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Multiplatform Install (Unix, OS-X, Win) Installing from the dotCMS Community release is the easiest way to get

started w ith dotCMS. Simply download the latest distribution, and unzip in a location wit h enough free space. dotCMS Community Edition ships with support for the open so urce databases, PostgreSQL and MySQL. In the following document you will find th e steps needed to create a new CMS project based on the community dotCMS project . You will find a sequence of steps descriptions and example commands to execute in the server that you will use to create the project. All the example commands need to be adapted to the database and operating system that you are using. Installing Java Download and install Java JDK 1.5 or higher from Oracle's Java developer download site. Check to see if you are running Sun/Oracle Java. Insure that you are by typing java -version dotCMS Community Edition does not support other JVMs, such as IBM, GNU o r JRocket Java. Make sure that you have a JAVA_HOME environmental variable that points t o the root of the jdk install directory. IMPORTANT: the path to your JAVA_HOME sh ould not contain spaces. This means that on Win32 boxes your JAVA_HOME environme ntal variable uses 8.3 names and does not contain a space, i.e. JAVA_HOME=C:\Pro gra~1\Java\jre-1.5.1_02\ Download and install the dotcms download the latest dotcms zip file from the dotCMS website. unzip the dotCMS into its own folder. Again, the folder name and path to the folder must NOT contain spaces. (Yes, yes, we know we need a tarball...) unzip Creating the database dotCMS Community Edition supports the open source datab ases PostgreSQL and MySQL. Be sure to review database specific requirements documentation BEFORE se tting up your database. Create a new database called dotcms with UTF-8 encoding for the characte r set. Create a user that has access to the dotcms db and grant that user "crea te all" privileges for the dotcms db. DO NOT MANUALLY RUN .sql files. On initial start up, the dotCMS will to create the db schema and initial data it needs. If the tables and data are not t here, then something went wrong. Check your db connection properties to insure t he db server information. Drop the dotcms database, create a new one and try aga in. Edit database connection properties. These are in the file $DOTCMS_HOME/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml Uncomment the database you are using in the config. You will need to update the last part of the URL to your database name along with username:password. The following is an example of a postgresql config pointing to a database named dot cms. Make sure your db user have create privileges on the dotcms db <!-- POSTGRESQL --> <Resource name="jdbc/dotCMSPool" auth="Container" type=" javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgre sql://" username="postgres" password="xxxxx" maxActive="50" maxId le="10" maxWait="-1" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAband oned="true"/>

Set the server IP address/port. The dotCMS will automatically run on localhos t on port 80. If you need the dotCMS to run on a particular IP address, you can specify it in the ./tomcat/conf/server.xml file. You will need "root" or sudo ac cess to run dotCMS on port 80. Edit the ./tomcat/conf/server.xml file and search the connector and server tags and add the address property on both. E.G. <Server address="" port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0"> ... <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirect Port="443"/> ... If you are on a UNIX/Linux/OS-X box, change the /bin scripts permissions, d execution permission to *.sh in the bin dir. > cd $DOTCMS_HOME > chmod 755 ./bin/*.sh > chmod 755 ./tomcat/bin/*.sh bat Start the server using the supplied shell script: and check the log output. Try tail -n 1000 -f ./tomcat/logs/dotcms.log On windows we suggest that you download the excellent tool baretail.exe and use it to monitor the logs. When dotCMS initially starts up, it will automatically create all the database tables and import the site data found here: $DOTCMS_HOME/dotCMS/ Again, monitor the logs. If you see any errors in the logs, chances are some thing has gone wrong. Check your address, connection and db settings to make sur e everything is correct and try again. Once loaded, you can browse the starter site at http://localhost[:port] (or the ip address Catalina is running on) bin/ or bin/startup. ad

or view the admin console at http://localhost[:port]/admin You can login to the admin console with these credentials: user: password: admin Enjoy! Need help? Join the mailing list or the IRC channel for some friendly commun ity support. Need more help? Feel free to contact us for supported dotCMS products and se rvices.

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