2011-10-15 Lighting

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Clientar Ccuplellarne
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Top Dog Pro ductions

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Type of Event'/



,/a -,/5- //
Date of Event

Aruyj Producffons.How WereYou Treated?{#lrclm When Contactinglop Do_o

4riendly ../nthusiastically Rudely 'y'rofessionally v/Courteous vt'istened YourNeeds To

Didn'tListen YourNeeds To G a v e o o M u c hI np u t T

Input Unpr ofessionally /GaveCr eativ e Other :

F e l tP ressur ed Booking Into

Service EvaluatiolS{Circle Ane, Please Read Carefullv B*fare Answering)

Design Service Overall-Lighting PreEvent Planning Design & Decor? HowWellDidColor Choice Match Appearance OurLighting Equipment Of (tf WallWash/ Up Lighting Appticabte) Monogram lmagery Projection Applicable) ff (tf Wall/ Ceiling Projections Appticabte)

,,/Axcellent ,./JExcellent /JExcellent /Excellent

Good Good Good Good

Averoge Averoge Average Average

BelowAveroge BelowAveroge BelowAveroge Below Average n/a

utu/Excellent Good Excellent //Excellent Good Good


BelowAverage ,.,tt/o BelowAverage n/a

GeneralCommentsOn Our Lightinq Services:

DoYouFeel ThatYou Received ValueForTheMonev A YouSpent OurLiqhtinq On Seruice? ,tG

Would You Recommend lop Doq Producfions To A Friend Or Relative? No


CouldWe GiveYour PhoneNumber A Prospective To GlientFor UseAs A Reference?

YES, wouldloveto hearfrom a new client,so I canreferyour services. I Hl private NO,I would recommend Top DogProductions, please but keepmy contactinformation

Top As ThankYouFor Choosing Dog Productions YourLightingDesignCompany

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