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Former Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany

Born Ordained Died Servant of God

: 23 January 1875 : 04 March 1900 : 23 December 1960 : 03 June 2008

Vol 1

December 2008

No 1

The Compassionate Pastor

Published twice a year in July and December. No subscription. Donations will be gratefully accepted to meet the expenses of printing, mailing and the process of Canonization. Donations and offerings may be sent to the address given below. Cheques/drafts may be made in favour of: The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany- Offering for the Cause. We invite your experiences for possible inclusion in this bulletin.

The Vice-Postulator Cause of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas Bethany Convent Kankanady Post Mangalore - 575 002 Karnataka, India

Managing Editor

Editorial Board
Managing Editor Sr M Wilberta, BS

Chief Editor Sr M Lillis, BS

MEMBERS Rev Fr Joseph Martis Mr Ivan Saldanha Sr Miriam, BS Sr M Theresine, BS Sr M Lilitta, BS Sr M Rose Celine, BS Sr M Celine Vas, BS Sr Mary Noulak, BS Sr M Jessy Rita, BS


1. 2. 3. 4.

Foreword Message Editorial Biographical Sketch of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas - Sr Lillis, BS A Caring Pastor: Compassion at the Core - Sr Mariette, BS Msgr RFC Mascarenhas A Remembrance - James DSouza Mission of Fr Raymond Mascarenhas Sr Violette, BS Last Will and Testament of Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas Favours Received

5 6 7








33 35 39


10. Miraculous Healings

Bethany Generalate Kankanady Post Mangalore 575 002 8 December 2008

My soul magnifies the Lord (Lk 1:46). It is with immense joy and gratitude to God and to Holy Mother the Church that we celebrate the 48th anniversary of the death of our beloved Founder, the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas. The Church has graciously recognised him this year as the Servant of God. It is but fitting and proper that we rejoice on this occasion and thank the Lord for the gift of his person to the Church and the society, especially in Mangalore. His pastoral and humanitarian service has brought joy and comfort to many. The compassionate love of God has been reflected in his life in various ways bringing solace to the down trodden, the marginalized women and girl children in particular. He has thus sought to transform the society and make the reign of God alive in the world around. His vision, inspiration and mission bequeathed to us his daughters continues to grow in a worthy manner in India and abroad. I am glad that the first issue of the bulletin The Compassionate Pastor will see the light of day on the 48th anniversary of his death. I am happy to present it to the sisters of the Congregation and the people of God and pray that this and the subsequent issues may be the instrument to promote the glory of God, through His servant Raymond. May all those who read these pages be drawn to emulate the virtues that shone in him and more specially his compassionate love.

(Sr M Jyoti, BS) Superior General


Telephone: 2440524 (4 lines) Fax: 91-0824-2444035 E-mail : Bishops House Kodialbail, Mangalore - 575 003 DK, India Dated 14 November 2008


I send you greetings on the occasion of the 48th death anniversary of Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas, the Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany. His memory is afresh in us though he went to his eternal abode in the year 1960. He is remembered for his pastoral zeal and commitment. Msgr Mascarenhas was an educationalist of his time and visualized education as a means to give life and transform the ignorant, especially the poor and the girls. I am sure that, that was one of the reasons to start a new Congregation of Bethany Sisters many years ago in order to prepare a team of women who would prepare the ground for the transformation of the society. His dream has been kept alive by the Bethany Congregation and we are proud of him and his sisters. Msgr Mascarenhas was an exemplary pastor. People still remember him being punctual to his spiritual duties, especially the liturgy of hours, celebration of the Eucharist and the praying of the Rosary. He was an eloquent preacher and was always available to people especially the poor. It is precisely for this reason that his Cause for Beatification and Canonization is initiated and the process is on. I am glad that you have rightly decided to bring out the first issue of the bulletin The Compassionate Pastor highlighting the good works of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas on the occasion of his 48th death anniversary. I wish you all well.

Most Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza Bishop of Mangalore


Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas is the first Mangalorean Servant of God. He was also the first one to be a Servant of God from the soil of the state of Karnataka. This fact is spotlighted because while on earth the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas had expressed his desire to have saints from Mangalore and had prayed for this. It is clear from a statement that he had made in June 1934 while narrating his pilgrimage to Lourdes, Rome and to the shrine of St John Bosco and St Benedict Joseph Cottolingo in Turin, along with the Holy Year Pilgrims. He said, May God vouchsafe some saints in our midst too! For one Saint, as Father Faber says, gives more glory to God than a million ordinary souls. Indeed the witnessing life of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, the compassionate pastor gave glory to God while he was alive. At present the fragrance of his holy life inspires numerous people to emulate his holy life of love and service. The Servant of God Raymond Camillus Mascarenhas was an embodiment of the compassionate love of Jesus. Propelled by compassion he preached the Good News by immersing himself in the lives of the suffering people and engaging in creative ministries which brought them liberation from various oppressive shackles especially illiteracy and poverty. The pastoral, educational, social and medical ministries that the Servant of God initiated in the areas wherein he served brought new life to the people. The bulletin The Compassionate Pastor unfolds the various facets of the life of Msgr Raymond Camillus Mascarenhas a former

vicar general of the diocese of Mangalore and the founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore. The Servant of God was an exemplary twentieth century priest who was obsessed with the evangelical idea of preaching the Good News to the poor. The modern world looks for role models. The life of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas has a message for all categories of people especially to those who desire to share the compassionate love of Jesus with the people in a tangible manner. The numerous favours that are recorded in this bulletin endorse the growing reputation of sanctity of the Servant of God. I am grateful to Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul DSouza, the Bishop of Mangalore for his blessing and message, to Sr Jyoti, our Superior General for the encouragement and assistance to start the bulletin. Sr Wilberta, the Managing Editor and all the members of the editorial board are delighted to offer you this bulletin on the occasion of the 48 th death anniversary of the Servant of God Raymond. May St Alphonsa the newly canonized saint of India intercede that the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas receives the honours of the altar for the greater glory of Mother the Church.

Sr M Lillis BS
Postulator Bethany Provincial House Chevayur, Calicut Kerala 673 017

Biographical Sketch of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas

Sr M Lillis, BS

Mangalore, a city in South Kanara District of Karnataka State, India, is situated on a coastal strip between the towering Western Ghats and the azure Arabian Sea. Various powers have fought for control over Mangalore. In 1520, the Portuguese took control of the area from Vijayanagara rulers. Hyder Ali, the ruler of Mysore conquered Mangalore in 1763, and it was under his administration until 1768, before being annexed by the British between 1768 and 1784. In 1784 Tippu Sultan again took control of the area, but it was re-conquered by the British upon the fall of Srirangapatna in 1799. It was a part of the Madras Presidency until India gained its independence. In 1956 Mangalore was merged into a unified Karnataka State. The period from 1784 to 1799 forms a sad page in the history of the Christians of South Kanara. In 1784, Tippu Sultan invaded Mangalore and began his persecution of the Christians. The Christians were taken captive to Srirangapatna. Those who returned to their original villages found it difficult to get back their old possessions.1 Since the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Mangalore ecclesiastical area, a part of the Kanara mission which became a Vicariate Apostolic in 1845 and a diocese in 1887, passed several times successively under the jurisdiction of Goa, Verapoly and Pondicherry. In 1879, the Kanara mission was entrusted by the Holy See to the care of the Jesuit Province of Venice. With the official proclamation of the establishment of the Indian Hierarchy, in the Council of the Bishops of Southern India at Bangalore on 25 January 1887, Mangalore took its place in the Indian Hierarchy as the Diocese of Mangalore2.
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Cf. D Souza , ALP, History of the Catholic Community of South Kanara, pp. 19 50 Cf. Catholic Directory of India, 2005-06 p. 915

Family, Birth and Education of Servant of God Raymond (1875 1890)3 Raymond it is seen, hails from a devout Catholic family of Mangalore that had stood for the faith even in the face of persecution and death under Tippu Sultan. His roots can be traced to one of the several Christian families that emigrated from Goa to Mangalore in the 18 Century. Lazarus Mascarenhas and Joanna Castelino had thirteen children and Raymond was the seventh child of the family, born on 23 January 1875, on a Saturday at 12.30 pm at Shimoga, in Karnataka, where his father was working at the municipal commissioners office. He was baptized on the 27 th of the same month in Sacred Heart Church, Shimoga and was named Raymond Camillus. Lazarus and Joanna, his parents were known for their piety and fidelity to the Christian faith. The sufferings and death of their ancestors under Tippus persecution and captivity at Srirangapatnam stood them in good stead to strengthen them in their faith and in the practice of virtues. This in turn had gone a long way in the training of their children.4 Raymonds parents Lazarus and Joanna belonged to Mangalore. After the retirement from government service in Shimoga, Lazarus returned to Mangalore with his wife and children. Raymond had his early education in Milagres Church School, Mangalore and received his first communion in Milagres Church in 1885. He passed his matriculation brilliantly with a first class from St Aloysius College, Mangalore. From Msgr Raymonds family there were many vocations for the priesthood and religious life. During his life time he had the joy of seeing his cousins, nieces, grand nieces, great grand nieces-32 of them being religious sisters in various Congregations, and nephews, cousins and great grand nephew - 6 of them becoming priests. Msgr Raymond is the great grand uncle of Fr Cedric Prakash, SJ of Gujarat Jesuit Province, and grand uncle of Miss Olinda Pereira who have all the admiration for their grand uncle. His two nephews Fr Stanley Mascarenhas and Fr Charles Mascarenhas had joined St Josephs Seminary, Allahabad about whom Msgr Raymond mentions in his letters to the sisters. They rendered their valuable and selfless services to the Diocese of Allahabad5.
3 4

Cf. Mascarenhas, FX, GBVC Cf. Ibid 5 Cf. Ibid


Priestly Vocation6 (1891-1914) Inspite of every pressure to continue his studies, Raymond entered St Josephs Seminary, Mangalore on 23 February 1891 at the age of 16. As a seminarian, he was pious and faithful and diligent in the practice of virtues and in the observance of the rules and regulations of the seminary life. He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Mangalore on 4 March 1900. As a young priest he worked as an assistant at Milagres, Mangalore, and at Mount Rosary at Kallianpur. He had made a mark as a great preacher and an able administrator in the early days. His reflections and wisdom won him the admiration of all those who came in contact with him. In 1903, Fr Raymond was appointed the parish priest of Udyavar where he built a monumental church edifice. He brought the compassionate love of Jesus to the poor and the needy using all his talents of mind and heart together with intense prayer and penance. Money was scarce in those days and the parishioners were very poor. Fr. Raymond trusted in the Divine Providence and he completed the work overcoming all the obstacles meeting the expenses through loans. Later on he paid off these loans on his own even after he was transferred. He carried on all his priestly ministries with great sacrifice relying on divine help. His next appointment was to Agrar parish and in this difficult and vast parish he laboured selflessly. He was a true shepherd to his flock. The following testimony of Fr John Cornelio, the assistant parish priest of Derebail Church in 1950 confirms this fact. The good example he set by his own priestly life, the vigilant eye he kept and the timely advice he gave to many young men must have, no doubt, brought many vocations to the priesthood among the men of the parish in which he was working .7 In 1914, at the request of the people SD8 Raymond was appointed the first parish priest of St Sebastian Church, Bendur, then an underdeveloped area outside of Mangalore town. For 17 years he worked hard to build up this parish in his own unique way. Realizing that Catholic education, mainly for the poor, was an essential part
6 7

Cf. D Souza, Violette, Unless the Seed Die, 1985 pp. 15-26 The Twin Jubilee Souvenir, 1950, p. 22 8 SD (Servus Dei in Latin) means Servant of God

of pastoral ministry, he set up in the parish St Sebastian School and St Margaret Mary School at Bendur and St Josephs School at Kankanady. Founding of an Indigenous Congregation (1921) SD Raymond was deeply pained to see the distress of many young women who had genuine vocation to religious life but could not get entry into the then existing Congregations because of the requirement of higher education and exorbitant patrimony 9. He was ready to spend his life for the poor and the neglected, so dear to the heart of our Lord. The Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany (commonly known as Bethany Sisters), an indigenous Congregation for women, founded by him on 16 July 1921, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the Diocese of Mangalore was an answer to this need. With the encouragement from the then bishop, Rt Rev Paul Perini, SJ he modestly began the Institute with just four lady teachers of the Bendur Parish namely, Sr M Martha ( Marceline Menezes), Sr M Clare (Flora Mathias), Sr M Lourdes (Alice Mathias), and Sr M Gertrude (Regina Gertrude Gonsalves), and it witnessed a steady growth. This work could be considered as the Magnum Opus the crowning glory of Msgr Raymonds accomplishments. It answered triple needs of that period, ie, providing Catholic education for the poor, especially the girls, presenting an opportunity for the girls who had genuine vocation to consecrate their lives to God as religious, irrespective of their status in society and to supply good, dedicated and qualified permanent teachers to teach in the schools and to impart Christian doctrine in schools and parishes in the rural areas. As Vicar General of the Diocese (1931-1941) On 1 August 1931, Bishop Victor Fernandes appointed SD Raymond, vicar general of Mangalore10. In the midst of all these direct works of the sacred ministry Msgr Raymond found time to devote himself to serving Gods people in many other capacities,

Cf. Mascarenhas, RFC, The First Report on Bethany submitted to Rt Rev. Dr. Paul Perini, SJ, the Bishop of Calicut and the Administrator Apostolic of Mangalore Diocese, on the Feast of St Joseph, 1925, p.2 10 Cf. Fernandes, VR, Bishop of Mangalore, Appointment Letter dated 1 August 1931

ie, he was the President of Roman Catholic Pioneer Fund,11 the Municipal Councillor,12 the Officialis of the Diocese,13 the Founding Vice-president of the Catholic Board of Education (1932-1941), consultant to the bishop, the President of the Catholic Association of South Kanara(1931-1941), and such other associations and institutions for the benefit of the Catholic community. After his retirement from the vicar generals office in 1941, SD Raymond devoted full attention to the growth of the Congregation he had founded. More Zealous for the Kingdom (1941-1955) Though retired in name, he totally dedicated himself to direct the Bethany Congregation to venture into new mission territories in the dioceses of Goa, Belgaum, Calicut and Mysore. In all these areas Bethany Sisters involved themselves in pastoral, social and educational activities. Great emphasis was laid on the education of poor girls. It was during this period (1948) that the Bethany Educational Society was formed and registered. SD Raymond became a life member of the society. He was also the founder and the president of Madeleine Educational Society that he established in 1948. Obsessed with zeal for the spread of the Kingdom, in 1949 for the first time in the history of the diocese SD Raymond translated the four Gospels and the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Konkani. It was his 75th birthday and sacerdotal golden jubilee gift to Holy Mother the Church. On this occasion, his eminence Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, sent a letter of felicitation to Msgr Raymond dated 7 January 1950 appreciating his commendable contribution to Mother the Church. Various ecclesiastical authorities also congratulated SD Raymond for his praiseworthy contribution to the Church. In 1952 Msgr Raymond completed and published the translation of the whole New Testament into Konkani. By 1954 he had finished the translation of five books of the Old Testament. All

Fernandes, VR, Bishop of Mangalore, Appointment Letter dated 25 October 1931 12 D Souza, Violette, Unless the Seed Die, 1985, p. 46 13 Fernandes, VR, Bishop of Mangalore, Appointment Letter dated 25 October 1931

these activities reveal the ardent desire of SD Raymond to preach the word of God to the simple and the poor. Domestic Prelate (1955) Recognizing the commendable pastoral, educational and social activities of SD Raymond and his inspiring life, Rt Rev Dr Basil Peres, the then Bishop of Mangalore recommended him to the Holy See for the honour of Domestic Prelate. Pope Pius XII presented a public token of his benevolence towards SD Raymond in June 1955, for his outstanding service to the Church by conferring on him the honour of Domestic Prelate. Voyage to the Eternal Home (1960) After this moment of glory SD Raymond had to pass through a period of intense suffering, trials and misunderstandings from various quarters. He faced the trials in great faith, joining in the sufferings of Jesus and Mother Mary. On the occasion of his anticipated diamond jubilee celebration on 29 February 1960 SD Raymond was struck by partial paralysis. In spite of it he was peaceful and serene and remained close to Jesus and Blessed Mother through repeated fervent ejaculatory prayers. SD Raymond left for His eternal home peacefully on 23 December 1960 and was buried before the high altar at St Sebastian Church, Bendur, Mangalore. Reputation of Sanctity (1960) As the news of Msgr Raymonds passing away spread through the city, the most heard exclamation: He was a holy priest! Rt Rev Raymond DMello, the then Bishop of Mangalore said, Msgr Mascarenhas was a great priest who has done great things for God. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.14 Sr Noreen who was present at the funeral of Msgr Raymond reported of an instant cure from fever after she participated in the funeral service. As the years rolled by, many sisters and people began to recount the temporal and spiritual favours received by them through the intercession of Msgr Raymond. Vocations to Bethany Institute increased threefold. Within a decade of SD Raymonds death, the Institute founded by him spread all over India and also to Europe. In 1971 on the occasion of its Golden


Cf. Raknno, the Konkani Weekly of Mangalore Diocese, p. 3, 4 January 1961


Jubilee, the Congregation was declared of Pontifical Rite by a Decree of Praise from Propaganda Fide, Rome. Personality of Servant of God Raymond Anchored in Spirituality SD Raymond is known to be a zealous and holy priest of God. The most striking factor about SD Raymond was his radiant spirituality, which was deep-rooted in faith, hope and charity. Prayer was the breath of his life. He was found praying for long hours before the Blessed Sacrament. A life of reflection, silence, simplicity, asceticism, and great zeal for souls were special traits of his personality. Annual retreats to him were occasions of re-dedication and renewal.15 He was consistent, constant and active in the heroic practice of virtues, especially obedience, charity, humility, justice, and fortitude. All his apostolic activities exemplify his virtuous life. His constant union with the Incarnate Word illuminated the faith in Him and he pursued the will of God in all things. The poor had a special place in his life and he gave generously to the poor sacrificing his own needs. A Devotee of Mother Mary The Servant of God had a great devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary. During his free time and while travelling, he would always pray the Rosary. On 16 July 1946, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Bethanys Foundation, Msgr Raymond solemnly consecrated the entire Congregation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and expressed a desire that sisters renew this consecration every year on the same day. He taught the sisters to invoke her as the Queen Mother of Bethany and to adopt Ecce Ancilla Domini (Behold the Handmaid of the Lord) of the Annunciation as their motto and ideal. The deep love that SD Raymond had for Our Lady of Lourdes is displayed in his writings: Our Lady of Lourdes who on the Annunciation Day, 25 March manifested herself as being The Immaculate Conception and whose last farewell visit to Bernadette occurred on the day on which the first four sisters had the happiness to enter together their new life viz, the feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, 16 July, will be the object of special love and veneration in

Cf. Mascarenhas, RFC, Souvenir of Retreat, pp.1-4


the Congregation.16 The sorrows of Mary as commemorated in the hymn Stabat Mater were a frequent subject of his meditation. He had instilled in the sisters a special devotion to Our Lady of Dolours which they expressed by praying the rosary of the Seven Sorrows, and the stations of the Seven Sorrows. He erected the Pieta and stations of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady in the Motherhouse Chapel. 17 He was noted for a childlike devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. His special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima was evident when the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was brought to the Bethany motherhouse chapel on 21 December 194818. Eucharist-Centred Life Msgr Raymonds personalised love for Lord Jesus was manifested in his devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the fervour and zeal at the Eucharistic celebration as well as devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. He was at his best when there was any opportunity to give public honour to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. His starting of perpetual adoration19 on 28 October 1935, in the newly founded Congregation speaks of his great faith and trust in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Unfortunately the night adoration had to be discontinued six years later on 20 December 1942 due to sickness and death of the sisters. Once again the day adoration from 8 am to 10 pm was re-introduced on 16 July 1994 in Bethany Motherhouse and in the provinces for half day. In 1996, during the Platinum Jubilee year of the Institute, round the clock adoration by the participation of every community of the Congregation was introduced. During the last years of his life when he was confined to his room, he constantly begged to be carried to the chapel, and to be helped to sit before the Blessed Sacrament. In the sunset days of his earthly life, he prayed incessantly his favourite ejaculatory prayers to the Holy Eucharist and His Blessed Mother. A Renowned Preacher Gifted with a sharp memory and eloquence of speech, SD Raymond could speak on any topic of interest and expatiate on it at length with clarity of thought and precision. He was a dynamic
16 17

Cf. Memoranda of the Congregation of The Handmaids of the Lord. p. 2, Cf. Mascarenhas, RFC, Circular, 1952, 18 Diary (Log) of the Congregation 1921 -1953 entry on 21 Dec. 1948 19 Cf. Ibid. entry on 28 October 1935

preacher in English and Konkani. He preached retreats to the priests, religious and the lay people. One sentence from the Bible was sufficient for reflection, and words of affection and devotion would naturally flow from him to stir the hearts of those who heard him. The homily that he preached at the First Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in the diocese of Mangalore on 29 December 1938 had left such an impact on the hearers that people even today quote from it. Apostle of the Print Media SD Raymond wanted to share his devotion to Jesus and the Blessed Mother through his writings. The renowned diocesan weekly, Raknno in the issue of January 1961 eulogized SD Raymond as The Apostle of the Print Media. He unceasingly worked for Gods glory and the salvation of souls through his writings. When the advancing years restricted the apostolic activities of the Servant of God he worked more with his pen. The most outstanding work of Msgr Raymond was the translation of The Four Gospels20 in 1949 and The New Testament21 in 1952 into Konkani, the language of the majority of the Catholics of South Kanara. It was for the first time, the Gospels and the New Testament were translated into Konkani 380 years22 after the advent of Christianity into Kanara. The Word of God reached the homes of the ordinary Christians. The Konkani translations enabled local people to meaningfully participate in worship and increased their desire to pray. That was an expression of his great zeal to make Jesus known to the people. The Holy See lauded his great achievement of the translation. Beginning of the Process of Canonization: Ever since the death of the Servant of God Raymond on 23 December 1960, the members of the Congregation and the people began to experience the power of his intercession. On 16 July 1996, on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of the Congregation the Founders cottage was set up as Msgr Raymond Memorial and was

Mascarenhas, RFC, Novo Testament- Havn Waat Sath Jeevith-Char Evangel Poilo Vanto (The Four Gospels) 1949 21 Mascarenhas, RFC, Amcha Somi Jesu Christacho Novo Testament - Dhodtya Shatamanic Utsavache Voras (The New Testament), 1952 22 Cf. D Souza, ALP, pp 19-20

inaugurated and blessed by His Eminence Simon Cardinal Lourdusamy. Gradually this cottage has turned out to be a place of prayer and pilgrimage. The delegates of the thirteenth General Chapter who met at Bethany Convent, Mangalore in 1998 deliberated to request the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore to initiate the Cause of Beatification of the Founder, Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. Communicating the desire of the delegates of the Chapter to the Bishop, Sr Jyoti, BS, the superior general set up a preparatory committee in 2001 under the leadership of Sr Lillis, BS, to reset the documents in the archives of Bethany Generalate and to set up a spiritual and cultural centre. Subsequently Sr Jyoti appointed her the postulator and Sr Miriam, the Vice Postulator for the Cause of the Beatification and Canonization of Msgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. Having followed the norms laid down by the Church for the Cause, the Bishop of Mangalore Most Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza, announced through a pastoral letter to the clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Mangalore on 3 June 2008 that Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas as the Servant of God. The same was proclaimed during the Eucharistic celebration on 16 June, 2008. May the Lord grant to His servant, the honours of the altar for the greater glory of God and for the spread of His Kingdom.



A Caring Pastor: Compassion at the Core

Sr Mariette BS Introduction
The Greek word poimeinos used a single time in the New Testament in Ephesians (cf. 4:11) is translated as pastor. Pastors are shepherds. The shepherds are leaders chosen by God to lead and guide, to pasture and nurture, to shield and protect those under their care. The Scripture sketches in great detail the characteristics of a shepherd. The most famous description of a shepherd and perhaps one of the most well known passages in the Bible is Psalm 23. The Psalmist says that the shepherd provides green pasture to his sheep and leads them to clean waters. Prophet Isaiah speaks of Yahweh as the shepherd who will feed his flock, gather the lambs, carry them in his bosom and gently lead them home (cf. Is 40:11). Prophet Ezekiel also speaks of Yahweh as the shepherd who will feed his sheep, seek the lost, bring back the strayed, bind-up the injured and strengthen the weak (cf. Ez 34: 14-16). In Jesus description of himself in the gospel of John (cf. Jn 10:1-18), he explains about the traits of a good shepherd. He elaborates what a good shepherd does in order to ensure the safety and security of the sheep under his care. Over and over in the passage he states that the good shepherd gives his life for his sheep (vv. 11, 15, 17, 18). It indicates that the good shepherd possesses a sacrificial nature. The sacrificial nature is because of the inherent love of the shepherd toward his sheep, is because of the compassionate love of the shepherd toward the weak and the weary, the susceptible and the vulnerable and the helpless and the harassed, is because of the tender affection of the shepherd toward those in any kind of danger, is because of the passionate desire of the shepherd to be in solidarity with the disadvantaged and the underprivileged and is because of the tender care of the shepherd towards those deprived of the good pasture and clean water.


1. Msgr Raymond, a Caring Shepherd Msgr Raymond was truly a caring shepherd after the example of Jesus, the good shepherd. He was a pastor with a difference. Owing to his great capacity and shepherding character, within a short period of three years of his priestly ordination, he was appointed as the parish priest at Udyavar, a parish economically insufficient and far away from the glamour of the city. Assignment to such poverty stricken place did not discourage him; instead, it re-doubled his pastoral zeal. The houses of his parishioners were located far off from the church: most of them were farmers and their lands would get flooded in rainy season leaving hardly anything for their sustenance. As a caring pastor, Msgr Raymond would visit them very specially when they were hit by natural calamities. Despite the heavy rains, he would walk several miles through the slushy paddy fields and bring comfort and solace to the disheartened and the disappointed. The kind hearted visit of their pastor during their misfortune days gave them an experience of a compassionate and caring God. What made him a caring pastor was his prayer because compassion is learnt in prayer; true prayer makes one truly compassionate. 1.1 Prayer at the heart of Msgr Raymond

While serving the flock entrusted to his care at Udyavar (1903-1910), his flock did not fail to notice in him Godly qualities. They found in him a praying pastor, a caring pastor, a serving pastor, a sacrificing pastor, a simple pastor, personally poor and who lived for the poor. Through their personal contacts and interactions with him, they discovered the secret of his efficacious priestly life his intimate moments with God. They saw him getting absorbed in personal prayer and realized that the silent moments that he spent with the Divine sustained him in his agonizing and trying circumstances. They also witnessed his rapt attention at the Eucharistic celebration, during which it looked as if no one and nothing else existed outside. Mr Alex Pais, the advocate of the High Court of Bombay who saw Msgr Raymond for the first time at Udyavar described his experience thus:


...While visiting Udyavar one Sunday morning I went for Mass there. Father Mascarenhas, the celebrant at the altar was offering his Mass with such unction, such deliberateness and such absorption, that the picture is still before me. No other priest at an altar service had ever produced such an impression on me... He had no money, his people were poor. No one knew how he would secure the funds required for all his works. It was said that he was seen every evening at the site of the new Church, kneeling and at prayer with his hands raised. His income was small, and he could not count on donations from the Diocesan fundsHe knew it was Gods work and he trusted God to provide the means for it1 Those who trust God open themselves to him; through their openness they manifest their willingness to be led by him. To be led by God is to be ready for risks. How do we know that one is led by God and not by ones own hidden aspirations? What are the criteria by which one could say that one is enlightened by the Divine and not by ones own wounded intellect and will? Scripture provides the answer, You will know them by their fruits (Mt 7:20). Godcentredness is a special characteristic of persons led by the Spirit. The indwelling Spirit leads them to the Father and in turn they find more delight in God than in anything else. They are spiritually advanced persons. According to St. John of the Cross, the spiritually advanced person looks for his Beloved in all things. In all his thoughts, he turns immediately to the Beloved; when eating, sleeping, keeping vigil or doing anything else, he centres all his care on the Beloved.2 This was true of Msgr Raymond for whom God was at the centre of his life. He was a man of God, a man with deep divine experience. He was habituated to go to God in everything. The very appearance of Monsignor was GodinspiringHe was a man of prayer and a source of inspiration to others. 3
1 2

Cf M Violette, Unless the Seed Die, pp.18-19. St John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul, p. 374. 3 VJP Saldanha, An Interview with Mr VJP Saldanha, p. 40 Celine Vas, a Bethany Sister interviewed Mr VJP Saldanha on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Bethany Congregation in 1996.

1.2 Shepherding Care as the Priority of Msgr Raymond Msgr Raymond was transferred to Bendur in the fourteenth year of his priestly life. This place was devoid of life, that, in fact, is what the name signifies in Tulu, the local language, (Benda = barren + ooru = village).4 The parish had its own challenges owing to the fact that it was newly carved out. In the previous places where he served, he was building up what was begun by his predecessors but in this parish, he had to begin from scratch. It demanded from him unshakable faith, undaunted courage, and capacity for endurance. It required from him ardent zeal and unfailing hope to vivify the lifeless situation. Trusting in the Divine Providence and the maternal assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he launched into his mission at Bendur on 23 August 1914. While he was at Bendur, he perceived keenly the reality of South Canara in the early 20th century. He assessed the despair of the poor and in particular, the plight of the illiterate women in villages. His caring heart for the poor and particularly for women led him to question the assumptions of the society that had condemned the half of the humanity to the margins without paying attention to their basic needs and aspirations. His heart was restless until he stopped the breaking of the bruised reed, prevented the quenching of the dimly burning wick and averted the crushing of the weak and the faint hearted (cf. Is 42: 3-4). His heart was on edges until he sought concrete ways to wipe away the misery of the harassed and the helpless. Not only was he pained by the plight of women, but also by the plight of Catholic schools which were running short of Catholic teachers to impart Catholic doctrine. Msgr Raymond being alert to the alarming situations got down to concrete action, trusting in the Divine Providence. He sensed that the immediate need was to provide educational facilities for the poor, particularly for women in villages which would lift them from
Mr Saldanha was a literary stalwart; he had a distinguished career as a writer, speaker, dramatist and poet. He was a parishioner of Bendur where Mgr. Raymond was the parish priest for 17 years. 4 Bishop Paul Perini SJ constituted this parish on 23 August 1914 and dedicated it to St Sebastian, Martyr. Raymond Mascarenhas was appointed as its first parish priest. The territory under this parish was originally shared by Rosario Cathedral and Milagres parishes. Cf Directory of the Diocese of Mangalore (1925), p. 34.

their depressive situation and give them hope for a better living. He also envisaged recruiting Catholic teachers in Catholic schools. Unto this effect, he founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany and opened many schools in villages. By doing this, he not only enhanced the destiny of the economically backward women but also provided opportunities for them to embrace religious life, who otherwise would not have been able to do it due to the lack of higher education and money. 2. Compassion: Hallmark of Msgr Raymond As said above, Msgr Raymond was truly a shepherd to his flock. What was central to his pastoral care was compassion. He had allowed himself to be moulded by the God of compassion; consequently, he had become a caring pastor. As part of his caring ministry, he took to God in prayer not only the spiritual needs of his parishioners but also everything that affected them. Nonetheless, he was cautious not to reduce himself to be a bread provider and thus to undermine his mission as the anointed of God. As an anointed one, he was in solidarity with the plight of his flock. He was very sympathetic and kind-hearted when it was a question of the poor.5 The plight of the poor and of women in particular affected him the most. 6 He took their hopes and aspirations, struggles and pains, joys and sorrows as part and parcel of his priestly vocation. His heart would feel the pain of fatherless children, widow/widower, sick, weak etc. He had special love for parentless children. Downtrodden and poor had a place in his heart.7 2.1 Components of Compassion Compassion is derived from the Latin words pati and cum, which together mean to suffer with. It is not a question of understanding others suffering but the feeling of it in ones life. Again, it is not simply a feeling; it is primarily a capacity to enter into the others pain which leads to solidarity with the other. This sort of solidarity is linked to kenosis, to self-emptying, to letting go. Such attitude moves a person beyond the confines of selfcentredness, taking the person to the realm of concrete action.8
5 6

Cf M Raymond (Sr), Interview, 30.04.2005. Cf Cecilia (Miss), Interview, 10.06.2005. 7 M Euphrasia, (Sr), Memories on Msgr Raymond , 23.08.2002; also Cf M Jane (Sr), Interview, 30.08.2005. 8 Cf R Lucien, Christ: the Self Emptying of God, pp.188-189.

Compassion is more than general kindness and tenderheartedness. It is to enter into the realm of others pain, fear, anguish and brokenness. It challenges one to cry with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely and to weep with those in tears. It calls one to be weak with the weak and to be vulnerable with the vulnerable. It means full immersion in the condition of being human.9 Gaudium et spes expresses it well. It is to know the joy and hope, the grief and the anguish of the men of our time, especially of those who are poor or afflicted in any way (Gaudium et Spes 1). 2.2 Compassion: Love in Action The essential component of compassion is love. Compassion is a form of love which does not insult the sufferer with pity; rather, it respects the integrity of the one in need. It is love that gives compassion the eyes to see the suffering it encounters; it is love that fires compassion with desire to alleviate the suffering; it is love that constitutes a meaningful action. The theological foundation for compassion is humanitys imitatio of the pathos of God-in Christ, the affirmation of humanity created in the image of the incarnateand-crucified divinity. It is founded on the theology of the cross. In the face of the suffering of others, Jesus interposes Himself for themHe gives Himself for themHe puts Himself in their placeHe makes their state and fate their own cause.10 Msgr Raymond sought to imitate Jesus, who was compassionate to the sufferer. For him compassion was not a sentiment but an active participation in the salvific mission of Jesus. For him to be compassionate was to open himself radically to the pathos of others. It meant for him to enter into the place and the context of the sufferer; to suffer with them, to listen and to hear their cry as God had done in Christ. While doing this concretely, he was not spared from criticism; the criticism did not prevent him from being compassionate. While recalling the compassionate heart of Msgr Raymond, one of the sisters wrote: Once I met a girl in our parlour who was found sad, disappointed and helpless. She told me that she was denied the admission into other Congregations and was told that only the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany accept the candidates with minimum education. I took her to our Founder, who not only treated her with kindness but also accorded a warm welcome to Bethany11
9 10 11

Cf H J Nouwen et al., Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life, p. 4

R Lucien, A Kenotic Christology, p. 222.

M Paupera (Sr), Memories on Msgr Raymond, 28.06.2002.

His compassion towards the economically backward women was striking. One of the sisters described the compassionate heart of Msgr Raymond thus: He gave jobs to the poor women living around Bethany such as washing the clothes of the community (Sisters), to clean the surroundings, stable work, milking, work in the loom, to sell milk, to carry the material prepared in the loom. He arranged the children of the poor to put them in the orphanages at Kinnigoly, Gurpur12 Compassionate ones are prophetic. They never mince words but speak exactly what is in their minds. They speak their minds within a context of liberating oppressed people and believing in a God who is compassionate and faithful.13 There are no masks and pretensions in them due to which they invariably suffer misunderstandings and undergo mental torment while pursuing their ideals. Msgr Raymond was not spared from this ordeal. Everyone did not understand his vision and mission. But those who understood him had deep appreciation for him. One of his great admirers, Fr. J. P. Tauro, while he was the parish priest of Bendur, wrote: He had a preferential love for the poor and his options for the poor made him start Kannada Medium Schools for girls and boys here in the Church premises of St Sebastain and Margaret Mary. He did this in the context that, Apostolic Carmel Sisters and Jesuits were promoting English Medium and serving the able class. He did this in the situation of abject poverty among the poor and in this way he showed Christs preferential love for the poor especially for the illiterate poor class. He manifested gospel values and inspired others to do so all over the Diocese. The schools for the education of poor girls (and boys) were replicated everywhere 14 Conclusion Becoming a caring pastor or a compassionate shepherd signifies a real letting go of ingrained egoistic attitudes; it is to go through a total conversion of heart and mind metanoia. Metanoia is an experience of death. Death, however, is not the end of life but
12 13

M Myrrah (Sr), Memories on Msgr Raymond, 03.07.2002. C Stuhlmueller, The Foundations for Mission in the Old Testament, p. 56 14 J P Tauro (Fr), Memories on Msgr Raymond, 07.03. 2002.

integral to the very process of life. To the non-believers, it sounds like madness but to the believers it is the power and wisdom of God (cf. 1Cor 1:23-24). One needs to die in order to bear much fruit. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (Jn 12:24). Only in accepting the reality of death, we are able to realize life in its fullness. This is how Msgr Raymond lived and is calling us to live in this era which requires much shepherding care.

Directory of the Diocese of Mangalore, Mangalore: Kodialbail Press, 1925. Interview - Sr M Cecilia (19.08.2005) ..................Sr M Jane (30.08.2005). ..................Sr M Raymond (30.04. 2005) Lucien R, Christ: the Self-emptying of God, New York: Paulist Press, 1997. ................., A Kenotic Christology: In the Humanity of Jesus the Christ, The Compassion of our God, Washington: University Press of America, 1982. Nouwen, H J, Mcneil, D & Morrison, D, Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life, New York: Image Books, 1983. St John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul, E A Peers (ed & trans) from the critical edition of P Silverio de Santa Teresa, Garden City: Doubleday, 1959 Saldanha, VJP, An Interview with Mr VJP Saldanha, in Souvenir Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany 1921-1996, pp. 40-41 Stuhlmueller, C, The Foundations for Mission in the Old Testament in S Donald & C Stuhlmueller (eds), The Biblical Foundations for Mission, London: SCM Press (1983), pp. 9-140 Violette, M, Unless the Seed Die A brief sketch of the Life of Monsignor RFC Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany Sisters of the Little Flower, Mangalore: Kodialbail Press, 1985 Written Memories on Msgr Raymond - Fr Tauro JP (07.03. 2002) .................Sr M Paupera (28.06.2002) .................Sr M Myrrah (03.07.2002) .................Sr M Euphrasia (23.08. 2002)


Most Rev. Aloysius Paul DSouza along with other Celebrants around the Altar at St Sebastian Church, Bendur, on 16 June 2008

Most Rev. AP D Souza with the concelebrants, Superior General and her Council, the Postulator, Vice Postulator and the grand niece of Msgr Raymond.

Tomb of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas

Gathering arround the Eucharistic table at St Sebastian Church, Bendur on 16th June 2008.


Postulator Sr Katakayam Lillis,BS hands over the list of witnesses to Most Rev. Aloysius Paul DSouza, the Bishop of Mangalore and the President of the Diocesan Board of Inquiry for the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas

Most Rev Aloysius Paul D Souza addresses the gathering on the opening of the Diocesan Board of Inquiry for the Cause of SD Raymond Mascarenhas on 17th August 2008

Most Rev. Aloysius Paul DSouza President of the Diocesan Board of Inquiry with Superior General Sr M Jyoti BS, Fr George Nedungatt, SJ with the Members of the Diocesan Board of Inquiry

Sr Jyoti the Superior General proposes the vote of thanks on 17th August 2008

Diocesan Board of Inquiry with the Superior General and the Historical and Theological Commission for the Cause of SD Raymond Mascarenhas

Bethany Sisters with Sr M Jyoti, Superior General and Most Rev Aloysius Paul DSouza the Bishop of Mangalore on 16 June 2008 at St Sebastian Church, Bendur, Mangalore.

Msgr RFC Mascarenhas A Remembrance

The views expressed here are entirely my own, and in my limited knowledge of the English language, unexaggerated by anyone, but prompted by my love and respect for a great person Msgr(now proclaimed Servant of God)Raymond FC Mascarenhas of happy memory, after sixty odd years of the event. I say sixty because (i)I left Bendur to settle down in Bangalore some fifty four years ago, and (ii) I was quite close to this great man, Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for about six years in the late forties. For record, I was born on 12 April 1929, which means I am nearing 80. The duration of my close acquaintance with Monsignor is roughly from the middle of 1946 to early 1952. He was happy when I told him of my appointment in the Bank. He had blessed and wished me well. (That Bank does not exist any more; it closed its business in 1960). I had left it long before ie, in October 1951. Anyway, the word banking means finance and bank employees are precluded or forbidden from discussing or disclosing the financial status of individual clients of a bank. Consequently what I record here is not with any deliberate intention of breaking the established order. Msgr Mascarenhas was a client of the Bank I was working in (I will come back to this in a later para). What did attract me to Msgr Mascarenhas? Why, that very saintly look of him! I do not know how he looked like when he was young. If he was that same dynamic, down to earth, hard working, deep-thinking, a visionary, and a young holy priest of God, all this was visible in abundance in his later years when I came to be influenced by him, to admire and respect him for that serenity, simplicity, his frugal life-style, his wisdom, his spirituality (more vigourously observed by me while serving his Mass as an altar boy, occasionally). Well, all this and much more said and unsaid should, I am inclined to believe, entitle him to the honours of the Altar. I have referred to him as a thinker and a visionary. He was a very compassionate person too and this encompassed both the physical and the spiritual. It must have been the outcome of a deep faith in God, and nothing else, that he ventured on projects without any financial or physical backing from any quarters to do something good, to create something out of nothing.

He saw death, pain and destruction of human life during the severe plague that engulfed several parts of the country at the end of the First World War that ended in 1919. I have heard of his compassion for those suffering physical pain and also of leading them in prayer to implore Gods intercession that he decided to build the Church of St Sebastian, the patron saint of the physically suffering, on a barren patch of land with wild bushes that dried up in summer. It must have been a real hard task, and I have heard him being quoted as saying will I be able to put life into these dry bones or something like that, out of sheer frustration. His objective or motto for building the church is manifested in the prayer painted on a plaque overhanging the large statue of St Sebastian on the main altar of the church Pestinthlen Nivar Amkan And, that was some ninety years ago! The other great achievement, if not the greatest, is the establishment of the Congregation of Bethany Sisters and getting its approval by the Holy See, for scores of those young girls who aspired to offer themselves in Gods service as Religious Sisters in a convent, but encountered problems to be accepted in the existing nunneries, for some reason or the other. I do not wish to elaborate on this as it would be tantamount to hearsay. Here, I go back to para three above. I really do not know, nor had the chance to study, how and where Msgr Mascarenhas found the means to establish (or found) the Congregation of Bethany Sisters. By the time I was big enough, I could see he had established the Headquarters or the Motherhouse for his Congregation on a piece of land in Bendur, which was in two segments, being bifurcated in the middle by a lane leading to the Bendur Church cemetery and beyond. We were living close to one segment separated by a common compound wall. The Founder must have been overwhelmed at the everincreasing number of vocations, and it must have been another struggle to find place to accommodate them and find the finances to maintain them. Those days, South Kanara District was under the administration of the then Madras Presidency. To promote education, the State Administration encouraged private institutions and groups to establish schools and helped them with generous financial help in the shape of teaching grants. Education was one more thing very dear to Msgr Mascarenhas and the great visionary that he was, he

went about establishing several primary and higher primary schools to impart education to poor children. He also sent his own Religious Sisters for Teachers Training /Higher Education to take on teaching jobs in their own institutions or elsewhere. Our Founder was the Manager and correspondent of his schools. The Congregation was expanding as also the need for more dormitories, schools buildings, chapels etc, As I said before, he was happy to hear that I was employed in the bank where he did his transactions. Grant bills were coming and he entrusted me with them. Our job at the bank was to present them at the Government Treasury, get the cash and credit to his account. The money would disappear as fast as it came; the need was such, to meet some expenses or clear pending bills. Apart from the grant bills, there would be a private cheque occasionally, sent by some well-wisher or philanthropist or money offered for bulk Masses to be offered. I could see, it was a struggle for him to make both ends meet, to keep the homes going. But never did I see him in despair, grumble or show any signs of helplessness. It must have been his ever-abiding faith in God that kept him going, day after day, the same faith that prompted him embark on projects out of nothing. I had to see him both morning and evening. It was the same serenity, the same soft words, the peace pervading his simple living room/office, or the aura of holiness ( did I use the word holiness?) surrounding him or that went with him, whenever I found him walking on the verandah of his room, with the Breviary in his hands, engrossed in prayer and meditation. When I saw the write-up in the daily newspaper Deccan Herald a few days ago and the picture inset, memory took me back some sixty odd years- the memory of that majestic face, those eyes- the picture of a great man, a thinker, a visionary, full of concern, love, care and compassion for Gods people a do-gooder, a holy man. If the Congregation of Bethany Sisters can look up to Heaven in prayer, fulfillment, thanksgiving and benediction for what it is today, its founder cannot be just an ordinary man. Much, much more than that. I am grateful and proud of my acquaintance with the Servant of God- Msgr RFC Mascarenhas.
No. 2, C.K. Garden St Thomas town Bangalore 560 084 Ph. 25468304

James DSouza August 13, 2008

The Mission of Fr Raymond Mascarenhas

Sr M Violette, BS
Fr Mascarenhas had said that the love of Christ impelled him, urged him to undertake this difficult task. Again, he told his Bishop in speaking of what he was being urged to do, that he felt with the project of God. It was an obsession that he could not shake off. What is this project of God that he was obsessed with so much so that he was restless until he could find a way? He prayed to be enlightened, to be guided and consulted his Jesuit Bishop. What is this obsession? The only way he could fulfill himself as a priest, is to accept Gods plan or project for himself and for Gods people. So he prayed again and again for the light of the Holy Spirit to clarify for him Gods plan given to him; God had placed him already in a couple of different parishes - as an assistant pastor for short periods and then as a pastor of Udyavar. He gained a lot of priestly experience and he did a lot of good in these rural areas. And now obedience to his bishop had brought him to Bendur- a barren, undeveloped outlying area outside of Mangalore town. If in 1914 anyone asked him on his arrival at Bendur- what do you intend to do here Father? Or what are your plans for this undeveloped area? What would have been his reply? He lived one day at a time searching for Gods will for that particular day. From the time he entered the seminary with a desire to be a priest of God his one aim was to be like Jesus- who had shown him the way and who must have constantly inspired him with His constant Come, follow me ( Lk 18:22 ). As a seminarian and as a priest he must have reflected again and again on the life and mission of Jesus and made it his own. We can hear him saying, if not in words, but by his actions - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me and made me his priest and minister - to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind and freedom to the oppressed (cf Lk 4: 18). This was his mission statement. Here was a fourfold programme of Jesus and now it is going to be his, because he wants to walk the way of the Lord:

1 to bring good news to the poor 2 to proclaim liberty to the captives 3 to give sight to the blind 4 to free the oppressed As a priest, he worked hard for achieving his mission plan. ie 1 the poor are those who lack everything: goods of this world love of significant people dignity of person His life as an active priest and even after his retirement he spent in achieving this. 2 He proclaimed liberty to the captives - the freedom of the spirit 3 He gave sight to the blind - enlightened the minds of those who needed to be enlightened 4 He freed the oppressed - provided food, education, material things and enlightenment He freed people from what fettered them. As a priest, he worked hard for achieving his mission plan. This was the reason for his total option for the poor- to help them to free themselves from the bonds of poverty, ignorance, and dependence on others- so that they could live as free children of God. He opened their eyes to the goodness of God and his marvellous creation, he opened schools to enlighten their mind and set them free from ignorance. He was pained by the oppression of women and the poor who were voiceless to determine their own future. So he heard the cry of the poor not only of those who are poor in goods of this earth but also who are poor in knowledge and are not able to help themselves. Those who are poor in health, i.e., sick- those who are poor because they are aged and as such marginalized because they are not contributing members of the family as before. To bring glad tidings to the poor Jesus looked with compassion on the economically poor and also the socially poor. At times, the poor are also the down trodden, the oppressed, the afflicted, the forgotten, the neglected- and it is they who readily accept Jesus message of salvation. Many of these poor are also oppressed directly or indirectly because they cannot fend for themselves.

Father Founder brought Good News not only to the poor in his parish but he also set an example for us, Bethany Sisters. First of all he made it clear that Bethany would not refuse to accept a candidate with a genuine vocation only because she is poor. He wanted his sisters to alleviate poverty wherever they could and by using any means at their disposal. He sets us an example of always seeking the lowest place because that is what belongs to the poor- not to seek prestigious jobs and offices which the poor will never get, and to seek out those who are left to fend for themselves. He wants us to champion their cause, fight with them their battles and help them to win justice, freedom and love. He himself was on the side of the poor (easier to do so if you yourself are poor). He led us and taught us how to go into areas where no one would want to go- because they are poor areas. He has set us an example of preference for the poor, fighting for their rights and often getting hurt in their strugglesand now he tells us, I have shown you the way to do the work of the Father, like Jesus, for which I was anointed by the Spirit (cf Jn 13: 15 & Lk 4: 18). If we were to ask Father Founder how can we continue his work now in the 3rd millennium (21st century), perhaps he would answer us in the words of St Paul to the Philippians (2:2-3), Make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love and being one in soul and mind. Dont do anything from selfish ambition or from cheap desire to boast, but be humble towards one another, always considering others better than yourselves. He was never tired to point out to the sisters that of all the sermons that we shall preach, the easiest to understand is good example. We cannot always speak but we can always witness to the Gospel by our lives. He often quoted St John Chrysostom who places the power of example above the power of miracles and says, the conversion of the world took place not so much because of the miracles of the apostles as because of the holiness of their lives (*same is true of the Little flower). Emerson says, What you are thunders so loud, that what you say, I cannot hear. Jesus himself appealed learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart (Mt 11:29 ), or I have given you an example that as I have done to you so you also do (Jn 13:15 ). St Paul encouraged the Christians, Be imitators of me as I am of Christ ( I Cor 4: 16).

Last Will and Testament of Msgr Raymond F C Mascarenhas

All for Jesus through Mary
To my dear Sisters of Bethany My children in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, These are my last requests to you, now that our dear Lord has been pleased to take me away from you and summon me to his presence. I beg of you to continue always to pray for my poor soul. Do not, in your charity and natural good opinion of me, cease your prayers for me, saying I am no more in need of them. I have received much and I have to answer for much, and I leave the world full of temporal debts to be paid in purgatory. I beg each and everyone of you to give me, for the space of three months after my death, the benefit of all your masses, communions, rosaries, and all other good works during that period. I beg of you to remember me perpetually each month on the date of my death and give me the benefit of all your masses, communions, rosaries, and all your good works of that day. I beg of you also to remember me perpetually on the anniversary day of my death, by, besides giving me the benefits as in number 3, having a low mass celebrated for the repose of my soul, if possible or convenient, in the Bethany Chapel. If, the day or place is inconvenient, kindly choose a proximate day and another place for the said Mass. If our good Mother disposes that as I have earnestly desired and directed, my grave should be at the foot of her Grotto in Bethany, do not forget to say an occasional prayer for me at my grave. My humble trust is that Jesus, lover of Bethany and Mary, the Queen Mother will enable me to pray for each and everyone of you, kneeling at their feet, even from the depths of purgatory, while you pray for me in this world. I commit each and everyone of you, now present and all those that will join afterwards to the most Sacred Hearts of our dear Lord and beloved Mother. May dear Bethany be the house which loves Jesus and Mary and is loved by them. May your










love toward our Blessed Lord and beloved Mother ever manifest itself by the love and charity which reigns among you, and the perfect obedience which you show in thought, word and deed towards those who for you take their place in Bethany. May Our Lord from the infinite treasures of His Sacred Heart and the rich merits of his dear Mother, Queen Mother of Bethany and the powerful intercession of his foster-father, St Joseph our dear protector, supply abundantly my numerous deficiencies and negligences with regard to dear Bethany; and may the Little Flower who was my helper in this work from its very commencement and has sustained me in its care all along through many trials and difficulties and who, above all things, has secured for Bethany the special maternal love and care of our Mother in heaven which has kept us up and led us on, have you under her very special sisterly protection. Finally, in consideration of my work for you and as a return for the little I have given you or done for you and also as a small memento of mine, I wish you to accept and fulfill this perpetual legacy, which, as specially mine, I leave to you; which also will be a constant occasion for you to remember me and pray for me: i) Every Saturday, the singing of Our Ladys Anthem in the morning and of the Magnificat in the evening, with the reading from A Few Minutes with Mary on Saturdays at a convenient time. ii) The recitation according to your convenience wholly or in part of the Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis which I have specially translated for you. iii) A constant, loving and filial devotion to our dear Mother which you will have in yourselves and earnestly promote among others. iv) Going through Mary to Jesus, have always before you the desire of having Perpetual Adoration in Bethany, during day and night, and pray and work to realize this ideal according to every means in your power. My blessing to each one of you.

Bethany Saturday, March 28, 1942



Favours Received from 1992 to 1997 through the Intercession of the Servant of God Raymond FC Mascarenhas Published in Raknno, the Konkani Weekly of Mangalore Diocese
1992/1 I am grateful to Msgr Mascarenhas for my successful surgery. - Anthony D Silva, Goa 1992/2 After I prayed to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas, the founder of Bethany, I was healed from Cancer. My faith in God has increased. I thank him sincerely. - Gracy Louis, Goa 1993/1 I have received favours through the intercession of Fr Raymond Mascarenhas. - JELB, Siddakatte 1993/2 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I am healed of my ear pain. I thank him with all my heart. - S. Vas 1994/1 I have received favours through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. Sincere thanks to him. - Benedicta Pereira, Mumbai 1994/2 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I have received a favour which was not possible through human means. My grateful thanks to him. - A Bethany Sister 1995/1 I have received favours through the intercession of Fr. Raymond Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. - Sr Hariette, BS 1995/2 I am grateful to God for having received favours through the intercession of Fr. Raymond Mascarenhas. - Sr Valentine, BS, Santi Bastwad

1995/3 I was in a critical condition and the doctors had given up hope of my recovery. At this time I had recourse to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore. I am now cured through his intercession. - Mrs Midsy Colaco, Velim, Goa 1995/4 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I have received a favour. My grateful thanks to God. - Sr. Sibil, BS , Puttur 1996/1 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I had a safe delivery. - Maria Mascarenhas, Konaje, Mangalore 1996/2 We thank our dear Founder and all those who prayed for the speedy recovery of Sr Emilda. It is indeed a miracle. - Bethany Generalate, Mangalore 1996/3 An impossible thing made possible by Fr RFC Mascarenhas - Sr Grace Maria, BS, Sahodaya School, Delhi 1996/4 Through the intercession of Bethanys Founder, Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, we received the maintenance grant of our orphanage. Sincere thanks to him. - Sr Severin, BS, Madanbhavi 1996/5 I have received favours through the intercession of Fr. Raymond Mascarenhas. My sincere thanks to him. - Nelson Sequiera 1996/6 Grateful thanks to our dear Fr Founder, Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for assisting us in our dire need. - Sr Chantal, BS, Sacred Heart Convent, Ludhiana 1997/1 I am grateful to God for having received favours through the intercession of Fr. Raymond Mascarenhas. Sincere thanks to him. - Sr Agnella, BS


1997/2 Through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I was completely healed of the stomach pain and all other illnesses. Thanks to him. - Gregory Monteiro, Ozanam Home 1997/3 Grateful thanks to God for special favours received through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. - Sr Anseline, BS 1997/4 I am grateful to God for having received favours through the intercession of Fr Raymond Mascarenhas. My deep gratitude to God. I am sincerely sorry for being late to publish this favour. - Gurpur 1997/5 Received favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. I continue to pray for other favours. - A Cutinha, Bejai 1997/6 Grateful thanks for special favours received through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas - Sr Rita Felcy, BS 1997/7 Through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas I now enjoy better health. Grateful thanks to him. I continue to pray for my complete recovery. - Sr Jositta, BS, Bethany Convent 1997/8 Thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the special favours received. - Sr Hilarita, Bethany Convent, Bangalore 1997/9 I thank the Lord for granting me two important favours through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas - Sr Lillis, BS 1997/10 Thanks for the cure of skin disease through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany. - Sr Eucharia, BS


1997/11 Thanks for favours received through the intercession of Mgr RFC Mascarenhas, Founder of Bethany. - N.N. 1997/12 I have received favours through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. My grateful thanks to him. - Sr Virginia, BS Kulshekar 1997/13 Received a favour through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. Our sincere thanks to him. - Bethany Sisters, Vamanjoor 1997/14 Grateful thanks to God for favours received through the intercession of Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. - Sr Oswine, BS 1997/15 I have received a favour through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. Sincere thanks to him. - Sr Jacintha, BS, Bajpe 1997/16 Grateful thanks to our Founder Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for his powerful intercession on behalf of my sister who gave birth to a baby girl. - Sr Helen Rebello, BS 1997/17 Received a favour through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. Thanks to him. - Mr Gregory Monteiro, Ozanam Home, Kalyanpur 1997/18 Thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Sr Melwyn, BS, Permannur 1997/19 Thanks to Msgr RFC Mascarenhas for the favours received. - Sr Grace Ida, BS, Ajekar

You are requested to send in acknowledgements of favours received for publication


Miraculous Healings
Total Recovery
With acute diabetics and gangrened foot, I was admitted to the hospital. Inspite of the treatment, the gangrene was spreading rapidly. Doctors conducted a surgery for the removal of the toe which turned septic. Instead of the recovery my condition deteriorated. The doctors proposed that the gangrenous leg below the knee be amputated. In my desperation and excruciating pain, I changed the hospital. Even with the best treatment there was no improvement. My lungs were affected and the kidneys stopped functioning. The doctors proposed that I be put on dialysis although there were no chances of my recovery. I could not take any food. Sleep eluded me being physically weak and mentally disturbed. Doctors gave up hopes. When I was in such a precarious condition, my daughter Sr Priscilla, BS taught me to pray to Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany Congregation. I requested her to give me the holy water placed on the mortal remains of the holy priest to drink. I continued to pray through his intercession with full faith and trust promising to visit his cottage and light the candles. After I prayed the rosary I felt peaceful and slept for sometime. When awakened from sleep I was able to take some food and I could feel the healing process taking place within me. Kidneys started functioning normally without dialysis. After spending 78 days in the hospital I was discharged. Being grateful to God for the miraculous cure through the intercession of Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas, I visited his cottage and lighted the candles. May God be praised!

Mrs Benedicta Braggs

Fajir, Majhi Katta, Mangalore. November, 2005

Child Saved from Death

My three months old nephew suffering from pneumonia was admitted at Calicut Medical College Hospital on 3 July 2008. The child was under observation in the pediatric ICU and oxygen was administered as his condition was deteriorating. The child was not baptized; therefore my wife gave him baptism on emergency basis and named him Raymond. We kept praying for the baby and requested prayers from Bethany Sisters at Chavayur. For about 2 months the child showed no improvement and we were losing hope. At this juncture Sr Lillis, the Provincial Superior offered special prayers before the Blessed Sacrament along with us. Later we continued to pray through the intercession of the Servant of God Msgr RFC Mascarenhas. At this point, we noticed miraculous changes in the baby. So his health improved and we got him discharged from the hospital within a week. The child is now named Raymond Joseph. We strongly believe that this great miracle is through the intercession of the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas. We thank the Lord for His mercy shown to us through the instrumentality of the Servant of God Raymond Mascarenhas. Mr Johny VC Psalms 33/6329 B, Golf Link Road Chavayur, Calicut -17 Kerala. November, 2008

Gift of a Child Nagaraj (2 years in 2006) son of Mrs Vanishree, the Inspectress of Schools of Kankanady Range was born through the intercession of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond Mascarenhas. Vanishree has become a great devotee of the Servant of God.

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