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9th February 2012 Attendance R. Ernsteins (MEPS), R. ORourke (ANPS), C. Hawkins (GWPS), J. Pears (RPS), V.

(LPS), E. Cambey (GPS), D. Stewart (GPS), E. Argeminos (GWPS), B. White (GEPS), A. Kohary (GEPS), D. Karamaneas (MEPS).

Annual General Meeting Agenda

1. Annual Report - Presented by Alex Kohary (GEPS) 2. Annual Treasurers Statement - Presented by Olivia Logan-Pye Sydney West to invoice schools directly for Region affiliation fees. Some schools still outstanding refer report. 3. Election of 2012 Executive Officers
President - Eva Argeminos (GWPS) Vice President - Jonathan Pears (RPS) Secretary Rob Ernsteins (MEPS) Treasurer not decided. More time needed.

4. Election of 2012 Conveners T-Ball Granville Public School Softball Deianna Karamaneas(MEPS) AFL Vanessa Scelzi (Lidcombe) Cricket Craig Hawkins(Guildford West) Newcombe Ball - David Green (Granville) Netball Renee ORourke (Auburn North) Soccer Jonathan Pears (Rosehill) League Tag Boys TBA League Tag Girls - TBA General Meeting Agenda 1. 2012 Calendar - Draft version sent to schools. Up-loaded to 2. AFL information Attended by Ash Moeller, Schools Development Manager AFL is to start next week. AFL officials to set up Webbs Ave at 8:30am. First week is to be a skills and rules workshop though schools are encouraged to teach students rules at schools beforehand. Competition to follow Paul Kelly Cup rules Paul Kelly Cup Held on the 15th March with all schools encouraged to attend. There is also a K-2 gala day on offer for those schools that are interested. Ambassadors needed to be AFL contacts. Each school member is entitled to free Swans and Giants game functions as part of the program. Team make-up Teams can contain at least 3 girls per squad. Officials to try and even teams up on the day if uneven. Mouth guards to be worn and football boots are optional.

3. Rules Workshop Thursday 16 February 4pm start. League Tag Alex (Parramatta Eels) Softball Deianna Karamaneas (MEPS) Netball Granville Teachers Newcomball David Green (RPS)) T-Ball Granville Teachers Soccer Jonathan Pears (RPS) AFL AFL representatives 4. Zone Swimming Carnival Wednesday 7 March no backup date as yet. 5. Zone Trials Boys Football - 8th March Softball 23rd February Netball 22nd February Combined Schools Rugby League Trials 1st March, Merrylands Oval Sydney West Softball 14th March Sydney West AFL Trials 21st March Sydney West Cricket Trials 22nd March Girls Football Championships No entry. Cumberland Zone Tennis Competition 20th February Any other business Sydney West Swimming changed to day competition. All students (suggested) to pay $7 whether they are driving or not. Continue this with all other sports. All softball games are at Granville Park Deianna Karamaneas (MEPS) to do draw and hand to T-Ball conveners. Amendments made to league tag rules by Craig Hawkins Girls are not to wear skirts need to wear shorts. Rules emailed to Rob Ernsteins and uploaded to Wiki. Meeting Closed 5:09pm

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