Change Management

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WS 2011/2012 LV - 336.167 UE - 336.168 WS 2011/2012

Pavel Scepka - 1130018

Organizational Redesign

Redesigning an organization involves assessing how the current functions, structures, roles and responsibilities are operating and identifying what could be done or changed to improve efficiencies and effectiveness of operation within a specific unit. Typically, a work team in the unit is formed to conduct the analysis and make recommendations.

Basic steps of organizational redesign process

Step 1: Select Project Planning Team Step 2: Collect Customer or Stakeholder Data Step 3: Perform Functional Analysis Step 4: Group Functions According to Criteria Step 5: Create New Organizational Chart Step 6: Collect Feedback from Key Stakeholders and Customers Step 7: Finalize Design

There are three very important parts of organizational redesign such as process design, learning design and emotions. The very basic brief about each one of them would be that process design has to consider various aspects of the whole development system. Everything has to be cleared and smooth to visualize everything as competences, responsibilities and tasks with clear mind and no influences what so ever. Another thing is to have clear structure and to be sure what and how to follow futures steps. Another important aspect in this process is to be sure to value internal or external help to be sure what is the most needed and sufficient for this task as well as emotion, which have to be considered, too. Learning design deals with new conditions and new looks on problematic tasks. This part of design involves structuring and organizing of all possible improvements or errors of present considered insufficiency. The last but very often, very persuading part is emotions. We deal with emotions in everyday situations but also very importantly at work. These work or job emotions are usable for solving any company problems because they involve the real truth about emotional side of every subject.

Organizational development
Organizational development is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and viability. This development or a process of a change management differentiates from other because it consideres also reactions, expectations and visions of people injected in the

whole process as managemers, employees and other people that are directly affected. This process is long term orientated and reacts to all people affected by it and tries to sum up as mich information as possible and trying to solve it. Aims and goals are determined by people from inside of the company and external people have no say in these parts of process. This process involves few main parts of changes named also as principles: Big part is to involve everyone on the board and to carry out changes by themselves, mostly what people would like to change and to follow step by step To preserve the cultural identity of the affected organization To work with all the information hand in hand and to shape them in desired shape as people for the change need

Adaption to environment and steps in order to become successful must be followed till end of working on this case.

Change management
Change management is mostly a type of improvement of organizational development because this management should go further and to consider also external factors. In comparison to organizational development, change management is those consultancies are no longer sociologically, psychologically and systemically orientated. External consultants develop new business processes, structures, business fields, etc.. External people have to study the company and to develop their own process that they assume would fit the best for the company difficulty, or problem. These solutions may be analysis, branch comparisons, and benchmarks. These contents of the transformation processes are based on goals that have been developed outside the system. External consultants play a big role in the whole change management, where they are in track of everything and usually have also a big word to the play. Initiative and employed workers are awaiting the change and trying to penetrate into it by the whole depth.

Transformation management
This process contains combined aspects of organizational development and change management. The improvement here is that is a lot more agile and quicker for solving problems that are running out of time or are having lack of it. External consultants in this type of management never make a decision that would influence all the effected, inside people that work in the company. This part of organizational redesign is viewed as an important stage by constantly reviewed. The time perspective is middle to long term and most of the time the focus is business segment, structures or corporate cultures.

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