Thuët NG÷ X Y Dùng Cçu Viöt - PH P - Anh Vocabulaires Techniques de Construction Des Ponts Tecnichcal Glossarie of Bridge Engineering

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************************************************ THUT NG XY DNG CU VIT - PHP - ANH VOCABULAIRES TECHNIQUES DE CONSTRUCTION DES PONTS TECNICHCAL GLOSSARIE OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING ************************************************* (Bn tho ln 3) (Le troixiem projet) (THIRD DRAFT) H ni, thng 12 - 1999 ************************************************************************


Li ni u y l mt ti liu son tho dnh cho cc sinh vin ngnh Cu - ng nhm gip trong vic luyn tp dch cc ti liu k thut t ting Vit sang ting Php v ting Anh. Phn ting Php ly theo cc thut ng ca Tiu chun thit k ca nc Php. Phn ting Anh da theo cc thut ng trong Tiu chun AASHTO-1994 ca Hoa-k. Bn in ny ch l bn in th, cn mt s ch trng s c b sung dn dn. Tc gi mong nhn c cc kin ph bnh sa cha chun b cho bn in chnh thc hon thin hn.




p lc p lc p lc p lc chy p lc bn ca t ch ng b ng ca dng nc cc i Pression laterale de teres Poussee Bute Pression du courant Pression maximum Pouss des terres Pouss hydrostatique Effet de temperature Lateral earth pressure Stream flow pressure Maximum working pressure Earth pressure Hydrostatic pressure Temperature effect

p lc y ca t p lc thy tnh nh hng ca nhit

Bn knh cong (bn knh on ng cong) Bn knh tc dng ca m di Bn knh trong ca ng cong Bn cnh di Bn cnh trn Bn cnh (mt ct I,J, hp) Bn gi gin n trn 4 cnh ln cc dm Bn ch nht gi gin n trn bn cnh ln cc dm Bn c khot l Bn c kch thc gim bt Bn c nhp theo mt hng (bn 2 cnh) Bn c nhp theo hai hng (bn 4 cnh) Bn Bn Bn neo Bn c sn c sn trc giao ca mu neo, Bn y ca dm hp Rayon de courbure Radius of curve

Rayon d'action des aiquilles de vibration Rayon interieur de courbure Semelle infrieure Semelle suprience Bride, l'aile (f) Dalle appuis simples sur poutres disposees au coutour Dalle rectangulaire appuis simples sur poutres disposees au coutour Dalle lgie Dalle appuis dans une Dalle appuis dans deux

Reach (of vibrator) Inside radius of curvature Bottom flanger,Bottom slab Top flange,Top slab Flange slab Slab simply supported along all four edges by beams Rectangular slab simply supported along all four edges by beams Voided slab, Hollow slab One-way spaning direction slab Two-way spaning directions slab (slab supported on four sides) Anchor plate Bottom slab of box girder

Dalle nervure Dalle orthotrope Plague d'ancrage Hourdis infrieur d'un caisson


Bn t ct thp hai hng Bn ghi chp tnh ton, Bn tnh Bn mt cu Bn mt cu c b tng ti ch Bn mt cu trc hng Bn np hp Bn ni p, bn m Bn ni ph Bn nt, bn tit im Bn phng Bn qu Bn sn Bn thp ph ( phn bn cnh dm thp ...) Bn trn nh Bn v phi cnh Bn v thi cng Bao ph mu neo d ng lc Bao ti ( dng h b tng) Bo co th nghim cc Bo dng, duy tu Bo dng b tng trong lc ha cng Bo v chng mi mn Bo v chng xi l Bo v ct thp chng r Bng dnh Bng gang c Bng thp cn Bt li Bt li nht B tng B tng bo h (bn ngoi ct thp)

Dalle arme dans deux directions Note de calcul Hourdis, tablie Dalle coule en Dalle orthotrope Hourdir suprieur d'une caisson Plate-bande Couvre-joint Gousset Haunch Dalle plane Dalle de transition Plancher-dalle, plancheren dalle Plaque de couverture

Slab reinforced in both directions Calculating note Deck slab, deck plate Cast-in-situ flat place slab Orthotropic desk Top slab of box Cover-plate Splice plat, scab Gusset plate Fat slab Transition slab Floor slab Cover plate

Hourdis Dessin en perspectif ... Dessin d'excution Cachetage Sealing Burlap

Top slab Erection plan

Record of test piles Entretien Cure du Bton Maintenance Curing

Protection contre abrasion Protection against abrasion Protection contre Protection against scour l'affounillement Protection des Protection against armatures contre la corrosion crrosion Bande adhsive Joint tape .... en fonte ductile ...of cast iron .....en acier lamin ...of laminated steel Defavorable Unfavorable... la plus dfavorable the most unfavorable Bton Concrete Enrobage des armatures Concrete cover


B tng bt y (ca mng Cp cc, ca ging, ca h B tng bm B tng ct B tng c qu nhiu ct thp B tng ct thp d ng lc B tng ct thp d ng lc trong B tng ct thp d ng lc ngoi B tng ct thp thng B tng cng cao B tng b tch lp (b bc lp) B tng c ti ch B tng B tng nhanh B tng thp B tng c sn ha cng khng ct mc thp

Lit de beton au fond d'une fouilk, bouchon

Bton de sable Bton fortement arms Bton prcontraint Bton prcontrainte intrieuse Bton prcontrainte extrieuse Bton arm Bton a haute resistance Beton desagrege Bton coul en Beton prefabrique Bton sement Bton non-arme Bton a faible Bton lourd Bton leger Bton leger sable Bton maigre Bton projett, Gunite, Shotcret, Bton de graviers ... Bton hydraulique Bton densit normale

Pumping concrete Sand concrete Over-reinforced concrete Prestressed concrete Internal prestressed concrete External prestressed concrete Reinforced concrete High strength concrete Spalled concrete Cast in situ place concrete Precast concrete Early strength concrete Plain concrete, Unreinforced concrete Low-grade concrete resistance Heavy weight concrete Light weight concrete Sandlight weight concrete Lean concrete (low grade concrete) Sprayed concrete, Shotcrete, Hydraulic concrete Normal weight concrete, Ordinary structural concrete Fresh concrete Portland-cement, Portland concrete ... Interface Contact surface Exterior face Form exterior face ... Bed plate

B tng nng B tng nh B tng nh c ct B tng ngho B tng phun B tng si B tng thy cng B tng trng lng thng thng B tng ti (mi trn xong) B tng ximng B mt chuyn tip B mt tip xc B mt ngoi B mt vn khun B phn phi lc

Bton frais Bton ciment Pooclan Surface de contact Paroit, Exterior face Face exterieure Paroit du coffrage Plate-forme


B ko cng ct thp d ng lc B mng Bin bin i ng sut Bin dng ca neo khi d ng lc t kch truyn vo mu neo Bin dng ca cc th trn mt ct Bin dng co ngn tng i Bin dng di hn Bin dng dn di tng i Bin dng do co ngt Bin dng do un Bin dng do lc ct Bin dng do t bin Bin dng n hi Bin Bin gian Bin Bin Bin dng qu mc dng theo thi dng tc thi dng vng ln i nhit

Prestressing bed Semelle Amplitude des variations de contrainte Footing Amplitude of stress ... Anchorage seating

... Strain Raccourcissement unitaire Dformation de longue dure Allongement unitaire Dformation de Shrinkage Dformations dues la ... Dformations dues leffot tranchant Dformation de creep Dformation elastic, Strain elastique Dformation excessive Dformation diffre Dformation instantane Deformation convexe Variation de la temperature Modification du schema statique ... Variation dans le ... temps de ... Reprsentation graphique de ... Diagramme de Dformation linaire Diagramme dinteraction moment-interaction Metre un lit de .... Etanchement Toron Strand Enlever lacoche denrobage du beton Arrangement ... Unit shortening Long-term deformation Unit lengthening Retrait deformation Flexible flexion deformation Shear deformation Deformation due to Creep deformation Elastic deformation Excessive deformation Time-dependent deformation Imediate deflection Upward deflection

Bin i s tnh hc Bin i theo thi gian ca Biu din th ca Biu bin dng tuyn tnh Biu tc dng tng h m men-lc dc Bt y Bt kn, lp kn B xon 7 si thp Bc lp b tng bo h B tr

Variation in accordance with the time of ... Graphical representation of ... Linear deformation diagram Momen-Axial force effort normal diagram Sealing Removal of the concrete cover Arrangement ...


B tr cc im ct t ct thp dc ca dm B tr chung ca cu B tr ct thp

Rparatition des arrets des barres longgitudinal de la poutre Disposition generale

Disposition des armatures, Ferraillage ... B tr ct thp d ng Cblage lc B xung, thm vo Additional B thit b Equipement B ni cc on cp Coupleur, Dispositif de d ng lc ko sau raboutage B phn lm lch hng Deviateur cp Bi trn Lubrification Bt mu ( fa sn) Pigment Bc xp hng Manipuler to handle Bm (my bm) Pompe Bm chm (ngm Pompe immerge ... trong nc) Bm du dng tay Pompe dhuile Hand-act oil pump maine Bm ht Pompe aspirante Bm ly tm Bm nc dng tay Bu lng hnh ch U Bu lng Bu lng neo Ba Ba hi nc n ng Bc xon ca si thp trong b xon

Arrangement of longitudinales renforcement cut-out General location of a bridge Arrangement of reinforcement Cable disposition Additional Equipement Set, Device Coupleur Deviator Lubrification Pigment Pump

Aspiring pump, Extraction pump Pompe centrifuge Centifical pump, Impeller pump Pompe deau a maine Hand-act water pump Lien en U, Boulon en U U form bolt connection Boulon Bolt Boulon dancrage Anchor bolt Mouton Hammer Mouton vapeur simple Hydraulic hammer of effet simple effect Pas denroulement des fils Twist step of a cable

Cm bin o bin dng Cm bin o ng sut o lc Cnh tay n Cnh tranh Cao c Cao , cao trnh Cao chn cc Cao su Jauge de Dformation ... Capur ... Bras de levier Comptition Nivellement Altitude, Level Cote de niveau Caoutchouc ... Momen arm Competition, Competing Leveling Pile bottom level Ruber


Cp c t trng thp Cp di c ko cng t 2 u Cp p va Cp t hp long y hp Cp tm khng p va Cp c m km Cp gm cc b si xon bc trong cht do Cp ngn c ko cng t mt u Cp treo xin (ca h dy xin) Cp thp d ng lc Cp xon 7 si Ct Ct m Ct bt Ct cht Ct kh Ct t (m nc) Ct u cc Ct thun ty Cn bng tnh hc Cn cu Cn cu cng Cp (ca b tng, ca ) Cp ca b tng Cp ca ct thp Cp ca ti trng Cp phi ht Cp phi ht khng lin tc Cp phi ht lin tc Cu kin Cu kin chu ct Cu kin chu nn Cu kin chu xon Cu kin cha nt Cu kin c bn cnh Cu kin c hm lng ct thp ti thiu Cu kin c mt ct ch nht Cu kin c sn

Cble basse relaxation Cble long tendu des deux cot Cble injecte au Cble de solidarisation infrieur Cble provisoire non coulis injecte Cble galvanis Cble torons graisses et delastomere

Low relaxation strand Long cable tensioned at two ends Grouted cable Temporary non-grouted cable Galvanized strand Plastic coated greased strand enveloppes cable

Cble court tir dun seul Short cable tensioned at cot one end Haubans Stay cable Cble, toron Toron 7 fils Sable Sable humide Sable trs fin Sable dense Sable sec Sable sature deau Cisaillement simple ... quilibre statique Grue Grue portique Grade (du beton, ...) Grade du beton Grade delacier Classe du chargement Granulomtrie Granulomtrie uncontinue Ulomtrie continue Element Element contre llement Pice comprime Element en torsion Pice non-fissure Elementa aile Pice comportant un ferrailage minimal Element a section rectangulaire Elemen prefabrique Prestressing teel strand 7 wire strand Sand Moisture sand Dusts sand Compacted sand Dry sand Wet sand Cut pile head Simple shear Static equilibrum Crane Gantry crane Grade Grade of concrete Grade of reinforcement Class of loading Grading, Granulometry Uncontinuous granlametry Continuous granulametry Member , Element Member subject to shear Compression member Torsion member Uncracked member Flanged member Member with minimum reinforcement Rectangular member Precast member


Cu kin lin hp Cu kin lin kt Cu kin lin khi Cu kin lin hip chu un Cu kin hnh lng tr Cu Cu bn Cu bn lin tc c 2 hai nhp bng nhau Cu b tng ct thp thng Cu ct Cu cho mt ln xe Cu cho 2 hay nhiu ln xe Cu c ng xe chy trn Cu c ng xe chy di Cu c tr cao Cu cong Cu c nh Cu cng v Cu c hin c Cu dm hng Cu dm lin hp Cu dy xin Cu dn Cu di ng Cu di ng trt Cu d ng lc ko sau c b tng ti ch Cu i b Cu ng st Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu gch- xy hai tng khung khung chn xin khung T c cht

Element composite Attache Element monolithique Element composite flexion Pice prismatique Pont Pont-dalle Pont-dalle continue deux traves egales Pont en Bton arm Pont elvateur Pont a une voie Pont a deux ou pluisieur voies Pont tablier suprieur Pont tablier infrieur Viaduc Pont en courbe Pont Pont de service (pont de manutention) Pont existant... Pont poutres cantilever Pont poutres composes Pont hauban, Pont hauban Viaduc daccs Pont mobile Pont glissant Pont coule en situ a preconrainte posterieure Pont pour pitons (la passerelle pitonnire) Pont-rail Pont en masconnerie Pont deux etages Pont bequilles Pont-cadre articule

Composite member Attachment Monolithic member Composite flexural member Prismatic member Bridge Slab bridge Two-equal spans continuos slab bridge Renforced concrete bridge Hoist bridge Bridge design for one traffic lane Bridge design for two or more traffic lanes Deck bridge Through bridge Viaduct Bridge on curve fixe ... Service bridge Existing bridge Cantilever bridge Composite beam bridge Cable-stayed bridge Approach viaduct Movable bridge Sliding bridge Cast-in-place, posttensioned bridge Pedestrian bridge Railway bridge, rail bridge Masonry bridge Double deck bridge Frame bridge Portal bridge Rigid frame with hinges


Cu lin tc c ghp t cc dm gin n c sn Cu mng Cu nng-h thng ng Cu xin ,cu treo Cu nhp ln Cu nhp ngn Cu t Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu quay tm thang ( i b) thng trung vm vt

Pont continue forme des poutres simples precontraintes Pont aqueduc Pont levant Pont oblique Pont de grande porte Pont frave courte, Pont de courte trave Pont-route Pont roulant Pon provisoire Escalier

Bridge composed of simple span precast prestressed grider made continues prefabriques Aqueduct Lifting bridge Skew bridge Long span bridge Short span bridge Highway bridge, road bridge Turning bridge Emergency bridge Stairs Straight bridge Medium span bridge Arched bridge Overpasse, Passage superieure Railway overpasse Portal bridge Underpass to brush clean Diagnosis Sliding agent Prospecting agent Elastomer, Plastic Synthetic plastic Natural plastic Bond, Bonding agent Plastifying agent Activator Hardener Accelerant

Pont de droit Pont de la porte moyene Pont en arc Pont pour passage superieur Cu vt qua ng st Pont tranversant le chemin de fer Ct khc Encocher ... Cu c tr nghing Pont bquilles Cu chui Passage infrieur Chi sch Brosser ... Chn on Auscultation, pathologic Cht bi trn ct thp Graisse, Lubrifiant d ng lc Cht bo v Agent de protection Cht do Elastomre Cht do nhn to Elastomere synthese Cht do thin nhin Elastomere naturele Cht dnh kt Liant Cht ha do Plastifiant Cht hot ha Activateur Cht lm cng, Cht Durcisseur ho cng Cht lm tng nhanh Accelerateur qu trnh Cht lng mong mun Cht xm thc Ch i (do lc nn cc b) Cho, xin Ch to, sn xut Ch to sn Chm nt neo vo u neo cho cht Qualit exige Agent agressif Fendage (due a la presion Fendage locale) Biais Farrication Prfabrique Blocage des clavettes ...

Required quality Corrosive agent Skew Fabrication, Manufaction Precast


Chi tit chn sn Ch dn tm thi Chiu cao Chiu cao c hiu Chiu cao dm Chiu cao tnh khng Chiu cao ton b ca cu kin Chiu dy ca bn (ca sn) Chiu di cc h vo t Chiu di t ti (tnh bng mt) Chiu di on neo gi ca ct thp Chiu di kch khi khng hot ng Chiu di nhp Chiu di truyn d ng lc ko trc Chiu di truyn lc nh dnh bm Chiu di un dc Chiu dy Chiu dy bn cnh Chiu rng bn chu nn ca dm T Chiu rng c hiu ca bn cnh Chiu rng c hiu (ca dm T) Chiu rng phn b ca ti trng bnh xe Chiu rng phn xe chy Chiu rng tnh khng Chiu rng ton b cu Chnh tr dng sng Chu ng c m khng hng Chu ti

Instruction provisoire Hauter Hauter utile, Hauteur effective Hauteur de la poutre Hauteur du gabarit Uteur hors-tout de lelement

Embeded item Temporary instruction Depth Effective depth at the section Depth of beam Vertical clearance Overall depth of member ...Flage thickness (web thickness) Length of penetration <of pile> Loaded length in meters Anchorage length Closed length Span length Transmission length for pretensioning Bond transfer length Buckling lengh Thickness Flange thickness, Web thickness Compression flange of Tgirder Effective flange width

Longueur chargee en metre Longueur dancrage de larmature Longeur ferm Travee Longueur de tranmission de la precontrainte Longueur de tranmission par adherance Longeur de flambement Epaisseur Epaisseur de larm Largeur des tables de width compression des poutres en T Largeur utile de laile

Largeur effective (des Effective width (of T poutres en T) girder) Largeur de reparation du Distribution width for poids dessieu wheel loads Large de la chaussee Roadway width Largeur du gabarit Largeur totale du pont Repulation du couran deau Resister sans defaillance ... etre sous charge, etre charge Horizontal clearance Overall width of bridge River training work ... to stand without failure ... to subject, to load, to withstand, to carry, to bear, to resist


Chu k dao ng Chn v tr xy dng cu Ch rng (khot rng) Chng m cho b mt Cht Cht b tng Cht nh vm (cha kho) Cht ngang (lp cht ngang) Chu k t ti ... Chu k ng sut thit k Chu vi thanh ct thp ... Ch cng trnh Ch u t Chuyn giao cng ngh Chuyn v Chuyn v quay tng i Ch u t, ch cng trnh Chng trnh th nghim Chng trnh tnh ton t ng Chng trnh thit k t ng Co dn do nhit Co ngn ca b tng Co ngn ca thp Co ngn n hi Co ngn li Co ngt Cc Cc b tng ct thp d ng lc Cc b tng c sn Cc chng Cc dn Cc d ng lc Cc ng xong

Periode de vibration Emplacement du pont Vide Hydrofuge de surface Cl Articulation en Bton Cl,Cle de voute Clavette (clavetter) Cycle des contraintes projetes Maitre doeuvre Maitre douvrage Transfert tecnologyque Dplacement Mouvement de rotation relatif Maitre dceuvre, maitre douvrage Programme dessais ... Programme de calcul automatique Logiciel de dimensionnement automatique Dilatation thermique Raccourcissement du beton ... Raccourcissement ... de lacier Raccoucissement lastique Raccourcir Retrait Pieu Pieu en beton precontrainte Pieu en beton prefabrique Pieu sur pointe Pieu beton precontrainte

Period of vibration Bridge loacation Void Surface water protection Hinge Concrete hinge Key, Key block, Capstone Fastening pin (to bolt) Loading cycle Design stress cycles Perimeter of bar Engineer,Architect Owner Technology transfer Displacement Relative rotation

Automatic design program Automatic design software Thermal expansion and construction

Elastic shortening Contraction Contraction, shrinkage Pile Prestressed concrete pile Precast concrete pile Point-bearing pile Driver pile Prestressed pile Driven pile


Cc n Cc c b tng ti ch Cc c sn, cc ch sn Cc ng knh ln Cc khoan Cc khoan nhi Cc ma st Cc ng Cc ng thp Cc ng thp khng lp lng Cc ng thp nhi b tng lp lng Cc rng ly tm Cc thp hnh H ... Cc th Cc vn, cc vn thp Con ln, tr ca gi C hc kt cu C hc l thuyt Cng tc ko cng ct thp Cng trnh Cng trnh k thut cao Cng trnh ph tm thi cng Cng trng Cng ty Cng thc pha trn b tng Cng Cng cho, cng xin Ct ai d ng lc Ct liu (si ) Ct thp ai (dng thanh) Ct thp bn cnh Ct thp bn mt cu Ct thp bn di (ca mt ct) Ct thp bn trn (ca mt ct) Ct thp chu ct

Pieu isole Pieu a beton coule sur la place Pieu prefabrique Pieu grande diamtre Pieu for Pieu fore-moule Pieu flottant Pieu-tube Pieu-tube en acier Pieu tube non rempli Pieu tube de lacier a beton coule en situ Pieu creux Pieu dessai Palplache Barre dappui ... Mcanique des structures Mcanique rationnelle Mettre en tension Ouvrage dart Construction a haute Construction provisoire dexecution Chantier Compagnie (gpoup) Formulation du beton gout trier tendu Granulat Armature de laile Armature du hourdis Armature infricure Armature supricure Armature contre cisaillement

Single pile Cast-in-place concrete pile Precast pile Large diameter pile Bore pile Bored cast-in-place pile Friction pile Pipe pile, hollow shell pile Steel pipe pile, tubular steel pile Unfilled tubular steel pile Concrete-filled pipe pile Hollow pile Steel H pile Test pile Sheet pile Structural analysis Pure mechanics, Theorical mechanic Tensioning (tensioning operation) Construction, work High tech work technique Temporary construction Site Company, corporation Concrete proportioning Buse ... Biais buse ... Aggregate Stirrup,link,lateral tie Flange reinforcement Slab reinforcement Bottom reinforcement Top reinforcement Shear reinforcement


Ct thp chu ko Ct thp chu nn Ct thp ch song song hng xe chy Ct thp ch vung gc hng xe chy Ct thp c dnh bm cao (c g) Ct thp c t chng bnh thng Ct thp c t chng thp Ct thp c g (ct thp gai) Ct thp dc Ct thp d ng lc Ct thp d ng lc c dnh bm vi b tng Ct thp d ng lc khng dnh bm vi b tng Ct thp b r Ct thp t theo vng trn Ct thp gm ( truyn lc ct trt nh neo) Ct thp l ra ngoi Ct thp mc ti thiu Ct thp ngang Ct thp nghing Ct thp phn b Ct thp ph t gn st b mt Ct thp tng cng thm Ct thp thng Ct thp thi cng Ct thp thng (khng d ng lc) Ct thp trong sn dm

Armature tendue Armature comprim Armature parallele au passage (longitudinale) Armature perpendiculaire au passage (lateral) Barre haute adhrence

Tension reinforcement Compression reinforcement Main reinforcement parallel to traffic Main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic Deformed reinforcement

Acier relaxation normale Acier trs basse relaxation Barre dedormee , Barre a nervois darmature Armature longitudinale

Medium relaxation steel Low relaxation steel Deformed bar, deformed reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement Prestressing steel, cable

Armature de precontraite, Acier tendon Armature de Bonded tendon precontrainte a adherante Armature de precontrainte non adherente Acier circulaire, frettage

Unbonded tendon

Corroded reinforcement Hoop reinforcement Epingle Pin

Armature exposee Ferrailage minimal Acier tranversal, Armature tranversde Armature inclinee Armature repartie, Armature de reparation Armature de peau Armature de renfort Armature droite Acier de construction Armature passive (non precontrainte) Armature en larme

Exposed reinforcement Transverse reinforcement Inclined bar Distribution reinforcement Skin reinforcement Strengthening reinforcement Straight reinforcement Erection reinforcement Non-prestressed reinforcement Web reinforcement


Ct thp trn trn Ct thp un nghing ln Ct thp xon c Ct Ct chu ti ng trc Ct chu lc Ct c ct ai vung gc vi trc Ct c ct thp xon c Ct mc Ct ng Ct thp (ca h treo) Cung cp, cung ng Cung ng n chn cng trnh Ca cng Cng chu ko Cng chu ko ca b tng 28 ngy Cng chu mi Cng chu nn 28 ngy Cng chu un Cng cc hn Cng n hi ca thp lc ko Cng n hi ca thp lc nn Cng c trng Cng khi vung

Rond lisse Barre releve Armature spirale chargee Colonne chargee axial Poteau Colonne a cache perpendiculaire a laxe Colonne a armature spirale Balise ... Pieu-colonne Fourniture Fourniture pied dceuvre Resistance la fraction Resistance du beton la traction 28 jours Rsistance la fatigue Rsistance la compression 28 jours Resistance a la flexion Resistance ultime Resistance elastique limite de lacier en tension Resistance elastique limite de lacier en compresion Rsistance caractristique Resistance de lechantillon cubique

Plain round bar Bent-up bar Spiral reinforcement Column Axially loaded column Lateral tied column Spiral reinforced column Pile column Pylone Supply Supply at the site Culvert head Tensile strength Tensile strength at 28 days age Fatigue strength Compressive strength at 28 days age Flexural strength Ultimate strength Yield strength of reinforcement in tension Yield strength of rein forcement in compression Characteristic strength Cube strength

Di hn (ti trng di hn) Di phn cch Dn bn thp Dn n Dng hnh hc ca mt ct Danh nh Dm a long term Separateur ... Collage des plaques metalliques Elongation Geometrie de la section Nominal ... Poutre Long-term (load) Seperator Gluing of steel plate Expansion Section geometry Girder, beam


Dm bn thp hn Dm bn c ng xe chy di Dm bn thp c ng xe chy trn Dm b tng ct thp Dm bin, dm ngoi cng Dm ch c ct thp chu ko Dm chu ti trng ri u Dm c c ct thp chu ko v chu nn Dm chu un Dm chu un thun ty Dm c chiu cao khng i Dm c khot l Dm ch T Dm dc ph Dm d ng lc ko trc Dm d ng lc ko sau Dm bn Dm gi gin n Dm hng Dm hp Dm hp nhiu t Dm lin tc Dm ngang Dm ngang u nhp Dn ngang mt cu Dm ngang trong nhp Dm nh,dm nh hnh Dm pha trong Dm tm lao cu Gi lao dm Dm tn inh Dm thp cn ng hnh

Poutre soudee a ame plaine Poutre a ame plaine a tablie inferieure Poutre a ame plaine a tablie superieure Poutre en beton armee Poutre exterieure Poutre a armature en tension seulement Poutre sous charge uniformement Potre a armature en tension et en compresion Poutre flechie Poutre en flexion simple Poure a hauteur constante Poutre elegie Poutre en T Longeron Poutre a precontrainte anterieure (pretendure) Poutre a precontrainte posterieure Poutre sous dalle Poutre simple Poutre console Poutre caisson Poutre caisson a segments Poutre continue Entretoise, Piece de pont Entretoise dabout Entretoise portant le Entretoise intermediaire Poutrelle Poutre iterieure Poutre de lancement Poutre rivee Profil

Welded plate girder Through plate girder Deck plate girder Reinforced concrete beam Edge beam,exterior girder Beam reinforced in tension only Uniformly loaded beam Beam reinforced in tension and compression Flexural beam Pure Flexion beam Beam of constant depth Voided beam T-beam, T-girder Stringer Pretensioned beam Posttensioned beam Supporting beam Simply supported beam, simple span Cantilever beam Box girder Segmental box girder Continuous beam Diaphragm End diaphragm Floor beam,tranverse beam table Intennediate diaphragm

Interior girder Launching girder Riveted girder


Du dng ly hng ln trn Dy thp buc Dch v sau khi bn hng Din tch bao (khng k thu hp do l) Din tch ct thp Din tch danh nh Din tch mt ct Din tch tip xc Din tch tnh i Din tch ta (p mt) Dnh bm Dng nc chy D vn khun Dung mi, Dung sai Dng Dng c th nghim nhanh Dng c o, my o Duy tu,bo dng D liu (s liu banu) D liu tnh ton D liu v l lt xy ra D n s b ( n s b) D on D ton D ng lc D ng lc ng tm D ng lc lch tm D ng lc theo hng ngang D ng sut D ng sut c hiu sau mi mt mt D ng lc ngoi Di nh hng ca Dng h b tng mi xong

Positive vers le haut Ligature Service apres-vente Aire totale Aire de larmature Nominale section Aire dune section Contract section Aire convertee Surface portante Adherence Courant deau Decoffrage Solvan Solvent Utiliser Equipement pour essai rapide Appareil de mesure Entretien Donnee Donnees de calcul Avant-projet Prevoire Devis estimatif, Estimatif Estimation Force de precontrainte Precontrainte centree Precontrainte excentree Precontrainte laterale Precontrainte Precontrainte effective (apres pertes) Precontrainte extericure ... sous leffet de ...

Positive upward Ligature, Tie After sale service Gross area Area of reinforcement Area of nominal Area of cross section (cross sectional area) Contract area Transformed area Bearing are Bond Stream flow,Tream current Form removal Tolerance Tolerance to use Rapid testing kit Testing device, Testing instrument Maitenance Data Calculation data Past flood data Preliminary design Forecast

Prestressing force Centred prestressing Non-centred prestressing Tranverse prestressing Prestress Effective prestress after loses External prestressing ... under the effect of ... Cure to cure, curing


dm hc, xy va (chn va h trn cu) gio, dn gio gio treo, gin gio gio t di dng ai m vng quanh i tu p ng cc yu cu m, chy m b tng cho cht m cnh (rung vn khun) m di ( m b tng) m rung m trn mt m trong (vi vo hn hp b tng) nh gi, c lng t t st t bi, ph sa t cht t dnh kt t khng dnh kt, t ri rc t nn bn di mng t ph sa, t bi tch t st u thu u cu u my dieden u my hi nc u neo hnh tr c khoan l u nhp u ni ni cc ct thp d ng lc c trng cc vt liu c im vt liu c trng c hc Dt ti lch tm ... Caillou, granulat concasse Moellon Bordure de trotoir Echafaudage,Cintre Cintre Cintre autolanceur girder Collier Rehabilitation ... Dame Compactage Vibration des coffrages Aiguille (Vibrateur-aiguile) Dame vibrante Vibrateur superficielle Vibrateur interne Estimation Sol Limon, argileux Alluvion Terre compacte Sol cohesif Sol non coherent Sol de fondation Alluvion Argile Adjudication About de pont Loconotive a diesel Locomotive a vapeur Tte dancrage culindrique percee Bout de la travee Coupleur Caracteristique des materiaux Caractere du materiau Caracteristique mecanique ... Rock, stone Gravel Cobble, ashalar stone Curb Scaffold, scaffolding Centering,false work Moving construction Rehabilitation to meet the requirements Tamper Tamping Form vibrator Reedle vibrator Vibrating tamper ... Surface vibrator Internal vibrator Evaluation Earth, soil Loam Alluvion Compact earth Cohesive soil Cohesionless soil, granular material Foundation soil Alluvial soil Clay Adjudication Bridge end Diesel locomotive Stream locomotive Perforated cylindrical anchor head Span end Coupler Material characteristics Material properties Mechanical characteristic Eccentric loading


t ti ln ... t ti th ln cu t vo trong khung ct thp quai (ngn nc tm) mu neo d ng lc hnh loa ca mu neo d ng lc phng qu ti

Chargement sur ... Chargement eperimentale sur le pont Mise en place dans le ferraillage Batardeau Plaque dappui Tromplaque

Loading on ... Test loading on bridge Put in the reinforcement case Cofferdam Bearing plate Trumplate, cast-guide Overload provision Pile cap Force representative point (on the curve) Levelling point Jacking end Location of the resultant Location of the concrete compressive resultant Adjustment Soild conditions Balanced strain condition Condition of curing Unfavourable climatic condition Enviromental condition Inspection Sounding

Prevision de surchargement m u cc Avant-pieu im biu din ca Point representatif de ni lc (trn th) sollicitation im cn o cao Point a niveler im u ct thp - Bout tire (de la c ko cng bng kch precontrainte) im t ca hp lc Point de passage de le resultante im t hp lc nn Point de passage de la b tng resultante de compression du beton iu chnh, cn Adjustement, ajuster chnh cho ng iu kin t ... iu kin cn bng ... ng bin iu kin dng h b Condition de cure du tng beton iu kin kh hu bt Condition climatique li defavorable iu kin mi trng ... iu tra (thanh tra) ... iu tra bng phng ... php sng m ngn cn s tch ri nhau inh a inh mc inh tn inh tn bn cnh inh tia-r-phng on tu th ( th cu) on tu chy thng xuyn trn tuyn on xe ti on dm, khc dm

Happe ,Crampon Clou crochet Rivet Rivet sur lame Tire-fond Train dexperimentation Train dexperimentation Convoi Troncon

In order to prevent separation Cramp, Crampon ... Rivet Flange rivet ... Test train Train serving the line Truck train Segment


on (t) hp long ca kt cu nhp on (t) kt cu nhp bn trn tr on ng loe u mu neo ng cc ng cc thm n n phc tho s b b tng (s b tng) b tng theo nhiu giai on chi ca cc m( m tng i) m tng i bnh qun hng nm bn chu la bn lu (tui th) co ngn tng i co ngt tng cng cht cong chnh xc (th nghim) cng cng chng un cng chng xon cng ngang ca cu di di chuyn c ca pittong ca kch dn di ca ct thp dn di tng i d, lng lo hot ho xi mng kht kn khng r nc lch tm lin (nguyn) khi ca kt cu ln mnh nht m rng vt nt

Vousoir de cle Vousoir de pile Trompette Battage des pieux pilling Projet Avant-projet Couler (la betonage) couler en plusieures Humidite (relative) Humidite relative moyenne annuelle Resistance au feu Durabilite Raccourcissement unitaire Retrait total du beton Compacite Courbure Precision (des essais) Rigidite Rigidite a la flexion Rigidite a la torsion Course du piston Allongement de lacier Allongement unitaire Jeu Activite du ciment Etancheite Excentricite Integrite de construction Affaissement (tassement) Elancement Viscosite Ouverture des fissures

Key block segment On-pier segment Trumpet Driving additional piles Project ... to cast,(casting) ... to cast in many stage phrases Rebound of pile Humidity (relative) Annual ambient relative humidity Fire resistance Durability Unit shortening Total shrinkage Compactness Courbature Accuracy (of test) Stiffness Flexural stiffness Torsional stiffness Lateral rigidity of the bridge Maximum stroke Steel elongation Unit elongation ... Activity og cement Tightness (water tightness) Eccentricity Structural integrity Setllement Slenderness Viscosity Crack opening, Crack width


nhy cm n nh n nh hnh dng rn cng rng vt nt st (hnh nn) ca b tng tt ca nt neo trong l neo (sau khi ng cht nt neo) thm thu, thm trt trong mu neo ca u ct thp vng vng ngc vn hng xp rng (ca b tng) i trng ng cht ng h o p lc ng t ng lc hc t,on (ca kt cu) n v ln xe c b tng ti ch c (bng chong) ... c o vung gc vi ... ... c o song song vi ng bao ng cong, on tuyn cong ng cong biu din th ca ... ng cong thc nghim ng p u cu

Sensibilit Stabilite Stabilite de forme Degre de durete Largeur dune fissure Affaissement au cone, cone dabram Rentree des clavettes

Sensitivity, Sensitiveness Stability Figure stability Hardness degree Crack width Slump Anchor sliding

Permeabilite Glissement a lancrage Fleche Contrefleche Longueur dencorbellement Porosite (du beton) Contrepoids Homogeneite Manometre Sisme(m); sismique(adj) Dinamique Vousoire Charge unitaire sur une voie ... couler (le beton) en situ Piquer ...mesure perpendiculairement a ... perpendicular to ... ... mesure paralletement a ... Courbe enveloppe Courbe Courbe representative de ... Courbe experimentable (contrainte-deformation) Remblai

Permeability Anchor sliding Deflection Camber Cantilever dimension Porosity Counterpoiser, Counterbalance Homonogeneity Manometer Earthquake Dinamic Segment Traffic lane unit ... to cast in place Pick ... mesured

... mesured parallel to ... Endevelope curve Curve Representative curve of ... Test curve (strain-stress) Embankment


ng knh danh nh ng knh ngoi ng st ng b ng dn vo cu ng bin trn ca vm ng bin di ca vm ng tn vm ng thu ph giao thng ng thy ng trc, ng tim ng trc cp ng trc cp dng parabole ng trc cp gm cc on thng ... c nhn vi cng chng xon n nh xon t p trn vm bn ng trc vm ng p lc ng cc p u cc t hot ti ln mt cu t p sau m ng nh hng m men ng dn vo cu va ng tim,ng trc iu kin t ti

Nominale diametre ... Chemin de fere Route

Nominal diameter Outside diameter Railway Road Approach roadway Extrados Intrados Rise of are Toll Road

Reseau navigable Axe centrale Trace du cable Trace de cable parabolique Trace de cable compose de segments de droite

Waterway Center line Cable trace Parapolic cable trace Cable trace with segmental line is multiplied by Torsional stiffness Torsional stability Fill,earth fill Areh axis Line of pressine Driving, piling To ship pile head Application of lived load on deck slab Back fill behind abutmait Influence livie for moment Approaches, appwoch road Guaid stone Centre line Loading conditions

p mt cc b p va Pression localisee Injecter, injection Located pressure Grout, Grouting

Gang c Gn, sn (ca bn) Gn ng Ghp ni Ghi Fonte ductile Nervure Approximative Jonction Aiguille Cast iron Rib ... Approximate ... Connection Needle


Gi 3 chn lao cu (dng dn) Gi ba ng cc Gi thnh bo dng, duy tu Gi thnh ch to Gi thnh thay th Gi thnh thi cng Gi thit c bn Gi thit tnh ton Gi tr quyt ton Giai on chuyn tip Giai on t ti (Cc) Giai on thi cng ni tip nhau Gii php k thut Ging gi Gim st thi cng Gin on giao thng Gin n Gin n t do Gio trnh (kha hc) Giy rp Ging gi Ging chm Ging chm o va st Ging chm p o Ging chm b tng c ti ch Ging chm ch ni Ging chm hi p Gii hn ct trt Gii hn n hi Gii hn n hi qui c Gii hn ph hy ca ct thp d ng lc Gi cho c nh Gi cho c nh vo vn khun Ghi ca ng st Gi cho thng tuyn ng Gi c nh u ct thp Gc ma st trong G dn (vn khun)

Poutre de lancement Sonnette Cout dentretien Cout de manutention Cout de remplacement Cout de mise en ceuvre Hypothese de base Hypothese de calcul Evaluation definitive Phase de transition Etape de chargement Phases successives de la construction Solution technique Contreventement Inspection de construction Interruption du trafic Dilater, dilatation Dilatation libr Cours Papier de verre Contreventlement Caisson Caisson a paroi en boueciment Caisson sur batardeau provisoire Caisson conlee en situ Caisson flotable Caisson a air comprime Limite du cisaillement limite tastique Limite conventionnelle delasticite Limite de rupture de lacier de precontrainte Fixation Fixation au coffrage Aiguille Assurer le fonctionement du trafic Bloquer lextremite des armatures Angle de frottement interne

Launching girder Pile drive Maintenance cost Production cost Replacement cost Construction cost Basic assumption Design assumption Definitive evaluation Transition stage Load stage Construction successive stage(s) Technical solution Bracing Supervision of construction Interruption of traffic Expansion ... Free expansion ... Course Abrasive paper Wind bracing Caisson Betonnite lubricated caisson Caisson on temporary cofferdam Cast-in-place concrete caisson Floating caisson Air caisson Shear limit Elastic limit Conventional elasticity limit Rupture limit of the prestressed steel Fixation Fixation on the form Keeping the line operating ... to fixe the ends of reinforcement Angle of interior friction Plywood


G p Gradien nhit Gi bng cht do cn Gi bin (m cu) Gi cao su Gi cu Gi c nh Gi con ln Gi di ng Gi kiu c kh Gi ttrn Gi trung gian (tr cu) Gi trt c hng dn Gi trt t do Gi cao su Gi hp cht do Gi con ln Gia tc trng trng Gi bn thp

Isoplane Gradient thermique Appui en elastomere frette Appui dabout Appui neoprene Apparei dappui Appui fixe, Appareil dappui fixe Appui a rouleaux Appui mobile, Appareil dappui mobil Appui mecanique Appui tetron Appui intermediaire Appui guide glissant Appui glissant libre

Laminate timber Thermal gradient Laminated elastomeric bearing End support Rubber bearing, neoprene bearing Bearing Fixed bearing Roller bearing Movable bearing Mechanical bearing Tetron bearing Intermediate support Guided slipping bearing Slipping bearing Elastomatric bearing Elestomatric pot bearing Roller bearing Acceleration due to gravity Plate bearing

H lu Hm lng Hm lng ct liu Hm lng thp trong b tng ct thp Hm lng xi mng Hn Hn chm Hn ti cng trng Hn trong xng Hng ro chn an ton Hng ro chn bo v ng xe chy trn cu Hng ro chn bo v ng xe p trn cu Hng, phn hng H lu Aval Teneur, dosage Dosage en granulats Pourcentage dacier Dosage en ciment Soudage Soudure par points Soudure sur chantier Glissire ... Downstream side Content, Dosage Aggregate content Steel percentage Cement content Weld Spot-weld Fild-weld Shop welding Safety railing Vehicular railing, traffic railing Bicycle railing


Encorbellement (partie encorbellement)

Cantilever Down stream end


H cp 1 mt phng H cp 2 mt phng H cp 2 mt phng nghing H mt cu H s an ton H s an ton tng phn H s dn di do nhit H s gim mt ct thp H s ng nht H s gim kh nng chu lc H s khng c th nguyn H s lch tm H s ma st do cong H s ma st trn on thng H s ma st trt H s mm ca cc nhp H s phn b ngang H s s dng H s pot-xng H s ti trng H s tnh i H s t hp ti trng (i vi ...) H s xt n tnh lin tc ca cc nhp H s xung kch H s phn b H s nhm H ging lin kt ca dn H thng siu tnh H thng thot nc, s thot nc H thng tnh nh Hiu chnh Hiu ng nhit

Platelage Coefficient de securite Coefficient partiel de securite Coefficient de dilatation thermique Coefficient minorateur aux sections dacier Coefficient dhomogeneite Coefficient minorateur a capacite Coefficient sans dimension Coefficient dexcentricite Coefficient de frottement angulaire Coefficient de frottement lineaire Coefficient de friction glissante Coefficient de souplesse des travees Coefficient de reparation tranversale Coefficient dulitisation Coefficient de poisson Coefficient de surcharge Coefficient dequivalence Coefficient du combinaison des charges (pour) Facteur de continuite des travees

Single plane system of cables Two plane system of cables Two unclined plane system of cables Bridge floor Safety factor Partial safety factor Coefficient of thermal exspansion ... Homonegeity coefficient Strength capacity reduction factor Dimensionless coefficient Excentricity coefficient Friction curvature coefficient Friction linear coefficient Coefficient of sliding friction Spans flexibility coefficient ... ... Poissons ratio Load factor Modular ratio Load combination coefficient (for ...) Continuity factor Impact factor Distribution coefficient Coefficient of roughness Lateral bracing

Systeme hypestatique Drainage Systeme isostatique Elalonnage, elalonnier

Hyperstatic system Drainage Isostatic system ... Thermal effect


Hiu ng thy triu Hnh dng tri xoan, hnh oval Hnh v tng th Durcissement du beton Ha cng trong iu kin bnh thng Hon cng Hot ti Hot ti tc dng trn va h Hot ti tm thi Hot ti ri u tng ng H s mu, ti liu hng dn H s thi cng H s u thu Hn hp trn Hp ng Hp ng chuyn gia Hp ng cung cp Hp kim Hp long Hp lc Hp lc dnh Hp lc ma st Hp lc bng khng H hng (h hng cc b) Hng gi Hng ln pha trn

Oval Vue densemble Durcissement du beton Durcissement en normale condition Achevement des travaux Charge mobile Charge mobile sur trottoir Surcharge mobile provisoire Dossier pilote Dossier dexecution Contrat Contrat dexpertise Contrat de fourniture Alliage Clavage

Buoyancy effect Oval General view Concrete hardning Hardening under normal condition ... Live load, moving load Sidewalk live load Live load Equivalent distribuled live load Typical document Construction document Formal tender Mixing Contract, agreement Expertise contract Supply contract Alloy Closure Resultant Resultant of cohesion Resultant of friction Zero resultant Damage (local damage) Wind direction Upward

Dammage locale, Default locale Direction ventee Ascendante

Keo epoxy Keo tng hp Ko cng Ko cng ct thp tng phn Ko cng ct thp theo tng giai on Ko cng khng ng thi Ko cng qu mc Ko di ct thp Ko thun ty Kt cu bn di Colle epoxy Colle synthetique Mettre en tension Pretension partielle Pretension par tapes Non-simultaneite de mise en tension ... Prolonger les armatures Traction simple Infrastructure Epoxy resin Synthetic resin Prestressing Partial prestressing ... Prestressing by stages Non-simultaneity of jacking Overstressing To extend reinforcement Simple tension Substructure


Kt cu bn trn Kt cu d ng lc lin hp Kt cu d ng lc lin khi Kt cu c b tng ti ch (dm, bn, ct) Kt cu c lin kt bng bu lng Kt cu c lin kt hn Kt cu hin c Kt cu khung, sn Kt cu lin hp thp b tng ct thp Kt cu nhp cu Kt cu nhp Kt cu nhp bn c l rng Kt cu nhp bn lin tc Kt cu nhp c nhiu sn dm ch Kt cu siu tnh Kt cu tng chn Kt cu phn trn Kt cu phn di Kt cu lin khi Kt qu th nghim cu Kt tinh Kh nng chu ct ca mt ct Kh nng chu lc tnh ton c Kh nng chu ti Kh nng chu ti ca cc

Superstructure Construction composite prcontrainte Construction precontrainte monolithe Structure coule en site (poutre,dalle,colone) Structure boulonn Structure soud Structure existante (beton existant) Ossature Ossature mixte acier beton Ossature Tablier en dalle elegie Tablier en dalle continue Pont multipli poutres Hyperstatique structure

Superstructure Composite prestressed structure Monolithic prestressed structure Cast in situ structure (slab, beam, column) Bolted construction Welded construction Existing structure (Existing concrete) Structure Composite steel and concrete structure Bridge deck Desk Hollow slab deck Continuous slab deck Multi-beam deck, multibeam bridge Statically indeterminate structure Retaining structure Superstructure Substructure Monolithic structure Bridge test result

Resultat dexperimentation du pont

Kh nng chu ti ca cc theo vt liu ca cc Kh nng chu ti ca cc theo t nn

Crystallize Capacit de cisaitlement Shear capacity of the de la section section Capacit rsistante Computed strength calcule capacity Capacit de charge Load capacity, Loadcarrying capacity Capacite portanye de pieu Supporting power of pile Supporting capacity of pile Load-carrying capacity of pile Capacit portante du pieu Load capacity of the pile par materiau de structure as a structural member Capacit portante du pieu Load capacity of the pile par sol de fondation to transfer load to the ground


Kh nng chu ti ca t nn Kh nng hp th (lm tt) dao ng Kh nng tiu nc Khc Kho st Kho st cu Kho st a hnh Kho st thy lc Kho st thy vn Khu thot nc Khe bin dng cho

Capacit portante du sol de fondation Capacit absorbante Encoche

Reconnaissance topographique Investigation hydraulique Investigation hydrologique Trave dcoulement deau cu Joint de chaussere Joint de dilatation Joint Joint de construction Percer, percerment Panneau Espacement Espacement des essieux Longitudinal espacement entre des armatures Espacement dacier prcontrainte Espacement des poutres Espacement des entretoises Espacement des blocks dancrage Espacement des piles ... Espacement libr Distance du centre au centre des ... Distance du centre au centre des poutres Sec (seche) Tablier prfabriqu

Bearing capacity of the foundation soils Vibration-absorbing capacity Discharge capacity ... Investigation Investigation for bridges Topographic survey Hydraulic investigation Hydrologic investigation Waterway opening Expansion joint for bridge, Road joint Expansion joint Joint Erection jiont ... Tosbou ... Spacing, distance Wheel spacing Longitudinal spacing of the web reinforcement Spacing of prestressing steel Girder spacing Diaphragm spacing Anchorage spacing Pier spacing Axle spacing Clear span Distance center to center of ... Distance center to center of beams Dry Deck panel

Khe co dn, khe bin dng Khe ni Khe ni thi cng, vt ni thi cng Khoan Khoang Khong cch Khong cch gia cc bnh xe Khong cch gia cc ct ai trong sn dm Khong cch gia cc ct thp d ng lc Khong cch gia cc dm Khong cch gia cc dm ngang Khong cch gia cc mu neo Khong cch gia cc tr cu Khong cch gia cc trc xe Khong cch trng (nhp trng) Khong cch t tm n tm ca cc... Khong cch t tim n tim ca cc dm Kh Khi bn mt cu c sn


Khi u neo Khi t p (sau m sau tng chn) Khi t trt Khi neo,u neo (c l chm vo,t vo neo) ... khng thay i dc nhp Khi xy ln c Khi u dm Khi xy Kh gii hn thng thuyn Kh ng st Kh ng hp Khi cng Khi cng xy dng Khp ni, cht ni Khu vc chu ko ca b tng Khu vc neo Khuy trn Khun hnh chp ct o st b tng Khung Khung kiu cng (khung h) Khuyt tt n du Khuyt tt ca cng trnh Khuyt tt l ra (trng thy c) Kch Kch c b ngm gi cp pha trc Kch c b ngm gi cp pha sau Kch dt, kch a Kch y Kch ko cng cp c nhiu b si xon Kch ko cng mt b si xon Kch 2 tc dng c pistng trong Kch to d ng lc

Bloc dancrage

End block Backfill Sliding mass Anchorage block

Bloc dancrage, Tte dancrage ... constante tout le long de la travee Massif

... constant alongthe span Massive Enol block Stone masenry Clearance for navigation Raiway gauge, Width of track Narrow gauge ... ... Hinge Tension zone in concrete Anchorage region to mix, Mxing Abrahams cones

Demarage du chantier Demarrage des travaux Articulation Zone de tension du beton Zone dancrage Brasser, brassage Cone dabrams

Charpente Portique ouvert Vice cache Vice de construction Vice apparent, Defaut apparent Verin Verin a prise frontale Verin a prise arriere Verin plat, Verin pouse Verin multitoron Verin monotoron Verin a double effet piston creux mobile Verin de tension

Frame Open frame Hidden defect Structural defect Apparent defect Jack ... ... Flat jack, Pushing jack Multistrand jack Monostrand jack ... Prestressing jack


Kch thy lc Kch thc bao ngoi Kch thc danh nh Kch thc tnh bng milimet Kch trt trn teflon K s thc hnh K thut cu Kim tra (kim ton) Kim tra cht lng b tng Kim tra nghim thu Kim tra thc nghim Kim tra trong qu trnh sn xut Kiu cu K hiu K s c vn

Verin hydraulique Dimension hors-tout Dimension nominale Cotes en mm Verin glissant sur tflon Verifier, la verification Contrle de qualit du beton Controle de reception Verification experimentale Controle en cours de fabrication Type de pont Notation Ingnieur conseil

Hydraulic jack Overall dimension Nominal size ... Sliding jack on teflon Practising engineer Bridge engineering Control, checking Checking concrete quality Reception control ... Production supevision Bridge type Notation Consulting engineer

Lm chm li Lan can Lan can trn cu Ln xe Ln xe thit k Lao cu Lao ra bng cch trt Ly mu th Lp k hoch thi cng Lp dng Lp t thit b Lch tm Lin kt, ni Lin kt bu lng Lin kt cng Lin kt mm Lin kt trt Lin kt cht Lin khi Li hnh xon c trong b si thp Li nm neo (hnh chp ct) Lp ph mt cu Lp lt mt nn ng Lp cch nc Retarder Garde-corps Voie Voie projetee Lancement, lancier Lancement par gissement Echantionnage Planification des travaux Montage Installation Excentre Liaison, Assemblage Connection par boulon Liaison rigide Liaison souple Connection glissant Monolithe Spirale Clavette ... to retard Hand rail Railing Lane, traffic lane Design lane Lauching Launching by sliding Probing Work planing Erection Installation Excentred Joint, Connection, Splice Bolted splice Rigid connection Flexible connection Sliding joint Pinned joint Monolithic Center spiral Male cone Wearing coat Subbase Waterproofing membrane

Chape tanchit


L bm va vo ng cha cp L hnh chp ct L mng L thng, l khoan Ln Lc Lc ly tm Lc dc Lc do dng nc Lc do cong ng v lch tm ng Lc ln lan can Lc do sng Lc ng t Lc y ngang chn vm Lc ct trt nm ngang Lc ct thng ng Lp Lp b tng bo h

Trou dinjection Trou conique Mortaise Trou Tassement, Affaissement

Grout hole Conic hole ... Hole Settlement Force Centifugal force Longitudinal force Water current force Forces due to curvature and eccentricity of truck Forces on parapets Wave force Seismic force Horizontal thrust Horizontal shear

Nappe Enrobage

Lp ct thp bn di Lp m km Lp nc Lp phng nc (lp cch nc) Lp ph mt va h Lnh vc p dng L lch s L lt L thit k Lun cp qua Lun cp vo kch Lc ct Lc ct do phn b tng chu Lc ct do tnh ti Lc ct do hot ti Lc ct nhn h s Lc ct nm ngang Lc ct thng ng

Nappe inferieure darmature Zingage, Revetement de zinc Nappe deau Etancheite, Couche detancheite Revetement de trotloir Domaine dapplication ... Innondation Innondation historique Passage du cable Enfilage de torons dans le verin Effort tranchant Cisaillement supporte par le beton Cisaillement par charge permanente Cisaillement par charge mobile Effort tranchant factorise

Vertical shear Layer Protective concrete cover Cover to reinforcemont Lower reinforcement layer Zinc covering Water layer Water procfing layer Side walk cover Application field Historical flood Flood Design flood Cable passing ... Shear force Shear carried by concrete Shear due to dead load Shear due to live load Factored shear force

Effort tranchant horizontal Horizontal shear Effort tranchant vertical Vertical shear


Lc do dng nc chy tc dng vo m tr Lc do nhit Lc dc Lc dc trc Lc y,lc y ngang Lc y ni Lc ng Lc ng t Lc hng tm Lc kch ( ko cng ct thp) Lc lt Lc ly tm Lc nn cc b Lc tc dng t pha bn Lc tp trung Lc tnh Lc va dc cu (ngang sng) Lc va ngang cu(dc sng) Lc va chm Lc va chm do ng khng u Lc va chm do xe chy lc l Lc xit bu lng Li ct thp si hn Li ta quc gia Lc ko Lu lng thit k L thuyt dm L thuyt na xc sut L thuyt xc sut v an ton L thuyt t bin tuyn tnh L trnh ( l trnh X)

Force du courant deau sur la pile (le culee) Force thermique Effort longitudinnale Effort axiale Poussee Flottaso Effort dinamique Effort seisemique Force radiale Effort de traction du verin Force Force centrifuge Effort de compression locale Force laterale Effort concentre Effort statique Chocs lateraux (choc lateral) Chocs frontaux (choc frontal) Choc Choc par irregularite de la voie Choc du materiel roulant Effort de serrage Grille darmature soudee Effort de traction Debit de calcul Theorie de la poutre Theorie semi-probabiliste

Force from stream current on pier(abutment) Thermal force Longitudinal force Axial force Pressure Buoyancy Dinamic force Earthquake forces Radial force Jacking force Overturning force Centrifugal force Local compresion Latenal force Concentrated force Statical force ... ... Impact Impact due to track irregular Rolling impact ... Welded wire fabric, Welded wire mesh National coordinate grid Traction Design volum Beam theory Semi probability theory

Theorie probabiliste de la securite Theorie de fluage liniaire Point kilometrique (au X)

... Probability theory of safety Theory of linear creep ...


Ma st Ma st trt Ma trn cng M km, lp m km Mi dc Mao dn Mt-tt Mt tt bi tum My bm va lp lng ng cha cp My cao c (my thy bnh) My ct ct thp My y cp vo trong ng cha cp My o ghi dao ng My o lp b tng bo h ct thp My khuy My nn mu th b tng My th ko My th mi My trn va Mt mt do co ngn n hi Mt mt do co ngt b tng Mt mt do ma st Mt mt do t bin b tng Mt mt do t chng ct thp d ng lc Mt mt d ng sut Mt mt d ng sut do bin dng tc thi ca b tng khi ko cng cc cp ln lt (khng ng thi) Mt mt d ng sut lc t mu neo Mt n nh mi dc Mu th khi vung b tng Mt bng, k hoch

Frottement Friction glissante Zingage Pente Capillaire Mastic Pompe dinjection Niveau Coupeuse Machine a pousser les torons Oscillographe Appareil de mesure de la couche denvelope Agitateur ... Appareil dessai de tension Appareil dessai de fatigue Malaxeur, Melangeur Perte due au raccourcisement elastique Perte de tension due au retrait du beton Perte de tension par frottement Perte de tension due au fluage du beton Perte de tension due la relaxation de lacier Perte de tension Pertes par deformation instantanee du beton lors de la mise en tension non simultanee de plusieurs cables Perte de tension lancrage, Perte par rentree lancrage ... Plan

Friction Sliding friction Stiffness matrix Zinc covering Slope ... Mastic Biturninous mastic Grout pump Levelling instrument Cutting machine Pushing machine Oscillograph Cover-meter, Rebar locator Agitator Shaker Crushing machine Tensile test machine Fatigue test machine Grout mixer Lost due to elastic shortening Loss due to concrete shrinkage Friction looses Lost due to relaxation of prestressing steel Lost due to relaxation of prestressing steel Loss of pressed (pressed losses) Loss due to concrete instant deformation due to non-simultaneous prestressing of several strands Loss at the anchor, Loss due to anchor slipping Slope failure Test cube, cube Plan


Mt bng v tr cng trnh Mt bch, ci bch ni ng Mt cu bn trc hng Mt cu khng ba lt Mt cu BTCT c balt Mt ct b tng cha b nt Mt ct b tng b nt Mt ct chu lc bt li nht Mt ct ch nht Mt ct ch T Mt ct ch T ngc Mt ct c bn cnh (mt ct T, I, hp) Mt ct c momen cc i Mt ct dc Mt ct c Mt ct a cht Mt ct c xt Mt ct gia nhp Mt ct Mt ct tam gic Mt ct Mt ct Mt ct Mt ct nc Mt ct Mt ct Mt Mt Mt Mt Mt Mt hnh nhn hnh hp khot rng lin hp ngang ngang dng gi gia nhp

Plan de masse Bride

Land planing ... Orthotropic deck Without balasted floor Balasted reiforced concrete gleck Uncracked concrete section Cracked concrete section The most sollicited section Rectangular section T section Inverted T section Flanged section Section of maximum moment Longitudinal section Plain section Soil profile Considered section Midspan section Circular section Trapezcidal box section Voided section Composite section Cross section Stream cross section Section at support Cross section at mid span ... On-bearing section Square section ... Surface of sliding Circular sliding surface Wedge-shaped sliding surface Failure surface Curved failure surface Anchorage Representative spicement

Section non-fissuree du beton Section fissuree du beton Section la plus sollicitee Section rectangulaire Section en Te Section en Te inverse Section a ailes (T,I, caisone) Section a moment maximal Profil en long Section plein Coupe geologique Section examinee Section mediane, Section en trave Section circulaire Section creuse Section composite Section tranversale Section perpendiculaire au courant

ct trn gi ct vung ngoi cng trnh trt trt trn trt gy gc

Section sur appui Section carree Parement des ouvrages

Mt ph hoi Mt ph hoi cong Mu neo Mu th i din

Ancrage Eprouvette


Mu th b tng hnh tr Mu th kim tra Mu th kim tra trong qu trnh thi cng Mu th ly ra t kt cu tht Mp hng ca bn Mc cu ( u ct thp) Mi Mi r Mng Mng cc Mng cng Mng nng Mng su M n u thu M rng mt cu M-un bin dng M-dun bin dng dc tc thi ca btng Mdun c hiu qu M-un n hi M men cc hn M men dc theo nhp ngn ca bn M men un M men un do hot ti M men un trn 1 n v chiu rng ca bn M men gy nt M men gy xon Mmen gi chng lt M men gi theo nhp di ca bn Mmen khng un ca mt ct Mmen khng un ca mt ct i vi th trn cng (di cng)

Cylindre Eprouvette de controle Epreuve de controle en cours de travaux Epreuvette prise de la structure Cote non-supporte de la dalle Courbure de barre, Crochet Fatigue Corrosion fatigue Foundation Fondation sur pieux Fondation superficielle Fondation profondee Module de deformation Module de deformation longitudinale instantane du beton Modle effectif Module delasticite Moment ultime Moment flechissant Moment flechissant du auxcharges variables

Cylinder, Test cylinder Test example Test example during execution Sample taken out from the actual structure Unsupported edge of the slab Hook Fatigue Corrosion fatigue Foundation Pile foundation Bedding Footing Deep foundation Opening the tender Wedening of the deck Modulus of deformation Young modulus of concrete (modun young) Effective modulus Modulus of elasticity Ultimate moment Moment along sherter span Bending moment Live load moment Bending moment per unit

Moment de fissuration Momen de la torsion Moment retenant

Cracking moment Twist moment Righting moment Support moment

Module de la section Modul de la section par rapport a la fibre superieure (inferieure)

Section modulus Section modulus with respect to top (bottom) fibers


Mmen khng un ca th trn cng i vi trng tm mt ct M men lt M men th cp do d ng lc M men nhn h s M ment qun tnh M men siu tnh do d ng lc M men tnh ca phn mt ct bn trn (hoc bn di) ca th ang xt chu ct ly i vi trc trung ho M men tnh nh do d ng lc M cu M kiu trng lc M tr cu (ni chung) M t M rng ca sn dm Mc trc c Mi trng Mi trng n mn Mi hn Mi hn theo chu vi Mi ni cp d ng lc ko sau Mi ni chng ln nhau ca ct thp Mi ni hp long (on hp long) Mi ni hin trng Mi ni hin trng bng bu lng cng cao Mt cch i xng Mt cch ri u M cc, m u cc Mui luyn, khum Mi cc Mc nc l cao nht Mc nc tn sut 1%


Moment bouleversant Moment secondaire du a la precontrainte Moment factorise Momen dinertie Moment hyperstatique de precontrainte Moment statique de la section sus (ou au dessous) du niveau en examination du cisaillement par rapport a laxe neutre Moment isostatique de precontrainte Culee, appui dextemite Culee massive les appuis Description Elargissement de lame Point de repere Environnement (lambiance) Milieu agressif, ambiance

Section modulus of top fiber refered to center of gravity Overturning moment Secondary moment due to prestressing Factored moment Moment of inertia ... Statical moment of cross section are about (or below) the level being investi-gated for shear about the centriod Hypestatic moment of prestressing Abutment, end support Gravity abutment Supports Description Widening of web Fix point Evironment Corrosive environment agressive Saudure Peripheral weld Coupler (coupling) Lap Closure joint Field connection Field connection use high strength bolt Symetrically Uniformly Pile cap

Coupleur Plaque de recouvrement Joint de clavage Connexion au chantier Connexion au chantier par boulon a haut resistance Symmetriquement Uniformement reparti Avant pieu Bombement Pointe du pieu

... Pier nose Highest flood level Niveau a 1% de frequence ...


Nch dm,vt cnh dm Nng ln (s nng ln) Nn bp cc b ( ch t gi) Nn thun ty Neo (ca dm thp lin hp bn BTCT) Neo ca dm lin hp Neo cng Neo bng thp gc c sn tng cng Ancrage actifActive anchorage Haunch,Tapered haunch Soulever (le soulevement) Lifting Ecrasement local Compession simple Connecteur Local crushing ... Pure compression Connector Shear connector Rigid connector Stiffened angles


Neo mm Neo kiu inh Neo ch ng Neo dng thanh thng ng ni 2 phn b tng ct thp khc nhau Neo kiu inh (ca dm thp lin hp b tng) Neo kiu thp gc Neo ngm (nm trong b tng) Neo ngoi Neo nh lc dnh bm Neo quai, neo vng Neo th ng Neo trong Neo trong t (dng cho hm, tng chn) Nn Nn t ca ng Nn ng o Nn ng p Ngn hn (ti trng ngn hn) Nghim thu Nghin cu s b trc Ngoi lc Ngun cung cp vt t, my mc Nguyn nhn h hng Ngi gi thu Ngi nhn thu, nh thu (bn B) Ngng an ton ti thiu Nh kho c mi che Nho trn Nhn cng, tin cng th Nhn thu Nhit dng h b tng Nhit gi nh lc lp rp Nhit khng kh Nhp, khu Nhp chnh ln

Flexible connector Stud Ancrage vertical reliant deux parties differaents du beton arme Connecteur goujons Vertical-tie

Stud shear connector

Connecteur cornieres Ancrage noye, Ancrage incorpore au beton de louvrage Ancrage exterieur Ancrage par adherence Connecteur arceaux Ancrage passif Ancrage noye Acrage dans le sol Roche mere Deblai Remblai ... Acceptation Etude prealable Effort exterieu, Sollicitation exterieure Fournisseur Cause de degat Adjudicateur Adjudicataire ... Gacher Main doeuvre Prendre en adjudication Temperature de cure

Corner connector ...

Exterior anchor Anchor by adherence ... Passive anchor Internal anchor Ground anchor Rock Subgrade Excavation Embankment Short-term (short load) Acceptance Preliminary study External force Provider Cause for deterioratio Owner Contractor Minimum safety margin Shed Mix Labour,(Labour cost) ... Curing temperature

Temperature supposee au Assumed temperature at moment de montage the time of erection Temperature ambiante Air temperature Travee Span Majlor span


Nhp eo Nhp gi gin n Nhp lin tc Nhp neo Nhp thng thuyn Nhp tnh khng Nhm cc Nhm ct thp Nh bt ln Nhng kim loi trong km nng chng r Nhc im Ni cc on cp d ng lc ko sau Ni chng Ni ct thp d ng lc Ni di cc Ni ghp, ni di ra Ni lc Ni khp Ni ng Ni tip nhau Ni suy tuyn tnh Nt (trong mng li) Nt neo (chm trong mu neo d ng lc) Nt neo chm sn trong mu neo th ng Nc trn Nc mt Nc ngm Nt Nt nghim trng

Travee suspendue Travee independante Travee continue Portee libre Groupe de pieux Groupe de larmature (paquet darmature) ... Galvanisation au chaud, Galvaniser Point faible Couplage toron par toron Recouvrement ... Assemblage, recouvrement Solicitation Articuler Manchon, raccord Successive Interpolation Noeud Mor, clavette Clavette prebloquec

Suspended span Simply supported span Continuous span Anchor span Navigation span Cloar span Group of piles ... Reinforcement group Uplift Galvanisation

Drawback Connection strand by strand Overlap Caupling Dile splicing Splice ... ... to connect by hinge ... Successive to interpolate linearly Node Anchoring plug Preblocked plug

Eau de surface Eau souterraine Fissuration ...

Mixing water ... Subsoil water, Underground water Cracking Severe cracking

mu trn b mt b tng ng bng polyetylen mt cao ng cha ct thp d ng lc ng c r nhnh ng cng Efflorescence Efflorescence Conduit en polyethylene a Hight density haute densite Conduit, tube Duct polyethylene duct Culotte ... Buse Culvert


ng mm (cha cp, thp DL) ng loe ca mu neo trong kt cu d ng lc ko sau ng thp hnh trn ng thp nhi b tng n nh mi dc n nh kh ng lc ca cu


Flexible sheath

Trompette, guide

Trumpet, guide

Tube ronde (dacier) Tube rempli de beton concrete

Round steel tube Steel pipe filled with Slope stability Aercdynamic Stability of bridge

gia nhp nhp mi portee At mid span At quarter point

Ph hoi Ph hy Phm vi Phm vi an ton Phm vi p dng Phn lc Phn lc gi Phn b p lc Phn b dc ca ti trng bnh xe Phn b li Phn b li ni lc Phn b lc gia Phn b ngang Phn b ngang ca ti trng bnh xe Phn b ti trng Phn b theo chiu dc ca bnh xe Phn b tuyn tnh Phn b ngang ti trng Phn b ng sut Phn tng khi b tng Rupture Destruction Domaine Domaine de securite Domaine dapplication Reaction Reaction dappui Repartition de pression Repartition longitudinale des charges dessieur Redistribution Redistribution des efforts Repatition des efforts entre ... Repartition laterale Repartition laterale des charges dessieur Repartition des charges Repartition longitudinale des charges dessieur Distribution lineairement Distribution des efforts Failure ... Scop, field Safey field Field of application Reaction Support reaction Pressure distribution Longitudinal distribution of the wheel load ... Internal force redistribution Force distribution betwween ... Transverse distribution, Lateral distribution Lateral distribution of the wheel loads Load distribution, distibution of load Longitudinal distribution of wheel loads Linear distribution Trausverse load distribution Stress distribution Segregation


Phn tch kt cu Phn tch n hi (i vi kt cu) Phn tch thnh phn ht ca vt liu Phn bc thp gia c mi cc Phn ng xe chy Phng th nghim Phng thit k Ph gia Ph gia chng thm Ph gia chm ha cng b tng Ph gia ha cht Ph gia puzolan Ph gia tng nhanh ha cng b tng Ph tng Phun b tng kh Phun b tng t Phun m kim loi bo v chng r Phun va lp lng ng cha ct thp d ng lc Phng n Phng php dng h b tng Phng php ko cng sau khi b tng Phng php ko cng trc khi b tng Phng php kim tra bng dng xoy Phng php kim tra bng pht quang Phng php kim tra bng thm cht mu Phng php kim tra bng tia phng x Phng php kim tra bng t trng Phng php lao tng t, phng php c y Phng php lao y dc

Analys elastique Analyse granulometrique des materiaux Sabot de pieu Chaussee Laboratoire le bureau d etudes Adjuvant ... Retartadeur Adjuvant puzzolanique Accelerateur Accessoire Projection par voie seche Projection par voie monillee Metallisation Injection des coulis

Structural analysis Elastic analysis Material grading, Size grading Pile shoe Roadway Laboratory ... Admixture Waterproofing admixture Retarder Chemical admixture Puzzolanic admixture, Puzzolanic material Accelerator, Earlystrength admixture Accessories Dry guniting Wet guniting Metalisation Grouting

Procede de cure du beton Procede de tension posterieure Procede de tention auterieure ... Methode de controle fluorescent Methode de controle par impregnation de coloris Methode de controle par radiation Methode de controle par particules magnetique Procede de poussage

Altenative,Option Method of concrete curing Posttensioning (apres betonage) Pretensioning (avant betonage) Eddie current testing Fluorescent method Dye penetrant examination Radiography method Magnetic particle examination Incremental lauching method Incremental pushlaunching method


Phng php lp ghp Phng php phn tch thng k Phng php ni cc Phng php sa cha Phng php thi cng hng

Procede de montage Methode de analyse statistique Procede de reparation

Erection method Statistical method of analysis Splicing method Repair method Canlilever cosntruction method

Proced de construction en porte-a-faux, Proced de construction par encorbellement Phng php th Methode dessai Phng php th bng Methode dessai par siu m ultrason Phng php th c Methode dessai ph hy mu destructif Phng php th khng Methode dessai nonph hy mu destructif Phng php thc Methode empirique nghim Phng php xy dng Procede de construction

Test methode Utrasonic testing Destructive testing method Non-destructive testing method Empirical method Method of construction, Construction method

Qu mc, (bin dng qu mc) Qu ti Qu ba Qui trnh Qui trnh ti trng Quay Quay t do trn gi Quyt nh thnh lp Excessive,(deformation excessive) ... Mouton Code (reglement) Cahier des charges Rotation Libre rotation sur appuis Excessive (excessive deflection) Over load Ram Specification, Code Specification of loading Rotation On-bearing free rotation Decision of establishing

Rnh thot nc ngm Rnh thot nc ni R b mt Egout Porosite superficielle sewer Open channel Surface void

Sa thch Sai st (khng chnh xc) trong thi cng Sai s cho php (dung sai) trong thi cng Gres Defauts de construction Tolerance de construction ... Inaccuracy in construction Tolerance in construction


San nn,dn mt bng Sn phm Sn xut Sau khi neo xong ct thp d ng lc Sau khi nt St Siu cao Siu tnh So le Si Si nh, si p vn S bt ny trn sng th b tng S liu th nghim S b tr chung Si n l (ct thp si) Sn Sn lt Sng bt ny th cng b tng Suy thoi (lo ha)

Decapage, decapager Produit Fabrication Apres realisation de lancrage Apres fissuration Argile Devers Hyperstatique Alterne Gravier Gravillon Durete ... Fil Painture Impression Sclenrometre a beton

... to scrape, to grade Product Production After anchoring After cracking Clay Superelevation Hypestatic Altenate Gravel Fine gravel Rebound number Test data General layout Single wine, Individual wire Paint Impression Concrete test hammer Degradation Use, Usage Nominal moment strength of a section Supporting capacity of soil for the pile Structural capacity of pile Web Longitudinal stiffener Transverse stiffener (vertical) Stringer Areh rib

Degradation (vieillissement) S dng Utilisation Sc chu mmen danh Capacite portant de nh moment nominale Sc chu ti ca cc theo t Sc chu ti ca cc theo kt cu Sn (bn bng ca Ame mt ct I, T, hp) Sn cng dc (nm Horizontal raidisseur ngang) Sng cng ngang Raidisseur laterale (thng ng) (verticale) Sn tng cng ng Vertical raidisseur ca dm Sn vm

Tc dng, tc ng Tc dng b mt Tc ng bin i Tc ng ca ng t Tc ng ca kh hu Action ... Action variable Action des seismes Action climatique Action Surface action Live load Earthquake ...


Tc dng cc b Tc ng ca sng Tc ng tng h h mt cu vi dn Tc ng mi mn Tc ng vm, hiu ng vm Tc dng lm chm li Tc ng xung kch Ti nh c Ti trng bnh xe (ti trng trc) Ti trng bin i t Ti trng cc hn Ti trng di Ti trng do t p Ti trng gi Ti trng gi tc dng ln kt cu Ti trng gi tc dng ln hot ti Ti trng khai thc Ti trng lan can Ti trng mi trng Ti trng nng bt thng Ti trng ngoi hng Ti trng ngi i b Ti trng phn b u Ti trng qun s Ti trng tc dng ngn hn Ti trng tc dng di hn Ti trng tp trung Ti trng thi cng Ti trng thit k Ti trng th Ti trng tnh (ti trng thng xuyn) Ti trng trn va h Ti trng trc Ti trng t bn ngoi (ngoi ti) Ti trng tc thi Ti trng tng ng Ti trng xy lp (trong lc thi cng)

Action locale

Local action Wave action Deck-Truss interaction Abrasive action Arch action Delayed action Impact effect Resettlement Wheel load (Axle load) ... Ultimate load Lane loading, Lane load Load due to earth fill Wind load Wind load on structure Wind load on live load Working load (service load) Railing load Environmental load Infrequent heavy load ... Exceptional load Pedestrian load Uniformly distributed load Military load Short-term load Long-term load Concentrated load Construction load Design load Test load Dead load, Permanent load Pedestrien load Axle loading, Axle load Eternally applied load, External load Instant load Equivalent load Erection load

Action abrasif ... Effect retardateur ... Charge variable faible Charge utime ... Charge du vent Force du vent soufflant sur la structure Force du vent soufflant sur la charge mobile Charge d exploitation

Charge lourde nonfrequent Charge exceptionelle Charge repartie uniforme Charge militaire Charge de courte duree Charge de longue duree Charge concentree Charge appliquee en cours dexecution Charge projete Charge depreuves Charge permanente Charge sur trottoire Charge dessieu Charege externe Charge Charge Charge Charge instatanee equivalente de montage, dassemblage


Ti trng xe t vn ti Tn inh Tm nn Tp iu kin u thu Tp trung ng sut Tc nghn hot ng trn tuyn Tc ng nc, nt bt ng Tng cng Tng cng cu Tng Thanh bin dn Thanh bin trn ca dn Thanh bin di ca dn Thanh cng Thanh chng cho Thanh ct thp Thanh ging Thanh ging ngang Thanh ng (ca dn) Thanh ng treo ca dn Thanh ng khng lc ca dn tam gic Thanh nm ngang song song ca ro chn bo v trn cu (tay vn lan can cu) Thanh ging cho mc thng ca dn Thanh ging cho mc h ca dn Thanh ging ngang mc thng ca dn Thanh xin ca dn Thnh phn b tng Thnh phn nm ngang Thch cao Tho kch ra Thay i Thay i mt cch tuyn tnh Thay i nhit

Charge de camion River, rivetage Centre de pression Cahier des charges Concentration de tention Embouteillage Etanchement Reinforcer, Reinforcement Reinforcement de pont Tendeur

Truck loading, Truck load Reveted ... Tender documents Stress concentration Operational bottlenecks on the line Water stop to strengthen, to reinforce Strengthening of bridges ... Chord Top chord Lower chord

Tirant Contre-fiche ... Chainage Entretoise Montant

... Bar (reinforcing bar) Tie Braced member Hanger Hip vertical Inter mediat post



Top lateral Bottom lateral Top lateral strut Composition du beton Composant horizontale Relacher le verin Change, Variation ... varier linairement Changement de temperature Main diagonal Concrete composition ... Plaster to remove the jack Change ... to vary linearly Temperature change


Thay i trong phm vi rng Thay th khn cp Thm, thm nhp Thm cht cloride Thm nc Thm nh trc ... theo cch m ... Theo trnh t u tin Thp bn Thp bn c gn Thp cc bon (thp than) Thp cn Thp chu thi tit (khng cn sn) Thp chng r do kh quyn Thp c t chng thng thng Thp c t chng rt thp Thp c tnh cht c bit Thp cng c Thp cng cao

Remplacement immediat Impregnation Impregnation de chloride Impregnation deau ... par ordre de priorite Tle Tle nervuree Acier au carbone Acier lamine ... ... Acier a relaxation normale Acier a tres base relaxation Acier a proprietes particulieres Acier rapite Acier de resistance superieure, Acier haute resistance Acier de precontrainte Acier recuit Acier trempe Acier moule Profile Acier allie Acier faiblement allie Acier de structure Acier doux Acier de renfort Execution sans interruption du trafic sur le pont Executer mettre en place (efcetuer) Essai Essai de controle en place

To vary over a wide range Immediate replacement Penetration Chloride penetration Water penetration Prequali fication in such a mamner that ... in order of priority Plate Ribbed plate Carbon steel Laminated steel Weathering steel (need not be painted) Atmospheric corrosion resistant steel Normal relaxation steel Low relaxation steel Steel with particular properties ... High strength steel

Thp d ng sut Thp ram Thp ti Thp c Thp hnh Thp hp kim Thp hp kim thp Thp kt cu Thp non (thp than thp) Thp tng cng Thi cng m khng lm ngng thng xe qua cu Thi cng thc hin

Prestressing steel ... Chillid steel Cast steel Shape steel Alloy(ed) steel Low alloy steel Structural steel Mild steel ... Strenghening steel to carry out without interrupting trafic flow on the bridge Execution Test ... Test in place, In-situ test ... ...

Th nghim Th nghim kim tra ti ch Th nghim nn v Essai decrasement Th nghim nn v ch Essai decrasement par i (theo ng knh) fendage


Thch ng vi, thch nghi vi ... Thit b an ton Thit b cn Thit b ko cng

Adaptation, Adapter Dispositif de surete

to adapte, adaptation Safety device Weighing equipement Stressing equipment Anchoring device Movable casting Grouting equipment ... Handling equipment Equipment for the distribution of concrete Construction equipment Erection equipment Design, Conception

Equipement de mise en tension Thit b neo gi Dispositif a tenons Thit b di ng Equipage mobile b tng equipement Thit b bm va Equipement dinjection Thit b o Instalation de mesure Thit b lao lp cu Equipement de lancement Thit b phn phi b Equipement de repatition tng de beton Thit b thi cng Equipement de construction Thit b xy lp Equipement dassemblage Thit k Etude du projet, Conception, Dimensionement Thit k cu kin Thit k s b Justification, Avant-projet Thit k theo h s Calcul par methode des ti trng facteures de charge Thit k theo ng Calcul par methode du sut cho php taux admissible Thit k tnh ton theo hng ngang Thit lp, lp t, Installtion trang b Tht trt ca gi Tch phn Mo Integrale de Mohr Tim vt nt Injection des fissures Tin hnh, thc hin ... Tin hnh thi cng Mise en oeuvre Tiu chun Standart, Norme, Regle Thng bo u thu Tha thun (chun y) Thot nc Thot nc dc Thot nc ngang ng t Th bin chu nn Th di Th trn Tht di (c nh) ca gi Avis dappel doffres Agrement Drainage Drainage longitudinale Drainage tranversale de la chaussee Fibre comprime extrem Fibre inferieure Fibre superieure

Member design Preliminary design Load factor design Allowable stress design Tranverse design Installation Sliding plate Integral of Mohr Injection to carry out Execution Code, Standart, Specification Publish an anouncement of preminiary selection Approval Drainage Longitudinal drainage Transverse drainage of the roadway Extreme compressive fiber Bottom fiber Top fiber Base plate


Thi im t ti Thi im ko cng ct thp

Moment du chargement Moment des operation de tension moment de la mise en du cable Thi im truyn ng Moment de transmission sut deffort Thi gian biu ca Plan dexecution du vic b tng betonage Thi gian biu ca Plan dexecution de vic lp dng montage Thi hn thi cng thc Delai de construction reel, t Temps de construction Th tc thm nh trc Thuyt minh Notice descriptive Th nghim cc Essai de pieu Th nghim n lc Essai destructif ph hoi Th nghim ng hc Essai dynamique Th nghim khng Essai non-destructif ph hoi Th nghim kt cu Essai de structure Th nghim nhanh Essai accelere Th nghim ti hin Essai en site trng Th nghim trn m ... hnh Th trong phng th Essai de laboratoire nghim Th nghim v va Essai de choc p Th nghim v mi Essai de fatigue Th ti (th nghim Essai de charge chu ti) Th ti hin trng Thc nghim Experimentation Thng lu ( thng lu Amont ca) Tim ng Tm bng cch xp Trouver par x gn ng approximations successives Tnh n mn Agressivete Tnh cht c hc Caracteristique mecanique Tnh lin khi Monolithisme Tnh ton Justifier, Calculer Tnh ton bng tay Calcul a la main

Loading time Prestressing time

Transfer of stress moment Casting schedule Erection schedule Actual construction time effectif Prequali fication procedure ... Pile test Testing to failure Dynamic test Nondestructive testing Structural testing Accelerated test Field test Model testing Laboratory testing Impact testing Fatigue testing Load test Load test at the site Experiment Upstream side Centre line ... to fin by successive approximations Agressivity Mecanical characteristic Monolithism to calculate, to compute Calculation, Computing Hand calculation


Tnh ton bin dng Tnh ton do vng Tnh ton theo h s ti trng Tnh ton theo ti trng khai thc Tnh ton theo ng sut cho php Tnh ton theo trng thi gii hn Tnh ton thy lc Tnh ton thy vn Tnh trng bo dng duy tu km Tnh ti b xung sau Tnh khng (khong trng) Tnh khng thng thuyn Tnh khng thot nc Ta Ton T hp ti trng T hp c bn (chnh) T hp tai nn (c bit) T hp him T hp thng xuyn T hp hu nh thng xuyn Tc thi cng Tc thit k Ti u ha Tng cc gc un ca ng trc ct thp d ng lc t u kch n im x Tng cc gc un nghing ca ct thp d ng lc khong cch x k t mu neo Tng d ton Tng hp vt t Tng ti trng ln mi trc xe

Calculation de la deformation Calculation de la deflection Calcul suivant les facteurs de charge Calcul suivant la charge de service Calcul suivant la contrainte admissive Calcul suivant les etats limites Analyse hydraulique Analyse hydrologique Etat mauvais dentretien ... Gabarit Gabarit de navigation Ouverture Coordonnee Abaque Combinaison dactions Combination fondamentale Combination accidentalle Combination rare Combination permanente (frequente) Combination quasipermanente Vitesse de prise Vitesse projete Optimisation Deviation moulaire totale du cable sur la distance X du point de tension Deviation angulaire totale du cable sur la distance X

Deformation calculation Deflection calculation Load factor design Service load design Allowable stress design Limit state design Hydraulic analysic Hydrologic analysic Poor state of maintenance Additional dead load Clearance Navigational clearance Hydraulic clearance Coordinate Abac Load combination Basic combinaison Accidental combination Unusual combinaison Permanent combinaison Quasi-permanent combinaison ... Design speed Optimisation Total angular change of tendon profile from jaching end to point x Total angular change of tendon profile from anchor to point X General estimation Bill of materials Total load on all axies

Estimatif generale ...


Ti ko Trm thu ph giao thng Trang tr ni tht Trng thi cha nt Trng thi c vt nt Trng thi Trng thi gii hn Trng thi gii hn cc hn Trng thi gii hn cc hn v n nh hnh dng Trng thi gii hn khai thc Trng thi gii hn mt nn Trng thi gii hn hnh thnh vt nt Trng thi gii hn v bin dng Trng thi gii hn v m rng vt nt Trng thi gii hn khai thc v m rng vt nt Trc dc Trm tch Tr s danh nh Tr s gn ng Tr s khon Tr s qui c Tr s trung gian Trong qu trnh ko cng ct thp Trng lng on (t kt cu) Trng lng bn thn Trng lng ring b tng Trng tm Trng lng tnh cho mt n v din tch Trn, pha trn Tr cu Tr pal Tr pal c nh


... Toll Plaza Internal decoration Uncracked state Cracked state State Limit state Ultimate limit state ...

Etat non fissure Etat fissure Etat, Situation Etat-limite Etat-limite dultime Etat limite ultime de stabilite de forme Etat-limite de service Etat limite de decompression Etat limite de formation des fissures Etat limite de deformation Etat-limite douverture des fissures Etat-limite de service visa-vis douverture des fissures Profil en long Valeur Valeur Valeur Valeur Valeur ... nominale approximative forfaitaire conventionelle intermediaire

Service ability limit state Decompression limit state Cracking limit state ... Cracking limit state Serviceability limit state of cracking ... Sedimentary Nominal value Approximate value ... Conventional value Intermediate value During stressing operation Segment weight Self weight, own weight Concrete unit weight, density of concrete Center of gravity Surface weight ... to mix, Mixing Pier, Intermediate support Framed bents Fixed framed bents

Poids du segment Poids propre Poids volumique Centre de gravite Poids surfacique Melange Pile (appui intemediaire) Palee Palee fixe


Tr pal trn phao ni Trc dc ca cu, Tim dc cu Trc trung tm Trung bnh Trc giao, vung gc vi nhau Trc khi neo ct thp d ng lc Trng hp t ti Trng hp thng thng Trt Tui ca b tng lc to d ng lc Tui t ti Tui th, bn lu Tt li ca nt neo Tt trt u ct thp d ng lc trong mu neo Ty theo yu cu ca cng trnh T bin T chng Tng thch bin dng ... tng t i vi Gia thp v b tng Tng cnh (vung gc) Tng cnh (xin gc) Tng chn Tng chn c cc tng chng pha sau Tng chn c cc tng chng pha trc Tng trc ca tng chn t Tng chn t Tng chn kiu trng lc Tuyn chnh Tuyn nhnh T l (trong bn v) T l chiu di nhp trn chiu cao dm T l gia tnh ti v hot ti T l hm lng ct thp thng trong mt ct

Palee sur parge Axe longitudinale du pont Axe passant par le centre Moyenne Orthogonal Avant realisation de lancrage Cas courant ... Age du beton lors de la mise en precontrainte Age de la mise en charge Duriabilite Rentree des clavettes Recul a lancrage

Framed bent on ponton Longitudinal center line of the bridge Centroid lies Average Ortthogonal Before anchoring Loading case ... Glissement, sliding Concrete age at prestressing time Age of loading Durability Anchor slipping ...

Selon les exigences de louvrage Fluage Relaxation Compatibilyte de deformation ... de meme pour ... ... entre lacier et beton Mur en retour Mur en aile Mur de soutenement Mur de soutenement a contreforts Mur de soutenement a butee Pieds droit (du mur de soutenement) Ouvrage de soutenement Mur de soutenement massif Echelle ... ... ...

... Creep Relaxation Compatability of strains ... ... between steel and concrete Side wall Wing wall Retaining wall Counterfort wall Buttressed wall Stem Retaining wall Gravity wall Main line Branch line Scale Span/depth ratio Dead to live load ratio Ratio of nonprestressing tension reinforcement


T l hm lng ct thp d ng lc T l nc/ximng T l pha trn hn hp b tng T s ca cc m dun n hi thp-b tng T s ng tn/nhp ca vm T trng ca vt liu

... Rappot eau sur ciment Propotion de mixage ...

Ratio of prestressing steel Water/cement ratio Mix proportion Modular ratio The rise span ratio

... U

Density of material

chuyn hng neo ngoi t thm Un thun ty

Deviateur Bossage dancrage Flexion simple

Deviator ... Pure flexione

ng ng ng ng lc lc tnh ton sut sut ban u b tng th d ng lc ct cho ct trt cho php Sollicitation Sollicitation de calcul Contrainte Contrainte initiale, tension a lorigile Contrainte du beton au niveau du cable Contrainte de cisaillement admissible Contrainte de cisaillement Contrainte admissible ... Contrainte effective Contrainte aupes du block dancrage apres removal du verin Contrainte dadherence Contrainte thermique Contrainte combinee due aux charges permanente, mobile et dynamique Contrainte delesticite de la precontrainte Contrainte de fissuration Contrainte de traction Contrainte principle de tensile stress Contraint de travail Stress Design stress Stress, unit stress Initial stress Concrete stress at tendon level Permissible shear stress Shear stress Allowable stress, Permissible stress Shrinkage stress Effective stress Stress at anchorages after seating Bond stress Thermal stress Combined dead, live and impact stress Yeild point stress of prestressing steel Cracking stress Tensile stress Diagonal tension traction stress, Principal strees Working stress

ng sut t cp ng sut php ng sut ng sut

ng sut co ngt ng sut c hiu ng sut ct thp d ng lc st neo sau khi tho kch ng sut dnh bm ng sut do nhit ng sut do t hp tnh ti, hot ti c xt xung kch ng sut n hi ca ct thp d ng lc ng sut gy nt ng sut ko ng sut ko ch ng sut khai thc


ng sut nn ng sut ph hy bo m ng sut php ng sut thp u kch ko cng ng sut thit k

Contrainte de compression Contrainte de rupture garantie Contrainte normale Tension initiale au verin

Compressive stress ... Normal stress Steel stress at jacking end Design stress Calculation stress Stress due to dead loads Average stress Bearing stress under anchor plates Temporary stress Bending stress Bursting concrete stress Required tension of the tendon Handling stresses Theoretical estimation ...

Tension prevue dans le projet, Contrainte projete ng sut tnh ton Contrainte de calcul ng sut tnh ti Contrainte due a charge permanent ng sut trung bnh Contrainte moyenne ng sut ta (p mt) Contrainte de pression di bn mu neo sous la plaque dancrage ng sut tc thi Contrainte instatanee ng sut un Contrainte de flexion ng sut v tung ca Contrainte declatement b tng ng sut yu cu (ca Tension require (du cable) cp d ng lc) ng sut do cu lp c lng bng l thuyt Estimation theorique c lng khon ca cc Estimation forfaitaire des mt mt pertes

Va chm, va p Vch ngn Vai (phn vt nh kt cu) Vn khun Vn khun di ng Choc Cloison Epaulement Coffrage Charior de coulage Equipage mobile de betonnage Fond de moule Coffrage glissant Materiau ductile Materiau de fondation Materiau a haut resistance Materiau de recouvrement Materiau fragile Materiele homogene Impact Diaphragm ... Form Movable form, Travling form ... Sliding form Ductile material Foundation material Moisture-absorptie material High-strength material Covering material Fragil material Homogenous material

Vn khun y Vn khun trt Vt liu co dn c (kim loi) Vt liu ca mng Vt liu c tnh ht m Vt liu cng cao Vt liu bao ph Vt liu dn Vt liu ng cht


Vt liu ph bo v ct thp DL khi r hoc gim ma st khi cng ct thp Vt liu xy dng Vy kim loi Vt nt do ct Vt nt do un Vt nt ang pht trin Vt nt hot ng Vt nt nh li ti Vt nt n nh Vt nt th ng Vt nt xuyn V k thut V d tnh ton V tr cu Va h trn cu Vic m km Vin hp long cu vm V bc polyetylen mt cao ca cp d ng lc V thp Vi nc Vi phun va Vm Vm na trn Vm nhiu t Vm na elip Vm parabol Vm nhiu tm Vm gch xy Vng m, rng den Vng m vnh, rng en vnh ... vi iu kin rng Vi Vn c nh Vn lu nh Vn php nh V tung vng t neo Vng b tng chu nn Vng t mu neo, vng neo



Materiau de construction Paillon Fissure par cisaillement Fissure par flexion Fissure evolutive Fissure active Microfissure Fissure stable Fissure passive Fissure tranversante Exemple de calcul Location du pont Trottoir Galvanisation Gaine en polyethylene a haute densite (PEHD) Envelope en acier Robinet Lance Arc, Voute

Construction material ... Shearing crack Bending crack Crack in developement Active crack Microcrack Stable crack Passive crack Through crack Drafting Calculation example Bridge location, Bridge position Sidewalk, footway Galvanizing Key stone HDPE sheath

Rondelle Rondelle grower ... a condition que ... Chaux

Metal shell ... ... Arch Semi-circular arch Segmental arch Semi-eliptical arch Parapolic arch Multicentred arch Masoury arch Washer ... Grower washer ... under condition of ... Fixed capital Movable capital Legar capital Bursting in the region of end anchorage Compremed concrete zone Anchorage zone

Eclatement Zone du beton comprime Zone dancrage


Vng u cu kin Vt (ca dm) Va phun , tim Va trt Va khng co ngt Va ximng ct tim (pht)

Zone du bout de lelement Renformis Coulis dinjection Morlier Couis sans retrait Coulis de ciment-sable

End region of the member ... Grout Mortar Non-shrinkage mortar Cement-sand grout pour injection

Xa l X m (ca tr, m) Xc nh s b kch thc Xc sut Xm thc Xm thc ca mi trng Xe ti Xe ti ko r-mooc Xp hot ti Xp ti Xi mng Xi mng n Xi mng Pooc-lan X nghip Xon Xi chung Xi cc b Xi l Xi nc h cc Xuyn qua X l b mt b tng X l nhit cho b tng X nghip duy tu Autoroute Chevetre Dimensionnement, dimensionner Probabilite Agressivite ,Agressif Agressivite du milieu Camion Camion a semiremoorge Chargement des surcharge load Chargement Ciment Ciment expansif Ciment Portland Entreprise Torsion Affouillement general Affouillement local Affouillement Lancage Penetration Traitement superficiel du beton Traitement thernique du beton Entreprise de lentretien Highway Croa head Dimentioning Prohabity Agressivity, Agressive Environment agressivity Truck Tractor truck Application of live Loading Cement Expanding cement Portland cement Enterprise Torsion General scour Local scour Scour Launching Penetration Concrete surface treatement Concrete thermal treatement Maintenance enterprise

X l s liuTraitement des donneesInterpretation of the dataXng c sn kt cu b tngPrecasting Yard

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