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Poornima College of Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering

Date: 04-02-2012

Subject: Seminar Report submission guidelines and Main Presentation Schedule. All students of IV year Computer Engineering are hereby informed that the phase II of Seminar presentation (Main Presentation) is going to commence from 17-02-2012 (Friday). The schedule of each student is being enclosed with this notice. Before commencement of main presentation each student has to submit his/her Seminar Report as per the format and guidelines enclosed with this notice. The cut-off-date of submission of Seminar Report is 15-022012 (Wednesday). Each student has to prepare 2 copies of the seminar report (hard bind) to be submitted to the guide and respective seminar coordinator.

Format of Main Power Point Presentation:Slide 1 Slide 2 1 slide (at least) 12-15 slides (Approx.) (No. of slides may vary depending on the topic) Future Scope 1 slide (at least) Conclusion 1 slide References 1 slide Note: Students will be given 20 to 25 minutes for the delivery of the presentation.
(Amol Saxena) Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engg., Jaipur
Encl: 1. Format & Guidelines of Seminar Report (Annexure A) 2. Date Sheet of Main Presentation 3. Format of the Cover Page of the seminar report (Annexure B) 4. Format of the Certificate (Annexure C) 5. Candidates Declaration (Annexure D)

Title, College Logo, Guide & Self Introduction Contents Introduction Body of the presentation i.e. Detailed content section wise

Seminar Report



Session: 2011-12 (Even Sem.)

Guided By: Dr. SUMIT SRIVASTAVA Professor Dept. of IT

Submitted By: BHUPENDER SINGH IV-SEC-A (CE/08/28)

Department of Computer Engineering Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur

Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Department of Computer Engineering


This is to certify that the seminar report entitled DNA PROFILING has been submitted by BHUPENDER SINGH (CE/08/28), student of IV year(VIII semester) computer engineering branch in the partial fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Technology, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota during the session 2011-12, Even semester. The report has been found satisfactory and approved for submission.

Guided By: Dr. SUMIT SRIVASTAVA Professor Dept. Of IT, PCE Mr. Amol Saxena HOD Dept. Of CE,PCE Mr. Ajay Khuteta Asst. Dean Dept. Of CE& IT


I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the seminar report entitled DNA PROFILING in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota and submitted to the Department of Computer Engineering of Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the guidance of Dr. SUMIT SRIVASTAV during the session 2011-12(Even Semester). The matter represented in this report has not been submitted by me for award of any other degree of this or any other institute/university.

BHUPENDER SINGH Place: Jaipur Date: 11-02-2012

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