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Marketing activities can be regarded as lifeblood of all business concern. In order to enhance the performance of marketing department and overall success of a business concern, stud y of consu mer behavior and their satisfaction, sales and distribution channels, advertisement and

co mpetitive advantages. The performance of a co mpany very much depends on marketing department. Therefore, these activities very muc h important for an organization. No study can be termed co mplete if there is no practical experience. Hence need for training has beco me a real necessity. The training aim to prepare students through a process of practical experience. Practical exposure no doubt has contributed a significant amount of knowledge to me along with real life experience & was an ideal combination of acade mic kno wledge & practical experience. Ka jaria cera mics is a very ideal location to gain practical experience. The experience gained in short duration, I a m sure will go a long way in all my future endeavors.

Rumors have it that the first clay tiles were produced seven to eight thousand years ago in the area now known as the Holy Land. Many sources independently verify that the actual known history of Tiles (and the known usage of wall and floor tile coverings) can be traced back as far as the fourth millennium BC (4000 BC) to Egypt.

In those days, in Egypt, tiles were used to decorate various houses. Clay bricks were dried beneath the sun or baked, and the first glazes were blue in color and were made from copper, very exquisite!

During that period ceramics were also known to be found in Mesopotamia. These ceramics bore decorations, which were white and blue striped and later possessed more varied patterns and colors. Later on, in China too, the great center of ceramic art, a fine, white stoneware with the earliest Chinese glaze was produced during the ShangYin dynasty (1523-1028 BC).

The usage and the art of making and decorating ceramic tiles had spread and by 900 A.D., decorative tiles had become widely used in Persia, Syria, Turkey and across North Africa. As transport and communication developed, tile usage and its penetration in other territories increased. Wars and territory take-over caused this art to spread even faster.

The Romans introduced tile making in Western Europe as they occupied territories. The Low Countries of Northern Europe somehow acquired the technology from Persia, while the Moors brought African tiles with them when they invaded Iberia (Spain). It was aboard the ships of Spanish conquistadors that decorative clay tiles found their way to the New World, where they were used primarily to decorate the Churches of newly built missions.

By the end of the 12th century, use and manufacture of Ceramic Tiles had spread across Italy and Spain and into the rest of Europe. Till that time they were mainly used to decorate the floors of Cathedrals and Churches. The skill had eventually vanished from Europe in the 16th century following the reformation. But the decorative wall tile art had survived in Turkey and the Middle East and the Delft tiles art survived in Holland.

A form of tile making had also evolved among the natives of North and South America at some point. The first decorative tiles to appear in Colonial North America were imported from Northern Europe, mainly England the Brits having hijacked the

technology from the Dutch. The tiles were too expensive for utilitarian purposes in the Colonies and were found almost exclusively in the homes of the wealthy.

Through the centuries, tile decoration was improved upon, as were methods of tile manufacture. For example, during the Islamic period, all methods of tile decoration were brought to perfection in Persia. Throughout the known world, in various countries and cities, Ceramic tile production and decoration reached great heights. The tile mosaics of Spain and Portugal, the floor tiles of Renaissance Italy, the faiences of Antwerp, the development of tile iconography in the Netherlands, and the Ceramic tiles of Germany are all prominent landmarks in the history of Ceramic tile.

In the early days, the tiles were hand-made, each tile was hand-formed and handpainted, and thus each was a work of art in its own right. Ceramic tile was used almost everywhere on walls, floors, ceilings, fireplaces, in murals, and as an exterior cladding on buildings. Today Ceramic tile throughout the world is not hand-made or hand-painted for most part. Automated manufacturing techniques are used and the human hand does not enter into the picture until it is time to install the tile. They are used in an almost infinite number of ways and you dont have to consider yourself wealthy to own them. In commercial buildings, where both beauty and durability are considerations, ceramic tiles will be found, particularly in lobby areas and restrooms.

In fact most modern houses throughout use Ceramic tiles for their bathrooms and kitchens and in every vital area of the premise. Ceramic tiles are also the choice of industry, where walls and floors must resist chemicals. And the Space Shuttle never leaves Earth without its protective jacket of high-tech, heat resistant tiles.



Ceramic Tiles are furnishing materials apart from being utility or hygiene products - despite an overall slowdown of the economy this sector continues to grow at a healthy 12% per annum.

Investments in the last 5 years have aggregated over Rs. 2000 crores (or INR 20 Billion) and production during 2003-04 stood at approx. 200 million sq mts.

Growth of the unorganized sector accounted for 44% of total production, which bears testimony of the attractive returns from this industry.

Revenue earning industry - excise mops up over Rs. 150 crores (or INR 1.5 Billion) annually from the organized sector itself.

Ranks in the top 7 in terms of production in the world. Market share of India has risen from a little over 1.7% to 2.7% in terms of ceramic tile production.

With proper planning and better quality control our exports (presently insignificant) contribution can significantly increase.


Apart from their decorative looks, Ceramic Tiles are primarily hygiene products and that is how our broad spectrum of consumers views the product. This is fairly evident from its usage ranging from bathrooms and kitchens in average Indian households to medical centers, labs, milk booths, schools, public conveniences and countless other centers dotting our surroundings. A ceramic tile is basically a "utility product" and that remains our promotional slogan. Popular housing projects are increasingly switching over to Ceramic Tiles from the traditional mosaic and even granite or marble, owing to several factors viz. ease in laying ability, versatility, low price and most important hygiene.

Nevertheless, this decorative aspect of a Ceramic Tiles has forever been in the forefront. Heavy churning out of bolder and colorful designs by the industry are testament that most households regard a ceramic tile as an "adornment" for an otherwise "drab look" of their age-old floorings or an unfurnished wall.


Over the coming years, we expect to explore organic and inorganic opportunities in pursuit of our goal to report an attractive turnover increase in every single year and our vision of reporting revenues of Rs 1000 crore by 2009-10.


The Keys cera mics mission is To be the worlds premier consu mer Products Co mpany focused on produ ction of various types of tiles. W e seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our empl oyees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.

1. 2.

"To be the leader in the Ceramic tile industry." Marketing networks for ceramic tiles in the Middle East, South-East Asia, Africa, the European Union and America.


Manufacture and export of specialized tiles meeting strict international quality benchmarks;









45 DAYS FROM 16TH MAY 2011 TO 30TH JUNE 2011

Research has its special significance in solving various operational and market planning problems of the business and the industry.

Market research is the investigation of the structure and development of the market for the purpose of formulating efficient policies for purchasing, production and sales.

Operational research refers to application of mathematical, logical and analytical techniques to the cost minimization and profit maximization problems.

Motivational research refers to determining why people behave as they do is mainly concerned with market characteristics. In other words it is concerned with the determination of motivation underlying the consumer behavior.

All these are of great help to people in business and industry.




SAMPLING DESIGN Sampling is the process of obtaining information from a subset of a larger group, it gives the estimate of the larger group. Type of universe: Universe means the set of object to be studied. Here it is the number of retail outlets and consumers in Delhi region. The retail outlets are more than thousand and the consumers are the residents of Delhi region. Sampling Unit: The sampling unit means the retail outlets like the super market, keindriya bhandar, departmental stores, kirana store, bakeries etc and the consumers whom I have visited.

Source List: The list of source is not available. For that researcher makes the list by own judgment.

Size of sample: The size of sample is twenty eight retailers and thirty one customers.

Type of sample design: To select the type of sample design I had to consider two factors:


 To show boom in the real estate.  To fulfill the need of material in real estate & need of increasing population.  Toknow the impact of real estate development on ceramic tile industry.


 To know the opportunities for ceramic tile in the market.  To know the major producers of ceramic tiles & real estate developers.  To understand the market for ceramic tile industry and real estate.  To know the consumers buying behavior.


 Manufacturer is not providing each and every data  There is a less information because of unknown ability  The study was conducted by taking too little respondents to arrive to valid conclusion on the several aspects related to the marketing of ceramic tiles.  Some of the respondents were not actual decision makers of the family therefore the information gathered from them might have some biases.

Proposed Questionnaire:

Consumer Questionnaire
Name: Address: Contact No: 1. How often do you consume Mineral Water? a) Always b) Sometime c) Often d) Never

2. When feeling thirsty you pot for mineral water over soft drink, juice etc.? a) Always b) Sometime c) Often d) Never

3. How many brands of mineral water are you aware of? a) 0-2 b) 3-5 c) 6-10 d) 10 & above

4. Is your preferred brand of mineral water easily available? a) Yes b) No c) cant say

5. Which size of bottle do you prefer? a) 500ml b) 1ltr. c) 5 ltr. d) 20 ltr.

6. Do you think mineral water is much more hygiene then normal water? a) Yes b) No

7. Do you think the price the companies are charging is worth the product? a) Yes b) No

8. Does advertising of this product have any effect on your purchase? a) Yes b) No

9. Do you think Indians are getting more health conscious day by day? a) Yes b) No

10. Which brand do you prefer while buying mineral water? a) Bisleri b)Kinley c)Aquafina d)Yes e)Other

Retailers Questionnaire
Name: Address: Contact No: 1. How many brands of mineral water do you see? a) 2-3 b) 3-5 c) More

2. What types of brand do you have? a) Advertised b) Non advertised c) Both

3. Which brand is selling more? a) Bisleri b)Kinley c)Aquafina d)Yes e)Other

4. Which size of bottle is selling more? a) 500ml b) 1ltr. c) 5 ltr. d) 20 ltr.

5. What is your basic of keeping a particular packaged drinking water brands at your shop? a) Demand by the consumers. b) Schemes offered by the companies c) Advertised d) Others 6. On which brand do you get more margins? a) Bisleri b)Kinley c)Aquafina d)Yes e)Other

7. Do you feel there is growth in the mineral water market in the last 5 years? a) Yes b) No

8. If answer to above question is yes, then what do you think is the reason for this growth? a) Increase in health conscious of people b) Increase in advertisement c) Scarcity of drinking water d) Others 9. What is future prospect of this market? a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d) Poor

1. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management New Delhi, prentice hall of India, 2003 (9th edition). 2. Kothari C R, Research Methodology, New Delhi, Vishwaprakash, 2003 (2nd edition). 3. S.H.W. Boyd, R. Westfall and S.F Stasch, Marketing Research- Text and Cases (7th edition). 4. Britannica Encyclopedia. 5. Mr. Hari Sundar (2008), Indian Packaged Drinking Water Industry, Advertising Express, Page No. 55. 6. 7. 8. 9. www.bottledwaterindia.web

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