Raise & Praise

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Mission aviation Fellowship LENT CAMPAIGN 2012

22 February 8 april 2012

Mission Aviation Fellowship Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone UK CT20 2TN Telephone: 0845 850 9505 Email: supporter.relations@maf-uk.org www.raiseandpraise.org

Thank you so much for choosing to spend your Lent time with us or deciding to commit the next six weeks to focusing your support on MAF. We hope that, throughout the next 40 days, we are able to encourage, challenge and give you opportunities to deepen your relationship with God and involvement with MAF. Each week, there is a different theme which focuses either on an aspect of MAFs work or on the lives of the people to whom we fly. Within these themes there are three ways in which you can direct your devotions for that week: Raise Praise, Raise Prayers or Raise Pounds. Raise Praise: A focus on the ways in which God blesses you. Please use this time simply to thank God for all the ways in which He provides and cares for you. We have given a couple of ideas to get you going, but feel free to explore beyond this.

Raise Prayers: A focus on the needs of others. Join with MAF to pray for specific countries, people or situations that need Gods power to change them.

Raise Pounds: Creative ways you can give to MAF. This may be by giving up something for a week and saving the money you would have spent, or by giving as a way of thanking God for His blessings that week. If you decide that you are going to give up something for the whole 40 days (for example, chocolate) then please consider giving the money you would save to MAF. Ways to give: Money box - we can send you an MAF money box if you would like one to collect your pennies in. Please get in touch with your details and well pop one in the post. Just Giving - go to www.justgiving.com/mafuk and follow the easy steps under the link Make your page. It takes only a few minutes. You can personalise it and share your progress with others. Cheque/Direct Debit - please dont send money through the post. Wed much rather you put it in your bank and send us a cheque. Alternatively, call us or visit our website to set up a one-off or regular Direct Debit payment. Keep in touch: Please let us know how you are doing throughout Raise & Praise! Send us a letter, give us a call or get involved online. Wed love to hear from you and it would be a real encouragement to MAF and other Supporters who have got onboard with the challenge.

Week 1: Food 22 February 4 March

John 6:48,51 I am the bread of life. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Thank God this week for His provision of food. Thank Him for the huge enjoyment that cooking, sharing and eating food can be and that, through His grace, we live in a country where food is always available. MAF has now been providing famine relief flights in East Africa for six months, delivering food, medicine and aid workers to the worst-affected areas. Pray that relief and aid workers will continue to be flown to these areas and that long-term solutions can be found and implemented. Is there a little treat you cant resist each day? Why not give it up for just this week and put the change in your MAF money box?

Week 4: Travel 19-25 March

Genesis 24:40 He replied, The LORD, before whom I have walked faithfully, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success. In the UK, ease of travel is often something we take for granted or even resent in times of traffic jams or delays. Thank God that, when crises occur, we can rely upon the emergency services to travel quickly and safely to us. A 7-hour road journey in difficult conditions takes just 40 minutes by air in Bangladesh. Its 4 hours over a mountain ridge compared with a 6-minute flight between Piaya and Malambo in Tanzania. Pray that MAFs work will continue and develop in areas where infrastructure is weak or non-existent. If possible, swap a car journey for a bike ride or walk this week, and save the petrol money in your MAF money box. If not, you could give a days or a weeks petrol money instead.

Week 2: Insecurity 5-11 March

Psalm 4:8 I will both lie down in peace and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety Praise God that we are blessed with a democratic government, a police force that prevents and investigates crime and military forces that serve their country when required. Pray that Gods peace will calm ongoing violence and unrest in countries such as South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pray that children and families will be protected, differences reconciled and communities restored. Tensions over land and natural resources are often a source of conflict. Products such as coffee or chocolate are often at the heart of these troubles. Why not cut them out and give the money you save to MAF?

Week 5: Health 26 March 1 April

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Thank God for His provision of our modern health service. Thank Him that medicine and care is easily accessible, of a good standard and uses current technology. The Nuba people of Sudan waited four decades to see an eye doctor as ongoing fighting prevented eye teams visiting the area. Please pray that medical needs such as these are identified and met quickly by doctors, governments recognise that long-term solutions must be found, and isolated people gain access to health education. MAF worked with Christian Blind Mission to screen 770 patients near the Nuba mountains over 2 weeks. Please give any spare change you have this week so that these vital partnerships can continue and MAF can get medical aid to where it is needed most.

Week 3: Family 12-18 March

Hebrews 2:11 Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. It is a great blessing that God places us in families. Be it at home or at church, having others who care and support you in good times and bad is priceless. Pray a blessing upon those God has blessed you with today. Where famine, war or disease epidemics occur, displacement of individuals and families follow. Please pray for children who have been left to lead their household due to diseases such as HIV, and for families who have been separated in the aftermath of war. This week, set an evening aside to be with those you call family. Make a space in the busyness of life for those who are important to you, and share about why youre doing it. If it means sacrificing a weekly club or outing, give the money you save to MAF.

Week 6: Faith 2-8 April

Matthew 5:11-12 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Praise God that we have the freedom to share our faith, meet together publically as a church and read our Bibles in our own language, without fear of repercussions. In Bundibugyo, western Uganda, MAF delivered 2,000 copies of the Gospel of Mark in the local Lubwisi language. Pray for the continuing work of Bible translators across the globe, that more people will come to Christ through receiving the Word and grow to maturity through reading it. Celebrate with your church or small group the freedom you have to express your faith. Take an offering for MAF so that Bibles can still be delivered and support given to those who want to know Christ.

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