20 27 Review

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Crime of 73 Forgettable Presidents (why forgettable?) New South Patting the Eagle s Head Rag Baby Tilden or Blood Waving the bloody shirt 10% Plan th th th 13 , 14 , 15 Amendments th 18 Amdendment 3 Phases of Reconstruction Advantages/Disadvantages for Union/Confederacy in Civil War AFL Alfred Mahan American Federation of Labor American Protective Association Anaconda Plan Antietam Anti-Imperialist League Bessemer Process Black Codes Bonanza farms Booker T. Washington Border States (role during war) Boss Tweed Buffalo Soldiers Bull Run Carnegie Carpetbaggers Carrie Chapman Catt Charles Guiteau Charles Sumner Chief Joseph Chinese Exclusion Act Clement Vallandigham Compromise of 1877 Comstock Law Comstock Lode Copperheads Cornelius Vanderbilt Credit Mobilier Crop-lien system

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Cross of Gold Dawes Severalty Act Deaths in Cuba Denis Kearney Did reconstruction work? Draft Riots

49. Dred Scott v. Sandford 50. Dupuy de Lome 51. Elections of: 18601896(Candidates, issues, cartoons) 52. Emancipation Proclamation 53. Emilo Aguinaldo 54. Eugene Debs 55. Ex parte Milligan 56. Farmers Alliance 57. Farmers Alliances 58. Foraker Act 59. Francis Willard 60. Frederic Jackson Turner 61. Freedman s Bureau 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Fugitive Slave Law General Weyler George Custer George Dewey George Pickett George Washington Plunkitt Gettysburg Ghost Dance Gibson Girl Gold Bugs Gold Standard Gospel of Wealth Grandfather clause Grange Granger cases Greenbacks Grover Cleveland Half-Breed Half-Breeds Haymarket Incident Helen Hunt Jackson Homestead Act Homestead Act Horatio Alger Horatio Alger Horizontal Integration Horizontal Interation

89. Hull House 90. ICC 91. Ida Wells 92. Impact of Railroads 93. Imperialism 94. Inflation 95. Injunction 96. Insular Cases 97. Interstate Commerce Act 98. J.P. Morgan 99. Jacob Coxey 100. James Blaine 101. James Hill 102. James Weaver 103. Jane Addams 104. Jay Gould 105. Jim Crow system 106. Jim Fisk 107. Jingoism 108. John D. Rockefeller 109. John Wesley Powell 110. John Wilkes Booth 111. Jon Taylor 112. Josiah Strong 113. Kansas Nebraska Act 114. KKK 115. Knights of Labor 116. Laissez Faire 117. Land Grants 118. Leland Stanford 119. Liberal Republicans 120. Lincoln s 10% Plan 121. Little Bighorn 122. Long Drive 123. Manifest Destiny 124. Marcus Hanna 125. Martial Law 126. Maximilian 127. McKinley Tariff 128. Mexican Cession 129. Mexican War 130. Missouri Compromise 131. Monetary Policy 132. Monroe Doctrine 133. Morrill Land Grant 134. Mugwumps 135. Napoleon III

136. Nat Turner 137. National Labor Union 138. Nativism/Know-Nothing Party/American Party 139. Neal Dow 140. New Immigrants 141. Nez Perce 142. Old Question from Revolutionary War 143. Oliver Howard 144. Oliver Kelley 145. Pacific Railway Act 146. Panic of 1873 147. Patronage 148. Pendleton Act 149. Platt and Teller Amendment 150. Plessy v. Ferguson 151. Plutocracy 152. Pool 153. Popular sovereignty 154. Populism 155. Populist Party 156. Pullman Strike 157. Radical Republicans 158. Reasons for industrial revolution 159. Rebate 160. Redeemers 161. Republican Party 162. Richard Olney 163. Robber Barons 164. Role of Britain and France in Civil War 165. Roscoe Conkling 166. Rough Riders 167. Rum, Romanism, Rebellion 168. Russell Conwell 169. Safety-valve theory 170. Samuel Gompers 171. Samuel Tilden 172. Scalawags 173. Scandals during Grant Administration 174. Settlement House 175. Seward s Folly 176. Sharecropping System 177. Sherman Antitrust Act 178. Shiloh 179. Sioux Wars

180. Sioux Wars 181. Sitting Bull 182. Socialism 183. Sooner State 184. Stalwarts 185. Standard Oil 186. States Rights 187. Stephen Douglas 188. Stock Watering 189. Tammany Hall 190. Tariff Policy 191. Teller Amendment 192. Tenure of Office Act 193. Terence Powderly Eugene Debs 194. Thaddeus Stevens 195. The Spoils System 196. The Wilderness 197. Theodore Roosevelt (In Sp. Am War) 198. Thomas Nast 199. Tom Watson (not the golfer) 200. Total War 201. Transcontinental Railroad 202. Treaty of Paris 203. Trust 204. Tweed Ring 205. Union diplomacy during Civil War 206. Union Leagues 207. Union Party 208. United States Steel 209. Vertical Integration 210. Vertical Integration 211. Vicksburg 212. Victoria Woodhull 213. W.E.B. DuBois 214. Wabash Case 215. Wade-Davis Bill 216. WCTU 217. Whiskey Ring 218. William Hope Harvey 219. William Jennings Bryan 220. William Seward 221. William Sherman 222. William Walker 223. Wilmot Proviso 224. WJB

225. Women s Christian Temperance Union 226. Workers of the Railroad 227. Wounded Knee 228. Wounded Knee 229. Yellow Dog Contract 230. Yellow Journalism 231. Study your review books! 232. Study on the internet! 233. Go through your notes! 234. Look at old quizzes! 235. Have fun! 236. Good luck!

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