SERVES Partnership Presentation Final

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Presentation to UNC SERVES by:

Kimrey Rhinehardt
Vice President for Federal Relations
Ryan Beck,
Advisor for Military Affairs

October 5, 2010

North Carolinas
Military Family
By the Numbers

Ac#ve Duty Military Popula#on Top Five States

140,000 120,000

116,073 131,548 117,806 NC Total TX Total CA Total 73,988 GA Total 63,160 VA Total







Ac#ve Duty, Guard, Reserve Popula#on Top Five States

North Carolina Na#onal Guard and Reserve

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 NORTH CAROLINA


North Carolina Coast Guard Popula#on

1369 Ac#ve Duty, 231 Reserve

North Carolinas Future Military Family by 2013

Total force net plus adjustment for ARMY: 7,247 Active Duty, 2,079 Civilians and 1,972 Contractors
Headquarters US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) and Headquarters US Army Reserve Command (USARC) from Fort McPherson, GA to Fort Bragg.
4th Brigade Combat Team (BCT) of the 82nd Airborne Division will be activated and a small number of European-based forces will be relocated to Fort Bragg.
The 7th Special Forces Group (SFG) will be relocated to Eglin AFB in Florida.
In 2010, Fort Bragg ofcially took control of Pope Air Force Base.
Total force net plus adjustment for MARINE CORPS: 10,130 Active Duty and 1,249 Civilians
Additional 11,477 troops and civilian workers at Camp Lejeune and associated air stations by 2012 in an effort to increase the size of the force.
Increase in the number of private contractors is anticipated but not calculated.
Total force adjustment for AIR FORCE:
Pope Air Force base will lose 3,223 Active Duty, gain 67 Civilians and lose 30 Contractors.
Seymour Johnson has experienced a net loss of 622 Active Duty, 98 Civilian as a result of national efforts to reduce the size of the Air Force.
Total force adjustment for COAST GUARD:
No signicant no signicant anticipated growth between now and 2013.

North Carolina Veterans

8.2% of North Carolinians claim Veteran status (2009)
Totals as of September 2009 Veteran PopulaCon (#) Total Veteran Expenditure($) CompensaCon & Pension ($) Veteran-related ConstrucCon ($) EducaCon & Voc Rehab( $) Medical Care ($) PaCents (#) 770,080 $3,433,171,000 $1,895,708,000 $14,780,000 $175,819,000 $1,221,041,000 175,561

Veteran popula,on es,mates, as of September 30, 2009, are produced by the VA Oce of the Actuary (VetPop 2007). The Compensa,on & Pension expenditures include dollars for the following programs: veterans' compensa,on for service-connected disability; dependency and indemnity compensa,on for service-connected deaths; veterans' pension for nonservice-connected disabili,es; and burial and other benets to veterans and their survivors. Medical Care expenditures include dollars for medical services, medical administra,on, facility maintenance, educa,onal support, research support, and other overhead items. Medical Care expenditures do not include dollars for construc,on or other non- medical support. Medical Care expenditures are based on where pa,ents live instead of where care is delivered.

In Summary North Carolina and the Military

As a percentage of its total popula#on, North Carolina has the highest percentage of the total ac#ve duty military, Na#onal Guard, and Reserve personnel. (DoD, 2010) One out of ten people in North Carolina is in ac#ve duty, Na#onal Guard, Reserve or Veteran status. (DoD, 2010) Half of all ac#ve duty military is sta#oned in ve states and North Carolina is number three in total popula#on. (DoD, 2010) North Carolinas military popula#on is growing. (NC Commerce, 2008) Na#onally, 225,000 leave military service each year and 70% ul#mately use GI Bill benets. (Source: AASCU, 2010)

The University of North Carolinas

Military Family
By the Numbers

UNC Students & Veterans Benet Usage

700 600 500

(Sept. 2010)





UNC Veterans Percentage of Total Popula#on

WSSU WCU ARTS UNCW UNCP UNCG UNCC UNCCH UNCA NCCU NCSU NC A&T FSU ECSU ECU ASU 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00%

Veterans Percentage of Total Popula#on

Support the Warghter. Contribute to the Mission. Grow North Carolina's Economy.

UNC Students DoD Tui#on Assistance Usage

In Response to the Call for SuggesCons for Improvement

I have no idea what, if any, services and benets are available to me beyond the GI Bill. At best I get sent to ROTC, who is unfamiliar with anything not directly related to their program. It seems like no one cares, and that my experience as a veteran has no real value in this community. Student veterans are not well recognized on our campus for the talents and skills they possess. Even when a veteran iden,es themselves (sic) with military experience and/or VA benets, they are treated as a tradi,onal student out of high school.

UNC Student Veterans

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The UNC Partnership for Na#onal Security

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To Fulll the Promise of UNC Tomorrow for North Carolinas military family.
4.1 Our Global Readiness Major Finding: UNC should educate its students to be personally and professionally successful in the 21st century and, to do so, should enhance the global compe##veness of its ins#tu#ons and its graduates. 4.2 Our CiCzens and Their Future: Access to Higher EducaCon Major Finding: UNC should increase access to higher educa#on for all North Carolinians, par#cularly for underserved regions, underrepresented popula#ons, and non-tradi#onal students. 4.4 Our CommuniCes and Their Economic TransformaCon Major Finding: UNC should be more ac#vely engaged in enhancing the economic transforma#on and community development of North Carolinas regions and the state as a whole. 4.5 Our Health Major Finding: UNC should lead in improving the health and wellness of all people and communi#es in the state. 4.6 Our Environment Major Finding: UNC should assume a leadership role in addressing the states energy and environmental challenges. 4.7 Our Universitys Outreach and Engagement Major Finding: UNC should become more directly engaged with and connected to the people of North Carolina, its regions, and our state as a whole. 5.8 UNC should encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-ins#tu#onal collabora#on among its ins#tu#ons.

Goals UNC Partnership for Na#onal Security

Contribute to the Mission

Support the Warghter

Educa#ng the next Greatest Genera#on Ideal target market for North Carolina. 75% of Veterans complete their degree. As a whole, Veterans earn beier grades.

Support the Warghter. Contribute to the Mission. Grow North Carolina's Economy.

Contribute to the Mission

Support the Warghter. Contribute to the Mission. Grow North Carolina's Economy.

Grow the Economy

Veteran income is higher than non-Veteran income.
(Black males 10% higher, Black females - 20% higher, and White females 9% higher)

Re#red military personnel and veterans, given their airac#ve skill sets, are desired employees for our states industries and own a signicant number of small businesses. (NC Dept. of Commerce, 2008) Between 2004 and 2007, North Carolina experienced strong economic growth. A signicant por#on of the states growth can be aiributed to the military. (NC Dept. of Commerce, 2008) In 2013, military growth is expected to increase North Carolinas Gross Domes#c Product by $2.9 billion. (NC Dept. of Commerce, 2008) 49,000 addi#onal jobs will exist in 2013 as a result of increased military ac#vity. (NC Dept. of Commerce, 2008)
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UNC Partnership for Na#onal Security

UNC Partners

Degree Programs & Community Support Programs

Short Courses aligned with Deployment Requirements Research and Development Scholarship Opportuni#es

UNC Na#onal Security Fellowship Program in Situa#onal Medicine Warghter Performance Cer#cate Program in Conict Management UNC Defense Applica#ons Group Civil Aairs Support UNC SERVES


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Degree Programs & Community Support Programs

Access to Higher Educa#on Academic Support Services Campus-Based Support Services and Outreach Ins#tu#onal Strategic Planning

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My CAA: A Case Study for Demand

Spouse Educa#on Program: $6000 over two years In one year 133,000 spouses of ac#ve duty and ac#vated Na#onal Guardsmen applied for the program. Over 98,000 enrolled. The DoD only budgeted for $66,000,000 for the program. If 98,000 spouses are enrolled in classes with a maximum payout of $6000 each, the program has commiied to $588,000,000. The DoD shut down the program and released it with new rules and reduced benets to a smaller base of spouses to rein in cost. No longer available to four year ins#tu#ons.
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Post 9/11 Educa#on Benets

In 2007-8, just 47 percent of those eligible to receive veterans educa#on benets at four-year public colleges did so. Data from the Department of Veterans Aairs show that for- prot and community colleges con#nue to dominate the list of the top ins#tu#ons where veterans use their educa#on benets. A total of 270,666 students used the new benets in 2009-10. Veterans and college ocials say cost, convenience, geography, and support systems were signicant factors in veterans' college decisions. (AASCU) Current data reects that approximately 6,000 Marines have been approved to transfer their benets to a dependent.
(Tes#mony to the US House of Representa#ves Armed Services Commiiee)

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GI Bill is Transforma#ve and Promotes Social Change

GI Bill users emerged as more likely to have experienced a transforma#on in their life circumstances and to be leading more secure lives than in their youth.

Manager Administra#ve Clerical and Sales Skilled Manual Machine Operators and Semi-Skilled Unskilled

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Criteria for Ins#tu#onal Choice By Students

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Highest Ins#tu#onal Enrollment Using Post-9/11 GI Benets

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For Prot vs. Public Educa#on

For Prot Ins#tu#on
93 percent have student loans Tui#on is High Goal to make a prot Prot Margin (16% to 37%) Signicant investment in sales and marke#ng (20%-30% of revenue) Faculty investment (10%-20% of revenue)

Public Four Year Ins#tu#on

44.3 percent have student loans Tui#on is lower (at UNC ins#tu#ons) Goal Educate Signicant investment in programs and faculty

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In-State Student Cost Comparison ECU Online vs. Others

$ per credit hour


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Buying Power of DoD Tui#on Assistance

(Maximum paid for one year=$4500, Maximum $250 per credit hour)

Kaplan: 9 three credit hour courses UMUC: 6 three credit hour courses Phoenix: 6 three credit hour courses ECU: 13 three credit hour courses UNCW: 13 three credit hour courses FSU: 18 three credit hour courses NCSU: 8 three credit hour courses
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Our Opportunity
UNC has the opportunity to:
airact a more diverse, academically capable student popula#on; tap into a unique group of students who can oer a global perspec#ve to the tradi#onal academic setng; serve new and exis#ng North Carolinians with desirable and relevant degree programs and services; inuence posi#ve social change for more North Carolinians; contribute to na#onal security with greater impact; strengthen its center of gravity as a key inuence on our states economic growth; make a dierence.
Support the Warghter. Contribute to the Mission. Grow North Carolina's Economy.

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