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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT





Name: Stephanie Oglesby Blog Address:

Rationale A conceptually driven practice investigating contemporary retail branding through retail outcomes focusing on print promotion - Concept is a key aspect of branding, to create a strong believable story for a brand that communicates well through graphic elements. Exploring both new and existing brands to find new, innovative ways to attract new customers and refresh the brand keeping the consumers attention. I want to create brands that capture consumers and communicate a strong story throughout the branding and identity. - I want a portfolio that shows a passion for retail industry in particular fashion branding although I will explore other types of retail such as the food and drink industry, the way in which I go about addressing each brief will be different and therefore show a range of skills and approaches to work. The approaches chosen will be derived from the brief and will be the most successful ways of solving briefs. I will explore a range of different styles of brand personalities for different target audiences showing my ability to produce work for different labels, I dont want to be seen as a one trick pony. -I will use this last module to get my work out into industry and hopefully be recognised for it, this will be through my web presence which I plan on completing early in the module as well as constant rebranding and updating of my presence through business cards, mailers and portfolio. My aims are to get my work noticed through blogs on networks such as Behance, the DieLine etc. - Although my practice is designed mainly for print I will make proposals for web and digital media to show how brand can continue through all media. I would like to undertake a project that shows the more cultured side of retail such as a branding etc for an event as I think this would fit with my rationale but also give me a stylish and professional piece for my portfolio my including signage, publication. - Investigation into trends, styles and target audiences will inform the design approaches for each brief, this is something I need to keep myself informed with as it is a key aspect of Fashion to reflect the current trends. - Consumer interaction will be a focus of my work exploring ways consumers can connect with the product and create an experience. I need to push the boundaries of the typical packaging solution, investigate alternative methods of branding to make each project an individual concept. I want to develop and explore different skills and approaches to solutions in each brief and break away from the standard template of branding and promotion through both in and out of store outcomes. -The final/ finished pieces need improving this will be done through thorough investigation in print processes, methods, experimenting with stocks further and a more in depth understanding on the print industry. I will gain this understanding through contacting printers through visits and email/ phone to organise print projects. -I plan on working on projects for emerging labels or smaller brands that arent too corporate as I think these can be restrictive to the creative scope and can be quite soul destroying.

Subjects / Themes DESIGN FOR -Emerging Fashion and Culture Industry -Small Boutique brands -Luxury brands -New Brands -Existing brands- find fresh, innovative ways to continue communicating the brands message -Fashion -Food and Drink- Restaurant/ cafs, food retail brands and product ranges THEMES -Consumer engagement- how can audience engage with the physical thing the packaging, promotional material -Creating an experience (similarly to above) how can the brand create an experience for the consumer that continues the message of the brand targeting various senses to stimulate the audience. -Trends- Investigation into old and new trends in design which can influence design in a trend dependant industry such as fashion. The brands have to keep upto date so they appear aesthetically trendy through the brand identity and promotion -Contemporary culture- similar to trend, although looking at current culture such as music, art, film, fashion that inspires the trend brands I do not want to design for large commercial brands, only brands with Design Disciplines / Creative Development Primary Concerns: -Identity and Branding: how to effectively communicate brand message -Promotion: innovative and conceptually led promotional material breaking away from standard conventions -Packaging: experimenting with how consumer interacts and how it continues the ideas of the brand -Type- found and bespoke: creating individual typefaces for brands, how these are informed and represent the brands story -Formats: experimental Secondary Concerns: -Publication -Using existing imagery and photography effectively in deigns -Creating patterns instead of image -Using colour effectively within branding I do not wish to explore image or illustration, these will only be present as an addition to the design and not the pure focus of any brief, I will only use found and existing imagery for this. I am not interested in exploring web or motion as a primary focus of my briefs but I understand the importance of these disciplines in industry therefore I will propose how concepts can cover these elements to show how the brand can work over a range of media. Practical Skills / Workshops what, why and when? Current Skills to build upon: -Collaboration: I have undertaken numerous collaboration briefs since starting my degree and they have proved beneficial to the way one might work in the industry, working on projects together. It helps to develop a professional practice and is always a good way of inspiring, informing each other. Partners I wish to collaborate with in this module have been chosen for focused reasons and work similarly to me. 3 Briefs will show working collaborations. -Documenting/ Planning Keep upto date with evidencing my work progress, project file, time management etc. These are skills are already have but need to build on effectively in this module so I keep up with the workload. Decision making has always been a flaw of mine, I need to make decisions confidently and quickly and respond to decisions made straight away this will allow to explore my briefs further. -Documental and Product Photography In the last module my documenting of work suffered due to poor time management not necessarily my photography skills as I have worked well in this aspect in previous modules. I need to plan in times to experiment with product shots. This will be ongoing throughout the module as I dont want to leave all the photography to the final few weeks as I want to document as I complete each

brief. All briefs with need visual documentation and presentation. -Software My current software skills can sometimes limit the design, I have good ideas but dont always know how to visualise them to their full potential. I need to keep exploring these skills as it will expand my creative abilities. I need to continue my development of software skills in InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, each one of my briefs will allow me to undertake this. My web skills are extremely basic and I understand the importance of web in the industry therefore these are skills are need to improve although not the main focus of any of my briefs they will only act as another medium in which to explore branding. -Packaging Throughout my degree I have shown varying skills within packaging design in my FMP I wish to become more professional by building on my experimentation with packaging nets and also the crafting side of this too which will mean learning new skills (see below). Numerous briefs will focus on packaging. -Typography Build on existing skills to use type effectively for brand identity through existing and bespoke typefaces. Be more experimental and find inspiration for type from anywhere, architecture, objects, materials etc, be really creative. -Layout Continue to explore layout skills for publications such as lookbooks and design publication, I want layouts to reflect the brand well. New Skills: -Working on live client driven briefs this will build a good understanding of how my practice works within the industry and will allow me to build upon presentation skills, communicative skills and skills within client relationships. -Produce work for commercial printing This will be shown in a least one of my briefs where the work has to be sent to a commercial printer therefore I need to build on my skills and understanding of producing work for print looking into printing techniques, stocks, costs, specifications. Building relationships with the printers! As this is something I feel least confident with the briefs that address these issues will be collaborations so we can gain knowledge and understanding together as it is a lot of information to take on, on my own. -Production/ crafting skills for the finished product these will be developed from new skills in laser cutting for the packaging nets, looking into print finishes, stocks to make a sophisticated, finished piece of design. -Print finishes I would like to use more print workshops to experiment with print methods and finishes to achieve a professionalism to my work, I want to step up the overall appearance of the work Im producing especially when undertaking briefs for luxury products and high end labels they need to communicate the idea of quality and superiority.

Brief 1: Design Bridge Branding and Packaging Whisky (D&AD Comp Brief) Rationale:



An investigation into contemporary luxury branding and packaging with a focus on concept using special print techniques Exploring luxury products and packaging and the food industry, building a strong concept for the product and exploring how the idea of luxury can be created through special printing techniques. -brand and identity -packaging -promotion (additional elements may come after competition deadline) FOOD AND DRINK BRANDING/ PACKAGING/ LUXURY/ CONCEPTUAL Brief 2: Lauren Carande Fashion Branding (LIVE) Deadline 27/02/12 Brand 19/03/12 Labels/ tags 07/05/12 Lookbook

Rationale: A collaborative branding investigation for an ethically driven fashion designer, focusing on brand identity through relevant

print media Collaboration with Danny Holland to brand and promote an emerging fashion designer Lauren Carande the brief will look into ethical/ sustainable print production. Typographic driven branding using colour and stock as a strong visual element throughout to reflect the clothing range Electrostatic. My roles within the brief will focus heavily on branding and packaging, although we plan on supporting each other throughout giving advice and inspiration. This will be a brief that will explore printing commercially and need to look into costings and how to print as ethically and sustainable as possible. FASHION BRANDING/ COLOUR/ STOCK/ PRINT Brief 3: Waven Rationale: Deadline 4 WEEKS

A conceptually driven fashion branding project, using bespoke typography and experimental packaging, promotional and in store touch-points to create a cultural trend brand To brand a new denim company, highly conceptual based focusing on Scandinavian Design and idea of Woven with a Swedish O. Swedish design looking at brands such as Acne, BlueBlood and Swedish design studios. -conceptually identity and brand -bespoke type -packaging- labels, tags, bags. -identity for the range of denim goods FASHION BRANDING/ INNOVATIVE CONCEPT/ TREND/ CONTEMPORARY Brief 4: Branding for Exhibition/ Event (Collab) J.Finch Rationale: A conceptually driven cultural event branding, exploring a range of promotional material and signage Experiment with the concept of a brand, how it can be promoted in an individual, exciting way, not the norm- innovative promotion -brand and identity -publication -signage -innovative promotion EVENT BRANDING/ CONCEPT/ PROMOTION/ CONTEMPORARY Brief 5: OLD D&AD Body Shop brief Rationale: Produce a range of packaging solutions exploring pattern and type through contemporary aesthetics for cosmetic products Design a contemporary range of packaging for The Body Shop that unites their brand values with the premium nature of the products. -Range of 4 packages -POS PACKAGING/ EXISTING COSMETIC BRANDING Brief 6: Design Context Rationale: Investigation into graphic design for fashion branding Experimenting with luxury and trend typography, layout, stocks etc to create the design aspect of this publication Deadline 30/05/12 Deadline 30/4/12 Deadline April 2012

Produce a publication/ lookbook style/ exploring fashion/ fashion branding, my influences and findings over the next few months -Interviews & Case Studies aswell as collecting graphic design material Brief 7: Personal Yearbook Rationale: To create concept, pitch and packaging for a sophisticated, personal account of the graduating years journey on BA Graphic Design Collaboration with Brian Cantwell and Matt Khan to help create concept, pitch and packaging for a personal Yearbook for BA Graphic Design 2012 graduates. This will be a personal account of our 3 years together and will look at our group relationship and Exploring sophisticated design on a budget. Will need regular contact with printers and understanding of print and costing will be developed. PACKAGING/ LUXURY Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific) I will explore studios and companies that deal with brand and identity for the fashion, retail and cultural sectors that focus predominantly on print solutions through promotion. Studios -Love Creative: Highly conceptual, experiential design for brand communications, consumer engagement -The One Off: Retail experience, In-store graphics for promotion -Planarama: Retail experience, In-store graphics for promotion -Mind Design: Contemporary brand, Identity, Retail -One Trick Pony: Print and Retail Design balancing both creative and commercial awareness -The Vast Agency: local design consultancy specialising in fashion lifestyle, brand development & print design -The Consult: Brand design agency, branding and promotion covering consumer and arts culture -Why not associates: Covering global and local brands, branding, identity, packaging, in store graphics. -Stockholm Design Lab: Brand identity for retail and cultural sectors. Contemporary branding Large agencies -Elmwood- Commercial branding -Brass- Commercial branding -Gratterpalm- Commercial branding These companies work on large commercial/ corporate brands this is not the type of brand I would want to work with but research into these companies will allow me to create comparisons between the ways they work and types of brands with smaller less commercial and more cultured projects from smaller studios (as above). Fashion/ Retail Brands: Blueblood- heavily conceptual based brand Urban Outfitters- contemporary cultural trend brand Topshop- Trend brand supporting emerging designers and cultural events -Some companies will inform my PPD and my future in the industry -I will explore some of these companies further for my design context publication using them as case studies Deadline 30/05/12

RESEARCH ACTIVITY LOVE CREATIVE- Manchester Details One week placement, send portfolio and website, letter and CV. Interviews and case study RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Fashion Brands- local cities




Reading week onwards

Details Ongoing investigation into high st / luxury brands, by visiting and experiencing stores, documenting finding and collecting relevant material- bags, tags, labels, lookbooks. Interview and case studies where possible. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Companies and Studio Visits Deadline Ongoing Visits upto may

Details -Contact and visit Gratterpalm with new work, take on a small brief, see how the agency has progressed, what retail briefs they are currently working on. -Contact Sarah Craven to plan a visit to Love Creative- interview for chapter 4 of presentation, consumer engagement and experience of branding. -On Si Scotts return to the course, meeting to discuss possible visits, placements through companies he is in contact with. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Exhibitions/ Events local Deadline Ongoing Visits upto may

Details Store openings/ store events/ exhibitions for contemporary culture These will be found through retail brands, blogs, magazines, events sent out via email and in college. To record and inform my design context and practice. RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2day visit to London Details -Documenting fashion brands and store environments. Collecting graphic design elements. -Visiting galleries London Design Museum, Chelsea, -Plan to visit a company, drop mailers off at studios listed above for PPD RESEARCH ACTIVITY Contacting and Visiting Printers Deadline Reading Week Deadline Reading Week

Details -Team Print -Duffields Planned for end of reading week to gain relevant information for print specs, costs as this will my design decisions in briefs.

BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) Mercer, L (2004) Sense: The art and Science of creating lasting brands, Rockport Publishers, Massachusetts. Davis, M (2009) The Fundamentals of Branding. AVA Publishing, Switzerland. Davis, M (2005) More than a name, AVA Publishing, Switzerland. Hess, J & Pasztorek, S (2010) Graphic Design for Fashion, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London. Barkel, (2004) Fashion Graphics, Page One, Publishing, Singapore. Heller, S (2010) How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture, New York, Allsworth Press. Klanten, R and Ehmann, S (2009) Boxed and Labelled: New Approaches to Packaging Design Okonkwo, U (2007) Luxury Fashion Branding: Trends, Tactics, Techniques Janice Kirkpatrick, J (2009) New Packaging Design No Logo- Naomi Klein, Brandscaping, Retail Graphics, Retail Therapy, Consumer Psychology, Why We Buy- The Science of Shopping MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES (include publication date and details) The Economist- Retail articles IDN- Published monthly Retail Desires: ISSUE 15 No 6 (2008/2009) Vogue/ Elle- keeping upto date with fashion trends/ designers/ events -Published Monthly The Retailer magazine- Keeping upto date with the retail industry Design Weekly- Supplements in Packaging and Branding

ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) General Inspiration Research into packaging concepts Retail information, keeping up to date with the industry

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) -Pop-up shops and small exhibitions in Leeds, cultural meeting points -Retail spaces used for exhibition such as Selfridges, Urban Outfitters, Paper, Scissors, Stone. -Cultural events in Leeds, film festival, food festival, fashion shows, music festivals. London Design Museum: Designs of the year 2012 08 February 15 July Chelsea Space: Lloyd Johnson: The Modern Outfitter 24.01.2012 - 03.03.2012 Fashion Space Gallery: exhibitions London Fashion Week: 17 February - 21 February -keep informed about the event through press and blogging, tv report on this event as it will inform me of designers, current trends. Visiting Professionals- LCAD

ACTION PLAN use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do?


Re-photograph portfolio work, print more business cards and finalise website 1

9th Feb

Initial ideas for Briefs 1 and 2 2

9th Feb

Design Context collection of design materials and documentation of findings in London through galleries, exhibitions and retail stores

End of Reading week After reading week

Brief 1 & 2 in full swing, lots of visuals, finalising decisions 4

Lauren Carande Branding finished and delivered 5


Brief 4 visuals begin from collection of research into events, culture over reading week 6




Print and production of Brief 1 8


Photograph Brief 1 and boards for D&AD comp Submit

6/03/12 9/03/12



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