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thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crossword By Eugene sheffer

Naira Ahmed GazeTTe

Beyond the president: the whos who of this election

Social Science President Matthew Helfand Brent Duncan Science President Samik Doshi Andrew Vo Social Science Councillor Zayn Khamis Ryan Durgy Nikki Pilo Marchael Cunanan Liam Brown Kayla Gray Helen Yin Gordon "Gucio" Jim Carol Yin Ryan McCrea Rebecca Hartley Melinda Stevenson Lisa Le Nguyen Kenjamin Nakanishi Jordan Camilleri Heeseo Kim Daniel Bain Austin Charles Science Councillor Zatmer Rana Taylor Charles Blixt Samar Sajnani Meghan Bhatia Jacob (Jake) Pelling Desmond Swamy Ye Christina Wang Sujen Saravanabavan Pearl Kwan Laurence Batmazian Gordon Locke Ava Hosseini Info and Media Studies, Social Science Nikki Kaur Giancarlo D'Andrade Blake Barkley Marissa Joffre Caitlin Harvey Senator-At-Large Stephanie Connor Patrick Whelan Meagan Zettler Krystal Kramer Kelly Lovell Golden Gao Carissa Palmer Bhupinder Singh Dulku Ashley McGuire Andrew Fedyk Adam Smith Andrei (Andrew) Kanapatski Andrew Lam Austin Charles Brian Belman David Ulbrych Harman Atwal Laurence Batmazian Oz Yucel Richard Sookraj

Undergraduate Nikki Kaur Ahsan Syed

Huron, Brescia, Kings Usman Zahid Remi Alie Thomas Kent Sullivan

Demerit points tally

Jon Silver Adam Fearnall Logan Ross Claire McArthur
Silver was awarded nine demerit points Sunday night for an unapproved jam session at Talbot College. He has also been awarded an additional four points for an unauthorized o -campus Vote Silver banner in the window of a students o -campus house.


Fearnall was awarded ve demerit points for campaigning in the Social Science Centre without approval from the Social Science faculty president.

Ross was awarded four demerit points for pre-campaigning. She abused her access to a soph Facebook group to advertise for a campaign party before the allotted campaign period.

McArthur is the only candidate in the race with zero demerit points.

The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. 2002 by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.

Great Western Clothing at...

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Your guide to government at Western

Naira Ahmed GazeTTe

What is the USC? The University Students Council is the student government at Western. Their mission statement is to enhance the educational experience and quality of life for all undergraduates at The University of Western Ontario. They do this through advocating on behalf of students to the university administration and all levels of government, providing services to students like financing clubs and organizing the LTC bus pass, running operations like the Spoke, the Wave and Western Film, and organizing programming for students like O-Week. A portion of your student fees pays for the USCs budget for all of this. The USC is made up of elected student representatives, each representing a constituencyeither a faculty council, residence council, or affiliate councilfrom Huron,

Brescia or Kings. There are 72 voting members and 79 non-voting members. At the head of the USC is the executive council, made up of the president, four vice-presidents one for student events, campus issues, university affairs and financeand a communications officer. The six executives are not studentsthey work full-time. What is the university senate? The university senate is in charge of academic policy. There are 103 senators, representing the university administration, faculties, affiliate colleges, alumni and students. The senate is chaired by the university presidentnot to be confused with the USC president. Westerns current president is Amit Chakma. The senate meets once per month to debate and decide on policy for academic issues like re-

search, teaching and admission requirements. Only 14 senators are undergraduate studentsseven for the faculties and affiliates, and seven senators-at-large. Their job is to act as the students voice in the universitys academic decisionmaking process. What is the Board of Governors? The Board of Governors is Westerns highest governing body, and oversees all the operations of the university, including finances, building and grounds usage policy, tuition fees, and the renovation and construction of buildings. The 31-member board includes President Chakma, Mayor Joe Fontana, and other representatives from the administration, senate, alumni, faculties and London city council. BOG has the lowest student

representation of all the governing bodies, with two undergraduate students and one grad student. But unlike USC councillors and student senators, the student representatives on BOG are elected for two-year terms. Like student senators, students elected to the board are tasked with representing students interests in debate and decisions dominated by non-student representatives. Julian Uzielli

Solution to puzzle on page 11

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Naira Ahmed GazeTTe

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

>> Breakdown: the good, the bad & the ugly

each year, the Gazette news team looks carefully at the merits and pitfalls of each candidates platform. Heres what we had to say about this years platforms points, organized into our favourite categories: the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good
Fearnalls platform includes several good ideas that would provide real benefits to Western students. His USC 311 initiative deserves particular recognition. Modelled after Toronto 311, it would streamline Westerns convoluted and poorly organized online services into a one-stop shop with information and directions to all of the different web pages students need to pay tuition, register for courses, access USC services and so on. additionally, Fearnall has proposed providing shuttle service between Western and Londons transit hubs, including the airport. Its nearly impossible to reach the airport without taking a cab, a ride that can cost upwards of $50 each way. Though its feasibility is questionable, this is a service that would be a huge help to aviation students and students who have to fly home for the holidays.

The Bad
Fearnall has a few platform points that, while nice ideas, are impractical. allowing the USC to provide academic research grants to undergraduate students is one exampleundergrads lack the experience and know-how necessary to conduct useful research. after all, conducting real research is half the point of postgraduate study, and any undergrad dedicated enough to request a grant is likely to conduct better research when they are older anyway. Is this really the best way to spend student fees? Fearnall also has a couple of platform points that would alter the Waves menu. after years of losing money, the USC-run restaurant is finally turning a profit. Why put that in jeopardy by making changes to the menu? The USC may own and operate the Wave, but its management should be left to the managers.

The Ugly
Some of Fearnalls platform points seem like they would cost a lot of time and money, with negligible benefit to students. The best example is the Mustang News Hub. Not only would this compete with two USC operationsthe Gazette and the Spoke its entirely unnecessary when almost all students have access to the Internet. Fearnall also proposes an interest credit, where 1.0 credit of students degrees would be marked on a pass/fail basis. The logic is that students would be able to take a course theyre interested in outside their area of expertise. However, as other candidates have pointed out, this would require extensive updates to the thousands of module options available to Western students.

Adam Fearnall

The Good
Mcarthur gets credit for coming up with a strong brand for herselfno doubt aided by Premier Life. The bear is catchy, if not a little high school, and her ideas for the USC all seem fairly practical and feasible. Mcarthurs platform builds off of a lot of things already in placesuch as late-night shuttles and 24/7 library hoursor in the works. She also proposes some small changes that would make campus life just that much better, such as Dyson airblades in the Spoke and an opt-in bus pass for part-time students. Mcarthurs platform seems to be in touch with what students really want, and details a lot of very specific changes she would make. Whether or not everything she has proposed is doable will remain to be seen.

The Bad
a fall reading break and a crosswalk between residences on Western Road are nice ideas, but as pointed out at the presidential debate and Gazette media forum, these things arent really in Mcarthurs control. Voting for Mcarthur because youre desperate for a few days off in October isnt the wisest ideathe most she can do is lobby administration, who have already been lobbied on the subject by past governments. Students have also called for increased student parking, which Mcarthur promises to lobby for. again, the term lobby is mostly an empty wordtheres not much she can do if the administration decides they dont have any more room for student parking. Live arrival Time boards across campus and a student crosswalk are subject to the whims of city council, giving Mcarthur little power to implement these changes.

The Ugly
a lot of Mcarthurs points seem to be contradictoryshes adamant about having healthy midnight breakfasts in the Spoke, but then proposes having bulk food study snacks full of confectionary goodies. Her proposed Spoke and Tim Hortons line camera also seems a little too first-world problem. Implementing a surveillance system to see when the line is short only means that by the time you get there, everyone else will be in line too. Mcarthur also wants to create antioffice hours, where she hangs out in the Wave or Spoke to talk to students, instead of hidden away on the third floor of UCC. What she doesnt seem to get is that the reason students arent talking to the USC president isnt because he or she is hidden awaythey just dont really care all that much.

Claire McArthur
The Good
Ross is certainly the most visible candidate in the race, particularly when youre standing on Concrete Beach or the alumni Hall roundabout. Standing in front of the UCC, we spotted three Logan signs without having to turn our heads. She also gets points for addressing environmental issues in her platform, from online textbooks to centralized recycling, to a point where her opponents green initiatives look token by comparison. additionally, her idea for USC webpages to help students with academic matters has a good ring to it, as it would create a central hub for student help and allow the USC to reach out more. The path behind Talbot is also a smart, simple idea that would be a visible improvement to student life.

The Bad
Weve been impressed with how Ross has handled the many attacks on experience in student governance. Unfortunately, while she has assured voters that her lack of experience will help her better connect with the average student, she has in no way alleviated the anxiety we would feel should she be placed at the negotiating table with the administration. The USC presidents primary role is to be the chief advocate for students, and in a tense situation, not having experience dealing with administration members who have been there for years is a real disadvantage. Her promise to lobby for increased eligibility for the Ontario Tuition Grant also speaks to a bit of a misunderstanding of how the executive works at the USC. OTG eligibility is already a priority for the Ontario Students Undergraduate alliance, and this will be better left to next years vice-president university affairs.

The Ugly
Ross piqued some interest among the Gazette editorial board when she announced her platform would be pliable throughout the campaign. While the intention is no doubt to prioritize student input, this move comes across as somewhat indecisive, especially in light of her lack of USC experience. any candidate can listen to student input, as all the other candidates have promised, but a platform should set a runner apart from the others. Presidents have to find the right balance between leadership and listening to input, and the ever-updated platform brings to mind the political slur, flip-flopper. another questionable aspect is Rosss idea for upper-year Frost Week events. While its nice to see some of the soph inclusiveness spirit, the reality is that most upper students would probably have no interest in attending USC-sponsored events when they can just go to bars on their own time.

Logan Ross
The Good
Several of Silvers platform points are easy to achieve, require small budgets and are well within the purview of the USC. Its clear hes looking to solve small students problems, while still having some lofty goals. The first of these is the creation of a transit hub webpage. While the USC may not have the budget for another website overhaul, adding a page linking students to the multitude of shuttles going through campus should be a snap. also in regards to transit, Silver promises to get the London Transit Commissions live arrival times on screens in the UCC and Weldon. The USC controls the content on the TVs and the LTC has already modernized its sites to include live arrivals. Some of Silvers other attainable goals include, art in the UCC and even his Spoke Brew.

The Bad
Silver really wants you to go to the Spoke and Wave. Really badly. So badly, in fact, he might just put their bottom line in jeopardy. Silver presents many ideas for improvements to the operations, however, these operations only became regularly profitable at the end of last year. He proposes a Starving Student Burger sold at cost, coupons, and food and alcoholic drink combos. Lowering pricing of any of these items for a long period of time would start to eat into the bottom lines of these operations, and eventually the bottom line of the USC. These operations are necessary because, to some degree, they fund the services the USC offers. even buying kegs of Spoke brew could have an impact on these operations if they dont sell, so meddling in the operations affairs is typically a bad idea.

The Ugly
Silver has some goals that could turn into failures. The changes he wants to make to the current peer support line will likely be costly and unsustainable. He wants to see the helpline run by trained volunteers and supervised by mental health professionals, who would come with big salaries. While Silver has proposed applying for grants and appealing to the university for help, neither of these are long-term alternatives. Grant funding is not guaranteed and the university is already dealing with a long waitlist for these services, so they are unlikely to lend any staff. He also wants to see more academic counselling offered. He has noted the lobbying efforts required, and explained part of the work lies in educating students on what academic counselling actually doeshowever, at the end of the day its up to the university what counseling they want to provide students.

Jon Silver

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nyssa Kuwahara GazeTTe

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Adam Fearnall
debate and demerits 1878


Claire McArthur
debate, demerit points 1878 Lionoriginal coat of arms at Huron, the crest Pride/Spirit Stagon city of London crest

the gazettes

Logan Ross
debate coverage 1878

Jon Silver

What was on the front page of the Gazette (Thursdays issue)? Debate, Fearnalls demerits In what year was Western founded? 1878 What do the Lion and the Stag on Westerns new coat of arms stand for? Stag: City of Londons coat of arms. Demi-Lion: from coat of arms of Canon Alfred Peache, who gave an endowment that made possible the establishment of Huron College in 1878. Who is the president of UWOFA-LA? Bonus: What is his position at the University? Bryce Traister, associate professor on campus Name five campus publications (excluding the Gazette) Grapevine, Buzz, Regis, Current, mitZine, etc. Which affiliate students council is not incorporated? Brescias Spell the Gazettes editor-inchiefs last name correctly. Tahirali When did the Gazette start publishing? 1906 How many medium coffees from the Spoke can you buy with $200,000? Bonus: Why is this number significant? 105, 820The money spent on Westerns rebranding. What do OUSA and CASA stand for? Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, Canadian Alliance of Student Associations What was the original student fee to Access Copyright? $3. 38 plus 10 cents per course pack page Where is the ombudspersons office now located? Western Student Services Building 3135 How many undergraduate students sit on the senate? 14 What is the specific colour and font of the new Western University logo? Pantone 268, Hellmuth

Presidential debate, Fearnall gets five 1878


Lioncourage Stagknowledge

Demi-lionOntario StagCanada

Ill look it up!

mitZine, The Current, Brescia Buzz, Kings Regis, Huron Grapevine

Buzz, Grapevine, Regis, Western News, mitZine

mitZine, Current, Western News, Ivey Connects

James Compton, FIMS prof

Huron Grapevine, Kings Regis, Brescia Buzz, mitZine, The Current





Brescia Jesse sh _____ #fail 1948 100,000, cost of seating and Spoke cafe renos
Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance and Canadian Alliance of Student Associations

Kings nope 1968 Significant because thats how much was spent on branding
Ontario University Student Association, Canadian ________ Student Association

Brescia ____________ Guessing answers since... 198_ I always buy the enviro refills

Brescia (Jesse) Tarhelli 1906 100,000, Rough estimate of the cost of the brand survey

Ontario Undergraduate Students Association

Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, Canadian Association of Student Alliances


$1, Bob!


$3.84 + $0.10/page

Elborn College

Student Services

Student Services Building 17? 2 shades darker than the original purple, Same font as Harvard

Student Services Building 15 Hellmuth, Purple

13 Font: HellmuthBlack

30 Pantone 268 Westerns own, very special font










thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do the clothes make the candidate?

What the candidates wear is almost as important as what they say. The Gazette spoke to Kim Miller, a career counsellor at Student Support Services, about how to dress to impressespecially while being interviewed. Dont underestimate the importance of how you look, she says. First impressions are critical, and usually someones first impression of you is a visual one. We took a look at the candidates attire to figure out the qualities each of them emanates through their fashion choices.

Dressing to impress
What not to wear
White socks with dark pants Wrinkled and/or dirty clothes Too much jewelry Too much makeup Tight or revealing clothesif you would wear it to the bar or the gym, dont wear it in a professional setting. Casual footwear Cologne or perfume

What to wear
Shoes that are polished and are in good condition a belt to add professional polish Dark dress pants Button-up shirts Something youre comfortable in to avoid fidgeting Blue and grey for both men and womenthey are often associated with authority and


Logan Ross
Campaign colour: seafoam Style at first glance: the trendy girl-next-door Shades of blue are a good colour choice, as theyre often associated with trustworthiness and authority. The black sweater, jeans and boots also represent authority. She looks pretty comfortable in her outfitsomething thats important for confidence.

Jon Silver
Campaign colour: blue Style at first glance: business casual meets hipster Jons dark grey shirt shows practicality. The blue plaid shirt underneath is a good pair-up since blue is associated with authority and trustworthiness. His brown loafers arent a bad choiceand theyre clean, which is important above anything else.

Claire McArthur
Campaign colour: red Style at first glance: bold meets classic Red, a color of passion and excitement, is also often associated with power. Claires red shirt paired with her black pants and boots portrays an authoritative and powerful vision. Her leggings may be a little too casual though, and her boots could use a good cleaning.

Adam Fearnall
Campaign colour: green Style at first glance: polished casual adams attire strikes an appropriate balance of casual and professional. His sweater is dark green, a colour associated with wealth and confidence. The white shirt underneath shows purity. His shoes are probably the dressiest of all the candidatesand the cleanest. Nicole Gibillini

Youve seen how they dressnow see what they have to say. Head to for videos, commentary and everything else USC elections-related.

Referendum targets student health plan

Cheryl Stone NeWS FeaTUReS eDITOR Students arent just voting for their president this electionthey will also be voting for the good of their health. There are two referendums on this years ballot. One proposes a $10 increase to the undergraduate student health plan and the other is to offer students a dental plan. The health plan, before last year, hadnt been increased in approximately eight years, Jennifer Valadao, vice-president finance for the University Students Council, explained. With inflation costs, more opt-ins and more prescription drugs being covered, [] our cost to the USC has gone up substantially. Valadao said the change would put the plan back in line with the money it was spending on students health costs. If there was a no vote, the USC would need to look into cutting portions of the plan, or reducing the amount they cover for prescriptions. If it does not pass, we would have to research what was currently in the health plan, and we would have to make the coverage, or everything thats offered down to what we are actually receiving. The dental plan will cost students $114 or less, and students

With inflation costs, more opt-ins and more prescription drugs being covered, [] our cost to the USC has gone up substantially.
vice-president finance for the USC

Jennifer Valadao,

will be able to opt out without providing proof of coverage. The final cost of the plan has not been fully researched. Valadao explained other schools in the trust that held the health plan already offered dental plans. Its essentially what you would get normally when you go to the dentist, she explained. Services would include full payment for examinations and X-rays, along with an 80 per cent payment for wisdom teeth removal, among others. Valadao noted the referendum needed 20 per cent of students to vote for the results to be valid. Theres the opportunity to re-run a referendum, she said.

>> What the health plan curently includes 80 per cent coverage on prescription drugs up to $10,000 80 per cent of emergency dental up to $1,500 80 per cent of ambulance coverage $15 per chiropractic visit up to $300 a year

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To vote or not to vote, that is the question USC elections

Zalt of the Earth
Aaron Zaltzman NeWS eDITOR I know its tough to hear, but you owe it to the USC, the student population and yourself to do the responsible thing and not vote. Ask yourselfif you vote, armed with little more knowledge than the names of two or three candidates, what will you be basing your vote on? A campaign song, the prettiest colour? While Duck Sauces undisputed masterpiece is indeed Forgione, is not being able to get it out of your head a good reason to vote for somebody? Cutting down the voting percentage by clearing away the uninformed voting population is a win for everybody in this situation. The candidates can focus on the issues instead of branding themselves, and in the end, the USC ends up with a president who was elected on an informed basis. I agree that voter apathy is an issue, but apathetic voting doesnt solve the problemit just makes it worse. The USC election is not national politicsits not important enough that you must vote in it. However, it is important enough that any vote should be informed by knowledge. So please, today and tomorrow, if you dont know enough to vote, take the day off. Make the right choice, by not making a choice.

Wrath of McGrath

Please, dont vote

Attention students! I need you stop what youre doing and listen to me. Put down your coffee and hear my words in your head. If you are standing near a voting booth, run the other way immediately. If you have open on your computer, close it now. Maybe consider dropkicking it through a high window. Im here to tell you not to vote. Whats that, hypothetical confused reader? You have to vote? Its part of democracy, you say? Well nuts to that. What do you care about democracy, or student politics? Youre busy studying for midterms, or planning your next night at JBRs, or doing some other stereotypical Western thing. You think people have actually been Facebook posting about the University of Southern California. If you dont get that joke, you are exactly the person Im currently lecturingyoure far too busy to learn about the USC budget, and you have absolutely no idea what Access Copyright is. And while others may shame you, I want you to know that I understand, and I approve of your lack of interest and knowledge. Theres just one thing I ask in exchange for my understanding please dont vote in this election.

Go vote, right now

It is your responsibility as a Western University student, whether you like the new name or not, to vote in the University Students Council election. Youre not coming back next year, you say? I dont carevote. Youve been busy with midterms and essays and havent had any time to attend the debates, read the candidates platforms or learn about the important issues? Well thats no excuse, look what youre holding. Its the Gazette elections issue, meaning youre subconsciously interested in the USC elections, which is exactly why you picked up this issue and are reading these words. In fact, youve probably read a few articles by now, meaning you are more informed than you were 10 minutes agoperfect, go vote. I get the whole student apathy thing that is constantly tossed around, and maybe you dont care what over-achieving student are trying to add another point to their resume. But instead of thinking about how these elections are going to benefit the candidates, why not think about how these elections can benefit you? The president is your gateway to the university. If theres an issue affecting students, he or she is the

one who can bring student concerns to the people that matter. Your president can even tackle student concerns on a provincial and federal level. But its not only the president were choosing today and tomorrow, its also faculty presidents, councillors and senators. And although this section of the election might not be as glamorous as the presidential race, they are nonetheless just as important. For example, if you have a concern as an arts and humanities student, bringing the issue to your faculty councillor is the logical first stepso shouldnt you care who that person is? Right now, if youre thinking, okay shut upIll vote. I want you to drop your attitude and get your laptop or go to the nearest computer and go to And since youre on the computer, if youre still conflicted about which candidate had the best videobecause I know at least 10 per cent of you vote based on thiswhy not check out each presidential candidates website and read their platforms. Im a realist, so Im aware that despite my intentions, only about 30 per cent of you are going to vote. But I encourage you to exercise your right as a Western student and vote today or tomorrow, because whether you like it or not, this is the best way you can encourage change for our campus.

voter turnout
2011 8,095 votes


7,679 votes


9,439 votes


6,898 votes


7,429 votes

8,090 votes 2006 7,993 votes



7,092 votes


4,295 votes

3,765 votes 2002

5,000 10,000

Amber Garratt GazeTTe

Communicating in sign language

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Andrei Calinescu GazeTTe

Alex Carmona NeWS eDITOR Ah, mid-February. That wonderful time of year when students are bogged down by midterms, papers, Valentines Day and maybe a blizzard or two. But snow isnt the only thing littering campus during the two weeks leading up to the University Students Council presidential elections. Every year the presidential candidates spend a large chunk of their campaign budgets on materials designed to get their name out to the voters. But are the masses of bag tags, rave cards and signage boards really effective? Logan Ross seems to think so. Her signs are everywhereat least, theyre everywhere in the three very specific locations in which candidates can put up signs.


Candidates can only post outdoor signs at Concrete Beach, the Alumni Hall roundabout and Natural Science. Standing outside the University Community Centre, however, one can see three different Vote Logan signs without turning their head, compared to Adam Fearnall and Claire McArthurs more modest one apiece. On the flip side, Jon Silver looks like he has spent by far the least money on these brightly coloured eye grabbers. He obviously disagrees with Ross on the matter of their effectiveness. He has instead been focusing on other ways of getting his name out there, such as his much-touted residence tour. Silver has spent exactly $0 on outdoor signs. Those three campaignfriendly spots are completely devoid of Silvers characteristic shade of blue.

Whether an all-out, moderate or reserved approach to campaign materials is most effective will play a significant role in the elections. Even after the elections, though, the candidates are still going to have some work to do on that front. The candidates are responsible for removing all of their campaign materials within 48 hours of the close of balloting, and must dispose of it themselves, Brianna Peniuk, chief returning coordinator for the USC, explained. We suggest that they recycle them, but its the candidates decision how they dispose of it. So, win or lose, the candidates, save Silver, dont get to relax once the polls close. They instead get to trek through the snow in order to reclaim their signshopefully theyve all got winter boots.

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thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Simply put, you should vote for me because I care. I care about your ideas, I care about how you feel and think. I care about your student experience. I was drawn to Western in particular for the student experience. We have an amazing school and I want everyone to feel a part of it. I want to take my life experience and couple it with my energy, creativity and passion and build on the legacy of Western. I realize Because I Care might just sound like a slogan to you, but I would like to try to put into words what it really means to me. It means everything I have done during this campaign has been done in an effort to represent myself for who I am and stay true to my values. I have run my own race, listened to your input and will work tirelessly to implement my platform on your behalf while holding the position of president. I believe that it matters more who you are and what you are capable of. I believe that I have focused on the points that will benefit the largest cross section of students I care about, making it a priority to increase communication between students and the USC and between students and each other. You deserve to know what is happeningeven if you arent making the effort to search for it. I want to bring the USC to you. I hope to inspire you to care and inspire you to vote. Believe in me and I will wake up every morning with your best interests at heart and continue to show you that I care! Thank you!

The students at this school have earned this university the title of Best Student experience in Canada. I am running for USC president because I have seen what students can do when we work together. Students built the UCC from the ground up, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity, and developed an extensive health plan and bus plan. In doing so, we set the pace for the rest of the country. We are the standard. Increasingly, however, decisions are being made without student input. Our student body needs to use the USC for what it was intended to bea forum for opinions, problems and solutions. I want this to be an organization where we can look out for every students unique needs together. I want student vision and initiative to drive this school once again. The USC needs to strengthen its relationship with students so that it is the first thing that flashes through a students mind when they face an academic or social barrier. I believe students have the power to kick down barriers and find solutions. The USC should be empowering students to do just that. If elected, I will commit to leading a USC that listens to students. I will make the USC more useful to you. My platform includes ways to make it easy to weigh in on the USCs spending, menu options at the Wave/Spoke and making suggestions that direct the USCs actions. My entire platform is a response to genuine student needs. I worked with students to create a platform addressing the issues most pertinent to life on campus. Many students identified access to mental health services as a major issue on campus, for example. This is why I stand strongly behind creating an anonymous mental health hotline, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., geared towards providing psychological support to students in times of stress and anxiety. My belief in students has led me to runit is students that will solve our greatest challenges. I have the experience, the vision and the passion to take our university to the next level. Thank you for an amazing couple of weeks.

I should be the next USC president because I can best represent the student voice, because I am a student, first and foremost. and, as youve heard me say throughout this entire campaign, I am not a politician. I have not been running for this position since first year. I have not isolated myself to only USC and political involvement. Instead I have been living my life like every other student at Western. I know what its like to have the USC not be representative of my voice as a student, and now I want to change that. I feel like in the past year, the USC executive has done a fairly good job of extending their reach to a wider student population, but I want to take it further. I want every student voice to be represented, and I can be the candidate to do that. I see every aspect of student life at our university, from the varsity athlete to the club member to the studier, and I can represent them. I dont want this role just to stay in the USC circle and represent the opinions of those in that group, because I havent been in that circle. I havent isolated myself for the last five years. I want this role so I can represent the entire student population the students Ive been associating with for the last five years. I want this role so I can represent the student Ive been for the last five years. I want students to vote for me as USC president because they feel like they can connect with me, like we have something in common, and because they are confident that because of my student experience I will be the one to best represent them at the USC level. I want the USC to represent everyone, and if we elect someone who has had their judgment clouded by over-involvement in student politics, they will ignore the needs of the everyday Western student. I can represent everyone because I know what the student experience really is because I live it every day. That is why, on February 14 and 15, Western students should elect me as their next USC president.

Hey Western, When I set out to build my campaign for USC president, I realized that I wouldnt be able to do it without employing the incredible talents of the many passionate students on campus. as I searched for the right people, with the right ideas, I realized that this election was never going to be about I or me, it was going to be about us, our and we. Together, I knew that we could build a movement of people who stood for their beliefs with dignity and respect. everyone who feels like a part of our platform speaks to you is part of the team and is a voice that matters in this election. Get to the polls, tell your friends and make a difference, because right here and now your voice matters. Today I pledge to work towards creating a campus that is simpler for students and one that better addresses the things that you believe are important. We wont just change the USCwe will change the USC so that we can make change at Western. I will draw upon my strong advocacy background to deliver upon our promises to give students a better transit system, a dynamic academic experience and an enriched cultural community on campus. I remain unafraid to address the real issues that affect our campus and will recognize that sometimes the USC has to provide leadership on issues that are far bigger than we can comprehend. I will recognize the student who doesnt think they are involved by reaching them with programs and services that provide them with outlets to express who they are. Its about finding a way to radiate the spirit of Western beyond the bubble and about bringing the outside world onto campus. Im committed to being more than just a politician. Im committed to being me, adam Fearnall, the sometimes articulate, often intellectual and occasionally clever person who is ready to be your USC president. I dont want you to elect me just because of my ideasI want you to elect me because you believe in my character and the kind of Western you want to look back on at the end of next year. at the end of my term, I want people to say that Western really does feel like a more diverse, vibrant and supportive community. But I also want you to be able to say that your life is simpler, your bus pass lines are shorter and your University Students Council is providing you with the opportunity to show off who you are.

thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012




To place your ad in The Gazette Marketplace, please contact us at 519-661-3579 OR

#1 AMAZING NEWLY built 4 and 5 large bedroom luxury units. Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $475$525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 #1 JUST BUILT luxury 5 large bedroom units. Everything brand new! Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 new appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy at 519-667-0047 #1 REDBRICK APARTMENTS! Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? Our large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327

3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at the corner of Richmond and Huron. This 7 unit apartment complex of 3 bedrooms is steps to the front gates. Students always love these traditional hardwood floor units. Brand new kitchens, huge bedrooms and living room, balcony. Rent includes heat, water and free parking. Call Zach right away to book a tour 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX Colborne/Cheapside, fireplace, large private deck, parking, laundry, microwave, dishwasher, central air, on bus route, utilities included. $1275.00/month, 12-month lease, mature students, available May 1. Call 519-666-3423 or leave message. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Downtown. This 3 bedroom house is steps to Richmond Row, free parking and a backyard. Hardwood floors, and a loft bedroom. This is one of kind, and will go quickly. Contact Nathan for a tour at 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Nathan to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Zach to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-8595563 to book a tour. 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Sarnia and Western right beside subway. 2 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 any time.

4 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Nathan today 519-495-5363, 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661, 4 BEDROOM AMAZING. Newly build large luxury apartment. Super central location backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, $475-$500/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email with questions or to book a tour 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Modern units, clean and close to campus. Everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms/common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Sam at 519-495-7661, 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are network for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4-6 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES and houses avail downtown at Richmond and Oxford. Steps from the bars and right on Richmond bus route to campus. Great location, near all amenities. Newly built units with all appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Free parking as well. Call John @ 519-8595563 any time to view. 5 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student. 5 appliances included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363 6,6 BEDROOM RED brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students.These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 7 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563


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RESEARCHERS AT UWO are conducting a study of people 18yrs+ to measure attitudes towards the Seven Deadly Sins and related personality traits. Take part in a 45 minute online study and be entered into a draw for 1 of 15 $100 prizes. Survey can be found here: Questions? Contact Erica at

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Nathan 519-495-5363,

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Sam 519-495-7661,

BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOMES OFF Western Road, Individual leases, utilities included, 5 bd 2.5 bath. Groups and individuals welcome. Laundry included, 24hr maintenance. 519-8582525. Call to book tour. FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE $385 each. 469 Regent Street. Steps to Kings College Area. Bus top in front of house. Parking for 5. Garage. New Kitchen. Large Liv/Din. Two Gas fireplaces. No basement bedrooms. Central air. 5 appliances included. May 01 or earlier. Kings women preferredf. Contact Matthew Kennedy cell 519-317-3023 email

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CHALLENGE & CHANGE CLUB Awareness Week Feb. 13-17. Tuesday: Sit Out for Awareness, UCC. Friday: Indoor Booth Day UCC Atrium. C&C designs and facilitates programs in the London community with the homeless and less fortunate. TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS 2. Make your description clear and factual. State the year, make, model, color, size, and tell what condition the item is. Also state the special features.

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Zach 519-854-0505,

3 BEDROOM SPACIOUS redbrick apartments. Open concept 1 floor or 2 floor units just steps from campus, on major bus route and close to all amenities. Includes parking, 5 appliances and 24 hour property management. Call Sam, these rent fast! 519-495-7661 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. Many updates, 2 full bathrooms, 5 appliances. 150 feet from bus stop. $425-$450/month inclusive. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1-877-582-9004. 3 OR 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Apt in House. Steps to campus. All Utilities included! Full kitchen, private laundry. Reduced rent in summer if unoccupied! $420/month. Zehara/Adam 519-432-5123 3, 3 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 3, 4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email to book a tour

GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363.

#1 STUDENT RENTALS . 2-7 Bedroom units in the best students areas around campus and downtown. Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at 519859-5563 for more info or email 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bedroom townhouse. Wharncliffe/Oxford area. $405/month. 5 appliances, near bus stop, quiet. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1877-582-9004 1,2,3,4,5,6 BDRM AVAILABLE May 1st. 2&3 bedroom 57 Beaufort St. Clean and newly renovated, hardwood floors, close to campus. Contact Luigi or 519-852-2674. 2 BD. APARTMENTS. 519-854-0505. One of the closest 2 Beds to Campus, close walk and steps to 2 Dundas bus route. Heat and Water Included. Newly Renovated Kitchens. Hardwood floors, and free parking. Call Zach 519-854-0505 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available. Hardwood floors, large common area, and newly renovated kitchen. Right on the #2 Dundas 7route, closest 2 bedroom to the heart of campus. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and some utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call Nathan at 519-495-5363 or email

5 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern building. Huge kitchens come with tons of cupboards and counter space, and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms and huge closets. Call Sam anytime at 519-495-7661 and view one of these units before they are gone!

GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Sam anytime 519-495-7661 LICENCED 8 BEDROOM, 3 bathroom house, all inclusive- hydro, gas, and water. 238 Sherwood Ave. $500 per room, May 1- April 30. Call Lauren @ 519701-1228 or email TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS 4. If theres a genuine sense of urgency, say so. The words, Were Moving or Must Sell Fast suggests that readers respond immediately.



5 BEDROOM HOUSES and apartments right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great locations. Huge rooms and closets. Most have all new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Nathan @ 519-495-5363 or email with questions or to book a tour. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Nathan at 519-495-5363, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Sam 519-495-7661, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Zach at 519-854-0505, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Nathan today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-5363, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Sam today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-7661, 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fast- these wont last! For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 6 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 6 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Includes 5 appliances. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-495-7661 or email

3, 4, 5 bdrms at 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most popular student corners in London. Within steps of campus, you cant get closer. All of these units have big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking, free grass cutting and snow removal, and a 24 hour maintenance line. Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Features 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more info call Nathan: 519-495-5363 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast these wont last. For more info contact Sam at 519-495-7661. 4 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studies not house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

PUT YOUR SUDOKU SAVVY TO THE TEST! To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.

For solution, turn to page 3

2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Newly renovated kitchens, hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call me (John) at 519859-5563 or email 2, 2 BEDROOM apartment styles to choose from. Located very close to Campus. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry, and free snow and lawn care. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 2-5 BEDROOM units available in newly built professionally maintained unit. Walk to Downtown and on major bus routes! Think of all the cab fare you will save! It has 5 big bedrooms with 2 parking spots. Priced at only $475 all inclusive/room. Includes 5 appliance plus air conditioning. WIFI and TVs in bedrooms. Get either $500 off your deposit or a free 42 inch TV to keep if lease signed by Feb 17th. Dont miss out! Call 519-281-1616 now or email Call or text for more info. 3 BDRM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp. offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT in a beautifully restored Victorian home. Utilities included, 2 levels, in-suite laundry, dishwasher, controlled entry, parking. Responsible landlord. Call Paul 519-660-3659. Email

4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519854-0505.

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thegazette Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Making connections
In this digital age, any candidate without a strong web presence and social media campaign is at a disadvantage. This year, all four candidates came out of the gates with both of those things, but just how good are these glittery websites weve been scrolling through over the past couple of weeks? Heres what web and social media guru and faculty of media, information and technoculture professor Mark Rayner has to say.

Volume 105, Issue 73

Jesse Tahirali Editor-In-Chief Maddie Leznoff Deputy Editor Amber Garratt Managing Editor
Contact: University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, ON, CaNaDa N6a 3K7 editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580 advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579

Adam Fearnall
First impressions: This is OK. Its unconventional having the menu at the bottom of the page, but it at least resizes. Its pretty clean and potentially inoffensive. Pros: Clean design easy access to his social media pages Visually appealing Cons: a little text-heavyits not easy to read text that fills the entire screen, and you cant resize it. Could have broken the text up with headers or subheaders. On the platform page, the headings are vertically aligned, which is difficult to readIts a weird choice. Should be able to share things through social media, not just access his pages. Conclusion: Its not great, but its not bad.

Gazette Composing & Gazette Advertising Ian Greaves, Manager Maja Anjoli-Bilic Stephanie Williams Diana Watson

Claire McArthur
First impressions: I dont see any persistent navigation, thats really a problem. Pros: Text has a better width of column, making it easier to read Visually its cohesive and consistent throughout The design is more interesting compared to the other sites Cons: Navigation is below the foldyou cant see it when you first open the page without scrolling down. Platform is embedded through Scribd, adding an extra, unnecessary step to access it and more difficult to scroll through. Menu changes on each page and disappears on the blog, making it difficult to navigate the site.

News Alex Carmona Gloria Dickie Cheryl Stone Aaron Zaltzman Julian Uzielli Arts & Life Cheryl Madliger Nicole Gibillini Brent Holmes Jesica Hurst Sports Jason Sinukoff Ryan Stern Opinions Kaitlyn McGrath

Photography Nyssa Kuwahara Genevieve Moreau Corey Stanford Graphics Naira Ahmed Illustraions Cam Parkes Ryan Hurlbut Web Editor Sophia Lemon Video Editor Brad Freeman Multimedia Director Kaleigh Rogers

Gazette Staff 2011-2012

Sumedha Arya, Daniel Bottner, Narayan Chattergoon, Lauren Chan, Greg Colgan, Daniel Da Silva, Tom Dodge, Elton Hobson, Katherine Horodnyk, Kevin Hurren, Sarah Mai Chitty, Megan McPhaden, Vincent Orsini, Graham Pap, Ashley Perl, John Petrella, Chen Rao, Richard Raycraft, Pat Robinson, Cameron Smith, Nathan TeBokkel, Irene Velentzas, Vanessa Vernick, Drew Whitson, Kate Wilkinson, Usman Zahid

Conclusion: Its up and down. Its not great, its not horrible.

Logan Ross
First impressions: Not bad, a little bit on the cautious side, its not terribly experimental. But that might be a good thing. Pros: Menu navigation is easily found and consistent throughout Included Twitter feed, not just link to account Made it very easy to contact her Cons: Photo on about page has her campaign manager Bryan Strangin the centre, rather than Logan. It communicates something, and I dont think it communicates something that she necessarily wants to communicate. Not very easy to read through or scan text quickly. Platform is an embedded pdf file, adding an extra step and making it less accessible Conclusion: I like that its easy to join her e-mail list but, to get back to the audience, statistically you guys dont use e-mail as much.

Editorials are decided by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. To submit a letter, go to and click on Contact. All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons published in The Gazette, both in the newspaper and online versions, are the property of The Gazette. By submitting any such material to The Gazette for publication, you grant to The Gazette a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish such material in perpetuity in any media, including but not limited to, The Gazettes hard copy and online archives. The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students Council.

Jon Silver
First impressions: Hes got a dynamic URL, which means his site doesnt get indexed as easily by search engines. Pros: First page takes you straight to his platform, you dont need to dig around to find it Pop art of Jons face gives you some of his personality, shows he has a sense of humour Despite more complicated design, it still loads on a mobile device Cons: Theres no text when you first land on the page. Research shows people like to see some text up front. Low contrast between text and background, a light grey on white, making it difficult to read. all the social media information is below the fold, rather than accessible right at the top.

Conclusion: Its harder to use, its slow and it didnt appear at the top of the search engine results.

Kaleigh Rogers

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