Hormone Summary Chart

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Adrenocorticotropic hormone ADH antidiuretic hormone adrenalin calcitonin cortisol CRH - Corticotropinreleasing hormone estrogen FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone GH growth hormone
GHRH (GRH) - Growth hormone-releasing hormone

secreted by
pituitary pituitary

goes to


adrenal cortex make adrenal cortex secrete cortisol kidney make kidneys keep more water in bloodstream running man effects (fight/flight) move calcium from blood to bones stress hormone -- long-term

adrenal (medulla) whole body thyroid adrenal (cortex) hypothalamus ovary pituitary pituitary hypothalamus pancreas hypothalamus pancreas pituitary whole body whole body pituitary whole body (female)

tell pituitary to release ACTH female menstruation, ovulation, and secondary sex characteristics tell ovary/testes to release hormones (female - est/prog; ovary/testes male - testosterone) whole body pituitary whole body pituitary whole body increased cell growth all over body tell pituitary to release GH increase blood sugar (many different ways) tell pituitary to release FSH and/or LH

glucagon GnRH - Gonadotropinreleasing hormone insulin LH luteinizing hormone noradrenalin OT -- oxytocin parathyroid hormone PRL prolactin progesterone testosterone

decrease blood sugar (opens glucose channels into cells) tell ovary/testes to release hormones (female - est/prog; ovary/testes male - testosterone)

adrenal (medulla) whole body running man effects (fight/flight) reproductive organs childbirth changes (POS FEEDBACK SYSTEM) pituitary parathyroid pituitary ovary testes whole body mammary glands whole body (female) whole body (male) whole body pituitary thyroid move calcium from bones into blood nursing -- milk secretion pregnancy/menstruation changes and secondary female sex characteristics secondary male sex characteristics controls BMR (basal metabolic rate -- how fast food is burned) tell pituitary to release TSH tell thyroid to release more thyroxine

thyroxine thyroid TRH - Thyrotropin-releasing hormone hypothalamus TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary

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