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The Lake By David Raygoza




We see shots of a lake, serene and bright, with its small town patrons, having fun in the sun. The lake itself has sort of a man made beach, but on either side, its all woods and trees. Either swim toward the horizon, or leave through the woods. Nevertheless, the families flock to the waters. CUT TO: EXT. A LAKE NIGHT

Two teenagers, Chris and Sarah, at the same lake from before, but the sun is gone. Theyre enjoying the night. Laying on a blanket, listening to a radio while staring out into the waters. SARAH realizes shes missing something in her pockets. SARAH Crap! I left my phone in your car! My parents will flip if I dont text them back. Ill be right back, okay? She kisses him on the cheek and leaves into the woods. CHRIS sits there, mulling over what to do. Leaning over to the radio, he changes the station to something more his style. Hard rock. Think "First It Giveth" by Queens of the Stone Age. From the water, theres a small "PLOP" sound. As if someone has dropped a stone in. He looks, and theres a ripple. CHRIS Sarah? Another PLOP. More ripples. He gets up and looks out into the woods, to see if it might be someone playing a joke on him. CHRIS Yeah, really funny! You got me! Behind him, a dark figure rises from the lake. (CONTINUED)



Its feet step onto the man-made beach, dirtying up the sand with pitch-black water. Silently, the figure, who looks completely dark, but dauntingly human, while lacking any features at all. Like a living shadow. Cut to: SARAH coming back. Shes smiling at first, holding her phone up, about to say "Got it!" But instead, horror creeps onto her face, and she drops her phone. She puts her hands up to her face. Chris is gone. Replaced, instead, with a trail of blood going into the lake. ROLL OPENING CREDITS OPENING CREDITS A LAKE NIGHT

As the opening credits roll, we watch the origin story of the lake. A group of teenagers, about 6 or so of them, show up at the lake, booze in tow. They laugh and drink and smoke some marijuana. One of them gets something out of his bag. A huge, ancient looking book. Very Necronomicon. He reads from it, reciting and gestures toward the Lake. When he finishes, he goes back to his beer and takes a swig. He gets down into his underwear then going into the lake, inviting everyone to come on in. They laugh and turn around RIGHT when He gets pulled underwater. They turn back, and hes gone. But then a ripple forms in the water. And out from the water emerges a shadow figure. He steps onto land, toward the group, and they all run for their lives. Shots of blood on trees, and blood on the ground. (CONTINUED)



Then, the last of the teens is trying their hardest to make it to the truck. Its in their line of sight. And then they trip. With horror on their face, knowing its their doom, they turn over and look at the shadow figure. CUT TO: INT. SARAHS BEDROOM DAY

SARAH lies in her bed, unable to bring herself to get up. She closes her eyes and cant help seeing her boyfriend killed. She imagines him being taken into the Lake, a noose around his neck, the skin below his chin seeping with blood. She closes her eyes and tries not to cry. There has to be an explanation. She gets out her cellphone and dials. CUT TO: INT. CLASSROOM DAY

KYLE, who is around the same age as SARAH, sits on the floor, textbook and homework assignments sprawled out, when his phone rings. KYLE This is Kyle. SARAH Kyle, its Sarah. Can you talk? KYLE looks at his work, closes the text book and leans back against the wall. KYLE Yeah, of course. Ive always got time for you. Whats up? SARAH can barely speak, shes doing her best to not break out bawling. KYLE Are you all right?


CONTINUED: SARAH Kyle, I need you to meet me at the lake after school. KYLE Yeah, sure. What time? SARAH As soon as it gets dark. KYLE Is Chris going to be there? SARAH No. Chris wont be there. KYLE Yeah yeah, cool. Should I bring anything? SARAH Do you have flashlights? KYLE Yeah, at home, sure I do. What are we going to do?



KYLE walks up to SARAH, hands her a flashlight, and holds one himself. KYLE So what, did you lose an earring here or something? SARAH Just come with me. Together, they walk to the edge where she lost Chris. KYLE What am I looking at? SARAH There. She points the flash light at the trail of blood leading into the water. KYLE walks up to the edge and touches the ground (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: KYLE Youre joking. A ripple forms in the water, and a PLOP, is heard SARAH Oh god. KYLE What? What was that? A second PLOP SARAH We need to leave. KYLE Why? A whispering voice, much like SARAHs, speaks to Kyle SARAH (WHISPER) We just got here. KYLE We just got here. SARAH Please, we need to leave!


SARAH tugs at Kyles arm, trying to get him to walk away from the shore. He backs up with her for a little. SARAH (WHISPER) Dont you want to find out what happened? But then pulls away for her, and gets CLOSER to the shore KYLE Dont you want to find out what happened? SARAH backs up against a tree. Out of the water, EMERGES the shadow of the lake. KYLE starts to walk backwards SARAH (WHISPER) Stay. But its getting harder and harder to walk.




SARAH (WHISPER) Stay. He falls to his knees, dropping his flashlight, clutching his head. The shadow of the lake walks up to Kyle and holds his head in his arms. Begins to DIG his fingers in. Blood starts to TRICKLE down. SARAH Kyle! Images of Chris come into her mind, images of the shadow digging his fingers into Chriss head the way hes doing it to Kyle now. Then, multiple plops. 3 or 4, as lots of ripples start to form in the water. KYLE looks at Sarah, pain and horror in his eyes. KYLE Run. SARAH turns and starts SPRINTING through the woods. She can hear Kyles screams. She can see the car. KYLE (WHISPER) Stay. She doesnt want to, but she slows down, staggering, leaning on the car for support. The shadow of the lake stands behind her, getting closer. She fumbles with the door, opening it, but just barely. KYLE (WHISPER) Stay. She falls to the groud, as the shadow puts her head in his hands. CUT TO:





We see shots of the lake, serene and bright, on the morning after, the hint of red in the sand only slightly noticeable in its daytime splendor. KID Mom, can I go in? MOM Yes, honey, go on in. Mommy left something in the car. CUT TO BLACK We hear a PLOP ROLL END CREDITS

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