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A Student-Faculty Collaborative System Development Study Presented to the Faculty of Computer Engineering College of Engineering and Industrial Technology Rizal Technological University Mandaluyong City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

by: Warren P. Magtoto Noeme U. Peru Vincent Von V. Reyes Maribel M. Songco

Faculty Collaborator Christopher L. Zaplan

March 2010


To all the people who took part In the realization of this project proposal,

To our dear parents and families,

To all our friends and acquaintances,

To all the computer students,

Most of all, to our GOD almighty

The accomplishment of this endeavor is for you

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would not be possible without the help of the people who never failed to give encouragement in many different ways. Through this, let us take this opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation. First, our group wants to thank our Almighty God for giving us the strength and guidance in every steps of our way. Second, to our family for their enduring support- our group appreciates the financial and moral support they gave us. Third, to each one of us the group, in spite of our busy paper works, still we succeed to have time to reflect, discuss, and analyze our projects. The bonding moment will always be there. And to Engr. Julius U. Cabauatan, our ISAD instructor and to Engr. Renato C. Salvo, our adviser who guide us and educated us in this proposed project.

The CORE Group Songco, Maribel M. Magtoto, Warren P. Peru, Noeme U. Reyes, Vincent Von V.



Rizal Technological University Scholarship Monitoring System Magtoto, Warren P. Peru, Noeme U. Reyes, Vincent Von V. Songco, Maribel M.


FACULTY COLLABORATOR: SCHOOL: Engr. Christopher L. Zaplan Rizal Technological University Boni Avenue, City of Mandaluyong DATE: DEGREE: ADVISER: March 2010 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Engr. Renato C. Salvo

This study was mainly conducted to produce a computer based Scholarship Monitoring System to support the needs of the scholar students, and faculty of the Scholarship Office. Particularly would answer the following problems; 1. What is the status of the Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office in terms of: 1.1. renewal of scholarship 1.2. computation of general weighted average of the scholars

1.3. updating reco 2. What are the requirements in the design of a scholarship monitoring system in terms of: 2.1. updating records 2.2. renewal of scholarship 2.3. computation of general weighted average 2.4. log-in policy 3. What are the expectations on the proposed scholarship monitoring system? 4. How will the new system improve the delivery of your service?

This study was mainly conducted to produce a computerized database to update all the records of all scholar students in more organized system. The faculties have been performing manual time keeping with the use of logbook. There should be a system that would give them a faster and computerized time keeping. The significance of the study is to help the students to minimize their time in applying for a scholarship grants. This study will make the access easier and more accurate in updating all the requirements needed. For the scholarship office, the documents and information they needed for the evaluation and future references will be more organized and more precise.

The system is inte It is hoped that with this study the Scholarship Office would be exposed in a technological world. efficient to them. The Scholarship Office should implement a computerized data and database that would speed up and organized the scholars requirements. That would make the service more


Title ---------------------------------------------------------Dedication 1 2 3 4 5



Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------Thesis Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction -----------------------------------------------Statement of the Problem -----------------------------System Design Paradigm -----------------------------Objective of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13 14 PAGE

15 17 18 22 22 23 24

Significance of the Study -----------------------------Scope and Delimitation of the Study -----------------Assumption ------------------------------------------------Design methodology 24


Definition of Terms II



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Local Literature and Studies --------------------------Foreign Literature and Studies ---------------------29 30


SYSTEM ANALYSIS Objective of the Existing System Business Rules Concept of Operation Events Table --------------------38 38 48 51 52 58 61 63 64 65 70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Data Flow Diagram ---------------------Process Description ER-Diagram Workflow Diagram ----------------------------------------------

System Component Analysis ---------------------------Problem Analysis --------------------------------------Alternative Solution Considered ----------------------

IV FEASIBILITY STUDIES Alternative Courses of Action Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility ----------------------71 72 81 86 87 87 88


Organizational Feasibility -------------------------------Operational Feasibility Schedule Feasibility ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conclusion and Recommendation V THE NEW SYSTEM

Objective of the New System ---------------------------System Components and Specification ---------------Concept of Operation ---------------------------------

89 90 91 92 92 92 93 94

Application Requirements -------------------------------- User -----------------------------------------System Technical -----------------------------------------------------------------

Architecture and Component Level Design -----------

Events Table Data Flow Diagram


94 97 98 100 103 104 104 109 110 110 112 113 113 113 114 114 121 122

Entity Relationship Diagram

Use Case Diagram ----------------------Use Case Description Activity Diagram --------------


HIPO Chart -------------------------------System Sequence Diagram -----

Database Design


Class Diagram Class Description

User Interface


Screen Layout Log-in Screen

Main Forms and Reports -------------System Story Board --------------

System Controls and Security Functions -------------Implementation Plan and Strategies --------------




APPENDICES Appendix A Approved Project Proposal ------------------------ 130 Appendix B Permit to Conduct Study/Interview/Survey ---- 132 Appendix C Organizational Chart Appendix D Functional Description ------------------------- 134 ------------------------- 136

Appendix E Project Plan ------------------------------------------- 138 Project Charter Project Schedule ---------------------------------- 139 ---------------------------------- 141 ------ 141

o Work Breakdown Structure

o Gantt Chart ---------------------------------- 142 Resources Allocation Plan ------------------------- 144 Quality Assurance Plan Communication Plan ------------------------- 144 ----------------------------- 144 -------------- 144

Validation and Evaluation Plan Risk Management Plan

------------------------- 145 145

Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism --------

Maintenance Plan ---------------------------------- 145 ------------------------- 146 ------ 155

Appendix F Structured Walkthroughs

Appendix G Researcher-Made Questionnaires

Appendix H Interview Guide Questions ------------------------- 158 Appendix I Appendix J Interview Reports ---------------------------------- 160 ------- 162

Input/Output Forms (Existing System)

Appendix K File and Database Structure

-------------------- 176 --------------- 179 ------- 185

Appendix L System and Program Flowchart Appendix M Input/Output Forms (New System) Appendix N Users Manual

------------------------------------ 190

Appendix O Program Listing -------------------------------------- 208

CURRICULUM VITAE ---------------------------------------------------------- 244


Table No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Description Benchmarking of Related Literature Events Table (Existing System) Automation of the Scholarship Office Status of the Scholarship Office in terms of Renewal of Scholarship Status of the Office in terms of Computation of General Weighted Average Status of the Office in terms of Login Policy Status of the Office in terms of Updating Records Computed Present Value and Cumulative Value for Alternative 1. Stand-Alone System Computed Present Value and Cumulative Value for Alternative 2. Network System Events Table (New System) Use Case Description Activity Diagram Class Description

Page 26 36 51 51 52 52 53 62 63 73 83 84 92


Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Description System Paradigms System Development Life Cycle Context Diagram (Existing System) Top-Level (Existing System) Data Flow Diagram Fragments (Existing System) Process Decomposition of the Existing System (Login Policy) Process Decomposition of the Existing System (Computation of General Weighted Average) Process Decomposition of the Existing System

Page 5 6 37 38 39 40 41

(Saving all Files and Documentation of each Scholars) 42 Entity Relationship Diagram (Existing System) Data Entities (Existing System) Workflow Diagram (Existing System) Context Diagram of R.T.U. Scholarship Monitoring System Top-Level DFD (New System) Entity-Relationship Diagram Use Case Diagram HIPO Chart System Sequence Diagram 75 77 78 80 85 89 46 47 48


The university scholarship office is a government educational institution that performs as the financial assistant services of Rizal Technological University. It gratifies the different needs of students that outshine academically and students from less fortunate societal status. The Rizal Technological University scholarship office supports and provides the needs of one thousand nine hundred (1900) scholars from different grants every semester. Three of its main functions and services are maintaining constant communication with the benefactors and updates them on the academic performances of the beneficiaries, facilitates enrollment of scholars from various grants and gives particular attention to new ones. Lastly, monitor scholars performance through its manual Log-in Policy. The Scholarship Office is headed by Dr. Elmer M. Martin and coordinates with Prof. Evecita P. Abeleda in Pasig Campus. With the help its expanding workforce of students assistants, volunteers and representatives from the Impassioned Scholars Alliances (ISA) and Pasig Campus Scholars

Council (PCSC), the Office has been assisting and providing the needs of about one thousand nine hundred scholars (1900) from different grants every semester. In lieu of its expanding numbers of scholars, the office uses manual transactions in relation to the renewal form, payment of membership fee for the scholars organization, and manual computation of general

weighted average of all scholars, aside from the academic performance, the office organized a manual Log-in Policy that will monitor the scholars performance. Since Rizal Technological University offers computer-related courses, it is expected that all existing application will be computerized even the computations of General Weighted Average (GWA) of its scholars, in monitoring their log-in policy and in updating the records of the Scholarship Office. The Scholarship Office Monitoring System has been designed to be used and understood by non-computer experts. Movement around the system is facilitated through series of menus, which are accessed in a similar fashion of all levels. The proposed project aims to help the scholarship office to have a more accurately and orderly transactions. The system will help the scholarship office as well as the scholars to lessen the effort being

consumed in manual Log-in Policy of the office. It aimed to establish a more reliable system that will monitor the grades of every academic scholar. The system will provide orderliness in terms of keeping the records of three areas of scholarship-the institutional, government, and private grants.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to design the Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office Monitoring System. Specifically, this study sought to find answer to the following problems: 1. What is the status of the Rizal Technological University Scholarship office in terms of: 1.1. renewal of scholarship 1.2. computation of general weighted average of the scholars 1.3. updating records 2. What are the requirements in the design of a scholarship monitoring system in terms of: 2.1. updating records 2.2. renewal of scholarship 2.3. computation of general weighted average

2.4. log-in policy 3. What are the expectations on the proposed scholarship monitoring system? 4. How will the new system improve the delivery of your service?

System Design Paradigm

Figure 1 showed the design used by the group. There are three phases included in the given model. The first phase is the input phase; the second is the process phase then followed by the output phase which is the Rizal Technological University Scholarship Monitoring System. The input phase involves the interviews and survey made by the group. These will be analyze and process by the system to have good and effective output which is the automated system or the printed form that will be given to each scholars.

INPUT Interview and Survey

PROCESS System Analysis and Design

OUTPUT Rizal Technological University Scholarship Monitoring System

Figure 1 System Paradigms



Figure 2 System Development Life Cycle

Figure 2 shows the System Development Life Cycle used by the group. There are four phases included. The first phase is the analysis phase. In this phase the group conducted interviews, surveys and searches to investigate and study the present system. It also involves the identification of problem for formulation of possible alternatives. The second phase is the design phase. The design phase involves seeking the possible solutions and improvements that should be made on the previous and the present system. Tools in designing such as flowcharts, data flow diagram and system engineering tools are also considered in this phase.

The development phase is the third phase that contains the user procedure design phase review, program and database specification, hardware components and the system alternative review. The last phase is the implementation phase which includes installation, testing, orientation and training, evaluation and maintenance of the design system. To fully realize the proper function; limitation; advantages and operation of the system, orientation is considered. Evaluation is done to the system to recognize if it is working and if the requirements of the users are satisfied. Maintenance is also needed to make sure that during its operational time the system is in good condition.

Objectives of the Study This study aims to automate the manual processing of the current Scholarship Monitoring System. It is assisted by the following specific objectives to be able to: 1. Find out the status of Rizal Technological University Scholarship

Monitoring System in terms of: renewal of scholarship, computation of general weighted average of the scholars and updating records.


Fulfill the requirements in designing a scholarship monitoring system in

terms of updating records, renewal of scholarship, computation of general weighted average and log-in policy. 3. Fulfill the users expectations in the Rizal Technological University

Scholarship Monitoring System. 4. Enhance the system performance in the delivery of service.

Significance of the Study This study plays a significant role to the following entities: Students. It will help them to minimize their time and effort in applying for scholarship grant and to have easy access in accurate list of updated grades. Scholarship office. It will provide complete and accurate documents and information needed for evaluation and future references. Accounting. It will help systemized the application of each scholars. Registrar. it will help for the easy access of the lists of scholars. Users. In which there will be a fast processing on manual procedures and it will help them to have more efficient and accurate output. School. This will show the credibility of the organization as a technological institution, which will add honor and pride to them.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study This system is only applicable just for monitoring the scholarship office of the Rizal Technological University, which aims to achieve a more reliable system. The projected system is expected to save all the data in a computerized matter; the permanent records of all scholars will be achieve, the computerized computation of the general weighted average of the scholars are attainable all in one system. The design system will be made in Visual Basic and in Microsoft Access. This will cover the computations of grades of every scholars per semester, the updating and securing of their records. And it can also be used for time keeping management. The Scholarship Monitoring System is limited only to the Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office. This system can work with Windows XP operating System and above.

Assumption The study proposed a computerized computation of general weighted average, updating records and log-in policy. Scholars record will be kept through the use of computers.

The group expects that the implementation of the new developed Scholarship Monitoring System will provide the scholars an easy access to their records.

Design Methodology In order to obtain the necessary materials, which will be used in this study, the group used the following methods of gathering information:

Interview Series of interview to the head of the scholarship office, students assistant and scholars were conducted in order to know about the background of the present system they are currently using.

Use of Questionnaire The group prepared questionnaire to the head of the scholarship office and the student assistants. This is purposely for the basis of the study to be made by the group and a sort of survey for the problem stated.

Actual Observation

Actual observation of the manual system was also done so as the investigation of printed inputs and outputs provided by the scholarship office in order to meet the necessary requirements and standards of our prospective users.

Group Analysis Inquisition of the gathered data and brain storming were conducted in order to decide and then finalize which of those data will be use for the proceedings of the study, as well as to the creation of the desired system.

Definition of Terms For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are defined according to their use in this study. Benefactor / Grantor. A person who provides some financial support to those students who cant afford schooling.



Network. A computer network in which one centralized, powerful computer (called the server) is a hub to which many less powerful personal computers or workstations (called clients) are connected. The clients run programs and access data that are stored on the server. Database. An up to data storage of information of an applications world and managing software that conceals the user from the physical aspect of information. Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Graphical description of a systems data and how the process transform the data. Government Grants. These grants are generally given by government

agencies (like CHED-administered programs). Some are given by local or national officials to their contingents (like CMCS, Cong. Albano and RCSF). Institutional Grants. These are given by the University and are shouldered by the subsidy from the National Budget. Benefits range from 50% to 100% tuition and miscellaneous fee discounts.

Private Grants. These types of scholarship grants are given by private entities/institutions and non-government organizations. Some submitted themselves in the Universitys Accounting System; others issue checks for endorsement to the cashier.

Scholar. A student who has been awarded a scholarship. Scholarship. An organization that provides a financial aid to a student

on the basis of academic merit.


This chapter presents the local and foreign literature which aims to change the manual procedure and processes involved into an automated and computerized system.

Local Literature and Studies Central Philippine University is an educational institution founded in the ideals of Christian faith, hard work and excellence in its academic life. It is guided by its vision which states that, A University committed to Exemplary Christian Education for Life (EXCEL) and responsive to the needs of the total person and the world. Moreover, it has formulated its mission which states that, The mission of Central Philippine University is to carry out a program of spiritual, intellectual, moral, scientific, technological and cultural training, and allied studies under the influences which strengthen Christian faith, build up character and promote scholarship, research and community service. The Scholarship Program of the University is geared towards the intellectual development of the faculty, staff and students coupled with the

spiritual and moral upliftment, which are in line with the Universitys core values and guiding principles. Thus, the Scholarship Office is tasked to



monitoring in the implementation and progress of the Universitys Scholarship Program. The Office is also responsible in assisting the Office of the President to explore for possible donors and opportunities that will meet the growing needs of the Universitys human resources, as well as review, initiate and recommend scholarship policies for implementation. To ensure effective implementation of the Universitys Scholarship Program, the Scholarship Office as an implementing arm of the Office of the President Screens and recommends qualified applicants for the scholarship program.

MISSION Towards intellectual development of faculty, staff and students coupled with spiritual and moral upliftment in line with the Universitys core values and guiding principles of Exemplary Christian Education for Life.




produce deserving faculty, staff and students that will be globally competent in their various fields of academic endeavors through effective and efficient implementation of the Universitys scholarship program.

OBJECTIVES 1. Facilitate access and equal opportunities to intellectually gifted, talented and deserving faculty, staff and students to high standard of quality Christian education geared towards the development of the total personhood. 2. Initiate development programs that will sharpen the skills enhance the talents and potentials of the scholars. 3. Provide adequate assistance to scholars on their academic endeavors and holistic learning through mentoring and coaching. 4. Provide updated and relevant information on scholarship opportunities, policies and privileges. 5. Establish a systematic scholarship management information system for monitoring and decision-making functions. 6. Establish and strengthen linkages with scholarship donors and possible benefactors.

7. Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of scholars academic performance, and their compliance to the Universitys scholarship policies and contract. (CPU Web Development Team Copyright 2007 Central Philippine University)

De La Salle University Scholarship and Financial Assistance (SFA) Office In keeping with its mission, De La Salle University extends financial assistance to needy but capable Filipino men and women desiring to continue educational and training programs in both the undergraduate and the graduate levels. The Scholarship and Financial Assistance (SFA) Office is the unit charged with administering such assistance in the form of scholarship grants and loans. The SFA Office likewise implements and monitors the University's financial assistance and loan programs.

Goals and Objectives

To make the Lasallian education accessible to those who are intellectually capable but financially handicapped.

To ensure that the University's financial assistance program is properly administered.

Major Services

Processes the application of those students who may be in need of financial assistance.

Provides the necessary enrollment certifications to those who are under the financial assistance and loan programs.

Informs donors regarding the status of their grantees. Assigns to the units concerned those grantees who may be required to render service/assistantship.








Assistance program. (Copyright2005. All Rights Reserved.De La Salle University-Manila Philippines)

Foreign Literature and Studies Indonesia Scholarships and School Grants to Primary and Junior Secondary Schools The Scholarships and Grants Program The ASEM grant financed initial management, monitoring, information dissemination and complaint resolution activities of the Government of Indonesias five-year crisis relief program in the education sector, the

Scholarships and Grants Program (SGP). SGP began in July 1998 and will close in June 2003. The scholarships and grants portion of the program are financed by the Government of Indonesia (GOI), the ADB, the Royal Netherlands Government (RNG) and the World Bank. Assistance in program management, independent monitoring and other program support services has been financed by AusAid, RNG, Unicef and ASEM. SGP provides scholarships to the poorest students at all types of schools (primary, junior secondary, senior secondary; public and private; religious and secular); and grants to the poorest schools in Indonesia. Scholarship levels were adequate to cover the basic costs of schooling; grants are sufficient enough to supplement schools incomes to ensure that they can remain operational. By June 2003, SGP will have provided some 6.5 million scholarships to students and, annually, some 130,000 school grants. GOI estimate that directly or indirectly over 98% of all schools in Indonesia benefit from the program. Starting in 2000 the RNG began an additional grant program under the SGP umbrella. This supplementary grant program (the School Improvement Grants Program SIGP) provides substantial grants to Indonesias poorest schools to finance much need rehabilitation and basic quality improvement inputs. The RNG now finances the independent monitoring of both SGP and SIGP.

Overall, the SGP and programs (SGP and SIGP) are widely regarded as very successful. Together they constitute one of the largest social safety net activities in the country, and SGP is one of the largest school-level scholarship programs in operation anywhere. ASEM financing provided the means to ensure that both of these programs management and independent monitoring systems were well designed and well implemented. From its inception through to its closing, the ASEM grant has remained an important part of SGP. Summary ASEM financed activities assisted the GOI in four areas: Program management, planning and training. The TF has contributed significantly in to project management: (i) international and local management ASEM-financed TA were instrumental in establishing the Project Management Unit (PMU); (ii) ASEM TA, together with their counterparts in the PMU and at the independent Monitoring Unit brought about a series of improvements in SGP (and, by extension, SIGP) effectiveness, particularly in the areas of project

implementation coordination; (iii) TA reviewed and improved project managements of Bank loan funds (used for SGP) in three basic education projects; (iv) TA reviewed the process through which SGP was constructed

and in doing so was able to direct the PMU to better reporting procedures and towards meeting Ministry knowledge gaps in respect to the programs implementation; and (iv) monthly program reviews by ASEM financed local TA resulted in ongoing streamlining of fund delivery and monitoring mechanisms, record keeping and district-level management practices. ASEM also financed a review of program closing concerns and a substantial multi-donor, multi-agency discussion of a transition strategy through which GOI could move from the crisis response SGP to a broadbased donor supported poverty targeting equity program. This exercise also contributed a platform for the introduction of a Bank staff paper that discussed post SGP strategies. Initially it was intended that the TF would finance the design and implementation of a training program for regional and local education officials, head teachers and school committees on SGP management and

implementation However, due to the late start of TF financed activities, Bank Loan funds financed these activities Monitoring. The ASEM TF contributed significantly to SGP performance through comprehensive management information systems development and

maintenance and through fund disbursement audits. International and local consultants, supported by MIS programmers and data entry services, designed, tested and implemented a comprehensive MIS over the programs first year. The SGP MIS system rapidly became the backbone of both the Governments fund flow tracking system for all centrally-managed school grant and scholarship programs. Since the closure of the TF the MIS has been maintained by the GOI with RNG assistance. TF financed program audits provided comprehensive information on schools handling of funds. This information has in turn allowed program management to streamline fund distribution and reporting. Information Distribution. During its initial months ASEM TF financed the national dissemination of program information related to SGP allocations, guidelines and transparency safeguards. ASEM also financed a broadly distributed booklet that reported on a survey of early SGP practices and procedures, SGP What works, what doesnt. Complaint Resolution. Government practices and policy have been strongly influenced by complaint identification and investigation practices and mechanisms piloted under this TF. By financing a legal expertise the TF allowed the PMU to more actively promote program transparency and related

public information dissemination. An ASEM financed program lawyer supported complaints investigation and forged lasting program linkages with the Ministrys office of the Inspector General and district level auditing agencies. Scholarship and Block Grant Program for Primary and Secondary Schools in Indonesia Introduction Education is one of a major pillar in human resource development. Therefore, it is clear that spending on education is an investment in human resource and for the countrys future. It is also widely recognized by most families that there is relation between education and young persons economic well being and satisfactory later in life (Mc Mahon, 1999). Education development is, in fact, a process of economic development. Increase in education quality in one point will contribute to the increase of labor productivity. The increase in productivity will increase the production capacity. The increase of production capacity in turn will increase peoples welfare. Government of Indonesias attention to and development priority of the social sectors including education, particularly for the last ten years, has increased significantly. The high priority that the government put to education

development was reflected in the consistent significant increases in amount of development budget allocation for this sector. In spite of the economic crisis in 1985/1986, the progress of education development particularly in primary and junior secondary enrollment rates was very significant. The Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) of the primary school has increased from 62 percent in 1973 to 112 percent in 1997. Junior secondary GER rose from 17 percent to 72 percent. Adult illiteracy has declined from 60 percent to 10 percent. In the middle of 1997 the monetary crisis hit East Asian region including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the crisis has developed to multi dimensional crisis till today. During this period of economic crisis, many children of poor families are either forced to leave their school (drop-out) or are not able to continue their schooling (for example from primary school to junior secondary school or from junior secondary school to senior secondary school). The 1997 crisis has reminded the Government of Indonesia to what was happened during the previous economic crisis in 1985/1986 that was called the oil crisis. At that time, due to lack of Government particular intervention in education sector, two years after the oil crisis has began the junior secondary GER that was 64.1 percent in 1987/1988 declined to 52, 5 percent in 1992/1993. The GER returned to the initial figure only in 1995/96.

The time loss was therefore eight years. The case in primary school enrollment was not as severe as that in junior secondary school. This was perhaps due to the already high enrollment rate for primary school. During that period of the oil crisis, due to the lack of government intervention, school fee was increased and parents were asked to pay higher fees. The practice was more evident in private schools. For the families with income that belong to the lowest quintile the requirement was too hard to be fulfilled as the expenditure per junior secondary student is equivalent to approximately 80 percent per capita household expenditures. For those families the choice was very difficult. Many of the poor families have to force their children to abandon the schooling for two reasons. The first reason is to reduce family expenditure and the second reason is to ask the children to contribute to family income as child labor. In the poor families, the girls were the first to be pulled out of school. The girl may find job as baby-sitter or domestic help. The data showed that the children from five lowest family income deciles contributed significantly to the enrollment decline both in primary and junior secondary levels.

CENTRAL FEATURES PHILIPPINE UNIVERSITY Monitor and evaluate the progress of scholars academic performance. Checking and updating of the status of the scholars every semester. Making a master list of scholars and grantees every semester. Guiding or advising the scholars. Mailing grantees to update the scholarship and scholars status.



Assigns to the units concerned those grantees.

Records of fund balance to control amounts loaned.

Maintain good relationship with the grants from both private and public sectors.

Monitoring of critical system resources activities and their utilization.

Record keeping of files.

Over-all monitoring in the implementation and progress of the Scholarship Office.

Table 1 Benchmarking of Related Literature


Objectives of the Existing System The Rizal Technological University scholarship office is a government educational institution that performs as the financial assistant services of Rizal Technological University. It is geared towards the rendering of service to the scholars, the grants and the different benefactors that are interacting with the office. It gratifies the different needs of students that outshine academically and students from less fortunate societal status.

Business Rules In view of the expanding Rizal Technological University Scholarship Programs, the University established the Scholarship Assistance Program, screening, and Implementing Committee herein referred to as SAPSIC in pursuant to office order No. 129, series of 2005. The SAPSIC performs the following function: a) manage the commission on higher education-state

universities and colleges (CHED-SUC) Scholarship Program

covered by the CMO No. 37, series 1996, Implementing Guidelines for the scholarship assistance program in state universities and colleges; b) accepts scholarship, study grants and other financial assistance programs from government and private groups to widen the base of the University Scholarship Program; b) award scholarship grants and financial assistance to students in accordance with university policies; c) decide on the termination of grantees, appeal for

reconsideration/reinstatement of terminated grantees and other matters similar in nature; d) address student complaints on and matters problems arising relating from to



termination of grant; e) strictly monitor the implementation of Scholarship

Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs); f) conduct a periodic reviews of scholarship programs

implemented and recommend measures for improvement, and

g) perform other related duties and functions as maybe assigned by the President and other higher authorities from time to time.


Academic scholarship in the University shall be classified into; (1) entrance scholarship (2) college scholarship (3) university scholarship and (4) graduate school scholarship (n). ART. 235. ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP. An entrance scholarship shall be free of tuition fee for one semester, and maybe availed by the following students upon their admission into the university; a) Graduate of RTU and from institutions of recognized standing who were conferred any degree with honors such as Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and summa Cum Laude; b) Valedictorians and Salutatorians from public and private high schools and vocational schools equivalent to high schools; provided, that said valedictorians and salutatorians come from graduating classes with an enrollment of at least 100 graduated, this fact to be certified by the head of the institutions concerned;

provided further, that valedictorians and salutatorians in the Laboratory High School of RTU shall be extended the privilege of free tuition regardless of the number of members of the graduating class. ART. 236. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP. A College Scholarship consisting of 50 percent deduction in tuition fee shall be enjoyed by any undergraduate student who obtains a general weighted average of 1.75 but not higher than 1.46 at the end of semester (n). ART. 237. UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP. A University Scholarship consisting of free tuition and others fees shall be enjoyed by any undergraduate student who obtains a general weighted average of 1.45 or better at the end of semester (n). ART. 238. GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP. Scholarship in the graduate school shall be in accordance with the schedule provided by University rules and regulation (n). ART 239. CONDITIONALITIES FOR ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. In addition to the general weighted average a student, to be eligible for a scholarship except entrance scholarship.

a) Must have taken during the previous semester not less than 18 units of academic load; provided, that in the case of graduate student, they must have taken at least nine units; b) Must be up-to-date with all the non-academic requirements, such as military science or its equivalent and civil action.; c) Must have no grade below 2.50 in any academic subject or non-academic subject, and 1.25 for graduate students (n). ART. 240. DURATIION OF ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. A academic scholarship shall last only for one semester, but shall be renewable for the succeeding semesters if the student meets the conditions prescribed for any of them (n). ART. 241. CHOICE OF SCHOLARSHIP. If a student is entitled of two or more scholarships, he/ she shall be required to choose only on. (n)


In addition to academic scholarships, RTU students may avail themselves of the following grants, subject to University rules and regulations and the law: 1. Special Scholarship sponsored by private or outside entities;

2. Financial aid- grants as: Editorials staff member University athlete Cultural Troupe member Student Assistant COE trainees in RTU Study-now-pay-later Plan Cultural minority scholarship Barangay scholarship Other scholarship or financial grants which may be authorized from time to time (Art. 242, Unicode)

Concept of Operations The Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office has six (6) steps in granting scholarship to the students.

First, if a student wants to enroll in the scholarship office, the office will issue an application form together with a list of requirements the student need to complete.

Second, after completing the said requirements and if the office has some available grants for new scholars the student will be then interviewed by the head of the scholarship office to assure if he/she is suitable for the grant being offered, but if there is no available grants to offer the student will then wait until the grantor will offer a new available slot to the office. Third, after passing the interview, Dr. Martin (head of the scholarship office) will then endorse the student to the grantor. The grantor will then accept the endorsement because they knew that the student is already evaluated by the head. Forth, when the grant is accepted, the student will then sign the memorandum of agreement of the scholarship office (contract signing) for him/her to become an official scholar of the office. Fifth, the student can now proceed to the enrollment process wherein the assessment will be done at the accounting office. The accounting office will issue the official registration form of the scholar. And lastly, the student will take his/her registration form to the scholarship for the membership stamp and fee. For the Scholars computation of grades the office use manual computation in getting the General Weighted Average (GWA) of the scholars,

after the computation the office will then store the grades in the respective files of the scholars. In their log-in policy, the office is requiring each scholars for them to logged at the office using their manual process at least twice a week for them to monitor each scholars performance, and if some problem occurs especially in their academic performance Dr. martin will then provide a counseling for them together with their guardians.

Events Table







A student want to apply for scholarship

Before the start of the school year


Looks for available slots for new scholar

Availability of scholarship grants


A scholar want to computer for his GWA

End of Semester


Compute for the GWA

The computed grades

Scholar and management / database

A scholar want to log-in

Twice a week


Input the required information

Save the inputted information of the scholar

Management / database

A scholar want to renew his scholarship grant

End of Semester


Fill-up the required information

Save the information

Management / database

Table 2 Events Table (Existing System)

Data Flow Diagram (Existing System)

Figure 3 Context Diagram (Existing System)

DFD Fragment of the Existing System

1 scholars saving files

2 scholars computation of grades

3 grantor / benefactor produce list of scholars

4 accounting list of subjects

5 colleges vacancy information

Figure 5 DFD Fragment (Existing System)

Process Decomposition of the Existing System

Scholarship Office

1.1 computation of grades saving time logged by the scholar

1.2 computation of grades

1.4 computation of grades

1.3 computation of grades

Figure 6 Log-in Policy

Scholarship Office

2.1 GWA records of grades

2.4 2.2 records of units per subject produce the equivalent grade for each subject

2.3 computed grades for each subject

Figure 7 Computation of General Weighted Average (GWA)

Scholarship Office

3.1 proper set-up of each documents

3.4 3.2 encoding scholar information saves files of each scholar

3.3 record scholars information

Figure 8 Saving all Files and Documentation of each Scholar

Process Description Process 1.1: Log-in Procedures If New student then Generate new Log-in Form Add student detail to record the data Else Validate student using Student No Else if

For each process in the data flow: Add the student record to produce a record End For Produced records are to be saved to scholarship office The scholar details are to be saved in the system End Process of the Log-in Procedure

Process 2.1: Computation of Grades Entering grades of the scholars If grades are acceptable then

Record the grades Else Entering the units of each subject End if

For computation of each subject Add subject, subject per unit and total number for subjects While Listing of all the subjects Produce an equivalent grade for each subject End if

For producing equivalent grades Copy of confirmation must be sent to the scholarship office Add the details of subjects and grades Produce the GWA End for computing grades

Process 3.1: Saving all files of each scholars Collect all files

Encoding of all files/data If new records then Separate each documents Add the details to the system Else Proper set-up of each document End if

For encoding scholars information: Add registration form, class card, legal form, renewal form, check,

grantee balance, students semester evaluation While Saving all details Saved files are to be save to the management End For Transferring of the files to the management Copy of files/document of the scholars to the management End For saving all files/documents of each scholar.

Entity Relationship Diagram (Existing System)

Grade Slip



Students Profile

Scholar Grantor

Scholarship Information

Figure 9 Entity Relationship Diagram (Existing System)

Data Entities (Existing System)

Figure 10 Data Entities (Existing System)

Workflow Diagram

Figure 11 Workflow Diagram (Existing System)

System Components Analysis As the result of the study and investigation of the existing system, the group had mostly seen the solution in enhancing the current system; this is through the application of the new system which is The Development of the Scholarship Monitoring System. Thus, the scholarship office faces problems in keeping the records of a thousand scholars, monitoring and computing the grades of each scholars and monitoring the scholars performance through their Log-in Policy. The group has based its conclusion on the respondents answer on the researcher made questionnaire and on the actual observation of the students. Another source of information related to the foundation of the conclusion of the group was the interview conducted to the head of the scholarships office, students assistant, and selected scholars who have a background on the operation of the office. The researcher made questions are specifically made to gather all the necessary information needed by the group. This information is essential to the development of the new Scholarship Monitoring System.

Population and Sampling Scheme A random sampling scheme was used for the selection of respondents; there knowledge is chosen as the basis of the data to be collected. Scholars are definitely the respondents that knowledgeable for the subject matter.

Problem Analysis Based on the actual observation done by the group, it was concluded that there is a needed for enhancing the current Scholarship Monitoring System. The group has based its conclusion on the respondents answer on the researcher made questionnaires. Another source of information relevant to the formulation of the conclusion of the group was the interview conducted to the officials of the scholarship office and selected scholars who have background on the processes and operation of the office. The researchermade questionnaires are specifically made to gather all the necessary data needed by the group. This information is essential to the formulation of then scholarship monitoring system. The investigations involved a total of 50 respondents. Based on the survey conducted by the group, the following data were collected;

Problem No. 1 Is there a need to design a scholarship monitoring system in the Rizal Technological University scholarship office? Need Yes No Total to design a Scholarship Frequenc y 45 5 50 Table 3 Automation of the Scholarship Office Table 3 showed that 90% of the respondents agreed that there is a need to design a scholarship monitoring system in Rizal Technological System. Problem No. 2 What is the status of the RTU Scholarship Office in terms of renewal of scholarship? Status of scholarship office in renewal of scholarship Manual processing Computerized processing Total Frequenc y 47 3 50 Renewal of Scholarship Percentag e 94% 6% 100% Percentag e 90% 10% 100%

Monitoring System

Table 4 Status of the Scholarship Office in terms of

Table 4 showed that 94% of the respondents observed that the office uses manual processing in terms of renewal of scholarship. Problem No. 3 What is the status of the RTU Scholarship Office in terms of computation of general weighted average? Status of scholarship of general office in Frequenc y 39 11 50 Percentag e 78% 22% 100%

computation average


Manual processing Computerized processing Total

Table 5 Status of Scholarship Office in terms of computation of General Weighted Average Table 5 showed 78% of the respondents observed that the office uses manual processing in terms of computation of General Weighted Average.

Problem No. 4 What is the status of the RTU Scholarship Office in terms of log-in policy? Status of scholarship office in log-in policy By using log book Computer-based log-in Total Frequenc y 41 9 50 Percentag e 82% 18% 100%

Table 6 Status of Scholarship Office in terms of Log-in Policy

Table 6 showed that 82% of the respondents observe that the office uses logbook in their log-in policy.

Problem No. 5 What is the status of the RTU Scholarship Office in terms of updating records? Status of scholarship office in updating records Manual recording / updating of data Computerized recording of data Total Frequenc y 37 13 50 Percentag e 74% 26% 100%

Table 7 Status of Scholarship Office in terms of Updating Record

Table 7 showed that 74% of the respondents observed that the office updates their record through manual processing.

Summary of Findings Based on the questionnaires used as an instrument, the group found out the following: 1. Most of the respondents in Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office agrees to implement a scholarship monitoring system. 2. 94% of the respondents observed that the office uses manual processing in terms of renewal of scholarship. 3. 78% of the respondents observed that the office uses manual processing in terms of computation of General Weighted Average. 4. 82% of the respondents observes that the office uses logbook in their log-in policy. 5. 74% of the respondents observed that the office updates their record through manual processing.

Alternative Solutions Considered The group, The Core recommends the scholarship office of Rizal Technological University the following: 1) The installation of the proposed system entitled Scholarship Monitoring System. This proposed system will allow them to speed up the processing of scholars computation of grades, keeping the scholars record, and monitoring the scholars through the Log-in policy. 2) Proper training and user manuals should be provided to the faculty users and scholars. 3) Monitoring and maintenance should also be done to keep the system consistency, accuracy and effectiveness.


A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project's viability or the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. The term is also used to describe the preliminary analysis of an existing system to see if it is worth upgrading all or a part. The results of this study are used to make a decision whether or not to proceed with the project. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will before the real work of the proposed project starts and be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project's success. It is an analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best alternative. It can decide, for example, whether order processing can be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the previous one.

Alternative Courses of Action Currently, procedures and workloads are done manually, so shifting will produce a wide changes accurate list of information, quick processing of

input data and time management. Moreover, there are many benefits in shifting to computerize basis because manual processing can now be eliminated and doing so will improve the ways of data handling as well as providing accurate results. After analyzing the problem being stated above, the group consider two alternative solutions and these are as follows;

Alternative 1 Stand-alone system Alternative 2 Client-Server Network system

Technical Feasibility This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the

proposed system is available and how this technology can be integrated within the organization. It must also assess whether the existing system can be upgraded to use new technology and whether the organization has the expertise to use it. o Availability It enlists the specification of equipments, hardware, software and the personnel needed for the project.

The availability of hardware and software used in both alternatives is not a problem in todays technology because both components are already common and available in market. o Data Storage Both alternatives will be using a hard disk as a medium in storing the entire datum. Hard disks were chosen because they have a great storage capacity and they also cost fairly. o Data Integrity Data integrity can be assured with the use of hard disks. Alternative 1 will need a constant back-up of files to support the credibility of the system, while in alternative 2 networking provides a wide data paths for supporting multiple operations. o Maintainability Alternative 1 is much easier to maintain, because it is just a stand-alone. It means that only one computer will be maintained. Unlike in alternative 2 which is a network system all the computers connected must be maintained.

Economic Feasibility This evaluation looks at the financial aspects of the project. It

determines whether the investment needed to implement the system will be recovered. It has been also defined as cost-benefit analysis.

INITIAL INVESTMENT COST Documentation Software Cost Computer Rentals Miscellaneous Cost System Developer Total Investment Cost P 15, 000.00 8, 000.00 15, 000.00 20, 000.00 100, 000.00 P 158, 000.00

Operating Cost per year of the Existing System Computer Unit (6 units) Personnel (3persons) Printer Office Supplies Maintenance cost Miscellaneous cost P 122, 400.00 268, 000.00 24, 345.00 10, 000.00 30, 000.00 10, 000.00

Total Operating Cost

464, 745.00

Operating Cost per year of the Proposed System Alternative 1: Stand-alone System Personnel Maintenance Cost System Hardware Miscellaneous Cost Total Operating Cost P 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 298, 800.00 P 268, 800.00

Alternative 2: Network System Personnel Maintenance Cost System Hardware Miscellaneous Cost Total Operating Cost P 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 298, 800.00 P 268, 800.00

Savings: Alternative 1: Stand-alone System Operating Cost (Existing System) Operating Cost (New System) Total Savings P 464,745.00 298,800.00 P 165,945.00

Alternative 2: Network System Operating Cost (Existing System) Operating Cost (New System) Total Savings P 464,745.00 298,800.00 P 165,945.00

The following formulas were used in computing for the Present value and Cumulative value: Present value = Savings / (1+i) n

Cumulative value = Present valuen-1 + Present value Where: savings = the future value of the investment N = no. of years i = interest rate



(1+ i)n

Present value

Cumulative value 150,859.09 288,003.72 412,680.65 526,023.32 629,062.11

1 2 3 4 5

165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00

(1.1)1 (1.1)2 (1.1)3 (1.1)4 (1.1)5

150,859.09 137,144.63 127,676.93 113,342.67 103,038.79

Table 8 Computed Present Value and cumulative value for alternative 1 : Stand-alone System

Here are the calculation for the Payback Period And the net Present Value of both alternatives: ALTERNATIVE: Stand alone Payback Period = 1 + (158, 000.00 -150,859.09) 137,144.63

= Net Present value = =

1.05 years 629,062.11 - 158, 000.00 P 471,062.11 gain



(1+ i)n

Present value

Cumulative value 150,859.09 288,003.72 412,680.65 526,023.32 629,062.11

1 2 3 4 5

165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00 165,945.00

(1.1)1 (1.1)2 (1.1)3 (1.1)4 (1.1)5

150,859.09 137,144.63 127,676.93 113,342.67 103,038.79

Table 9 Computed Present Value and cumulative value for Alternative 2: Network System Here are the calculation for the Payback Period And the net Present Value of both alternatives:

ALTERNATIVE: Stand alone Payback Period = 1 + (158, 000.00 -150,859.09) 137,144.63 = Net Present value = = 1.05 years 629,062.11 - 158, 000.00 P 471,062.11 gain

Cultural and Organizational Feasibility This evaluation determines the potential risk that may arise in the

cultural and organizational aspect of the scholarship office in implementing the new system. o Response to Inquiries Both alternatives will be user friendly and easy to configure with Windows XP applications. o Acceptability The office has six computers for monitoring system. Therefore, alternative 2 is more acceptable compared to alternative 1 when it comes to their acceptability, because alternative 2 will connect all six computers in

network so that it is easier to browse and the database will be more accessible. Operational Feasibility This determines the availability of resources for the project. o Data Accuracy Completeness Data are raw materials needed in making programs to be processed to have accurate and complete excellent results. In alternative 1 data will come directly from the person involved and therefore it is complete. And it will depend on the users alertness. While in alternative 2 accuracy and completeness of data depends mainly on the user. Data must be constantly updated to ensure its accuracy and completeness. o Security All files needs security in order to maintain its confidentiality and completeness. In both alternatives, password will be made to maintain the security of all files.

Schedule Feasibility This involves questions such as how much time is available to build the

new system.

o Speed of processing Alternative 1 is more time consuming because you need to find all the necessary records needed by the system and encode them using a single unit of computer only, unlike when computers are connected in network they can make the job faster and easier.

Conclusion and Recommendation Based on the research and analysis made, the group highly recommends Alternative 2 to be implemented in the Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office which is a network system. Alternative 2 is chosen for its beneficial characteristics and functions wherein workload is minimal and also information has an easy accessibility. Filing of records will be much faster and easier compare to using their manual process. Sharing of files and peripherals such as printers will be easier also, transferring of datas other master files and also retrieval of records will minimize time consumption. The chosen alternative is also expandable by just adding a workstation or by simply connecting to its unit.


This chapter includes the detailed description of the groups proposed system which includes objectives, system components and specifications, concept of operation, network design, application architecture, user interface, system interface, data base design, system controls and security function and the implementation plan strategies. The new system is expected to accurately process the information about the scholars, speed up computation of grades and to produce a well secured Log-in process of Rizal Technological University Scholarship Monitoring System. It will designed as a user friendly that the user will easily understand the system a as whole to the scholars and faculty of the Scholarship Office.

Objective of the New System The groups main objective is primarily concerned with the record keeping management, Log-in process and computation of general weighted average. The detailed objectives are as follows:

1. To create a new system that will effectively handle and store scholars file. 2. To speed up the retrieval of files and records of students. 3. To perform an accurate computation of grades.

System Components and Specifications One major consideration need to understand is the system components and specifications. It plays a vital role for the performance of the system.

Input Components The input component of the system is the same as the old system but will some element added.

Student Number This is an inputted data of each scholar in the system.

Registration Form This is a form, where in the list of the subject of the scholars he had enrolled.

List of Grades These are the scholars individual grade that obtained every semester computed by the professor.

List of Scholars Information Information about the scholars will be needed to use the system.

Output Components These are the output obtained from the process occurring in the new system.

Scholars Information This are the things needed in order to save the files and information of each scholar for the system.

Scholars GWA This shows the general weighted average of each scholar in the corresponding semester.

List of Scholars These are the list of students who were given the privileged to become a scholar.

Logbook This are the list of scholars previously logged in the system.

Concept of Operation This incorporates the process that takes place within the new system. A verified scholar will present his registration form together with the different list of requirements to the scholarship office. The administrator of the scholarship office will then encode the scholars information into the system. Upon encoding, the scholar will then be given a user account and a user password in order for him to have an access into the system. The system will automatically post the scholars information into the scholars database which will be stored for future reference. In adding of New Scholars User Account, the Administrator is the only person who is authorized to add New User that will be inputted to the system. The same process will be made if there are changes to be made on the

Scholars User Account or if there are scholars needed to be removed into the system. In Computing for the scholars General Weighted Average (GWA), the scholars will present his grade slip to the scholarship office. The administrator of the office is the only person who is authorized to input scholars grade to the system. The system will automatically generate the GWA of the scholar. The system could generate reports about the logbook, the scholars details, etc.

Application Requirements a. User Requirements o Username and Password should be entered. o For the Administrator, in adding a new scholars user account the administrator should fill-up the scholar details form.

b. System Requirements The system requires username and password for authorized users.
The price can only be edited by the administrator.

Scholars information, grades, etc. can only be edited by the administrator.

Scholars username and password are the only details which can be change by the scholar.

c. Technical Requirements
Hardware: The processor should be at least Core 2 Duo At least 1GB of memory At least 80G of Hard disk space

Windows XP Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels

Architecture and Component Level Design Events Table

In the first event, the scholar will log in the login form of the system in order to view its personal information. In the second event, the scholar can view his/her grades in his/her account. In the third event, the Administrator can make or post an announcement with the use of the system directly to the scholar profile. In the fourth event, the Administrator can directly compute the General Weighted Average of each scholars directly to the system by encoding the subjects together with the grades. In the fifth event, the Administrator can visit the Master File of the system to view the available slots of the grantee or benefactor. In the sixth event, the Administrator can update the scholar details by compiling and updating all the records of the scholars using the system and produce a generated report. In the seventh event, the Administrator can make or post a warning with regards to the scholars standing directly to the scholars file. In the eight events, the system can update all the records, finalize, produce and prints all the recorded reports from the system.

Data Diagram (New System)


Figure 12 Context Diagram of RTU Scholarship Monitoring System

Figure 12 shows the interactions between a system and other entities with which the system is designed to interface. And for further discussion of this figure see Figure 13.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 14 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram of the Existing system, which explains how entities are related to each other. It also shows each entitys details.

Figure 15 shows the role of the scholars, administrator and benefactor. In Login process, the system will be performed by the scholars and the administrator. In the second process which is the computation of General Weighted Average, most of the process was performed by Administrator. In making an announcement and warning notes, the Administrator performed most of the process. And in updating files both Administrator and the Grantor/Benefactor performed the process.


Use Case Name: Scenario: Brief Description: Actor: Use Case Name: Scenario: Brief Description: Actor: Use Case Name: Scenario: Brief Description:

Login Process The scholar will login in the system using his/her username and password. The scholar will update his/her personal information.

Scholar Computation of General Weighted Average The Administrator will encode the grades of the scholars scholars in the system to automatic compute the G.W.A. The Administrator is the only one who can compute the G.W.A. of the scholars. Administrator Making an Announcement and Warning Notes The student will receive a warning or announcement. The Administrator can make a warning note and post an announcement or gatherings that directly saved in the scholars account. Stockman


Use Case Name: Scenario: Brief Description: Actor:

Updating Files Administrator can request the availability of the grantor and the grantor will update the entire request. Update, compile and finalization of all reports that generated in the system. Administrator and Grantor/Benefactor

Table 11 Use Case Description

Login to the System



Update Attendance

Update Scholars Information w/ Access of the System

Copy of Grades Slip

Encode the Grades Provided by the Scholars

Computing General Weighted average

View Previous Subjects w/ Equivalent Grades

List of Scholars w/ General Weighted Average

Receive a Complete List of Computed General Weighted Average

View the Posted Announcement & Warnings to the Scholars Account

Post an Announcement of Different Events or Gathering that may Happen

Post a Warning w/ Regards to the failed subjects

Updating All the Records Provided by the System

Finalized and Compile All the Reports

Receive a General and Updated Reports

Table12 Activity Diagram

HIPO Chart (Administrator)

Splash Screen

Selection Module

Login Password

Main Menu



Master File





Student Record

Grades per Student

Upload Check





Students List

Grades List

Warning List

Scholarship List

Check Uploaded


Student Scholarship History


Master File



Grade Limit


List of Scholars

Scholars GWA



List of Grantees

Scholars Details


User Settings

Year Maintenance

Course Maintenance

Announcement Entry




Splash Screen

Selection Module Login Main Menu







Edit Information

Figure 16 HIPO Chart of RTU Scholarship Monitoring System

In figure 5.6, the Hierarchy plus Input-Process-Output (HIPO) technique is a tool for planning and documenting a computer program. A HIPO model consists of a hierarchy chart that graphically represents the programs control structure and a set of Input-Process-Output (IPO) charts that describe the inputs to, the outputs from, and the functions (or processes) performed by each module on the hierarchy chart.

Database Design Class Diagram

Report General Weighted Average

Report Student Details

Report Student List

Report Warning Students

Table Name
GWA (General Weighted Average)


Data Type

Operation/ Method

id gwa sem sy remarks id sc_code lname fname mname email course yr_level bday address city home_phone mobile fax picture code description type slots date_updated gained_slots

text number text number text text text text text text text text text date/time text text text text text text text text text number date/time number


Student Information




Table 13 Class Description

User Interface Design

Splash Screen

Login Form

Main Menu

Student Details Form

Student Grades Form

Students GWA Form

Logbook Form

History Form

Subject Form

Benefactor Form

Grade Limit Form

User Settings Form

Warning Students Form

Announcement Form

Scholars Main Form

List of Scholars Report

Scholars GWA Report

Logbook Report

Warning Scholars Report

System Controls and Security Functions To secure the security of the input, process an output data from an authorized user, the groups comes up with the following control. A password was designed for each user. An administrator was assigned to take control in giving the user the right to access modules.

Input Control The input control of the proposed system covers the classification of administration and scholars files. 1) Those authorized, personnel shall allow only accessing the systems requirements.

2) Before data entering, the user shall be verified to have an authorization and system password shall be used.

Process Control The end-user is the one who will control the process of the system. This operation shall be limited only to those authorized person that undergo training and tutorials for the specific processing of the system.

Output Controls 1) Accessed to output control sheet shall be restricted to authorized person only. 2) Entering, editing and deleting of information (scholars

information) are also restricted to authorized personnel only.

Implementation Plan and Strategies Connecting Client-Server Step 1. Set up the server computer. This includes installing and setting up the operating system. Step 2. Install the resource that will be shared on the server computer. This may be a software program or some piece of hardware, such as a printer.

Step 3. Configure the server to share the resource. For simple pieces of hardware, just right-click on the installed item and select "Sharing." This will open a window that will allow you to check a box to share the resource. Step 4. Connect the client to the server. Plug one network jack in the client computer and the hub. Plug the second network jack into the hub and the server computer. Step 5. Configure the client to access the resource. Usually, this will consist of making a connection to the server machine. For example, with a shared disc drive, type two backward slashes and then the name of the server:

Connecting a Workstation to the Server Step 1. Determine whether you will connect to the server via a directly linked cable or through a wireless network router. If connecting through a wireless system, you will need to configure the workstation to communicate with the wireless router. Step 2. Turn the workstation off. Step 3. Connect the network cable to the port on the computer at one end and the desired server at the other end. If working in an office, a jack should be located in the wall to connect the cable with the server. Step 4. Select the file folders, programs and peripherals connected to the server you wish to share. If the workstation joins an existing network, skip this step and go to the next step. Step 5. Add a new user to the server. Go to the program responsible for keeping track of all users on the network and follow the process for adding a new user. You will need to add a username, password and perhaps a computer name, depending on the network. Write down the username, password and computer name. Step 6. Power up the workstation. Step 7. Allow the operating system to recognize the new connection.

Step 8. Use the help of a network setup wizard in Windows to connect the workstation to the server. On a Mac, use the Network Setup Assistant to take you through the process. Provide the username, password and computer name for the workstation and domain name (name of the network) when prompted. Step 9. Restart the workstation when prompted to do so to allow the workstation to solidify the new connection to the server. Step 10. Check the status of the network connection to make sure the workstation has successfully connected to the server.

Connecting SQL Client Machines to a Database Step 1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Step 2. Click the "Connect" button. Step 3. Click "Database Engine" in the pop-up menu. Step 4. Click the "Server Name" combo box field and choose the SQL Server instance to connect to. Step 5. If your authentication type is "Windows Authentication," go to Step 9. Otherwise, proceed to Step 6. Step 6. Click the "Authentication" combo box and choose "SQL Server Authentication."

Step 7. Click the "Login" text box and enter your login ID. Step 8. Click the "Password" text box and enter your password. Step 9. Click the "Connect" button.

Set Up File Sharing Step 1. Double-click on My Computer. Step 2. Right-click on icons of drives to be shared by network users. Step 3.Click Properties. Step 4. Click Share As. Enter the appropriate information.

Network Layout


Legend: -- computers -- switch -- network connection

BIBLIOGRAPHY A. BOOKS John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd. System Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Copyright @ 2000 by Course Technology Dr. Marilou C. Asturias, Dean Leonardo ENR. Labadnoy, Prof. Marjollie M. Ventic. Rizal Technological University Student Handbook. Copyrigth @ 2001

B. THESIS Ms. Rosa Blanca Melecio, Mr. Romeo Gargantilla, Ms. Jacquiline Queddeng, RTU Scholarship Monitoring System Copyright @ 2002 Michael M. Aydalla, Cesar M. Cequina III, Marivic R. Inocencio, Rizal Technological University Laboratory High School Student Record Management System. Copyright @2000



Approved Project Proposal

Permit to Conduct Study/ Interview Survey

Organizational Chart

Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office Organizational Chart

Dr. Jose Q. Macaballug University President

Dr. Marilou C. Asturias Vice President for Student Service

Dr. Elmer M. Martin, DTE Head, Scholarship Office

James Bryan R. Barrios Student Assistant

Functional Description

University President The University President is responsible for all approval of all memorandums of agreements concerning the Scholarship Office and release office orders. The President also approved the recommended institutional Scholars of the University.

Vice President for Student Services The Vice President for student service is responsible for screening the necessary papers before it will forward to the University President. The Vice President needs to monitor always the student quo scholarship office.

Head of Scholarship Office The head requires in monitoring the scholars grades, it screened and approved scholars application. He updates the Vice President about the issues concerning the office. The head of scholarship office played a role in monitoring the financial status of scholars Organization (Impassioned Scholars Alliances (ISA)

Project Plan

Project Charter Project Name: RTU Scholarship Monitoring System

Project Purpose: To provide an automated control system that will help the scholarship in monitoring progress of login and computerized of General Weighted Average of each scholars.

Project Sponsor: Rizal Technological University Scholarship Office

Anticipated Date of Completion: January 2010

Ms. Maribel M. Songco

(System Analyst)

She is responsible for the system analyst. She conducts the meeting regarding to the system work. She distributes the work assignment of each member in the group. As a leader she encourages her member to work enthusiastically to provide a quality project output.

Mr. Warren P. Magtoto

(Senior Programmer)

He is responsible for the system coding, design and diagram after the analysis have been done. He is also concerned if ever the program has a certain problem can be solved by the system being design. He will be responsible in making necessary adjustment when the system falls from operating.

Ms. Noeme U. Peru

(Data Administrator and Programmer)

Handling and keeping all the data needed for the system development. Encode the important information into database. Help the senior programmer to the design decide by the group.

Mr. Vincent Von V. Reyes

(Researcher and Programmer)

He conducts the interviews, surveys, letters and information gathering with regards to the system being developed. He also responsible to help the senior programmer to coding, debugger and testing the program made from senior programmer.

Project Schedule Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt Chart

Resources Allocation Plan The register users only have a transaction to the system. For the scholars you can view grades and other important details regarding to your status in scholars. To the administrator user you can view, add, edit, and delete the information that you want to access. All the needed information will be stored in database. The system provides the backup in case of network failure. For software resources, Visual Basic 6.0 will be used for the system. This will generate database records and will generate an automated project and monitoring system. evaluation

Quality Assurance Plan The system guaranteed that it is user friendly. The database will be updated by authorized personnel. The speed of the system will efficient even it is in a network topology.

Communications Plan The system has been designed to be used and understood by a noncomputer experts. The group provides a user manual for better know how the system works. Movement around the system is facilitated through series of menus, which are accessed in a similar fashion of all levels.

Validation and Evaluation Plan The RTU Scholarship Monitoring System is computer based system, designed to ensure prompt and efficient service to the scholars. The system

being develop is requires to be testing and inspect to verify that the system meets the user requirement.

Risk Management Plan The Rizal Technological University Scholarship Monitoring System is user- friendly as design. Problems will the place, if negligence on the part of the user will occur; natural calamities like sudden power surge; brownout and others. Possible errors include are: not properly closing the application, files are affected by the virus, hard disk failure, hanging of the system.

Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism The developers assure that the data to be inputted in the computer will be precise and accurate. The system is user friendly and manuals will be provided in order to guide the user and in order to operate the software. Reports will be done regularly or depends upon the need of the company to know and to update the status of the computer equipment and peripherals. These reports are retrieved from the database file, thus, making it available for both soft and hard copies.

Maintenance Plan Maintenance will occur when the system is being installed and used in the working environment. The group was conducting the training for guaranteed maintain our system to the Administrator and student training. The database is yearly updated

Structured Walkthrough

Researchers Made Questionnaire

Interview Guide Questions

The following questions aims to make an assessment to the current system of the scholarship office of Rizal Technological University. 1. 2. 3. Are the respondents satisfied with the service offered by the current system of the scholarship office? Is there any need to design a scholarship monitoring system? What is the status of the scholarship office in terms of o handling records / file management o computations of grades of the scholars o renewal of scholarship o time management 4. 5. What are the users requirements in the design of the scholarship monitoring system? How will the new system improve the delivery of service?

(The CORE Group) Songco, Maribel M. Magtoto, Warren P. Peru, Noeme U. Reyes, Vincent Von V.

Interview Reports

Date: February 03, 2009 Person Interviewed: Interviewers: Dr. Elmer M. Martin Songco, Maribel M. Magtoto, Warren P. Peru, Noeme U. Reyes, Vincent Von V. Primary Purpose: This aims to make an assessment to the current system of the Scholarship Office of the Rizal Technological University. Summary of Interviews: Based on the questionnaire used as an instrument in this interview, we found out that the scholarship office uses manual transaction in relation to the renewal form, payment of membership fees for the scholarship organization, and manual computation of general weighted average of all scholars. In relation with these problems, the office agrees to have a new scholarship monitoring system that will provide them a complete and accurate documents and information needed to achieve a quality service. Detailed Note: manual handling of records manual computation of general weighted average (GWA) manual processing in renewal of scholarship

Approved by:

Noted by:

Dr. Elmer M. Martin

Engr. Renato C. Salvo

Input/Output Forms (Existing System)












File and Database Structure

Database File Name: tblStudentInfo

Database File Name: tblGrades

Database File Name: tblLogAdmin

Database File Name: tblLogStudent

Database File Name: tblTrial

System and Program Flowchart





























Input/Output Forms (New System)

Input Student Details

List of Scholars

Students G.W.A.

List of Scholars per Scholarship Grant

Login History

Output Login History

List of scholars per course

List of Grantees

Users Manual

USERS MANUAL (Administrator) A Splash Screen will appear showing the title of the system.


1. Enter the correct User ID and Password. Then click OK. 2. The system will be halted after three consecutive wrong inputs.

Forgot Password: Just click the link beside the Login button.

MAIN MENU 1. If youre successfully login to the system, the Main Menu will appear.

2. From the main menu, choose a transaction form you will use.

Student Record 1. In adding a new Student Record, click File from the Main Menu then click Student Record. This form will appear.

2. Click New button. 3. Fill-up the form properly, then click Save button. 4. In editing a student record, click File then click Student Record. 5. Search for the student record you want to edit by clicking the Search button and this form will appear.

6. Select a category in the ComboBox then type the Student No., Last Name or First Name to the TextBox and click Select button. 7. Click Edit button, after editing the student record click Save button. 8. In deleting a student record, click File then click Student Record. 9. Search for the student record you want to delete by clicking the Search button and this form will appear.

10. Select a category in the ComboBox then type the Student No., Last Name or First Name to the TextBox and click Select button. 11. Click Delete button. A message box will appear asking confirmation for deleting. Student Number: Must be unique.

Student Grades 1. From the Main Menu, click File then click Grades per Student. This form will appear.

2. In adding student grades, click the Search button, then this form will appear.

3. Select a category in the ComboBox, then type the Student No., Last Name or First Name to the TextBox and click Select button. 4. Select the semester and year then click Find button. 5. If a dialog box indicates No Record Found, click OK. Then the system will ask you if you want to add grades, click Yes.

6. Click the plus sign ( + ) button, then the Subject Entry form will pop-up.

7. Click the Search button, then this form will appear.

8. Select a category in the ComboBox. Type the Code or the Description to the TextBox then click Select button. 9. Select a Grade from the ComboBox for the specific subject then click OK. 10. Click Save button, a message box will indicate Record(s) Save.

Uploading Check 1. From the Main Menu, click File then click Upload Check. This form will appear.

2. Fill-up the form properly then click Save button. Must fill out all details.

Create Database Backup 1. From the Main Menu, click File then click Backup and this form will appear.

2. Select the database you want to backup then click Close button.

Viewing of Grades List 1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Grades List. This form will appear.

2. Select Semester and School Year from the ComboBox, then click Find button.


1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Scholarship List. This form will appear

2. Select Semester and School Year from the ComboBox, then click Find button.

Viewing of Scholarship List 1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Warning List. This form will appear.

2. Click the Browse button.

3. Select a category in the ComboBox, then type the Code or the Description to the TextBox then click Select button. Below the Scholarship List form you can see the number of slots available.

Viewing of Check Uploaded 1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Grades List. This form will appear.

2. Browse the Student Number then click the Select button. Viewing Logbook

1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Logbook. This form will appear.

2. Select from the frame filter then input the date range you want to view. 3. Click Find button.

Viewing Student History 1. From the Main Menu, click View then click Student History. This form will appear.

2. Type the student number then press Enter.

Viewing History 1. From the Main Menu, click View then click History. This form will appear.

2. Select from the Frame filter then input the Date Range you want to view. 3. Click Find button.


1. LIST OF SCHOLARS 1.1 From the Main Menu, click Reports then click Lists of Scholars. This form will appear.


Select form the option button then click Print Preview, and this form will appear.


Click Print Report.



From the Main Menu, click Reports then click Scholars GWA and this form will appear.


Select Semester and School Year then click OK. This form will appear.


Click Print Report.

3. LOGBOOK 3.1 From the Main Menu click Reports then click LogFile. This form will appear.


Choose between Scholar and Administrator then input Date Range. Click OK and this form will appear.


Click Print Report.

4. WARNING SCHOLAR(S) 4.1 From the Main Menu click Reports then click Warning and this form will appear.


Select Semester and School Year then click OK. This form will appear.


Click Print Report.

5. LIST OF SCHOLARSHIP GRANTEES 5.1 From the Main Menu click Reports then click Lists of Grantees and this form will appear.


Click Print Report.

6. SCHOLARS INFORMATION 6.1 From the Main Menu click Reports then click Student Details and this form will appear.


Choose between the categories then click OK. This form will appear.


Click Print Report.

USER SETTINGS 1. From the Main Menu, click Settings then click User Settings. This form will appear.

2. To add new User Account, type a User ID then press Enter. 3. A message box will pop-up asking for confirmation click OK. 4. Click Add button then fill-up the form properly. 5. Click Save. 6. To edit your User Settings, follow steps 1 and 2. 7. Click Edit button, after editing click Save. 8. To delete User Account, follow steps 1 and 2. 9. Click Delete button. A message box will pop-up asking for confirmation click Yes. User ID : Must be Unique.

YEAR MAINTENANCE 1. From the Main Menu, click Settings then click Year Maintenance. This form will appear.

2. Add the current year to the database by clicking Add to The Database.

1. From the Main Menu, click Settings then click Course Maintenance. This form will appear.

2. Add the new course to the database by clicking Add to The Database.

ANNOUNCEMENT ENTRY 1. From the Main Menu, click Others then click Announcement Entry and this form will appear.

2. Input the Date Range from the ComboBox then fill-up the form properly. 3. Click Save.

USERS MANUAL (Scholar) A Splash Screen will appear showing the title of the system.



3. Enter the correct User ID and Password. Then click OK. 4. The system will be halted after three consecutive wrong inputs. Forgot Password: Just click the link beside the Login button.

MAIN MENU 1. If youre successfully login to the system, the Main Menu will appear.

2. To edit your information, click Settings on the Main Menu then click Edit Information. This form will appear.

3. Fill-up the form properly then click Save.

LOG-OFF to the SYSTEM From the Main Menu, click File then click Log-out. The System will go back to the Login Form and will wait for the next user.

CLOSING THE SYSTEM From the Main Menu, click File then click Exit. A message box will pop-up asking for confirmation in exiting the system.

SHORT-CUT ICON: This icon can be seen at the upper left corner of Main Menu form. Create New Student Record Edit Student Record Search Student Record Refresh

Program Listing

PROGRAM LISTING MDI FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub Private Sub lblTab_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index

frmMasterLimit.Show vbModal End Select End Sub Private Sub lblTab_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) lblTab(Index).ForeColor = vbYellow lblTab(Index).Font.Underline = True End Sub Private Sub lblType_Change() If lblType.Caption = "ASSISTANT" Then mnuGrades.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Load() frmStudentDB.Show ADODB_init For i = 0 To lblTab.Count - 1 lblTab(i).MousePointer = vbCustom lblTab(i).MouseIcon = LoadPicture("C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\harrow.cur") Next i

End Sub Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() frmAbout.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuBackup_Click() FrmBackup.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnucourse_Click() frmcourse.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub mnuCredits_Click() frmCredits.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuDetails_Click() frmPrintStudentDetails.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click() Dim result As Integer result = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit the system?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "System Alert") If result = vbNo Then Exit Sub End End Sub Private Sub mnuGrades_Click() frmStudentGrade.Show vbModal End Sub

Case 0 frmStudentDB.Show Case 1 frmGradesDB.Show vbModal Case 2 frmScholarhipDB.Show vbModal Case 3 frmLogBook.Show vbModal Case 4 frmReportStudentList.Show vbModal Case 5 frmGWA.Show vbModal Case 6 frmLogAdmin.Show vbModal Case 8 frmReportWarning.Show vbModal Case 9 frmMasterSubj.Show vbModal Case 10 frmMasterScho.Show vbModal Case 11

Private Sub mnuGradesDB_Click() frmGradesDB.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuGrantee_Click() frmGranteePreview.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuHistory_Click() frmAuditTrail.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuLimit_Click() frmMasterLimit.Show vbModal End Sub

frmMasterSubj.Show vbModal End Sub

Private Sub mnuUploadCheck_Click() frmUploadCheck.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuUserSetting_Click() frmUserSettings.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuViewCheck_Click() frmViewCheck.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuWarning_Click() frmWarnigs.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuyear_Click() frmyear.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Picture5_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) For i = 0 To lblTab.Count - 1 lblTab(i).ForeColor = &HFF9950 lblTab(i).Font.Underline = False Next i End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'StatusBar1.Panels(6) = Date 'StatusBar1.Panels(8) = Time End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Resize() If Me.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then If Me.Width < 9195 Then Me.Width = 9195 If Me.Height < 4500 Then Me.Height = 4500 End If End Sub Private Sub tbAction_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) On Error Resume Next Dim intMsgbox As Integer Dim bel As String With frmStudentEntry Select Case Button.Caption

Private Sub mnuLogBook_Click() frmLogBook.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuLogOut_Click() frmLogIn.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub mnuMemo_Click() frmAnnouncement.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuReportLogbook_Click() frmLogAdmin.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuReportWarning_Click() frmReportWarning.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuScho_Click() frmMasterScho.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuSchoGWA_Click() frmgwareport.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuScholars_Click() frmper.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuScholarshipDB_Click() frmScholarhipDB.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuStudentDB_Click() frmStudentDB.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuStudents_Click() frmStudentEntry.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnustudhist_Click() frmstudhistory.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub mnuSubj_Click()

Case "Create New" .NewStudent .Show vbModal Case "Edit" .Combo1 = Left(frmStudentDB.lvStudents.SelectedItem.Text, 4) .txtNumber = Right(frmStudentDB.lvStudents.SelectedItem.Text, 6)

.Searchstudent .txtAddress.Enabled = True .txtCity.Enabled = True .cmdUpload.Visible = True .cmdChange.Visible = True .cmdnew.Visible = False .cmdClear.Visible = False .cmdEdit.Visible = False .cmdSearch.Visible = False .cmdviewhist.Visible = True .cmdSave.Visible = True .cmdSave.Left = 9960 .Show vbModal Case "Search" .Show vbModal Case "Refresh" frmStudentDB.LoadListview End Select End With End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Label7.Caption = Format(Time, "short time") Label8.Caption = Format(Date, "short date") End Sub

MsgBox "Please complete the details about your annoucement!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMemo" With adoRst .Open strSQL .AddNew .Fields(0) = txtTitle .Fields(1) = txtAnnouncement .Fields(2) = dtpDatePosted .Fields(3) = dtpExpiryDate .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Announcement Saved!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" txtTitle = "" txtAnnouncement = "" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init End Sub AUDIT TRAIL FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim strquery As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim intLVIndex As Integer Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open

ANNOUNCEMENT FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim ctr As Integer Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()

Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If txtAnnouncement = "" Or txtTitle = "" Then

adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.CursorLocation = adUseClient End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init Setlvtrail optAll.Value = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() With adoRst_1 If Not .EOF Then intLVIndex = intLVIndex + 1 Set currLI = lvTrail.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "", , "user") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = .Fields(5) & "" currLI.SubItems(6) = .Fields(6) & "" currLI.SubItems(7) = .Fields(7) & "" .MoveNext proLoading = (intLVIndex / .RecordCount) * 100 Else If .RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo rec_zero rec_zero: .Close intLVIndex = 0 Timer1.Enabled = False MsgBox "Loading complete!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" End If End With Set currLI = Nothing err: End Sub BACKUP FORM Dim saveCounter As Integer

If chkAutoBackup.Value = vbChecked Then If File1.FileName = "" Then Msg = MsgBox("You did not select a Filename from the Filelist box." & vbCrLf & "If you continue without selecting a filename. System will automatically select the first filename in the filelist box." & vbCrLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Auto Backup") If Msg = vbYes Then File1.FileName = File1.list(0) Timer2.Enabled = True Timer2.Interval = 60000 Else Timer2.Enabled = False Counts = 0 End If Else Timer2.Enabled = True Timer2.Interval = 6000\ Private Sub cmdCompactRepairDB_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandlerCompactRepair Dim dbE As New DAO.DBEngine Dim SourceDir As String Dim DestDir As String Dim DatabaseFile As String Dim DestanationFile As String Dim Source As String Dim Destination As String

'find out if there is file selected If File1.FileName = "" Then MsgBox "please select file first", vbOKOnly, "No file selected" Exit Sub End If DatabaseFile = File1.FileName If Len(Dir1.Path) > 3 Then 'not a root directory SourceDir = Dir1.Path & "\" Source = SourceDir & DatabaseFile Else SourceDir = Dir1.Path Source = SourceDir & DatabaseFile End If 'if the want to append text to filename DestanationFile = Left$(File1.FileName, Len(File1.FileName) - 4) & "-REPAIRED" & Right$(File1.FileName, 4) If Len(Dir2.Path) > 3 Then 'not a root directory DestDir = Dir2.Path & "\" Destination = DestDir & DestanationFile Else DestDir = Dir2.Path Destination = DestDir & DestanationFile End If dbE.OpenDatabase Source, , , Password = "2003"

Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() If Check1.Value = vbChecked Then Check3.Value = vbUnchecked End If End Sub Private Sub chkAutoBackup_Click() Dim Msg As String

'Exit Sub

'start Compacting the datbase dbE.CompactDatabase Source, Destination ' Compact and repair the DB File2.Refresh If Len(Dir2.Path) > 3 Then 'not a root directory CurrDir = Dir2.Path & "\" CurrFile = CurrDir & File2.FileName Else CurrDir = Dir2.Path CurrFile = CurrDir & File2.FileName End If

Exit Sub ErrHandlerRestore: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error restoring file" End Sub If File1.FileName = "" Then MsgBox "No file is selected", vbOKOnly, "Error" Exit Sub End If If Len(Dir1.Path) > 3 Then 'not a root directory CurrDir = Dir1.Path & "\" CurrFile = CurrDir & File1.FileName Else CurrDir = Dir1.Path CurrFile = CurrDir & File1.FileName End If If MsgBox("Do you really delete file " & CurrFile & "?", vbYesNo, "Delete confirmation") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Kill CurrFile File1.Refresh Exit Sub ErrHandlerDelete: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "An error occured" End Sub Private Sub Drive1_Change() On Error GoTo ErrHandlerDriveChange Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive Dir1.Refresh Exit Sub ErrHandlerDriveChange: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error" End Sub Private Sub Drive2_Change() On Error GoTo ErrHandlerDriveChange Dir2.Path = Drive2.Drive Dir2.Refresh Exit Sub ErrHandlerDriveChange: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error" End Sub

MsgBox("Do you really delete file " & CurrFile & "?", vbYesNo, "Delete confirmation") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Kill CurrFile File2.Refresh Exit Sub ErrHandlerDelete: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "An error occured" End Sub Private Sub cmdOk_Click() On erro GoTo ErrHandlerRename DatabaseFile = File1.FileName If Len(Dir1.Path) > 3 Then 'not a root directory SourceDir = Dir1.Path & "\" Else SourceDir = Dir1.Path End If Source = SourceDir & DatabaseFile Name Source As SourceDir & txtNewName.Text & ".mdb" File1.Refresh BoxRename.Visible = False Exit Sub ErrHandlerRename: MsgBox "Error: " & err.Description, vbOKOnly, "File rename error!" End Sub Private Sub cmdRename_Click() If File1.FileName = "" Then MsgBox "Please select file first to rename", vbOKOnly, "File not specified" Exit Sub End If BoxRename.Visible = True txtNewName.SetFocus End Sub On Error GoTo ErrHandlerRestore 'find out if there is file selected If File2.FileName = "" Then MsgBox "please select source file first", vbOKOnly, "No file selected" Exit Sub End If

Private Sub Form_Load() saveCounter = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True Timer1.Interval = 1000 Dir1.Path = App.Path Dir2.Path = App.Path & "\Backup" End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() lblTimeDate.Caption = Now End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Counts = Counts + 1 lblElapse.Caption = Counts If Counts >= Val(txtMin.Text) Then lblElapse.Caption = Counts cmdBackup_Click End If End Sub CHANGE PASSWORD FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Dim strquery As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub

End If If txtPassword <> txtPassword2 Then MsgBox "Password Mismatch!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents WHERE id = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL .Fields("password") = txtPassword .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Password Changed!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" picFrame.Visible = False Unload Me frmLogIn.txtUsername.Text = txtUsername.Text frmLogIn.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If txtAnswer <> "" Then cmdOK.Enabled = True Else cmdOK.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub txtUsername_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 13 Then If txtUsername = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format!" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents WHERE id = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL If .EOF Then MsgBox "Record not found!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert!" .Close txtQuestion = "" txtUsername = "" Exit Sub Else txtQuestion = .Fields("question") txtAnswer.Locked = False txtAnswer.SetFocus End If no_rec: .Close

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() picFrame.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdOk_Click() 'On Error Resume Next Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset stsrql = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudentsWHERE" _ & " id = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL, adoCon, 3, 3 If .Fields("answer") <> txtAnswer Then MsgBox "Invalid Answer!!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtAnswer = "" Else MsgBox "Answer Accepted!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" picFrame.Visible = True txtPassword.SetFocus .Close End If End With End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If Len(txtPassword) < 4 Then MsgBox "Password too short!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub

End If End Sub CHANGE USER SETTINGS FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim studnum As String Dim ctr As Integer Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub Private Sub cmdClose_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If txtPassword <> txtPassword2 Then MsgBox "Password Mismatched!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents where id = '" & studnum & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL .Fields("id") = txtUsername .Fields("password") = txtPassword .Fields("question") = cmbQuestion .Fields("answer") = txtAnswer .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Record Saved!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Alert" frmStudentEntry.txtPassword.Text = txtPassword.Text frmStudentEntry.txtPassword2.Text = txtPassword2.Text Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init LoadStudSettings LoadCombo End Sub Private Sub LoadStudSettings() studnum = Left(frmStudentMain.txtStudentNo, 4) & Right(frmStudentMain.txtStudentNo, 6) strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents where id = '" & studnum & "'" With adoRst

.Open strSQL txtUsername = .Fields("id") & "" txtPassword = .Fields("password") & cmbQuestion = .Fields("question") & "" txtAnswer = .Fields("answer") & "" .Close End With End Sub

STUDENTS GWA FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _

& App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_1.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.CursorLocation = adUseClient End Sub .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "GWA", .Width * 0.1 For i = 0 To 5 cmdColHead(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width cmdColHead(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1 cmdColHead(i).Left = cmdColHead(j).Left + cmdColHead(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() If cmbSy = "" Or cmbSem = "" Then MsgBox "Please select a period for their grades", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert"

Exit Sub End If lvGWA.ListItems.Clear Set adoRst_1 = New

Set currLI = Nothing err: End Sub

HISTORY FORM ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT, a1.gwa, a2.description, a2.lname, a2.fname," _ & " a2.mname, a2.course, a2.yr_level FROM tblGWA a1, tblStudentInfo a2 WHERE = AND" _ & " a1.sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND = " & cmbSy adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No record found.", vbCritical, Me.Caption Exit Sub Else Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub SetlvGWA For i = 1999 To 2050 cmbSy.AddItem (i) Next i cmbSem.AddItem "1st Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "2nd Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() With adoRst_1 If Not .EOF Then strSQL = "SELECT description FROM tblScholarship" _ & " WHERE code = '" & .Fields(2) & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 intLVIndex = intLVIndex + 1 Set currLI = lvGWA.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "", , "user") ' currLI.SubItems(1) = adoRst_2(0) & "" adoRst_2.Close currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(3) & ", " & .Fields(4) & " " & Left(.Fields(5) & "", 1) & "." currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(6) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(7) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = Val(.Fields(1) & "") .MoveNext ' proLoading = (intLVIndex / .RecordCount) * 100 Else If .RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo rec_zero rec_zero: .Close intLVIndex = 0 Timer1.Enabled = False proLoading = 100 MsgBox "Loading complete!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" proLoading = 0 End If End With Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim criteria As String Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset ListView1.ListItems.Clear Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs criteria = "Select * from tblStudHistory where id = '" & Text3.Text & "'" .Open criteria, adoCon_1, 3, Do While Not .EOF ListView1.ListItems.Add , , !id ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(1) = !scholarship ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(2) = !scho_year ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(3) = !sem .MoveNext Loop .Close End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init End Sub LOG FILE FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim strquery As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim intLVIndex As Integer Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init()

Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _

cmdColHead2(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1 cmdColHead2(i).Left = cmdColHead2(j).Left + cmdColHead2(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() On Error GoTo err: If optAdmin.Value = True Then fraAdmin.Visible = True fraScholar.Visible = False lvAdmin.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLogAdmin WHERE date_logged BETWEEN" _ & " #" & dtpDate1.Value & "# AND #" & dtpDate2.Value & "#" & strquery adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2 Timer1.Enabled = True End If If optScholar.Value = True Then fraAdmin.Visible = False fraScholar.Visible = True lvScholar.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLogStudent WHERE date_logged BETWEEN" _ & " #" & dtpDate1.Value & "# AND #" & dtpDate2.Value & "#" & strquery adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2 Timer2.Enabled = True End If err: End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init SetlvAdmin SetlvScholar optAdmin.Value = True

& "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.CursorLocation = adUseClient End Sub Private Sub SetlvAdmin() With lvAdmin .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Username", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.3 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Admin Level", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Date Logged", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Time Logged", .Width * 0.15 For i = 0 To 4 cmdColHead(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width cmdColHead(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1 cmdColHead(i).Left = cmdColHead(j).Left + cmdColHead(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Private Sub SetlvScholar() With lvScholar .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Student No.", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.25 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Course", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Yr. Level", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Date Logged", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Time Logged", .Width * 0.15 For i = 0 To 5 cmdColHead2(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width

End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() With adoRst_1 If Not .EOF Then intLVIndex = intLVIndex + 1 Set currLI = lvAdmin.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "", , "user") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(4) & "" .MoveNext proLoading = (intLVIndex / .RecordCount) * 100 Else If .RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo rec_zero rec_zero: .Close intLVIndex = 0

Timer1.Enabled = False MsgBox "Loading complete!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" End If End With Set currLI = Nothing err: End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() With adoRst_1 If Not .EOF Then intLVIndex = intLVIndex + 1 Set currLI = lvScholar.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "", , "user") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = .Fields(5) & "" .MoveNext proLoading = (intLVIndex / .RecordCount) * 100 Else If .RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo rec_zero rec_zero: .Close intLVIndex = 0 Timer2.Enabled = False MsgBox "Loading complete!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" End If End With Set currLI = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Timer3_Timer() lblDate = Format(Date, "long date") lblTime = Time End Sub LOGIN FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim ctr As Integer Dim stud_name As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub cmdLogInstud_Click() Dim stud_name As String If txtUsername.Text = " " Then MsgBox "Input username!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus Exit End Sub ElseIf txtPassword.Text = " " Then MsgBox "Input password!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtPassword.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf txtUsername.Text = " " And txtPassword.Text = " " Then MsgBox "Please fill-up empty fields!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If ctr < 2 Then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents" _ & " WHERE id = '" & txtUsername & "'" _ & " AND password= '" & txtPassword & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL If .EOF Then .Close MsgBox "Invalid user!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" txtUsername.SetFocus ctr = ctr + 1 Exit Sub End If txtUsername.Tag = .Fields(0) & "" txtPassword.Tag = .Fields(1) & "" ' stud_no = .Fields(3) & "" stud_name = .Fields(2) & "" .Close If txtUsername.Text <> txtUsername.Tag Then MsgBox "Invalid login!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" ctr = ctr + 1 Exit Sub End If If txtPassword.Text <> txtPassword.Tag Then MsgBox "Invalid login!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" ctr = ctr + 1 Exit Sub End If

ctr = 0 MsgBox "Welcome to Monitoring System " & stud_name, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLogStudent" .Open strSQL .AddNew Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT course, yr_level FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & txtUsername.Text & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon, 3, 3 .Fields(0) = txtUsername .Fields(1) = stud_name .Fields(2) = adoRst_2(0) & "" .Fields(3) = adoRst_2(1) & "" .Fields(4) = Date .Fields(5) = Time adoRst_2.Close .Update .Close End With With frmStudentMain .txtStudentNo = txtUsername .LoadStudentInfo .LoadOtherInfo .LoadMemo .Show End With GoTo cont1 Else MsgBox "Invalid user!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" MsgBox "Number of tries exceeded!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" ctr = 0 End If cont1: Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Combo1_Click() If Combo1.Text = "Scholar" Then cmdLogInstud.Visible = True cmdLogIn.Visible = False Label5.Visible = True Label1.Visible = False ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Assistant" Or Combo1.Text = "Administrator" Then cmdLogInstud.Visible = False cmdLogIn.Visible = True Label1.Visible = True Label5.Visible = False End If txtUsername.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init list End Sub

Public Sub list() Combo1.AddItem "Administrator" Combo1.AddItem "Assistant" Combo1.AddItem "Scholar" End Sub Private Sub cmdLogIn_Click() Dim name As String Dim level As String If txtUsername.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input username!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf txtPassword.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input password!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtPassword.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf txtUsername.Text = " " And txtPassword.Text = " " Then MsgBox "Please fill-up empty fields!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If ctr < 2 Then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserAdmin" _ & " WHERE username = '" & txtUsername & "'" _ & " AND password= '" & txtPassword & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL If .EOF Then .Close MsgBox "Invalid user!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" txtUsername.SetFocus ctr = ctr + 1 Exit Sub End If txtUsername.Tag = .Fields(0) & "" txtPassword.Tag = .Fields(1) & "" name = .Fields(2) & "" level = .Fields(3) & "" .Close If txtUsername.Text <> txtUsername.Tag Then MsgBox "Invalid login!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" ctr = ctr + 1 Exit Sub End If If txtPassword.Text <> txtPassword.Tag Then MsgBox "Invalid login!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtUsername.SetFocus txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" ctr = ctr + 1

Exit Sub End If ctr = 0 MsgBox "Welcome to Monitoring System " & name, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLogAdmin" .Open strSQL .AddNew .Fields(0) = txtUsername .Fields(1) = name .Fields(2) = level .Fields(3) = Date .Fields(4) = Time .Update .Close End With MDIAdmin.lblUser = name MDIAdmin.lblType = level GoTo cont1 Else MsgBox "Invalid user!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" MsgBox "Number of tries exceeded!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" ctr = 0 End If cont1: name = "" level = "" Unload Me MDIAdmin.Show End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click() frmChangePasswordAdmin.Show vbModal Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Label5_Click() frmChangePassword.txtUsername.Text = txtUsername.Text frmChangePassword.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub txtPassword_GotFocus() SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End Sub Private Sub txtUsername_GotFocus() SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End Sub MASTER LIMIT FORM

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship WHERE Description = '" & cmbList.Text & " ' " With adoRst .Open strSQL cmbLimit = CStr(.Fields(6)) .Close End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "MasterFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub cmdOk_Click() Dim intMsgbox As Integer intMsgbox = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to modify this data?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Informaion") If intMsgbox = vbYes Then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship WHERE Description = '" & cmbList.Text & " ' " With adoRst .Open strSQL .Fields(6) = cmbLimit .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Record Saved!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Information" Else Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init LoadLimit End Sub

Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim ctr As Integer Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub cmbList_Click()

Private Sub LoadLimit() 'Comment by Cute cmbLimit.AddItem "1.0" cmbLimit.AddItem "1.25" cmbLimit.AddItem "1.5" cmbLimit.AddItem "1.75" cmbLimit.AddItem "2.0"

cmbLimit.AddItem "2.25" cmbLimit.AddItem "2.5" cmbLimit.AddItem "2.75" cmbLimit.AddItem "3.0" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" adoRst.Open strSQL While adoRst.EOF = False cmbList.AddItem adoRst.Fields(1) adoRst.MoveNext Wend adoRst.Close End Sub

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report CRViewer1.ViewReport Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() CRViewer1.Top = 0 CRViewer1.Left = 0 CRViewer1.Height = ScaleHeight CRViewer1.Width = ScaleWidth End Sub REPORT WARNING FORM Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() frmReportWarningPreview.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() For i = 1999 To 2050 cmbSy.AddItem (i) Next i cmbSem.AddItem "1st Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "2nd Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub REPORT WARNING PREVIOUS FORM Dim Report As New rptWarning Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim strSQL As String Dim strquery As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub cmbLimit_Click() SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End Sub REPORT STUDENT LIST FORM Dim Report As New rptStudentList Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim strSQL As String Dim strquery As String

Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.Open End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Report.DiscardSavedData ADODB_init strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" With adoRst .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Report.Database.Tables(1).SetDataSource adoRst .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" .Open strSQL, adoCon_1, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Report.Database.Tables(2).SetDataSource adoRst

Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.Open End Sub

.Close End With

Private Sub Form_Load() Report.DiscardSavedData ADODB_init strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" With adoRst .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Report.Database.Tables(1).SetDataSource adoRst .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGWA" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Report.Database.Tables(2).SetDataSource adoRst .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLimit" .Open strSQL, adoCon_1, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Report.Database.Tables(3).SetDataSour ce adoRst .Close End With Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report CRViewer1.ViewReport Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() CRViewer1.Top = 0 CRViewer1.Left = 0

End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init Setlvstudents End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "MasterFile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst.CursorLocation = adUseClient End Sub Private Sub Setlvstudents() With lvStudents .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Student No.", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Course", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Year level", .Width * 0.2 For i = 0 To 3 cmdColHead(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width cmdColHead(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1 cmdColHead(i).Left = cmdColHead(j).Left + cmdColHead(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Private Sub LoadlvStudent() lvStudents.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT slots from tblScholarship WHERE description= '" & txtDescription & "'" On Error GoTo err With adoRst .Open strSQL, adoCon_1 If IsNull(adoRst(0)) Then lblSlots = "0 Else lblSlots = adoRst(3) & "" End If .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" & strQuery2

CRViewer1.Height = ScaleHeight CRViewer1.Width = ScaleWidth End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() Report.GroupSelectionFormula = "{tblGWA.sem} = '" & frmReportWarning.cmbSem & "'" _ & " and {} = " & frmReportWarning.cmbSy _ & " and {tblGWA.gwa} > {} and {} = '10'" End Sub SCHOLARSHIP DB FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim currLI As ListItem Dim strQuery2 As String Dim intLVIndex As Integer Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "SCHOLARSHIP" frmFind.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" frmFind.Show vbModal

.Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo rec_zero Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvStudents.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "", , "icon") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(3) & " " & .Fields(2) & " " currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields("course") & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields("yr_level") & "" .MoveNext lblRec_Count = .RecordCount lblMax = Val(lblMax) + lblRec_Count Loop rec_zero: .Close End With Set currLI = Nothing err: End Sub Private Sub txtDescription_Change() strQuery2 = " WHERE description = '" & txtDescription & "'" lblMax = "0" lblSlots = "0" lblRec_Count = "0" LoadlvStudent End Sub STUDENT DB FORM Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open 'adoRst_2.CursorLocation = adUseClient End Sub Private Sub Setlvstudents() With lvStudents .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Student No.", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Scholarship", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "E-mail", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Course", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Yr Level", .Width * 0.1 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Address", .Width * 0.15 For i = 0 To 6 cmdColHead(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width cmdColHead(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1

cmdColHead(i).Left = cmdColHead(j).Left + cmdColHead(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Public Sub LoadListview() On Error Resume Next Dim studnum As String lvStudents.ListItems.Clear adoRst_2.Open "SELECT *FROM tblStudentInfo order by lname", adoCon_2, 3, 3 With adoRst_2 Do While Not .EOF studnum = Left(.Fields(0), 4) & "-" & Right(.Fields(0), 6) 'lvStudents.ListItems.Add , , !AccountNumber, 1, 1 lvStudents.ListItems.Add , , studnum, , "icon" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(1) = .Fields(1) & "" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(2) = .Fields(2) & ", " & .Fields(3) & " " lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(3) = .Fields(5) & "" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(4) = .Fields(6) & "" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(5) = .Fields(7) & "" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).Sub Items(6) = .Fields(9) & "" .MoveNext Loop .Close End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() On Error Resume Next If Me.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then If Me.Width < 9195 Then Me.Width = 9195 If Me.Height < 4500 Then Me.Height = 4500 cmdBar.Width = Me.ScaleWidth Image2.Width = Me.ScaleWidth lvStudents.Width = Me.ScaleWidth lvStudents.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - 510 Setlvstudents End If End Sub STUDENT ENTRY FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim ujin As String Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection

adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub Private Sub cmdADD_Click(Index As Integer) If Index = 0 Then frmGuardians.lblAction = "ADD" frmGuardians.Show vbModal Else frmAllergy.lblAction = "ADD" frmAllergy.Show vbModal End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() cmdSearch.Visible = True txtNumber.BackColor = vbWindowBackground txtNumber.ForeColor = vbWindowText txtPassword.Locked = True txtPassword2.Locked = True FieldsBackColor &H672A0A FieldsLocked True cmdSearch.Visible = True If Not action = "EDIT" Then ClearAll txtNumber = "" cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdNew.Enabled = True Else Searchstudent End If ButtonVisible False End Sub Private Sub cmdChange_Click() Dim result As Integer result = MsgBox("Do you want to change his / her User Settings?",

txtPassword = "" txtPassword2 = "" If action = "EDIT" Then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo warren End If .Delete .Update warren: .Close End With End If txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" txtPassword2 = "" cmdChange.Enabled = False txtUsername.Locked = False cmdValidate.Enabled = True cmdValidate.Visible = True cmdSavePass.Visible = False txtUsername.BackColor = vbWindowBackground txtPassword.BackColor = vbWindowBackground txtPassword2.BackColor = vbWindowBackground txtUsername.ForeColor = vbWindowText txtPassword.ForeColor = vbWindowText txtPassword2.ForeColor = vbWindowText End Sub Private Sub cmdClear_Click() ClearAll ButtonEnabled False cmdNew.Enabled = True cmdSearch.Enabled = True txtPassword.Locked = True txtPassword2.Locked = True txtNumber.Locked = True Combo1.Locked = True txtNumber = "" txtNumber.BackColor = &H80000005 FieldsLocked True ButtonVisible False cmdSearch.Visible = True End Sub Public Sub EditStudent() action = "EDIT" FieldsBackColor vbWindowBackground FieldsForeColor vbMenuText FieldsLocked False txtUsername.Locked = True txtPassword.Locked = True txtPassword2.Locked = True txtDescription.Locked = True cmdFind.Visible = False Text3.Locked = True For i = 0 To 1 cmdADD(i).Enabled = True cmdMODIFY(i).Enabled = True cmdREMOVE(i).Enabled = True Next i cmdFind.Enabled = True cmdValidate.Enabled = False

vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Confirmation") If result = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If cmdChange.Enabled = False txtPassword.Locked = False txtPassword2.Locked = False txtUsername.Locked = False cmdValidate.Enabled = True cmdValidate.Visible = False

End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "SCHOLARSHIP" frmFind.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" frmFind.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub cmdMODIFY_Click(Index As Integer) On Error Resume Next If Index = 0 Then If lvGuardians.ListItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub With frmGuardians .txtGname.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.Text .txtRelationship.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) .txtGPhone.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.SubItems(2) .txtGAddress.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) .txtGMobile.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.SubItems(4) .txtGEmail.Text = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.SubItems(5) .lblAction = lvGuardians.SelectedItem.Index .Show vbModal End With Else If lvAllergy.ListItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub With frmAllergy .txtAllergy.Text = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.Text .txtMedication.Text = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) .txtPhysician.Text = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.SubItems(2) .txtAPhone.Text = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) .txtAmobile.Text = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.SubItems(4) .lblAction = lvAllergy.SelectedItem.Index .Show vbModal End With End If End Sub Private Sub cmdnew_Click() NewStudent End Sub Public Sub NewStudent() action = "ADD" FieldsBackColor vbWindowBackground FieldsForeColor vbWindowText FieldsLocked False txtNumber.BackColor = &HFFFF& Combo1.Locked = False txtNumber.Locked = False For i = 0 To 1 cmdADD(i).Enabled = True cmdMODIFY(i).Enabled = True cmdREMOVE(i).Enabled = True Next i ButtonEnabled False cmdFind.Visible = True cmdFind.Enabled = True

ButtonVisible True cmdChange.Enabled = True cmdValidate.Enabled = True cmdSave.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdREMOVE_Click(Index As Integer) Dim intMsgbox As Integer Dim temp As Double If Index = 0 Then If lvGuardians.ListItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub intMsgbox = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to remove this Guardian?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then Exit Sub lvGuardians.ListItems.Remove lvGuardians.SelectedItem.Index Else If lvAllergy.ListItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub intMsgbox = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to remove this Allergy?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then Exit Sub lvAllergy.ListItems.Remove lvAllergy.SelectedItem.Index End If End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim strquery As String If Text3.Visible = True Then ujin = Text3.Text ElseIf Combo1.Visible = True And txtNumber.Visible = True Then ujin = Combo1 & txtNumber End If If ujin = "" Or txtName(0).Text = "" Or txtName(1).Text = "" Or txtName(2).Text = "" Or txtCourse.Text = " " Or cmbLevel.Text = "" Or txtDescription.Text = "" Or txtType.Text = "" Then 'Or _ ' txtMobile.Text = "+63__________" 'Or _ 'txtAddress.Text = ""

MsgBox "Please fill-up (*)fields!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Information Exit Sub Else Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudHistory WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_2, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then With adoRst_1 .AddNew .Fields("id") = ujin .Fields("scholarship") = txtDescription.Text .Fields("scho_year") = txtyear.Text .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Update .Close

End With Else With adoRst_1 .Fields("id") = ujin .Fields("scholarship") = txtDescription.Text .Fields("scho_year") = txtyear.Text .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Update .Close End With End If Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_2, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then action = "ADD" With adoRst_1 .AddNew .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = txtDescription .Fields(2) = txtName(0) .Fields(3) = txtName(1) .Fields(4) = txtName(2) .Fields(5) = txtEmail .Fields(6) = txtCourse .Fields(7) = cmbLevel .Fields(8) = dtpBday .Fields(9) = txtAddress .Fields(10) = txtCity .Fields(11) = txtPhone .Fields(12) = txtMobile .Fields(13) = txtFax .Fields("type") = txtType .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Fields("year_scho") = txtyear.Text If cd.FileTitle <> "" Then .Fields(14) = cd.FileTitle End If .Update .Close End With Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship where description = '" & txtDescription.Text & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 If .Fields("slots") = 0 Then .Close MsgBox "Scholarship for this Grantor is already full", vbCritical, Me.Caption Exit Sub Else .Fields("gained_slots") = Val(Text2.Text) + 1 .Fields("slots") = Val(Text1.Text) - 1 .Fields("date_updated") = Date .Update End If .Close End With continue MsgBox "Record successfully Saved! Remaining Slot: " & Text1.Text & " ", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" Else action = "EDIT"

With adoRst_1 .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = txtDescription .Fields(2) = txtName(0) .Fields(3) = txtName(1) .Fields(4) = txtName(2) .Fields(5) = txtEmail .Fields(6) = txtCourse .Fields(7) = cmbLevel .Fields(8) = dtpBday . Fields(9) = txtAddress .Fields(10) = txtCity .Fields(11) = txtPhone .Fields(12) = txtMobile .Fields(13) = txtFax .Fields("type") = txtType .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Fields("year_scho") = txtyear.Text If cd.FileTitle <> "" Then .Fields(14) = cd.FileTitle End If .Update .Close End With continue MsgBox "Record has been successfully updated", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" End If End If End Sub Public Sub continue() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset With adoRst_1 If txtPassword <> txtPassword2 Then MsgBox "Password Mismatch", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If strquery = " WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGuardians" If action = "ADD" Then .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 GoTo cont Else strSQL = strSQL & strquery .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont Do Until .EOF .Delete .Update .MoveNext Loop End If cont: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGuardians"

If Not lvGuardians.ListItems.Count = 0 Then For i = 1 To lvGuardians.ListItems.Count .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 .AddNew .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).Text .Fields(2) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).SubItems(2) .Fields(3) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).SubItems(3) .Fields(4) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).SubItems(1) .Fields(5) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).SubItems(4) .Fields(6) = lvGuardians.ListItems(i).SubItems(5) .Update .Close Next i End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllergy" If action = "ADD" Then .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 GoTo cont3 Else strSQL = strSQL & strquery .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont3 Do Until .EOF .Delete .Update .MoveNext Loop End If cont3: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllergy" If Not lvAllergy.ListItems.Count = 0 Then For i = 1 To lvAllergy.ListItems.Count .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 .AddNew .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = lvAllergy.ListItems(i).Text .Fields(2) = lvAllergy.ListItems(i).SubItems(1) .Fields(3) = lvAllergy.ListItems(i).SubItems(2) .Fields(4) = lvAllergy.ListItems(i).SubItems(3) .Fields(5) = lvAllergy.ListItems(i).SubItems(4) .Update .Close Next i End If Text1.Text = Val(Text1.Text) - 1 End With strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'"

adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then With adoRst_1 .AddNew .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = txtPassword .Fields(2) = txtName(0) & " ," & txtName(1) & " " & Left(txtName(2), 1) & "." .Update .Close End With Else With adoRst_1 .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = txtPassword .Fields(2) = txtName(0) & " ," & txtName(1) & " " & Left(txtName(2), 1) & "." .Update .Close End With End If Set adoRst_1 = Nothing AuditTrail txtNumber.Locked = True txtPassword.Locked = True txtPassword2.Locked = True FieldsBackColor &H672A0A FieldsForeColor vbWindowBackground FieldsLocked True ButtonEnabled False ButtonVisible False cmdClear.Visible = True cmdClear.Enabled = True 'frmStudentDB.LoadListview End Sub Private Sub AuditTrail() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblTrail" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 .AddNew .Fields(0) = ujin .Fields(1) = txtDescription .Fields(2) = txtName(0) & ", " & txtName(1) & " " & Left(txtName(2), 1) & "." .Fields(3) = txtCourse .Fields(4) = cmbLevel .Fields(5) = action .Fields(6) = Date .Fields(7) = Time '.Fields(8) =username .Update .Close End With End Sub

Private Sub cmdSavePass_Click()

txtPassword.Tag = txtPassword.Text txtPassword2.Tag = txtPassword2.Text If txtPassword.Tag <> txtPassword2.Tag Then MsgBox "Password Mismatch!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If With txtUsername .Locked = True .BackColor = &H672A0A .ForeColor = vbHighlightText End With With txtPassword .Locked = True .BackColor = &H672A0A .ForeColor = vbHighlightText End With With txtPassword2 .Locked = True .BackColor = &H672A0A .ForeColor = vbHighlightText End With cmdSavePass.Visible = False cmdChange.Enabled = True cmdValidate.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdValidate_Click() If Len(txtUsername) < 3 Then MsgBox "Username too short! It must be grater than 3 characters", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents WHERE id= '" & txtUsername & "'" adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Username is still available", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Ibformation" txtPassword.Locked = False txtPassword2.Locked = False txtUsername.Locked = True cmdValidate.Enabled = False cmdValidate.Visible = False Else MsgBox "Username is already in the list", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Ibformation" txtUsername = "" Exit Sub End If adoRst_1.Close cmdSavePass.Visible = True cmdSavePass.Enabled = True cmdChange.Enabled = True cmdSavePass.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdviewhist_Click() If Text3.Visible = True Then

ujin = Text3.Text ElseIf Combo1.Visible = True And txtNumber.Visible = True Then ujin = Combo1 & txtNumber End If frmstudhistory.Text1.Visible = True frmstudhistory.Text1.Text = ujin frmstudhistory.Combo1.Visible = False frmstudhistory.txtNumber.Visible = False frmstudhistory.cmdNew.Visible = False frmstudhistory.cmdupdate.Visible = False frmstudhistory.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() 'Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset 'adoRst_1.Open "Select *from tblStudentInfo where id='" & Text3.Text & "'", adoCon_2, 3, 3 'With adoRst_1 ' .AddNew ' .Fields("lname") = txtName(0).Text ' .Fields("fname") = txtName(1).Text ' .Fields("mname") = txtName(2).Text On Error Resume Next Dim intMsgbox As Integer FieldsLocked True Set adoRst_1 = New

ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT *FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & Text3.Text & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 txtName(0).Text = .Fields("lname") txtName(1).Text = .Fields("fname") txtName(2).Text = .Fields("mname") txtDescription = .Fields("description") & "" txtAddress = .Fields("address") & "" txtCity = .Fields("city") & "" txtEmail = .Fields("email") & "" txtCourse = .Fields("course") & "" cmbLevel.Text = .Fields("yr_level") & "" dtpBday = CDate(.Fields("bday")) & "" txtPhone = .Fields("home_phone") & "" txtMobile = .Fields("mobile") & "" txtFax = .Fields("fax") & "" Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\" & .Fields(14) & "") End With Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship WHERE description = '" & txtDescription & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_2 'txtDescription = adoRst_2(1) & "" txtType = adoRst_2(2) & "" adoRst_2.Close .Close End With strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGuardians" _

& " WHERE id = '" & Text3.Text & "'" Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 If .EOF Then GoTo cont Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvGuardians.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = .Fields(6) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllergy" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Text3.Text & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont1 Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvAllergy.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont1: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Text3.Text & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo karren Else txtUsername = .Fields(0) & "" txtPassword = .Fields(1) & "" txtPassword2 = .Fields(1) & "" End If karren: .Close ButtonEnabled False End With FieldsBackColor &H672A0A FieldsForeColor vbHighlightText End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If txtUsername = "" Or txtPassword = "" Or txtPassword2 = "" Then cmdSavePass.Enabled = False Else cmdSavePass.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub txtAddress_LostFocus() txtAddress.Text = UCase(txtAddress) End Sub Private Sub txtCity_LostFocus() txtCity.Text = UCase(txtCity) End Sub

Private Sub txtCode_Change() If txtCode.Text = "" Then Exit Sub Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "select slots from tblScholarship where code ='" & txtCode.Text & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.Fields("slots") <> "" Then Text1.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("slots") adoRst_1.Close Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "select gained_slots from tblScholarship where code ='" & txtCode.Text & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.Fields("gained_slots") <> "" Then If adoRst_1.RecordCount <> 0 Then Text2.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("gained_slots") adoRst_1.Close 'Set adoRst_1 = Nothing Else MsgBox "Please specify the available slots for the scholarship grantor", vbExclamation, Me.Caption End If Else Exit Sub End If Else MsgBox "Please specify the available slots for the scholarship grantor", vbExclamation, Me.Caption frmMasterScho.Show 1 End If End Sub Private Sub txtName_LostFocus(Index As Integer) txtName(Index).Text = UCase(txtName(Index)) End Sub Private Sub txtNumber_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) ValidKey KeyAscii, "0123456789" End Sub Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "NAME1" frmFindStud.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" frmFindStud.Show vbModal Searchstudent End Sub Public Sub Searchstudent() On Error Resume Next Dim intMsgbox As Integer If txtNumber = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If FieldsLocked True ButtonVisible False ButtonEnabled False strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then .Close

MsgBox "No record found!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" intMsgbox = MsgBox("Do you want to add this record?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then cmdSearch.Enabled = True txtNumber = "" txtNumber.SetFocus Combo1.Clear LoadComboBox Exit Sub End If cmdNew.Enabled = True Combo1.Locked = True txtNumber.Locked = True Exit Sub End If Combo1.Locked = True txtNumber.Locked = True txtNumber.BackColor = &HFFFF& txtDescription = .Fields("description") & "" txtAddress = .Fields("address") & "" txtCity = .Fields("city") & "" txtEmail = .Fields("email") & "" txtCourse = .Fields("course") & "" cmbLevel.Text = .Fields("yr_level") & "" dtpBday = CDate(.Fields("bday")) & "" txtPhone = .Fields("home_phone") & "" txtMobile = .Fields("mobile") & "" txtFax = .Fields("fax") & "" cmbsem.Text = .Fields("sem") & "" txtyear.Text = .Fields("year_scho") txtType.Text = .Fields("type") Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\" & .Fields(14) & "") For i = 0 To 2 txtName(i) = .Fields(i + 2) & "" Next i strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship WHERE description = '" & txtDescription & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 ' txtDescription = adoRst_2(1) & "" txtType = adoRst_2(2) & "" adoRst_2.Close .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGuardians" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvGuardians.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = .Fields(6) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllergy" _

& " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont1 Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvAllergy.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont1: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserStudents" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo karren Else txtUsername = .Fields(0) & "" txtPassword = .Fields(1) & "" txtPassword2 = .Fields(1) & "" End If karren: .Close ButtonEnabled False cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdClear.Visible = True End With FieldsBackColor &H672A0A FieldsForeColor vbHighlightText End Sub

Private Sub cmdUpload_Click() cd.Filter = "JPEG(*.jpg)|*.jpg" cd.ShowOpen If cd.FileName <> "" Then Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(cd.FileName) End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init SetlvAllergy SetlvGuardians LoadComboBox list End Sub Public Sub list() Combo1.Clear Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_2.Open "select *from tblyearlevel", adoCon_2, 3, 3 With adoRst_2 Do While Not .EOF Combo1.AddItem adoRst_2.Fields("yearlevel") .MoveNext Loop .Close End With

txtCourse.Clear Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_2.Open "select *from tblcourse", adoCon_2, 3, 3 With adoRst_2 Do While Not .EOF txtCourse.AddItem adoRst_2.Fields("Course") .MoveNext Loop .Close End With cmbsem.AddItem "1st sem" cmbsem.AddItem "2nd sem" cmbsem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Private Sub LoadComboBox() cmbLevel.AddItem "1st Year" cmbLevel.AddItem "2nd Year" cmbLevel.AddItem "3rd Year" cmbLevel.AddItem "4th Year" cmbLevel.AddItem "5th Year" End Sub Private Sub ButtonEnabled(boolEnabled As Boolean) cmdNew.Enabled = boolEnabled cmdEdit.Enabled = boolEnabled cmdSearch.Visible = boolEnabled cmdFind.Enabled = boolEnabled For i = 0 To 1 cmdADD(i) = boolEnabled cmdREMOVE(i) = boolEnabled cmdMODIFY(i) = boolEnabled Next i End Sub Private Sub ButtonVisible(boolVisible As Boolean) cmdSave.Visible = boolVisible cmdCancel.Visible = boolVisible cmdClear.Visible = boolVisible cmdUpload.Visible = boolVisible cmdValidate.Visible = boolVisible cmdChange.Visible = boolVisible End Sub Private Sub FieldsLocked(boolLocked As Boolean) For i = 0 To 2 txtName(i).Locked = boolLocked Next i txtAddress.Locked = boolLocked txtCity.Locked = boolLocked txtEmail.Locked = boolLocked txtCourse.Locked = boolLocked txtPhone.Locked = boolLocked ' txtMobile.Locked = boolLocked txtFax.Locked = boolLocked txtUsername.Locked = boolLocked End Sub Private Sub ClearAll() lvGuardians.ListItems.Clear lvAllergy.ListItems.Clear For i = 0 To 2 txtName(i).Text = "" Next i txtCode = ""

txtDescription = "" txtType = "" Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" txtAddress.Text = ""

txtCity.Text = "" txtEmail.Text = "" txtCourse.Text = "" txtPhone.Text = "" txtMobile.Mask = "" txtMobile.Text = "" txtMobile.Mask = "+63##########" txtFax.Text = "" txtGname.Text = "" txtGAddress.Text = "" txtGPhone.Text = "" txtGMobile.Text = "" txtGEmail.Text = "" txtRelationship.Text = "" txtAllergy.Text = "" txtMedication.Text = "" txtPhysician.Text = "" txtAPhone.Text = "" txtAmobile.Text = "" action = "" cmbLevel.Clear LoadComboBox txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" txtPassword2 = "" Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\unknown.jpg") End Sub Private Sub SetlvGuardians() With lvGuardians .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Relationship", .Width * 0.6 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Phone", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Address", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Mobile", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Email", 0 End With End Sub Private Sub SetlvAllergy() With lvAllergy .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Allergy", Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Medication", .Width * 0.6 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Physician", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Phone", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Mobile", 0 End With End Sub Private Sub lvGuardians_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) Dim currLI As ListItem With Item txtGname = .Text txtRelationship = .SubItems(1)

txtGPhone = .SubItems(2) txtGAddress = .SubItems(3) txtGMobile = .SubItems(4) txtEmail = .SubItems(5) End With End Sub Private Sub lvAllergy_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) Dim currLI As ListItem With Item txtAllergy = .Text txtMedication = .SubItems(1) txtPhysician = .SubItems(2) txtAPhone = .SubItems(3) txtAmobile = .SubItems(4) End With End Sub Private Sub txtNumber_LostFocus() Dim studnum As String If txtNumber <> "" Then If Len(txtNumber) <> 6 Then MsgBox "Invalid Format!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtNumber = "" txtNumber.SetFocus Exit Sub End If studnum = Combo1 & txtNumber If action = "ADD" Then Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset 'With adoRst_1 adoRst_1.Open "SELECT *FROM tblStudentInfo where id = '" & studnum & "'", adoCon_2, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then 'If .EOF Then adoRst_1.Close Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Student Number already exist!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" txtNumber = "" txtNumber.SetFocus End If adoRst_1.Close ' End With End If Else Exit Sub End If End Sub STUDENT GRADE FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Dim grade As Double Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () Private Sub Form_Initialize() InitCommonControls

list End Sub Public Sub list() Combo1.Clear cmbSy.Clear Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_2.Open "select *from tblyearlevel", adoCon_2, 3, 3 With adoRst_2 Do While Not .EOF Combo1.AddItem adoRst_2.Fields("yearlevel") cmbSy.AddItem adoRst_2.Fields("yearlevel") .MoveNext Loop .Close End With End Sub Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset

Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub Private Sub cmdADD_Click() frmSubjects.lblAction = "ADD" frmSubjects.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() lvGrades.ListItems.Clear txtNumber = "" txtNumber.Locked = False Combo1.Locked = False Combo1.Clear cmbSem.Clear cmbSy.Clear comboBox lblName.Caption = "" lblCourse.Caption = "" lblLevel.Caption = "" lblScholarship.Caption = "" lblGWA = "0.0" cmdSave.Enabled = False cmdSearch.Visible = True cmdSearch.SetFocus

cmdADD.Enabled = False cmdMODIFY.Enabled = False cmdREMOVE.Enabled = False

Compute End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim strquery As String strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGrades" strquery = " WHERE id= '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" _ & "AND sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND sy = " & cmbSy With adoRst_1 If action = "ADD" Then GoTo adding .Open strSQL & strquery, adoCon_2 If lvGrades.ListItems.Count <> 0 Then Do Until .EOF .Delete .Update .MoveNext Loop .Close adding: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGrades" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 For i = 1 To lvGrades.ListItems.Count .AddNew .Fields(0) = Combo1 & txtNumber .Fields(1) = lvGrades.ListItems(i).Text .Fields(2) = Val(lvGrades.ListItems(i).SubItems(2)) .Fields(3) = Val(lvGrades.ListItems(i).SubItems(3)) .Fields(4) = cmbSem .Fields(5) = cmbSy .Update Next i .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGWA" & strquery .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then .AddNew .Fields(0) = Combo1 & txtNumber End If .Fields(1) = Val(lblGWA) .Fields(2) = cmbSem .Fields(3) = Val(cmbSy) .Update .Close Else .Close MsgBox "There are no records to be saved!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "System Alert" End If End With MsgBox "Record(s) saved!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" cmdSave.Enabled = False cmdADD.Enabled = False cmdMODIFY.Enabled = False cmdREMOVE.Enabled = False action = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "NAME1" frmFindStud.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo"

cmdCancel.Visible = False End Sub Public Sub Compute() Dim sumGrade As Double Dim sumUnit As Double For i = 1 To lvGrades.ListItems.Count sumGrade = sumGrade + (Val(lvGrades.ListItems(i).SubItems(3)) * Val(lvGrades.ListItems(i).SubItems(2))) sumUnit = sumUnit + Val(lvGrades.ListItems(i).SubItems(2)) Next i lblGWA = Format(Val(sumGrade) / Val(sumUnit), "Fixed") sumGrade = 0 sumUnit = 0 cmdSave.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() If cmbSy = "" Or cmbSem = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format" Exit Sub End If LoadlvGrades End Sub Private Sub cmdMODIFY_Click() On Error Resume Next With frmSubjects .txtCode.Text = lvGrades.SelectedItem.Text .txtDescription.Text = lvGrades.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) .txtUnit.Text = lvGrades.SelectedItem.SubItems(2) .cmbGrade.Text = lvGrades.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) .lblAction = lvGrades.SelectedItem.Index .Show vbModal End With End Sub Private Sub cmdREMOVE_Click() Dim intMsgbox As Integer intMsgbox = MsgBox("Are you sure

you want to remove this record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then Exit Sub lvGrades.ListItems.Remove lvGrades.SelectedItem.Index If lvGrades.ListItems.Count = 0 Then cmdSave.Enabled = False End If

frmFindStud.Show vbModal Searchstudent End Sub Private Sub Searchstudent() If txtNumber = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format!" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then .Close MsgBox "No record found!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If Combo1.Locked = True txtNumber.Locked = True txtNumber.BackColor = &HFFFF& lblName = .Fields("lname") & " " & .Fields("fname") & " " & Left(.Fields("mname"), 1) lblCourse = .Fields("course") & "" lblLevel = .Fields("yr_level") & "" lblScholarship = .Fields("description") & "" ' strSQL = "SELECT description FROM tblScholarship WHERE code = '" & .Fields("sc_code") & "'" 'adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 ' lblScholarship = adoRst_2(0) & "" ' adoRst_2.Close .Close End With cmbSy.Enabled = True cmbSem.Enabled = True cmdSearch.Visible = False cmdFind.Enabled = True cmdCancel.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub LoadlvGrades() Dim result As Integer lvGrades.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGrades" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" _ & " AND sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND sy = " & cmbSy With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then MsgBox "No Record found!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Alert" result = MsgBox("Do you want to add Grades?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "System Confirmation") If result = vbYes Then .Close action = "ADD" cmdADD.Enabled = True cmdMODIFY.Enabled = True

cmdREMOVE.Enabled = True cmbSy.Enabled = False cmbSem.Enabled = False cmdFind.Enabled = False Exit Sub Else cmdFind.Enabled = True .Close Exit Sub End If End If Do Until .EOF cmdFind.Enabled = False cmbSy.Enabled = False cmbSem.Enabled = False strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblSubjects WHERE code = '" & .Fields(1) & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 Set currLI = lvGrades.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = adoRst_2(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" adoRst_2.Close .MoveNext Loop .Close strSQL = "SELECT gwa FROM tblGWA" _ & " WHERE id = '" & Combo1 & "' & '" & txtNumber & "'" _ & " AND sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND sy = " & cmbSy .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 lblGWA = .Fields(0) & "" .Close End With cmdADD.Enabled = True cmdMODIFY.Enabled = True cmdREMOVE.Enabled = True End Sub STUDENT MAIN FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb"

adoCon_2.Open End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() If cmbSy = "" Or cmbSem = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid semester period!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If lvGrades.ListItems.Clear LoadlvGrades End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init SetlvGuardians SetlvAllergy SetlvGrades SetlvMemo For i = 1999 To 2050 cmbSy.AddItem (i) Next i cmbSem.AddItem "1st Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "2nd Sem" cmbSem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Public Sub LoadStudentInfo() Dim sc_code As String strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" &

Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvMemo.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" .MoveNext Loop .Close Else .Close

End If End With End Sub Public Sub LoadOtherInfo() strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGuardians WHERE id = '" & txtStudentNo & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont2 Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvGuardians.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" currLI.SubItems(5) = .Fields(6) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont2: .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllergy WHERE id = '" & txtStudentNo & "'" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then GoTo cont1 Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvAllergy.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(3) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(4) & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields(5) & "" .MoveNext Loop cont1: .Close End With End Sub Private Sub SetlvGuardians()

txtStudentNo & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2, 3, 3 lblName = .Fields("lname") & ", " & .Fields("fname") lblAddress = .Fields("city") & "" lblEmail = .Fields("email") & "" lblPhone = .Fields("home_phone") & "" lblCourse = .Fields("course") & "" lblLevel = .Fields("yr_level") & "" lblMobile = .Fields("mobile") & "" lblFax = .Fields("fax") & "" lblScholarship = .Fields("description") imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\" & .Fields(14) & "") 'strSQL = "SELECT description FROM tblScholarship WHERE code = '" & sc_code & "'" ' adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1, 3, 3 'lblScholarship.Caption = adoRst_2(1) & "" ' adoRst_2.Close .Close End With End Sub Public Sub LoadMemo() strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMemo WHERE expiry_date >= #" & Date & "#" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 lvMemo.ListItems.Clear If Not .EOF Then MsgBox "Please see the announcement today.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information"

With lvGuardians .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Relationship", .Width * 0.6 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Phone", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Address", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Mobile", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Email", 0 End With End Sub

Private Sub SetlvAllergy() With lvAllergy .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Allergy", Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Medication", .Width * 0.6 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Physician", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Phone", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Mobile", 0 End With End Sub Private Sub SetlvMemo() With lvMemo .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Subject", Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Announcement", 0 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "date posted", 0 End With End Sub Private Sub lvGuardians_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) Dim currLI As ListItem With Item txtGname = .Text txtRelationship = .SubItems(1) txtGPhone = .SubItems(2) txtGAddress = .SubItems(3) txtGMobile = .SubItems(4) txtEmail = .SubItems(5) End With End Sub

MsgBox "No Record found!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Alert" .Close Exit Sub End If Do Until .EOF strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblSubjects WHERE code = '" & .Fields(1) & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 Set currLI = lvGrades.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(1) & "") currLI.SubItems(1) = adoRst_2(1) & "" currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields(2) & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields(3) & "" adoRst_2.Close .MoveNext Loop .Close strSQL = "SELECT gwa FROM tblGWA" _ & " WHERE id = '" & studno & "'" _ & " AND sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND sy = " & cmbSy .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 lblGWA = .Fields(0) & "" .Close End With End Sub Private Sub mnuLogOut_Click() Unload Me frmLogIn.Show 1 End Sub

STUDENT HISTORY FORM Private Sub SetlvGrades() With lvGrades .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Code", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Subject", .Width * 0.6 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Units", .Width * 0.1 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Grade", .Width * 0.15 End With End Sub Private Sub lvMemo_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) Dim currLI As ListItem With Item lblTitle = .Text lblAnnouncement = .SubItems(1) End With End Sub Private Sub LoadlvGrades() Dim studno As String studno = Left(txtStudentNo, 4) & Right(txtStudentNo, 6) lvGrades.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblGrades" _ & " WHERE id = '" & studno & "'" _ & " AND sem = '" & cmbSem & "' AND sy = " & cmbSy With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If .EOF Then Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim ujin As String Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub Private Sub cmdnew_Click() Dim ask As String

ask = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to change Student's Scholarship grantor?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, Me.Caption) If ask = vbYes Then

cmdupdate.Enabled = True Label10.Visible = True Label24.Visible = True txttype.Visible = True Label26.Visible = True cmbyear.Visible = True cmbsem.Visible = True txtDescription.Visible = True ParentForm Me SearchItem "NEW GRANTOR" frmFind.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" frmFind.Show vbModal Else Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset ujin = Combo1 & txtNumber If Val(cmbyear.Text) < Val(Text3.Text) Then MsgBox "Invalid year!, last scholarship year: " & Text3.Text & "", vbCritical, Me.Caption cmbyear.SetFocus Exit Sub Else adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 .Fields("description") = txtDescription.Text .Fields("type") = txttype.Text .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Fields("year_scho") = cmbyear.Text .Update End With Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudHistory WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 .AddNew .Fields("id") = ujin .Fields("scholarship") = txtDescription.Text .Fields("type") = txttype.Text .Fields("sem") = cmbsem.Text .Fields("scho_year") = cmbyear.Text .Update End With adoRst_1.Close Set adoRst_1 = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init list End Sub Public Sub list() Combo1.Clear cmbyear.Clear Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "select *from tblyearlevel", adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 Do While Not .EOF Combo1.AddItem adoRst_1.Fields("yearlevel")

.MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset adoRst_1.Open "select *from tblyearlevel", adoCon_1, 3, 3 With adoRst_1 Do While Not .EOF cmbyear.AddItem adoRst_1.Fields("yearlevel") .MoveNext Loop .Close End With cmbsem.AddItem "1st sem" cmbsem.AddItem "2nd sem" cmbsem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() On Error Resume Next ujin = Text1.Text Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'" adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_1, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record found!", vbCritical, Me.Caption Exit Sub Else cmdnew.Enabled = True ' With adoRst txtname.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("lname") + ", " + adoRst_1.Fields("fname") + " " + adoRst_1.Fields("mname") txtcourse.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("course") txtyear.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("yr_level") Text3.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("year_scho") Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\" & adoRst_1.Fields(14) & "") ' End With ListView1.ListItems.Clear Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset With adoRst_1 adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudHistory WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 Do While Not .EOF ListView1.ListItems.Add , , !scho_year ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(1) = !sem ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(2) = !scholarship .MoveNext Loop End With End If End Sub Private Sub txtNumber_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) On Error Resume Next

ujin = Combo1 & txtNumber If KeyCode = 13 Then If txtNumber.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format!" Exit Sub End If Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'" adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_1, 3, 3 If adoRst_1.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record found!", vbCritical, Me.Caption Exit Sub Else cmdnew.Enabled = True ' With adoRst txtname.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("lname") + ", " + adoRst_1.Fields("fname") + " " + adoRst_1.Fields("mname") txtcourse.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("course") txtyear.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("yr_level") Text3.Text = adoRst_1.Fields("year_scho") Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\" & adoRst_1.Fields(14) & "") ' End With ListView1.ListItems.Clear Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset With adoRst_1 adoRst_1.Open "SELECT * FROM tblStudHistory WHERE id = '" & ujin & "'", adoCon_1, 3, 3 Do While Not .EOF ListView1.ListItems.Add , , !scho_year ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(1) = !sem ListView1.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubIt ems(2) = !scholarship .MoveNext Loop End With adoRst_1.Close Set adoRst_1 = Nothing End If End If End Sub SUBJECTS FORM

Next i 'frmFind.lblSQL = frmFind.lblSQL & " AND" End If frmFind.Label1.Visible = False frmFind.cmbSearchBy.Visible = False frmFind.txtSearch.Visible = False frmFind.Show vbModal End With End Sub Private Sub cmdOk_Click() Dim currLI As ListItem If cmbGrade = "" Then MsgBox "Please input a grade!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If If lblAction = "ADD" Then Set currLI = frmStudentGrade.lvGrades.ListItems.Add(, , txtCode) Else Set currLI = frmStudentGrade.lvGrades.ListItems(Val( lblAction)) End If currLI.SubItems(1) = txtDescription currLI.SubItems(2) = txtUnit currLI.SubItems(3) = cmbGrade 'Set currLI = Nothing frmStudentGrade.Compute Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub LoadGrades() cmbGrade.AddItem "1.00" cmbGrade.AddItem "1.25" cmbGrade.AddItem "1.50" cmbGrade.AddItem "1.75" cmbGrade.AddItem "2.00" cmbGrade.AddItem "2.25" cmbGrade.AddItem "2.50" cmbGrade.AddItem "2.75" cmbGrade.AddItem "3.00" cmbGrade.AddItem "4.00" cmbGrade.AddItem "5.00" End Sub UPLOAD CHECK

Private Sub cmdFind_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "SUBJECTS" With frmStudentGrade frmFind.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblSubjects" If .lvGrades.ListItems.Count <> 0 Then For i = 1 To .lvGrades.ListItems.Count If i = 1 Then frmFind.lblSQL = frmFind.lblSQL & " WHERE code <> '" & .lvGrades.ListItems(i).Text & "'" Else frmFind.lblSQL = frmFind.lblSQL & " AND code <> '" & .lvGrades.ListItems(i).Text & "'" End If

Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb"

adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub

.Fields(3) = cmbsem .Fields(4) = cmbSy .Fields(5) = txtAmount If cd.FileTitle <> "" Then .Fields(6) = cd.FileTitle End If .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Record saved!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" ClearAll End Sub Private Sub cmdUpload_Click() cd.Filter = "JPEG(*.jpg)|*.jpg" cd.ShowOpen If cd.FileName <> "" Then Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(cd.FileName) End If txtCheck = cd.FileName End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ADODB_init For i = 1999 To 2050 cmbSy.AddItem (i) Next i cmbsem.AddItem "1st Sem" cmbsem.AddItem "2nd Sem" cmbsem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If cmbsem = "" Or cmbSy = "" Or txtCheckNum = "" Then cmdSave.Visible = False Else cmdSave.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub txtAmount_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) ValidKey KeyAscii, "0123456789." End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click() ClearAll End Sub Private Sub ClearAll() txtCheckNum = "" txtCode = "" txtDescription = "" txtStudNo = "" txtname = "" txtAmount = "" txtCheck = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "SCHOLARSHIP" frmFind.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblScholarship" frmFind.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub cmdFindStud_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "NAME2" frmFindStud.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" frmFindStud.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblCheck WHERE" _ & " check_num = '" & txtCheck & "'" _ & " and sem = '" & cmbsem & "'" _ & " and sy = '" & cmbSy & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If Not .EOF Then MsgBox "Check Number already exist!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "System Alert" .Close Exit Sub Else .Close End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblCheck" .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 .AddNew .Fields(0) = txtCheckNum .Fields(1) = txtCode .Fields(2) = txtStudNo

USER SETTING FORM Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon.Open adoRst.LockType = adLockPessimistic

adoRst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst.ActiveConnection = adoCon End Sub Private Sub cmdADD_Click() action = "ADD" FieldsLocked False cmdSave.Enabled = True FieldsBackColor vbWindowBackground txtUsername.Locked = False cmdAdd.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdClear_Click() ClearAll FieldsLocked False txtUsername.Locked = False cmdEnabled False txtUsername.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim intMsgbox As Integer intMsgbox = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then Exit Sub strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserAdmin WHERE username = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL .Delete .Update .Close End With MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" End Sub Private Sub cmdEdit_Click() action = "EDIT" FieldsLocked False cmdSave.Enabled = True FieldsBackColor vbWindowBackground cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdDelete.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If Len(txtPassword) < 4 Then MsgBox "Password too short!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If If txtPassword <> txtPassword2 Then MsgBox "Password Mismatch!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserAdmin WHERE username = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL If action = "ADD" Then If .EOF Then .Close strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserAdmin" .Open strSQL .AddNew .Fields(0) = txtUsername Else MsgBox "Username already exist! ", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "System Alert" GoTo invalid End If End If .Fields(1) = txtPassword .Fields(2) = txtName .Fields(3) = cmbLevel .Fields("question") = cmbQuestion .Fields("answer") = txtAnswer .Update invalid: .Close End With MsgBox "Record Saved!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "System Information" action = "" cmdEnabled False cmdClear.Enabled = True FieldsLocked True txtUsername.Locked = True FieldsBackColor &H8000000F End Sub Private Sub LoadCmb() cmbLevel.AddItem "ADMINISTRATOR" cmbLevel.AddItem "ASSISTANT" cmbQuestion.AddItem "What is your pet's name?" cmbQuestion.AddItem "When did you meet your spouse?" cmbQuestion.AddItem "What is your oldest cousin's name?" cmbQuestion.AddItem "Where did you spend honeymoon?" End Sub Private Sub ClearAll() txtUsername = "" txtPassword = "" txtPassword2 = "" txtName = "" txtAnswer = "" cmbLevel.Clear cmbQuestion.Clear LoadCmb End Sub Private Sub txtName_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) ValidKey KeyAscii, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZEnd Sub

Private Sub txtName_LostFocus() txtName.Text = UCase(txtName) End Sub Private Sub txtUsername_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Dim intMsgbox As Integer If KeyCode = 13 Then If txtUsername = "" Then MsgBox "Invalid format!" Exit Sub End If strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUserAdmin WHERE username = '" & txtUsername & "'" With adoRst .Open strSQL cmdEnabled False FieldsForeColor vbWindowText If .EOF Then intMsgbox = MsgBox("Record not found! Do you want to add it?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "System Confirmation") If intMsgbox = vbNo Then GoTo no_rec cmdAdd.Enabled = True Else cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdDelete.Enabled = True FieldsBackColor &HFF9950 txtPassword = .Fields(1) & "" txtName = .Fields(2) & "" cmbLevel = .Fields(3) & "" txtQuestion = .Fields("question") & "" txtAnswer = .Fields("answer") & "" End If no_rec: .Close End With End If End Sub Private Sub cmdEnabled(boolEnabled As Boolean) cmdAdd.Enabled = boolEnabled cmdEdit.Enabled = boolEnabled cmdDelete.Enabled = boolEnabled cmdSave.Enabled = boolEnabled End Sub Private Sub FieldsBackColor(sccBackColor As SystemColorConstants) txtPassword.BackColor = sccBackColor txtPassword2.BackColor = sccBackColor txtName.BackColor = sccBackColor End Sub Private Sub FieldsForeColor(sccForeColor As SystemColorConstants) txtPassword.ForeColor = sccForeColor txtPassword2.ForeColor = sccForeColor txtName.ForeColor = sccForeColor End Sub VIEW CHECK FORM Dim strSQL As String

Dim adoRst_1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb" adoCon_2.Open adoRst_1.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic adoRst_2.LockType = adLockPessimistic adoRst_2.CursorType = adOpenDynamic End Sub Private Sub cmdFindStud_Click() ParentForm Me SearchItem "NAME2" frmFindStud.lblSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStudentInfo" frmFindStud.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub SetlvCheck() With lvCheck .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Check No.", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Scholarship", .Width * 0.4 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Sem", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Sy", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Amount", .Width * 0.15 End With End Sub Private Sub LoadlvCheck() lvCheck.ListItems.Clear strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblCheck WHERE stud_num = '" & txtStudNo & "'" With adoRst_1 .Open strSQL, adoCon_2 If Not .EOF Then Do Until .EOF Set currLI = lvCheck.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields(0) & "") strSQL = "SELECT description from tblScholarship where code = '" & .Fields("sc_code") & "'" adoRst_2.Open strSQL, adoCon_1 currLI.SubItems(1) = adoRst_2(0) & ""

adoRst_2.Close currLI.SubItems(2) = .Fields("sem") & "" currLI.SubItems(3) = .Fields("sy") & "" currLI.SubItems(4) = .Fields("amount") & "" .MoveNext Loop Else MsgBox "No record found" .Close Exit Sub End If .Close End With End Sub Private Sub lvCheck_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) Dim currLI As ListItem With Item strSQL = "SELECT picture from tblCheck WHERE check_num = '" & .Text & "'" adoRst_1.Open strSQL, adoCon_2 Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\check\" & adoRst_1(0) & "") adoRst_1.Close End With End Sub Private Sub txtStudNo_Change() LoadlvCheck End Sub WARNING FORM 'Globe variable for student warning function Dim vwga As Integer Dim vwarning As Boolean Dim strSQL As String Dim adoRst_5 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_3 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoRst_4 As ADODB.Recordset Dim adoCon_1 As ADODB.Connection Dim adoCon_2 As ADODB.Connection Dim action As String Private Sub ADODB_init() Set adoRst_1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_2 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_3 = New ADODB.Recordset

adoCon_2.Open End Sub Private Sub LoadListStudents() Dim SC As String Dim currLI As ListItems lvStudents.ListItems.Clear adoRst_5.Open "Select * From tblStudentinfo", adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic While adoRst_5.EOF = False vwga = 0 Call Get_Warning(adoRst_5!id) If vwarning = True Then lvStudents.ListItems.Add , , adoRst_5!id, , "icon" lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).List SubItems.Add , , adoRst_5!fname & " " & adoRst_5!mname & " " _ & Left(adoRst_5!lname, 1) & "." lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).List SubItems.Add , , adoRst_5!course lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).List SubItems.Add , , adoRst_5!yr_level lvStudents.ListItems(lvStudents.ListItems.Count).List SubItems.Add , , vwga End If adoRst_5.MoveNext Wend adoRst_5.Close

Set adoRst_4 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoRst_5 = New ADODB.Recordset Set adoCon_1 = New ADODB.Connection Set adoCon_2 = New ADODB.Connection adoCon_1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "Masterfile.mdb" adoCon_1.Open adoCon_2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\" _ & "StudentFile.mdb"

Private Sub Setlvstudents() With lvStudents .ColumnHeaders.Clear .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Student No.", .Width * 0.17 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", .Width * 0.38 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Course", .Width * 0.2 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Year", .Width * 0.15 .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "GWA", .Width * 0.1 For i = 0 To 4 cmdColHead(i).Width = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Width cmdColHead(i).Caption = .ColumnHeaders(i + 1).Text If i > 0 Then For j = 0 To i - 1 cmdColHead(i).Left = cmdColHead(j).Left + cmdColHead(j).Width Next j End If Next i End With End Sub Private Sub cmdFind_Click() If cmbsem = "" Or cmbSy = "" Then MsgBox "Please select the semester period", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "System Alert" Exit Sub End If LoadListStudents If lvStudents.ListItems.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record Found", vbInformation End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load()

ADODB_init Setlvstudents comboBox End Sub Private Sub comboBox() For i = 1999 To 2050 cmbSy.AddItem (i) Next i cmbsem.AddItem "1st Sem" cmbsem.AddItem "2nd Sem" cmbsem.AddItem "Summer" End Sub Function Get_Warning(pid As String) vwarning = False adoRst_2.Open "SELECT * FROM tblTrail", adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic adoRst_3.Open "Select * From tblScholarship", adoCon_1, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic adoRst_4.Open "SELECT * FROM tblGWA", adoCon_2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If Not adoRst_2.RecordCount = 0 Then While adoRst_2.EOF = False If adoRst_2!id = pid Then

While adoRst_3.EOF = False If UCase(adoRst_3!Description) = UCase(adoRst_2!scholarship) Then While adoRst_4.EOF = False If adoRst_4!id = pid Then If (adoRst_4!sy = cmbSy) And (adoRst_4!sem = cmbsem) Then If adoRst_3.Fields("Grade_Limit") < adoRst_4.Fields("gwa") Then vwarning = True vwga = adoRst_4!gwa End If End If End If adoRst_4.MoveNext Wend End If adoRst_3.MoveNext Wend End If adoRst_2.MoveNext Wend End If adoRst_3.Close adoRst_4.Close adoRst_2.Close End Function


WARREN PERDIGERA. MAGTOTO -# 1224 Bo. Rd. Tayuman Binangonan Rizal - +639235243655 - OBJECTIVES: To be able to complete the semester with all the requirements needed in attaining the passing grades. WORK EXPERIENCE: Ascendant Concepts and Solution, Inc Emerald Street Prestige Tower, Ortigas Ave., Pasig City On-the- Job Training Programmer/ Digitizer June - October , 2009

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Major in Computer Engineering Rizal Technological University Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City 2004- Present Angono National High School Kalayaan Angono Rizal 2000-2004 Tayuman Elementary School Tayuman Binangonan Rizal 1994-2000



PERSONAL INFORMATION: Age Birthday Birthplace Height Weight Religious Civil Status Mothers Name Fathers Name : : : : : : : : : 22 November 5, 1987 Morong Rizal 5 6 100 lbs. Catholic Single Elena S. Magtoto Angel P. Magtoto

NOEME URGELLES PERU -# 11 Road 7 North Daanghari, Taguig City - +639224151979 - OBJECTIVES: To be able to complete the semester with all the requirements needed in attaining the passing grades. WORK EXPERIENCE: Philippine Airlines Gate 1, MBC Andrews Avenue, Mandaluyong City On-the- Job Training Aircraft Engineering Department/Reliability Division June 2, 2009- July 23, 2009 Digital Paradise Inc. 6th floor The Center Point Building Garnet Rd. corner Julia Vargas, Pasig City On-the- Job Training Human Resources and IT Department August 10, 2009- November 13, 209 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Major in Computer Engineering Rizal Technological University Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City 2005- Present Secondary: Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School San Martin De Porres, Paranaque City 2001-2005 Primary: Daanghari Elementary School North Daanghari, Taguig City 1995-2001 PERSONAL INFORMATION: Age : Birthday : Birthplace : Height : Weight : Religious : Civil Status : Mothers Name : Fathers Name : 21 May 5, 1988 Taguig City 5 3 100 lbs. Catholic Single Ma. Pilar U. Peru Domingo B. Peru Jr.

CURRICULUM VITAE VINCENT VON VALIENTE REYES -# 7 RValdez Ext. Bagong Ilog, Pasig City - +63965134353 - OBJECTIVES: To be able to complete the semester with all the requirements needed in attaining the passing grades. WORK EXPERIENCE: Comedy.Com Bagong Ilog, Pasig City Computer Assistant EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Major in Computer Engineering Rizal Technological University Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City 2005- Present Kapitolyo High School Kapitolyo, Pasig City 2001-2005 Lourdes School of Mandaluyong Mandaluyong City 1994-2001



PERSONAL INFORMATION: Age Birthday Birthplace Height Weight Religious Civil Status Mothers Name Fathers Name : : : : : : : : : 24 November 3, 1986 Mandaluyong Medical City 5 3 115 lbs. Catholic Single Crecencia V. Reyes Fernando Reyes.

MARIBEL MIGUEL SONGCO -# 210 E Santos Street Barangka Itaas, Mandaluyong City - (02) 5346561 / +639229830401 -


OBJECTIVES: To be able to complete the semester with all the requirements needed in attaining the passing grades. WORK EXPERIENCE: Philippine Airlines Gate 1, MBC Andrews Avenue, Mandaluyong City On-the- Job Training Aircraft Engineering Department/ Data Link June 2, 2009- July 23, 2009 Nano Device Technology, Inc City Land Santolan, Pasig City On-the- Job Training Software Development Department August 3, 2009- November 3, 2009 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Major in Computer Engineering Rizal Technological University Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City 2003- Present Secondary: Guagua National Colleges Guagua, Pampanga 1999-2003 Primary: Maquiapo Elementary School Maquiapo Guagua, Pampanga 1993-1999 PERSONAL INFORMATION: Age : Birthday : Birthplace : Height : Weight : Religious : Civil Status : Mothers Name : Fathers Name : 24 February 17, 1986 Pampanga 5 6 110 lbs. Catholic Single Clarita M. Songco Mario S. Songco

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