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8 theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 2008

news without borders

Colombia fires more

soldiers over civilian
briefs deaths
BOGOTA: Colombia fired 10 army
officers and three soldiers on
Sunday in a widening scandal over
Lee: Singapore better the killing of innocent civilians that
threatens to further complicate a
off with one-party US trade deal bogged down over
dominance human rights.
SINGAPORE: Singapore is better off The soldiers and officers are
with one dominant political party, accused of shooting seven young
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says. men in the northern province of
He made the comments on Sunday Cordoba and passing the bodies
at a conference of his People’s Action off as leftist guerillas killed in
Party (PAP), which has ruled the city- combat.
state since 1959. “We have taken action. The
“As long as PAP provides clean cases are now in front of the at-
and good government, and the lives torney-general’s office,” Defence
of Singaporeans improve, the country Minister Juan Manuel Santos said
is much better off with one dominant in a public address.
party,” Lee said, according to a text of The government fired 27 army
his remarks received yesterday. officers last month after a probe
He said change must take place implicated them in the deaths of
not between parties but within the another group of young men who
PAP, “changing itself to stay in step disappeared from their homes and
with the times, and ahead of events”. were later shot, piled into mass
The PAP has all but two elected graves and counted as combat
seats in the 84-member parliament. deaths.
Singapore’s leaders have frequently The widespread and systematic
maintained that Western-style liberal slaying of innocent civilians by Co-
democracy is not the right model for lombian security forces must be
their country. investigated by the government or
The prime minister’s father, found- else the international courts could
ing prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, said intervene, the United Nations’
earlier this year that the opposition top rights official said this month.
would ruin the city-state’s achieve- – Reuters
ments in five years if they ever gained
power. Magnetic field
He has also been quoted as saying
that stability for investors in Singapore
therapy said to help
is more important than the democracy cure body’s ills
promoted by Western media. – AFP MUNICH: Magnetic fields, which are
common in our everyday lives but
Arroyo’s allies gain cannot be felt, are also employed in
health maintenance and medicine.
control in Senate “Studies have shown that mag-
MANILA: Political allies of Philip- netic field therapy facilitates healing
pine President Gloria Macapagal of broken bones by stimulating
Arroyo gained control of the up- circulation and bone growth,” says
per house of Congress yesterday, Hans-Ulrich Jabs, an internist in the
forcing the senate president to German town of Nottuln and head of
quit ahead of a confidence vote. the medicine and wellness section
Senator Manuel Villar, who said of the Duesseldorf-based German
early this year that he intends to Wellness Association.
run for president in the 2010 elec- The physics of the therapy is
tions, announced his resignation as as follows: When electricity flows
head of the 23-member Senate as through a conductor, a magnetic field,
the day’s session opened. with concentric lines of force, forms
“I was informed I no longer have around it. Such a magnetic field – pro-
the support of the majority of my duced by a solenoid, magnetic-field
colleagues, I therefore tender my device, or other magnetic object – is
resignation,” said Villar. used to rectify, as it were, the reduced
Earl Parreno of the Institute for and impaired electrical tension in the
Political and Electoral Reforms said cells of an unwell body.
Villar’s ouster could effectively put Depending on their strength,
the brakes on Senate inquiries into magnetic fields can penetrate bodily
corruption deals that have dogged structures and stimulate cells, accord-
the government. ing to Jabs. The Munich-based Ger-
Arroyo ally Juan Ponce Enrile man Society of Physical Medicine and
took over as senate president. The Rehabilitation (DGPMR) is sceptical of
84-year-old was defence secretary such claims, however, saying there is
in the regime of Ferdinand Marcos still no sufficient proof of the efficacy
and his switching sides to the of magnetic field therapy. – dpa
opposition helped oust the strong-
man in the 1986. – Reuters
Pirates take control
Support for Japan PM of Saudi oil tanker
DUBAI: Pirates have taken control
below 30% of a Saudi-owned oil supertanker
TOKYO: Public support for Japanese off east Africa, the US Navy said
Prime Minister Taro Aso’s cabinet has yesterday.
plunged below 30% after his economic The Sirius Star is the first oil
rescue plan failed to impress voters, a tanker to have been seized by
poll showed yesterday. pirates in the area. The huge vessel
A weekend survey found voter can hold up to two million barrels
support for Aso’s cabinet had fallen of crude oil.
to 29.6%, down from 42.8% in early “We don’t have any reports of
October and 50.4% soon after he took any damage to the ship,” said Lt
office in late September, according to Nathan Christensen, a spokesman
television network ANN. for the US Fifth Fleet.
Disapproval soared to 46.8%, from “We are evaluating the situa-
37.3% in October, according to the tion,” he said when asked whether
weekend poll of 1,000 adults. the navy was taking action to
The outspoken conservative has rescue the tanker.
also come under criticism for his He was unable to say how much
frequent visits to expensive hotel crude was on the ship.
bars while many voters are struggling The vessel has 25 crew from
through Japan’s first recession in Croatia, Britain, the Philippines,
seven years. Poland and Saudi Arabia, the US
He took office with a mission to Navy said in a statement.
lead the ruling Liberal Democratic Party The tanker was attacked 450
to victory in elections which must take nautical miles southeast of Mom-
place by September 2009. – AFP basa, Kenya, it said. – Reuters

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