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Exam #1 September 24, 2008 3:48 PM September 24, 2008 5:03 PM

Time spent: 01:15:00 Total score: 97/100 = 97% 1. Mixing the timbres of different combinations of orchestral instruments produces new _________ Student Response A. Sound Color B. Ensembles C. Genres D. Scores Score: 2/2 2. The following conducting pattern represents ________ time Value Correct Answer 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100

Student Response A. 2/4 B. 3/4 C. 4/4 D. 5/4 Score: 2/2 3.

Value Correct Answer


Guido D'Arezzo invented ________ Student Response A. Polyphony B. Harmony C. Musical Notation D. Cadence Score: 4. One of the following is an example of an orchestral piece that uses many different sound colors to maintain the listeners interest Student Response A. Madrigal by Madalena Casulana B. Transendental Etude by Franz Liszt C. Bolero by Maurice Ravel D. Crazyology by Benny Harris Score: 2/2 5. Which section of the orchestra is covered in black? 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer

Student Response A. Woodwinds B. Brass C. Percussion D. Strings Score: 2/2

Value Correct Answer


6. The beat in music can be described as its _______. Student Response A. Dynamic B. Steam Engine C. Pulse D. Forte Score: 7. One fo the duties of the concertmaster is: Student Response A. Bowing Parts B. Conducting the Orchestra C. Ordering Lunch D. Disciplining the General Manager Score: 8. The symphony orchestra originated in _________ Student Response A. Paris, France B. London, England C. Washington, D.C. D. Mannhein, Germany Score: 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 Value Correct Answer 100% 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer

9. Two different melodies played at the same time is referred to as ___________ Student Response A. Polyphony B. Monophony C. Homophony D. Dystrophy Score: 2/2 10. The word symphony translated from the original Greek means: Student Response A. Beautiful Harmony B. Cooperating for the common good C. Sounding Together D. Following the Leader Score: 11. Which is the correct chronological order of the musical style periods? Student Response A. Romantic, Classical, Middle Ages, Baroque, 20th Century, Renaissance B. Baroque, Romantic, Classical, 20th Century, Middle Ages, Renaissance C. Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer Value Correct Answer 100%

D. 20th Century, Classical, Baroque, Renaissance, Middle Ages, Romantic Score: 2/2 12. The four ranges of the human voice arranged from lowest to highest are: Student Response A. Tenor, Bass, Soprano, Alto B. Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano C. Soprano, Tenor, Bass, Alto D. Alto, Soprano, Bass, Tenor Score: 13. It is appropriate to applaud between each movement of a symphony in a formal concert Student Response A. True B. False Score: 2/2 14. ________ would be an example of a pitched percussion instrument Student Response A. Cymbals B. Timpani C. Whip 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer

D. Maracas Score: 2/2 15. Which of the following time signatures is an example of compound meter? Student Response A. 2/4 B. 3/4 C. 4/4 D. 7/4 Score: 16. A stable interval is called ________ and an unstable interval is called _______ Student Response A. Dissonant, Consonant B. Consonant, Dissonant C. Polyphonic, Homophonic D. Monophonic, Homophonic Score: 17. An arpeggio can be described as _________ Student Response A. A kind of rhythm B. A mixed up scale Value Correct Answer 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 100% Value Correct Answer

C. A broken instrument D. A broken chord Score: 18. The difference between tonal and atonal music is that tonal music has a(n) ___________ Student Response A. Form B. Tonal Center C. Existential Purpose D. Rhythm Score: 2/2 19. The instruments on the symphonic score are organized by _________ Student Response A. Alphabetic Order B. Instrument Families C. Rank and File D. Royal Decree Score: 2/2 20. Scales other than major and minor are usually called _______. Student Response A. Modal Value Correct Answer 100% 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer 2/2 100%

B. Supertonic C. kaleidescopic D. Compound Score: 21. This example from the Hallelujah Chorus has a _____ texture Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Monophonic B. Protophonic C. Polyphonic D. Stereophonic Score: 0/3 22. This excerpt from the Young Man's Guide to the Orchestra features the _______ family_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Woodwind B. Brass C. String D. Percussion Score: 3/3 23. Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example 100% Value Correct Answer 0% Value Correct Answer 2/2

Student Response A. Baroque B. CLassical C. Romantic D. Jazz Score: 3/3 24.

Value Correct Answer


Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Classical B. Baroque C. Romantic D. Ancient Score: 3/3 25. Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Middle Ages B. Classical C. Renaissance D. Jazz Score: 3/3 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer

26. This excerpt from Peter and the Wolf is played by ______ and it represents _____________ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Three violins, Peter's one true love B. Three horns, the Wolf C. Three flutes, the Grandfather D. Three oboes, the Grandmother Score: 3/3 27. This example from the Hallelujah Chorus has a _____ texture Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Monophonic B. Homophonic C. Polyphonic D. Stereophonic Score: 3/3 28. This fugue by J.S. Bach is an example of ______ texture Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Monophonic B. Homophonic C. Polyphonic 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer

D. Stereophonic Score: 3/3 29. Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Romantic B. Middle Ages C. 20th Century D. Jazz Score: 3/3 30. In this example the last texture that you hear was _______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Monophonic B. Homophonic C. Polyphonic D. Stereophonic Score: 3/3 31. Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Romantic Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer

B. 20th Century C. Baroque D. Classical Score: 3/3 32.


Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Baroque B. Romantic C. 20th Century D. Jazz Score: 3/3 33. The most remarkable feature of this composition is its _____________ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Changing styles B. Changing sound colors or timbre C. Existentialist philosophical relevance D. Profound religious meaning Score: 3/3 34. This example from the Hallelujah Chorus is in a _______ key Click Here for Listening Example 100% Value Correct Answer Value Correct Answer 100%

Student Response A. Major B. Minor C. Modal D. Atonal Score: 3/3 35.

Value Correct Answer 100%

This minuet by Mozart is in ________ meter Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Duple B. Single C. Triple D. Quadruple Score: 3/3 36. This excerpt from the Young Man's Guide to the Orchestra features the ______ family Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Woodwind B. Brass C. Strings D. Percussion Score: 3/3 37. Value Correct Answer 100% 100% Value Correct Answer

This excerpt from the Young Man's Guide to the Orchestra features the ______________ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Harp B. Clarinet C. Cello D. French Horn Score: 3/3 38. Identify the style period of this musical example_______ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Romantic B. Classical C. Renaissance D. 20th Century Score: 3/3 39. In this excerpt from Peter and the Wolf the deep sound of the bassoon represents the ____________ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Birds B. Cat C. Squirrel D. Grandfather 100% Value Correct Answer 100% Value Correct Answer Value Correct Answer 100%

Score: 3/3 40. This excerpt from the Young Man's Guide to the Orchestra features the ______________ Click Here for Listening Example Student Response A. Snare Drum B. Trumpets C. Oboes D. Violins Score: 3/3 100% Value Correct Answer

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