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Quran is the medium of communication between man and The Creator. The order from Allah are being delivered through the Quran. Quran is the guidance for human to be in the right track. There are 114 sura in the Quran that can be guide to human life. Al-Fatihah is the opening sura in the Quran. The first verses to be revealed, according to the most correct opinion of scholars, are the first five verses of Surat Al-`Alaq, which happens to be Chapter 96 of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an. Quran is being revealed as to support the argument between Prophet Muhammad SAW and non muslims. In order to support Prophet, many verses in quran are revealed. Quran also the guidance to the unsolved thing that happened in the world. Through Quran, Allah has given His order to human. During the first 13 years of Islam, the main task of the Prophet (saws) was to call people to Islam based on the Qur'anic revelations that focused on the Oneness of Allah and righteous conduct. When Muslims migrated to Madinah and an Islamic community started to be well-established and new challenges emerged, the main focus of the revelation was to regulate the life of Muslims through detailing the rulings pertaining to different acts of worship and setting punishments for crimes and so on. The concept of Quran revealed to human have many aspect such as creation is material evidence for God, man guidance, the messenger and other than that. The biggest aspect is to guidance man through the sura that delivered. There are biography of the earlier prophet and the [Type text] [Type text]

previous people that already receive punishment from Allah because their wrongdoer. For instance, 'It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light ... We ordained therein for them: life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal, but if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity it is an act of atonement for himself and if any fail to judge by (the light of) what God has revealed they are (no better than) wrongdoers' (Al-Qur'an 5: 47-8) , a reference to the Torah (taurat) of Musa. [Type text] [Type text]

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