Presentation For Online Green Light Review-13/02/12 Treatment

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Presentation for Online Green Light Review- 13/02/12 Treatment A man visits a patient room in a hospital.

In the room, his daughter lies down in her bed. She sits up on the bed when she notices her father comes in the room. A man talks with her daughter, but she seems to lack energy. He is thinking how he can cheer her up. Next day, a man comes in her room. He brings a girls shape bread for her. His daughter is delighted at the present and she cherishes it. Few days later, when he visits her room, she looks sad. He noticed the reason when he looks at the desk near the bed. The reason is that she accidentally drops the girls shape bread and an arm of it broke. He thinks for a while. Then, he searches his pocket and drawers near the bed. He found a super glue in a drawer and stick the broken arm to the body. His approach works out and he smiles to his daughter and hand the girls shape bread to her.

Step Outline Man visits a patient room. Enter the room. Daughter looks at him. Man stands side of her bed. Fade out Man enters her room. Gives her a present She receives it Fade out

Man enter the room Found the broken loaf Search his pocket and drawers Found super glue Stick the broken arm and body Hand the bread to daughter Premise A man who runs a small bakery wants to bring cheer to his daughter who stays in hospital because of her illness by his bread. Logline A father who has a daughter who stays in hospital by her illness goes to hospital to see her everyday. He gives a girls shape bread that he made to cheer her up. He fixes up the broken girls shape bread. Script EXT. Hospital Camera zooms in a window. INT. Hospital Protagonist walks on the corridor. INT. Patients room Camera shows the room and a girl in the beddoor Door opens and protagonist walks into the room.

Girl sits up on her bed. Protagonist walks to near the bed and sit on a chair next to the bed. He looks at her mildly. She lowers her eyes during they are chatting. After chatting, he leaves the room Fade out shutting a door INT. Patients room Protagonist comes in the room with smile. He sits on a chair next to bed. Girl sits up on her bed. He smiles at her and takes out a girls bread. He gives it to her. She receives it slowly and smiles. After he saw her smile, he smiles. Fade out INT. Patients room Protagonist enters the room. Girl sits up on her bed slowly. When protagonist sits on a chair and looks at her wonderingly, she lowers her eyes uncomfortably. He tilts his head in confusion and slides a glance at the desk near the bed and chair. There is a girls shape bread that lost an arm. Near it, there is an arm that was a part of the bread before. He nods a little and thinks. He stands up and searches his pocket. Then, he searches drawers (that is attached to the desk). When he opens a second drawer, he found a super glue. He takes it and takes a broken arm. He puts a glue on it and attach the body. --he takes off his hand from the broken arm and then smile. He turns to a girl and smiles at her. He hands the bread to her. She receives it with delight and smiles at him. He smiles at her and strokes her head gently.

Introduction for Writing Assignment

This assignment will investigate a particular film, Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The assignment will mainly analyze the relationship between story and structure. It also looks at the camera movement, editing and order of scenes of the film. Research sources include Introduction to Film Studies 4th Edition, The films of Alfred Hitchcock, and An Eye for Hitchcock.

Bibliography Brougher, Kerry. & Michael Tarantino (1999) Notorious Alfred

Hitchcock and Contemporary Art Oxford: Museum of Modern Art Nelmes, Jill. (eds.) (2007) Introduction to Film Studies 4th Edition Abingdon: Routledge Perry, George. (1970) The films of Alfred Hitchcock England: Studio Vista Limited Pomerance, Murray. (2004) An Eye for Hitchcock London: Rutgers University Press

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