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Name_______________________ Theme 7, Week 1: Skills Assessment 1.

What are some of the things the boys like to share in the story That Toad is Mine? paper, pencils, pens lemonade, candy bars, books phones, video games, computers 2. What is the problem in the story? The toad is too small. The toad cant hop. There is only one toad. 3. How do the boys feel when the toad hops away? They feel mad. They feel lucky. They feel happy. 4. How do the boys solve their problem? They decide to share the toad. The toad hops away and they get over it and move on. They decide to end their friendship and go their separate ways. 5. Which word has a long o vowel sound? snow not mat 6. Which word has a long o vowel sound? dog pond boat

7. Which word rhymes with throw ? blow tap how 8. Which word rhymes with dream ? dress team get 9. Which word is a proper noun (special naming word)? John boy student 10. Which word is a proper noun (special naming word)? cat Fluffy dog Comprehension Skill: Problem Solving Match each problem with the best possible solution.

11. Two students want the same ball.

Borrow from someone.

12. Your friend makes a poor choice.

Do a quiet activity.

13. I cant find my red crayon.

Be a good example.

14. You finish your work early.


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