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Fruktosa (D-fruktosa) adalah suatu ketoheksosa C6H12O6 terdapat dalam madu dan buah-buahan manis serta merupakan suatu komponen pada berbagai di- dan polisakarida ( dorland,ed 29) Struktur rantai kimia fruktosa Monosaccharide classifications based on the number of carbons

Number of Carbons
4 5 6 7

Category Name
Tetrose Pentose Hexose Heptose Erythrose, Threose


Arabinose, Ribose, Ribulose, Xylose, Xylulose, Lyxose Allose, Altrose, Fructose, Galactose, Glucose, Gulose, Idose, Mannose, Sorbose, Talose, Tagatose Sedoheptulose, Mannoheptulose

Fructose, also called levulose or "fruit sugar", is shown here in the chain and ring forms. Fructose and glucose are the main carbohydrate constituents of honey.


(a ketose)





Sumber fruktosa Based on USDA (US Department of Agriculture) National Nutrient Database Release 22 (SR22). The values are mean nutrient values per 100 grams of the edible portion.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Agave, dried (Southwest) Honey McDONALD'S, Honey Dates, medjool Raisins, seedless Lemonade-flavor drink, powder Lemonade, frozen concentrate, pink Dates, deglet noor Lemonade, frozen concentrate, white Agave, cooked (Southwest) Lemonade, powder Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate McDONALD'S, Sweet 'N Sour Sauce McDONALD'S, Barbeque Sauce Prune puree Molasses McDONALD'S, Hot Mustard Sauce Catsup Vinegar, balsamic Spices, paprika Pomegranate juice, bottled Cherimoya, raw Pears, raw Tamarind nectar, canned Apples, raw, without skin Miso Guanabana nectar, canned Apples, raw, with skin McDONALD'S, Low Fat Caramel Sauce Kiwifruit, gold, raw Guava nectar, canned Mango nectar, canned Persimmons, japanese, raw Chokecherries, raw, pitted (Shoshone Bannock) Cherries, sweet, raw McDONALD'S, Apple Dippers Cranberry juice cocktail, bottled Blueberries, raw Bananas, raw McDONALD'S, Warm Cinnamon Roll Pie, Dutch Apple, Commercially Prepared

42.83 g 40.94 g 37.88 g 31.95 g 29.68 g 21.99 g 20.06 g 19.56 g 17.99 g 17.57 g 17.50 g 15.96 g 15.63 g 15.44 g 13.87 g 12.79 g 9.57 g 9.29 g 7.38 g 6.71 g 6.37 g 6.28 g 6.23 g 6.07 g 6.03 g 6.00 g 5.94 g 5.90 g 5.89 g 5.68 g 5.57 g 5.56 g 5.56 g 5.38 g 5.37 g 5.00 g 4.97 g 4.97 g 4.85 g 4.65 g 4.57 g

42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Kiwifruit, green, raw Chokecherries, raw, pitted (Northern Plains Indians) McDONALD'S, Baked Apple Pie Spices, chili powder Bread, pan dulce, sweet yeast bread Grapes, muscadine, raw Abiyuch, raw Fast foods, miniature cinnamon rolls Carbonated beverage, ginger ale

4.35 g 4.35 g 4.30 g 4.29 g 4.05 g 3.92 g 3.80 g 3.76 g 3.70 g

DAFPUS Definisi -dr.herni koesoemawati,drHuriawati Hartanto,dr Ivo Novita Salim,D.Lyana Setiawan,dr.Valleria,dr Wanny suparman.kamus kedokteran dorland edisi 29,EGC,cetakan 1 2002 jakarta. Rantai fruktosa Sumber fruktosa

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