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Bagley 1 Austin Bagley COM 101-4009 Speech #1 Specific Purpose: To introduce our guest speaker, Zala Volcic, to the

class. Thesis: Zala Volcic is a research fellow at the University of Queensland Center of Critical and Cultural Studies who specializes in the study of cultural consequences resulting from international communication and media. Introduction I. Let s take a moment and think of almost any country. A image of that country should be popping in your head: Japan with its overcrowded cities powered by such names like Sony and Toyota, Ireland with its pubs and overflowing Guinness mugs, or perhaps Jamaica with its perfect beaches and of course Bob Marley. These images are by no mistake. They are examples of international communication that cross almost all language barriers yet still hold a strong resonating effect. A remarkable person that we have the honor of having today has dedicated her life to the study to this peculiar field of international communications and media. Her name is Dr. Zala Volcic. II. Dr. Volcic received her BA from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, then moved onto her MA at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and then finally earned her Ph.D. in Media Studies at University of Colorado-Boulder. She is now a research fellow at the University of Queensland Center of Critical and Cultural Studies and senior lecturer at the University of Queensland School of Communications and Journalism. III. Volcic s is today regarded as a leader in her respective field of research.

A. She has published six academic books on communication. As well as, numerous articles appearing in several esteemed journals such as the Global Media Journal, Journal of Global Mass Communication, Harvard International Journal of Press and Politics, and the European Journal of Cultural Studies. B. On top of that, she is a member of several committees and organizations that promote the progression of Eastern Europe and transnational communication. Body I. In 2010, Dr. Volcic wrote a book called Crossing Cultural Boundaries: An Introduction to Intercultural Communication. She explains a key concept that all of us could learn from. In order to achieve progress as intelligent, rational beings, we must first learn how to communicate effectively and without bias. Through this one concept, she believes that many world issues could be resolved ranging from the conflict between Israel and Palestine

Bagley 2 to the declining appeal of progressive compromise in many of today s governments (Shuang Liu, Zala Volcic, Cindy Gallois, Sage, 2010). Dr. Volcic is here today to discuss this crucial concept. As well as, how we can employ this idea in the emerging world of national commercialism in correlation with her newly published article in the peer reviewed International Journal of Communication.


Conclusion I. As I leave to welcome our special guest, let me leave you with a thought as perpetrated famously in the words of Nobel Prize laureate Thomas Mann. A. Speech is civilization itself. Now, please help in welcoming Dr. Zala Volcic to the podium.


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