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Veterinary Terminology

Prefix y y y y y y y Some Prefixes Traumatic A- / AnAtraumatic Uria Anuria AbAbduction AdAdduction Emetic AntiAntiemetic DysDysphagia EuEuthyroid EndoEndocrine ExEctoy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
y y y

Root Combining Vowel Combining Form Suffix

Beginning of a word Usually indicates: #, Location, Time, or Status Essential meaning of a word O (usually) added at the of a root word when a suffix starts with a consonant Combo of root and combining vowel End of a word Usually indicates: Procedure, Condition, Disease, or Disorder

Pertaining to injury Without No Without injury Pertaining to Urination Absence of Urination Away from Take away from midline Toward Move towards the midline Pertaining to Vomiting Against Works against/Prevents vomiting Difficult Painful Bad Difficulty eating/ swallowing ood Easy Normal Normally functioning thyroid glad Within/Inside To secrete internally
Without Out of Outside Away from

Root Prefix Example Root Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Root Prefix Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Prefix Prefix

y y 1


y Ectoparasite y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y


HypoInterHyperglycemia Hypoglycemia Intercostal IntraIntramuscular PolyPolyuria OligoOligouria Preanesthetic Postanesthetic SubSublingual Super-/SupraSupernumerary Suprascapular PanLeak/o -Penia Panleakopenia

Organism that lives on the outside body surface of the host Elevated Higher More than normal Above Depressed Lower Less than normal Below/ Under Between Elevated blood glucose amounts Depressed blood glucose amounts Between the ribs Within Within the muscle Many Excessive Excessive amount of or frequency of urination Scant Little Scant amount of or frequency of urination Before anaesthesia After anaesthesia Below Under Less Under the tongue Above Beyond Excessive More than regular # Above the shoulder blade All White Deficiency/ Reduction in # Deficiency of all types of white blood cells



Prefix Prefix Example Example Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Example Example Prefix Example Prefix Example Example Prefix C.F. Suffix Example

PeriPrePostPreoperative Perioperative Postoperative

Time Prefixes y y y y y y

Around Before After Before operation Around the time of an operation After operation

Prefix Prefix Prefix Example Example Example


Directional Prefixes y Upper y Below y Beneath y Outside y Throughout y Beyond y Across y Above Pertaining To Suffixes Example Example s meaning Cardiac Pertaining to the heart Renal Pertaining to the kidney Ovarian Pertaining to the ovary Lumbar Pertaining to the loin, lower back Alimentary Pertaining to the gastro, intestinal tract Laryngeal Pertaining to the Larynx Enteric Pertaining to the intestines Uterine Pertaining to the uterus Cutaneous Pertaining to the skin Nephrotic Pertaining to the kidneys Surgical Suffixes

Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix

Suffix -Ac -Al -An -Ar -Ary -Eal -Ic -Ine -Ous -Tic

-Ectomy -Stomy -Tomy Mastectomy Colostomy Laparotomy -Pexy Gastropexy

y y y y y y y y y

Surgical removal Excision Surgically created opening Cutting into Incision Removal of the breast or mammary glands Surgically created opening between the colon and body surface Incision into the abdomen Suture to stabilize
Surgically stabilizing the stomach to the abdomen wall

Suffix Suffix Suffix Example Example Example Suffix Example

-Plasty Rhinoplasty

y y

Surgically repair Surgical repair of the nose Procedural Suffixes

Suffix Example

-Centesis Cystocentesis -Gram Electrocardiogram -Graph Electrocardiograph -Graphy Electrocardiography -Lysis Urinalysis -Scopy Endoscopy -Scope Endoscope -Therapy Chemotherapy

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas For diagnosis or treatment Surgical puncture of the urinary bladder with a needle to remove fluid (urine) Record of The electrocardiographic hardcopy record Instrument that records Instrument that is used as a record Machine that records the electrical activity of the heart Procedure that records Procedure used to record the electrical activity of the heart Separation Breakdown Separation of the urine into its constituents Procedure to visually examine Procedure to visually examine the inside of the body Instrument to visually examine Instrument to visually examine inside the body Treatment Treatment with chemical substances or drugs Double R Suffixes Bursting forth Bursting forth of blood from the vessels To suture Suturing of the intestine Flow Discharge Complete discharge of the bowels Rupture Rupture of the muscle


Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example

-Rrhagia / -Rrhage Hemorrhage -Rrhaphy Enterorrhaphy -Rrhea Diarrhea -Rrhexis Myorrhexis

y y y y y y y y y

Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example

-Algia -Dynia Arthralgia Arthrodynia -Itis

Conditional & Structural Suffixes y Pain y (Ahl j ah) y Pain y (Din E ah) y Joint pain y Inflammation 4

Suffix Suffix Examples Suffix

Hepatitis -Malacia Osteomalacia -Megaly Cardiomegaly -Osis Cardiosis -Pathy Enteropathy -Sclerosis Arteriosclerosis -Um Pericardium Cyanosis Cyanotic Anemia Anemic Mucus Mucous Itium Itiac Condyle Condylar Carpus Carpal

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Inflammation of the liver Abnormal softening Abnormal softening of the bone Enlargement Enlargement of the heart Abnormal condition Abnormal condition of the heart Disease Disease of the small intestine Abnormal hardening Abnormal softening of the arteries Structure Structure surrounding the heart Name of the condition of blue discolouration Pertaining to blue discolouration Name of a blood condition of deficient red blood cells and/ or hemoglobin Pertaining to deficient red blood cells and/ or hemoglobin Slime-like substance that is composed of Glandular Secretion, Salts, Cells, and Leukocytes Pertaining to mucus Name of part of the hip Pertaining to part of the hip Name of a rounded projection on the bone Pertaining to a rounded projection on the bone Name of the joint between the radius & ulna & metacarpal bones Pertaining to the joint between the radius & ulna & metacarpal bones **Note**

Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Suffix Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example

Analyzing Medical Terms y y y Dissect : figure word out piece by piece 1st suffix , 2nd prefix, 3rd Root(s) Roots are listed in a word in Anatomical Order o Example: Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the stomach & small intestine o Stomach 1st because food passes through it first **Exception Procedures that go through backwards o Example: Ovariohysterectomy Removal of the ovary s & the uterus

Terms Used to Describe Direction & Surface Ventral Ventr/o Venture Cranial Crani/o Anterior Anteri/o Rostral Rostrum Cephalic Kephale Medial Medi/o Superior Proximal Proxim/o Superficial Palmar y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Refers to the belly or underside of a body/ body part Belly to undertake Toward the head Skull Front of the body Before Used more for body parts & organs Nose end of the head Beak Pertaining to the head Head Toward the midline Middle Uppermost Above Toward the head Nearest to the midline Nearest to the beginning of the structure Next Near the surface: external The caudal surface of the manus including


Greek Latin


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