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Newsletter Feb 2012_Layout 1 09/02/2012 11:20 Page 1

Citizenship students embracing sport with Citizenship teacher Ms. Vale (right)

Issue 18 February 2012

Latest News @

On your marks... get set... go!

tockport Academy have been recognised for their commitment to Olympic and Paralympic Values by being accepted into the Get Set network, writes Citizenship teacher Ms. Vale. Year 13 Citizenship students have undertaken a series of projects that feed into London 2012s values of active citizenship, with this work being formally recognised by the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG), who are to award the academy a plaque and certificate.

The academy will also receive tickets for the Games through the London 2012 Ticketshare initiative, which students will directly benefit from. Sebastian Coe, chairman of LOCOG, said: When London won the right to host the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, we made a clear promise to use the power of the 2012 Games to inspire young people. I am proud to welcome Stockport Academy in to the Get Set network for their exciting work

around the Olympic Values of friendship, excellence and respect and the Paralympic Values of inspiration, courage, determination and equality. The academy is planning a number of Games related activities over the coming year, including a crosscurricular project for KS3 and a whole school form time-led project as part of the International Schools Award.

Stockport Academy - a member of the Get Set network

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Eco Schools Award | Ypres Trip | Stockport County | Science Lectures and Jodrell Bank | APS Mentoring Projects | Newspaper Club | Attendance and Behaviour Update

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Principals Message
elcome to the diverse and exciting enrichment programme, as first academy we look to build on the current numbers that see newsletter of over half our students participating in at least 2012. one activity a week. Our target is 100%! The New Year is set to This term, our community will focus on the be an exciting one for all idea of hope. Working closely with the acadof us. As well as the Lon- emys chaplain Rev. Sue Mayo, staff started the don Olympics being just year by looking at how we can inspire students months away, 2012 is a to achieve their best and contribute to a society crucial year for the acad- that is inclusive, supportive and welcoming of all. emy on its journey to beThis theme will be intrinsic within all learning coming the outstanding institution that students, over the coming weeks, reflecting the academys parents, staff and the local community can be ethos and values and its commitment to becomproud of. ing a beacon of hope for students, staff and the Results for our November exams are looking local community. strong, with a number of students achieving top In early February, the academy will be gearing marks in English and Maths. This puts us in a up to deliver its first production in two years. We strong position for what we expect to be a year decided to stage Joseph and his Technicolor of high achievement for Stockport Academy. Dreamcoat and since returning from the ChristMeanwhile, our Sixth Form continues to go mas break the academy has been a hive of activfrom strength to strength, as the benefits of being ity, with staff and students engaged in stage a small and selective Sixth Form are starting to management, costumes and rehearsals. Tickets become general knowledge within the Stockport have been selling fast and we look forward to community. We were delighted with the high welcoming parents and families to another suclevel of interest from prospective students and cessful event at the academy. parents shown at the recent 14-19 information Finally, I am holding a series of drop-in sesevent at Stockport Town Hall - we look forward sions over the coming weeks for parents to come to welcoming students from around the borough in and speak to me over any issues relating to the into our intake for 2012. academy. Please take a look at the back page of The months of January and February are an im- the newsletter for more information. I also look portant time for prospective new Year 7 parents forward to welcoming you all on Friday 24th Febas they reflect on their secondary school choices ruary for our Progress Review Day. for their children. Early indications show a healthy growth in Year 7 numbers, as the acadI hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. emy raises its profile within the local community. We maintain an open door policy for all parents Kind regards wanting to understand what we have to offer please contact us if you want to drop in and see some of the fantastic work we are doing with our students. Ben Dunne With the recent launch of the Duke of EdinPrincipal burgh Award (DofE), we continue to widen our
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Academy celebrates Eco Schools award

The academys Eco Council

tockport Academy have been awarded the Eco Schools Bronze Award for its efforts into making the academy more environmentally aware. The award comes after the academys Eco Council successfully promoted Switch Off Fortnight, which involved Eco Council members asking staff to turn off equipment at the end of each academy day. The Eco Council have also helped conduct an environmental survey and supported the

velopment of an action plan that aims to make the academy more environmentally friendly in the long term. In addition, the Eco Council is working with Science staff on the construction of the academys own eco garden, with structural work set to begin shortly. Curriculum Area Leader for Science Ms. Crawshaw is delighted that the Eco Councils hard work is beginning to pay off. She said: The Eco Council

has had a tremendous impact on the academy, with its hard work and dedication being recognised through receiving the Bronze Eco Schools Award. As well as promoting environmental awareness, the ultimate aim of the Eco Council is to help the academy achieve Eco Schools flagship award, the Green Flag. This will be done through our work on the eco garden, as well as working on other initiatives such as our anti-litter campaign.

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Students gain insight of WWI on Ypres trip

Year 9 and 10 students in one of Ypres battlefields with Mr. Asher, Ms. Vevers and tour guide (centre)

The gravestone of a fallen soldier from one of Ypres war cemeteries

ear 9 and 10 students have visited the Belgian city of Ypres to gain an insight into the First World War. Students departed from Hull via ferry to the Belgian port of Zeebrugge - and battled strong winds in the process - before arriving at the Menin Gate Hotel in Ypres. Students, accompanied by Humanities staff Ms. Vevers, Ms. Jones and Mr. Asher, then visited Ypres war cemeteries and battlefields, including Essex Farm Trench and Yorkshire Trench. Students also paid their respects
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by laying a wreath during the last post ceremony at the Menin Gate. After visiting Ypres, students then crossed into France where they visited the famous Christmas markets of Lille. On the trip, Ms. Vevers said: The trip was a great success, with students able to visualise and further understand what soldiers went through during the First World War. The last post ceremony was particularly poignant and will live long in our memories for years to come.

At the end of the trip, some Year 9 students were asked for their highlights, with Megan Williams remembering the visit to Tynecot Cemetery because she realised how many soldiers lost their lives. Meanwhile, Zoe Beddard recounted her walk through the trenches and Calvyn Rogers remembered the gravestone of a 15-year old boy soldier.

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County and the academy a winning team!

Defender Joe Conner (left) and manager James Gannon (right) with two County supporting academy students

tockport County supporting students (and staff!) recently got a welcome surprise when County manager James Gannon and defender Joe Connor visited the academy. The visit was organised with help from parent governor Alan Livingstone, an avid County supporter for over forty years and member of the Your Town Your Team supporters group that has become heavily involved with the running of the club. The visit provided the ideal opportunity for County to foster links with the academy, with Mr.

Livingstone kindly sponsoring 100 free tickets for students to use for the home game against Kidderminster - a game that saw County secure a crucial 2-1 win. On the visit, PE teacher and new Director of Community Engagement Mr. Cross - who was on Countys books in the midnineties as a youth player - said: Seeing James and Joe visit the academy was terrific, especially when many of our students and staff can be seen at Edgeley Park and grounds across the country most weekends.

He added: Both the academy and County are especially keen on improving community cohesion and by joining together we feel we will be able to achieve this and have a positive impact on students, parents and the community as a whole. Meanwhile, the academys Year 7 boys football team were recently runners-up in the Greater Manchester 5-a-side football tournament at Walkden High School in Salford - a very well done to them!
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Ground control to academy students...

Stacey Habergham from Liverpool John Moores University giving her space-themed lecture to students

cademy students have been treated to a range of eye-opening scientific activities - with much more still to come. Before Christmas, academy students and those from schools around Stockport were invited to our first annual Christmas lectures, which take inspiration from those hosted by the Royal Society. Two university lecturers, Professor Colin Bielby from Manchester Metropolitan University and Stacey Habergham from Liverpool John Moores University, explored the themes of
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plants and space through two stimulating lectures, with more lectures planned before the Easter holiday. Meanwhile, the space theme continued for Year 10 students as they were treated to a visit to the famous Jodrell Bank Observatory. Students were given a onehour teaching session where they got to see the spectrum of light and experience the observatorys planetarium to learn about the formation of the universe. And the inspiration of Jodrell Bank is set to filter into the

academys very own stargazing event, taking place on Thursday 1st March. The academys STEM Club are currently building Kepler and Newtonian telescopes in order to gaze at the Sea of Tranquility and Jupiter, which is some 390 million miles away. The support for the event comes from Science Learning Centre North West, which provided funding for the telescopes and will lend three reflective telescopes of its own. The stargazing event, including an open air BBQ, will be free and open to all.

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APS making huge contribution thanks to mentoring projects Since 2011, APS Group have made a massive difference to the lives of academy students through their involvement in our mentoring projects. Literacy coordinator Ms. Akhtar and Gifted and Talented Coordinator Miss. Evans tell us more.

Some of the APS literacy mentors who have made a considerable difference to the lives of our students

Literacy Mentoring Ms. Akhtar e have been fortunate in that APS Group have been involved in a valuable literacy mentoring scheme at the academy. A group of their employees attend a weekly reading session to listen to some of our Year 7 and 8 students and help promote the value of reading by providing a supportive environment for less confident readers. Feedback from the students has been really positive and those chosen to take part tell us that they enjoy this session, especially as some do not choose to read for pleasure at home. It has helped create a buzzing culture of reading amongst stu-

dents and staff, boosting literacys profile within the academy in the process. Less-able students now recognise the importance of literacy, as well as the enjoyment that comes from reading. 10,000 Hours Project Miss. Evans ifted and Talented students at the academy have been involved in the '10,000 Hours' mentoring scheme with APS. Ten students have attended a conference at Salford City Academy, where they participated in a range of activities related to Malcolm Gladwell's '10,000 Hours' philosophy, which states that to be successful, 10,000

hours are needed in study, enrichment and work experience. During one interactive session, students worked with APS mentors to help 'map out' this philosophy on their own personal timelines, planning how they get the most out of study, enrichment and work experience opportunities in order to achieve their goals such as a university place or a successful career. Subsequent sessions will see students take part in practice university interviews, understanding what skills are required in education and society in order to succeed. In partnership with APS mentors, students are planning to develop their oracy skills further to help them on the path to future success.

Stockport Academy thanks APS Group for their support and sponsorship. We are constantly seeking new opportunities to engage with local businesses in order to develop proactive partnerships for the benefit of our community. To find out more, please email our Business Manager Angela Sorby at

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Enrichment News: Newspaper Club Takeover

Newspaper Club get the presses rolling

For this edition of the academy newsletter we have handed some control over to our Newspaper Club, which has been eager to show their writing skills and get their work in print.

The Newspaper Club editorial team with English teacher Ms. Sumner

Why students should choose enrichment

By Liam Cordon, Rowan McEillvrey and Caleb Scott Year 10s Enrichment offers the opportunity to take part in activities they enjoy and offers us the opportunity to try something new. Some enrichment clubs are to help students succeed in their academy years such as homework groups that help us catch
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up and give us any help that we might need. Ms. Gough, one of our French teachers, thought that enrichment was a very good idea, it gives students great opportunities to learn and have fun. To try and get more students to come to enrichment clubs, there is now a new rewards system called the Enrichment Card. If you get 20 enrichment teacher signatures you will have

the opportunity of going to Alton Towers at the end of this term: we cant wait! Also, there is Enrichment Man, the enrichment mascot, who tells us all about which enrichment activities are available and why we should choose an enrichment activity. His costume is funny but his message is clear: choose enrichment!

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Discover Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist

By Lucy Holland, Year 9 My favourite manga is Fullmetal Alchemist. It is about two boys, Edward Elric and his younger brother, Alphonse Elric, who are trying to restore their bodies after failed human transmutation. During the transmutation, Ed lost his leg and Al lost his body, but Ed brought him back to life in a suit of armour. However, Ed lost his arm in the process of bringing his brother back. The story tracks the brothers looking for a Philosopher Stone to help gain back what they have lost.

Fullmetal Alchemist is quite good to read; I think that it is interesting because it is very enjoyable and you get drawn into it very quickly. It is also easy to read because unlike a book which is read from left to right, the manga is from right to left. Unlike a traditional novel, it also has lots of pictures with dialogue, so I think that if you dont like reading you can still enjoy the story.

The Daring Robberies

My name is Alan Bradbury. I am a Year 8 student and I have always liked poetry because it helps you to express how you feel about things around you. Poetry also gives you a chance to explore new rhymes while writing a gripping tale. I would also like to write a story or two for your enjoyment. The gaff diamonds we hope were a bluff But by now we know it was all but rough In the London jewellers Gone stole 5million from those foolers Hope it doesn't happen in school to us Though we know its out of our hands All these mistakes, all these blunders We all hope it strikes the culprits with thunders We cant do anything, neither can anyone Just hope we get saved from this con I bet that money weighs a ton That all those robbers took having some fun From the trucks so run down and shuddery These are classic examples of Daring Robberies.

The Daring Robberies Among the bravest of them all Lies one who stands out oh, so tall But in this genre there isn't any we'll have to say give us just a penny Mona Lisa was one so popular So who would want to take it off ya? The train hi-jack was another con But have we forgiven the ones who put us through no fun? Is there any chances of redemption? For the culprits who put us under this ascension The answers to these questions Relies on you Oh, Mr Prime Minister what can you do?

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Sixth Form News

Academy Sixth Form turning its students into leaders

The Duke of Edinburgh Award - which the academy has rolled out to Sixth Form students - allows participants to take part in expeditions and demonstrate teamwork

he Academys Sixth Form is turning its students into future leaders with the launch of three prestigious programmes. Firstly, the academy has enrolled its first group of Sixth Form students onto the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme, with students working towards the bronze award. The DofE Award allows students to gain new experiences and be recognised for outstanding efforts in teamwork, commitment and leadership - all key skills universities and employers
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look for in applicants. DofE participants have to complete at least three months of volunteering, three months of skills training which can relate to personal interests and a twoday expedition. Meanwhile, BTEC Sport students are going to be trained by UEFA qualified coaches as part of a project with Stockport Council. Students will work with unemployed youngsters from around the Stockport borough and beyond by coaching football skills and the laws of the

game as part of the Junior Football Organisers Award. Finally, all Sixth Form students will soon take part in the Uexplore careers scheme. The scheme, which will be delivered during form time sessions, is designed to help students think about their career aspirations. From there, students will look at the pathway they need to take in order to achieve their dream career. As part of Uexplore, some Sixth Form students will visit the University of Bangor to get a taste of university life.

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Student News and Notices

Remember to SHINE
Attendance and Behaviour Update
Students have been asked why they feel attendance is important in order to progress and achieve. Here, Year 9s Emily Dick and Katie Higginson-Tranter explain what they think.
Attendance is important because by missing lessons you will have less of a chance of doing well in your GCSEs and other exams. You will also be more likely to be accepted into college or university with good attendance; it is better to get into the habit now. If you miss one day a week of

school in Year 7 you end up missing one full year out of five. Even if you are feeling unwell, you should make the effort to turn up to school and if you are really ill you will be sent home. By having good attendance you are setting a good example to others. Good attendance will also contribute to your Enrichment

Diary. The more you turn up to school, the more enrichment you can do to earn the points needed for Alton Towers. Attendance plays an essential part in your school life; it is important that you start the good habit now rather than later.

Intergen provide positive role models for students

ntergen have been providing older role models to take part in shared reading activities in the academys library. Intergen, a charity seeking to promote community cohesion between older and younger people and break down ageist stereotyping, has been working with the academy over recent months by

supporting students with reading, as well as with activities linked to particular books students have read. It is hoped Intergen will get involved with more activities inside the academy over the coming weeks and months.

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D i ar y d ate s a nd gro up e m ai l s
Spring Term 2012 Spring 2: Mon 20th Feb-Fri 30th Mar Easter Holiday: Mon 2nd-Fri 13th Apr Summer Term 2012 Summer 1: Mon 16th Apr-Fri 1st June Spring Bank Holiday: Mon 4th-Fri 8th June Summer 2: Mon 11th June-Thurs 19th July* * Lunchtime Close Inset Days Monday 16th April Progress Review Day Friday 24th February Parents Evenings Year 10: Thursday 23rd February Year 8: Wednesday 29th February Principals Drop-In Sessions Thursday 21st February, 4.30pm-6pm Tuesday 6th March, 4.30pm-6pm Tuesday 20th March, 4.30pm-6pm Forthcoming Events OIBC Science Symposium Friday 24th February - by invitation only Stargazing at the Academy Thursday 1st March, Time TBC

Group emails Group emails allow you to get in touch with staff quickly. Simply use the relevant email address and include the staff member you wish to contact in the message. You will get a response within 48 hours. Progress Leaders (change number for relevant year group e.g. Year8@ etc) For Sixth Form enquiries, please email

Group emails - Faculty Addresses (includes Geography, Health and Social Care, History, Law, Psychology, Sociology and Travel and Tourism) (includes Business Studies) (French and Spanish) (incl. BTEC Sport)

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Contact Us
Post: Stockport Academy, Heathbank Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport SK3 0UP Telephone: 0161 286 0330 email: Website:
Newsletter Editor: David Meller United Learning Trust 2012

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