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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Paritta Parikamma Manggala Sutta Ratana Sutta Metta Suta Khanda Sutta Mora Sutta Vatta Sutta Dhajagga Sutta Atanatyia Sutta Angulimala Sutta Bhojangga Sutta Phubangga Sutta the beginning of Paritta blessing and prosperity disease, evil spirit and famine loving and kindness snakes and insects snares, imprisonment and safety fire fear, trembling, and horror evil spirit, gaining health and gaining happines easy delivery for expecting mother sickness and disease bad omen and gaining happines 2 4 9 17 20 23 25 27 31 43 44 49


Jayamanggala Gattha


0.Paritta Parikamma Download Parikamma.mp3 Inviting the Deities Paritta Parikamma Video Samant cakkav esu, atr gacchantu devat , Saddhamma munir jassa, su antu saggamokkhada . Dhammassavanak lo aya bhadant . Dhammassavanak lo aya bhadant . Dhammassavanak lo aya bhadant . O deities who are residing in the various realms, please come to this place and listen to the sacred doctrine of the King of Sages, which can yield divine bliss and perfect emancipation. O deities, now it is time to listen to the Dhamma. O deities, now it is time to listen to the Dhamma. O deities, now it is time to listen to the Dhamma. Introduction Namo tassa Bhagavato arahato samm sambuddhassa. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One. Ye sant santacitt , tisara a-sara , ettha lokantare v , Bhumm bhumm ca dev , gu a ga a gaha a by va sabba k la . Ete yantu dev varakanakamaye, meru r je vasanto, Santo santosa hetu , munivaravacana sotu magga samagg . Those who are tranquil and peaceful in mind, who have taken sanctuary in the three refuges, whether here or in other spheres, the deities of terrestial and celestial spheres who are always anxious to accrue merit, those deities (and kings of gods) who are residing on the regal Meru, the majestic golden mountain, and all those virtuous ones, please come to listen to the noble words of the Great Sage, which are the root cause of contentment. Sabbesu cakkav esu, yakkh dev ca bramhano, Ya amhehi kata pua , sabbasampattis dhaka . May the demons, deities and Bramha gods in all realms rejoice in whatever meritorious deeds we have done for the accomplishment of all well-being. Sabbe ta anumoditv , samagg s sane rat , Pam da rahit hontu, rakkh su visesato. Having rejoiced in this sharing of merit, may all be comfortable and harmonious in his teachings. May all be free from negligence especially in their duty of protection. 2

S sanassa ca lokassa, vu

hi bhavatu sabbad ,

S sanampi ca lokaca, dev rakkhantu sabbad . May there always be prosperity in the religion and in the world. May the deities always guard the religion and also the world. Saddhi hontu sukh sabbe, pariv rehi attano, An gh suman hontu, saha sabbehi tibhi. May all of you together with your friends be happy. May you together with your relatives be free from pain and be joyful. R jato v corato v , Manussato v amanussato v , Aggito v udakato v , Pis cato v kh ukato v , Ka akato v nakkhattato v , Janapada-rogato v asaddhammato v , Asandi hito v asappurisato v Ca a hatthi assa miga go a kukkura ahi vicchika ma isappa d pi, Accha taraccha s kara mahi sa yakkha rakkhas d hi, N n bhayato v n n rogato v , N n -upaddavato v rakkha ga hantu. May you take care in protecting yourselves from the dangers of tyrants, robbers, human beings, non-human beings, fires, floods, demons, tree-stumps, thorns, evil planets, epidemics, wrong-doers or heretics; from wild elephants, horses, beasts, oxen, dogs, serpents, scorpions, poisonous snakes, leopards, bears, hyenas, boars, buffaloes, ogres, devils etc., and from dangers of various fears, diseases and disasters.

1. Ma gala Sutta Download Mangala.mp3 The Discourse on Blessings Mangala Paritta Video Ya ma gala dv dasahi, Cintayi su sadevak , Sotth na n dhigacchanti, A hatti saca ma gala .

Desita devadevena, Sabba-p pa-vin sana , Sabba-loka-hitatth ya, Ma gala ta bha ma he. The meaning of the term Auspicious Sign had been contemplated by gods and men for twelve years; however they could not agree on the actual meaning. So, the discourse on thirty-eight auspicious signs which can eradicate all sins and evils, was expounded by the Supreme Deity (the Buddha) for the benefit and welfare of the entire world. Let us recite this discourse of auspicious signs now. Eva me suta . Eka samaya Bhagav S vatthiya viharati Jetavane An thapi ikassa r me. Atha kho aatar devat abhikkant ya rattiy abhikkantava kevalakappa Jetavana obh setv yena Bhagav tenupasa kami upasa kamitv Bhagavanta abhiv detv ekamanta a h si. Ekamanta hit kho s devat Bhagavanta g th ya ajjhabh si: Thus have I heard: Once the Blessed One was dwelling near Savatthi in the Jetavana monastery built by Anathapindika, a wealthy merchant of Savatthi. Then a certain deity at midnight, having illuminated the whole Jeta-grove with surpassing splendour, came to the presence of the Blessed One. Having worshipped the Blessed One, he very respectfully stood at a suitable place; and then addressed the Blessed One in verse: Bah dev manuss ca, Ma gal ni acintayu ka kham n sotth na , Br hi ma galamuttama Many gods and men, Have pondered on auspicious signs

Wishing for blessings. Please tell us the most auspicious signs Asevan ca b l na , Pa it naca sevan

P j ca p janeyy na , Eta ma galamuttama Not to associate with fools, But to associate with the wise And to honour those worthy of honour, This is the most auspicious sign. Patir pa desav so ca, Pubbe ca katapuat Attasamm pa idhi ca, Eta ma galamuttama Living in a suitable locality, And good deeds done in the past, To set oneself in the right course, This is the most auspicious sign. B husaccaca sippaca, Vinayo ca susikkhito Subh sit ca y v c , Eta ma galamuttama Great learning and skill in work, A highly trained discipline, And well-spoken speech, This is the most auspicious sign.

M t pitu upa

h na ,

Puttad rassa sa gaho An kul ca kammant , Eta ma galamuttama Looking after one s mother and father, Caring for one s wife and children, And unconfused actions, This is the most auspicious sign. D naca dhammacariy ca, tak naca sa gaho Anavajj ni kamm ni, Eta ma galamuttama Generosity and a righteous life, Caring for one s relatives, And blameless actions, This is the most auspicious sign. rat virat p p , Majjap n ca saamo Appam do ca dhammesu, Eta ma galamuttama Giving up and avoiding wrong-doing, Not drinking intoxicants, And diligence in righteousness, This is the most auspicious sign. G ravo ca niv to ca, Santu hi ca kataut

K lena dhammassavana ,

Eta ma galamuttama Reverence, humility, Contentment and gratitude. Hearing the Dhamma at the right time, This is the most auspicious sign. Khant ca sovacassat , Sama anaca dassana K lena dhammas kacch , Eta ma galamuttama Patience, obedience, And meeting the monks. Opportune discussion of the Dhamma, This is the most auspicious sign. Tapo ca bramhacariyaca, Ariyasacc na dassana Nibb na sacchikiriy ca, Eta ma galamuttama Self-restraint and a holy life, Seeing the Four Noble Truths, And realising nibbana, This is the most auspicious sign. Phu hassa lokadhammehi,

Citta yassa na kampati Asoka viraja khema , Eta ma galamuttama When affected by worldly conditions, If one s mind remains unshaken;

Sorrowless, stainless and secure, This is the most auspicious sign. Et dis ni katv na, Sabbatthamappar jit Sabbattha sotthi gacchanti, Ta tesa ma galamuttama Those who perform such auspicious deeds, Are undefeated by all enemies And gain happiness everywhere, These are the most auspicious signs. Ma galasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu haya vo rakkhatu

Ma galasutta ma gala Ma galasutta Ni hita

2. Ratana Sutta Download Ratana.mp3 The Discourse on Precious Jewels Ratana Sutta Video Pa idhanato pa h ya Tath gatassa dasa p ramiyo, Dasa upap ramiyo dasa paramattha p ramiyo ti, Samatti sa p ramiyo paca mah paricc ge Lokatthacariya tatthacariya buddhatthacariyanti tisso cariy yo pacchimabhave gabbhavakkanti J ti abhinikkhamana padh nacariya bodhipalla ke M ravijaya , sabbauta ap- pa ivedha Dhammacakkappavattana nava lokuttaradhammeti, sabbepi me buddhagu e vajjetv , Ves liy t su p k rantaresu, tiy maratti paritta karonto yasm nandatthero viya K ru citta upa hapetv

Ko isatasahassesu, cakkav esu devat , Yass a pa igga hanti, yaca Ves liy pure.

Rog -manussa-dubbhikkha-sambh ta tividha bhaya , Khippa mantaradh pesi, paritta ta bha ma he. Recalling all the virtues of the Buddha starting from the time of his Noble Vow (pledged in the presence of Lord Dipankara, to become a Buddha), the Tath gata had fulfilled all the thirty Perfections the ten Ordinary Perfections, the ten Superior Perfections, and the ten Supreme Perfections; the five Great Sacrifices; the three Modes of Practice, namely the practice for the welfare of the world, for the welfare of kinsmen and relatives, and for the benefit of his attainment of Buddhahood and that he had been naturally conceived in his mother s womb in this last existence; his birth, the Great Reununciation, the experience of Austerity, the conquest of (five types of) M ra being seated under the Bodhi tree; the Discernment of Omniscient Wisdom, expounding the sermon of the Setting in Motion of the Wheel of the Dhamma; and the nine Supramundane Laws Venerable nanda the Elder, did the protective recitation throughout the three watches of the night within the three walls of the city of Ves l . Having established such a sympathetic mind (as Venerable nanda did) the glory of which had been accepted by the deities who have assembled in the hundred-thousand crores of universes, and in the city of Ves l by the power of which the three types of disasters that broke out, viz. due to epidemics, non-human beings, and famine, were also eradicated promptly. Let us recite this discourse of protection. Y n dha bh t ni sam gat ni, Bhumm ni v y ni antalikkhe Sabbeva bh t suman bhavantu, Athopi sakkacca su antu bh sita . Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestial or celestial,

let all such beings be happy; and let them attentively listen to what is said. Tasm hi bh t nis metha sabbe, Metta karotha m nusiy paj ya Div ca ratto ca haranti ye bali , Tasm hi ne rakkhatha appamatt . Therefore, O beings, do you all pay attention; diffuse loving-kindness towards mankind who day and night bring offerings to you. Protect them, therefore, with earnestness. Ya kici vitta idha v hura v , Saggesu v ya ratana pa ta Na no sama atthi Tath gatena, Idampi buddhe ratana pa ita Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathagata. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace! Khaya vir ga amata pa ta , Yadajjhag Sakyamun sam hito Na tena dhammena samatthi kici, Idampi dhamme ratana pa ita Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! The sage of the Sakyas of a tranquil mind, realised that cessation which is passionless, immortal and excellent. There is nothing equal to that state. 10

This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace! Ya Buddha se ho pariva ay suci ,

Sam dhim nantarikaam hu Sam dhin tena samo na vijjati, Idampi dhamme ratana pa ta Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! The supreme Buddha praised pure meditation which gives instantaneous results. There is nothing equal to that meditation. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace! Ye puggal a ha sata pasatth ,

Catt ri et ni yug ni honti Te dakkhi eyy sugatassa s vak , Etesu dinn ni mahapphal ni Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Eight individuals are praised by good people. They constitute the four pairs. They are the disciples of the Buddha, worthy of offerings. Whatever is offered to them yields abundant fruit. This precious jewel, is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Ye suppayutt manas da hena, Nikk mino Gotamas sanamhi Te pattipatt amata vigayha, Laddh mudh nibbuti bhujam n


Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Those who are freed from desires are well established in the teaching of Gotama with firm mind. They have attained to that which should be attained, having plunged into immortal nibbana. They enjoy the Peace obtained without price. This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Yathindakh lo pa havi sito siy , Catubbhi v thehi asampakampiyo Tath pama sappurisa vad mi, Yo ariyasacc ni avecca passati Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Just as a city gate post fixed in the earth is not shaken by the winds from the four directions, even so, do I declare to be a good man he who thoroughly perceives the noble truths. This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Ye ariyasacc ni vibh vayanti, Gambh rapaena sudesit ni Kic pi te honti bhusappamatt , Na te bhava a hama diyanti

Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Those who comprehend clearly the noble truths well taught by him who is endowed with profound wisdom, however exceedingly heedless they may be, do not take birth for the eighth time.


This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Sah va ssa dassanasampad ya, Tayassu dhamm jahit bhavanti Sakk yadi hi vicikicchitaca,

S labbata v pi yadatthi kici. Cat h ap yehi ca vippamutto, Chacc bhi h n ni abhabbo k tu Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Three conditions are forsaken by him at the instant of acquisition of Insight, namely, (i) self-delusion, (ii) uncertainty, and (iii) the indulgence in rites and ceremonies should there be any. He is also absolutely freed from the four states of misery and is incapable of committing the six crimes. This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Kica pi so kamma karoti p paka , K yena v c uda cetas v Abhabbo so tassa pa icch d ya, Ababbat di hapadassa vutt

Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Whatever evil deed he commits, either by his body, speech or thought, he is incapable of concealing it. For it has been said that such an act is impossible for one who has seen the Path. This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! 13

Vanappagumbe yath phussitagge, Gimh nam se pa hamasmi gimhe Tath pama dhammavara adesay , Nibb nag mi parama hit ya Idampi buddhe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! As a clump of trees whose tops are blossoming during the first heat of the summer months, so the sublime doctrine leading to nibb na was taught for the highest goal. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace! Varo vara varado var haro, Anuttaro dhammavara adesay Idampi buddhe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! The excellent one, the knower of the excellent, the giver of the excellent and bringer of excellence has expounded the excellent doctrine. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace! Kh na pur a nava natthi sambhava , Virattacitt yatike bhavasmi

Te kh ab j aviru hicchand , Nibbanti dh r yath ya pad po Idampi sa ghe ratana pa ta , Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! With the old (kamma) extinct, nothing new (kamma) to be reproduced, the mind detached from future birth they have destroyed the seeds of existence. Their desires do not spring up again and those wise ones go out even as this lamp.


This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Y n dha bh t ni sam gat ni, Bhumm ni v y ni va antalikkhe Tath gata devamanussap jita , Buddha namass ma suvatthi hotu! Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tath gata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Buddha. May there be peace! Y n dha bh t ni sam gat ni, Bhumm ni v y ni va antalikkhe Tath gata devamanussap jita , Dhamma namass ma suvatthi hotu! Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tath gata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Dhamma. May there be peace! Y n dha bh t ni sam gat ni, Bhumm ni v y ni va antalikkhe Tath gata devamanussap jita , Sa gha namass ma suvatthi hotu! Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tath gata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Sangha. May there be peace! Ratanasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu


Ratanasutta ma gala

haya vo rakkhatu

Ratanasutta Ni



3. Metta Sutta Download Metta.mp3 The Discourse on Loving-kindness Metta Sutta Video Yass nubh vato yakkh , neva dassenti bh sana , Yamhi cev nuyujanto, rattindiva matandito. Sukha supati sutto ca, p pa kici na passati, Evam digu peta , paritta ta bha me he.

Due to the glorious power of this discourse on loving-kindness, spirits dare not disclose the frightful sights. One who devotes himself to this doctrine day and night diligently sleeps soundly and does not see any nightmare when asleep. Let us recite this doctrine endowed with such and other merits. Kara yamatthakusalena, yanta santa pada abhisamecca Sakko uj ca suhuj ca, suvaco ca ssa mudu anatim n . He who is skilled in welfare, who wishes to attain that state of peace [nibb na], should act thus: he should be able, upright, perfectly upright, of noble speech,1 gentle and humble. Santussako ca subharo ca, appakicco ca sallahukavutti Santindriyo ca nipako ca, appagabbho kulesvananugiddho. Contented, easily supportable with few duties, of light livelihood, with senses calmed, discreet, not impudent, not selfishly attached to families. Na ca khuddam care kici, yena vi pare, upavedeyyu Sukhino v khemino hontu, sabbasatt , bhavantu sukhitatt .


He should not pursue the slightest thing for which other wise men might censure him. May all beings be happy and secure, may their hearts be wholesome! Ye keci p abh tatthi, tas v th var va navases Digh v ye mahant , majjhim rassak a ukath l . Whatever living beings there be: feeble or strong, tall, stout or medium, short small or large, without exception Di h v yeva adi h ,

ye va d re vasanti avid re Bh t va sambhaves va, sabbasatt bhavantu sukhitatt . Seen or unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born or those who are to be born, may all beings be happy! Na paro para nikubbetha, n timaetha katthaci na kaci By rosan pa ighasa , n amaassa dukkhamiccheyya. Let none deceive another, nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. Let him not wish any harm to another out of anger or ill-will. M t yath niya puttam, yus ekaputtamanurakkhe Evampi sabbabh tesu, m nasa bh vaye aparim a . 18

Just as a mother would protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings. Mettaca sabbalokasmi, m nasa bh vaye aparim a Uddha adho ca tiriyaca, asamb dha averamasapatta . Let his thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world: above, below and across without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity. Ti ha cara nisinno va,

say no y vat assa vitamiddho Eta sati adhi heyya,

bramhameta vih ramidham hu. Whether he stands, walks sits or lies down, as long as he is awake, he should develop this mindfulness. This they say is the noblest living here. Di hica anupagamma,

s lav dassanena sampanno K mesu vineyya gedha , na hi j tu gabbhaseyya punar eti ti. Not falling into wrong views, being virtuous and endowed with insight, by discarding attachment to sense desires, never again is he reborn into the womb.2 Mettasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu haya vo rakkhatu

Mettasutta ma gala Mettasutta Ni hita


4. Khandha Paritta Download Khandha.mp3 The Body Protection Khandha Sutta Video Sabb s visa j t na , dibbamant gada viya, Ya n seti visa ghora , sesac pi parissaya . Just like divine charms and drugs, this khandha discourse nullifies the baneful poison and the other perils of all the highly poisonous creatures. khettamhi sabbattha, sabbad sabba-p ina , Sabbasopi niv reti, paritta ta bha ma he.

In the scope of (Buddha s) jurisdiction, everywhere, always for all beings, and by all means, this discourse prevents (the disasters). Let us recite this protective discourse now. Vir pakkhehi me metta , metta Er pathehi me; Chaby puttehi me metta , metta Ka h gotamakehi ca. My love to the Lordly cobras and to the pythons my love too, My love to vipers, adders and to the black Gotamas too. Ap dakehi me metta , metta dvip dakehi me; Catuppadehi me metta , metta bahuppadehi me. 20

My love to those with no feet, to those with two feet my love too. My love to those with four feet, to those with many feet my love too. M ma ap dako hi si, m ma hi si dvip dako; M ma catuppado hi si, m ma hi si bahuppado. Let the footless harm me not, nor the two-footed do me harm. Let the four-footed harm me not, nor the many-footed do me harm. Sabbe satt sabbe p sabbe bh t ca keval ; Sabbe bhadr ni passantu; m kici p pam gam . All creatures and all breathing things, all beings none excepted, Good fortune may they see, and may no harm come near. Appam o buddho, appam o dhammo; Appam o sa gho, pam avant ni sar sap ni; Ahi vicchik satapad , u an bh sarab m sik . ,

Infinite is the Buddha!


Infinite the Dhamma! Infinite the Order! But finite are creeping things: Snakes, scorpions and centipedes, spiders, lizards, rats. Kat me rakkh kata me paritta , Pa ikkamantu bh t ni; So ha namo bhagavato, Namo sattanna samm sambuddh na . Now I have made this warding and protection may those beings go away! Him, I revere, the Blessed One, Seven Samma-Sambuddhas I revere. Khandhaparitta roca haya vo rakkhatu

Khandhaparitta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu Khandhaparitta Ni hita


5. Mora Paritta Download Mora.mp3 The Peackock s Protection Mora Sutta Video P renta bodhi sambh re, nibbatta mora yoniya , Yena sa vihit rakkha , mah satta vane car . The Great Being was born as a peacock, fufilling the necessary requirements for obtaining Enlightenment, and having arranged protection for himself by means of this protective discourse. Cirassa v yamant pi, nevasakkhi su ga hitu , Bramhamantan ti akkh ta , paritta ta bha ma he.

Although the hunters tried for a long time, they were not able to capture him. This was prescribed by the Buddha as an excellent mantra. Let us recite this protective discourse. Udetaya cakkhum ekar j , Harissava o pa havippabh so;

Ta ta namass mi harissava a pa havippabh sa ,

Tay jja gutt viharemu divasa . There rises the golden one, the one who has sight, the sole monarch, who illuminates the earth. I adore you, golden one who illuminates the earth. Protected by you we live today safe and secure. Ye br mha vedag sabbadhamme,

Te me namo te ca ma p layantu; Namatthu buddh na namatthu bodhiy , Namo vimutt na namo vimuttiy ; Ima so paritta katv , Moro carati esan . Honour to those Bramhanas who comprehend all Dhammas. May they protect me. Honour to the Buddhas, to their enlightenment. Honour to those released from bondage and to their deliverance. Having made this protection, the peacock goes about seeking food.


Apetaya cakkum ekar j , Harissava o pa havippabh so;

Ta ta namass mi harissava a pa havippabh sa

Tay jja gutt viharemu ratti . There descends the golden one, the one who has sight, the sole monarch, who illuminates the earth. I adore you, golden one who illuminates the earth. Protected by you we live tonight safe and secure. Ye br mha vedag sabbadhamme,

Te me namo te ca ma p layantu; Namatthu buddh na namatthu bodhiy , Namo vimutt na namo vimuttiy ; Ima so paritta katv , Moro v samakappayi. Honour to those Bramhanas who comprehend all Dhammas. May they protect me. Honour to the Buddhas, to their enlightenment. Honour to those supremely secured from bondage and to their deliverance. Having made this protection the peacock dwells happily. Moraparitta roca haya vo rakkhatu

Moraparitta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu Moraparitta Ni hita


6. Va

a Paritta Download Vatta.mp3

The Quail s Protection Vatta Paritta Video P renta bodhi sambh re, nibbatta va aj tiya , Yassa tejena d vaggi, mah satta vivajjayi. By the power of this discourse, the forest-fire passed over the Great Being (the bodhisattva) who was born as a quail, fulfilling the necessary requisites for enlightenment. Therassa S riputtassa, lokan thena bh sita , Kappa h yi mah teja , ma he.

paritta ta bha

Let us recite this discourse, which was expounded by the saviour of the world (the Buddha) to the Elder Sariputta, and which will be efficacious for aeons, being endowed with mighty powers. Atthi loke s lagu o, sacca soceyya nudday Tena saccena k h mi, saccakiriyamuttama . There is the quality of virtue in the world, there s truth, compassion, purity of life. By this truth, I ll make a matchless asseveration of Truth. vajjetv dhammabala , saritv pubbake jine Saccabalamavass ya, saccakiriyamak sa ha . Reflecting on the Dhamma s might, and recalling those who triumphed before, depending on the might of truth, an asseveration of Truth I wrought. Santi pakkh apatan , santi p d avacan M t pit ca nikkhant , 25

j taveda pa ikkama. With wings that fly not, feet that walk not yet, Forsaken by my parents, here I lie! Wherefore I conjure thee, dread Lord of Fire, Primaeval Jataveda, turn! go back! Saha sacce kate mayha , mah pajjalito sikh Vajjesi so asa kar s ni, udaka patv yat sikh . Saccena me samo natthi, es me saccap ram . I wrought my Act of Truth, and therewithal The sheet of blazing fire left sixteen lengths Unscathed - like flames by water met and quenched. Va Va Va aparitta roca haya vo rakkhatu

aparitta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu aparitta Ni hita


7. Dhajagga Sutta Download Dhajagga.mp3 The Banner Discourse Dhajagga Sutta Video Yass nussara en pi, antalikkhepi p ino; Pati hamadhigacchanti,

bh miya viya sabbath . Just even by recollecting this discourse; the creatures get the foothold even in the sky by all means, just like on the ground. Sabbupaddavaj lamh , yakkhacor disambhav ; Ga an na ca mutt na , paritta ta bha ma he.

The number of those who had emancipated from the network of all dangers, created by devils, robbers, thieves and others, is indeed innumerable. Let us recite this protective discourse now. Eva me suta : eka samaya Bhagav S vatthiya viharati Jetavane An thapi ikassa r me.

Thus I have heard: At one time the Blessed One was dwelling at S vatth in Prince Jeta s grove (donated by) An thapindika. Tatra kho Bhagav bhikkhu mantesi Bhikkhavo ti. Bhadante ti te bhikkh Bhagavato paccassosu . Bhagav etadavoca: Bh tapubba bhikkhave dev sura sa g mo samupaby ho ahosi. Atha kho bhikkhave Sakko dev namindo deve T vati se mantesi, Sace m ris dev na sa g magat na uppajjeyya bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v mameva tasmi samaye dhajagga ullokeyy tha; mama hi vo dhajagga ullokayata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. Then he addressed the monks, Monks. Venerable sir the monks replied to the Blessed One. At one time, monks, a battle was raging between the gods and the titans. Then, Sakka, ruler of the gods, addressed the Thirty-three Gods saying; If in you, dear sirs, when you are gone onto battle, fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh should arise, look up at the crest of my banner. If you do so, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that will have arisen will be overcome.


No ce me dhajagga ullokeyy tha, atha Paj patissa devar jassa dhajagga ollokeyy tha. Paj patissa hi vo devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v , lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If you are not able to look up to see the crest of my banner, then look up at that of Paj pati king of the gods If you do so, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that will have arisen will be overcome. No ce Paj patissa devar jassa dhajagga ullokeyy tha, atha Varu assa devar jassa dhajagga ullokeyy tha; Varu assa hi vo devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If you are not able to look up to see the crest of Paj pati s banner, then look up at that of Varuna, king of the gods If you do so, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that will have arisen will be overcome. No ce Varu assa devar jassa dhajagga ullokeyy tha atha s nassa devar jassa dhajagga ullokeyy tha; s nassa hi vo devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If you are not able to look up to see the crest of Varuna s banner, then look up at that of s na, king of the gods If you do so, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that will have arisen will be overcome. Ta kho pana bhikkhave Sakkassa v dev namindassa dhajagga ullokayata , Paj patissa v devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata , Varu assa v devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata , s nassa v devar jassa dhajagga ullokayata , ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yeth pi nopi pah yetha. Monks, in those who look up to the crest of Sakka, king of the gods, or Paj pati, or Varuna, or s na, king of the gods, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that has arisen may be overcome; or again it may not. Ta kissa hetu? Sakko hi bhikkhave dev namindo av tar go av tadoso av tamoho bh r chambh utr s pal y ti. What is the reason for this? Because Sakka, ruler of the gods, is not free from lust, hatred, and delusion; and is himself timid, given to panic, to fright, to running away. Ahaca kho bhikkhave eva vad mi sace tumh ka bhikkhave araagat na v rukkham lagat na v su g ragat na v uppajjeya bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v mameva tasmi samaye anusareyy tha. I say to you, monks: If, when you have gone into the forest, to the root of a tree, to an empty place, fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh should arise in, then on that occasion remember me and recollect


Itipi so Bhagav araha , samm sambuddho, vijj cara asampanno, sugato, lokavid , anuttaro purisadammas rathi, satth devamanuss na , buddho, bhagav ti. The Blessed One, is fully enlightened, enowed with knowledge and conduct, fortunate, knower of the worlds, the incomparable trainer of trainable persons, the teacher of gods and men, enlightened, and Blessed. Mama hi vo bhikkhave anussarata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If, monks, you remember me, any fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh that will have arisen will be overcome. No ce ma anussarey tha, atha Dhamma anussareyy tha: If you cannot remember, remember the Dhamma and recollect: Sv kkh to bhagavat dhammo sandi vi h ti. hiko ak liko ehipassiko opaneyyiko paccatta veditabbo

Well taught is the Dhamma by the Blessed One, realisable by oneself, of immediate effect, inviting investigation; leading onwards, to be personally realised by the wise. Dhamma hi vo bhikkhave anussarata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If you can remember the Dhamma, your fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh will be overcome. No ce Dhamma anussareyy tha, atha Sa gha anussareyy tha: If you cannot remember the Dhamma, then remember the Order, and recollect: Suppa ipanno bhagavato s vakasa gho, ujuppa ipanno bhagavato s vakasa gho, yappa ipanno bhagavato s vakasa gho, s m cippa ipanno bhagavato s vakasa gho, yadida catt ri purisayug ni a ha purisapuggal , esa bhagavato s vakasa gho, huneyyo, p huneyyo, dakkhineyyo, ajalikara yo, anuttara puakkhetta lokass ti. The Blessed One's Disciples have practised well, they have practised honestly they have practised wisely, they have practised dutifully that is the four pairs, the eight individuals they ares the Blessed One's Disciples. They are worthy of offerings, oblations, gifts, salutations, an incomparable field of merit for the world. Sa gha hi vo bhikkhave anussarata ya bhavissati bhaya v chambhitatta v lomaha so v , so pah yissati. If you remember the Order, your fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh will be overcome. Ta kissa hetu? Tath gato hi bhikkhave araha samm sambuddho v tar go v tadoso v tamoho abh r achambhi anutr s apal y ti.


What is the reason for this? Tath gata, monks, is an Arahant, Fully Enlightened, free of lust, hatred and delusion, without any timidity, panic, or fear, and does not run away. Idamavoca Bhagav ida vatv na Sugato ath para etadavoca satth : Thus said the Blessed One, and having spoken, the Fortunate One said further: Arae rukkham le v su g re v bhikkhavo anussaretha sambuddha bhaya tumh ka no siy . Whenever in the forest or at the root of a tree or in empty places you abide, remember, monks, the Blessed One; then no fear will overcome you. No ce Buddha sareyy tha, lokaje ha nar sabha ; Atha Dhamma sareyy tha, niy nika sudesita . If you cannot remember the Buddha the most best in the world, and leader of the herd remember the Dhamma, the well-taught guide. No ce Dhamma sareyy tha, niyy nika sudesita ; Atha Sa gha sarey tha, puakkhetta anuttara . If you cannot remember the Dhamma, the well-taught guide, then remember the Order, the incomparable field of merit. Eva Buddha sarant na , Dhamma Sa ghaca bhikkhavo; Bhaya v chambhitatta v , lomaha so na hessati. If you thus take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha, fear, panic, and creeping of the flesh will never arise in you. then



haya vo rakkhatu

Dhajaggasutta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu Dhajaggasutta Ni hita 30

8. The

n iya Sutta Download Atanatiya.mp3 n iya Discourse Atanatiya Sutta Video

Appasannehi n thassa, s sane s dhusammate Amanussehi ca ehi,

sad kibbisak ribhi In order that the hostile non-human beings, who are always evil-doers and who do not have faith in this well-esteemed religion of the Lord, Paris na catassanna , ahi s ya ca guttiy , Ya desesi mah v ro, paritta ta bha ma he. May not injure the four social classes, and may protect society from dangers. The Almighty Hero has expounded this discourse of protection. Let us recite this t n tiya Sutta now. Vipassissa ca namatthu, cakkhumantassa sir mato. Sikhissa pi ca namatthu, sabbabh tanukampino. Homage to Vipassi Buddha, possessed of the eyes of enlightenment and of glory. And homage to Sikhi Buddha, the most compassionate towards all beings. Vessabhussa ca namatthu, nah takassa tapassino. Namatthu Kakusandhassa, M rasen pamaddino. Homage also to Vessabhu Buddha, washed clean from all defilements and endowed with ascetic spirit. Homage to Kakusandha Buddha too, the conqueror of the army of Death (M ra). Ko gamanassa namatthu, br mha assa vus mato. Kassapassa ca namatthu, 31

vippamuttassa sabbadhi. Homage to Kon gamana Buddha, who had abandoned all evils, and lived the holy life. Homage also to Kassapa Buddha, who had been emancipated from all defilements. A g rasassa namatthu, Sakyaputtassa sir mato, Yo ima dhamma desesi, sabbadukkh pan dana . Homage to Buddha Gotama, whose body shone with radiating halo, the son of Sakyan and with splendorous glory, who expounded this doctrine which eradicates all sufferings. Ye c pi nibbut loke, yath bh ta vipassisu , Te jan 1 apisun , mahant v tas rad . Whosoever have extinguished the flames of passion in this world, they have seen thoroughly the natural phenomena as they really are. These persons never slander, but they are noble, and free from fear. Hita devamanuss na , ya namassanti Gotama Vijj -cara a-sampanna , mahanta v tas rada . They worship Gotama Buddha, the benefactor of gods and men, endowed with knowledge and good conduct, noble and fearless. Ete cae ca sambuddh , anekasatako iyo, Sabbe buddh samasam , sabbe buddh mahiddhik . These seven and other hundred crores of self-enlightened Buddhas are all equally peerless ones. All Buddhas are powerful ones. Sabbe dasabal pet , ves rajjehu p gat , 32

Sabbe te pa ij nanti, sabha h namuttama .

All are endowed with ten powers, they are equipped with courage. All these Buddhas admitted to be the knowers of the supreme state of Enlightenment. S han da nadante te, paris su vis rad , Bramhacakka pavattenti, loke appa ivattiya . These Buddhas expounded bravely to the audience like the roaring lion, they propagated the Noble Wheel of the Law in the world which cannot be done by ordinary worldlings. Upet buddha dhammehi, a h rasahi n yak , pet ,

B tti sa lakkha

s t nubyajan dhar . These patrons are equipped with eighteen virtues of the Buddha s Dhamma; they are born with thirty-two major characteristics and eighty minor characteristics of the great man By mappabh ya suppabh , sabbe te munikujar , Buddh sabbauno ete, sabbe kh sav jin .

All these Buddhas are noble sages who shine with the surrounding halo of about the length of one stretched arm. These Buddhas are all Omniscient Ones, conquerors of Death (M ra) who have uprooted the defilements. Mah pabh mah tej , mah pa mahabbal , Mah k ru ik dh r , sabbes na sukh vah .


They are all endowed with immense radiating light, of almighty power, of infinite wisdom, and of immutable strength. They are most compassionate and industrious benefactors of all beings. D p n th pati t le h ca,

ca p ina ,

Gat bandh mahess s , sara ca hitesino

They all are the Islands, the Lords, the Foot-holds, the Protectors, the Secure Haven of all creatures, the Transcendental Goals, the Relatives, the Glorious Saviours, the Refuges and Well-wishers. Sadevakassa lokassa, sabbe ete par ya ,

Tes ha siras p de, vand mi purisuttame. They all are revered by the world of gods and men. I worship the feet of these Supreme Ones with my head Vacas manas ceva, vand me te tath gate, Sayane sane h ne, gamane capi sabbad . I worship these Tathagatas by means of word and thought always, even when I am lying, sitting, standing or walking. Sad sukhena rakkhantu, buddh santi kar tuva , Tehitva rakkhito santo, mutto sabbabhayehica. The Buddhas, the peace-makers may always protect you to be happy. By these Buddhas, may you be protected so that you may be liberated from all calamities. Sabbarog vin mutto, sabbasant pa vijjito, Sabbavera matikkanto,


nibbuto ca tuva bhava. May you be emancipated from all diseases. May you be free from all scorching worries. May you overcome all enemies. And may you be blissful. Tesa saccena s lena, khantimett balena ca, Tepi amhe nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. Yato uggacchati s riyo,2 dicco ma al mah .3

yassa cuggaccham nassa, sa var pi nirujjhati; yassa cuggate s riye, divaso ti pavuccati. rahadopi tattha gambh ro, samuddo saritodako; eva ta tattha j nanti, samuddo saritodako. 4 ito s purim dis , iti na cikkhat jano;

ya disa abhip leti, mah r j yasassi so. gandhabb na adhipati,5 dhatara ho ti n maso;

ramat naccag tehi, gandhabbehi purakkhato. putt pi tassa bahavo, ekan m ti me suta ; as ti dasa eko ca, indan m mahabbal . te c pi buddha disv na, buddha diccabandhuna ;

d ratova namassanti, mahanta v tas rada . namo te puris jaa, namo te purisuttama. kusalena samekkhasi, amanuss pi ta vandanti; 35

suta neta abhi haso, tasm eva vademase. Jina vandatha gotama , jina vand ma gotama ; vijj cara asampanna , buddha vand ma gotama . By the power of their truth, virtue, patience, loving-kindness and might, may they protect us to be healthy and happy. Puratthimasmi dis bh ge, santi bh t mahiddhik , Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu arogena sukhena ca. Yena pet pavuccanti, pisu p pi hima sik ;

tip tino ludd ,7 cor nekatik jan . dis , iti na cikkhat jano;

Ito s dakkhi

ya disa abhip leti, mah r j yasassi so. Kumbha na adhipati, vir ho iti n maso; ehi purakkhato.

ramat naccag tehi, kumbha

Putt pi tassa bahavo, ekan m ti me suta ; as ti dasa eko ca, indan m mahabbal . te c pi buddha disv na, buddha diccabandhuna ;

d ratova namassanti, mahanta v tas rada . Namo te puris jaa, namo te purisuttama. kusalena samekkhasi, amanuss pi ta vandanti; suta neta abhi haso, tasm eva vademase. 36

Jina vandatha gotama , jina vand ma gotama ; vijj cara asampanna , buddha vand ma gotama . In the eastern region there are powerful great deities. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. Dakkhi asmi dis bh ge, santi dev mahiddhik , Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. Yattha coggacchati s riyo, dicco ma al mah .

yassa coggaccham nassa, divasopi nirujjhati; yassa coggate s riye, sa var ti pavuccati. Rahadopi tattha gambh ro, samuddo saritodako; eva ta tattha j nanti, samuddo saritodako. Ito s pacchim dis , iti na cikkhat jano;

ya disa abhip leti, mah r j yasassi so. N g naca adhipati, vir pakkho ti n maso; ramat naccag tehi, n geheva purakkhato. Putt pi tassa bahavo, ekan m ti me suta ; as ti dasa eko ca, indan m mahabbal . te c pi buddha disv na, buddha diccabandhuna ;

d ratova namassanti, mahanta v tas rada . Namo te puris jaa, namo te purisuttama. kusalena samekkhasi, 37

amanuss pi ta vandanti. suta neta abhi haso, tasm eva vademase.. Jina vandatha gotama , jina vand ma gotama ; vijj cara asampanna , buddha vand ma gotama . In the southern region there are great powerful gods. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. Pacchimasmi dis bh ge, santi n g mahiddhik , Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. Yena uttarakuruvho,8 mah neru sudassano. manuss tattha j yanti, amam 9 apariggah .. Na te b ja pavapanti, napi n yanti na gal . aka hap kima s li , paribhujanti m nus ..

Aka a athusa suddha , sugandha ta tu ulapphala .

ik re pacitv na, tato bhujanti bhojana .

G vi ekakhura katv , anuyanti disodisa ; pasu ekakhura katv , anuyanti disodisa .. Itthi v v hana 10 katv , anuyanti disodisa . purisa v hana katv , anuyanti disodisa . Kum ri v hana katv , anuyanti disodisa ; kum ra v hana katv , anuyanti disodisa . Te y ne abhiruhitv , 38

sabb dis anupariy yanti;11 pac r tassa r jino. Hatthiy na assay na , dibba y na upa hita ;

p s d sivik ceva, mah r jassa yasassino. Tassa ca nagar ahu, antalikkhe sum pit . n kusin parakusin .. ,

n asuriy 12 parakusi an

Uttarena kasivanto,13 janoghamaparena14 ca. navanavutiyo ambara-ambaravatiyo, akamand n ma r jadh n .. Kuverassa kho pana, m risa, mah r jassa vis n ma r jadh n ;

tasm kuvero mah r j , vessava o ti pavuccati. Paccesanto pak senti, tatol tattal tatotal ; ojasi tejasi tatojas , s ro r j ari Rahadopi tattha dhara n ma, yato megh pavassanti; vass yato pat yanti, sabh pi tattha s lavat 15 n ma. Yattha yakkh payirup santi, tattha niccaphal rukkh ; n n dijaga yut , ho nemi.

may rakoc bhirud ; kokil d hi vagguhi. J vaj vakasaddettha, atho o havacittak ; kukku ak 16 ku rak , vane pokkharas tak . Sukas ikasaddettha, da am avak ni ca; sobhati sabbak la s , kuverana in sad .


Ito s uttar dis , iti na

cikkhat jano;

ya disa abhip leti, mah r j yasassi so. Yakkh naca adhipati, kuvero iti n maso; ramat naccag tehi, yakkheheva purakkhato. Putt pi tassa bahavo, ekan m ti me suta ; as ti dasa eko ca, indan m mahabbal . Te c pi buddha disv na, buddha diccabandhuna ;

d ratova namassanti, mahanta v tas rada . Namo te puris jaa, namo te purisuttama; kusalena samekkhasi, amanuss pi ta vandanti; suta neta abhi haso, tasm eva vademase. Jina vandatha gotama , jina vand ma gotama . vijj cara asampanna , buddha vand ma gotama nti. In the western region there are great powerful dragon snakes. May they protect us to be healthy and happy. Uttarasmi dis bh ge, santi yakkh mahiddhik , Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. In the northern region there are great powerful ogres. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy.

Puratthimena dhatara



dakkhi ena vir


Pacchimena vir pekkho, kuvero uttara disa . King Dhatarattha in the east, King Viruthaka in the south, King Virupakkha in the west, King Kuvera in the north, Catt ro te mah r j , lokap l yasassino, Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. These four kings are famous guardian spirits of the world. May they protect us to be healthy and happy. k sa h ca bh ma h ,

dev n g mahiddhik , Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. There are great powerful gods and dragons, residing in the sky and on the earth. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. Iddhimanto ca ye dev , vasant idha s sane, Tepi tumhe6 nurakkhantu, arogena sukhena ca. There are some powerful deities residing within the jurisdiction of this religion. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. Sabb tiyo vivajjantu, soko rogo vinassatu, M te bhavantvantar y , sukh d gh yuko bhava. May all the dangers be eradicated. May worry and illness be dispelled. May calamities not occur to you. May you be blissful and long-lived.


Abhiv danas lissa, nicca vu h pac yino, hanti,

Catt ro dhamm va yu va

o sukha bala .

To those who are endowed with the nature of piety, and who always revere the elders, these four boons shall prosper; namely, longevity, beauty, happiness and strength. n iyasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu

n iyasutta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu n iyasutta Ni Notes to hita

n iyasutta

1. Jin = conquerors, jan = persons. The text definitely reads jin " but what the Say daw recites could also be correct. 2. Suriyo (s , sy , p ) 3. This paragraph, and all subsequent paragraphs that are not numbered are found in the t n tiyasutta of the D ghanik ya, but not in the Paritta P li. Since the Say daw recites them, they are included here. 4. The Say daw omits this line. 5. dhipati (s , sy , p : evamuparipi). 6. Tumhe = you, amhe (in Paritta P li) = us. 7. luddh (p , ka) 8.uttarakur ramm (s , sy , p ) 9. The Say daw recites appam . 10. itth -v hana (s , p ), itth v hana (sy ) 11. anupariyanti (sy ). 12. n apuriy (s p ), n apariy (sy ). 13. kapivanto (s , sy , p ). 14. The Say daw recites janoghappaparena. 15. bhagalavat (s , sy , p ). 16. kukutthak (s , p ).


9. A gulim la Sutta Download Angulimala.mp3 The A gulim la Discourse Angulimala Sutta Video Paritta ya bha antassa nisinna h na-dhovana

Udakampi vin seti sabbameva parissaya . The water that washed the seat of him who recited this paritta has put an end to all danger. At that very moment this paritta effected a safe delivery of the infant. Sotthin gabbhavu h na yaca s dheti ta kha e Therass A gulim lassa lokan thena bh sita Kappa h yi mah teja paritta ta bha mahe.

Now we shall recite that very efficacious paritta uttered by the Protector of the world (the Buddha) which holds good for an aeon. Yatoha bhagini ariy ya j tiy j to, N bhij n mi saciccap a j vit voropet , Tena saccena sotthi te hotu sotthi gabbhassa. Sister, since I was born with the Ariyan birth, I have not knowingly and deliberately taken the life of any living being, by this truth may you be well and may your child be well. A gulim lasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu haya vo rakkhatu

A gulim lasutta ma gala A gulim lasutta Ni hita


10. Bojjha ga Paritta Download Bojjhanga.mp3 Enlightenment Factors Protection Bojjhanga Sutta Video Sa s re sa sarant na , Sabbadukkhavin sane; Satta dhamm ca bojjha ge, M rasen pamaddane. These seven dhammas are the factors of enlightenment, which eradicate all the suffering of the creatures who are transmigrating in the universal flux, and which repel the army of Death. Bujjhitv ye c ime satt , Tibhav muttakuttam ; Aj timajar by dhi , Amata nibbhaya gat . Having realised these seven dhammas, beings attain immortality, fearlessness, birthlessness, ageless and disease-free stage; they became transcendental and liberated from three existences. Oh thou! Let us recite this doctrine of Factors of Enlightenment. Evam digu peta ,

Anekagu asa gaha ; Osadhaca ima manta , bojjha gaca bha ma he. Endowed with such and other qualifications together with innumerable qualities, this is a medicinal spell. Bojjha go satisa kh to, Dhamm na vicayo tath V riya p ti passaddhi, Bojjha g ca tath pare. The factors of enlightenment are mindfulness, investigation of states and also effort, rapture, tranquillity, and other factors of enlightenment;

Sam dhupekkh bojjha g ,


Satte te sabbadassin , Munin sammadakkh t , Bh vit bahul kat . The factors of concentration and equanimity. All these seven are well expounded by the All-seer; cultivated and amplified repeatedly by the sage Sa vattanti abhi ya, Nibb n ya ca bodhiy , Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad . In order to discern profoundly, to realise the wisdom, and to attain nibbana; by the asseveration of this truth, may happiness ever be yours. Sattime, Moggall na, bojjha g may sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. Kattame satta? Satisambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Dhammavicayasambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. V riyasambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. P tisambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Passaddhisambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Sam dhisambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Upekkhasambojjha go kho, Moggall na, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Ime kho, Moggall na, satt bojjha g may sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. This is the first of three discourses in the Samyuttanik ya, which the Buddha taught to Venerable Moggall na when he was sick. In summary, it says that these seven factors of enlightenment when mastered, well developed, and made much of, lead to higher knowledge, enlightenment, and nibb na.


What seven? The factors of enlightenment of mindfulness, invesitation of states, effort, rapture, tranquillity, concentration, and equanimity. The text of this sutta is not included in the Bojjhanga Paritta, but is recited here by the Say daw, and no doubt by other monks too, when attending the sick. Sattime, Kassapa, bojjha g may sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. Kattame satta? Satisambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Dhammavicayasambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. V riyasambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. P tisambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Passaddhisambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Sam dhisambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Upekkhasambojjha go kho, Kassapa, may sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Ime kho, Kassapa, satt bojjha g may sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. This is the second of three discourses in the Samyuttanik ya, which the Buddha taught to Venerable Mah kassapa when he was sick. The text is identical to the above, except for the change of names. The text of this sutta is not included in the Bojjhanga Paritta, but is recited here by the Say daw, and no doubt by other monks too, when attending the sick. Ekasmi samaye n tho, Moggall naca Kassapa , Gil ne dukkhite disv , Bojja ge satta desayi. At one time, the Lord saw Venerable Moggallana and Venerable Kassapa suffering and sick, and he expounded the seven factors of enlightenment.


Te ca ta abhinanditv , Rog mucci su ta kha e, Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad . The two elders were delighted thereat; and at that very moment were freed from the sickness. By this asseveration of truth, may happiness ever be yours. Sattime, Bhante, bojjha g Bhagavat sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. Kattame satta? Satisambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Dhammavicayasambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. V riyasambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. P tisambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Passaddhisambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Sam dhisambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Upekkhasambojjha go kho, Bhante, Bhagavat sammadakkh to bh vito bahul kato abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattati. Ime kho, Bhante, satt bojjha g Bhagavat sammadakkh t bh vit bahul kat abhi ya sambodh ya nibb n ya sa vattanti. This is the third of three discourses in the Samyuttanik ya, which the elder Venerable Cunda recited for the Blessed One when he was sick. The text is identical to the above two suttas, except that the Venerable Cunda addresses the Buddha as Bhante, and says that the discourse was taught by the Blessed One Bhagavat . The text of this sutta is not included in the Bojjhanga Paritta, but is recited here by the Say daw, and no doubt by other monks too, when attending the sick. Ekad dhammar j pi, Gelaen bhip ito, Cundattherena ta yeva, Bha petv na s dara .


Once even the King of Dhamma, the Buddha himself, was afflicted by sickness, then the Elder Cunda was requested to recite that very doctrine with due reverence. Sammoditv na b dh , Tamh vu h si h naso, Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad . Having delighted, the Lord rose up thereupon from that sickness. By this asseveration of truth, may happiness ever be yours. Pah n te ca b dh , Ti annampi mahesina ,

Maggahat kiles va, Patt nuppattidhammata , Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi vo hotu sabbad . Just as the defilements, anihilated by Path- consciousness, can arise again no more, in like manner these ailments were eradicated from the three great sages. By this asseveration of truth, may happiness ever be yours. Bojjha gaparitta roca haya vo rakkhatu

Bojjha gaparitta ma gala haya vo rakkhatu Bojjha gaparitta Ni hita


11. Pubba ha Sutta Download Pubbanha.mp3 The Auspicious Morning Discourse Pubbanha Sutta Video Ya dunnimitta avama galaca, yo c man po saku assa saddo P paggaho dussupina akanta , Buddh nubh vena vin samentu. By the power of the Buddha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjuctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective. Ya dunnimitta avama galaca, yo c man po saku assa saddo P paggaho dussupina akanta , Dhamm nubh vena vin samentu. By the power of the Dhamma may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjuctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective. Ya dunnimitta avama galaca, yo c man po saku assa saddo P paggaho dussupina akanta , Sa gh nubh vena vin samentu. By the power of the Sangha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjuctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective. Ya sannimitta suma galaca, yo vaman po saku assa saddo Sopaggaho sansupina sukanta , Buddh nubh vena vipakamentu. Ya sannimitta suma galaca, yo vaman po saku assa saddo Sopaggaho sansupina sukanta , Dhamm nubh vena vipakamentu.


Ya sannimitta suma galaca, yo vaman po saku assa saddo Sopaggaho sansupina sukanta , Sa gh nubh vena vipakamentu. Dukkhappatt ca niddukkh , bhayappatt ca nibbhay Sokappatt ca nissok , hontu sabbepi p ino. May all beings who suffer be free from suffering. May all beings who are in fear be free from fear. May all beings who are grieving be free from grief. Ett vat ca amhehi sambhata puasampada Sabbe dev numodantu sabbasampattisiddhiy . May beings, celestial and terrestrial, Devas and Nagas of mighty power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect the dispensation. May all beings share this merit which we have thus acquired. May it redound to their happiness. D na dadantu saddh ya s la rakkhantu sabbad Bh van bhirat hontu gacchantu devat gat . Give charity with confidence, always observe morality, take delight in meditation, please come, O heavenly beings. Sabbe Buddh balappatt paccek naca ya bala Arahant naca tejena rakkha bandh mi sabbaso.


By the (protective) power of all the Buddhas, Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants I secure your protection in every way. Ya kici vitta idha v hura v , Saggesu v ya ratana pa ta Na no sama atthi Tath gatena, Idampi Buddhe ratana pa ita Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathagata. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace! Ya kici vitta idha v hura v , Saggesu v ya ratana pa ta Na no sama atthi Tath gatena, Idampi Dhamme ratana pa ita Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathagata. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace! Ya kici vitta idha v hura v , Saggesu v ya ratana pa ta Na no sama atthi Tath gatena, Idampi Sa ghe ratana pa ita Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!


Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathagata. This precious jewel is in the Sangha. By this truth may there be peace! Bhavatu sabba ma gala rakkhantu sabbadevat , Sabbabuddh nubh vena sad sukh bhavantu te. May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you! By the glorious power of all Buddhas, May you always be happy! Bhavatu sabba ma gala rakkhantu sabbadevat , Sabbadhamm nubh vena sad sukh bhavantu te. May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you! By the glorious power of all Dhammas, May you always be happy! Bhavatu sabba ma gala rakkhantu sabbadevat , Sabbasa gh nubh vena sad sukh bhavantu te. May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you!


By the glorious power of all Sanghas, May you always be happy! Mah k ru iko n tho hit ya sabbap ina Puretv p ram sabb , patto sambodhimuttama Etena saccavajjena, sotthi te hotu sabbad . The most compassionate Lord Buddha fulfilled the perfections for the welfare of all beings, and attained Supreme Enlightenment. By these true words, may you always be prosperous. Jayanto bodhiy m le, Saky na nandiva Evameva jayo hotu, jayassu jayama gale. Just as the most beloved of the Sakyas was victorious at the foot of the Bodhi tree, so may you be successful and blessed in all auspicious undertakings. Apar jitapalla ke, s se puthuvipukkhale Abhiseke sabbabuddh na , aggappatto pamodati. On the Victor s Seat, at the summit of the most sacred earth, consecrated by all the Buddhas, the Lord Buddha won the supreme attainment and rejoiced. Sunakkhata suma gala , suppabh ta suhu hita hano

Sukha o sumuhutto ca, suyi ha brahmac risu.

May the planets, portents, the dawn, awakening, opportunity, instance, and offerings to the Noble Sages, be auspicous for you. Padakkhi a k yakamma , v c kamma padakkhi a 53

padakkhi a manokamma , pa dhi te padakkhi e padakkhi ni katv na, labbhante te padakkhi e. May the physical act be sacred, the verbal act be sacred, and the mental act be sacred. May you be established in these sacred things. Having performed the sacred acts, may you obtain the sacred benefits. Te attha laddh sukhit , vir h Buddhas sane

Arog sukhitt hontu, saha sabbehi tibhi Having obtained the sacred benefits, may you be happy and prosper in the teachings of the Buddha. May you, and all your relatives be happy and free from all ailments. Pubba hasutta roca haya vo rakkhatu haya vo rakkhatu

Pubba hasutta ma gala Pubba hasutta Ni hita


12. Jayamangala G th Halo d Triumphs Translated by Venerable charya Buddharakkhita B hu sahassamabhinimmita s yudhanta , Girimekhala udita ghora sasena m ra . D n di dhamma vidhin jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. M ra, the Evil One, assuming a fierce form with a thousand arms each brandishing a deadly weapon, stormed forward roaring, accompanied by his formidable hosts and riding on his elephant, Girimekhala. Him the Sovereign Sage conquered by evoking the might of his exalted perfection of giving, among others. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! M r tireka abhiyujjhita sabbaratti , Ghorampan a avakam akkhamathaddhayakkha . Khant sudantavidhin jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. Even more fiendish than M ra was A avaka, the impetuous and haughty Yakkha who fought a night long battle with the Lord. Him the sovereign Sage conquered through enduring patience flowing out of his unequaled self-mastery. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! N l giri gajavara atimattabh ta . D vaggicakka asan va sud ru anta . Mettambusekavidhin jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. Provoked to run amok, N l giri, the king tusker, like a raging forest fire murderously assailed all in his path, and struck such terror as would Indra s thunderbolt, the irresistible destroyer. Him the Sovereign Sage tamed by sprinkling over him the cooling water of all-embracing love. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Ukkhittakhagga atihatta sud ru anta , Dh vanti Yojanapath angulim lavanta . Iddh bhisa khatamano jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni.


With sword upraised in expert hands did the savage robber, Angulim la, pursue the Lord for a full three leagues. Him the Sovereign Sage conquered by his supernatural powers. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Katv na ka Cic ya du ha udara iva gabbhin y , havacana janak ya majjhe.

Santena somavidhin jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. Posing as a pregnant woman by tying a piece of wood on her belly, Cic falsely accused with lewd words in the midst of a devout congregation. Her the Sovereign Sage subdued through his imperturbable serenity. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Saccam vih ya matisaccaka v daketu , V d bhiropitamana ati andhabh ta . Pa pad pajalito jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. With his perverted intelligence the wandering mendicant, Saccaka, invariably distorted the truth. Pretending to be the very banner of learning, he only blinded his own mental vision as he went about indulging in intellectual disputation. Him the sovereign Sage conquered by his illuminating lamp of wisdom. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Nandopananda bhujaga vibhudha mahiddhi , Puttena therabhujagena damvpayanto. Iddh padesa vidhin jitav Munindo, Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni. The gifted but perverted king of the N gas, Nandopananda by name, possessed great psychic power and was hostile. By instructing the Elder Moggall na, his spiritual son, mighty in supernatural attainments, the Sovereign Sage rendered the N ga king powerless and transformed him. Thus, through a supernormal mode of spiritual instruction intelligible to his kind, did the Master conquer the N ga. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Dugg hadi hibhujagena suda ha hattha

Brahma visuddhi jutimiddhi Bak bhidh na . gadena vidhin jitav Munindo,

Ta tejas bhavatu me jayama gal ni.


Though a deity of great purity, radiance and power, Baka, the Brahma god, was nevertheless in the grip of pernicious views, like an arm tightly held by a snake's coils. Him the Sovereign Sage curved by means of wisdom. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Et pi Buddha jayama gala a hag th ,

Yo v cako dine dine sarate matand , Hitv na nekavividh ni c upaddav ni, Mokkha sukha adhigameyya naro sapao. Whoso, day after day, without lethargy, recites and recollects these eight hymns of the Exalted One's glorious triumphs that wise man, having overcome many and diverse obstacles, would attain to the bliss of Deliverance.


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