the Phenomial's Blood Precognition grants them a sixth sense about impending physical Potency. Cost: 1 Vitae danger. Be it from an ambush a block ahead, or after harsh words in Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Mentat a bar. The physical intentions towards the Phenomial become clear Action: Instant in his minds eye. The ability must be willfully activated. Lasts scene Roll Results or until assaulted. Dramatic Failure: The vampire cannot use the ability the Cost: rest of the night. Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Mentat Failure: The object remains as it is. Action: Reflexive Success: The object changes as the vampire wishes. Roll Results Exceptional Success: The vampire no longer has to roll to Dramatic Failure: The vampire is afflicted with severe change the same object for the rest of the night. paranoia for the rest of the scene. Failure: The vampire senses nothing. Phase Shift Success: The vampire knows the attack against him and At the peak of mastery over the Bloodline's powers, when it will come. Phenomial are able to force their mind on their body to such an Exceptional Success: No additional bonuses. extend that they can simply shift into Twilight without the need for Polarize Auspex or leaving a body behind for others to abuse. That said, they The Phenomial have delved into the mysteries of telekinesis are limited to movement they would normally be able to do no and while the ability is potent it does not have control that is flying around or walking through walls and are at risk of falling associated with telekinesis. The vampire is able to move objects with prey to any number of entities in Twilight. Cost: 1 Willpower only his mind, but how he moves them is limited, he is able to push Dice Pool: Resolve + Survival + Mentat or pull objects in relation to himself. The Size of the objects is Action: Instant limited by the Phenomial's Blood Potency. Roll Results Cost: 1 Vitae Dramatic Failure: The vampire cannot use the ability the Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Mentat rest of the night. Action: Instant Failure: The vampire remains in material form. Roll Results Success: The vampire phase shifts in Twilight. Dramatic Failure: The Phenomial is unable to use Mentat Exceptional Success: As above, but can move at double for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The object does not move, the Psychic is free to try again the following turn. Success: The object moves with maximum speed of 1 meter per second per success. Exceptional Success: The Phenomial is able to move objects of one Size larger than normally allowed.

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go, a Nathran can, walls, ceilings and similar obstacles mean little to one with this power. Combined with Obfuscate, the ability to stick to almost any surface makes the Nathran great spies and infiltrators. Cost: Dice Pool: Action: Roll Results:

Speed in Twilight.

When asked about their Discipline, Nathran elders simply start talking about ancient spider gods that according to them were responsible for the Bloodline as a whole and their powers in particular. Whether that holds any truth or not, is something they cannot and to a point do not wish to, prove. The Discipline of Nathasa is what makes the Nathran what the are, Shelobs and damn creepy. From poison to webs and from walking on the ceiling to shapeshifting to a gigantic spider like a Gangrel from hell, there are many reasons for someone to feel uneasy around a Nathran and even more for one to fear the Shelob. Whatever the origin, or the extend of their powers, one thing is for sure. Any encounter with a Nathran, especially if one advanced in the Discipline, leaves the unfortunate witness shaken, to say the least. In most occasions, the trademark Discipline of the Nosferatu is not even needed to give someone nightmares.

Azsutha's Embrace
Employing one of the most famous weapons in a spider's arsenal, Nathran with this power are able to cover their victims in webs that are almost impossible to break free from. These webs can be used in numerous ways, most often to contain an opponent on the spot, or setting an ambush in a dark alley or similar narrow passage. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results:

Sense the Predator

Often called spider-sense, especially in modern nights (and obviously because of a famous comic character) this power makes Nathran less susceptible to ambush as it allows them to sense vampires with higher Blood Potency before the actual encounter. Many a time, has this power saved the life of a Shelob and they are rather grateful for that. Cost: Dice Pool: Wits + Composure + Nathasa (10 target's Blood Potency) Action: Reflexive Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Nathran thinks the target is of lower Blood Potency than himself. Failure: The power doesn't work. Success: The Nathran becomes aware of the presence of a Vampire with higher Blood Potency in the area. Exceptional Success: As above, but the Nathran knows the Blood Potency of the target.

Arachnid Grace
One of the most fearsome powers granted to the Nathran, Arachnid Grace lets them take the form of a gigantic spider, gaining all the bonuses such a form grants. Added strength and dexterity both raised by 3 are the least of them while all previous Nathasa powers are on by default, without further blood expenditure. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Nathasa Action: Instant or up to Three turns Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Nathran takes 2 levels of bashing damage as the shifting fails. Failure: The vampire fails to shapeshift. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, but aura is affected as well.

The Shadows know. This phrase has been heard many times, both by those playing computer games and by Vampires referring to the Mekhet. When the Tenebrae come into play, this phrase becomes all the more accurate. Nocturne is all about shadows, from simple awareness to actual manipulation and in the end, complete transformation for the Vampire using it.

Fangs of the Spider

Able to slip a poison into their victim, Nathran give a whole new meaning to the Kiss, though not lethal, the poison can paralyze the target, be it mortal or vampire for a number of turns equal to the Nathran's Blood Potency. While this power is definitely enough to end a fight, its not easy to use as few opponents would let someone At home in the Darkness bite them in the middle of a fight... or out of it. This power gives the Tenebrae a preternatural awareness of Cost: 1 Vitae his surroundings. Darkness, even supernatural darkness, imposes no Dice Pool: penalty for him. Furthermore, the character is never considered Action: Instant blind, even if they are blindfolded or have their eyes destroyed. They Roll Results: Crawler's Walk never need make rolls (as per WoD pg. 166) to find targets in the darkness. This has lead some elder Tenebrae to pluck out their own One of the most unnerving powers of the Shelobs is their eyes as a symbol of status or power. More poetic members of the ability to move on almost every surface, much like real arachnids. bloodline are also inclined to embrace the blind at times as well. At Using this ability they are able to stalk their prey unseen and bide home in the Darkness is considered always active, thought the their time while waiting for a sign of weakness Wherever a spider can character can turn it off at will. While active, the Tenebrae can see in

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dark. In this case, for every success on the discipline roll, he can add one die to his Stealth rolls. At the ST's discretion, this discipline can be used to augment other rolls. Shadowdancing lasts for one round per success and offers no protection from the sun. Exceptional Success: Aside from the benefits associated with five or more successes, exceptional successes offer no other Extinguish benefit.

the darkness without any penalty. This power allows them to pierce even supernatural darkness, like that produced by Into the Void Cost: Dice Pool: Action: Roll Results:

This power allows the user to extinguish, turn off, or otherwise neutralize all sources of mundane light in the area. The light-sensitive Tenebrae find this power very comforting. This power does not create a zone of absolute darkness (although extinguishing all the lights in a sealed room will still make it pitch-black). Other sources of light outside the area of effect can still cast light into the zone. For instance a street lamp across the street may still provide illumination to see by, and some one can still beam a flashlight into the area. Sunlight still shines into the radius as well. Cost: Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Nocturne. Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The lights remain on and the Tenebrae takes 1 level of bashing damage. Failure: The lights remain on. Success: Within a radius equal to one yard per success, every source of natural light extinguishes itself. Electric lights turn off, candles snuff out. While larger fires (like those in a fireplace) do not go out completely, their light is strangely muted as the flames take on an eerie blue color. You cannot put out a dangerous fire with this power. Vampires gain one die to resist Rtschreck from these dim flames. They still burn just as hot though. The effect radius is centered on the character and moves with him. The power lasts for one round per success. Extra uses are not cumulative. For that duration, the lights cannot not be reignited. Exceptional Success: The power lasts until the end of the scene.

Into the Void

With this power, the user can generate a radius of inky black darkness. This void is produced from the Tenebrae herself boiling in waves from her body. This void is not only totally lightless, it also muffles sound and deadens other senses. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Stamina + Occult + Nocturne Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Tenebrae fails to create a zone of darkness and appears blurred for a turn. Failure: The vampire fails to create a zone of darkness. Success: The user creates an zone of stifling darkness with a radius equal to one yard per success. This radius is centered on the user and moves with him. No light, natural or otherwise can pierce through this darkness (except sunlight). Characters are considered blind (WoD rulebook pg. 166). Any scent or hearing rolls are subject to a -1 penalty while within the void as well, so numbing is the darkness. Into the Void lasts for one round per success. Nightvison goggles and other mundane technologies cannot see through the darkness, but At home in the Darkness can. Sunlight immediately burns away the void while fire can light at a maximum radius of five inches. Exceptional Success: As above, but the power lasts for the remainder of the scene.

Shadow Wraith
This is perhaps the power that givers the Tenebrae their nickname. At this level of mastery, the vampire is so at home in the shadows, that he can become one. With this power, the vampire melts into the floor,wall, or other surface and becomes an animate shadow. When the vampire activates this power, he melts into whatever surface he is standing on or next to and becomes an animate shadow on the wall, floor, and/or ceiling. While a shadow, the character is immune to damage but can still be burned by sunlight or fire. He can slip under doors, and crawl up walls and along ceilings at his normal speed. The downside is that the Tenebrae cannot pick up or interact physically with solid objects. He cannot use any other discipline except Nocturne. If the player spends a Willpower, the Vampire can speak for one round, though his voice is an eerie almost-inaudible whisper. The power lasts until the character decides to deactivate it or until dawn, whichever comes first. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results:

At this level of mastery, the Tenebrae can control the shadows around him, making them move and dance to his whim. He can use this power to gather shadows around him to make himself more intimidating or to help hide him in the darkness. Cost: Dice Pool: Wits + Expression + Nocturne Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The shadows cling on the Tenebrae making him a walking threat to the Masquerade. Failure: The character fails to control the shadows. Success: The character can control all the shadows in his immediate area (within one yard per dot of Nocturne), making them move and dance and change shape as he desires. He can cause the shadows to creep around him in a chilling display of dark power. If he does so, he can add any successes on the discipline roll as extra dice in any intimidation rolls. He can also option to cause the shadows to pool around his body, making him harder to see in the

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Intangible targets that have not Manifested are unaffected. The bonus dice do not apply to any weapon based attack used while the discipline is active, nor does the lethal damage type override the Night Sight damage type for the weapon employed. The vampire is able to see unmanifested Ghosts and Spirits Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own (in the Twilight), even when there is light, without the need for reward. complete darkness. Spirit-Ridden of any kind and Uratha also Perambulam in Tenebris become visible that way. Action: Reflexive


Shadow Craft

The user can manipulate shadows that already exist. They can grow, shrink, fade or intensify, change shape or even detach form the objects that cast them and move about. In dark surroundings, the vampire can create whatever shadowy images she wants. All these images remain shadows, though. A person who can see clearly could never mistake figures created for anything solid or real. (Although, seeing one's own shadow reach out to strangle the shadow of another person could prove quite disturbing.) As a student of Obtenebration gains skill, he can generate his own darkness to conceal his deeds, to frighten victims or to animate. Shadow swallows and suppresses light, so a Vampire could darken a brightly lit room to dim twilight, or spread utter darkness throughout a city street at night. Electric lights still work and fires still burn, but they fade and their light doesnt cast the way it should. So, a 100-watt bulb shines no brighter than a candle. Shroud of Night provides no protection from sunlight. The suns direct light instantly burns away such eldritch shadows. Cost: 1 Vitae for shrouding Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Obtenebration Roll Results Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward.

Shadow Form
A Khaibit in Shadow Form, whether two-dimensional or three-dimensional, can use all previous levels of Obtenebration normally.

The signature Discipline of the Ranyar, Ogham is actually a collection of runes used to focus and unlock various properties in the blood of the members of the Bloodline. The runes need to be inscribed on the user's person, either in the form of tattoos, or as trinkets and decoration on clothing. Though they seem to be more ritualistic in nature, there is no way for someone to use or even learn the runes unless he is a Traveller. Ogham is actually separated in five different paths, mirroring the five Paths of the Awakened. One can learn to use a rune without knowing all the runes before it in the path, but the cost is increased by 2xp for each unknown. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Ogham Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Not only is Vitae lost but the caster's nimbus becomes manifest, without any of the powers being activated. Failure: Nothing happens, the Traveller is free to try again. Success: The power is activated as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, but it counts as a reflexive action. Tier 1: Rune of Death As expected, when this Rune is activated, the Traveller becomes able to see ghosts in Twilight. Beyond that, he is also able to sense any nearby undead like zombies and revenants. Prometheans and Vampires do not always register in that death sense which fuels all sorts of theories about the nature of such creatures. Tier 2: Rune of Blood In a rather creative twist, activation of this Rune allows the user to be able to create items out of his blood. Each point of Vitae is good for an item of Size 1 and the user is only limited by his Vitae reserves. The number of successes dictates the Durability rating of these items. When they dissolve, they turn to ash. Tier 3: Rune of Decay Almost the opposite of the previous Rune, this one focuses on destruction rather than creation. Each success rolled for the activation of this Rune eats away the Durability rating of a mundane


The Khaibit draws shadow into himself, permitting him to touch those ephemeral creatures which possess enough focus to affect the physical world and supernaturally enhancing his blows. When this power is activated the Vampire employing it could appear with limbs darkened in shadow or limned in a black nimbus, but with accomplished shadow-shapers other presentations are possible. This power lasts for a scene Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Obtenebration Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Khaibit cannot use Obtenebration for the rest of the scene. Failure: The vampire fails to use the shadows to strike. Success: Successes on the activation roll are added as bonus dice to attack pools for unarmed close combat. Attacks enhanced with this discipline inflict lethal damage. Further, attacks using this discipline may be considered Enchanted and can be used upon any target in Twilight that has Manifested (WoD pg 209-210). Only an ephemeral target with enough presence to effect the physical world, such as Manifested Spirits or Vampire using Protean 5 Body of Spirit may interact with the absorbed shadow, and thus be attacked.

Path of Doom

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activated the caster appears to be slightly to the side of where they actually are. For each dot of Ogham, they gain a Defense of 1. This bonus even applies to ranged attacks. Tier 3: Rune of Mind When activated, this Rune gives the caster a very subtle and covert power. Changing one's emotions is no easier, but changing the respective colours in the aura is. A contest of wills takes place to reveal the original colours, as with Auspex vs Obfuscate. Tier 4: Rune of Farsight Unsurprisingly, this Rune enables the user to scry in a distant location as if they were there. Radius is limited to one kilometre per Blood Potency of the caster and while scrying, any attempt to perceive threats around their body is at a -2 penalty. Tier 5: Rune of Illusion The senses are not to be trusted sometimes, like for example when this Rune is activated. The caster is able to create an illusion (optical or otherwise) that affects an area of 1 square metre per Blood Potency and lasts for the scene or until dispelled by Path of Ecstasy supernatural means or mundane logic. Tier 1: Rune of Will Granting the Ranyar yet another sense ability, this Rune enables them to sense the presence of Awakened around them. Given the fact a caster can only keep as many Runes as his Blood Potency active, this one tends to be overlooked. Tier 2: Rune of Arcane Taking the previous Rune one step further, the caster now is unable to sense the presence of mages, but can sense the presence of magic instead. When a spell is cast in their presence, the caster knows it, even if the details remain unknown. Tier 3: Rune of Lightning Not as powerful as it sounds, this Rune allows the caster to manipulate electricity in subtle ways. Turning appliances on and off, disabling recording devices, or if extremely lucky frying the circuits out of something. Useful in the right hands, but little else. Tier 4: Rune of Power Perhaps a bit misleading, when activated this Rune allows the caster to draw nourishment from Hallows, turning mana and even tass into Vitae. Exchange rate and limitations are similar to the ones of the Rune of Essence. Tier 5: Rune of Flight Hardly surprising, the Rune of Flight enables the Ranyar to do exactly that, fly. Able to move at normal walking speed, the caster defies gravity. The maximum Size of an item carried when flying like that is limited by the caster's Blood Potency. Tier 1: Rune of Precision Sometimes avoiding danger by an inch is an awful waste of energy, especially when you can avoid danger by a hair. When this Rune is activated, each success rolled grants the caster a bonus die for the next mundane action. While not limited to physical actions, this Rune is unable to help when it comes to anything supernatural. Tier 2: Rune of Luck Similar to abilities of both Acanthus mages and the

object by 1. Items enhanced with Arcana, Gifts or other supernatural powers are too strong for this Rune to affect. Tier 4: Rune of Grave A truly fearsome ability awaits those mastering this Rune. No longer limited to inanimate objects, they can now affect living beings just by touching them. In a similar fashion with the Rune of Decay, this one eats away the subject's Health as the flesh rots, taking aggravated damage. The power is automatically resisted by Stamina + Power Trait. Tier 5: Rune of Hunger Easily the most terrifying aspect of this path, when this Rune is activated, people can't help but notice, it is extremely messy, extremely deadly and quite disturbing even to the most jaded of predators. In a radius of one yard per success, the user can choose to draw someone's blood without even touching them. A stream of blood flies through the air, only to be absorbed by the Ranyar's exposed flesh. The power is automatically resisted by Stamina + Power Trait. Tier 1: Rune of Life When activated, this Rune does exactly what most expect it to do. The caster is able to sense all living creatures around them, with mortals, Shapeshifters, other Mages, Changelings and sometimes even Vampires and Prometheans all registering as living as far as the Rune is concerned. Tier: Rune of Spirit This Rune focuses the caster's senses to a less tangible target. When activated, the Ranyar is able to sense spirits in Twilight or materialised, as well as Claimed and Shapeshifters. Some claim that even Loci can be sensed in that manner. Tier 3: Rune of Prey Many are those that claim that Vampires are the ultimate predators. With this Rune, this becomes a reality as the caster becomes able to track down prey more efficiently. Mystically honed senses offer a bonus in hunting equal to 1 per Ogham rating. Tier 4: Rune of Essence Finding new ways of gaining Vitae was always a problem for some. When this Rune is activated, the caster can turn Essence from nearby Loci into Vitae at a rate of 1:1, to a maximum of points equal to their Ogham rating. Tier 5: Rune of Crossing Forced to remain on the material side of the Gauntlet is very limiting and for Vampires without this Rune. When activated, it enables the caster to cross the Gauntlet into the Shadow Realm. All restrictions and modifiers applicable to Uratha apply.

Path of the Mighty

Tier 1: Rune of Omnivision As the name implies, the Rune enables the caster to gain sight of 360 degrees. Attacking from behind or the sides no longer catches them by surprise and the attacker gains no bonus. Using this Rune is effectively the same for the caster as casting the Space spell of the same name is for mages. Tier 2: Rune of Displacement A rather confusing ability is granted by this Rune. When

Path of Scourging

Path of Thistle

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notorious Bohagande, the caster is able to borrow successes from Success: The power works as intended and the organ is their own future to ensure success in the present. What comes transferred, creating an obvious breach of the Masquerade though. around goes around and at some point, this will backfire with equal Exceptional Success: severity. Heart to Heart Tier 3: Rune of Balance Balance is delicate, especially when it comes to destiny. This Cost: 2 Willpower Rune enables the caster to flip someone's luck, without however Dice Pool: Composure + Empathy + Sanguinus knowing which way. For example it is possible to grant an attacker Action: Two turns exceptional luck where disastrous failure was in order. Roll Results Tier 4: Rune of Omen Dramatic Failure: A very useful Rune, this enables the caster to gleam into the Failure: future. Each success rolled grants the answer to a single question In Success: each activation, the questions asked must be relevant to each other. Exceptional Success: A reflective surface must be used as a window in time. Tier 5: Rune of Time Beating Heart In a final defiance of the time continuum, the caster is now able to jump back or forth in time for as many turns as the successes Cost: 2 Vitae rolled. When this Rune is activated, the caster just vanishes. Dice Pool: Resolve + Survival + Sanguinus Action: Instant Sanguinus Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The signature Discipline of the Sancrouere draws upon the Failure: mystical properties of Vitae and blood that most cannot even begin Success: to fathom. Members of the Bloodline claim its not the blood but Exceptional Success: their faith that makes such feats responsible, but more secular Vampires keep in mind many Bloodlines display unique powers all Gift of Innocence around the globe.

Brother's Blood

By using this power, any Sancrouere can heal a wound level of anyone in his coterie as long as it is bashing or lethal without actually having to allow the target to drink his blood. This can be done at a distance, but only one level can be healed in a turn, regardless of type. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results:

Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Sanguinus Action: Three turns Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Failure: Success: Exceptional Success:

Borrowed Limb
When this power is used, one of the donor's exterior organs eyes, arms, ears, legs, whatever will vanish from the donor and reappear on the recipient's body, allowing for increased senses, extra dice for multiple attacks, or anything else appropriate. Internal organs-the brain, the heart, etc. cannot be donated, nor can Disciplines be given away. Only the donor must have this power for it to be used, though most Sancrouere know it. Cost: 1 Vitae each Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Sanguinus Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The donor takes the full effect of failure and loses the organ to be shared, suffering as many levels of damage as is appropriate. Failure: The power fails, Vitae is lost, the Sancrouere are free to try again the following turn.

Absorb the mind

(Dominate , Folderol ) The Kiasyd absorbs the Abilities from his victim's mind, and is able to call on them immediately, even though he might have never had knowledge of them before. This power is invasive, actually stealing the Skills permanently, leaving their original owners ignorant and inept. The Kiasyd may select a combination of Skills to his satisfaction. Taking some of a victim's Skill dots may leave a remaining bit the Kiasyd need not take all of a subject's dots in a given Skill. (For example, a character with three dots in Occult, from whom a Kiasyd steals one, retains an Occult 2.) Also, if Kiasyd takes less dots than he already has in a given Skill, these points do not serve to raise his own score. (In the previous example, the Kiasyd would not increase his Occult score if he already had a score of one or more, as he took only one dot.) In all cases, the maximum to


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lunar sphere, blinking out of trouble remains an option. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Auspex Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Ouch. The Psychic materializes inside something else resulting in instant death. Failure: Nobody teleports anywhere, the Phenomial can try again next turn. Success: The Phenomial teleports out of trouble as intended, maximum range equals three meters per Blood Potency. Exceptional Success: Teleportation is easy enough for the Phenomial to regain one of the Willpower points used. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

which the Kiasyd can raise a Skill is the level the target has in that Skill. (Again by example, if a victim has a dot in Law and the Kiasyd gets 2 successes, he can't gain 2 dots in Law.) Also, Blood Potency restrictions apply. All losses of Skills on the part of the victim are permanent, though they may be returned to their original levels via experience-point expenditure. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Folderol target's Willpower + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: No subsequent attempt can be made by the Kiasyd on a target against whom he fails for at least a year. Failure: No subsequent attempt can be made by the Kiasyd on a target against whom he fails for at least a week. Success: Depending on the number of the successes, the number of dots that can be absorbed changes: 1 Success - Steal 1 dot in 1 Skill 2 Successes - Steal 2 dots in 1 Skill 3 Successes - Steal 3 dots in up to 2 Skills 4 Successes - Steal 4 dots in up to 3 Skills Exceptional Success: Steal 5 dots in up to 4 Skills. This power costs 21 experience points to learn.

Burial Grounds
(Luong Feng , Vigor ) Masters of Luong Feng are able to unearth a great variety of things that were hidden within the ground, but sometimes these items were not placed there by mundane means to begin with. Those who have mastered Burial Grounds are able to use the earth as a hiding place not for themselves, Haven of Soil is good enough for that if you have it for whatever they wish. The Size of the items to be submerged is limited by the Shao Luong's Blood Potency and it has to be an inanimate object or at least a dead body. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power works as Ye Hua, unearthing whatever was buried there within the limits of the power. Failure: Nothing happens, Vitae is lost. Success: The power works as intended, any items of appropriate Size within the area of effect are submerged. Exceptional Success: Size is no longer limited by successes as long as the object is in the are of effect. This power costs 25 experience points to learn.

Basilisk's Touch
(Dominate , Luong Feng ) The Shao Luong can encase victims to solid stone simply by touching them. The effects are permanent, and the only way to reverse the effect is through another touch of the Shao Luong. As expected, supernaturals are especially hard to fall victims to this power, of course there are always exceptions and a few neonates had the chance to realize just how far Elder Shao Luong can go to protect their wards. Victims of this power are not killed, instead they are locked in stasis, or Torpor in the case of Vampires. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Dexterity + Persuasion + Luong Feng target's Composure + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Shao Luong is turned into stone instead of the target. Failure: The power does not work. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Dark Minions
(Nocturne or Obtenebration , Vigor ) Not many speak of this power in the open... of course not many have survived its use either. Using their mastery over shadows, Khaibit and Tenebrae alike have been known to call upon the Dark Minions in order to remove any obstacles. When using this power, the shadowcrafter is unable to move, as doing so can have disastrous effects. Tentacles made of pure shadow appear and start attacking whoever the user wants, even targeting multiple targets in the same turn without any penalties. These tentacles have a Strength equal to the shadowcrafter's Vigor rating, Health of 1 and Defense equal to the shadowcrafter's Nocturne or Obtenebration rating. The Dark Minions are destroyed instantly by fire or sunlight and last until the next dawn or till the user turns the power off. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Crafts + Nocturne or Obtenebration Action: Instant

Blink Away
(Auspex , Mentat ) Surprisingly enough this power is often seen as a trademark vampire trait in pop culture, the truth however is quite different. Celerity enables the vampire to move real fast, but to vanish completely from one spot and appear at another takes special powers. Phenomial who have mastered Auspex as well as their signature Discipline of Mentat seem to be able to teleport in the blink of an eye. As long as the Psychic is within the limits of the

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1 success: Don't necessarily remember the dream, but it may affect them unconsciously. 2 successes: They remember bits and pieces of the dream. 3 successes: It is firmly embedded in their imaginations, and parts of it emerge into consciousness over the day. 4 successes: They remember it all, and brood upon it over the day. Exceptional Success: Many of them wake up screaming, and the entire dream is forever engraved in their brains. This power costs 33 experience points to learn.

Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The shadowcrafter is attacked by the very shadows he spawns. Failure: Nothing happens, Vitae is lost. Success: A number of shadow tentacles appear, equal to the user's Blood Potency. Exceptional Success: As above but the user can move normally without the Dark Minions going out of control and attacking everyone, including him. This power costs 21 or 18 experience points to learn.

Dragon's Womb
(Luong Feng , Valeren ) A Devotion that came to be after the first Shao Luong met the Disciples of Asclepius and joined their ranks, Dragon's Womb is a legend among the Healers. A Vampire that has mastered this power is able to encase himself, or another being as long as that being is not actively objecting in a cocoon of stone that works like a second skin. Paranoid Vampires speak of Shao Luong sleeping away the centuries posing as ancient statues all over Asia. Once encased, the subject of this power regenerates even the most grave wounds at two thirds of the time normally needed and without the need to spend Vitae. If used on a living subject, it works as suspended animation. Dragons' Womb enables a vampire to spend daysleep as a statue and as long as the stone skin remains in place, she is safe from the rays of the sun. When all wounds are healed, the subject regains consciousness, if that was lost, and can break free quite easily. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Valeren Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Stone covers the subject's skin but no healing takes place and in the case of a living creature, asphyxiation is possible. Failure: The power does not work, the Shao Luong is free to try again the following turn. Success: The power works as intended, healing is done automatically at an accelerated rate. Exceptional Success: As above, but healing rate is doubled. This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

(Luong Feng , Vigor ) According to some pundits, Vigor is just the art of hitting something very, very hard. But what do you do when your target is too far away to hit directly? The answer is, if you're sufficiently talented with the Discipline, to employ Earthshock. On its simplest level, Earthshock is the ability to hit the ground at point A, and subsequently have the force of the blow emerge from the ground at point B, some distance away. The range of the power is limited by the user's Blood Potency at a rate of 10 feet per point. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl + Vigor target's Defense + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: Earthshock works but the power of the blow is focused on the ground under the character that caves in. Failure: Nothing happens, the character fails to perceive anything but his own surroundings. Success: Each success inflicts one level of damage on the target as per normal attack. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

Earth Sword
(Luong Feng , Vigor ) The Shao Luong cause huge, strong spikes to shoot out of walls, ceilings and floors. These will be made of whatever material they shoot out of and can be especially dangerous to vampires in wooden houses. The Shao Luong clearly don't like being caught unprepared and some are unfortunate enough to find that out. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Melee + Luong Feng target's Defense + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Shao Luong is staked by the swords instead of the target. Failure: The power does not work. Success: Each success inflicts a level of lethal damage to the target. Exceptional Success: As above, but the target is staked if

Dream World
(Auspex , Insomnium ) A character with this potent power can affect the dreams of everyone in the world (though she can focus on one city, or even on one individual if she so wishes). The character can send symbols, themes, stories, images anything she wants, especially nightmares. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Socialize + Insomnium highest Power Trait of the intended subjects. Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power backfires on the character. Failure: The power doesn't work. Success: The desired dream is projected as intended.

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Vampire. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Hive Mind
(Auspex , Nathazra ) At this point, the Nathran becomes one with the Hive and quite literally so, the individual is still there, but even more so than before, the Hive comes first. Nathran elders are able to share thoughts with this power and at times, able to give mental orders to members of the Bloodline with lower Blood Potency than them. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Intimidation + Nathazra target's Blood Potency Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Nathran is cut off the Hive Mind for the rest of the scene. Failure: No thought is transfered. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus. This power costs 21 experience points to learn.

Mind Shield
(Mentat , Resilience ) Much to the dismay of the attacker the vampire is unaffected, but in such a way that would more like bring pause and shock. The attack is deflected before it ever reaches the vampire. Though the vampire is not impervious, as the shield can be broken. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Resolve + Survival + Mentat Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The shield is broken before its even formed, but the Phenomial does not know. Failure: The power does not work. Success: The power works as intended, each success gives the shield a durability rating. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

(Luong Feng , Vigor ) A simple enhancement of the first level of Luong Feng, Knockdown makes attackers think twice before trying to sweep the Shao Luong off his feet. Any attempt to move the user of this Devotion results in a kickback that may result in the attacker being knocked down instead. A reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll is made to determine if the attacker is affected or not. Cost: Dice Pool: Action: Reflexive Roll Results: This power costs 9 experience points to learn.

Persistent Echo
(Melpominee , Vigor ) With this power, the Daughter can speak or sing to the air and leave her words for a later listener. This can be either being to stand where the character is when she uses this power or a specific individual t hat she is already acquainted with. Persistent Echo can also be used to suspend other Melpominee powers for a future listener or victim. The echo stays suspended for a maximum number of nights equal to twice the Siren's Stamina + Expression before fading. The Vampire may choose to make the echo audible to anyone who stands in her position for the duration of the power in effect, an endlessly looped mystic recording. Conversely, she may choose for it to fade away once it is heard for the first time. She may also choose to leave it dormant until activated by the presence of a specific individual with whom she is familiar. If the echo is made a one-time only effect, all traces of the power disappear once the vampire's words echo to the intended recipient. If used as time-delay for another Melpominee power the 10-again rule is not used. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Stamina + Expression + Melpominee Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Siren cannot use any Melpominee power for the rest of the night. Failure: The power does not work. Success: Each success yields one turn of speech that may be left to be heard later. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus. This power costs 15 experience points to learn.


(Mentat , Vigor ) The vampire levitates himself, physically moving himself with only his mind. His supernatural strength is combined with his psycokinetic abilities allowing for a sustained lift against gravity. The ability lasts until he comes in contact with an object of significant size. Additionally the vampire may not use any other discipline while in flight. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Mentat Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Phenomial is unable to use Mentat for the rest of the scene. Philter of Love Failure: The power fails. (Crac , Eros ) Success: The power works as intended. By using his blood, the Cherub witch creates a potent Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their potion that incites True Love in the target's heart, even if its an und own reward. one. Depending on how successful the Cherub was in creating the This power costs 21 experience points to learn.

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powers can be used for the rest of the scene. Failure: The power fails and the Shao Luong is free to try again the following turn. Success: The power works as intended, creatures and objects alike become immovable to the last piece. Exceptional Success: As above, but the affected objects gain a bonus in Durability equal to the user's Luong Feng rating. This power costs 6 experience points to learn.

potion, the duration of that feeling varies. True Love can even challenge a Vinculum and will make the target do almost everything for the Cherub. Cost: 3 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Crac target's Resolve + Power Trait Action: One hour Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The potion has the opposite effect for the night. Failure: The potion fails Success: True Love is incited in the target's heart. 1 success: one hour 2 successes: one day 3 successes: one week 4 successes: one month Exceptional Success: As above but it overrides any and all Vinculi. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Pulse of the Canaille

(Auspex , Institutionalize ) This is power not only allows the character to sense what will happen in a certain place and time, but enables the character to sense the current moods, trends, attitudes and directions in which entire groups of Mortals are heading. This power also enables the character to sense who influences or controls the affected Mortals, and to identify these secret masters. The number of successes obtained indicates how much is known, and may also show how tightly and in what ways the Mortals are controlled. If they are influenced by more than one supernatural creature, the character discerns all appropriate puppeteers. Possible ranges are: Organization, City, Region, Country and World. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Humanity + Auspex 1 die per range (to a maximum of 5) Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power reveals false information about the Mortals in the selected range. Failure: The power doesn't work. Success: The power reveals the following. 1 success: you sense the mood and attitudes of Mortals. 2 successes: you also sense the Mortals' future and potential. 3 successes: You know the extend to which Mortals are controlled. 4 successes: You sense the aura of the being(s) that control them. Exceptional Success: You know who controls them and why. This power costs 33 experience points to learn.

(Celerity , Mentat ) As the vampire delves further into the abilities of his condition, he may find that the principles of supernatural speed are easily applied to his mental control of an object. He turns simple objects into flying weapons. While never been confirmed, some mention Elder Psychics with this Devotion are able to kill opponents with mundane items like coins or playing cards that said nobody alive has ever witnessed this. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Mentat Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Phenomial is unable to use Mentat for the rest of the scene. Failure: The object does not move. Success: The object moves with maximum speed of 1 meter per second per success multiplied by his Celerity rating. Exceptional Success: The Phenomial is able to move objects of one Size larger than normally allowed. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

Pull of the Earth

(Luong Feng , Majesty ) Not long after the first power of Luong Feng was used, the Shao Luong realized the potential of that power and sought a way to grant the same power to others or as some creative Shaolin Monks found out, even inanimate objects. Pull of the Earth makes a willing subject or an object immovable but not indestructible as if using the first level of Luong Feng. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Athletics + Luong Feng Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The power fails and no Luong Feng

Shadow Cloak
(Celerity , Nocturne or Obtenebration ) This power is rather popular among the Khaibit as it provides them with a handy escape plan even in the most dire of situations and the Tenebrae who have mastered it often use it for the very same reason. By manipulating the shadows in a unique display of Mekhet finesse, the user of this Devotion appears to just vanish by turning around. Young Vampires that have witness use of this Devotion, often call it the Batman effect while older and less familiar with pop culture Vampires use the official name, or something fitting their individual background. Cost: 1 Vitae

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Dramatic Failure: The Kiasyd cannot use the power for the scene. Failure: The Kiasyd is unable to see into the Shadow Realm but can try again. Success: Shadow Sight works for a number of turns equal to the successes. Exceptional Success: As above, but for the scene. This power costs 9 experience points to learn.

Dice Pool: Dexterity + Stealth + Celerity Action: 2 turns Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Devotion fails and shadows part to make the character even more visible. Failure: The Devotion does not work, Vitae is lost. Success: The Devotion works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above but the character can move undetected for one foot per additional success. The Vampire using this Devotion becomes one with the shadows and cannot be detected by any means until and unless he moves. It is not however always practical, as anything that disperses the shadows the Khaibit used, or that the Tenebrae created, will reveal the user, as will any attempt to touch the vanishing Vampire. That said, in most cases opponents are too dumbfounded to do anything but look over their shoulder, in anticipation for a sneak attack that may, or may not, come. This power costs 21 or 18 experience points to learn.

Shattering Crescendo
(Celerity , Melpominee ) Mortal singers can shatter wineglasses with their voices by finding the precise pitch at which the glass resonates. A talented Daughter of Cacophony can go beyond the destruction of relatively fragile objects, pitching her voice to find the resonant frequency of virtually any object, including a human body. Only one victim at a time can be affected by Shattering Crescendo; anyone else within earshot will hear a piercing, though not harmful, shriek. The victim must be within hearing range. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression + Melpominee target's Stamina + Resilience + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The singer takes one level of aggravated damage. Failure: The power does not work. Success: Each success inflicts one level of aggravated damage to the target. Exceptional Success: As above, one extra level is inflicted. This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

Shadow Double
(Dominate , Nocturne or Obtenebration ) One more last escape power for the shadowcrafters, this Devotion created a copy of the Vampire made of shadow that will fool most at least for some time hopefully enough for the Khaibit or Tenebrae to act and get out of trouble. In most cases close inspection will reveal the true nature of the Shadow Double, but more often than not, shadowcrafters work in environments that do not offer opportunities for such scrutiny by others. Cost: 2 Willpower Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Dominate Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Shadow Double develops an Evil Twin Complex and attacks the user. Failure: Nothing happens, Willpower is lost. Success: A shadow twin is created, that can pass for the user in dim lighting. Exceptional Success: The Shadow Double is a perfect copy of the user, complete with basic behaviour, but will be instantly destroyed by fire or sunlight. This power costs 24 experience points to learn.

Steal the mind

(Auspex , Folderol ) This power is a further extension of the Kiasyd's mystical lore-gathering abilities. In their ever-increasing quest for knowledge, the Kiasyd have found a way to rip memories and knowledge from sentient beings. The Kiasyd's victim becomes a mindless fool for the duration of this power's effect, able to function only on a basic autonomic level (mortals continue to breathe, while vampires simply stand in a stupor). Normally in this state, the victim is so confused that she wanders aimlessly, or sits and does nothing. As soon as the Kiasyd purloins the memories, he often records them in a more permanent form such as a scroll or book, before they escape his own memory. While the Kiasyd has "stolen" her subject's mind, she retains her own consciousness, but has complete access to all of the subject's thoughts and memories. Subjects have no knowledge that they have been affected in this manner, though any attempts to harm them - by the Kiasyd or anyone else - return their wits to them immediately. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Folderol target's Composure + Power Trait Action: Instant Roll Results

Shadow Sight
(Auspex , Folderol ) Kiasyd are able to peek into the Shadow Realm as they are searching for more and more knowledge. Some places reveal secrets to them, others without that ability would never dream of. While its never a full proof method of gathering information, it can be of great help to the Kiasyd. When Shadow Sight is used, the Kiasyd's eyes film over with the deep indigo of the night sky, lit by pinpoints of starlight. Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Folderol Action: Instant Roll Results

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At the peak of their skill with Deimos, the Diaboli are able to remove the heart of their victim and use it to affect him from afar without killing him. The ritual needed is long and bloody and when finished, the victim is at the mercy of the Fiend. If the heart is destroyed, the victim dies, if the ritual is interrupted, a mortal will die as well as most Mages while a Vampire or Werewolf will heal. Cost: 3 Vitae + 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Dexterity + Occult + Crac subject's Stamina + Power Trait Action: One hour Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The operation fails and the Fiend gets 3 levels of unsoakable lethal. Failure: The operation fails and the target dies or enters Torpor. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, no added effects. This power costs 27 experience points to learn.

Dramatic Failure: The subject is aware of the attempt. Failure: The power does not work. Success: Those who are victims of this power for long periods of time may starve, but they will eat food presented before them. The number of successes determines the duration of the effect, though the Vampire may return the subject's mind at any time before this period ends. Exceptional Success: As above, no added bonus. This power costs 18 experience points to learn.

Stone Travel
(Luong Feng , Protean ) The Shao Luong can travel into the earth by creating a small tunnel to get to unearthed treasures, away from danger or to just move easier. The tunnels can be used by others, but they will not be very safe and they collapse easily. The vampire is able to travel underground with almost no chance of being captured and can cave in any part of the tunnel at will. Physical contact is required both for creating and for destroying the tunnel. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics + Luong Feng Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The tunnel is opened but once the Shao Luong is inside, it caves in. Failure: The tunnel does not open. Success: The number of successes translates into the kilometres per hour at which the traveler can move. Exceptional Success: As above, additional successes are their own reward. This power costs 15 experience points to learn.

Unaccounted Strength
(Mentat , Vigor ) The Vampire uses the abilities of the Phenomial in a truly frightening way. Combining their physical strength with their ability to move objects with the mind, they add hidden strength. When used, this power allows the Phenomial to add his Mentat dots to all Strength related rolls for as many turns as the Phenomial's Blood Potency. Cost: 2 Vitae Dice Pool: Action: Instant Roll Results: This power costs 15 experience points to learn.

(Animalism , Nathazra ) A very versatile power, Swarm allows the Nathran to shapeshift to a swarm of spiders, usually common house spiders, although more exotic, and dangerous, species have been reported. The vampire can shapeshift into as many spiders as five per Vitae in his system and if one or more are destroyed, he loses the blood invested in them. Destroyed spiders dissolve in a mixture of blood and ash. Cost: 3 Vitae + 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Survival + Nathazra Action: 3 turns Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Nathran fails to shapeshift and is stunned for the next two turns. Failure: The vampire fails to shapeshift. Success: The power works as intended. Exceptional Success: As above, but the Shelob's aura is affected as well. This power costs 30 experience points to learn.

JOINING THE SIRE'S BLOODLINE At Blood Potency 2, the Character Sire's Bloodline is activated, making the Character a part of it. This allows him access to that Bloodline's Discipline (which thereafter counts as a fourth in Clan Discipline) but also saddles him with that Bloodline's weakness (which also complements his existing Clan weakness). To resist joining a Sire's Bloodline the Character must spend a Willpower dot as the blood calls for him to embrace his heritage.

Tortured Heart
(Crac , Deimos )

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