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Online Greenlight Review

Unit 4: Story-Telling Anita Gill 13/2/12

19th Century Inventor, Walter, has become accustomed to his own company and routine. The daily knocking on his caravan door irritates him however, when the knocking stops, Walter discovers a curious little boy. They have more in common than he first thinks.

A grouchy inventor's heart is thawed and an unlikely friendship is formed all from a curious little knock.

Step Outline:
EXT. VICTORIAN STREET. DAY 1 - AFTERNOON Houses are shown with a single caravan shown between.

INT. CARAVAN. DAY 1 - AFTERNOON Introduced to WALTER. He is extremely irritated at the knocking on his door. The boy, ARTHUR, knocks at the same time everyday. Walter knocks back at on the window angrily causing the boy to run off. INT. CARAVAN. DAY 2-4 - DAY & NIGHT Clock is shown turning fast, representing passing of time. Knocking is heard in the background. INT. CARAVAN. DAY 5 - AFTERNOON Walter is confused when the boy doesn't knock. He sees two older boys throw a bucket of water over Arthur. Arthur and the bullies run off. Arthur drops a book.

EXT. CARAVAN. DAY 5 - AFTERNOON Walter opens the book and sees drawings including a water pistol. He gets an idea.

INT. CARAVAN. DAY 6 - AFTERNOON He waits for the boy, who knocks late. He gives Arthur the water pistol he created for him. Arthur squirts water at Walter.



EXT. VICTORIAN STREET. DAY 1 - AFTERNOON A tall row of Victorian houses are shown with a caravan breaking up the row into two. The 19th century caravan has a number of inventions attached. It is unusually made of metal. INT. CARAVAN. DAY 1 - AFTERNOON Some of the WALTER'S inventions and belongings are shown. Photos of him with his family are hanging from the wall. The lack of attention and care of the objects show that he does not take pride in his home. He is sitting in his chair. A knock is heard on the door. Walter looks up at the clock knowingly and sighs. Getting up and going to the window, Walter sees a young, thin boy, ARTHUR, smiling widely. Banging back on the window, the boys runs away.

INT. CARAVAN. DAY 2-4 - DAY & NIGHT Walter sits in his chair. A knocking sound can be heard in the background. He looks at the clock. The clock turns quickly representing the passing of days. INT. CARAVAN. DAY 5 - AFTERNOON Sitting in his chair, Walter looks at the clock expectantly looking confused. Hearing a commotion outside, he goes to the window. Arthur stands outside looking frightened next to two older boys. The boys throw a bucket of water over him. Walter gasps. Arthur runs off upset. A book falls out of his bag. The bullies also run off. Walter is clearly concerned. EXT. CARAVAN. DAY 5 - AFTERNOON Walking over to the book, Walter picks it up. Opening it up, he smiles. Inside are bright and imaginative drawings. His smile widens. The page Walter is smiling at is shown. The drawing is a water pistol. INT. CARAVAN. DAY 6 - AFTERNOON

Walter is sitting in his chair, smiling. A Water pistol sits across his lap. When he hears no knock. He looks disappointed. The clock is shown. An hour passes and a knock is finally heard. Walter jumps out of his chair in excitement answering the door. There stands Arthur looking shocked. He jumps back in surprise. Walter puts his hand behind is back. The boy looks frightened. The old man smirks. He gives the boy a water pistol. Arthur looks amazed. Before the chance to be stopped, he squirts water at the Walter, smiling cheekily. The inventor's face seems unamused however, it is not long before his frown changes to a heart-warming smile.

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