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Nursing Theorists 1. Florence Nightingale - Environment theory 2. Hildegard Peplau - Interpersonal theory 3. Virginia Henderson - Need Theory 4.

Fay Abdella - Twenty One Nursing Problems 5. Ida Jean Orlando - Nursing Process theory 6. Dorothy Johnson - System model 7. Martha Rogers -Unitary Human beings 8. Dorothea Orem - Self-care theory 9. Imogene King - Goal Attainment theory 10. Betty Neuman - System model 11. Sister Calista Roy - Adaptation theory 12. Jean Watson - Philosophy and Caring Model 13. Madeleine Leininger -Transcultural nursing 14. Patricia Benner - From Novice to Expert 15. Lydia E. Hall - The Core, Care and Cure 16. Joyce Travelbee - Human-To-Human Relationship Model 17. Margaret Newman - Health As Expanding Consciousness 18. Katharine Kolcaba - Comfort Theory 19. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse - Human Becoming Theory 20. Ernestine Wiedenbach - The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing 21. ANNE CASEY Caseys Model of Nursing 22. BETTY NEUMAN Health Care System Model 23. BONNIE WEAVER DULDT- BATTEY Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication 24. DOROTHEA OREM Self-Care Deficit Theory 25. DOROTHY JOHNSON Behavioral System Model 26. EDWARD SUCHMAN Stage of Illness Model 27. ERNESTINE WEIDENBACH Prescriptive Theory 28. FAYE GLENN ABDELLAH 21 Nursing Problem 29. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Environmental Theory of Nursing 30. HILDEGARD PEPLAU Theory of Interpersonal Relations 31. IDA JEAN ORLANDO Nursing Process Theory 32. IMOGENE KING Goal Attainment Theory

33. IOANNIS KOLOFISSUDIS Complexity Nursing Theory 34. JEAN WATSON Theory of Transpersonal Caring 35. JOAN RIEHL-SISCA Self Concept Construct 36. JOYCE FITZPATRICK Life Perspective Rhythm Model 37. JOYCE TRAVELBEE Human-to-Human Relationship Model 38. KATHERINE KOLCABA Theory of Comfort 39. KURT LEWIN Change Theory 40. LEON FESTINGER Theory of Cognitive Dissonance 41. LYDIA HALL Care core cure 42. MAJORY GORDEN Functional Health Patterns 43. MARTHA ROGERS Science of Unitary Human Being 44. NANCY MILLO Framework of Prevention 45. NORA PENDER Health Promotion Model 46. MARGARET NEWMAN Health as Expanding Consciousness 47. MYRA ESTRIN LEVINE 4 Principles of Conservation 48. PATRICIA BENNER From Novice to Expert 49. ROBERT CARKHUFF Helping and Human Relationship 50. RAMONA MERCER Maternal Role Attainment Theory 51. ROSEMARIE RIZZOPARSE Theory of Human Becoming 52. SISTER CALISTA ROY Adaptation Model 53. VIRGINIA HENDERSON 14 Basic Needs of clients 54. Helen Erickson the modelling and role modeling 55. Virginia Henderson - Henderson's need theory 56. Imogene King goal attainment 57. Madeleine Leininger culture care: diversity and universality theory 58. Ramona T Mercer - Maternal role attainment theory 59. Anne Casey - Casey's model of nursing 60. Rosemarie Rizzo-Parse - Human becoming theory 61. Isabel Hampton Robb - Holistic Nursing Theories and Models 62. Nancy Roper, Winifred W. Logan, and Alison J. Tierney - Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing 63. Callista Roy - Adaptation model of nursing 64. Katharine Kolcaba comfort theory 65. Phil Barker - Tidal Model

66. Moyra Allen - McGill model of nursing 67. Erickson, Tomlin & Swain - Modeling and Role-Modeling 68. Katie Eriksson theory of caritative caring 69. Dr. Jean Watson theory of human caring 70. Paterson & Zderad humanistic nursing 71. Boykin & Schoenhofer the theory of nursing as caring

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