November 2011 Newsletter

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Though leaves are many, the root is one; Through all the lying days of my youth I swayed my leaves

and flowers in the sun; Now I may wither into the truth W. B. Yeats, The Coming of Wisdom with Time, 1916

fayetteville monthly meeting

website: facebook: Fayetteville Friends Meeting meeting contact no.: 1-888-909-1110 Co-clerks: Elizabeth Bullock-Rest, Richard Tiffany, Mary Elsie Marchant.

meeting for healing

Fridays at 1:00 p.m (subject to change). We are currently meeting with Betty Blanch but that may change so call to confirm time and place. All are welcome to join the circle to seek healing energy for those near and dear to us. Maya Porter 479-443-1868

meeting for worship

Sundays 9:30 a.m. Bennett House (OMNI Center), 3274 N. Lee Avenue, Fayetteville.

young adult friends

Meeting every Suday evening at varying venues often in a comfy yet strangely stimulating coffee shop. More information: Brandon Weston 479-841-7509

activities after meeting

Most Sundays 11:15 a.m. for about 1 hour, after a break for coffee, tea and fellowship. November 13th celts and christianity (ii) Further discussion on this popular topic led by Richard Phillips. Previous attendance at part (i) not a pre-requisite. November 20 the sacred and mundane: Seeing God in a Teacup. A thoughtful worship sharing on a spiritual theme, chosen by a Friend. This week led by Maya Porter November 27 finding higher ground A consideration of the British Yearly Meeting environmental minute and of the Amy Seidl book - Finding Higher Ground: Adaptation in the Age of Warming. Led by Gladys Tiffany. December 4th meeting for worship with attention to business The Quaker process in action. A spirit-led business meeting, where all are welcome to join in finding the path our meeting will take.
th th

Committee meetings are open to all with the exception of Ministry & Oversight. Contact the clerks for more info. and to find when and where the next meeting is to be.

Working meetings now take place at the home of Garin Wiggins. 479-575-9302

Under the care of Mary V. Cochran pending the full recuperation of Peter Marchant. Mary V. Cochran 479-575-9302

Gladys Tiffany 479-973-9049

ministry and oversight

Karen Takemoto 479-267-5822

peace & justice

Gladys Tiffany 479-973-9049

November meeting for business de-light-edly approved our new meeting officers for 2012: meeting clerk: LaDeana Mullinix. associate clerk: Karen Takemoto. ministry & oversight:committee: Mary V. Cochran & Maya Porter continue; joined by Richard Tiffany & Betty Blanch. archivist: Betty Blanch, backup: Jane Purtle. recording clerk: Margaret Britain, backup: Gladys Tiffany. treasurer: Garin Wiggins.

fine old tradition

The experiment of a single, wide circle of chairs at meeting for worship is complete. The result is a return to the cozy, multi-layered circle of old.

occupy where?
Some Friends are led to lend their support to the Occupy movement. You will find them somewhere in Fayetteville beginning November 12th. They will meet at the Bank of America on the corner of Dickson Street and Arkansas Ave. at 10:00a.m. and then march to their occupation site. If you are led to support their cause they need practical help with food, tents, blankets, medical supplies; and expertise in non-violent protest. But a simple visit by you with friendly words of peace and spiritual guidance may also help them in their search for social and economic justice for all.

hard times
Community Emergency Outreach is doing valiant work in our community in support of those in need of help during tough economic times. But CEO needs our continuing support to be effective. Please continue to make your individual contributions of money, and food for the food bank. They would especially welcome supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables. Drop off food 1p.m. til 3p.m. at 419 W. Rock St. (behind the Fayetteville library). There is also a special prescription fund for those wishing to donate money to be used directly for medicines. With the change in the weather blankets are now urgently needed. Do you have a sleeping bag with a broken zipper? People here in Fayetteville are down on their luck and living in their cars PLEASE HELP.

friendly eye on events

Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God Wed. November 16th, 6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m. Room 166, Graduate Education Building, University of Arkansas. A free public lecture by guest lecturer: Dr. Michael Strauss, Prof. Of Astrophysics, Univ. of Oklahoma. Exhibition: Leon Niehues Then and Now October 6th - January 18th, 2011 Weekday: 9am to 6p.m.; Sat.: Noon to 4p.m. Joy Pratt Markham Gallery, Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville Leon Niehues has been working as a studio artist for more than 30 years. He creates distinctive baskets using long white oak splints from the trees that grow near his home in Northwest Arkansas. Although his designs incorporate traditional splint making techniques, he adds innovative concepts, new construction methods, and simple design elements that transform his baskets into exciting works of art. In 2005 he was named an Arkansas Living Treasure by the Arkansas Department of Heritage.

digital connections
Keep in touch with us by subscribing to our digital mailing lists and becoming a facebook Friend: Fayark Friends is the email list that is for meeting business only and includes a monthly email of this newsletter.

Ozark Quaker is the place where the chattier Fayetteville quakers discuss everything from baby robins to naked quakers.

And a facebook group for Fayetteville Friends Meeting at:

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