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Contact Report 211, Monday, August 18, 1986 - Quetzal Plejaren & Earth Aid agencies : - B: which operate their craft here on Earth, are actually profit-gangster orga nizations because they only provide their so-called assistance for a fee, whereb y they put aside a large portion of the cash donations for their own ma chinations, such as for compensation, etc. - Q: Such aid agencies do exist with us, however, not in relation to our own pe ople but rather in the context of the assistance that we provide for other peopl es who belong to our federation, respectively who are cared for by our fed eration - because they still live in lower levels of development and are not yet in a p osition to bring themselves to a state of their own assistance. - B: Interesting, but this doesn t contradict your directives, which state that y ou may not interfere in the affairs of foreign worlds and peoples, who aren t yet developed far enough to be able to master spaceflight? - Q: Concerning the peoples, to whom we can provide assistance, on the one hand , it concerns those who are arranged into our federation for the purpose of prot ection - and on the other hand, the fact applies that they know very much about spacef light technology and, thus, also about the existence of other civilizations on o ther planets, and they also stand in connection with these - however, they are not yet in a position to manage their own affairs in such a way that they would not have to suffer any need. - B: But how do you handle the matters around these aid agencies? Are profits a lso made there, and are relief goods, etc. set aside as compensation for giving assistance, as this is the case with the earthly aid agencies? - By the way, I find this to be extremely infamous because I am of the view tha t assistance should never be handled in any way that involves repayment and prof it. - In my opinion, an aid agency should consist of people who should not provide assistance in order to be repaid but who should provide it voluntarily in their leisure time and, thus, without compensation. - Q: What exists on the Earth in the so-called aid agencies must honestly be de scribed as profiteering and as deceiving the donors of the relief goods - Because especially with respect to the monetary contributions, respectively t he cash donations a large percentage is set aside for the machinations and the c ompensations of those members of the organization, who do not provide their a ssistance voluntarily but only for a respectable compensation. - All such activity is absolutely unacceptable with us because all our helpers of all aid agencies, which operate both privately as well as for the whole popul ation, work free of charge and use their leisure time for this. - But on Earth, this is not the case because in truth, a large percentage of th e donations, especially the cash donations, is set aside as a machination and fo

r remuneration, which, in our view, represents an evil theft of the donated good s and against those in need of assistance - B: And when I think of the horrendous compensations of the bosses, etc. of t he aid agencies, it makes me sick because of such immense nastiness - Q: Assistance for fellow human beings, nature, t people are in need of assistance should never ; rather, any assistance must be voluntary and of how materialistic a person or an entire humanity and all its life forms not jus be a profit business of any kind a gratuitous nature, no matter is.

- But what is being done to the contrary by the earthly aid agencies is crimina l and deceitful. - B: To my knowledge, it is legally permitted that the so-called aid agencies, which are, in truth, actually profit organizations, may collect about 40 percent of the donations as machinations and as compensations. - Q: As explained, that corresponds to criminal and deceitful actions because r eal assistance, in any case, can always only be done gratuitously and through le isure employment. - It is different in the case when a nation or State, through a national decisi on, makes State goods available for providing assistance and is responsible for the machinations and compensations, etc. Pointless speakers or Extensive-talkers: - B: Yesterday, there was a man here, who talked constantly, whereby we hardly got a chance to speak. - He spoke very much, but in truth, he hardly stated anything. What do you thin k of such people, or what is your people s teaching in this connection? - Q: There are people, both women and men alike, who are unusually happy to hea r themselves speak, which is why they talk very long-windedly if they state anyt hing - They talk very much because on the one hand, they are unable to control thems elves, and on the other hand, because they appear to be greater than they really are. - Thus, they mistakenly believe that their long speeches would explain importan t things in detail; although, they are nothing more than empty burdens that get on the listeners nerves, as you tend to say. - Such people, whom we designate as pointless speakers, also believe themselves to be elevated people and consciously or unconsciously try to show off to other s, whereby they also consider themselves as very intelligent, but this, in reali ty, actually speaks contrary to the intelligence that they possess. - Pointless speakers or extensive-talkers, as we also call them, suffer from a peculiar inferiority syndrome, which they themselves do not recognize, and they try to make up for this, nevertheless, with their senseless, extensive talking, by what means they strain the nerves of their fellow human beings. - These issues were resolved and corrected with us very early on; consequently, they no longer appear

Intelligence of the female gender: B: throughout the time of my life, I ve made the determination again and again tha t, generally speaking, the intelligence of the female gender is dominant to the male. I would like to describe the female achievements of intelligence as nearly extraordinary, when I combine everything in terms of the overall intelligence o f Earth humanity, and particularly the male world. Of course, it should be noted that there are always great geniuses among men, while there is hardly any menti on of this on the female side; however, I think that this must not obscure the f act that the truly great intelligence actually lies with the female gender, but this is suppressed and disparaged by the male world because it estimates itself to be better, greater, and more intelligent than it is in truth. This led me to the thought that the actual and true mass of intelligence must actually lie with the female gender, from where it becomes transferred to the male gender, wherew ith I mean an inheritance, through which the intelligence of the mother becomes transferred to the child, so also to the male offspring. And since this has to b e, the reason for the oppression of the woman, perhaps, lies with the man, as it is customary here on our Earth, in that the man, in his arrogance, cannot accep t the fact that the female gender is now just once blessed with more intelligenc e. Perhaps it may be that through this, the male world has succumbed to a phobia and is just afraid of the fact that the female gender could take over the rule. But surely, there are still many other illogical reasons on the part of the mal e world for the oppression and unequal rights of women. Now, I don t want to say w ith all this that the male world only consists of zeros and rivets, but I would like to bring into play that it would be very appropriate if men would muster up more tolerance, respect, and equality toward women, so that women can also expa nd their entitled freedom and develop in their appropriate framework. In fact, a s I ve realized, it is such that the female gender in many aspects of life, humani ty, and peacefulness, etc. is remarkably more developed than the male gender; co nsequently, the women judge and approach many things more intelligently. Also, t heir logic seems to me to be more pronounced, as well as their sense of true fre edom, love, and harmony. However, it is just these things that evidently do not fit into the clutter of the lords of Creation, which is why they continually try to disregard, oppress, and exploit women. But unfortunately, still many women l end a hand in this, for which the reasons are often inexplicable, especially whe n these women are unworthy of being female or unworthy of life, such as with pro stitution or servitude to an evil man, etc. Unfortunately, there are also the em ancipated women and the women-women, respectively the mistress-women, who appear to be powerful and who set themselves above others and bring them under their r ule, as the man does this with the woman. Therefore, the fact still remains, how ever, that the intelligence of the woman, even of both kinds of sexes, has its b lack sheep, which are of a completely different type, since even women become ov erburdening, despotic, attacking, and illogical, etc., as this also happens with men. There are degeneracies everywhere, but these don t cancel out what I said wi th regard to the woman.Sometimes, I must confess that I am ashamed when I see ho w women let themselves be degraded or be humiliated by men, when I see how men t reat women like dirt - they beat, prostitute, exploit, and rob them of their per sonal opinion and freedom - and when I see how the female gender must suffer alm ost entirely under the rule of the male world, unable to have equal rights and o ften being treated like a rag that has all the filth of the world in itself. Female Gender in PLejaren Federation: - B: Semjase taught me that males & females are equal in Plejaren race. But wha t about with other peoples, I mean with other peoples of your federation, etc.? - Q: In our entire federation, there exist laws that prevent such, as it is co mmon on the Earth. - Nevertheless, there are foreign civilizations and peoples on foreign worlds,

who are not allied with us and who exhibit similar conditions of the mentioned f orm, as these are usual on Earth. 2] EC Contact Report 212, Thursday, November 6, 1986 - Quetzal Authenticity of the Biblical books : Gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles, Book of Job, New Testament, Old Testament, Gospel of Matthew, Torah - Q: I concerned myself in detail around the clarification of your question re garding the authenticity of the Biblical books. - In this regard, I also asked our historians and worked through all the histo rical records that were placed at my disposal. - It became entirely perceptible that all the Biblical books were not written i n a single case by those persons to whom they are ascribed. - So it is also incorrect that the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles come from Luke, and furthermore, the book of Job was not written by this man him self. - Both books of the Bible are based on what was written down at a later time, a s well as various books of the New Testament - Moreover, the letters that are listed in the New Testament also weren t written by those to whom they are assigned. - In truth, these were illiterates, who let their scribes write the letters, to whom they had to pay remunerations. - Thus, one who was dictating a letter also couldn t control what the scribe wrot e down, whereby it escaped the one dictating that very many things were falsifie d. - This also applies to the fantastic stories that surround Paul, who, in his co nsciousness confusion, saw himself as a martyr and, thus, also lived and worked accordingly, and following this, he then ultimately died by assassins, as this a lso happened with Moses, who made many enemies within his own ranks, who then ro bbed him of his life. - B: So it actually isn t like what I said on June 11th, when I thought that Luke was the writer of the Gospel of Luke and of the Acts of the Apostles. - Yes, Sfath already said that Luke could neither write nor read, as this shoul d have also been true of the others who are praised as Bible and New Testament w riters - Q: Gospel of Matthew -> Matthew was just as ignorant of reading and writing as all the others, to whom the Gospels and the books of the Bible are attributed . - The Gospel of Matthew was dictated by Matthew to a scribe named Joshua, who i nterpreted the whole thing in his free discretion and wrote it down and, consequ ently, also falsified it. - B: Does one know the reason, then, why all the books and letters are, neverth eless, attributed to the disciples and evangelists and prophets?

- Q: It should be noted that out of Jmmanuel s disciples, only Judas Ischarioth was actually acquainted with reading and writing, for he was which no one knew a nd, therefore, which also wasn t handed down a scribe, who left his profession, ho wever, and became a follower of Jmmanuel. - As a result of many years of investigations, which were also carried out by o ur scientists and historians through time travels, it is to be explained that al ready during the outset of the origin of Christianity, the disciples and evangel ists were anxious to give the impression that they were experts of reading and w riting and, thus, more highly educated than the common people. - This was because the simple persons among the people were of the erroneous vi ew that those who were more highly educated than others would just know and unde rstand more and, consequently, would also be enabled and authorized to teach the more unknowing and uneducated people. - An erroneous evil that has survived on the Earth to the current day among all nations of the Earth, which is also why the people of today's time are still of this misconception. - Through this like at that time the people are title-believing and office-beli eving, and they let themselves be suppressed, exploited, or just held down by th ose who have a rank and a reputation and who occupy an office. - So even today, it is in such a way as in the time of Jmmanuel and of the old prophets. - And precisely of these, it remains to be said that not one of them has writte n down his offered teachings or his history. - . Indeed, this was done by others, even the scribes, who were instructed to d o so. - The first Torah originated from this, but it was later destroyed up to the l ast letter by a major fire, and consequently, there were no more written records , and everything was just handed down by word of mouth over generations. - Needless to say, the consequence of this was that enormously many falsificati ons arose, until one day, twelve self-proclaimed prophets, out of their own grac e, gathered a large number of scribes around themselves and went out with these into an outlying area - where they lived for 40 days in austere form and, during this time, wrote dow n 240 books, from which then, over time, the new Torah emerged, from which then also the Bible of Christianity emerged, to which the New Testament was then simp ly added. B: But in addition, it must be said, so that no misunderstandings arise, that on the one hand, every one of the so-called prophets told his scribe those things and stories in the way he had received them from the various sources. Also, it m ust be made clear that the so-called books cannot be compared to today's books, which often contain several hundred pages. Most of the books of the self-proclai med prophets, their writing experts, and, thus, their scribes, only contained a few pages apart from the books of Moses and some others. But of these books, the majority vanished again; consequently, today, to my knowledge, only 33 of these are available in the Bible. As I have learned: In the Old Testament Scriptures, one will first notice: Moses, Joshua and Judges, Ruth and two of Samuel, two of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, with Ester these as history books. Then, as poetic books, there are: Job, Psalms, then the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song o

f Solomon. These are followed by the prophetic books: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, then Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, followed by Nahum, Habak kuk, Zephaniah, along with Haggai, Zechariah and finally Malachi. So I still know the books of the New Testament. These go in such a way, so the h istory books: In the New, there stands Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, together wi th the Acts of the Apostles. The letters are listed as follows: Then the Romans, two Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, both Thes salonians, Timothy and Titus, Philemon, two of Peter, three of John, Hebrews, Ja mes, and the letter of Jude. Then comes the prophetic book: finally, Revelation closes the whole Bible. Person, use what you read to the blessing, not to the cu rse. Q: And you can still enumerate all this from your memory? B: What s learned is learned. But slowly, my memory becomes overstocked with debri s. But for the time being, it still works. Terrible Events of the Future: - WTC attacks, Palestinian SUicide BOmbers - Saddam Hussein, BUsh's, Sharon, Osama Bin Laden COntact Notes: B: You asked me not to share any information about this. Now, I can reassure you , because for now, I will certainly not do that, at least not publicly. Internal ly, I may certainly say something, right? Q: Among those whom you can trust, yes. But outwardly, you must, at least, still wait. Climate Change on Mars: - B: Ptaah told me on the great journey that there are also ongoing climate chan ges on Mars. That s how I remember it, anyhow. Is that actually right? - Q: Yes, that is correct. - On Mars, there are ongoing climate changes and, therefore, also planetary cli matic variations, through which, for example, snow falls; although, this phenome non has a different nature than the one on Earth because it consists partly o f CO2 Global warming: - B: Is this actually to be solely attributed to the environmental degradation, etc. of the person? - Q: Global warming is not just an effect of the environmental and atmospheric pollution caused by the Earth people. - The greenhouse effect, in the rotating form of pollution, is also to be attri buted to special events and processes that occur on the Sun and whose effects al so become noticeable on the Earth. - Through this, not only are the atmospheric layers of the Earth warmed up but also the atmospheres of all other planets in the SOL system.

- Moreover, the Earth, in its interior, generates great heat radiations, which penetrate to the outside and help with the greenhouse effect. Earth's Core: - Q: The Earth s core, thus the center of the Earth, is not simply a solid mass, as is erroneously supposed by the earthly scientists; rather,it is a core that i s similar to what the Sun is in its entirety. - B: So it s a bubbling, nuclear furnace. - Q: That is a good comparison. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn: - B: It is said over and over again that not all of the paintings attributed t o him come from him. Do you know anything about this, since you still concern yo urself with the earthly art of painting? - Q: Around Rembrandt, whose real name was Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, differe nt stories grew, even during his own lifetime. - He was born in Lieden on 7/15/1606, and he died in Amsterdam on 10/4/1669. - Already at the youthful age of 15, he took painting lessons with the well-kno wn history painter at the time, Jacob van Swanenburg, after which he gained furt her inspiration from various other painters and, from this, developed his own pa inting direction and created various works in his typical fashion. - In 1634, he married Saskia van Uylenburgh, who already died, however, in 164 2. - She was a woman who was extremely talented in the art of painting, but she di d not appear publicly with her ability but only exercised it in secret, together with her husband, whose style fascinated her and whose style she received. - In this form, she created quite a number of very good works, which were indi stinguishable from those of her husband and which also won t be distinguished for all times. - She also made etchings in this manner, for which Rembrandt gave his name, as well as for the paintings made by his wife. - So for example, the alleged self-portrait of Rembrandt, the related etching o f 1639, was not sketched by himself, as also several others weren t, but by his wi fe, Saskia, who mastered his style perfectly. - Also, concerning the double portrait with Saskia, only half of this comes fro m his art, for only the portrait of his wife traces back to his hand, while his portrait beside her is the work of his wife. - In addition, there are various works that are imitations of Rembrandt s style on the part of several of his students - Several have been recognized in modern times as such style-imitations of exp ertise, but some of the surviving imitations are so perfect that they cannot be recognized as such. - This especially applies to those works that trace back to Rembrandt s wife beca

use she mastered his style and technique perfectly. - As an example, it is to be said that out of all existing Rembrandt etchings, only 178 of these trace back to his own art, while a further 111 must be attribu ted to his wife. - All the rest trace back to imitations of students and counterfeiters. - Concerning the alleged Rembrandt drawings, the number is still much higher. - Also, the most diverse painted works, so the paintings that are attributed to Rembrandt, do not truly trace back to him but, instead, to his wife, Saskia, wh o lived in deep humility in relation to her great skill and left all the fame to her husband. - Also, there are several imitations of his students, as well as obvious forger ies, but these are known as such. Engraved stones of Ica: - B: which should have been excavated since the early sixties, namely in the dese rt of Ocucaje in Peru, or in the vicinity of the provincial capital, Ica - The figures engraved into the stones, so it is claimed, are supposed to have originated at least 100 million years ago, produced by people of a civilization of a very high level. - Thus, the engravings show, for example, technological devices that, nowadays, find their use in optics and in surgery, etc. - Even transplants are illustrated by the engravings, but also extinct prehisto ric animals of various kinds. - There are even engravings to be found on the stones that show people or huma n-like creatures on flying dinosaurs, etc. - These matters became known at the beginning of the 70's. - The stones were kept in Lima in the Centro Aeronautico, but basically, more th an 10,000 strange exhibits like this should be in the so-called stone library of a certain Dr. Javier Cabrera in Ica. - Do you know what's going on with these engraved stones? - Q: The engraved stones are forgeries that trace back to a man named Basilio Ochuas, who engraved forms that he took from newspapers, magazines, and professi onal journals into the ancient stones. - Ochuas was a grave robber who earned his living thereby, namely by desecratin g old graves and stealing the grave-goods, which he sold to tourists and collect ors. - Then, over time, also several family members helped the forger to engrave th e stones, on the basis of the drawings that Basilio Ochuas had made from the new spapers and journals. Future events: - Q: according to our conditions, we shouldn t talk about future things.

- Nevertheless, until now, we have done this over and over again. - B: I think that it wasn t forbidden but only recommended, right? Then we can st ill discuss certain aspects of the future. - Q: correct, for a silence over such things was actually just a recommendation for the event that you could publicly talk about it in advance. - But on the other hand, one also spoke of the fact that predicting for the Eart h person bears no fruit because, despite the warnings of the evil events of the future, he continues in his old style. Yasser Arafat: - B: as you know, in the sixties, I got to know Yasser Arafat, whose temporary epithet was Abu Ammar. - Concerning him, Semjase once told me that he would become a great political t alking point and play an important role as a president-front man of the PLO, whe n everything starts to escalate between the Israelis and the Palestinians. - What do you know about this? Have you made any predictions relating to this, and if so, may one get to know what was revealed? - Q: Yasser Arafat has always made a secret of his real full name, which is why there are at least three different versions of a relevant form. - First, there is the name Yasser Mohammed Arafat, then the name Rahman Abdel-R aouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, and then the name Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat. - On the one hand, he maintained that he had been born on the 27th of August, 1928 in Jerusalem, but on the other hand, he claims to have seen the light of wo rld in Cairo. - His political career is remarkable. - As a true engineer, he became the founder and leader of the guerrilla organiz ation al-Fatah in 1958. - A few years after your acquaintance with him, he became chairman of the PLO C entral Committee in 1969. - In the coming time, he will take on secret negotiations with representatives of Israel, through which he will then make it that the Palestinians receive a li mited autonomy in Jericho and in the Gaza Strip, which might happen in September of 1993. - Through his efforts, he will also receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, afte r which he will then be elected as president of the autonomous territories of Pa lestine in 1996. - In this office, it will be very difficult for him because he will have to dea l with the opposition of radical Palestinian and Arab forces, especially with th e Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Organization. - However, he won t actually be the right man for the office of Palestinian Presi dent because out of fear of the radical Palestinian and Arab forces, he will be driven to spread their terrorism by suicide bombers in Israel and to spread more and more death and terror.

- This will get out of control to a great extent because Yasser Arafat and his security forces will stand by idly or only very laxly do something about the fac t that Israel will take the toughest measures and destroy many facilities of the Palestinians with rockets and bombs, as well as with tanks, whereby also many h uman lives will be demanded, both guilty and innocent alike. Prophesied war between Palestine and Israel : - B: Then, in the end, Arafat won t be able to prevail, whereby then, perhaps, th e prophesied war in Palestine and Israel will arise, with which the people shoul d wade ankle-deep in human blood. - Q: it will also just depend on the common sense of the nations and world lea ders to prevent the insanity of the war. - But if nothing is done and if nothing is set against the Israelis and against the Palestinian extremist-radical forces and Arab fanatics and against their mu rderous, degenerate, and hate-filled craft, then the danger of the fulfillment o f the prophecies will be very great. ISRAEL & PALESTINE: - As touching the Americans, Israel will strike them without mercy, but also th e Palestinian terrorists will likewise do this. - In contrast to the Palestinians, the Israelis will be able to count on the ai d of America and of many misled people of many countries, while the Palestinians will only have a few Arabic States behind themselves. - But on the whole, it must be said that the one like the other is addicted to false actions and to murderous, inhuman, inhumane, life-criminal, and human-crim inal actions and deeds, as this will be the case with the autocratic Americans w ho, more and more, want to take on the role of a powerful, merciless, and irresp onsible world police force and, at the same time, tread on the dignity of human beings in the manner described, like with a large foot, according to the princip le if you don t want to be my slave, then I ll beat your brains out, like you always s ay. Lack of Reason & logic in Earthly persons : - Unfortunately, the Earth people don't let themselves be taught by reason and logic. Reason and logic make no difference to them, as also real love and brothe rly love, as responsibility, peace, freedom, harmony, and balance. Even in famil ies, all these high values are disowned, and everything that should be treated w ith dignity and respect is despised and abused. Parents beat their children, as also husbands beat up their wives or wives maltreat their husbands. And just as this happens in many families or in other human communities, it also occurs in t he work places, where hatred, envy, and harassment often cause the greatest mise ry. This likewise applies to economic life and, of course, to politics, as well as to religious centers, like in monasteries and sects, where the monks or belie vers conduct themselves hypocritically among one another, with the superiors con stantly trying to gain advantages for themselves and presuming themselves as bet ter than their fellow men, fellow believers, and fellow monks, etc. And if one o bserves Israel and Palestine as well as America and Arabia in particular, it is alarming to note that the extremists, fanatics, radicals, fundamentalists, and d egenerated nationalists of these countries are crazy, insane, unscrupulous, and poor-in-consciousness creatures, to whom a human life isn t even worth the speck o f a fly. I became acquainted with many of these unscrupulous madmen when I joine d a large group as a freedom fighter, in order to search for a killer who had br utally murdered my fianc and deliver him to justice.

Billy's Life, Mystery & Health : - Q: I am sorry for the many events and pains that you had to let yourself go t hrough. - But you have led a remarkably adventurous life, so it was inevitable that suc h incidents happened on your way. - You have grown from this, however, and thereby acquired the capacity to purs ue a goal once set by you for so long until you reached it. - You ve acquired such perseverance and steadfastness, through which you alone c an fulfill your mission. - This, entirely apart from your knowledge in reference to the teaching of the spirit. - I can say this now because through my own investigations, I encountered extr emely interesting things that concern you and all your previous personalities in past lives, namely back to Henoch s time. - But don t worry that I speak of this because I know that for the time being, ev erything must remain a mystery, at least to your group members and the public. - Ptaah will be the first one who will talk openly about this, when he personal ly comes in contact with you again in a public manner. - But from now on, you no longer need to appear so ignorant towards me, as you ve always done this until now, because I now know very well that, at least in term s of the teaching of the spirit and all related matters, you are more knowledgea ble than me and even Ptaah and our spirit leaders, whom you will approach in lat er years when your health has improved again, in order for them to receive speci fic instructions from you. - B: Aha, there, you also gave a prediction. So according to your words, I will come out of my poor health situation and will then be able to work properly aga in. - Q: That is only partly true, for your health will probably make very encourag ing progress, but you will no longer be able to live without a greater amount of medication, which you must take twice a day. - Also, your health will no longer be the same as before, for certain consequen ces will remain that cannot be corrected any more. - You also won t be able to perform any hard manual labor, which is why you will have to limit yourself in writing, office and administrative work, and in teachi ng. - Also, with regard to engines, no opportunity of working in a manual way is gi ven to you any more, not just for now but also for all future time of your prese nt life. - But this also has something good in itself because now, you can finally just devote yourself to your real mission, and you can do all those written works tha t are related to your task. - B: I don t like it that I can no longer chop, dig, pave, plant, plow, harrow, drive tractor and so on, but on the other hand, it is also good that I can final

ly devote myself to all those written and oral works, etc. that had to be neglec ted by me until now, due to all the construction work at the center. 3] EC

Contact Report 213, Tuesday, December 2nd, 1986 - Quetzal Tomb Cave of Jmmanuel : - B: You have already endeavored for quite some time around the interests of Jm manuel and also clarified the things around his tomb site. So you know, just lik e I do, where his tomb site is - Recently, archaeologists and others step into appearance, claiming that they, with great probability, have found the tomb. Does that correspond to the facts? - Q: The fact that the tomb, respectively the tomb cave, is sought for correspo nds to the truth, but the correct site wasn t found because some time ago,I had de stroyed this by order of the High Council, and to be sure, completely, by what m eans also the hillside collapsed and buried everything. - The reason for this was so that no new Christian cult site could arise from t his. - This would be the case and would have happened with certainty, if the tomb c ave had been found. - A new malicious cult would have arisen from this, which would have taken on e ven worse proportions than what is the case today with the alleged birth place o f Jmmanuel in Bethlehem. - As you know, the site wasn t even where today s Christian cults are held, regardi ng the alleged birthplace, etc. - However, this doesn t bother the cult superiors, so they won t accept this truth and also won t disclose it. - But so, it will be that the tomb cave of Jmmanuel will continue to be sought for, and already, a place has been localized, which should serve as Jmmanuel s tom b site, but inexcusable mistakes and unreal wishful thinking play a very importa nt role in this. - But through this, the researchers and would-be researchers make sense of unre alistic facts, which are devoid of any truth, because for quite some time, nothi ng more is noticeable or traceable on the slope s terrain, where the burial place caved in as a result of the destruction of the tomb and the slope s collapse. - Nevertheless, false and misleading research will continue to operate, namely into the third millennium, where for a longer time, it will be erroneously maint ained that the tomb site of Jmmanuel was actually found.

Michael Hesemann : - And just concerning this tomb cave, in which you found the scrolls of Judas I scharioth, a few more things will happen in the coming time around the middle or the end of the last decade of this century which will confirm my words.

- You will become acquainted with a very interesting and enthusiastic young man , who will strive for these things when you inform him about the tomb site and a bout the destruction of the same.Currently, he is still in his younger years, bu t in the course of time, he will become a very well-known man with respect to ex traterrestrial missiles and all things associated therewith. - Also, he will take up your and our contact history and will represent this wo rldwide. - Yet this will only happen with difficulty and on difficult detours, which wil l be due to your wife, who has already worked for some time in secret as well as in open form against you and your mission and who regularly carries out traitor ous things that cause you and the group members harm and strife. - However, he will be the man who will also perform investigations in Jerusalem in connection with the Talmud Jmmanuel and Isa Rashid and who will also find ou t that Jmmanuel s tomb site and the aforementioned hillside are actually destroyed .He will then also record this fact photographically. - He lives in Germany and is named Michael Hesemann. Jmmanuel s Family: - B: when I was allowed to travel with Asket back into Jmmanuel s time and also a ctually meet him whereby I could speak with him using the language converter the re, he told me his life story, which was very different from what is maintained in the New Testament. - With certainty, it arose from his explanations that he was in no way religiou s and, therefore, was no religious faith-bringer or religious revolutionary. - Actually, he was a revolutionary, he said so himself, but not in the sense of a religious form but rather in relation to the true teaching of the spirit, as this is also clear from the Talmud Jmmanuel. - He said that he was very unpopular with the superiors, the rulers as well as the scribes, etc., and that his life was endangered as a result of his revolutio nary teaching, for he enlightened the people and advocated for their freedom in every respect. - He did this in such a way he had to fulfill here since different reincarnations of s was also the desire of his ld-traditional and falsified because on the one hand, this was his mission that ages ago, across different personalities and across his spirit form, and on the other hand, because thi parents, Mary and Joseph, who did not hold to the o teachings.

- And as I could learn from Jmmanuel, when I asked him about it, the story of t he carpenter s son is not correct, for his foster father, Joseph, had not been a sim ple carpenter but rather the owner of a small carpentry, with various workers wh o fulfilled his orders for him. - Joseph had already learned the craft as a carpenter from the ground up with h is father, who had already originally placed a ship-carpentry on the legs. - Thus, Joseph and Mary, as well as Jmmanuel and his brothers and sisters, hadn t been simple folk from the common people, but according to Jmmanuel, they would have enjoyed a degree of prosperity, which also allowed it that father Joseph an d mother Mary, as well as all children, could learn to read and write. - Thus, Joseph was an independent craftsman with his own business, so to speak,

and just as independent were also Jmmanuel s brothers, who pursued their own craf ts. - And as Jmmanuel said, he, too, was very independent and pert of reading and writing, and earned his living through spiritual teaching, for which he received donations, which himself, however; rather, he let these be administered by Jewish people bore no Guilt: You(Q) should also know that it was in no way the Jewish people who bore the gui lt for the fact that Jmmanuel was sentenced to death by the cross. In fact, it w as such that the Roman garrison ruled in Jerusalem at that time, and its laws po ssessed validity. Only the Jewish scribes and the Jewish leaders were actually g uilty of the fact that Jmmanuel was sentenced to death; although, a huge misunde rstanding also contributed to this, when Jmmanuel was asked the question as to w hether the accusation was correct. When he said, you said it, he didn t mean that th e alleged accusation was true, but the meaning of his words was that he meant th at the questioner said it. And it was precisely this misunderstanding that was t he deciding factor for the guilty sentencing. The scribes and the rulers, howeve r, who fought vehemently against Jmmanuel s teaching, were true Jews, and they wer e the actual ones who strove to eliminate Jmmanuel, and to be sure, finally and for all time, through an execution. At the same time, the Jewish people themselv es had nothing to say here because they were forbidden to interfere in any impon derable court matters, etc. Nevertheless, as spectators, the people, as a rule, were allowed to do so, but as I said, they wouldn t have had any authority for a v erdict. But as always, it was also the case with those who were authorized that under them, there was a certain percentage of the mob that was strongly greased with pieces of silver from the Jewish scribes and elders, as well as from the sy nagogue big shots, etc., in order to cry out for the death penalty when those wh o were responsible for sentencing and, thus, not the Jewish people were asked fo r the verdict. Thus, it was the paid-up and fired-up mob that cried out for cruc ifixion; therefore, the Jewish people bore absolutely no guilt for this. In fact , it was also the case that the actual process was carried out by the Jewish eld ers, priests, scribes, and other public officials, with the chief priests posses sing great power. They were, indeed, the main ones who wanted to dissuade Jmmanu el from his mission efforts, and as I said, by all of their available means. But all of these who were responsible cannot be regarded as Jewish people, who, in many respects, were actually and truly more on Jmmanuel s side than on the side of the chief priests, elders, scribes, and other public officials, for under these , very many of the Jews suffered. But the fact that the blame for Jmmanuel s cruci fixion is placed upon them is based on deliberately false political, theological and, thus, religious accusations, which should serve the purpose, and which had the intention, of denigrating the Jews and lifting up Christianity high into th e sky. And precisely from this arose the hatred of the Jews, to which millions o f Jews and Jewish friends fell victim in the Second World War, through the inhum ane and degrading madness of the Final Solution. What is still to be said concer ning the trial before Pilate probably needs no great explanation, for the whole thing was just a formality, in order to satisfy the Roman right and law. But wha t is to be said in relation to the first trial by the Jewish officials who partl y consisted of chief priests, scribes, and elders, who influenced the rest it wa s, indeed, the case that it was an effective process, even though this has long been challenged by various sides. Sfath taught me all this. Jmmanuel s in India: - B: Now, in this whole connection, only Jmmanuel s journey to Kashmir in India i s missing and his work there, as well as his death at the age of about 115 years and his burial. autonomous, was an ex the spreading of the he did not administer one of his disciples.

- It is repeatedly asserted that this does not correspond to the truth and that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the founder of the Islamic sect Ahmadiyya, had told fibs with the story that he had discovered Jmmanuel s grave in Srinagar, India - As Sfath already explained to me, this corresponds, at least, to a form of r eality because the founder of the sect wasn t actually the discoverer of the tomb; rather, a man named Kanishka Rashtrakuta found the tomb in the year A.D. 746 - All this is vehemently denied, however, by all sorts of scientists and wouldbe scientists, as well as by would-be know-it-alls. - Q; That will also continue to remain so, for know-it-alls and wrong scientist s, etc. never die out. - . Nevertheless, what Sfath explained to you undoubtedly corresponds to the tr uth because we ve clarified these issues very precisely, and thus, there is no dou bt that Jmmanuel had worked in India, was also married there, and fathered sever al children, of which a son went to Jerusalem during his older years and hid Jud as Ischarioth s scrolls in Jmmanuel s tomb, where you then found them in 1964, when Isa Rashid led you there. Acknowledging Reincarnation: - B: the creative spirit form of the person is wrongly designated as the soul, but at the same time, the value of the psyche embodies this according to today s b etter understanding and sense. - Now, the spirit form respectively what the person designates as the soul, whi ch is capable of wandering according to Christian and other religious faiths, ev en the so-called soul-wandering is denied - especially by medical science and by many other would-be knowledge directions , as well as its ability to be reincarnated. - How long will it be until the incorrigible ones acknowledge the fact, as it i s even set forth by the spiritual teaching, that the spirit form actually exists and is arranged into reincarnations? - Q: With great certainty, the twentieth century will bring no scientific insig ht relating to this. - However, it will look different after the turn of the millennium, as a look i nto the future of a related form has proven. Disappearance of Glenn Miller : - B: One asked about Glenn Miller. He was a jazz musician who disappeared one d ay during the war, without a trace, and was declared as missing. - Can you give any information about this? Because to this day, it is still pu zzling as to where this Glenn Miller disappeared. - Q: About that, I can explain a few things to you, as it concerns a man who w as a musician and, thus, one who falls into our art records - Glenn Miller was inadvertently killed by his own people, that is, by allied f orces, on his way from England to France. - He was on his way to Paris to attend a Christmas celebration.

- He flew his aircraft very low over the English Channel, as American Lancaster aircraft dropped their surplus bombs into the English Channel, without the crew s noticing that beneath them, a smaller aircraft crossed their flight path. - This aircraft, in which Glenn Miller sat, was hit by the dropped bombs, upon which it exploded, was torn into the smallest pieces, and then plunged into the sea. - The small pieces of debris were scattered hundreds of meters, while Glenn Mil ler was completely torn apart into the smallest particles. - This is the real truth, which has no relation at all to the false story that Glenn Miller, for indefinable reasons, died in the arms of a prostitute in Pari s. - Unfortunately, this misrepresentation had also been circulating in our archiv es, which also could have resulted in misunderstandings, to which even our peopl e could be forfeited, if they would only examine a few facts and not the whole c omplex. Mistakes: - B: It s nice that mistakes can even occur with you in such matters, which might be enough to prove that even you are not omniscient or omnipotent. Thus, I am g lad to hear your confession. - Q: We stand by our mistakes - B: A strong feature of yours. - Unfortunately, with the Earth people, that isn t exactly a strength, for they d on t like to admit mistakes; rather, they presume themselves as flawless and as be tter than everyone else, to whom they point out any mistakes Billy's NOvels : - Q: I received copies of your five novels from Ptaah, which I could not refrai n from reading and I find them very good. - And because I know very many things from your life, I have naturally also est ablished that you worked various experiences and events out of your life into th e novels, whereby you have certainly undertaken alterations and stylizations sta ndard to novels. - Q: Somehow I find it good that you have partly written out these events, also when you had to partly alter them into a novel. - B: Thereby it helped me very much to process everything if it's not also the case that I could forget it, as I could not forget many other things, situations , occurrences and events. - But when my memories mount, I can simply not master the ache. - So you are certainly correct when you say that mourning and pain are always s till present, yet they are even no longer in the manner as at the time of the ev ents, as I fell into the deepest abyss. - And I know that this ache will still accompany me my entire life.

BIlly & his 3 female companions: - Q: I've known for a long time, as I just said to you, that you have led a ve ry adventurous and often dangerous life. - Also, in the course of your younger years, you were bound three times with fe male companions in an open and unofficial matrimonial form ... ah, am I permitte d to even speak of this? - B: There's nothing to be said against it, my friend, also when old memories t hereby break through, as has already happened through your words and releases ac hing in me. - Yet that is normal, and therefore nothing stands in opposition if you want to speak about it. - I have overcome the sorrow and the sadness, therefore only an ache still surf aces when the memories come. - Q: I didn't know these events(loss of 3 female companions) exactly. - It unleashes sorrow in me, to see you like this as you have explained everyth ing to me. - You always still feel sadness and pain, even if you say that you have overcom e everything. Samira: - The first time it happened in Algeria, as I sealed an open union with Samira, an Arab girl, and hauled through the desert with her, away from her family, in order to return to Europe. - It then happened that in a small oasis Samira was bitten by a poisonous snake and died from it a short time later. - In the small nameless oasis there was neither a doctor nor any people, only t hree palm trees and some scrub as well as a moist area in the sand that I grubbe d out, thereafter some water collected in the trough. - Alone with Samira's corpse, I heaved out a pit with my dagger, in which I int erred my wife. - I spent some time yet mourning in that place, thereafter to press on further and return to Europe, where I was not, however, held long, (so) consequently I made my way again on unknown ways in the Middle and Near East, therefore to Arab ia and later to India. Nadja: - A year and a half after Samira's death and entombment I got to know Nadja in southern India, an Indian girl who belonged to the Hindu religion, which was in stark contrast to Samira's religion of Islam. - Making a long excursion with Nadja in a mountainous jungle, we became a coupl e and united.

- After some days we rested by a river where I built a little hut in which we t hen lived. re nd he Then it happened - the time of the monsoon just came -, that somewhere a seve storm raged, whereby in the shortest time the river swelled and raged loose a indeed just as I climbed high into a tree on a hill to acquaint myself with t nearer and further environs.

- At the same time Nadja found herself in the hut and preparing a meal as I saw out from the tree how the foaming flood of the river raged about with monstrous gurgling and roaring.- Being openly attentive thereon, I saw how Nadja stepped in front of the hut a nd let out shrill scream. - That was the last that I saw and heard of her because two or three seconds la ter the raging water shot away over the little hill where the hut and Nadja stoo d to tear them along with, and let them disappear into, the flood ... Angela: - Q: Angela, lost her life through murder in a small oasis in the Iraq desert, as you have described it in one of your novels. BIlly's poems on female companions: - 'Palms - Grave - Samira' -> Tuesday, May 5th, 1964, Al Basra/lrak - 'For Nadja, who I loved' -> Saturday, May 9th, 1964, Mir Javeh/lran Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: - B: The matter is of general interest because it has often been asked of me wh ether I knew anything regarding the sect guru Shree Rajneesh, also known as Bhag wan, who is actually called God - on my part, I have christened him h which I mean group sex. Bigwahn. He functions with his horde sex, wit

Bhagwan actually comes from the old Indian word Bhagavan, which simply means God o the Almighty, and this Bhagwan/ Bigwahn is actually called Sri Bhagavan, but to my kn wledge, he bears the name Chandra Mohan Rajneesh - Unofficially, his sex-sect, which it is in truth, calls itself the Neo-Sannya s movement. In 1981, Bigwahn established himself, along with his sect followers, i n Oregon, USA, where he founded the city Rajneeshpuram, where he was banished and expelled again last year - however, and since then, he has been searching for a new hideout in different countries. - This, after his sect movement broke apart, when his long-standing confidante and mistress, Ma Anand Sheela, whose other name is Sheela Silverman, left Raijne eshpuram and America with a few followers in 1985, so more than a year ago, - but after this, she was already extradited to the USA this year and was char ged with an offense. The question now: what does this sex-sect wether[1] continu e to do?

- Q: I have concerned myself with this man and his sect and still continue to do so. - In this regard, I ve also held a look into the future, from which it has arisen that next year, so in 1987, Rajneesh will return to Puna in India, where he alr eady worked before. - As early as 1969, he let himself be revered by his followers as Bhagavan, whi ch is interpreted in some circles as Renouncer. - Then, starting in 1989, he will let himself be revered as Osho because already in the month of November of last year, when he was deported from the USA, the p lan matured in him that he would newly establish his sect. - Then, in 1989, the Osho movement e International. will arise from this, the so-called Osho Commun

- But this movement won t last for long because already on the 19th of January, 1 990, he will depart from this life in Puna, after which the sect will be continu ed by a clearly defined circle of women and men. - So in 1995, there will already be more than 200,000 sect followers worldwide. - The new leaders of the sect will systematize Rajneesh s teachings, which will c onsist of about 600 written discourses. - At the same time, a practice of piety will be introduced, which will also inc lude a calendar of festivals and have a systematic development of a centralized organizational structure. - While Rajneesh has been preaching a spontaneous teaching until now and will also do so in the new movement, those who are responsible for the continuation o f the sect, however, will make it a form of institutionalized religious communit y and teaching. Fall of German Democratic Republic(GDR): - B: As you once told me recently, the German Democratic Republic will fall in the coming years, respectively be dissolved, as a result of the so-called Peacefu l October Revolution , as it will be called, as you said. In what year will this b e? - Q: The peaceful revolution will begin in October of 1989 and will lead to the "Fall" of the Wall on November 9th. - On the 31st of August, 1990 the Unification Treaty will be completed, which w ill lead to the final dissolution of the GDR. Indian guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: - B: again a question relating to a sect: you once told me that along with the Sannyasin sect, yet another sect of Indian origin will become a talking point, b ut not in a sexist form, as in the Bigwahn sect. - The originator should be a namesake of the Indian sitar artist, Ravi Shankar. What comes from this? - Q: It concerns the Indian guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, as he likes to be called

, who wants to have had an enlightenment in 1982, but this corresponds to an unt ruth. - Allegedly, he spoke no word for 10 days and, during this time, developed Suda rshan Kriya, a method of relaxation and cleansing, through which, according to h is erroneous teachings, 80 percent of all excretions from the human body should take place via the breath, which isn t true, of course. - Nevertheless, the method is good and wholesome, for the breathing exercises h ave preventive effects; for example, the risk of stroke and the risk of neurolog ical diseases and diabetes, etc. can be reduced by these, but this is the case w ith all meditative breathing exercises, respectively breathing mediations, when these are carried out in the right manner. - So this must be acknowledged as an advantage, but this still doesn t move the s ectarian into a better light at all. - A sect remains a sect, and every sect is founded on false teachings, to which unstable and irrational people fall victim, who, unfortunately, are very often found among the academics, officials, and artists, etc. - So this means that this sect of the guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will spread its elf through such people in the coming time and will be advocated by many followe rs, who will be recruited from among the business people, movie stars, models, e ngineers, doctors/medical professionals, government officials and public officia ls, etc. - This sect and its members will act worldwide through a lot of property and wi ll provide assistance in some places, like in the coming war zones in the Balkan s, when murder and destruction will rule in Kosovo and in virtually the whole ar ea of Yugoslavia, released and ordered by the criminal Serbian politician, Slobo dan Milosevic who will bear the name Death Dictator in certain circles and who will bring endless death and suffering over all of Yugoslavia, but especially in Kosovo. - SEct will be called AOL, which means Art of Living.

- The country is India, of course; however, up to the turn of the millennium, ab out 140 countries around the world must come to terms with the fact that they ar e overflowed with more than 1.5 million sect followers. - B: But it s always so with sects because erroneous teachings draw in better tha n the truth, logic, and reason. Thus, erroneous teachings are the best props to find followers and believers of all walks of life and to bind these to themselve s. Prophecies & Predictions: - Fall of GDR - Criminal Serbian politician, Slobodan Milosevic will be called to account ar ound the turn of the millennium by the so-called International Court of Justice - Also Switzerland won t be spared, for after the turn of the millennium at the l atest, strong efforts of the irresponsible ones will occur, in order to force an EU-accession. - financial destruction of the Swissair in 2001 & Sulzer Corporation - Prophesied war between Palestine and Israel

- Terrible Events(terrorism,state-sponsered terrorism, wars,..) of the Future - Princess DIana's Death - Future Economic Situation Beast 666 or EU : - B: What is actually with the beast 666, which functions in a form of prophecy as an evil dictatorship, which should come from Belgium? - Q: With this old-customary prophesied beast, which will bear the number of ev il and negativity, it concerns in the coming time the so-called European Union, ortly called the EU - which will be a European-wide dictatorship that will be decided on and establ ished with a treaty on the 1st of November, 1993, with a so-called Maastricht Tre aty. - Then, along with this, there will be created a political and economic union o f the Member States of the advancing European Economic Community, the EEC, respect ively the European Community, the EC, whose objectives will be the promotion of so cial and economic progress, with no internal boundaries existing anymore, and th e creation of an economic and monetary union. - In addition, what will eventually be strived for later is a common foreign a ffairs policy and a common security policy of the Member States, as well as a co mmon defense policy. - It will also be planned for the citizens of the Member States to create a opean Union Citizenship. Eur sh

- Also the areas of the military and the judiciary, as well as road transport a nd agriculture, as well as the industrial economy should ultimately be determine d by the powerful figures of the EU, which will have its residence of power in B russels, Belgium. - But the whole thing will be democratic in no way but will assume dictatorial forms, where the powerful ones negotiate and make decisions among themselves, by what means many still remaining freedoms of the citizens and countries will be limited or will even disappear. - Both the EU Member States and their citizens will lose many freedoms and wil l have to fall to the dictatorial oppression of the mighty EU, but what will esp ecially be evil is that even the powerful figures of the EU Member States will c ompletely and consciously howl injustice with the wolves. - And these will also be the ones who, with false and misleading pro-propaganda , will entice many citizens of their countries to join the EU. - And since the citizens will be misled, they will no longer be strong in their own logical and sensible decision-making; consequently, there must be talk of a dictatorial compulsion, when in the coming years and decades, the citizens beco me enticed to an EU-accession. - Before that, also Switzerland won t be spared, for after the turn of the millen nium at the latest, strong efforts of the irresponsible ones will occur, in orde

r to force an EU-accession. Future Economic Situation : - Q: The coming time will bring that very many enterprises of large and small s tyle will be dissolved or be driven into bankruptcy by mismanagement and over-in debtedness. - Unfortunately, this will also apply to the long-established firms and enterpr ises because their irresponsible ones will remove themselves from their leadersh ip in order to arrive quickly at exorbitant wealth, which they will pay to thems elves as compensations and settlements, and more and more, these compensation pa yments will be in the millions. - Unhesitatingly and irresponsibly, the managers and directors of the firms, en terprises, and corporations will boundlessly get into debt and ruin these, where by megalomania will be owned by these irresponsible ones just as much as extrava gance, unpredictability, ignorance, and incompetence. - All of this will become well-known over time, but those in charge of legislat ive representation don t concern themselves with this because they themselves will be partly involved in the mismanagement issues. - For this reason, the criminal leaders of the firms, enterprises, and corporat ions won t be prosecuted by the courts, at least in most cases. - Also white-collar crime will greatly increase, while the offense amounts will rapidly skyrocket into the millions and hundreds of millions and will even exce ed the one billion mark, as this will also be the case with the mismanagement of the firms, enterprises, and corporations - B: You re talking about millions and billions of Swiss francs, I assume. - Q: That is correct. Swiss Air & Sulzer COrporation : - B: Can you tell me one or two names of the enterprises that, in the coming ti me, will fall under your predictions? - Q: There will be very many that will suffer major damages of a financial form and that will go bankrupt, dismiss many workers, fall hopelessly into debt, or that will simply have to close the enterprise. - But probably the most impressive, which will happen in the year 2001, will be the financial destruction of the Swissair, as well as several of its affiliated foreign airlines and several suppliers. - B: And what about the Sulzer Corporation? - Q: It, too, will suffer and will dismiss many workers and sell large parts o f the company. - But these two upcoming events will only be a drop in the bucket, as you tend to say, because it all looks very bad for very many enterprises, firms, and cor porations, which will also have reference to the federal fiscal house, because e ven in the Upper House of Parliament like already for a long time there will be no authoritative power that will make the fiscal house profitable and that will be able to lead it to a reduction of its debts; consequently, the Swiss governme nt will continue to fall more heavily into debt.

Reason why Billy never went to a ballot box to cast vote : - B: as an individual, one cannot change anything in these precarious matters, not even if one would go to vote for certain things. - Q: That is correct because the members of the parties determine the ballots a ccording to the proposals, pleas, and orders that are given to them, for they ar e manipulated by the party-superiors and are robbed of their own free opinion - Thus, the parties also determine who will exercise a dictatorship over their members, what will be voted yes or no. So individual, more reasonable votes are of no use with ballots. - B: I am also of the same opinion, which is why for as long as I ve lived, I ve ne ver gone to a ballot box to cast my vote for or against something Predictions for Switzerland : - Q: It will be in the years after 1995, when Switzerland will be confronted wi th old events of World War II, which will then also carry into the third millenn ium. - A security guard by the name of Christoph Meili will find old data papers in a bank, which will be destined for the shredder and which will show account deta ils of the Jewish people from the last World War. - The security guard will steal these papers and hand them over to a Jewish org anization in Zurich, which will then cause serious consequences for the banks an d Switzerland, whereby billions of sums will be demanded, which are supposed to be paid to the surviving relatives or to those who are still living, who will st ill have a right to the accounts. - This Meili will flee to America during the course of the negotiations, even though the Swiss courts will have nothing on him - The true reason for his escape will be money, which he will then hope to rece ive from organizations for his treason against Switzerland. - The whole thing will be but the prelude to ensure that the Swiss government and banks, as well as various economic enterprises, will be attacked several tim es for financial reasons of lawyers, especially by a lawyer Fagan of American or igin, who will be out for money and fame. Switzerland at the time of World War II: - B: Those in power of Switzerland didn t exactly exhibit the cleanest waistcoats at the time of World War II. - Just think of the fact that in 1945, for example, these lunatics wanted to te st atom bombs in the Gotthard region, especially just the powerful military figu res - or that the Swiss Red Cross operated espionage during World War II at the wa r fronts - or that people were sentenced to death and executed by the Swiss military, w hereby even innocents were simply gunned down. - Unfortunately, I was able to look on such an execution myself, for my godfath

er, Alfred Flckiger, secretly led me to the execution site, where we hid ourselve s in the bushes and were able to observe everything Descendants following in the footsteps of their parents: - B: with us, the view prevails with the Earth people that descendants would ha ve to follow in the footsteps of their parents, usually in those of the fathers - By this, I mean that, for example, a son or several sons, if there are sever al of these would take on the same occupation of his father, or if one or anothe r exists would take over his company or business and continue it on. - How is this with you; do the same views exist with you? - Q: No, that is not the case. - All descendants are entirely free in their choice of activity, so there is ne ver a desire that children must perform the same activity, etc. as their parents , neither in relation to the father nor mother and, thus, neither a son nor a da ughter. - So for example, parents can be an Ischwisch and/or Ischrisch, while a son of theirs learns a simple craft, as this can also be the case for a daughter. - Parents always only play an advisory role with their descendants, but it is n ever insisted by them that the descendants would have to turn to a specific acti vity, etc. - This also has reference to the choice of a partner as well as to the educati on of the descendants and, of course, also to the home of choice, etc. Sailor s yarn -> Giant squids, Calamari : - Ship's Kobold, Ship's Spirit - B: Unbelievable and fantastic stories that are told by sailors are called sai lor s yarn - since ancient times, sailors have told tales about sea-monsters that they wou ld have seen, and such monsters should have always had such enormous proportions that they should have pulled even large oceangoing vessels into the deep - In particular, these old stories exist about giant squid with enormously lon g tentacles. - Have you ever tried to investigate these stories, and what should actually b e thought of these, as well as of these sea-monsters? - Are these actually real, or is it all, in the end, just a great sailor fabula tion? - Q: These sailors stories throughout the centuries are familiar to us, and we h ave, in fact, endeavored to clarify them. - And even though many fabulations, as you say, can be found in these sailors st ories, there existed, and there actually exists, the described sea-monsters, if one wants to call them such. - At the same time, there are different genera, as well as specific species tha t developed from these, but so far, these have not yet been discovered, respecti

vely have not been found, by the earthly researchers and scientists. - And since you speak of squid in particular, I can tell you this, that there a re actually such gigantic creatures in the oceans; it s just that they live at ver y great depths and only rarely come to the surface of the ocean. - The largest of these giant squids which we found at great ocean depths, so at a depth of more than 2,000 meters exhibited a height of 25 meters, from which e merged 10 tentacles, which were 99.6 meters in length - But we only found this size among the cephalopods, while other gigantic anima ls only exhibited sizes of up to 52 meters, such as calamari. - B: Cephalopod so squids, which are also known to us as cuttlefishes.

Destruction of Minoa & the Minoan culture: - The history of the Earth and the history of nations fall into my area. Thus, I can give you information: - 2 factors were to blame for the fall of the Minoan culture, namely on the one hand, the disorder of the Minoan society, which was very divided in some respec ts and which created evil hatred in the various social structures, even due to t he disagreement that the Minoan empire threatened to fall apart. - The cultural structures split apart, and soon, the whole thing threatened to degenerate into a war of the entire citizenry and, thus, of all levels of societ y. - But before this could happen, a tremendous natural disaster occurred, namely as the Santorini Volcano erupted and burst forth lava, gas, steam, and ash, wher eby the ashes alone exhibited the large amount of 73.6 cubic kilometers - Also vast sulfur fumes belonged to this, whereby the whole atmosphere was so polluted and shrouded in a veil that the Sun was darkened, and climate changes e merged from this, which lasted for several years. - Low temperatures arose from the veil of smoke and dust in the atmosphere, whi ch caused many years of harvest failures - The bad and poor harvests led to the great famine during the following perio d. - In addition, the Santorini volcano did the rest, for as a result of its power ful eruption and the subsequent explosion which triggered gigantic tsunamis that devastated the large areas of the Minoan island when the waters raged across th e island many buildings and lands were destroyed, while very many people lost th eir lives - The largest tsunami, however, the huge tidal wave caused by the explosion of the volcano, rolled far across the sea to Egypt, being red with the blood of cou ntless slaughtered aquatic animals, by what means the river Nile then colored it self red, and many people in Egypt died. - But the tsunami found no end in Egypt and rolled back into the sea, where it united with another tsunami, which was generated by the explosion of the Santori ni volcano, and rolled eastward, where the country was destroyed once again and people were killed, when the wild waters penetrated into the country. Breast cancer :

- this suffering is of a gene-contingent nature - B: And what gene is responsible for it? - Q: I may not explain that officially but may only tell you in confidence. Wha t gene it concerns, the terrestrial scientists and researchers have to find out themselves, for our directives prohibit direct explanatory interference in forei gn cultures and civilizations, in terms of progress, etc Warming of Earth: - B: As it now stands with the climate of the Earth, however, it is always said that this is warming up. Does it actually become warmer? - Q: The year 2001 will be the warmest one out of the previous 200 years until then, and global warming will still continue even after that. - On the one hand, this warming has already been happening for decades through entirely natural processes and phenomena of the Earth and the Sun, as I already explained once before - And on the other hand, it also occurs through the unreasonable interference o f the Earth people on the climate, through air pollution and consequent producti on of a greenhouse effect. Movement of matter & light: - B: Semjase once told me something in connection with the movement of matter a nd light. - Q: I can remember that because I was there when she told you that light can move any matter, and it actually does this. Birth Time of Jmmanuel: - B: As you know, I ve gathered and calculated a lot with regard to the Christian calendar. - You ve also told me that I had calculated very precisely and that only small er rors were contained in my calculations. - With respect to these calculations, I have endeavored again and recently disc overed that the actual birth of Jmmanuel must have taken place not 4, 6, or even 7 years before the Christian calendar but rather 5 years - This means that Jmmanuel effectively must have seen the light of this world 5 years before the Christian calendar. - Through a look into the past, I also discovered that at the time of his birth , not only was a beaming spaceship visible in the sky, but also actually a very large comet(COmet "Fruitful One"), which could be seen all over the world, namel y for about several weeks. - Together with this event of the appearance of the Fruitful One, the birth of Jm manuel also took place on the 3rd of February, 5 years before the Christian cale ndar, whereby the 3rd of February of today's calendar is converted for the time and the day of that time. - At that same time, when Jmmanuel was born, in order to monitor and supervise

everything, a large Plejaren beamship was stationed high in the atmosphere over Bethlehem. - This radiated very brightly, for it was one of those aircraft that collect en ergy from the atmosphere, which light up, radiating very strongly, when they pen etrate into the area of the processing system, through which anti-gravity is pro duced COmet "Fruitful One" : - I(B) discovered that at the time of Jmmanuel's birth, not only was a beaming spaceship visible in the sky, but also actually a very large comet(COmet "Fruit ful One"), which could be seen all over the world, namely for about several week s. - Q: At that time, there actually was a very large and unusually strongly radi ating comet that was observable from the Earth, which we call the Fruitful One - Because from very early times, inseminations for the Earth and for the planet Phaeton, respectively Malona, have gone out from it, by what means life could d evelop on these 2 SOL satellites - The Fruitful One, however, has an extremely long period of revolution on a path that leads far out into the Oort cloud. - Accordingly, it will take more than 11,000 years, according to Earth s measure of time, before a return of this comet occurs in the SOL system. - Its orbital period is 13,200 years. Punishment for Crimes committed in a drunken state : - B: here in Switzerland, as well as in other countries, people who kill anothe r human being under the influence of alcohol or who knock another down and kill him with a vehicle, like in the case of my brother Karl, who died at the beginni ng of the year(1986) in this manner are only very mildly punished - When a person is knocked down and killed, if the driver of the vehicle is dru nk, usually only very small fines are imposed on the respective death-driver, as this happened when my brother was knocked down and killed - The driver of the vehicle only received a fine of 300 Franks; that was all. I n the maximum case, if it ever has to come to this, a very short term of impriso nment might be imposed on such a death-driver, which is so ridiculously short th at it practically can t be seen as a punishment but as just a state holiday

Plejaren Laws for Drunken state Crimes: - Our laws clearly stipulate that if such an act was committed in a drunken sta te, then it would equal a serious felony, which would also accordingly have to b e punished very harshly. - Such an act is, in fact, a clearly deliberate act of murder, for if a person gets drunk on alcohol, he very well knows and is aware of the fact that in his d runken state, he loses control over himself, over his mental competence, and ove r his reactivity, etc. - But in the case of drunkenness, the cognition of this knowledge and this res

ponsibility to be borne is deliberately disowned, whereby disasters, accidents, misfortunes, and crimes are casually accepted; therefore, a person in a drunken state is undoubtedly fully responsible for his actions and deeds, and so, he sho uld also accordingly be punished, harshly and impartially, like with any other d elinquent and non-drunken and, thus, sober and fully conscious person, just as e very crime is included in this. - So drunkenness is never a reason for a reduced sentence, but on the contrary, it is a reason for severe punishment, when a criminal offense or even a felony, such as murder, is committed. - A reduced sentence can only ever be given when there are actually mitigating factors present, like with true mental incompetence. - However, such is not given in the drunken state, namely for the explained rea son that there is a prior, conscious knowledge of the potential disaster, misfor tune, accident, and crime. - B: So in the drunken state, each form of killing, such as a crime resulting in death, etc., is effective murder. - Q: it is also held in our laws Plejaren Federation on Alcoholic drinks: - B: I thought that you only had weak alcoholic drinks and no more people who g et drunk. - Q: You misunderstood something. We have very weak alcoholic drinks, but the a lcohol content is so low that it can only be measured as a small fraction of a p ercent of alcohol content. - Therefore, it isn t possible that a person could get drunk on alcohol, not eve n if he could drink several liters of such a drink - Nevertheless, we still have an old-conventional legislation that governs alco holism, as well as intoxication by alcohol and acts of every kind that are commi tted in this state, so when one is killed or a crime is otherwise committed or w hen any harm, accident, or misfortune is caused. - But this legislation is already more than 5,600 years old and has never had t o be put to use since that time when our alcoholic drinks were reduced in their percentages in such a way as I explained to you. - Moreover, the people of our world have learned and have adjusted themselves to get by without alcoholic drinks, for these are not necessary for a normal and healthy lifestyle. - Of course, wine, for example, can have a health-promoting effect, if this is enjoyed with measure and a goal, as this is also the case with other substances, but on our part, we have so aligned our food toward the highest possible health values that we have no longer needed alcoholic drinks for more than 5,600 years , which also eliminated the dangers of evil caused by drunkenness. BIlly Invites Ptaah & Quetzal for a wine drink: - B: But could I expect that you, and maybe even Ptaah, would drink a glass of wine with me, if I were to find you one? - Q: Nothing should prevent that, if it is a rare or unique case.

- B: Of course, for I wouldn t want to make you alcoholics, which I myself also w ouldn t want to be - Only, until it has come so far that I can enjoy some alcoholic drinks again, due to my collapse on the 4th of November, 1982, some time will still pass becau se for the time being, it s just impossible for me - Later, it will probably only remain a rarity, if it should once again come so far that every now and then, I might actually be able to drink a glass of wine or a small glass of liqueur, if I can bear with my medication, but I must still leave this question open and cannot answer it yet. The future will show me what will be. - Q: If it should be that you can take in some alcohol again, then I will confe r with Ptaah regarding your proposal. - B: I suppose that you have the freedom to decide for yourselves as to whether or not you want to drink alcohol or is there an ordinance that forbids this, th us, a ban? - Q: No, that is not the case because the abstention from alcohol is founded on a voluntary basis, so we can very well drink alcohol if we want. - B: And concerning this, how is it with your federation members? - Q: Some are inclined towards moderation in strong alcoholic drinks, but other s act as we do. - But even those who consume alcohol in moderation do not get drunk.



Contact Report 214, Tuesday, February 3rd, 1987 - Quetzal Exodus from Egypt : - since you(Q) concern yourself, among many other things, also with Biblical hi story, respectively Hebrew history, and since you call rather large areas of kno wledge your own in this respect, you can surely tell me what s up with the exodus from Egypt, in reference to the duration of the crossing of the desert - In the Bible, it is claimed that the great exodus wandering lasted for 40 ye ars, until the entrance into the so-called promised land took place. - Q: This assertion of the Bible does not correspond to the truth because the t ime of the entire exodus up to the invasion and occupation of the promised land ly lasted for 40 weeks. - B: At the same time, when I consider the distance from Egypt to Palestine, th en the reality hits even sooner, because where would the Hebrews have wandered a round in the desert for 40 years and on what would they have lived and satisfied their thirst? - Moreover, the Mediterranean Sea was always on the left side from Egypt to Pal estine, by which the refugees could orient themselves and along which they also moved, alternating in the nearer distance and then again in the further distance on

Death of Moses : - Q: Moses was murdered by Joshua and his accomplices. - The reason for this was rather manifold. - On the one hand, Joshua wanted to gain control over the Hebrews, which is why he later claimed that in this respect, Moses had determined this through God s co mmand, for it was even God s will. - And on the other hand, Moses became hated by many, as well as by the murderou s accomplices, not in the least because of the fratricides of the unbelievers of God and of Moses, which were mercilessly committed against all those who were n ot of Moses view and who did not believe his words and who contributed to strife through this. NGC 4636_Gigantic explosion in a Galaxy : - B: on my great journey, it was shown to me by Ptaah, at a little more than 50 million light years away from the SOL system, a galaxy, in whose center an enor mously gigantic explosion allowed everything to shake - I have told an engineer, Reiz, about this, but I no longer remember the name of the galaxy. - Q: Semjase told me about that. We call it GLOBALUNG. - Also on Earth, it will become well-known among the people, but only around th e turn of the millennium; however, it will already be well-known to astronomers prior to this. - Their designation for it will be NGC 4636. Comet tails: - B: Ptaah also explained to me that comet tails carry toxic substances with th emselves, which are also essential ingredients for the formation of dwarf suns, from which larger stars can then develop. - Q: The main toxic substance of this kind is hydrocyanic acid. - B: This is, indeed, highly toxic to humans. - Depending on the amount of hydrocyanic acid consumed, severe cramps, vomiting , shortness of breath, and then unconsciousness and death set in, namely as a re sult of respiratory paralysis - First aid can, in fact, only be rendered via fresh air resuscitation, and to be sure, only by a device, respectively by a suitable apparatus - Under no circumstances may mouth-to-mouth resuscitation be performed because through this, the helping person poisons himself through the rescue breathing a nd can even die, just because he, through the mouth-to-mouth breathing, inhales the poisonous breath of the poisoned person. - Q: A poisoning by hydrocyanic acid or its salts, particularly potassium cyani de, through the gastrointestinal tract, through the lungs or the skin, causes a blockage of the inner cell respiration. - With the iron atom of the respiratory enzymes, an iron cyanide complex is for

med, which impairs the oxygen combining capacity and the oxygen intake into the cells so severely that these functions fail and expire completely. Asteroid Eros : - B: which I was allowed to view during the great journey and which looks simi lar to a potato, with thousands of large boulders that are scattered about - And that are covered in many places by blue dust or other blue material, wher eby also many craters cover the surface of the space projectile - The largest crater, as Ptaah said, is about 7,500 meters wide, if I remember correctly - In addition, now the question that one asked me: over and over again, it is t o be read that this asteroid could collide with the Earth one day, which would m ean a global catastrophe and the end of all life on Earth, since Eros still has a size of about 35 kilometers - What should be thought of this, also with regard to other asteroids that also often come into the vicinity of the Earth? Is the anxiety justified concerning such a catastrophe? - Q: In relation to the asteroid Eros, not in any way, unless upheavals in the SOL System would occur, through which a change could be brought about, as this would also be possible through influences that are foreign to the SOL system, su ch as by large comets or wandering planets, like the Destroyer, by which the ast eroid could be thrown from its orbit and be directed towards the Earth, but this is extremely unlikely. - The possibility that Eros could fall to the Earth in the foreseeable future i s less than 3 % But on the other hand, there is a continuously ongoing possibility that impacts can occur on the Earth by other asteroids, but these do not exhibit as enormous proportions as Eros, yet they could still cause enormous catastrophes - However, these asteroids are small in size, namely from a few meters to a few kilometers. Near-Earth Asteroids : - Q: During the period leading up to the turn of the millennium, a number of su ch objects will arrive in the near vicinity of Earth, but without endangering th e Earth directly, even if, at the same time, the distance mark of such an astero id falls below the 200,000-kilometer mark from the Earth, and thus, the object p asses closer to the Earth than the Moon - Also, at the end of the first and at the beginning of the second year of the new millennium, an asteroid the size of a few hundred meters, which will still be unknown to the earthly scientists until then, will cross Earth s orbit at a dis tance of a little more than half a million kilometers away, as this will also be the case several times with a small number of other asteroids until then. - With a few exceptions, all of these objects will be discovered by the terrest rial scientists and amateur astronomers, when the time comes closer to the Earth - This also applies in relation to comets, which are newly discovered and which sometimes exhibit orbital periods that are thousands of years long, for they tr

avel far beyond the Oort cloud in their orbits. Accuracy of Predictions or Prediction Rate : - B: Actually, it is a problem, that the earthly fortune tellers, astrologers, and clairvoyants, etc. drive the people into anxiety and terror with their alleg edly precise predictions - One of you once said that a clearly and rationally thinking person if he cons iders, analyzes and, therefore, evaluates all facts precisely arrives at a predi ction rate of about 14 % reliability, respectively accuracy - while the percentages for the clairvoyants, fortune tellers, and astrologers and similar stored nonsense-bringers are only at an accuracy rate of a maximum o f 3 to 4 % - Q: People who use their normal and healthy intellect to make a prediction of the future on the basis of existing situations and events, facts, etc. and, thus , on the basis of past and present situations of any kind usually arrive at an a verage correctness value of about 14 percent - This, in contrast to all the flimsy, misleading, fanciful, senseless, and unr ealistic projections and statements of clairvoyants, astrologers, and fortune te llers, etc., whose success rates lie at a maximum of 3 to 4 percent - B: Then at least 3 to 4 percent accuracy. - Q: Unfortunately no, for this isn t something that is based on a recognition of the future but solely on a stroke of fate, which is erroneously called chance by the Earth people Chance Vs Fate: - Q: Although there is no such thing in that sense, because chance is only give n when, for example, something falls to a person, such as portion of a profit or , otherwise, a share of something,Only in this way can the term chance have its co rrectness - But not with respect to when something unexpected arises, which one wasn t coun ting on and, therefore, which arises from the joining together of the given and complementary and interlocking relationships, and thus becomes a stroke of fate. - B: In truth, things, situations, and events, as well as occurrences, etc., s imply fit themselves together and join into one another in such a way that a par ticular effect emerges from this, freely according to the law of causality, that is, the law of cause and effect - This will result in certain effects that, in turn, arise from specific causes , as I just explained. So strokes of fate are nothing other than occurrences, ev ents, incidents, and situations, etc. that result from a certain joining togethe r, in order to act as specific causes. - So for example, if it happens that two people meet unexpectedly somewhere in a foreign country, then it cannot and should not be designated as chance but rathe r solely as a stroke of fate, for the causes of this are given that both people traveled to the same country and are staying at the same place, where they will then meet - So the one joins itself to the other and the one to another, from which then emerges the result, respectively the effect, even the stroke of fate.

How the birds know what they can Eat: - B: I have another question from an eleven-year-old boy, who occupies himself with ornithology and, thus, with the study of birds. He asked me about how the birds know what they can eat. - With this, he means, what is edible for them and what is inedible, respective ly toxic, for them or how the birds know, in particular, what berries to eat, wh ether the fruits would be ripe and good for them. - Q: Mature fruits and berries store and reflect solar radiation, and when thes e are ripe, they emit light in the ultraviolet range, even when the Sun isn t shin ing. - This shortwave light is perceived by the birds, as well as by certain animals and insects, and it is the signal that the fruits or berries are ripe for diges tion. - This equally applies to the edibility of fruits and berries, grasses and leav es, etc., which emit a certain radiation that is perceived by the organisms and that informs them that the food which is important for them is nontoxic. SUN DOGS: - B: With Semjase, I once observed an optical phenomenon in the Arctic, namely 3 Suns, which came about by the fact that the real Sun was reflected twice in th e atmosphere, once to the left and once to the right of its actual location - What I want to ask is this: does this phenomenon appear every year? - That is correct, yes. Origin of Fatigue : - Q: In the nerve cells, the resting substance, adenosine, is formed, through w hich listlessness and fatigue arise - The waking amine, caffeine, of coffee and the theine of tea can actually coun teract the adenosine - If substances such as caffeine or theine, etc. are fed to the body while it is lethargic, tired, and in need of recuperation, then these will produce a coun ter-effect with respect to the adenosine, namely by suppressing or neutralizing this, whereby the maximum effect of the caffeine and theine or other similar wak ing amines will be achieved, but only about 1 hours after their consumption. - But soon, the effect of the waking amines will diminish again, which means fo r the body in need of recuperation and for its nerve cells which produce the ade nosine that now, the resting substance must be increasingly produced, by what me ans listlessness and fatigue become apparent in an intensified form. Sudden infant death syndrome : - B: Lately, the question arises again and again as to what circumstances cause the so-called infant death, whereby there are many speculations about this. Can yo u tell me a few things about this? -Q: Because there are several reasons for this, it wouldn t make sense to mention them all.

- However, it should be said that there is an erroneous view of the so-called in fant death, which is also known as sudden infant death syndrome among the Earth peo ple. - This erroneous view consists of the notion that small children, primarily inf ants, are supposed to be placed on their bellies in order to be put to sleep or after a meal. - This crazy view is based on the wrong acceptance that there is a lower risk of choking if the child would suddenly vomit or simply cough up what has been ea ten. - But when infants are placed on their bellies, they are exposed to the risk th at the heart and lungs, as well as the other vital organs, will become impaired in their functions as a result of the pressure on the belly, which can lead to s udden death and also to the fact that the exhaled carbon dioxide is inhaled agai n, due to the infant lying on the belly, which can lead to a quick and deadly re sult - Another important point to be mentioned in relation to sudden infant death sy ndrome is found with the parents or parental guardians. - And, unfortunately, precisely this fact to be mentioned is unknown to the doc tors and medical professionals and to the courts and supervisory bodies on Earth , which is extremely regrettable - The reason why there are so many sudden infant deaths to be mentioned in all countries of the world, although mainly in the so-called civilized countries or industrial nations, is because sudden infant death syndrome is induced consciou sly and also unconsciously by a parent, or even by both parents, but also by par ental substitutes, namely when these lose nervous control over themselves and un controllably maltreat the infants, shaking and abusing them to such an extent th at deadly injuries to the brain arise, by what means sudden death occurs within minutes, hours, or a few days - Unfortunately, this fact will run rampant more and more, for the people mainl y those of the industrialized countries become increasingly indifferent, addicte d to pleasure, unsteady, unkind, and disliking among themselves and toward each other. - But at the same time, they also strain their nerves as a result of this, whic h lets them get out of control very quickly, in order to commit thoughtless and uncontrolled actions as a further consequence, accompanied by fierce anger that can have deadly results, just like when young children are abused in the aforeme ntioned manner, whereby sudden infant death is then the result. - But unfortunately, research in this direction has not yet been performed by t he Earth person, which is why no relevant findings will be made for quite some t ime, so also not with regard to other forms of maltreatment of small children by adults, by whom sudden infant death syndrome is induced. - B: How long will it take, then, until it has come so far that this form of su dden infant death syndrome is recognized and the respective uncaring parents are called to account? - Q: Unfortunately, on Earth, respectively with the Earth people, true justice is still written in very small letters, for there is still too much negligence, and thus, serious and very severe crimes are punished more mildly and more gentl y than small offenses

- It often seems that the courts would have great respect for serious and very s evere crimes and, therefore, would pass more lenient sentences for these than wh at seems to be the case with smaller crimes, for which no respect is given and w hich, thus, are condemned harshly. - But to answer your question, I must say that it will still take a long time b efore the aforementioned criminal form of sudden infant death syndrome is recogn ized and punished - Before the start of the third millennium, this won t be the case. Portrait of Jmmanuel: - B: did Luke ever make a portrait of Jmmanuel? To my knowledge, such is attrib uted to him. - Q: That does not correspond to the truth.Luke in no way mastered the art of d rawing, so he was also in no position to produce a portrait of Jmmanuel. - Such a portrait of Jmmanuel, which is attributed to him, comes from an artist of Italian origin, who never saw Jmmanuel and who also had no description with respect to Jmmanuel s appearance - His name was Alphonso Stranieri Queen Nofretete wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV(Akhenaten) : - B: Then I have a question in reference to Queen Nofretete, who was the wife o f Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, who was also known as Akhenaten and who, to my knowledge , reigned in the 14th Century B.C., from 1364 to 1347. - Where was Nofretete actually buried? Her real name, so I think, was Nefertiti , right? - Q: That is correct. Nevertheless, a tomb of Nefertiti does not exist but rath er only one of her double, who was the concubine of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten, but this was kept secret and, thus, also wasn t handed down in any records. - The name of Nefertiti s double was Chepris, which meant the powerful one, efertiti s name meant the beautiful one has come. while N

- Nefertiti and Chepris were neither twin sisters nor in any way connected to e ach other in kinship, yet they were hardly able to be distinguished by those who were initiated. - Thus, both of them alternately appeared before the people, who remained unawa re of the fact that these were two different women who, moreover, hated one anot her until death. - In consequence of this, then, it came to the murder of Chepris, who was kille d by Nefertiti with snake venom. - Both were boundlessly jealous of each other, even though Amenhotep IV, respe ctively Akhenaten, treated both of them equally. - After the murder, Nefertiti naturally feared the revenge and punishment of Ak henaten, so she disguised herself and fled from the palace undetected, in order to board a ship with accomplices, which should have taken them to foreign lands.

- After several hours on the Mediterranean Sea, however, they were surprised by a heavy storm, by which the small ship was shattered and sank, together with Ne fertiti and the whole crew, into the wild waters. That was the actual end of Nef ertiti. - After the murder of Chepris, Akhenaten let her be secretly buried and took as his wife her twin sister, who resembled her to the hair, and this was the one w ho henceforth lived at the side of Amenhotep IV as Nefertiti and as an Egyptian queen and who entered into history. - B: And the model bust made of painted limestone, which was found in Amarna du ring excavations, now represents the real Nefertiti? - Q: In addition to the bust mentioned by you, several unfinished ones still e xist. - But all of them do not represent Nefertiti but represent Chepris n sister, Nephthe, as her name was identical twi

Sudden deaths of Archaeologists & Grave robbers in Ancient Pharaohs tombs : - B: how is it that so many archaeologists and grave robbers met sudden deaths while excavating or robbing the ancient Pharaohs tombs or else died within hours , days, or a few weeks? - Q: There are several reasons for that, but the two most important ones are th e following: - To protect the tombs against grave robbery, one method was that spines, which were thinner than hair and which were of the fruit of the Indian cactus, were s oaked with deadly poisons, were dried, and were then painted onto bandages, with which the dead were wrapped. - The deadly poisons of the kind that was used are extremely stable and are sti ll effective even after thousands of years. - Now, if grave robbers and archaeologists, etc. touched the bandages of the mu mmified bodies, then the poisonous spines penetrated into their hands, without t his being noticed, because the spines of the cactus figs are much thinner than h uman hair - In addition, the insidious poison was of a different kind, so it was also dif ferent in the temporal effect, which could occur in either hours or days or only after two or three weeks. - Another very popular and lethal means was the use of fungal spores that were cultivated specifically for the purpose of the quick killing of the grave robbe rs, so the bandages of the deceased as well as the Sarcophagi and the tomb walls , etc. were infected with these. - Now, when grave robbers or later archaeologists entered the tombs, as a resul t of their entering and also by the work taken up, they whirled up dust that was loaded with deadly fungal spores - The extremely toxic dust was inhaled by the grave robbers and archaeologists, and this quickly led to death, which came about very quickly or over days or ov er several weeks. - These are the 2 main ways, by which the tombs and the treasures of the Pharao hs were protected against grave robbers

Interventions & Interferences in Foreign Cultures/Private matters/Religions : - B: What do you think about meddling in other people s cultures, respectively in their interests, etc.? - By this, I mean not only interfering in foreign cultures of foreign planets a nd civilizations, but specifically what is common on Earth, especially in connec tion with the religions - And I think especially of Christianity, which has sent its henchmen, represen tatives, priests, and missionaries to foreign nations since ages ago, to natives and to other faiths, in order to convert these to the Christian faith and to th e civilization of the white man, either peacefully or very often by forceful pro selytizing, by what means there have always been many deaths over and over again , when the foreign nations, natives, and those of other faiths did not follow th e sense of the missionaries, etc. - Through the criminal activities and actions of these men of God, there were des troyed, and there are still destroyed, the old traditions and customs as well as the old beliefs of the natives by the missionaries, who harassed them and who t ook from them their very own freedom and way of life - Q: Those are not only senseless machinations but even criminal and felonious ones that should never appear. - With us, such interventions and interferences are strictly illegal in every f orm and, thus, are prohibited by appropriate directives. - This equally applies to interventions and interferences in the private matter s of each person, so also with respect to all matters of families, friends, acqu aintances, and communities, etc. - B: I find that to be good and humane, but unfortunately, one cannot say this in reference to the actions of the religions and their missionaries. Criminal an d felonious are actually the right labels for their irresponsible actions Simon Peter(disciple of Jmmanuel) & Matthew(tax collector) : - Q: He was of the "status of the haves" and, thus, was very rich. - It was he who constantly donated from his own wealth, for the implementation of the mission and for the spreading of Jmmanuel s teaching. - If this wouldn t have been so, then everyone would have had to live a more fru gal life than what was, in fact, the case. - While there were other wealthy ones among the disciples, who also contributed their part to everything, it was Simon Peter, however, who was the main donor. - B: And Matthew, the tax collector? - Q: He was also quite wealthy. SALT : - B: it is well-known to me that salt is very important for humans, as it also naturally is for animals and plants. - But now, what interests me is when, in fact, the first large salt deposits fo

rmed on the Earth and, furthermore, how the balance of salt affects the person. - Q: The first large salt deposits on Earth formed around 340 million years ag o, but the main ones first formed 240 to 270 million years ago. - In relation to life forms, salt is very important.But if I should speak of hu mans alone, then the following is to be explained: - Salt is an extremely important component of the blood. - Normally, between 45 and 50 grams of sodium chloride flow through the veins o f the person in a solution as sodium and chlorine ions.This concentration of sal t must remain constant. - If there is too little of it in the blood, then there arises an excess press ure in the red blood cells, making them burst. - But this, then, has the consequence that no more stimuli can be transmitted to the heart muscle; consequently, the heart ceases to function and, thus, stops b eating, respectively stops pumping blood through the veins - However, salt not only flows through the veins but through the whole body. Wi thout salt, the human body would be immobilized because no cell could function. - Every single somatic cell is surrounded by salt water and swims about freely therein. - If the salt of this liquid dwindles, then the pressure ratio alters itself in the cell so dramatically that the cell membrane disappears and the cell receive s no more nutrients. - Only when the salinity, respectively the concentration of salt, remains const ant in the body can the heart, muscles, and nervous system of the person functio n smoothly - Each day, the human body loses salt, through the urine, through tears and swe at, which is why it is vital to supply the body with salt again, along with the necessary amount of liquid, but this differs depending on the person and his phy sical constitution, so no uniform or general measure can be mentioned.

DRinking & Eating: - Q: Each day, the human body loses salt, through the urine, through tears and sweat, which is why it is vital to supply the body with salt again, along with t he necessary amount of liquid, but this differs depending on the person and his physical constitution, so no uniform or general measure can be mentioned. - Thus, one person needs several liters of fluid per day, while another, durin g the same period, gets by with very little, perhaps only 1, 2, or 3 deciliters - In addition to the properties of the body and all its organs and to the loss of fluid, climate conditions and physical strain and motion naturally also play an important role, as well as the drinking discipline and the mental and voliti onal attitude of the person. - Excessive drinking is unhealthy because too much salt is removed, so new salt must be supplied to the body, which means that more liquid, respectively water, collects in the body than what is necessary healthwise, which can cause damages

through overhydration. - B: For my part, I drink very little, sometimes no more than two deciliters pe r day - Q: That is known to me.However, you won t suffer any harm from that because you r e one of those people who only need very little liquid. - When it becomes necessary, you automatically drink some more because you then perceive a thirst feeling. - This also applies to certain substances that your body needs, like even salt , sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, or orange juice, etc. - B: Yes, that is actually so. As a rule, I eat what I feel an urge to eat. - Q: And you do well with that, since you simply don t let yourself be tempted by uncontrollable cravings. BIlly's Delirium while he lost his arm : - Q: In 1964, you shot a revolver bullet between the eyes of Mustafa Kemal Tasc ha portrait when, after your serious accident at the customs station of Reyhanle and in your delirium, you demolished the main office of the police and customs station - B: I first found that out and realized that 2 months later, when I returned f rom Kuwait and investigated all that I had done during the 29 days of my deliriu m - Fortunately, the customs officials had already known me very well for several years and had also read in the newspaper about my serious accident in Iskenderu n - otherwise, they certainly would have shot me at least, that s what they said wh en I asked them about it as I raged around and fired away with my revolver - Solely because they knew me well and saw that I wasn t in my right mind, they k ept their distance, left me alone, and didn t shoot me down. Burning down of City of Izmir : - B: But now, a question that refers to Izmit, respectively Izmir, and to Musta fa Kemal Tascha, who later received the name Atatrk,... - In the 20's of this century, the city of Izmir burned down completely, and th e cause of the fire was never clarified up to this day. - Do you know anything about this? The Greek population of the city then fled a nd was taken up in the ship s harbor by the garrisons of the allied crews and was brought to Greece. - The city burned for three days. It was the year 1920, 1921, or 1922. - Q: The purpose of the fire, which was secretly arranged by the Turkish milita ry leaders, served to drive out the Greeks, against whom Mustafa Kemal had fough t with his army and was victorious over them. - Thus, the fire of Izmir served as an ethnic cleansing during the Greek-Turkis h War.

- B: And who was the evil one, or who were the evil ones? I mean, who had order ed the fire? - Q: It was a joint decision of the executives around Mustafa Kemal Tascha. He himself had nothing to do with it. COmmunicaiton among Elephants, Dolphins, WHales : - B: Then now, I turn to something else, namely to elephants, since I know that you are well-versed in zoology and, thus, also in the area of wildlife. - In reference to elephants, I would just like to know if I still remember Sfa th s instruction correctly, for I was just asked about this. - Sfath explained to me that elephants have an extraordinarily advanced instin ct-consciousness, as well as a highly advanced instinct-psyche, and as a result of this, an instinct-relationship also exists among their equals and, to a lesse r extent, also with other life forms, including humans, if they can directly dea l with elephants in a loving way - The communication of the elephants among themselves takes place in a similar way as with dolphins and whales, etc., whereby at least these two life forms are also predisposed in a very similar way, with respect to instinct-consciousness, instinct-relationship, and instinct-psyche - The elephants communicate among themselves using these forms mentioned, but a lso through touch, gestures, scents, and sniffing, as well as through audible so unds and infrasound. Asteroids & comets that will appear in the 3rd Millennium: - B: We ve talked about asteroids and comets, and you said that several of these will appear in the coming years or up to the beginning of the 3rd millennium and that many new ones would be discovered - Can you tell me what will probably be the most spectacular in this connection ? - Q: It won t just be several asteroids that will be discovered up to the beginni ng of the 3rd millennium but rather dozens each year. - But an object that will really be something special for the Earth people, a comet, will be discovered in the month of July of the year 1995 by 2 American am ateur astronomers named Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, which is why the comet will t hen also be called the Hale-Bopp Comet. Hale-Bopp Comet : - Q: The length of the comet is 38,432 meters and its width is 36,781 meters, w hich already explains that the object is oval-shaped. - The closest point to the Earth that the comet will reach will be a distance of approximately 197 million kms away, and the closest point to the Sun will be approximately 136 million kilometers away - This comet will exhibit a double tail and will pull a reddish-yellow and appr oximately 152 million-kilometer-long cloud of particles behind itself. - About 2 years after its discovery, on April 1st in the year 1997, it will rea

ch its closest distance to the Sun, under whose influence it will expel large am ounts of water vapor, along with large amounts of toxic hydrogen cyanide and car bon monoxide. - The actual plasma tail will exhibit a bluish, gleaming form and will be 98 mi llion kilometers long. - The age of the comet amounts to 5.24 million years. - It will be discovered as a result of its great brightness, which it will alre ady exhibit at a distance of about 1 billion kms away from the Sun. - This comet come so close again that it can be seen again from the Earth in ar ound 2,400 years - B: And, will this comet also be able to be seen from the Earth with the naked eye, like with Halley's Comet? - Q: Yes, that will be possible Doomsday scenario -> Solar Eclipse & Year 2000 A.D. : - B: And in sectarian circles, this will probably again be an occasion to make a doomsday scenario, as this will certainly also be the case with the solar ecli pse appearing in Europe on the 11th of August, 1999, about which even Nostradamu s has written, but which is misunderstood, unfortunately. - Unfortunately, your words will prove to be true in a sad manner because our predictions for these two events - along with others - unfortunately testify of great disaster, which will evoke delusional believers and religiose sectarians - So unfortunately, in certain sectarian communities, it will come to mass murd ers and mass suicides, namely in Switzerland, in France and Canada, as well as i n America and in other countries - Numerous individual suicides will also have to be lamented, and indeed, espec ially through the fault of the so-called psychics, fortune tellers, star-interpr eters and, thus, astrologers, who make absurd prognoses and who generate just as great anxiety in their believers and in the pseudoscientific dreamers of an eso teric, UFO-logical, and para-scientific character, and so on. - These culpable ones will also be the ones who will coin the term the solar eclipse. Black Sun for

- I already imagined something like that, but the people still aren t more clever and aren t willing to acknowledge the facts of the effective truth and to think r ationally when they are told the truth - They continue to walk along in their crazy beliefs, confusing themselves more and more, just through the influence of the sectarians, star-interpreters, and fortune tellers, as well as through the esoteric and pseudo/para-scientists, etc . Death of King Husain II : - B: But may I ask what you(Q) meant recently when you(Q) said that in 1999, on e of my friends will finish his way? - Q: In Jordan, you gained a friend, King Husain II who was also your patron.

- his years are numbered, for on the 7th of February, 1999, he will finish his life. - B: good life. this, He is not only a good friend of mine, but he is also a remarkable and very man who, like me, has already survived many assassination attempts on his But even he will have no choice but to go his way and will have to finish as you said

Sectarianism against Homosexuality & DeMoss Foundation(Christian sect): - B: You once told me that the religious sectarians will increasingly take on more blatant forms and will claim many human lives, for in the name of God or Al lah, etc. many murders should be committed and many wars should be conducted - That this will come more and more is clear to me because everything in the wo rld, indeed, also points to this. But now, will everything actually be laid out in such a way for sectarianism to flare up again? - Q: Unfortunately, that will actually be the case, by what means in the future , many wars, murder and mayhem, as well as suicides, mass suicides, and mass mur ders will belong to the general and global affairs of the day. - Also, sectarianism will try to fight against homosexuality, in spite of all industrial and national efforts to make this acceptable in the form that homosex ual and lesbian couples can form allied partnerships with each other - On the one hand, great efforts will be made in the future to recognize homose xuality as a natural form and to decriminalize this form which is still often cr iminalized until now, but at the same time, everything will be ruined again by e xcessive sectarianism. - This, especially through the religious, fundamentalist, Islamic, and Christi an sectarian fanatics, who will even demand the death penalty for homosexuality and lesbianism and who will also enforce the death penalty by themselves in vari ous ways. - And all this in the name of God, Allah, Jesus Christ, and love and justice. - Concerning this, a particular Christian sect will spread itself worldwide, wh ich has existed since 1955, tracing back to the insurance broker Arthur DeMoss, who demanded that after his death, his big dollar fortune should be used for sec tarian, respectively divine, purposes. - Arthur DeMoss was an American how could it be otherwise and the DeMoss Foundat ion traces back to him, and around the turn of the millennium, this will be resp onsible for the fact that prominent people, such as politicians, sports heroes, and actors, etc. will make use of sectarian propaganda in public media, like in television and so on, in order to find new believers for sectarianism and the Ch ristian religion. Past & Only Predictions for the Future : - B: You ve actually told me things of the future again, and this already for qui te some time, even though you actually didn t want to talk about it any more. - Q: The reason for this, I already explained to you some time ago. - Moreover, I confine myself mainly to things and events that will first appear at or after the turn of the millennium. But this falls outside of what we had p lanned.

- B: So this means that your prophecies, which you no longer wanted to explain, only shouldn t be given any more for the remainder of this century? - Q: That is correct, but this doesn t concern all things but only those things, for which there would actually be an opportunity for the Earth people to change them, namely through better and rational actions, such that as a result, negativ es could be prevented. - B: So prophecies, respectively things that must be regarded as such. - Q: We hold ourselves back from these, namely for the reason that until now, we ve had the experience that all the prophecies, which were expertly made, bore n o fruit and, thus, brought no change for the better. - This is the reason why we release no more information in this regard but onl y limit ourselves to predictions that, as you know, will arrive in any case, for they are unchangeable since they are based on a previewing. - B: But you could have told me that already at the beginning, when you decided to give me information in this way in agreement with Ptaah, if I remember corre ctly - Well... so in the future, I may surely ask you for predictions that are based on a preview and that are unalterable, if I correctly interpret your words in t his form? - Q: That also lies in the meaning of my words. You judge my explanation corre ctly. - B: And how does it stand with things of the past? -Q: Nothing stands in the way of a response to these, when you have appropriate questions, always provided that I possess the necessary knowledge for a pertine nt answer. Central African Cameroon_Poisonous gas cloud : - B: last year, namely on the 21st of August, 1986, over 1,700 people died in a ddition to a lot of beasts, wild animals, and birds when in the Central African Cameroon, a poisonous gas cloud spread itself out. - Unfortunately, the media gave no further information about this, which is why one stumbles around in the dark in relation to this. Do you know something more about this? - Q: The poisonous gas cloud escaped out of a volcanic crater lake, which is ap proximately 2 square kilometers in size and over 200 meters deep, and beneath th is, deep inside the Earth, there are still immense magma chambers of the not-yet -extinct volcano, but the volcano does not make a superficial appearanceOn the d ate mentioned by you, a poisonous gas cloud explosively escaped out of the volca nic crater lake, which is named Lake Nyos. The village lying next to the lake is named Buabua, and in this, practically all life was extinguished by the poisonous gas. But that wasn t all, because within a radius of 25 kilometers, virtually the same thing happened, for all humans, bir ds, and animals were killed.Around 20,000 people including many children were se riously injured and were taken to hospitals. Lake Nyos is situated in the middle of a volcanic chain of northern Cameroon.And as explained, the volcano under th e lake isn t quite extinct yet, and the bubbling liquid magma is constantly releas ing carbon dioxide, but this toxic gas doesn t escape into the atmosphere; rather,

through the high pressure of the masses of water at 200-meter depths, it combin es with the waters, from which carbonic acid develops.Thus, a gigantic deposit o f carbonic acid grew on the bottom of the lake for years. Then, when this had re ached the critical mass, respectively size, there was a chain reaction, whereby the deposit, during an explosion, shot through the water of the lake as a huge b ubble of carbon dioxide and shot high into the atmosphere. In the fateful night of the 21st of August, 1986, approximately 1.7 million cubic meters of poisonous carbon dioxide gas escaped from the subsoil of Lake Nyos, and as a deadly cloud , it set itself like a carpet above the Earth, within a radius of about 25 kilom eters, and all life suffocated. But with this, the danger for the future wasn t banished because by the turn of th e millennium, an enormous deposit of carbon dioxide will once again accumulate u nder the lake, which will then be twice as large as the one in the explosion wit hin the last year. - If it comes to a new outbreak of poisonous gas in the new millennium, then th e consequences will be even more devastating than they were a little more than h alf a year ago. - From our side, however, we will send some more impulses in order to influence the earthly scientists to find possible means and ways, on a technical basis, t o diffuse the poisonous waters at the bottom of Lake Nyos, namely in the for m that these poisonous waters are transported above the surface of the lake in a controlled and harmless manner and are made safe. Impulses & Interference in FOreign Civilizations : - B: And how does this agree with your directive, which says that you may in no way interfere in the affairs of other peoples and civilizations? - Q: This can be reconciled because we interfere in no affairs at all; rather, we only send out impulses to certain scientists, who can encounter solutions wit h these and work on them, without them even having the slightest notion of the f act that they have received impulses from us - So they will be of the opinion that the impulses come from themselves, and th ey will ascribe all insights and successes to themselves. - It must be said in this connection that we offer no solutions through these im pulses; rather, we only transmit impulses, through which suggestions for ideas r esult in certain directions and so on. Mount Vesuvius : - B: How is it, actually, in Italy with Mount Vesuvius? To my knowledge, this is still active - And if it comes to an eruption, It will presumably come to a worse disaster than what was the case on the 24th of August, A.D. 79, when Pompeii was complete ly destroyed by the enormous eruption of Vesuvius and was buried - The hot, liquid magma under the soil of Vesuvius is hundreds of square kilom eters in size and even extends beneath the city of Rome, as I know from you. - Q: Under the volcano, at a depth of approximately 8 Kms, there is a huge lake of magma, which has a total area of 523 square kilometers, and from this, sever al vents flow out of the flanks and out of the crater of the mountain, and occas ional masses of magma rise just beneath the crater s surface - And if it comes to an eruption of Vesuvius, and I mean a really tremendous er

uption, there will be a catastrophe of enormous proportions. Drying up of Aral Sea & Dead Sea: - B: through the fault of the person, the Aral Sea is drying up, as well as the Dead Sea. - Will this actually continue in such a way, and will one have to expect that the irrationality of the person will actually lead to the disappearance of these two bodies of water on the map? - Q: Unfortunately, this must be expected. - If everything continues in such a way with the abuse of the water, like thro ugh the emptying of it and through the inhibition of new inflows, then probably in no more than 100 years, neither the Aral Sea nor the Dead Sea will exist. Franklin Expedition: - B: Recently, I was asked for the reason why the so-called Franklin Expedition had failed and why all the participants had died? It was a pole expedition. - Q: Without exception, the participants of the expedition died as a result of lead poisoning, which was brought about by canned food, for the cans contained h igh concentrations of lead that poisoned the contents, which were then eaten by the people, by what means they fatally poisoned themselves. - And those, who did not die directly from lead poisoning, miserably perished by freezing to death. American Moon-landing participants: - B: the alleged Moon-landing of the Americans why the alleged Moon-landing par ticipants maintain, in spite of the solid evidence to the contrary, that they ha d actually been on the Moon? - One could make these ones talk by truth serums, nevertheless, and could uncov er the Moon-landing lie that fools the world. - Q: That would hardly be possible because all the alleged participants were p laced under heavy drugs and hypnosis without their knowledge - after which they were then subjected to a post-hypnotic brainwashing, and in consequence of this, all artificial memories of non-realized experiences and adv entures and, thus, of the faked Moon-landing were dictated to them, which they t hen adopted into their waking consciousness, whereby they became of the belief o f their alleged experiences and adventures. - The drug-induced and hypnotic blockade, through which nothing should be betr ayed, is so strong that it can be penetrated by no means, and such attempts coul d sooner have a deadly consequence than that the truth could be squeezed out. Child-Sacrifice of Incas : - B: You once said that the Incas sacrificed children, in order to appease the cult-gods. Where, then, were these children sacrificed? - Q: At various places, but often on a high mountain Egypt falcon-mummifying swindle : Intihuatana.

- B: In Egypt, falcons were regarded as sacred birds and were also given as mum mifications to the deceased, as additions to the graves. - Where did the Egyptians get so many falcons? Did they breed or import these specifically for this purpose? - Q: Neither, for actually, falcons were only rarely killed, mummified, and gi ven to the deceased as additions to the graves. - In truth, there prevailed in ancient Egypt an active falcon-mummifying swindl e, which rested on the fact that mummified forms of falcons were produced in gre at quantities, but these contained no falcon bones but rather animal bones, such as cow bones, etc. - Many thousands of such false mummifications of falcons were produced, which w ere then sold at prices that were high at the time. - Often involved in this commercial swindle and commercial fraud were the pries ts, who obtained great wealth through this. Mercury as Medicine: - B: Then a question in reference to mercury. Here, it is used in ointment medi cine. What other purpose does it have? - Q: Mercury is highly antibacterial. Interferometer Telescope & anoOther telescope stationed on the Earth : - B: Then I would like to know what will be developed by the terrestrial astron omers and scientists, etc. as a further consequence of the Hubble telescope - This in reference to further surpassing this coming telescope(Hubble), which should be positioned in Earth s orbit, namely around the year 1990, as you once sa id? - Q: First, a similar but better telescope will be built, which will be statio ned on the Earth. - In the new millennium, however, plans and developments will continue on, and then, the so-called interferometer will be developed. - It will be a telescope that will consist of a whole series of other telescope s that are grouped together, which will reveal undreamed-of and unexpected new i mpressions and insights about the universe to astronomical science. Earth s Oil Reserves : - B: Semjase once talked about Earth s oil reserves, just about those which were known at that time and which should last from then until another 25 years or so. - But in the meantime, several other stocks of oil have been found, and this st ill continues to occur. How will this look, however, in the new millennium? - Q: The terrestrial oil reserves, which will become known by the turn of the m illennium, should be sufficient in relation to the increasing world population a nd its consumption of Earth s oil, from the time mentioned until about another 70 years

- But at the same time, it should be noted that this will concern only the quan tities of Earth s oil reserves that are known up to then. - Actually, a portion of the petroleum extracted from the Earth is constantly r enewed by natural, internal processes of the Earth, as well as by natural plant deposits, animal deposits, and human deposits, due to the processes of decay and transformation, with their death and decay Economy & Unemployment : - B: But how will the further situation of the world develop, with regard to th e economy and unemployment? - You previously talked about unemployment and the economic collapse, which wi ll be carried well into the third millennium, whereby only after the years 2003, 2006, and in some cases even later, will improvements and, thus, positive chang es occur. Does this negative prognosis still remain valid? - Q: Unfortunately yes, because through mismanagement in all economic sectors a nd industries, as well as in the governments and in all their administrations, u nemployment, as new previews have proven, will be carried far into the new mille nnium by incompetent managers - This also applies to the indebtedness of the States, firms, and corporations , by what means many of these will change their entire structure through mergers and detrimental sales, and many will fall into bankruptcy and be dissolved. - More and more, incapable, inexperienced, irresponsible, reckless, and wanton elements, which are out for their own profit, will, unfortunately, seize power i n the firms, corporations, and governments, and these elements will be too young , too naive, and absolutely unfit to be able to fill in their positions responsi bly. - More and more, too young and simple-minded people will be launched into high and responsible positions, to which they cannot do justice, however. - Thus, positions of power will be occupied by those who do not know how to han dle them responsibly, and they will abuse these positions just for their own adv antage and according to their confused thoughts and ideas, namely up to treason, and they will drive everything into ruin through this. - And this will be valid for the governments, as well as for the firms of the economy and for the small and large corporations - In addition, this will likewise be valid for the health care system, particul arly for the hospitals and their doctors, as well as for the free doctors of a m edical and dental form, who, more and more, will conduct themselves entirely for profit and will pursue mismanagement, by what means premiums for health insuran ce will necessarily increase to a great extent. - B: So you also know a lot about our health insurance system. - Q: Of course that is correct, for we deal with all aspects of Earth humanity.

Stars -> Betelgeuse & Alnitak : - B: I have a question regarding the entity, or the giant star, as one always w ants to say, which is called Betelgeuse - If I remember correctly, Ptaah told me, when he showed me the entity on my gr

eat journey in 1975, that this is about 620 times the diameter of our sun - In addition, Alnitak, also such an entity or star, should have a luminosity that is 19,000 times that of our sun. Coming WOrld Events : - U.S. foreign policy - U.S. DOmestic policy - Terrorism - American President Bushes, Milosevic in Yugoslavia, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, C eaucescu, Osama bin Laden, Karadzic



Contact Report 215, Saturday, February 28, 1987 - Quetzal Massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila in the year 1982 : - B: My first question today refers to the massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila in the year 1982. - We already talked about this once, but on the one hand, nothing was held in w riting in relation to this, and on the other hand, your answer wasn t sufficient e nough. - The events were horrifying, with which more than 3,000 people were brutally and bestially murdered on the 15th or 16th of September, 1982. In addition, it w as never determined as to who the real ringleaders, respectively main perpetrato rs, actually were, who gave the order for this massacre. - Can you now say this clearly and plainly, I mean, who the main responsible pe rson was or who the main responsible persons were? - Q: There were 3,468 people who lost their lives in the massacres. - There were two real culprits, namely the Israeli Prime Minister at that time, Menachem Begin, and the Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon. - Together, these two secretly decided upon the massacre, which Ariel Sharon th en arranged with the Christian militias, respectively the responsible persons of Gemayel's Phalangists, with the promise that the Israeli occupation troops woul dn t intervene, following which the murderous militias could then freely enter the refugee camps and carry out their atrocities. - Also with them were members of Hadad s army, who could likewise pass through th e Israeli controls without difficulty and invade the camps of Sabra and Shatila and carry out their murderous work. - Begin s and Sharon s secret agreement with the leaders of the Christian killer br igades never became known because all those who were responsible have remained s ilent to this day, and of course, they will continue to do so. - But with what happened in the year 1982, it won t be enough, because Ariel Shar on, who thinks the Palestinians look better dead than alive, won t halt his murder

ous deeds. Ariel Sharon - This will especially be so when he arrives at the highest power in Israel, by being proclaimed the head of state in the year 2001. - As I ve already explained to you, he is an unusually aggressive man and a Pales tinian-hater, as well as a murderous element that doesn t shy away from any atroci ties, as this is also true of Begin. - When Sharon arrives at great power, very much distress will come over Israel and its inhabitants, as well as over the Palestinians, because through his direc t command, many open and secret service murders will happen. - Through him, Israel will ignore and stomp on all liberties and human rights o f the Palestinians more and more, as well as overthrow all political and human r ights and rules and spread and arrange murderous terror with enormous destructio ns. - Through Ariel Sharon, very much disaster, evil and pain, suffering and death will be spread in the new millennium because he will be able to indulge uninhibi tedly in his murderous and inhumane ambitions, in utter irresponsibility and in uncontrollable hatred against the Palestinians in particular and also against th e Arabs, without any great and serious objection being raised against it by the Israelis or by the world. - Nevertheless, if such occurs, then it will only be lax and dishonest. - Ariel Sharon's actions will occur to the same extent as those of the American s who, under the guise of the fight against terrorism and the preservation of pe ace, will run on the same tracks with their global military interventions in the affairs of foreign countries. - However, both actions will be the same, so both Israel s and America s, namely of a terrorist, respectively counter-terrorist nature, as this will also be the ca se with the Palestinians and with Iraq, as well as other countries, so also with a variety of distinct terrorist organizations, including those that are secretl y driven by the State and those of the secret services of the State. Genetic engineering in Natural scientific evolution of man: - Do you have any knowledge about this and does such an action represent the n atural scientific evolution of man? - Q: The science of genetic engineering is established in the laws of overall evolution - Therefore, it also cannot be prevented, even though in the future, irrationa l ones, who will unite together in whole organizations, will want to destroy suc h progress by all unfair means, even with lies and with false test reports and i mpact reports on genetically altered plants, animals, and humans. - However, genetic progress can t be stopped, in spite of all these irrational m achinations of the genetic engineering enemies, because the laws of evolution wi ll allow it that even this branch of progress will find its fulfillment through human genius. - Of course, genetic engineering will need its time before it can function fla wlessly because every beginning requires efforts, researches, and mistakes that

must be made, for only through these can qualified and real successes be obtaine d and can progress be created. - But exactly this means that all negating things that will be undertaken in th e future by those who are irrational and fearful, in reference to genetic engine ering and, thus, to genetic manipulations in plants, animals, and humans, will b e wrong and impeding to progress, as well as absurd, unrealistic, stupid, and ir responsible - For such actions will inhibit the progress and the better well-being of the Earth person and, thus, will slow down many vitally necessary solutions for huma ns, animals, and plants and even make such solutions impossible. - Due to the irrationality and irresponsibility of the genetic opponents, it wi ll be that a lot of genetic progress for all humans, animals, and plants, as wel l as waters and air, and even for all of nature, will be prevented for many year s, even though life could be prolonged by centuries through genetic engineering and just through the genetic manipulation of the person, by what means his healt h could be so stabilized, namely in a few decades, that he would almost never ge t sick - Also plants, fruits, and vegetables, as well as other food products, could al ready be so genetically altered in a short time for the welfare of humans that a mple benefits would arise from it - But the irresponsible, irrational and, thus, the gene-negating ones will work against this with lies, deceit, and fear, by what means the actual successes of genetic engineering will also have to wait a long time for themselves, for when the first actual successes are achieved, from which the people will benefit oft en not even knowing that their food or medicines are genetically engineered and are only actually useful and healthy because of this. Genetic engineering Animal & Plant Genes : - B: when will it have come so far that genetic science will merge plant and an imal genes together, in order to cultivate plant-animals, respectively animal-pl ants? - It will be the year 2002 before a genetic attempt will officially become know n, with which plant and animal genes will be brought together. - About this, we have acquired probability calculations, which show that the wh ole thing will report itself in Japan, in the sense that the genes of spinach pl ants will be transferred into pigs. Secret Genetic Engineering : - Nevertheless, this won t be the first case, for the same and similar things wil l already happen prior to this in different countries of the Earth from their sc ientists, as a result of their research; it s just that the world public will lear n almost nothing about this, like also not about the cloning attempts regarding humans and animals. - Even in the current time, many series of experiments like these are already r unning in scientific laboratories around the world; it s just that these are conce aled, and to be sure, with the full authorization of the irrational and irrespon sible genetic opponents - Therefore, ways of inhibiting progress are thought of by those who, out of co mplete ignorance and often influenced by sectarianism, try to restrain the devel

opment themselves, and to them, all unfair means are right, and this will also r emain so in the new millennium, at least in the first 2 decades. - B: Idiotic, especially when one considers that the progress cannot be stopped , not even when lunatics rant against it. - But so it has always been on the Earth, for there have always been pathologic al idiots, who didn t want to allow the progress, who braced themselves against it , and with this, often caused much disaster, by what means often many people los t their lives, who may have been saved if the progressive had been allowed, espe cially with regard to medicine and food preparation, etc. BIlly's Aphorism: - B: "foolishness always first precedes reason" - Q: But how do you know this aphorism? It is well-known to us from traditions. .. - B: ... from Henoch. I know - Q: Then did either Semjase or Ptaah report this to you, or perhaps Sfath or A sket? - B: Neither. - Q: That, I don t understand. - B: It isn t important now. One day, though, you ll understand it. Let s talk about something else. Stone Age people & their Settlements: - B: Guido and I were talking about the prehistoric people, respectively the S tone Age people, and there, the question arose as to when these had actually com e so far that they banded together in larger groups and when these or their desc endants built the first smaller and larger settlements, smaller or larger kraals or small villages, etc. - Q: In fact, these beings(first human forms) were only about 80 centimeters la rge, and they partially moved half-upright on their legs, and their excessively long arms partially clambered around in the trees. - The development of these beings lasted for a very long time, with the most di verse species following from it, which developed into actually recognizable huma ns in their first species even the early hominids, as the Earth person imagines them in their early stages around 8.5 million years ago, while other species of the same genus appeared 4.5 and 6.5 million years ago - There were precursors to these species, but already 12.6 and 16.7 million ye ars ago. - From the more distant descendants of all these human forms, who appeared in v arious places on the Earth, such as in Africa, Australia, Japan, China, America, South America and in Europe, etc., as you now call these areas, there were alre ady early accumulations of dwellings settlements, as you say in which whole kins hips gathered together. - Such sites are known to us on Earth, and they exhibit an age of 736,000 and o f 811,000, 970,000 and 1,200,000 years.

Original-original prehistoric men : - B: We(Guido) also came to speak of the first real, original-original prehisto ric men, if one can actually designate the most distant, original-original foref athers of the Earth people as such. - Here, the question, then, is how large they actually were and whether they we re already walking upright. - Q: The first human forms, which can already be very well designated in their origin as human beings, emerged around 49 million years ago. - Nevertheless, their appearance wasn t human but rather in the form that the Ear th person knows of the early hominid, due to his conceptions, because the first human forms still had nothing comparable with these. - In fact, these beings were only about 80 centimeters large, and they partial ly moved half-upright on their legs, and their excessively long arms partially c lambered around in the trees. - The development of these beings lasted for a very long time, with the most di verse species following from it, which developed into actually recognizable huma ns in their first species even the early hominids, as the Earth person imagines them in their early stages around 8.5 million years ago, while other species of the same genus appeared 4.5 and 6.5 million years ago - There were precursors to these species, but already 12.6 and 16.7 million ye ars ago. - From the more distant descendants of all these human forms, who appeared in v arious places on the Earth, such as in Africa, Australia, Japan, China, America, South America and in Europe, etc., as you now call these areas, there were alre ady early accumulations of dwellings settlements, as you say in which whole kins hips gathered together. - Such sites are known to us on Earth, and they exhibit an age of 736,000 and o f 811,000, 970,000 and 1,200,000 years. Earth's Climate after DInosaur Extinction: - B: What is also of interest to us is when the Earth s climate basically began t o stabilize itself. - Since these things also belong to one of your specialties, I guess that you c an certainly tell us something about it. - Q: The Earth s climate began to stabilize itself around 35 million years ago. Mammals & Predators after the extinction of Dinosaurs: - B: Also, we(Guido) came to the first, respectively the left-over and subseque nt animals, specifically speaking of the mammals that occupied the Earth after t he extinction of the dinosaurs. - The real interest was with the predators and the horses and even the large ma mmals and so on. - Q: And if I should provide some information about mammals and also predators, which appeared about 65 million years ago after the great catastrophe, then I m

ust speak of the times of the Eocene and Oligocene. - As you know, the impact of a space projectile took place on the Earth about 6 5 million years ago, by what means all major life forms were killed and destroye d. - Only small creatures were able to survive, which only weighed up to 10 or 12 kilograms at most. - Even after the dinosaurs, there were naturally predators that could have comp eted with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, for example. Hyaenodonts(Moles) : - There was, for example, the family of Hyaenodonts, but these aren t the ancest ors of today's hyenas, yet they were aggressive, powerful predators, whose most distant, evolutionary altered descendants are the moles - A Hyaenodont reached a size of 170 to 180 centimeters, had a set of razor-sha rp teeth, and especially the molars were razor-sharp grinding tools, with which even the thickest bones of victims could be easily crushed for digestion. - Hyaenodonts are about as large as a current rhinoceros - The primitive genetic blueprint of these great predators has been preserved t o this day in the mole, whose incisors come from the same evolutionary line as t hose of the Hyaenodonts - So today's mole is really nothing other than a predator, albeit a small preda tor that only eats worms, beetles, larvae, and so on. - Hyaenodonts, like the mole also is, were rogues. - Rogues, like the Hyaenodonts, met one another as a result of their distinct s ense of smell, like also the Hyaenodonts, when other animals were seized or when cadavers showed them the way. - This led to serious fights with their equals, which were frequently associate d with severe and bone-shattering injuries and which also often ended with subse quent death. - It goes without saying that these powerful, great predators had no other nat ural enemies and, thus, were the actual rulers over all life forms at that time - Their only enemies were their own members of the same species. - If they encountered each other, then they mutually attacked and maltreated th emselves with their up to one-meter-long jaws, which were fitted with razor-shar p teeth Entelodonts(Bores) : - Hyaenodonts were ruthless predators, but there were others that even surpasse d these, namely the Entelodonts, to which the endless savannas and hardwood fore sts offered abundant hunting grounds. - These were actually the most powerful predators that lived at the same time w ith the Hyaenodonts, which disappeared even before the Entelodonts. The Entelodo nts reached more than 2 meters in size and weighed more than 1,000 kilograms

- These animals were extremely aggressive and exhibited an actual pre-kinship t o today's wild boars living on the Earth. - They were omnivores and had no enemies Endrosacus(Sheep) : - But at another time, there was also the Endrosacus, also an extremely aggress ive predator that weighed well over a ton - And that was the earliest ancestor of today's sheep and also probably the lar gest predator that lived on the Earth after the time of the dinosaurs. Indricotherium(Rhinoceros) : - Nevertheless, this(Endrosacus) wasn t the largest animal, for that was the Indr icotherium, which exhibited a size of over 7 meters and a weight of up to 17 ton s. - This animal at that time was the real, first prototype, from which developed the rhinoceros that is well-known to you Megatherium(Sloth) & Giant Rodent: - The most powerful and most unusual mammal appeared on the Earth a little more than 2 million years ago, the Megatherium - This was a giant sloth that walked upright on its hind legs and ate leaves. - Unlike today's sloths that live in trees and that are very slow and ponderous , the Megatherium was too immense and too heavy to be able to climb trees, like also the giant rodent that was the size of a modern cow, which lived 6 to 10 mil lion years ago. - Megatherium was as large as a medium-sized elephant, weighing over 4,000 kilo grams and measuring 6 meters. - Only a few thousand years ago, this giant sloth lived in North and South Amer ica, but it was hunted by humans for its great-tasting meat until it was wiped o ut Neureterium(Elephant) : - As this also happened with the mammoth, which was also largely eliminated by the humans at that time, while the remaining animals found their end through cl imatic upheavals and natural disasters. - And since I speak now of the mammoth, you will surely ask about the elephants , respectively for their actual original-original forefathers: - This was the Neureterium, which also lived millions of years ago and which de veloped, over a very long evolutionary process, into what you now know as the el ephant. Chalicotherium(Horse) : - The original-original forefathers of horses were very small and only had a si ze of just less than 30 centimeters - Then, from these, the Chalicotherium developed at a later time, which was mor except their own kind.

e than 3 meters in size and which had a short snout like an anteater, as well as a long neck; therefore, with a little imagination, it could be compared to a gi raffe Roswell UFO Crash: - B: Did a UFO actually crash there? Even though you have already confirmed thi s once, there are still some things that remain unclear, even with regard to the UFO crew, concerning which you said that they were androids. - So what were the occupants really, and from where did the aliens come? - Q: The Roswell Case is a reality because the UFO crash actually took place th ere, but this is denied up to the present day and will continue to be denied in the distant future by the American military and Secret Services, as well as by a ll government agencies, namely with flimsy, changing, stupid, and ridiculous exc uses that will only surely testify to the fact that everything actually happened - With the crashed object, it concerned a beamship from the Reticulum systems. - The crew did not consist of natural human life forms but of human androids of a bioorganic nature, which means that they were artificial human androids, whic h the US-Army also got a hold of, some living and some dead, and these were secr etly kept in secret stations. - With the bioorganic androids, it concerned effective artificial life forms, s o not robots or the like, but independently thinking beings, in every way self-c apable of making decisions, made out of living material and living organs, bred in accordance with the human beings who are located in the Reticulum systems. - In Earth-human terms, these bioorganic androids bred by the Reticulum people are actual life forms, and as such, they are respected by the Reticulum people a nd are also appreciated and treated, for the androids are, indeed, artificial hu man beings - As such, they stand under the command of the real humans of the Reticulum sys tems, on whose behalf they also carry out excursions, etc. to foreign star syste ms and planetary systems - And such artificial human forms were associated with the crash, as I already explained. - The intelligence of these android beings stems from a bioorganic consciousne ss of an artificial form, which is just as capable of development as the conscio usness of the normal, natural person; therefore, it can also be creative and inv entive. - The type of consciousness is designed uniformly and collectively in each andr oid, which means that all of the androids have a uniform consciousness form, and so, they are collectively like-minded, and thus, a collective form of telepathi c communication is owned by them. - The form of consciousness of these artificial life forms is built on an artif icial consciousness, which doesn t correspond to an actual personality but rather to an artificial form, which can think quite independently, act, and decide, as well as develop itself further, but which isn t arranged into conscious evolution but only functions according to conscious instinct. - This means that there is very well a capacity for development of the consciou sness form, through which ideas are created and thought processes can take place

, which are creative, inventive, and progressive and, thus, capable of being dev eloped, but all of this just deals with conscious instinct, and nothing concerns conscious evolution - Either way, the form of consciousness of these bioorganic androids is an arti ficial-organic element, in which no creative spirit is inherent in any form. - The form of consciousness of the androids is formed in such a way that it own s a certain independence, in spite of the collectivity, whereby a degree of indi viduality is given, which cannot be compared, however, to an actual personality in a consciousness sense; - Nevertheless, it has its own individuality, which may seem like a contraction to the Earth person because he cannot understand these things in the least part of his mind and still can t make any conceptions of this. - He will only gain these conceptions and the understanding as well as the know ledge relating to such android beings in the distant future. - The bioorganic androids of the Reticulum people contain an authoritative prog ramming in their artificial consciousness, which prevents that the artificial be ings could ever rise over their designers, respectively their creators, but the time of their lives is limited to 300 years of devoted servitude to these - Nevertheless, they are entirely free and can in every way decide as to what r esponsibilities they undertake, exercise, or decline and, thus, whether they wan t to focus on a task or not - So they are in no way subject to compulsion by their creators - In the manner in which they are biologically created, they are incapable of p erforming sexual acts and also of reproducing themselves. - Their own and appropriate kind of consciousness is contained in their artific ial brains, and as I already mentioned, the artificial-bioorganic consciousness does not contain a creative spirit form, which would drive and animate this by i ts own energies - Animation is provided by the artificial brain, which is constructed in such a way that it can absorb and use the cosmic-electromagnetic life energies, so tha t the existence of life is guaranteed. - It is this cosmic energy, by which the artificial life forms are animated and also made alive. - All this, however, couldn t be recognized by all the doctors, surgeons, and pat hologists, etc. in the American secret stations, where the crashed android being s were taken - But how could they, since their knowledge relating to this wasn t in place yet? - In fact, it will still take many centuries and even several millennia before the terrestrial scientists arrive at the possibility of creating such beings as the bioorganic androids - Therefore, these beings will remain an unsolvable mystery to them for a very long time, as it is also the case for them with regard to the crashed beings in Roswell Plejaren Androids :

- B: But one thing still interests me: with you, I ve also seen androids, so arti ficial life forms that can think and act independently. Are these the same as th e android beings of Reticulum? - Q: On the whole, yes. Only the appearance of our androids is different in nat ure, for they are created after our likenesses - While the Reticulum androids resemble their creators, who are, in spite of th eir high technology and various sciences, still very unknowing in terms of reall y spiritual and creative interests, yet still arranged into a high and liberal c ulture with expressed human rights - Nevertheless, our directives forbid us from maintaining deliberate physical o r telepathic contact with them Eruption of the Vesuvius volcano : - B: But now, a question that concerns the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in Italy, on the 24th/25th of August, A.D. 79, which destroyed the cities of Hercul aneum, Pompeii, and Stabia, by which many people lost their lives - Then, there were greater eruptions again in 1906 and in 1944, even though eve rything went off lightly. We did, indeed, already talk about this during the las t conversation. - You also mentioned a number to me, regarding the people who lost their lives, and last of all, you then told me that you could be mistaken and, thus, would h ave to check to see how many there actually were - Have you now investigated this, and what had actually happened at that time? - Q: In the catastrophe, 18,976 people were killed. At that time, the whole pop ulation was 25,411 people who lived in those areas that were destroyed by the vo lcanic eruption. - The eruption of Vesuvius produced 6 pyroclastic flows, respectively clouds, w hich raced at a tremendous speed down the mountain and across the country and wh ich suffocated all life beneath them - In particular, it was the 4rth pyroclastic flow that wiped out so many human lives, while the 5th and 6th just did the rest. - B: Then there were still about 4/5 who lost their lives. - What is a pyroclastic flow? - Q: It is a rapidly spreading cloud of hot ash, dust, and air. - B: Aha, then the people suffocated and burned when the pyroclastic flows swep t over them, destroying everything under themselves Destruction of Petra : - B: what was the reason for the destruction of Petra? I mean Petra, the curren t ruin site with the rock necropolis in southern Jordan. - Petra was the residence of the Nabatean king until the establishment of the Roman province of Arabia Petraea in the year A.D. 106 by Trajan

- Petra was also a commercial center in the caravan traffic between Syria and s outhern Arabia. - The city was abandoned after its conquest by the Arabs in the years 629 632. To my knowledge, it wasn t until 1812 that the city of Petra was discovered again - Q: The discovery was made by a certain Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, who was born in 1784 and who already died, at the age of only 33 years, in 1817 - B: It wasn t a discovery but a rediscovery. In 1829, so 12 years after Burckhar dt s death, the first excavations were made in Petra - I myself can remember the very ornate facades of the multi-storey grave faci lities worked into the rock cliffs. - Q: You were in Jordan for a long time and, among other places, also in Petra. I know the grave facilities. - Particularly impressive to me, for example, was ed-Deir, the so-called monast ery that dates from the 2nd century A.D. - B: I remember. It exhibits a very peculiar mixture of Roman-Hellenistic facad e architecture and temple architecture, which are connected with the local grave -building traditions - But what, now, was the reason for the destruction of Petra? - Q: The destruction traces back to a massive earthquake. - But not only was Petra destroyed by this but also many other places around th e current Gulf of Aqaba and around the Red Sea. - Also the Earth opened up, out of which kilometer-high chunks of sulfur were h urled, which were distributed over the vast country. Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah: - Q: Several factors are to be mentioned: - On the one hand, a meteorite fell to the Earth and exploded high over the are a of the 2 cities, which would now actually be designated as larger villages. - This led to devastating destructions of both cities, triggering a massive ear thquake, by which the earth was torn open like in Petra and by underground volca nic activity, small and larger chunks of sulfur were flung high and across the c ountry, which also naturally caused much disaster, and by this as also by the ex ploding meteorite many people were killed. - The remaining part of the total destruction was caused by the megalomaniac an d crazy God of the Hebrews, an extraterrestrial who had his headquarters deep un der the pyramid of Giza - His punishment for the disobedience of the population of Sodom and Gomorrah a gainst his commands was that he let 2 small atom bombs ignite over the 2 cities, which finally leveled everything to the ground, killing all humans and animals. Preferences for Flavors: - B: Can you tell me, as a doctor and medical scientist, how the preferences fo r flavors and, thus, for certain foods and drinks basically develop in humans?

- Q: The flavor preference of humans for certain foods and drinks develops, in principle, in the womb of the mother during pregnancy, which means that what the mother eats and drinks is decisive, and in particular, sweet and good, spicy fo od and drinks are of special importance - However, if there is an excess of certain flavors, which are received via the food or the drinks of the mother and passed on to the growing child in her womb , then an aversion to these particular flavors may very well arise, - As this can also be the case if the mother does not take in certain flavors o f food during pregnancy and the child is first confronted with such substances a fter birth. - B: Then in some circumstances, growing children can become addicted, for exam ple, to alcohol, medicines, or drugs, already in the womb during pregnancy? - Q: That is correct. Causes of Ice Ages : - B: what actually causes ice ages? - Q: Ice ages result from climatic variations due to fluctuations in Earth's or bit around the Sun Disappearance of the Mammoths : - B: You said that along with the fact that humans have contributed to the disa ppearance of the mammoths from the Earth, in the end, also climate changes were responsible for this - Q: That s right. Humans very well eradicated the mammoth as far as possible, bu t the final extinction was caused by climate changes - B: The mammoth disappeared, yes, about 10,000 years ago. - Q: That only partially represents the truth because the last of these animals still lived 3,500 years ago, on an island to the far north of today's Soviet Un ion - However, it is true that about 10,000 years ago, mammoths were very strongly reduced by humans, who hunted them very much for their meat, hides, and bones. - The meat was used as tasty food, while the hides and the bones found use for the building of huts. Developmental Aid for the underdeveloped Third World countries : - Q: This is a wrong work of the Earth people that is incomprehensible to us be cause it goes against all rules of the self-development of peoples but also of t he dignity of all people, from whom all possibilities of self-development, selfinitiative, and self-progression are irrevocably taken, as a result of such an i rrational and irresponsible intervention. - The earthly developmental strategy respectively that of the developmental aid organizations and their supporters and implementers, regarding the developmenta l aid for the underdeveloped, respectively Third World countries is absolutely w rong because this irresponsible intervention in their affairs creates tremendous damage.

- As a result of this wrong aid, intervention is made in every form and in ever y branch of the developmental structure of the underdeveloped countries, which m eans that these countries and their people become dependent in every relation on the developmental aid and on the goods given to them by the advanced industrial ized nations, as well as on all of their achievements, whereby they completely l ose their independence. - Thus, they lose their freedom, as well as the will for their own natural deve lopment; therefore, they cannot make any more progress of their own. - Against this, directives that are to be strictly followed would have to exis t, which prohibit such developmental interventions that are usually carried out by effeminate, over-humanized, and false-humane people of wealthy countries, as well as by adventurers. - Developmental aid, as it is practiced on the Earth by the wealthy countries a nd people, is not only destructive but also inhumane, for through this, the self -initiative of the people of underdeveloped countries is inhibited and made impo ssible. - This is quite apart from the fact that the wealthy industrialized nations an d their development-supporters are, as a rule, only out for profit, namely in the form that the developmental aid is merely intended to exploit the resources of t he developing countries, etc. - Overall, developmental aid, in the form that is operated by the Earth people, is destructive, inhumane, as well as progress-hindering for those whom the irra tional and irresponsible aid is given. - For Third World countries and their people, the higher cultures aren t understandable; they aren t neficial; therefore, they also can t learn anything whole career-related development and the associated standing. advanced achievements of the progressive for them and aren t be from it because they lack the insights and necessary under

- The whole development of learning is stifled by the developmental aid; hence, no real progress can be made but only a dependence on the goods and products th at are made available by the developmental aid workers and their advocates and o rganizations. - Thus, a real development cannot result, but precisely this is necessary if th e person wants to make headway and wants to form his progress by his own respons ibility and self-initiative. - This is prevented, however, by the irresponsible developmental aid, at least for the countries and all their people who become blinded by the incorrect aid. - If there are a few clever ones from these countries and people who are except ions, then this still doesn t justify the fact that entire countries and their peo ple are developmentally intervened and made dependent on the advanced industrial ized nations and are restrained in their self-development and self-initiative - These are some reasons why our directives prohibit such direct interventions in any human cultures, if these are lower than our own evolutionary state, in te rms of consciousness-development as well as with respect to medical, technical, and overall scientific development. - And indeed, this refers to the overall development of all areas and sciences and, thus, not just to individual interests.

Prophecies of Henoch: - B: You promised me that you would bring me material from the prophecies of He noch for the 3rd millennium or that you would give me various prophecies. - Q: Of course, I will keep my promise, but before I give you a clear account o f the prophecies of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive changes in h is thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is better and positivel y progressive. - Prophecies always rest upon specific causes; these again result in certain ef fects, whereby these effects can be changed at any time if only the preceding ca uses are changed in their form. - Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely changed in a manner that pos itivity and good develop instead of negativity and evil. - However, this does not apply to predictions, as these rest upon events that c annot be changed, are inevitable and surely and definitely will occur in the fut ure - Predictions rest upon a preview and thus on a direct viewing of the future, a nd have to do with neither prophecy nor with calculation of probability. - So when I make a portion of Henoch's prophecies for the third millennium know n to you, it does not mean that they have to be fulfilled, because the prerequis ite of fulfillment in each case would be that the already existing causes contin ue to exist as also continue to be created in the future so that a fulfillment o f the prophecies can come to pass. - Thus, provided that human beings of Earth will become reasonable, the possibi lity exists that by a reasonable change in the way of thinking as well as a reas onable development in feeling and an equally reasonable way of acting, everythin g changes for the better and positive, whereby prophecies do not have to be fulf illed. - However, if this transformation does not occur, a very evil, wicked and negat ive time lies ahead for the Earth and its entire population in the coming new mi llennium. Billy Spreading the Prophecies/Predictions: - B: Since the Second World War, the thoughts, feelings and actions of the huma n being of Earth have changed much towards the positive and good - But all that achieved is not enough in my opinion, as the great transformatio n towards the better has not been achieved yet, neither by the mighty of this wo rld nor all of mankind of Earth itself - In the years gone by, you have made many predictions and calculations of pro bability as well as mentioned prophetic facts concerning the economic, military and political situation on Earth, whereby I was requested to spread this informa tion which I indeed have done - Governments and newspapers, radio stations as well as TV stations and many pr ivate persons worldwide were informed by me

- But the entire effort did not achieve anything, because up to now mankind has carried on in the old manner and has paid no attention whatsoever to prophecies , predictions and calculations of probability - And the same will most likely be the case in the future, when I receive perm ission from you in the coming time to spread the prophecies of Henoch for the 3r d millennium - But, nevertheless, I feel that Henoch's message for the future must be made k nown and distributed, because somehow it may bear fruit yet. - Q: You apparently never give up hope. - Your optimism is honorable and deserves to be heard by human beings, but the way things have developed throughout this century there is not too much hope tha t human beings of Earth will come to their senses and heed your words. - This will then be the case only when the prophecies prove to be true or, even worse, have already come to pass. - Probably only then will the time come when the defamations against you will en d in regard to your contacts with us, although they will long continue to be veh emently disputed by your enemies as well as by pathological know-it-alls and cri tics who dismiss them as swindle, lies and fraud. - The full truth about our contacts with you will be proven in the distant futu re, and then mankind will accept our help we offer through you even when they erro neously assume we come from the seven-star system known to human beings of Earth as the Pleiades - B: Semjase and Ptaah already explained this to me. But tell us now what the n ew millennium will bring to human beings of Earth and the planet Earth according to the prophecies of Henoch. - Q: I will do that in a moment, but I would like to explain before beginning that I am not authorized to give exact indication of years in an official manner Presentation of Prophecies: - B: Understood, but that is certainly a good thing. But I d be grateful to you i f you could present the prophecies in a modern, somewhat understandable language , for the better understanding of the people. - The old manner of writing and speaking of Henoch might be incomprehensible to most of today s Earth people. - This also means that an open language and presentation are desirable, just t hat the prophecies should not be given in riddles and mysteries, for if I have t o publish everything, then open, explanatory, and unencrypted prophecies should be of value because I think that only understandable prophecies can be of use, s ince though encryption, the interest of the people fades, for they can understan d precisely nothing - My experience proves to me that people are much more responsive and will stri ve for a matter in more detail and with more interest if something is clearly an d distinctly explained to them - Although it is true that through the encryptions of prophecies, etc., some an xiety is reduced, this will only become greater as less is understood, for then, wild fantasies begin to act and to agitate, by what means hellish anxieties and

hellish pictures emerge. - Q: Your words are correct.Thus, I will offer Henoch s prophecies in an understa ndable form. Telekinetic powers in the COnstruciton of Pyramids : - B: But tell me, what is actually up, now, with what you told me about the bui lding of the pyramids, namely that human forces, respectively human muscle power , had accomplished the building of the pyramids - Years ago, I was told that telekinetic forces had been in play, by what means the large cubes should have been moved through the air by thought, respectively consciousness forces, which are and have always been mistakenly referred to as mental powers. - But now, you have said something else. How does that reconcile itself? - Q: My recently given explanation is just as correct as that which you were gi ven a few years ago. - Both recently as well as before, you only asked for a certain explanation, bu t not for one that should be complete - So now, however, I will explain to you that both human muscle power, which ac complished most of the work, as well as telekinetic powers were used in the buil ding of the pyramids. - The human muscle power was used by the people of the Earth, who worked on the building, while the telekinetic powers were used by the foreigners from the sta r systems Orion and Leo, and of these foreigners, however, only a few had powerf ul telekinetic powers; thus, only small works were settled in this manner. Quetzal <-> Ischwisch : - B: several times, I have already determined that your knowledge is very compr ehensive with regard to spiritual and creative interests. To what extent do you occupy yourself therewith? - Q: Also nothing remains hidden to you. My efforts go on, in order to acquire the status of an Ischwisch. - B: Oh no, and you first say that now, after we have already known each other for so long. - Q: You never asked about it. - B: Well-roared, lion. You are right, yes, because you only explain things abo ut yourself if I ask for them. I should actually do that myself. - Q: That, you also do, yes. When I think that I must constantly strive very mu ch if I want to learn something about you. - Since you only rarely tell me something about yourself, as you also do so wit h the group members, I must always do my best to get to know something about you that is otherwise necessary for me. - B: Then we are both just sick in the same hospital, if you know what I mean. Plejarens wish for Earth-Humans :

- B: It would be right to me if you would still say a few important things and if you d mention some aspects that are important for the Earth people. - Q: However, this requires that I inform someone about my extended absence. - B: Quetzal spoke in a language unfamiliar to me, over his communication devic e, with a female person who is likewise unknown to me. - Q: What should I speak of now? - B: Let s hear something in the sense of what you extraterrestrials have to tell us Earth people in general, regarding behavior and development, love, knowledge and wisdom, as well as regarding peace and truth, etc. - In your kind, you are all very highly developed and extremely loving beings, who have overcome all acts of violence and who wish that we sorry Earth worms wo uld also free ourselves from the illogical violence. - In this context, I think that it would be appropriate for you to say a few w ords. - Q: There is a lot that can and must be addressed, and I would like to list th at which I have to say as follows: - These 21 important things, dear friend, should be my statements for now, whic h I mentioned in accordance with your wish - In another visit, I will, perhaps, try to continue with the statements. 6] EC

Contact Report 216, Monday, March 16, 1987 - Quetzal Q: Ptaah greets you(B) very warmly, as well as Pleija, Asket and Nera, as well a s Menara and Taljda. In addition, those who are still unknown to you from the DA L Universe as well as from the planet Erra greet you Gene doping : - Q: The genetic research by the earthly scientists will entail, namely startin g from the new millennium, that fighters and sportsmen, etc. will receive stimul ants and, thus, stimulant drugs in the form of gene injections. - This kind of doping for all kinds of purposes will become common worldwide in the coming time, and indeed, not only for humans but also for animals, which ar e driven to maximum performance through gene doping. - In particular, with military personnel, sports figures, and terrorist fighte rs, the new form of doping will cause a sensation, but also with respect to the animals, to whom gene-doping injections, etc. are given, in order to drive them, on the one hand, to top performances and, on the other hand, to misuse them for purposes of war and terrorism. Wisdom teeth : - B: Our scientists say that wisdom teeth of modern man are an unnecessary left over from prehistoric man s time and are absolutely unnecessary today. Is that rig ht?

- Q: Wisdom teeth are a necessity for humans because if these are missing, the n the food is no longer chewed properly and is only crushed poorly. - However, especially the chewing and crushing of the food are necessary and of great significance and importance for the stomach and the intestines and for th eir digestive processes and, thus, for the breaking down and burning of the food - Well-chewed and crushed foods facilitate these processes quite tremendously. - The front teeth, i.e. the biting teeth or the tearing teeth, are not sufficie nt for the chewing process and crushing process, which is why these functions ar e assigned to the molars, and these include the so-called wisdom teeth. - If the food isn t chewed properly and is crushed poorly, then health problems w ill arise from this in the course of time, which can spread to and affect the st omach as well as the intestines and even the immune system, which appears with m any people on the Earth, without them knowing what causes their suffering - Stomach ulcers as well as intestinal ulcers are fairly often a result of a la ck of quality with regard to the chewing and crushing of food. - Even the earthly physicians, etc. have, so far, gained no insights in this re spect. - Indeed, by them and the scientists, it is even accepted erroneously that wisd om teeth are a useless leftover from the early days of the Earth people, but thi s corresponds to a misconception beyond compare. - Thus, even we, who are not only superior to the people of the Earth in consci ousness but also in physical evolution, have wisdom teeth, of course, because th ese are, in fact, vitally necessary. - If humans are missing these teeth, then health problems, as I said, can appea r. Jmmanuel sweating blood : - B: In the story of Jmmanuel, it is recorded that he had succumbed to sweating blood before being arrested by his captors. - To my knowledge, this is called Hematidrosis. Many people, who aren t educated in relation to this, suppose that sweating blood isn t possible. But to my knowled ge, this acceptance is erroneous. - Q: Hematidrosis, or sweating blood, is a reality. Natural disasters in next decades & into 3rd Millennium : - B: What does the future hold in regards to rain, snow, climate warming, etc.? - Q: I explained before that the coming time will bring all sorts of disasters in terms of the weather and the climate, i.e. their change. - In the next few decades and well into the third millennium, the Earth and its humanity will be afflicted by many natural disasters. - Great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and devastating thunderstorms, snowsto rms, hurricanes, and violent cyclones will be rife, whereby tremendous amounts o f water and snow will fall down from the clouds upon the Earth, causing enormous

floods and snow catastrophes in the form of enormous avalanches, etc. - The origin for this will be in global warming, which will partially be attrib uted to natural causes but mostly to the environmental pollution, environmental degradation, and climate influence of the Earth people, as this has already been the case for many years. - The Earth s climate is changing, and as a result, everything leads to greater evaporation of the seas, streams, rivers, and lakes, for which the greenhouse ga s, CO2, is also to blame, which the people release into the atmosphere. - Through this, many other things also change in the nature of the Earth as wel l as in the planet itself, such as the circulation and the number and intensity of the winds, which are becoming increasingly stronger and more powerful and whi ch grow into severe hurricanes, etc. - The two main factors, evaporation and stronger storm-related winds, make it that during the periods from spring to autumn, massive rain storms break out ove r the Earth, and enormous masses of water rain down and flood everything, while in the cold winter season, also vast amounts of moisture are driven over the are as of the mainland, forming into snow crystals in the cold air and leading to ve ry unusually heavy and extreme snowfalls, which often continue for days. - This means, however, that the danger of avalanches will also very greatly inc rease in the mountains especially in Europe whereby the greatest destructions wi ll be caused, and many human lives will have to be lamented through terrible dea ths, when increasingly more, larger, more dangerous, and more destructive avalan ches appear. Reason for an avalanche formation & most dangerous avalanches : - Q: Basically, through winds, sunshine, and cold fronts, various snow layers form, which are only loosely stacked on top of each other - so for example, underneath is a crusted, frozen layer, and above that is a lo ose and quite airy layer or simply loose, powdery snow. - Such structures are enough, then, for an avalanche to occur, when through a gust of wind, through a snowdrift breaking off, through a slight shock of earthl y origin a small movement between the different covers of snow arises. - In addition, avalanches are released by all kinds of animals as well as by ir responsible people who go on such dangerous snow cliffs on foot or on skis or sl eds, etc. whereby the slightest shocks are enough to trigger a catastrophe. - Depending on the critical structure of the various, resulting snow layers, a thrown snowball or object may already be enough for the releasing of an avalanch e. - In fact, often just the slightest shocks are sufficient. - B: And what are the most dangerous avalanches? - Q: Undoubtedly the snow powder avalanches. - This is a fact that, unfortunately, isn t recognized by many people and leads t o fatal accidents. Effects & Reasons of Climate change on Earth:

- B: Do all climate changes actually have no consequences for the planet itself ? Do you know something about this? - Q: Of course, the planet itself is also affected in various forms, but to enu merate all of these in detail would take too long. - However, it should be said that all resulting changes in the climate as well as the greenhouse gas and the inner-earth resource exploitation by the Earth per son will lead, in the course of time, to a change in the Earth s rotation. - At first, this will only be imperceptible, and in 100 years, it will only amo unt to about a 1/6 th of a second, but this will steadily increase in subsequent periods and centuries as well as millennia. - B: And will this be through the fault of the Earth person, or will there also be natural, planetary, and cosmic factors in play? - Q: Your acceptance is right; on the one hand, the Earth people will be very m uch to blame for these coming changes - but on the other hand, completely natural, planetary, and cosmic process wil l also play a role that isn t to be underestimated. - B: With that, you probably mean the way of all ephemeral, into which everythi ng, including the Earth, is arranged? - Q: That is the sense of my words, yes. Quetzal's Parents : - B: May I now ask how old your mother and your father are? - Q: My mother is 481, and my father is 483 years old. Universes other than DERN & DAL : - B: Do you know of even other universes than the DAL Universe and ours? - With this, I don t just mean other dimensions or other space-time configuration s in our DERN Universe but actually other universes, so foreign ones that don t be long to our two twin universes. - Q: Actually, we have already concerned ourselves scientifically with foreign universes for a long time, but so far, we haven t been able to gain any concrete i nsights that would enable us to penetrate into such universes. - We have knowledge and proofs of the existence of foreign universes, but it is still impossible for us to break them open; therefore, we can presently only vi sit the DERN s sister universe, i.e. the DERN s twin universe and, thus, the DAL Uni verse. - However, our scientists as well as Asket s people and their highly developed a llies are working very hard on solving the problem at hand. - A success is likely to be expected, however, in at least 15 years. - B: That would be shortly after the turn of the millennium. If I remember this in the new millennium, then I will ask you or another one of you about how the relevant researches stand.

- Q: That will remain open for you. Anti-Matter or Negative-Matter: - B: Semjase once explained to me, in response to one of my questions, that ant imatter is real and that this was already discovered by your ancestors more than 50,000 years ago - And has been used by you since that time as beamship propulsion - Since then, have you researched and developed new techniques for this? - Q: Of course. Negative matter, as we call antimatter, has already been used by us for 50 millennia for all sorts of purposes - Also many other researches were connected with it and still are; therefore, n ew insights will also constantly be won & will create new ones, with which negat ive matter is brought to application or is used. Meteoropathy : - B: Since my accident in Iskenderun in Turkey on the 4th of August, 1964, as w ell as since my severe health collapse on the 4th of November, 1982 - I suffer from Meteoropathy at the Center, particularly in reference to my los t arm, with which I address excessive phantom pains, which can sometimes drive m e up the wall and make me half insane. - Q: Physical Meteoropathy is caused by planetary as well as solar-conditioned fluctuations or variations that affect humans and animals as well as plants, and indeed, in all genera and species, when these have any organic or physical inju ries. - These include scarring, on the bones as well as on the skin, flesh, muscles, veins, and organs. - With us, however, this Meteoropathy no longer appears among humans because wi th all resulting injuries as well as with illnesses - If such would exceptionally occur once, which is virtually impossible, howeve r healing measures and healing processes are carried out and are brought to appl ication, which completely repair all injuries to bones, flesh, skin, and organs down to the last detail - Consequently, no scarring or other factors of injury and, thus, no aftereffec ts remain that could cause Meteoropathy. Aromas & Smells : - B: Where, actually, do humans perceive aromas and smells in truth? It can t ju st be the olfactory organ, right? - Q: Aromas and smells aren t just perceived through the olfactory organ, i.e. th e nose, but also through the skin. - In addition, the palate and the tongue play a certain role, as this is also t he case in terms of taste.

- The actual center of the perception of aromas, perception of smells, and perc eption of taste, however, is the limbic system, in which all relevant perception s concentrate and are processed. - Through this processing of aromas and smells, as well as the associations of taste, thoughts and feelings arising from this are likewise triggered, as well a s emotions, certain behaviors, body reactions, actions, organ reactions, skin re actions, and memories. - Aromas, smells, and tastes also affect the immune system, from which it follo ws that they may also be health-promoting or injurious to health, namely dependi ng on their type and intensity. - Of course, this is also valid for the psyche and for the consciousness. Bach Flower Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Smell Therapy, and Taste Therapy & Flavoring s: - Q: Concerning Bach Flower Therapy, the same is valid, like with the applicati on of other similar or parallel therapies or other utilizations of aromas and sm ells - This also applies to flavorings. - All these substances should not and may not be handled thoughtlessly and care lessly. - But unfortunately, this often isn t considered by the Earth person because he always chooses to exaggerate these things, which often causes more harm than goo d; only minor or no successes at all are achieved. - This is also so in reference to Bach Flower Therapy, which truly doesn t reach the form of application that would basically correspond to what is right - For example, when psychological interests are concerned, Bach Flower Therapy, as a rule, doesn t work at all or only partially, and indeed, even with months of application - So the rule is that solely through the mental and emotional adjustment of the person during these months are psychological troubles removed, which is then er roneously attributed to the Bach Flower Therapy, which is brought to application in far too low concentration. - In and of itself, Bach Flower Therapy is just as good in its value as any oth er aromatherapy, smell therapy, and taste therapy, but all these therapies becom e useless or injurious to health if misused, which can be the case both through an underdosage but also through an excessive dosage - Unfortunately, through the profiteering and greed as well as through the ign orance of the Earth people, a lot of nonsense, untruthfulness, deception, and ch arlatanism are pursued in this area in many In terms of this, and especially with respect to the general lack of understandi ng in these areas, the applications of aromas, smells, and tastes require extrem e caution ways - In this regard, authoritative researches and insights of a scientific nature are not yet given on the Earth with the humans in the way that they could be ref erred to as actual results and knowledge

- Everything is, so to speak, still in its children's shoes, as you tend to say . - Real research results as well as real insights of a scientific nature in this regard should first be made toward the end of this or at the beginning of the n ew millennium - Only after that will everything slowly take a turn for the better, in regards to the utilization of aromas and smells as well as flavorings Consulates or Embassies : - B: We on the Earth have consulates or embassies in all countries. - These have the task of representing citizens who belong to their home countri es in foreign countries and also of performing other duties that result with the host country and the home country, whereby also purely political matters must b e settled by these institutions, and in particular, the transmission of messages also falls to the embassies. - But now, here in the world, it is the case, as you once told me, that in the future, more and more of these consulates and embassies will be threatened, inva ded, occupied, and perhaps even blown up into the air by terrorists, lunatics, a nd assassins, etc. - Of course, under certain circumstances, this will also bring a lot of troubl e for the people who reside in the environment, perhaps even ruin and death - Here, I ask myself, how is this with you, for you certainly also have similar institutions, through which home country citizens are represented and through w hich messages, etc. are transmitted, right? - Also, such enterprises are probably necessary in regards to contact with your Federation and the governments as well as with those who don t belong to your all iance. - Q: That is quite correct. We also have such institutions, of course, but on our own planets, they aren t related to the same political framework as the one yo u know on Earth. - Purely planetary institutions in relation to this only have the duties of car e, order, and administration, but no political aspects, etc., for our worlds are guided by the spirit leadership of a central form, whereby the institutions men tioned, then, are the actual executive bodies - Of course, the same are also responsible in certain cases, which are specifi ed very much together with the central spirit leadership, for particular aspects concerning the governments of planets of our Federation as well as with governm ents of worlds that are foreign to the Federation. - But overall, they are only representatives who exercise their duties on behal f of the central spirit leadership who, in turn, represents the people s will, whi ch is fathomed in each case by planet-wide votes. - Such votes, for which you say elections among yourselves, take place in accor dance with proposals, etc. from the people, but also in accordance with the idea s and proposals of the central spirit leadership or with regard to advice from t he High Council.

- In the past, when separation and discord still prevailed among our peoples, institutions of the aforementioned kind also existed, of course, whereby these w ere likewise exposed to attacks by discontented ones, etc., as this will also be the case on the Earth in the coming time in different countries, which is why t he institutions own alert forces and protective forces will no longer be sufficie nt and will be reinforced over time by the police and army. - Thus, our very distant ancestors had the same problems with discontented ones , with fanatics, terrorists, and assassins, with regard to attacks and destructi ons, etc. on the aforementioned institutions, whereby also racial hatred, hatred of foreigners, and other degenerate extremism played important roles. - In order to protect the institutions, and indeed, also a wide variety of othe rs that had official forms of government, a decision was put into effect, which stipulated that all governmental buildings and administrative buildings, etc. be banned from all residential areas and be transferred to uninhabited areas that were exclusively valid for the purpose of the institutions and that, of course, also found appropriate formations with water features, trees, and all sorts of b ushes, flowers, and other plants - Far outside of these institutional systems, so that the residents didn t feel trapped and imprisoned, everything was fenced in and was equipped with security equipment, which made it absolutely impossible for an undetected penetration by water, land, or air, as well as for a penetration of an underground kind. - In this connection, there were also guards who closely monitored every person and every vehicle or aircraft, when allowed entry, driving, or flying into the secured area. - Through this, unauthorized ones were prevented from entering the premises and causing harm as well as disaster and destruction and endangering human lives. Sea salt Vs Regular Table salt : - B: It is always said that sea salt should be much healthier than regular tabl e salt. - Probably for this reason, namely that it is supposed to be healthier, it is a lso sold at much higher prices than normal salt. Moreover, the prices are set so high that they are often 40 or 50 times higher, or even more, than what traditional table salt costs - Q: That is undoubtedly an evil scam because sea salt doesn t contain any better or higher values than actual table salt. Both salts correspond to the same valu es. - Therefore, when it is maintained that sea salt contains better values or is healthier than the so-called normal salt, this corresponds to a lie, if not frau d, since very high prices are demanded for it and, thus, dishonest business prac tices are pursued with this. Sterilization of people by Force: - B: You once explained to me as Semjase and Ptaah have also done this that Naz i doctors as well as Nazi surgeons, in collaboration with Nazi psychologists and Nazi psychiatrists, were involved in the sterilization by force of thousands of women of the Jewish faith, as well as members of the Sinti and Roma and also cr iminals and those hindered in consciousness, during World War II. - You also said that the same activities were also quite common in Switzerland,

as well as in Sweden and France, in America and in the Soviet Union. - In Sweden alone, so you said, more than 60,000 women were maltreated in this inhumane and legally untenable form. - Q: But the whole thing still has no end, for in different countries, this inh umane practice is still secretly operated, and indeed, even in Switzerland, in F rance, the Soviet Union, and in America. - But also in Sweden, this doing is still common in secret. - Of course, this fact is vehemently denied in all countries, and this evil is practiced under the strictest secrecy. - As we know, Switzerland already practiced this inhumane unworthiness at the e nd of the 19th century, while Sweden and France first began with this practice i n the 20's of the 20th century, which is also true of the Soviet Union as well a s America. - The justifications for these atrocities ranged from preventing or eradicating unworthy life up to the need for relevant researches, in order to gain medical insights, etc., from which new medicines and methods of health treatment could a llegedly be investigated and produced. - But overall, this action corresponded and corresponds to an inhumane, crimina l act beyond compare. - There is never an excuse for this. Crimes of Relief agencies or Organizations : - B: But when I keep in mind how these women suffered in their thoughts and fe elings and in their psyches, as well as in their consciousnesses, and how they m ust continue to suffer, then I blow my top off. - Yet it seems quite absurd to me if I overexert myself over this, so it s probab ly better that I let time run its course and wait until sooner or later, everyth ing comes to the public s attention, and through this, these crimes against women will be combated and come to an end - I still think it s important to say which you have mentioned that particularly in Switzerland, the authorities, such as the poor-offices and guardianship auth orities, in collaboration with the doctors of psychiatry and surgery, were the c riminal and felonious gang that was responsible for these horrible atrocities, a long with certain aid agencies that tore families apart and destroyed them, such as the Pro Juventute, about which I also know how to sing a bad song, and indee d, not just with respect to the wanderers, i.e. the Yenish, through whom a treme ndous amount of suffering was caused by this organization. - And since I m already talking about the aid agencies, then I would also like to address you on the international aid agencies as well as on the children s aid ag encies and on the United Nations, i.e. the UN. - Regarding many of these relief agencies or organizations, I have had very bad experiences in different countries, but I ve also heard incredible complaints fro m children, adolescents, and young as well as older women, who told me their con cerns and problems. - So for example, when I was in Mehrauli in New Delhi in India, each week, I p icked up a small hand cart full of instant milk at a European and American aid a

gency, in order, then, to feed it to the dogs in our animal station - For this milk Donated by the People of the United States . dollars in each case. we paid 5 to 10 U.S

- On the other hand, I experienced, like in a sect church, various food that wa s donated in such a way, which was sold to the believers, and it was such that t hose who received the most were the ones who had donated most diligently to the collections - But that s not all, because what I saw myself and what children, adolescents, a nd women also complained to me was that they often only received donated food or other relief supplies if they fulfilled the sexual desires of the members or he lpers of the aid agencies or when they let themselves be sexually abused and, th us, raped without resistance - This was likewise explained to me by children, adolescents, and younger as w ell as older women, who, as refugees, were dependent on food or any other relief supplies - Several of those who complained to me of their suffering were pregnant or ha d given birth to children through these criminal machinations of the helpers of aid agencies. - Q: The unpleasant events relating to this, as well as your experiences from y our childhood, are well-known to me. - It really is a shame, how these so-called aid agencies have behaved in earli er times and what power they have exercised, to which also the authorities, psyc hiatrists, doctors, surgeons, poor-care and guardianship offices have stooped. - But likewise to be described as a shame and as criminally inhumane are also t he events mentioned by you and the conduct of the members and helpers of the aid agencies. - This also applies to the relevant criminal machinations of the fallible ones who belonged to the UN. - But unfortunately, it is also the case that these practices still continue to be operated by the irresponsible ones, and therefore, there is still no end in sight in this regard. - Still, nothing about this has become public; therefore, everything will conti nue for quite some time - And when the time comes when everything reaches the public s attention, it will be such as it is always the case when any atrocities and crimes are uncovered t hat the responsible persons will act often against better knowledge as though th ey didn t have the slightest idea of everything and, thus, will be totally shocked . - This can be expected with a clear conscience, in reference to the remark, be cause we know the circumstances and machinations of the fallible ones in the afo rementioned form very well through our own observations; therefore, I can also c onfirm your statements. - B: I can remember everything very well, and it still gives me pain today when I think of the pains and sufferings of all of those children, adolescents, and women, who complained to me of their powerlessness.

- The fact that I beat the crap out of 2 such scoundrels, when I caught them in a rape, still gives me satisfaction to this day Kidney stones : - B: A doctor urged me to ask you if you could provide information about whethe r susceptibility to kidney stones is inheritable. - In regards to these matters, quite insufficient insights still prevail among the earthly doctors, etc.; therefore, it would really be of importance if you c ould provide some enlightenment. - You should also be certain of the thanks of the doctor. - Q: Susceptibility to kidney stones can be inheritable through a gene-continge nt, metabolic defect. - B: And what specific substances form kidney stones, or where do they come fro m? - Q: Calcium oxalate stones, as kidney stones are called, are caused by several things, such as by foods. - These include, among other things, vegetables such as beets, asparagus, rhuba rb, nuts, and beetroots (garden beets, red beets), etc. - However, other products are also to be mentioned, such as cocoa and cocoa pro ducts. - Also, poor nutrition, deformities of the kidneys, as well as urinary obstruct ion and urinary tract infections can be causes for kidney stones. - However, foods that contain a lot of oxalate are particularly the ones that form kidney stones. - What is also significant in this regard is sugar, which is why sugar-rich foo ds and beverages, etc. shouldn t be enjoyed in excess but only in moderation and w ith a limit. - Added to this is the liquid water, which plays a very important role, so that the toxins and, thus, also the excess oxalate are washed from the body. - Therefore, it is essential that sufficient liquid is always drunk, but always only within the limits of what a person needs. - And since no one is the same as another in this relation, one normally requir es 2 to 3 liters of water per day, while another must only drink 2 or 3 decilite rs, in order to ensure the right balance of fluid for his body. - What is still to be mentioned further with respect to the prevention or lower susceptibility to kidney stones in those who only drink small amounts of liquid is that they also have little food in their diet that is high in oxalates Billy's Low Amount Drinking Capability: - Q: And since no one is the same as another in this relation, one normally req uires 2 to 3 liters of water per day, while another must only drink 2 or 3 decil iters, in order to ensure the right balance of fluid for his body. - For your part, if I still want to come to speak on that, you re one of those pe

ople who need very little fluid, and sometimes, less than a deciliter per day is enough, if your body absolutely requires any liquid at all. - This is something that many misinformed people even doctors can t understand o r don t want to understand because it simply goes over their heads. - The reason for the low fluid needs of such people, as you are one of these, i s to be found in the fact that there is a very high metabolism and, therefore, a lso a very good digestion and utilization as well as burning and conversion of t he nutrients; - Consequently, very few toxins are incurred, which don t burden the organism and which only sporadically have to be flushed out of the body again with very litt le liquid. - This is also true, of course, for the food wastes that form in the intestines through the burning of nutrients, which are then excreted also sporadically as feces. Migraine: - B: I now have a question about the migraine, which afflicts so many Earth peo ple. Can you tell me what triggering factors stand behind this? - Q: A migraine is triggered by stressful situations, that is, by stress that i s caused physically, in consciousness, or psychologically. - A migraine is triggered by stressful situations, that is, by stress that is c aused physically, in consciousness, or psychologically. - Such stressful situations can occur periodically, chronically, or sporadicall y, namely depending on how the person behaves in reference to the forms mentione d, so in consciousness, physically, or psychologically. - Especially in psychological and consciousness-related terms, the resulting th oughts and feelings are of the utmost importance, since these determine the stat e of the psyche as well as the state of the consciousness. - Another important factor is food that is also responsible for triggering a mi graine, and to be sure, in the form when certain foods aren t tolerated by a perso n, as this is often the case, for example, with milk or milk products. - Intolerable foods release physical stressful situations that can be controlle d and processed by people susceptible to migraines just as little as also the ps ychological and consciousness-related stress factors that are produced. - There may also be a predisposition to a migraine due to any health problems o r a gene-contingent inheritance, whereby the aforementioned stressful situations are caused. - It is also possible that organic or physical injuries, including all kinds of scarring, etc., can cause the release of a migraine, as well as allergies and c ertain diseases, by what means stressful situations can likewise be triggered. - And as stated, those suffering from migraines aren t able to control, process, or overcome the stress appearing in various forms, which then even leads to suff erings and barely tolerable pains. - Thus, all factors that lead to any stress should already be turned off in adv ance of course, as far as possible.

- This has reference to work, to dealing with others and everyday life situatio ns, as well as to food, with which all that is incompatible should be avoided. - Influences for the occurrence of a migraine are also electromagnetic radiatio ns that emanate from machines and electric cables, as well as from electric moto rs and from electrical appliances. - In addition, a strong Earth radiation can also be decisive for a migraine in certain cases, as well as static electricity that accumulates in certain materia ls of human achievements and that comes into direct contact with those who are s usceptible to migraines. - It is also to be said that people who are prone to migraines can also trigger these through medicines that are incompatible for them, herbs, aromas, and odor s, and also through drinks that are harmful to them, as well as through personal care products like soap, balm, lotion, shampoo, and cream, etc. - Also a variety of oils, greases, and liquids, as well as chemicals can be tri ggers for migraines, if they come in contact with the skin or with the mucous me mbranes or the internal organs. - B: That s tremendous, everything that plays a role there. Our medical science s till knows nothing or only very little about that. And it will surely still take some time before it gets behind all these facts. - May this be soon, because for those who are befallen to migraines, their cond ition is a hell. - Q: That is correct, but unfortunately, it will still take many years before t he earthly scientists recognize the decisive important things through their rese arch efforts and then find the necessary means and ways to be able, then, to rem ove the migraine evil at last. - B: And of course, those who are befallen to migraines, then, must also contri bute their part to this, through their mental work and through the feelings aris ing from this, I mean in terms of healing, because if I understood correctly, th en this cooperation is, indeed, necessary. - Q: This cooperation is, in fact, necessary because a lot depends on the thou ghts and feelings and, thus, on the psychological state, at least still for now, since still no medicines are found or still no genetic engineering is created, by which all factors of migraine production could be eliminated permanently. - Unfortunately, the way and the necessary remedies still haven t been found in t he earthly medicine, and it will still take some time before this happens. Nazca geoglyphs & Stonehenge : he nd is B: I have a question regarding the pre-Columbian Nazca Indian culture, i.e. t Nazca Indians, who resided in the valleys and areas of Nazca, Ica and Pisco a who made gigantic geoglyphs in the desert plain, which have remained up to th day.

- I asked about these once before, and I was told that these pictures concern a strology gardens. - But in addition to this, I mean to this explanation, it was then later noted that the real purpose of this huge layout of geoglyphs didn t just serve for astr ology

- But then, unfortunately, no further explanation was given to this because I didn t continue to ask about it. - I would like to do that now with this: What, now, is the actual purpose of th ese giant pictures? - Q: The Nazca geoglyphs, as you call them, at the time of the Nazca culture, f ormed a large ritual site in their entirety; therefore, one can speak of a ritua l garden, of an astrology-ritual garden, or of a ritual area or rather a ritual landscape. - The rituals carried out there corresponded to faith-related, cultic actions a nd, thus, religious actions. - The types of rituals served several purposes, but fertility rituals were the most common forms that were carried out at these cult sites or ritual sites. - However, just like the Stonehenge structures - i.e. the megaliths, located to the north of Salisbury, Wiltshire in southern England - the Nazca layouts also served as general meeting places as well as judgment sites and sites of executio n. - B: So all of the various allegations are rubbish, such as the ones that the g eoglyphs would mark or indicate underground rivers or that these are prehistoric airfields of or for extraterrestrials, as this, along with other things, is fan tasized by Erich von Daniken. - These geoglyphs in the desert plains of southern Peru show enormous geometric figures, animals, plants, and humans, which are only recognizable in their enti re forms from a certain height. - For this reason, one might get the idea that the pictures could have somehow been made by specific instructions from a certain height. - Q: That is correct. The actual meaning of the Nazca geoglyphs is based in the explanations that I gave you. - All other explanation attempts by any ignorant ones, profiteers, or people g iven to fantasies or imaginations correspond to wild fantasies, confused asserti ons, or deliberate deceptions. - What you say in regards to the fact that the geoglyphs are only recognizable in their full forms from a certain height, as this is the case with respect to o ther similar pictures in other parts of the world, I must say that this is actua lly so - However, the production of the pictures isn t actually based on the fact that f rom a certain height, instructions would have been given for it. - In truth, all measurements, etc. were made in an extremely accurate manner on the ground alone, even though this may seem unbelievable to today's Earth peopl e because they can t make any such images themselves. Earth People always tend to search for Impossible explanations & Miracles : - Q: Unfortunately, the people on the Earth always tend to search for impossibl e explanations for things that they don t know and don t understand. - And wherever or for whatever they find no explanations, then it must be alien

s, ghosts, or demons, and even when that is no longer possible, then it s simply t aken to be a miracle, even though there are no miracles within the entire creati ve realm and, thus, also in the entire universe and in all dimensions. - In fact, everything that is seen can be explained; it s just that the necessar y insights and knowledge are also necessary for this, and precisely in these, th e Earth people are still lacking in very many respects. - Their cognition and understanding as well as their knowledge and their wisdom still aren t so comprehensive that they could understand and explain all things a nd concerns, etc., which is why, in their ignorance, they call everything that i s still unexplainable to them miracles or search for solutions and explanations th at fall into the realms of fantasy and error. - Although the Earth person only learns slowly, in time, he will find the solut ions to the things that are still unknown and mysterious to him. - B: You speak a true word, but in this respect, only few people want to let th emselves be taught because the people are stubborn and don t want to let go of the ir old, inoculated pattern and, thus, also not their erroneous thinking but rath er continue to live by faith in the old, traditional muddling and in religious a cceptances, letting themselves be deceived by religions and sects and letting th emselves go astray. Light for Underground Animals & Plants : - B: But now, I would like to ask you: how important, actually, is light for h umans as well as for animals? - Concerning plants, it is well-known that these don t grow and can t exist without light, with certain exceptions, like when these grow in the dark. - But with that, the question becomes loud and clear: why can these do without light? Can you give me a satisfactory answer to this? - This question doesn t just interest me but also others, which means that I was asked about it. Also a student is interested in this, as a result of her biolog y lessons. - Q: Plants that grow without light underground ays grow towards the light. the ones of which you speak alw

- And light is also vibrationally present in the dark, even though the person, with all his senses or by technical apparatuses, can t ascertain this, such as by light-sensing devices. - The vibrations of light don t simply end at the surface of an object, on the ro ck stratum and rocks as well as on the Earth's surface or at a dark cloud in spa ce, etc.; rather, these still penetrate very deeply into matter. - This means that also in the subsoil of the Earth, certain plants can prosper because they grow toward the light vibrations that are invisible to humans and that penetrate through the soil and which are sufficient for the prosperity of t he plants to be assured. - This is a fact that will still remain a secret to the earthly scientists of biology for a long time; therefore, they still must first investigate and fathom everything. - Without these light vibrations that penetrate very deeply into the Earth, the

underground plants, as we call them, couldn t prosper and couldn t exist. - However, where the light vibrations are no longer able to penetrate, also no plants can grow any more. - It is also important to note that the deeply penetrating light vibrations onl y exhibit partial rays of actual light and, therefore, a different form than the actual light vibrations. - Moreover, such forms of light are already known to the earthly scientists; it s just that these don t concern the ones that penetrate into certain depths of matt er. - And from the same light vibrations, from which the underground plants or plan ts of the dark draw their vitality, also the underground animals or animals of t he dark benefit, including the fish of the dark and deep sea animals of every ge nus and species. Light for Nocturnal Animals & Humans : - Also, animals and humans need a great amount of light, including the night ti me animals or the nocturnal animals. - Also the so-called night owls, i.e. nocturnal people, need light, and indeed, without exception, even if life behavioral patterns and all physical and organi c factors adapt themselves and new day and night behavioral patterns come about, as this applies, for example, to the Inuit, i.e. the Eskimos. - These have a completely different life rhythm than all those people who are a rranged into the day and night rhythm throughout the whole year, which isn t the c ase with the Inuit, as you know, because in the area of the high north with the Eskimos, different day and night conditions prevail than what are given in the r est of the world. - If the person changes apart from the accustomed change with the Inuit his da ily rhythm and, with this, also his life rhythm, such as through irregular worki ng hours, which you call shift-work, then health problems and even serious healt h damages can appear - Which can result, on the one hand, through the irregularity of the lifestyle and, on the other hand, through the changed lighting conditions and, thus, throu gh unsuitable, artificial light. - Stomach and intestinal troubles as well as serious stomach and intestinal dis eases can be the result, as well as bad depressions and aggressiveness and also dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, and a general functional impairment of the im mune system. - If a person and this is also true for animals is lacking the absolutely esse ntial light, then very negative disturbances and changes also occur in the hormo nal balance, by what means, in turn, the immune system is strongly impaired in i ts strength and function. - Lack of light also leads very quickly to thought interferences, emotional di sturbances, and concentration problems, by what means, in a short time, also dis turbances of the psyche appear, which in turn cause psycho-somatic effects in th e body and organs. - At the same time, this concerns suffering with pain symptoms, etc. that can t be diagnosed by the earthly doctors because often, they are not yet advanced far

enough in the area of medicine. Billy's book on Plejaren Linguists & Quetzal learned a lot from Billy : - B: Do you actually still have enough time to answer even more question for me , for I still have a few things in stock? If your time should be tight for you, then everything can, indeed, be moved to our next conversation - Q: At the moment, there aren t any urgent duties that I would have to settle qu ickly. Thus, I still have a while to satisfy your questions with explanatory ans wers. - So let s hear what questions you still have. - But remember that even I am not all-knowing, and thus, I can only give you i nformation with respect to my general knowledge and my learned activities and sc ientific fields. - B: You speak so sententiously; it could be directly from me, if I tried to ex press myself nobly. - Q: I also learn a lot from you, and especially from your written works, whic h you ve already composed in excellent German since your early youth and childhood , which itself makes a great impression with our linguists Mars layer of Ice: - B: Even though the entire planet is practically a wild, dry landscape, there is, nevertheless, a rather thick and large layer of ice on the South Pole, which could be compared to the layers of ice of our Arctic and Antarctic - Of course, the conditions aren t right for this; nevertheless, this South Pole layer of ice is present, as I could see during the flight around Mars - when, on the one hand, Semjase first took me there in her beamship, as we fl ew to the Great Spacer of her father Ptaah, and also after that, as Ptaah circle d around Mars again on the return flight to Earth, in order to show me even othe r things, as this was also the case with all other SOL planets and several of th eir moons, which I wanted to see. Wonders of the SOL system : - On the one hand, Semjase first took me there in her beamship, as we flew to t he Great Spacer of her father Ptaah, and also after that, as Ptaah circled aroun d Mars again on the return flight to Earth, in order to show me even other thing s, as this was also the case with all other SOL planets and several of their moo ns, which I wanted to see. - Then, the journey still took us to the nearer and further surroundings of the Sun, where I saw several other remarkable things - As well as on the North Pole of the Earth, which are still unknown to our ear thly scientists of astronomy and which are likely to give them some surprise and attract attention even with the earthly population, when one or another is disc overed. SUN-RING system & Hidden Planet behind the SUN : - B: Far behind the Sun, there orbits even another planet, but this remains hid den from the Earth, always located behind the star

- For it has a solar orbit with such a speed that it can never become visible f rom the Earth, and moreover, it already drifts out of the SOL system and, thus, slowly removes itself from the system - Moreover, Ptaah showed me that there is also a Sun-ring system, as this is al so the case for several of the planets in a different form - At the same time, I also saw that in this ring system, as it was called by Pt aah, a certain number of satellites also romped around, but everything wasn t comp arable to Saturn s ring system, whose actual moons didn t circulate in the ring syst em itself, as this is the case for the satellites of the Sun s ring system - Q: One could also say to your comment about the ring system of the Sun that i t is a veil ring, or more precisely, a veil ring system, which consists of fine and very fine particles and also small and large chunks of various sizes, or eve n satellites, as you call them Billy Revealing 'Great Journey' Information : - B: Now the question: am I now allowed to talk about this, contrary to what Pt aah told me in 1975, that I must maintain silence over these things? - I was also allowed to release information about other things, at least for th e group members. But how is it now today? - Since then, 12 years have lapsed in the country, during which time a lot has changed, and my contacts have also become well-known around the world; therefore , probably no one would be surprised any more if I would now release some inform ation relating to the aforementioned - Even if I am designated as a spinner again, it won t cause harm any more; I thi nk that I no longer get so upset or angry, and I certainly also know how to prev ent this. - I ve already been branded as a spinner and fantasist, and my enemies can t even d o more than practice stupid talk and dumb criticism and slander me, etc., who st ill won t be able to remain silent even now, for certain people think nothing of r ational thinking or of propriety and tolerance. - Some of the very friendly fellows are simply inconvincible because they are m egalomaniacal and arrogant. - Q: What you say is correct. - However, a danger will continue to exist, namely that those certain elements will seek and continue to seek after your life if you talk about the aforementio ned facts officially, which these people won t like. - Thus, you must exercise extreme caution in every respect. - B: That will be the least of my concerns. I can take care of myself quite wel l, and if it s necessary, I can also defend myself. - I m actually not as defenseless as some people think I am. In so many respects, I have my defense capabilities, as you should actually know. - That is well-known to me, but maybe you re too carefree - But if you promise that you will exercise sufficient caution and attention in

reference to the protection of your life, then I may certainly give you permiss ion to release some more information, at least within the framework that you ve me ntioned. - B: There is still so much that could be told of my Great Journey, but I think that everything would ultimately become too much. - Q: You certainly aren t wrong about that because everything really would be too much if you wanted to tell or write down all of your observations and experienc es of your five-day long journey. Seasons on ERRA : - Q: The same as the ones on your home planet, the Earth. - So spring, summer, autumn, and winter? - Q: That is correct. - B: And the duration of the individual seasons, these also approximately coinc ide with ours? - Q: That, too, is correct. - Nevertheless, Semjase as well as Ptaah and I already explained to you before that our home world is very Earth-like and, thus, comparable with the Earth as f ar as possible. Answering Billy's Questions : - Q: Officially, it is unfortunately not permitted not just with regard to my p erson but for all of us to answer some of your questions - Only when the answers and explanations regarding sensitive issues are determi ned for you alone can I deal with them and give you exhaustive information - B: Of course. I also don t want to push you into something and thereby lead you into the devil s kitchen. Future of Antibiotics: - Q: My allusion referred to the fact that the earthly physicians will be forced to investigate new medicines in terms of antibiotics. - This will find its reasons in the fact that more and more, the Earth people wi ll senselessly take antibiotics and to be sure, ones that are irresponsibly pres cribed by the doctors for even the most minor of illnesses. - But on the other hand, people will also be tormented more and more by antibiot ic injections in all sorts of meats and other food products, causing a wide vari ety of bacterial strains to become resistant against antibiotics. - But this will mean that the possibilities for treating diseases and infections of various types will become more and more problematic, and in the end, no effe ctive medicines will be available any more. - This will happen, on the one hand, through the irresponsibility of many doctor s and, on the other hand, through the fault of those who, due to their greed for profit, allow foods of all kinds to be filled with antibiotics, as this has alr eady been the case for quite some time in all industrialized countries, in which

animals are bred for slaughter and foods of all kinds are produced in order to be placed on the consumer market and sold to the consumers. - These, then, are the ones who become impaired in their immune systems by the a ntibiotic-impregnated food and who become infected with bacterial strains, again st which there are no longer possibilities for defense. - In particular, multi-resistant germs or bacteria will emerge more and more in hospitals, against which there will be almost no possibilities for defense any m ore or else none at all. - Particularly in this regard, the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus will excel in an extremely dangerous form as an especially multi-resistant hospital germ, whi ch is designated by the short name of MRSA. - This extremely dangerous germ mainly settles itself in the nasal mucous membra ne, as well as on the bare skin, and it is extremely contagious and, thus, very easily transferable and capturable. - The bacterium first becomes really dangerous, however, when it arrives into th e body in some way, such as via external or internal wounds, but there are still other possibilities, such as through infusions, etc., but this will still remai n hidden to the physicians for a long time. - As I said, too many antibiotics are swallowed by the Earth people, by what mea ns various bacterial strains become more and more resistant against all types of antibiotics. - With this, a multi-resistance will appear over time, which will result, then, only as a natural effect of the cause of antibiotic abuse. - As I said, more and more antibiotics will be irresponsibly given to the patien ts by the doctors, and on the other hand, the people of the Earth will eat more and more antibiotic-contaminated meats of all kinds, and to be sure, meats of ma mmals of all kinds and also of fishes and fowls. - This will cause bacterial strains of every kind to become more and more resist ant in humans, as I already explained; consequently, in the end, any medically p rescribed antibiotics will no longer be able to cause any healing or any relief from suffering. - Yet through this, more and more deaths will appear, just due to the failure of medicines or due to a lack of suitable and effective medicines. - From these facts, there will already be talk very soon of an tic age among the Earth people. end of the antibio

- More and more, every kind of antibiotic has already been criminally and feloni ously administered to animals, fish, and fowls in large quantities during the ma king of meat or rather the production of meat, on the one hand, in order to make these immune to diseases and, on the other hand, to achieve a fast growth and a lso a rapid weight gain. - But in the future, this will cause all sorts of evils for the Earth people, of which the physicians and doctors still have no idea up to now, which will, ther efore, also have very unfavorable and extremely dangerous consequences in the fu ture, because the wrong and excessive use of antibiotics in human medicine and v eterinary medicine as well as in the feeding of animals, fish, and fowls, etc. i s in no way harmless.

- The antibiotic residues in the foods of all kinds, about which the Earth perso n usually knows nothing, trigger a growing spread of resistance from the various strains of bacteria, which can then no longer be fought or else only with diffi culty; consequently, everything in the relevant form leads to hopeless medical t reatments and to a farce that will demand more and more deaths. - Through this, a catastrophe becomes predetermined and inevitable, if reason do esn t triumph and the misuse of antibiotics isn t strictly forbidden and controlled and if new medicines aren t found in the foreseeable time that can break through t he resistance of the dangerous germs that cause extremely dangerous infections, such as wound infections and blood poisoning but also many other illnesses, such as pneumonia and other ills, whereby the scientists and physicians will often s tand before riddles when they have to make diagnoses and have to find out method s of treatment. - And once again, it would be said that in the course of time, antibiotic residu es produce extremely dangerous effects in the food and that the health of the co nsumers is risked and harmed in an extremely severe form through the criminal an d felonious injections of antibiotics into the food by profit-greedy elements of all kinds. - And actually, injections of antibiotics not only arrive into mammals and fishe s as well as into fowls, but also into birds and plants as well as into vegetabl es and fruits. - In fact, it is also true that, more and more, antibiotics also arrive into a v ariety of creatures of all kinds that are in the ground and in the insect world. - But that still isn t enough, because in addition to the antibiotics, the people of the Earth produce various poisons of all kinds, as well as detergents, soaps, shampoos, herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers, along with radioactive rad iations and agents of all kinds that cause tremendous damages and that destroy t he health of humans and animals as well as of fish, plants, insects and worms, b ut this is also true in regards to birds Tomatoes Prevents Cancer : - B: If I may address you again on what you once said in reference to tomatoes: these contain active substances which prevent certain types of cancer? - Q: That is correct. Tomatoes actually contain certain active substances that can prevent certain types of cancer to a large percentage, and indeed, particula rly prostate cancer - However, it is important that always enough tomatoes or tomato products are u sed for food, and especially in a cooked state, because through the cooking proc ess, the active substances are strengthened. - But in a positive, preventive form, other types of cancer are also able to be influenced by the tomatoes active substances, as this is also the case with othe r types of vegetables as well as with fruits and all sorts of herbs and other pl ants - But about this, in accordance with our directives, I may not give any explana tions in an official form, for this would offend against the self-development in terms of the research and insight collection of the Earth people Plejaren Directives on Normal development of learning, recognizing & understandi ng :

- Q: In accordance with our directives, I may not give any explanations in an official form, for this would offend against the self-development in terms of th e research and insight collection of the Earth people. - B: Always these directives, but I understand that our earthly humanity must s trive itself in relation to its own development and, thus, also with respect to all insights and achievements and must acquire its own progress. - It s like in school, where no one of a very low class can simply be moved up to a much higher one and be of the acceptance that he could understand the new and higher one if he has not yet learned all the material between the lower and hig her class or grade. - A progress must always take place in a consistent and systematic manner, suc h that everything to be learned is actually learned and nothing is omitted from it, as this is also the case, for another example, with the learning of an occup ation. - If the learning and the progress as well as the development do not occur in t his manner, then there arise enormous knowledge gaps as well as a lack of practi cal knowledge, skill, and experience. - But this means that the higher knowledge, etc. can t be understood and can t be processed, which leads to the fact that the higher knowledge or higher achieveme nts are incorrectly applied, which usually leads to dangerous grievances and eve n to a catastrophe. - The following serves as an example: if a primitive person living in the wild comes into a technological civilization and gets a submachine gun pressed into his hand, he will neither be able to use this consciously nor responsibly; rathe r, he will simply wildly blast around with it, if he doesn t already throw the gun away from himself in fright, run away screaming, or succumb to insanity, when t he shooting iron goes bang. - He simply can t understand and can t consciously process the whole thing because he lacks the necessary knowledge and other prerequisites that would enable him to understand it. - Thus, it would amount to a paradox if you would break your directives and tak e hold of the people of the Earth under their arms in a progress-related manner. Billy's enormous Patience in giving Explanations & Raising Misunderstandings : - B: It is my task to fulfill my mission, and this requires that I always stri ve to explain all things clearly and plainly. - Q: You explain these issues very precisely. You are really very talented in t erms of giving explanations in such a way that they are also well understood. - Moreover, I have already very often assessed that you muster up an infinite p atience, in order to explain something over and over again if someone doesn t unde rstand a matter and can t comprehend it. - To this, I must confess that for my part, I am not able to muster up this pat ience, as I am also lacking your diversity of language and explanation possibili ties, by what means you can explain facts and issues, etc. in such a way that in the end, no doubt exists any more - B: You are too kind with your compliments, my son. Unfortunately, despite my explanation efforts, misunderstandings arise again and again.

- Q: But that doesn't happen because of a fault on your part, as I have already very often determined, but because of the fact that complicated and incomplete questions are asked and your answers and explanations aren t analyzed further. - Those are the factors that then lead to misunderstandings - In addition, as I have also very often determined, questions are directed tow ards you, whereby you cannot intelligibly answer the questioners, even with the best intention, because they are still lacking the necessary understanding and c ognition possibilities, and therefore, everything is foreign to them - But this very fact is a peculiarity of the Earth person, namely that he alway s wants to know more than what he can actually understand and bear. - This, then, also leads to the fact that he asks unclear questions, which he o ften doesn t even understand or can t formulate properly, from which then, even misu nderstandings arise and so on.

Why BIlly gives partial or no answer at all : - B: Furthermore, it is also such that I simply may not answer questions in ful l because it isn t the right moment or the necessary understanding to do so isn't given - So for example, today or tomorrow, I can only answer a question partially and can first give a full answer 3 or 7 years later when, in the meantime, the unde rstanding and cognition for this have progressed so far with the questioner that everything becomes clearly received and understood. - Q: That is the normal development of learning, recognizing, and understandin g. - B: A fact that, unfortunately, isn t understood by many. - Many think that they are always smarter and cleverer than they are in reality , whereby they are of the wrong opinion that they would understand more than wha t is actually the case. - And if one doesn t then deal with their questions in the framework desired by t hem, then they become endlessly offended, and they insult such a one as haughty, autocratic, presumptuous, conceited, arrogant, and as fraught with brain flatul ence - I just recently experienced this again, when such a sect-twerp, along with h is sect-aunt, insulted me in my office, when I gave them an explanation regardin g the term sacrifice, which they did, indeed, ask me for. BIlly on Sacrifice : A sacrifice or a sacrificial offering is a pure exchange between a person and an alleged or rather an imaginary divinity or false god. So for example, a sacrifi ce is offered as a pure testimony of the faithfulness, the humility, and the gra titude towards the god or false god, for which this grants a good and long life, good success, health, prosperity, freedom, revenge against enemies, victory in war and over enemies, as well as wealth, deliverance from poverty and misery, an d countless other things. But this means that the offering or sacrificing to a g od or false god represents a real business between this and the person or petiti

oner presenting the offering, freely according to the principle here s the money, t here s the goods. And when a person sacrifices other things, such as his mite in th e collection for a religion or sect, for the needy, or for a new church, a chape l, or for some other idolatrous temple, then this also corresponds to a business , for the business rule is this: there s a sacrifice, sacrificial offering, or off ering for the calming of a bad conscience because a person has more than the poo r; there s a sacrifice for the calming of anxiety, a sacrifice because one imagine s himself to be better than the next person, a sacrifice to gain advantages, and a sacrifice so that the enemy is massacred, so that a dispute or war is won and the winner is lifted into the sky, so that the hated neighbor gets the plague a long his neck, or so that one wins the lottery. Thus, sacrifices are, in every c ase, always aligned toward profit, and to be sure, even when they are given from person to person, but it must be clearly stated that sincere assistance and sin cere gifts of love for fellow human beings cannot be equated with sacrifices bec ause these demand nothing in return, in contrast to sacrifices. Sacrifices are, in every case, always religiously conditioned, cult-conditioned and, thus, faith -conditioned, associated with a dogma, with a doctrine, with which the theoretic al side of the religion, the sect, or the other cult is represented. This theory of a cultic, religious, or sectarian form represents a set of views, suppositio ns, and conceptions that are designed to represent the origin of all existence a nd, thus, of humans as well as of a highest, absolutely perfect, infallible, omn ipotent and omniscient as well as all-merciful power, which is designated, in sh ort, simply as God. If one gets to the bottom of the matter, then one encounters the myth in which the faith is expressed and what cultic customs, habits, and r ituals are included, which have their own apparent logic as well as their schema tic and mode of expression, depending on the nature of the cult. In addition, ev ery religion or sect is based on a cult that gradually develops in a similar fas hion to the dogma or the doctrine, from which, in turn, a religious or sectarian drive results, which appears as a reverence for the divinity and its holiness, along with rituals and other cult actions. Also included in this is the religiou s humble prayer to the divinity or the false god, as well as the sacrifice for a ll possible and impossible purposes, and often a pilgrimage is still connected w ith it. And with the sacrifice, the business and the exchange come to language a gain, namely in the sense that if you, as a human being, want something from you r god or false god, then first of all, you must give him something for it, even a sacrifice or a promise, which does, indeed, come out to about the same, and af terwards, you must offer him something again as a thank you. As a rule, so this has been here since time immemorial, since the nonsense of the sacrificial offer ing has existed, something very precious is sacrificed to the divinity or false god, such as, in earlier times, rare forest fruits and field crops and such, and later even animal blood. However, the peak of the murderous offering was reache d with the fact that human sacrifices were often the first and last tributes, wh ich were allegedly demanded by the divinities or false gods. In particular, thes e were children and virgins who lost their lives in the sacrifices. Thus, cult s ites and altars became sacrificial sites or murder sites, where innocent human b lood was often immediately spilled in great quantities, and all this just to sat isfy the bloodlust of the crazy priests, magicians, and shaman, as well as the m edicine men and false prophets and messengers of God, etc., who mendaciously mai ntained that their divinities or false gods demanded human blood sacrifices, in order to ensure peace, freedom, rain, or prosperity, etc. or to turn away disast er or to make atonement for anything. That, my friend, corresponds to the answer and the explanations that I gave to the two sectarians. Criminals & Nations for SMALL ATOM-BOMBS : - B: For quite some time, one has heard again and again that criminals want to seize or take possession of materials, with which small atom bombs are supposed to be built, in order to threaten, to carry out extortions, to pursue terrorism, or simply to spread fear and terror

- Does one really have to take all this seriously, and is it even possible that non-scientists can build such bombs? - Q: The necessary knowledge to achieve this is very well needed, but nowadays, this requires no great effort because everything is held in writing in textbook s as training courses, whereby these are freely accessible to all Earth people o r can easily be acquired - Therefore, someone who is knowledgeable in the relevant subject can easily bu ild such small atom bombs if he can obtain the materials needed for this. - Nevertheless, concerning such bombs, also the great power countries are inter ested in developing and manufacturing these, as this is the case with America an d the Soviet Union that will soon no longer exist, which will be converted into a Russian Federation, in which case Russia, along with France, China, Israel, Pa kistan, India, and several other nations will also strive for such small atom bo mbs. - Secretly, the Iraqi dictator will also take part in this, along with other po wer-hungry ones. - In particular, America will make special efforts after the turn of the mille nnium, in order to be able to implement such bombs, when the megalomaniacal and extremely unscrupulous, irresponsible, and world domination-addicted President o f the USA lives out his global terror. Americal President Bush may trigger World War III : - B: The guy Bush mplete maniac. as he will be called as you have well said, is obviously a co

- Perhaps he is also the fellow who will then press the red button, in order to trigger World War III, by what means the great catastrophe would then be perfec t. - Q: This possibility will be given then, unfortunately, because in his addict ion for world domination and warmongering, he will know no bounds and will, at l east, threaten many nations with war and revenge, etc., which could then very we ll lead to a global war, as the Henoch Prophecies describe this. - If the American population then doesn't bring the shouting for death, vengea nce, and destruction to reason, and the population of the entire world as well a s the governments of the earthly nations don't recollect themselves and don't un dertake anything against all that will be breaking out and against the still thr eatening insanity - So that everything can be put to an end and the madness of the ones in charg e can be stopped and through this, everything be turned to the better, then a lo t of evil, harm, destruction, and annihilation is coming in the new millennium Prophecies for the coming times : - BUsh, Sharon, Palestinians, Iraq, Iran, Balkans, Ireland, Korea, Africa, Sout h America, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, India, Afghanistan & other countries - Religious, sectarian fundamentalist fanatics - Martial Terror - But despite all the bad signs, the Earth person should never and may never gi

ve up hope, as well as not his efforts, but should still let reason prevail. Acupuncture : - B: For a few years, there has been more and more talk of acupuncture, a healin g method, with which fine needles are stuck in the body in certain places. This method of acupuncture, which is being discussed more and more, should really bri ng good healing results and should come from China and, of course, should have a lso been invented by the Chinese. The piercing of the needles into the body shou ld be absolutely painless. But scientifically, this healing method of acupunctur e is not yet investigated and proven to be right and good, at least not in the W estern world, where the whole thing bumps into at least some skepticism, particu larly in the medical school. Do you know something about this, and if so, what d o you, as a doctor, have to say and explain to this? - Q: Acupuncture causes the healing of physical and psychological as well as co nsciousness-related sufferings and illnesses through the setting of special, fin e needles at specific concentration points of one s life energy, which pulse thro ugh the body on certain paths. - The set needles influence the entire energetic system of the person, but this is also true for animals, fish, insects, and birds, as well as for plants, when these are treated with acupuncture. - The healing effect, as I already mentioned, occurs in the body, as well as in the consciousness and the psyche, depending on how and where the acupuncture nee dles are set. - But the true origin of acupuncture doesn t trace back to traditional Chinese med icine as is, unfortunately, erroneously maintained; rather, it was received by t he latter only from old traditions and was integrated into the old Chinese medic ine and brought to application. - The actual origin was already established millions of years ago and, thus, tra ces very far back into the past, and to be sure, into Henok s time. - Henok himself was the investigator and inventor of acupuncture, which was take n over and exercised by his peoples and which has endured to the present day amo ng the distant descendants of the peoples from beyond the Sun, which is how it has been received by today s Chinese. -But despite its great remedial effectiveness, acupuncture is just one of many o ther methods and options of treatment for the entire field of medicine. - But in principle, acupuncture is very much more than just medicine because its ultimate goal isn t just the healing of illnesses and sufferings or of any trivia l discomforts of any kind, etc. but primarily to make the entire body as well as the consciousness and the psyche healthy and, basically, to allow no sufferings , discomforts, or illnesses to arise at all. -But this means that one s life energy can flow and work properly in the body. - The cosmic electromagnetic life energy is the Creation-given energy and is, in fact, also the actual, existing energy of Creation, which is also called Ur-ene rgy and which is also given in all life forms as well as in every spirit form of a conscious or instinct-conscious form. -This life energy, which we refer to in our language by the specific designation of Ching, is a constant flux from the Universe that through the energy lines, i .e. energy channels, which we designate as Sananta and, thus, conductive channel s flows through the body of each life form, so also in humans.

- The Chinese designations for these forms represent their own formulations from the Chinese language and, therefore, have nothing in common with our ancient tr aditional terms that still trace back to Henok s language. - The life energy of an electromagnetic and cosmic nature, which we also call act ive energy, flows similar to flowing waters, but through a form of certain energy channels, through the entire body of every single life form, and indeed, no mat ter what genus and species. - These energy channels, i.e. Sananta or conductive channels, pervade the entire body of every life form, so humans as well as animals, fish, insects, birds and plants, and even microbes, bacilli, and viruses, which means that actually ever y life form possesses them. -This energy flow, the all-animating cosmic electromagnetic life energy, creates the difference between the effective living and the non-living, so between what is moving and what is non-moving. - But in the case of the non-moving, there can be no talk of dying out or of Tot em, as the Earth person erroneously designates this, for even the non-living, i. e. what is non-moving, is existent, as for example rock, stone, sand, and metal, etc. - These things that are also life forms and that we designate as passive life fo rms, in contrast to active life forms, do not exist through the same form of cos mic electromagnetic life energy, through which all moving life is begotten, born , and animated and also passes again, in order to change itself into other forms . - These passive life forms actually exist through a passive energy, which must l ogically be designated as passive cosmic electromagnetic energy. - The cosmic electromagnetic life energy is constructed in the same forces of po sitive and negative, as this is uniformly the case in all creational creations o f every kind. - And exactly this means that neither on Earth nor on any other worlds or stars or anywhere else in the Universe could or can something arise or exist that does n t hold both forces of positive and negative in itself or which isn t animated by t he active energy or passive energy. - Without the opposite forces of positive and negative, which complement each ot her, always being given simultaneously, nothing can become existent and nothing can exist. - But this means that even with the passive energy, both forces are present, so both positive as well as negative. - At the same time, the negative represents the passive, the feminine, receptive , dormant and old, while the positive represents the active, light and warmth as well as the masculine, generative, and the new, as this has been defined since ages ago. - That s how the cosmic electromagnetic life energy is to be seen, therefore, divi ded into two factors, into two forces, respectively positive and negative energi es, which form a unit in themselves as well as in their union. - Now, if these energies get out of balance, then there results either an energy shortage, an energy surplus, or an energy obstruction, i.e. an energy blockade.

- And as already mentioned, and it must be said again, both forms of energy alwa ys only exist together and are inseparably linked with one another, so the femin ine and the masculine and, thus, the positives and negatives are always simultan eously present, and indeed, in every movable as well as immovable life form. -So also must the human himself be; by this, I mean that he must move from the l eft to the right, that is, from a strength or even from one energy form to anoth er, without becoming sick, stricken, or burdened with troubles thereby. - But if he falls prey to a weakness of a physical, psychological, or consciousn ess-related form, then an imbalance between the positive and negative energies i s produced. -If this is the case, then it doesn t require an enormous expenditure of energy to succumb to any discomforts, sorrows, illnesses, aggressions, emotions, depressi ons, moral depths, as well as mental, psychological, or consciousness-related mi sreactions. - Such occurs when an energy defect exists. - The cosmic electromagnetic life energy flows in a person in certain channels t hat are given for this, which we, as already explained, refer to as Sananta. - On the Sanantas are the acupuncture centers or acupuncture points, through whi ch the cosmic electromagnetic life energy arrives at the body s surface, but the a cupuncture nodes have nothing to do with the so-called chakras, which only corre spond to an illusory form. - And precisely where the acupuncture centers are of which, overall, 786 exist, but in the Chinese acupuncture teachings, as far as I know, only 672 of these ar e known the life energy penetrates at the body s surface, where it can be influenc ed by the acupuncture needling. - The life-energetic and, thus, vitally necessary Sananta system shows a certain resemblance to the circulatory system because just as the blood pulses through the veins, so does the cosmic electromagnetic life energy pulse through the ener gy system. - Each Sananta is also associated with a particular organ of the body, whereby a ll of the cycles are closely interconnected and mutually influence one another. -With the entire Sananta system, however, it can lead to an energy obstruction, namely when the energy is blocked, and precisely this means, then, that the immu ne system of the body, the consciousness, and/or the psyche is disturbed and wea kened and suffers damage, by what means physical, consciousness-related, or psyc hological troubles, sufferings, or illnesses appear. - And along with this, what is not yet known to the earthly scientists and physi cians is the fact that not only the body and its organs but also the consciousne ss and the psyche have a particular immune system assigned to them. - Now, if an energy obstruction of the life energy arises somewhere in the Sanan ta system, then the obstruction can be dissolved by a purpose-driven acupuncture , but it is to be noted that different forms of acupuncture are necessary for di fferent troubles, sufferings, and illnesses. - Now, in order to come to speak on acupuncture needles as well as on their appl ication, it is to be said that the fine needles used for the needling are only a bout half a millimeter thick and are inserted into the body using different dept

hs; therefore, the insertion depth can vary from a few millimeters up to five ce ntimeters, whereby the depth is determined by the acupuncture point. - The needle is stuck directly into the acupuncture center of the Sananta. -This triggers a provocation, by what means the body produces nerve growth hormo nes that quickly spread into the surrounding tissue, thereby calming down inflam mations at the nerve ends and healing these completely. - Furthermore, these growth hormones move over the nerve up to the nerve s root, w here they trigger and carry out a regeneration of the nervous fibers. - The effect of acupuncture can still be enhanced, namely by the acupuncture cen ter being stimulated by the manual movements of the needles that are stuck in th e body, in which the needles remain up to 30 minutes. - Even with the manual movements of the needles, no pain arises for the person b eing treated. - And what is still to be said: - Still today, unfortunately, the earthly medical school views the human being i n parts or sections, and exactly this is wrong, because the human being must be viewed medically as a whole. - Social, consciousness-related, psychological, intellectual-sentimental, and em otional constitutions of the human being are also of utmost importance; therefor e, not just the conventional medical thinking and the related aspects, diagnoses , and resulting medication may be considered. - Moreover, if one wants to describe the momentary state of life energy of a hum an being, then one can refer to the 5 natural elements: wood, water, fire, earth , and metal. - Processes are symbolized by these elements, as these appear in nature and as t hese also operate in humans. -The functions of the organs as well as the worlds of thoughts, feelings, psyche s, emotions, and consciousnesses are also allotted to these elements. -And as is determined by nature, all elements mutually influence each other. - In addition to true acupuncture, what must also be mentioned is that there is an additional way to stimulate an acupuncture center more strongly, namely the s o-called moxibustion, through which an increase in energy can be produced. - For this, a small ball of dried moxa is attached to the free end of the acupun cture needle and is ignited. - Through this, the needle that is stuck in the body warms up, which then leads the heat into the depth of the tissue. - This results in increased blood circulation, which, in turn, accelerates the h ealing process. - Of course, one acupuncture treatment is never solely necessary but rather seve ral of these are; however, as a rule, a noticeable improvement of the suffering, illness, or other discomfort already appears after the first treatment or after two or three of these.

- At the same time, it s important to know that with any form of acupuncture, if s uch is correctly brought to application, side effects never appear, as they very often do with chemical or herbal medicines. 7] EC Contact Report 217, Friday, May 8th, 1987 - Quetzal Guidelines to Separate the Fallible ones from Society: - B: A few questions arose in reference to the places of fulfillment of guideli nes, as you have used these at earlier times to separate the fallible ones from society. - How did everything work? Were the fallible ones supervised at the isolated lo cations or simply left to their fate? How was everything secured, so that these couldn t break out, etc.? - Q: The places of fulfillment of guidelines were, in every case, very much se cluded from any civilized area. - The beginning of these places was, unfortunately, inglorious, for during the first 16 years of their implementation, the fallible ones, each one separated a ccording to gender, were provided with everything necessary for living and learn ing, set out at the places of fulfillment of guidelines, and left to themselves; - However, long-range alert barricades and security barricades were given, so t hat no one could escape. - But this method wasn t sufficient, for since the fallible ones were simply left on their own, several power groups emerged among them, which exercised terror a mong the other fallible ones. - Thus, it led to uprisings and to murder and mayhem, including individuals wh o rose up against one another out of hatred and revenge as well as out of resent ment and for many other reasons. - At the same time, homosexual relations and the resulting jealousy also played an important role. - Consequently, new ways for the fulfillment of guidelines were sought for the fallible ones, whereby new security measures became effective. - So from then on, the places of fulfillment of guidelines were secured by guar ds who, on the one hand, exercised their waking functions among the fallible one s at the isolated locations and, on the other hand, also outside of these within a particular area. - This was the case at least during the first period, which lasted for a few ce nturies, after which other methods were then brought to application because the direct surveillance carried out by the human guards didn t work satisfactorily. - The direct contact of the security guards with the fallible ones at the place s of fulfillment of guidelines led to reciprocal differences as well as to recip rocal attacks, through which there were often uprisings and deaths on both sides - For this reason, although other reasons also played a role, new ways were sou ght, which eventually led to the fallible ones being taken to absolutely secure

and electronically monitored locations; therefore, direct security personnel wer e no longer necessary, and through this, the hazard of collisions and difference s between the fallible ones and the guards was excluded - However, in order also to ensure the safety of the fallible ones among one a nother - so that even among them, no differences and uprisings as well as no pow er groups would emerge and, thus, murder and mayhem would also be prevented - ou r early safety scientists created electronic behavioral chips, i.e. security chi ps, which were implanted into the brains of the fallible ones. - These chips were designed in such a way that they steered the behaviors of th e fallible ones in a way that no aggression and lust for power as well as no hat red and no vindictiveness could appear; rather, everything in relation to this w as reduced in such a way that a damping of these destructive concerns occurred, and in each case, all resulting matters were processed in peace and with conside ration. - Thus, everything was aligned toward the fact that all occurring things and ma tters were considered thoroughly and rationally, and no differences and degenera cies, etc. appeared any more. - But this doesn t mean that the fallible ones own will and their own freedom of c hoice would have been taken from them, for that was in no way the case. - In fact, they were completely free in this as well as in every other form, w hich also has reference to their freedom of movement and freedom of action. - The only restrictions were that, on the hand, a secured place of fulfillment of guidelines was given, from which no one could escape, and that, on the other hand, no criminal or otherwise degenerative actions could occur any more because these were prevented by the programming of the implanted chips. - The development didn t stand still, however, because the scientists researched further and improved the electronic products, by what means everything became mu ch better - But the real great turning point first came when gene technology was taken in to consideration, through which the fallible ones could be treated in such a way that they were separated from their criminal or other degenerative actions and, thus, completely cured of them - This meant that gradually, the places of fulfillment of guidelines became sup erfluous and eliminated. - During the first time, if it was the case that fallible ones were banished f or life, without them ever being able to establish contact with the outside worl d, then this measure was gradually relaxed and, in the end, eliminated altogethe r, once the fallible ones could be completely cured of their criminal or other d egenerate forms through genetic manipulation and be released into society. - This gene-manipulative healing method was further investigated and further de veloped, and indeed, even in reference to all hereditary diseases and immunodefi ciencies as well as physical and organic deformities, but also in terms of disor ders of consciousness and inheritable psychological disorders, etc. - The development progressed rapidly, so already soon, early detections of gene damages of the aforementioned kind became possible, which naturally led to the fact that these cognitions were used and the genetic deformities, genetic abnorm alities, and other harmful genetic influences were already repaired in the growi ng child in the womb

- Thus, an irrefutable law has been in force since then, namely that every chil d, so every girl and every boy, is to be arranged into a gene examination, i.e. a gene analysis, at the prenatal age of seven months. - Since then, since this law gained validity and became observed absolutely, it is valid with us that every crime or other degeneration as well as every inheri table disease of the body and its organs, every immunodeficiency of any kind, an d every form of harmful aggressiveness, jealousy, and vindictiveness are just as non-existent as also hatred, envy, desire for validity, egoism, and many other characteristics that bring the human being discord, unkindness, and other harms - But at the same time, it should be noted that through this, our own decision in all matters and concerns is in no way impaired, as well as not our drive for self-preservation and our drive for self-defense, when this is demanded. Gene-Manipulations for Fallible Ones & Early-detection of Gene-Damages: - the real great turning point first came when gene technology was taken into c onsideration, through which the fallible ones could be treated in such a way tha t they were separated from their criminal or other degenerative actions and, thus, completely cured of them - This meant that gradually, the places of fulfillment of guidelines became sup erfluous and eliminated. - During the first time, if it was the case that fallible ones were banished f or life, without them ever being able to establish contact with the outside worl d, then this measure was gradually relaxed and, in the end, eliminated altogethe r, once the fallible ones could be completely cured of their criminal or other d egenerate forms through genetic manipulation and be released into society. - This gene-manipulative healing method was further investigated and further de veloped, and indeed, even in reference to all hereditary diseases and immunodefi ciencies as well as physical and organic deformities, but also in terms of disor ders of consciousness and inheritable psychological disorders, etc. - The development progressed rapidly, so already soon, early detections of gene damages of the aforementioned kind became possible, which naturally led to the fact that these cognitions were used and the genetic deformities, genetic abnorm alities, and other harmful genetic influences were already repaired in the growi ng child in the womb - Thus, an irrefutable law has been in force since then, namely that every chil d, so every girl and every boy, is to be arranged into a gene examination, i.e. a gene analysis, at the prenatal age of 7 months. - Since then, since this law gained validity and became observed absolutely, it is valid with us that every crime or other degeneration as well as every inheri table disease of the body and its organs, every immunodeficiency of any kind, an d every form of harmful aggressiveness, jealousy, and vindictiveness are just as non-existent as also hatred, envy, desire for validity, egoism, and many other characteristics that bring the human being discord, unkindness, and other harms - But at the same time, it should be noted that through this, our own decision in all matters and concerns is in no way impaired, as well as not our drive for self-preservation and our drive for self-defense, when this is demanded. Temperatures on SUN:

- B: On my Great Journey with Ptaah, he told me that our scientists are mistake n in their acceptance that in the explosions on the Sun, only 2 million degrees of heat would arise. - But unfortunately, I now don t remember what he said, I mean, what degrees of h eat he said, which arise in reality. Do you, perhaps, know about this? - Q: I am not aware of what you two discussed in this regard, but it actually i sn t true that only 2 million degrees of heat should arise in the solar explosions . - In fact, it is around a (1) billion degrees. MILK: - B: Particularly in Switzerland and in Germany, a lot of advertising is always made for how milk should be healthy and a calcium dispenser. - However, Ptaah once said that this doesn t correspond to the truth. I also hear d this repeatedly from physicians and scientists. What s up with this? - Q: What Ptaah explained to you and what you ve otherwise heard repeatedly about milk is correct. - Milk is very well a great source of energy, but not necessarily healthy and t olerable for every person. - But in particular, milk may not be awarded those health values that are publi cized, for example, by the milk producers and by the responsible persons of the milk industry and other utilizers of milk who produce food and beverages. - In fact, milk, particularly cow's milk, contains many substances that aren t ex actly to be designated as health-promoting. - Unfortunately, also in reference to milk calcium, many erroneous views and as sertions prevail, for this doesn t promote bone structure but is truly a robber of calcium, which removes the body s own calcium, even from the bones, by what means there isn t a supply of calcium to the body and the bones through milk but, on th e contrary, a removal of calcium. - And since, as a rule, too little calcium is already otherwise supplied to the body as this is also the case for many vitamins, trace elements, and minerals b ecause today's foods, even fruits and vegetables that become more and more overcultivated, contain less and less of these substances the Earth person should ta ke this separately or add this to his normal diet as a food supplement. Henoch Prophecies -> Switzerlands COnnections with UN, NATO & EU : - B: A question about the prophecy of Henoch: you said that if it should actual ly come to World War III, then Switzerland also won t remain spared any more, name ly for the reason that connections would be entered into with the UN, i.e. the U nited Nations, as well as with NATO and with the European Union. - How, then, should these connections look his regard? loose or firm? What is decisive in t

- Q: The importance doesn t lie in a loose or free connection but only in the fac t that any mutual connection exists at all, whatever this may look like.

- In every form, Switzerland loses the actual status of its neutrality, which it could only preserve if it in no way entered into any mutual or one-sided con nections with binding contracts with the aforementioned organizations. - Only through this would actual neutrality be preserved in truth, through whic h an attack on Switzerland would remain undone. - But this won t be the case with great certainty, for already shortly after the turn of the millennium, through the irrationality of many Swiss citizens, misled by those who are irresponsible, a firm entry into the UN will take place, which will count as the beginning of the prospective catastrophe, if the prophecy of Henoch should fulfill itself, which can still be averted, however, if this peopl e takes the initiative and brings the responsible persons of the government to r eason. - But this would have to mean that the majority of the population and the ruler s become filled with actual reason and responsibility and act accordingly. - To open themselves to the world, and this means not opening themselves to a n ation and its people, to go into the clutches of some foreign-conditioned organi zations, etc. and to forfeit their freedom and neutrality thereby, these are tru ly worth a lot more than the empty promises and lies of those who only strive fo r power and wealth and to whom all infamous means are right, in order to deceive the people and rule over them. - Unfortunately, like with other peoples of other nations, this will also be t he case with the Swiss people, at least just with the majority of them who will be shouting for the accessions or other connections to the aforementioned organi zations, by what means it will first be recognized too late, as to what the actu al truth will be, in regards to the connections and agreements with the EU, NATO , and UN - But once this realization comes, it will be very well too late to be able to slip out again through a suitable mesh. - Therefore, it is only to be wished and hoped, and indeed, against all the glo omy prophecies, that the people, even those of Switzerland, will still become re asonable and prevent the impending disaster, which still, for a certain time, ac tually lies in the realm of possibility; consequently, the prophetic threatening events don t have to arrive and don t have to fulfill themselves. - And indeed, it is to be desired, that the future will change for the better i n the third millennium and that the great time and the century of wars and strif e among the Earth people will finally be over. - In order to achieve this, the Earth people just need a little reason, unders tanding, and love, as well as the will to live together in peace with all humans , to respect and honor one another, and to help one another live. Billy's Opinion on Earth-HUman : Actually, it would be nice if in this so beautiful world, love and peace would f inally prosper among all human beings. But it would probably still be too premat ure to cherish desires and hopes for this, so I think, because the overall think ing and behavior of the Earth person is still too focused on power, materialism, religion, and faith, as well as on selfishness, egotism, pride, self-glorificat ion, jealousy, hatred, vindictiveness, racism, and on many other bad things and negative values, than that he could be taught what is better and would also cons ciously and willingly change for the better. And even then, when the greatest mi sery and greatest catastrophe falls upon him, the person of the Earth, he will o

nly reflect upon the better for a short time, and to be sure, only for so long u ntil his agonies and his memories slowly fade away and he thinks that he has the upper hand again. Once he suffers agonies, fear, distress, and misery, then he is ready to make all possible and impossible promises, to pray to every imaginar y God with endless words of gratitude and many sacrifices, which he would offer if he would just be released from his shit again. And once it is actually the ca se that the fear, need, misery, agony, trouble, and danger, etc. are over, then all the promises are forgotten and vanish like sound and smoke, after which the old lifestyle continues, and all harm and evil, all hatred, all unkindness and j ealousy, racial hatred, and other forms of hatred as well as vindictiveness and all other inhumane, dehumanizing, and inhuman things continue to grow rampant in a toxic and all-around destructive form that stinks to the high heavens. - Q: I wouldn t like to be in your skin, as you tend to say, because you have to live on this earth among this humanity and fulfill your difficult task. - If I just think of how you are still attacked and slandered for all your work and efforts, then I dread it. - Moreover, I can t understand at all how you endure all this and remain undaunte dly loyal to your mission, even though you would actually have every reason to r efrain from it. - B: Dear friend, I made a promise. I can t break any given word Ending of Global Glaciation : - B: Recently, we(Q) talked about the primeval times of the Earth, and the issu e arose, which Semjase also once talked about, that at least once on the Earth, there had been a global glaciation, i.e. a total global ice age, which dates bac k about 600 million years - At the same time, the entire equatorial belt should have also been covered b y many meters of thick ice and by enormous glaciers. - This, along with the great ice ages and the small ice ages that repeatedly mo ved across the planet since ages ago and will also continue to do so in the futu re. - Through the total glaciation of global expanse, the entire Earth became a gi ant ball of ice, i.e. an actual ice planet. - In addition, I ask you, since you are also a geologist and an expert in terms of the ice ages and so on, how the Earth was able to turn into an ice planet at all and how the enormous masses of ice were able to melt and then disappear aga in - At the earliest times, the planet was, nevertheless, a giant glowing ball, be fore it solidified and formed actual land masses, on which then, in the end, mou ntains raised themselves through inner Earth movements and processes, etc. - Q: It corresponds to the truth that at early times on the Earth, the ice reg ions and glaciers had advanced into the tropical zones and also forced the equat orial regions and even the entire planet under a mantle of ice that was many met ers thick. - Thus, the ice planet Earth actually existed, just as Semjase explained to you . - To your question of how the masses of ice melted again, I must explain the fo

llowing: - Normally, the Earth's surface is so strongly influenced by the Sun, through i ts rays, that the upper layer of the Earth is warmed up. - However, this only happens under normal conditions and not with glaciers and large surfaces of ice, thus also not with small and great ice ages, because onl y the ice-free areas of the planet are affected and warmed up by the solar radia tion, while the glaciers and other enormous white or bright greenish or bluish s urfaces of ice too strongly reflect the Sun s rays and, thus, also the heat energy ; consequently, they cannot melt by the solar heat. - If large surfaces of ice and glaciers spread out across the planet through pl anetary climate changes or through disturbances of the revolution of the planet around the Sun or through any cosmic influence, then the Earth's surface natural ly becomes brighter, by what means, as I explained, the sunlight, i.e. the solar radiation, becomes much stronger than what is usually reflected. - Through this, the planet takes in less and less solar heat, as this was also the case at that time with the Earth and is the case with every small or great i ce age. - This is the reason why the planet s surface cools down more and more and why th e masses of ice can collect around it, grow unrestrainedly, and expand. - Then, once a critical expanse and mass are reached, the climate tilts inexora bly, and the total global freezing can no longer be stopped. - This is the development of a global freezing of a planet, as this was also tr ue for the Earth. - Nevertheless, such a total freezing of a planet can more or less or even tota lly be dissolved by the planet s internal functions, which also happened on the Ea rth, on which even today, there are still a large number of glaciers, which can be found throughout the whole world in smaller or larger forms in the mountains, but in addition, the areas of the Arctic and Antarctic may not be forgotten, wh ich also remained after the small and great ice ages. - Now, so that the Earth could free itself again from its enormous mantle of ic e, the elementary, bubbling, inner life of the planet itself was decisive, namel y the tremendous natural power of volcanism, through which the tremendous heat w as generated, which eventually brought the ice crust of the Earth back to meltin g. - Volcanoes have a direct connection to the Earth s interior and, with this, to t he bubbling magma chambers, whereby the active volcanoes are also more active in their function, of course, during a global ice age. - Thus, the volcanoes remain active and, through enormous eruptions, spew out h uge masses of liquid lava as well as heat onto the planet s surface, but only the immediate ice-covered areas all around the volcanoes benefit from this as the va st sheets of ice melt. - But in addition to the lava and the heat, the volcanoes also eject huge amoun ts of the finest dust particles, i.e. ash particles and so on and so forth, alon g with enormous masses of carbon dioxide, and these very factors are the ones th at ensure that the heat of the sunlight is trapped in the atmosphere. - But primarily, it is carbon dioxide that is decisive for this heat effect, fo r throughout the entire global ice age, which lasted on Earth for 12.47 million

years, this gathered together in unimaginable mass in the atmosphere, heating it to about 57 degrees, which entailed that a tremendous global greenhouse effect arose, through which the enormous masses of ice slowly began to melt, by what me ans the global freezing dissolved up to the small areas at the North Pole and th e South Pole as well as in isolated mountain areas, etc. - This was also the case on the ground, which took place about 600 million year s ago. - Of course, immense layers of clouds originated from the slow evaporation of the masses of ice, which surrounded the entire Earth as a closed cloud cover and which, in turn, led to a renewed and even much more extreme climate change. - Then, after many millions of years, it began to rain for the first time on E arth, and indeed, in such immense masses that everything was set under water. - This tremendous time of rain, during which the waters fell like a flood from the clouds to the ground, lasted for 142 years without interruption, and of cou rse, new evaporations of the falling-down water masses took place again and agai n, by what means the cloud formations were continuously fed, while the powerful volcanoes naturally remained active and constantly ejected new carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere - The flood-like, falling-down water masses combined in the atmosphere with thi s carbon dioxide, forming acid rain, from which then, over the course of time, n atural lime developed on the Earth - This was the development of the Earth in relation to the total global freezin g, which then also firstly formed the actual origin for the original emergence o f the first micro-life forms of a single-celled kind, from which, over the cours e of millions of years and centuries, life forms of the water, land, and air evo lved up to the higher kinds, after which then, the Earth person emerged from the whole thing and evolved over many depths and heights to the current state. Emergence of Life & Humans after GLobal Glaciation: - The flood-like, falling-down water masses combined in the atmosphere with thi s carbon dioxide, forming acid rain, from which then, over the course of time, n atural lime developed on the Earth - This was the development of the Earth in relation to the total global freezin g, which then also firstly formed the actual origin for the original emergence o f the first micro-life forms of a single-celled kind, from which, over the cours e of millions of years and centuries, life forms of the water, land, and air evo lved up to the higher kinds, after which then, the Earth person emerged from the whole thing and evolved over many depths and heights to the current state. - Until the global ice age around 600 million years ago, only thermal life form s, i.e. thermal bacteria, existed on the Earth in the scorching heat of the magm a and lava, and these life forms were partially expelled from the hot springs of aboveground geysers as well as from small or larger black funnels or chimneys r ising high up at the bottom of the sea, and to be sure, along with the other pri mitive forms, from which, over the course of time, new unicellular life forms co uld evolve, which settled in the sands of the shores of the seas and other bodie s of water and evolved under or in the sand to multicellular life forms. - But at the same time, comets as well as meteors and asteroids as well as inte rstellar clouds of microbes played a very important role, once these came into t he immediate vicinity of the Earth and fell down upon this, thereby bringing the ir microbes, etc. to the planet, which combined in part with the Earth s already-d

eveloped life forms of a similar kind and thereby created new life, or else life forms that were independently brought from space emerged from these. - But in relation to the insemination of the Earth with respect to fauna and fl ora, it must be clearly said that what primarily relates to this didn t proceed fr om the planet itself but resulted through the inclusions from outer space, and t o be sure, through comets, meteors, asteroids, dust particles, and even through the clouds of chemical elements drifting through free space as well as clouds of microbes, through which all the bacteria, fungi, lichens, mosses, viruses, and protozoa of various genera and species were brought to the Earth. - The Earth human being first emerged much later out of new amino acid connecti ons, etc., which resulted from the decay substances of plants and animals. - The earliest human forms in this regard, which emerged from the planet itself , are to be backdated to 8 to 12 million years, but the actual hominid forms fir st appeared between six and eight million years ago, from whose lines various hu man forms then developed over the course of time, but these were not of permanen ce and, thus, passed again. - Then, from the same original line, still other and similar human life forms f ormed, so with the related human life forms, namely the simian beings, which sti ll exist on the Earth today in various species. ET's in earlier times : - The human beings who walked the Earth at earlier times, such as over 20 or 1 20 or even more than 230 million years ago, were in no way the so-called Earth-m ade or Earth-created ones but rather extraterrestrials who came from the depths of space and who stayed here for a certain time or only visited the planet for a short time for expeditions or for major excursions - At that time, the areas of origin and home worlds of these travelers from afa r were to be found in your galaxy, so the Milky Way, but also in foreign galaxie s. Darwin, a Deceiver : - B: It again follows clearly and plainly that humans aren t descended from the ape line but rather apes from the human line. - Q: That is correct because the Darwinian Theory of Evolution, that the evolut ionary line of Earth human beings traces back to apes, is fundamentally wrong, f or in truth, the evolutionary line of apes traces back to human beings. - Darwin was a deceiver in relation to the Man-Ape Evolutionary Line Theory be cause he secretly worked on ape bones and ape skeletons with a filing utensil, i n order to adapt them into his claim and false theory and to present it to those scientists at that time who occupied themselves with the evolution of animals a nd humans. - At first, they were completely impressed by Darwin s evidence and spread Darwin s f alse claims and deceitful machinations across the globe as correct and as a true sensation. - And once they discovered Charles R. Darwin s fraud, it was already too late to correct everything again; consequently, everything took its course, and the frau dulently created evidence entered into the scientific annals as authenticity; - Thus, it also spread among the people, and the erroneous teaching was born th

at the human being is descended from the ape, which is the exact opposite of wha t corresponds to the truth and correctness, that the ape is descended from the l ine of the human being - B: The story is well-known to me. Through his wrong machinations, Darwin prob ably created the greatest deception and the greatest lie that a scientist on Ear th has ever created - Greater deception and greater lies were probably only created by the American s, with their made-up first Moon-landing, as well as those through which religio ns and sects were created. 9] EC

Contact Report 219, Tuesday, June 16, 1987 - Quetzal Quetzal shares his private matters with Billy : - Q: If you don t mind, right at the beginning of our meeting, I would like to t alk about something that moves me. - B: Nothing stands in the way of that. But later, can I still ask you some que stions? - Q:......... - But now, the time has advanced more than what I estimated for our conversatio n. After all, we ve talked for more than two hours. - But it was a great joy for me, and I would also like to thank you for your ex planations and your advice. You amaze me more and more. - B: The conversation was also a joy for me, and there is no reason for you to thank me; rather, I should sooner thank you, for you gave me so much trust and i nitiated me into your private matters. Boom & the Financial management of the companies & nations throughout the whole world in FUture - Q: The boom is almost over, and everything is approaching a great decline, w ith steadily rising unemployment in all industrialized nations of the world. - This is due to a steadily increasing irresponsibility and mismanagement of th e responsible persons who will fill their pockets with money and, through this, create enormous mountains of debt. - The managers, boards of directors, and owners of firms will pay out millions of sums to themselves, which they will declare as remunerations or as settlement s, and this already happens now and will happen more and more. - Monstrous mountains of debt arise from these financial distributions, which w ill ultimately amount to hundreds of billions of Swiss francs or U.S. Dollars an d, in the new millennium, even Euros. - But not only this form of economic crime will occur in the coming time but al so that which will exist as fraud and theft as well as false accounting and larg e-scale accounting fraud. - This also applies to the rest of the financial economy and the stock market

operations, which will suffer tremendous precipitations and losses especially af ter the turn of the millennium, which, overall, will basically be due to the inc redible criminal and global mismanagement of an economic and financial form. - Through the economic criminals, the nations and the firms will, in large numb ers, be driven into ruin, to collapse, and into insolvency and, thus, into bankr uptcy, and there won t be any responsible persons who will confront all this crimi nal mismanagement because everyone is either too trusting, naive, or too stupid to recognize and grasp the truth, or because they themselves are out for million s, in order to redevelop themselves thereby in a criminal manner. - And since no responsible person will actually be able to be found, it will be such that a collapse of the financial economy and the industry takes place, whi ch means that many economic enterprises and industrial enterprises will merge, l ose their names, or change and, in the end, be dissolved, for the financial reso urces seep away completely. - Also, the financial stock exchange will experience very bad times in the com ing years, but not until the third millennium will the worst stock exchange peri ods drive the shareholders nearly to despair, when the profits dwindle away in b illions of dollars and Swiss francs, etc. and only bring the stock exchange pape rs weak values. - And also in the upcoming European Union, there will be a lot of trouble when a new currency, called the Euro, is introduced - Through the introduction of the Euro, the prices for all goods and food will suddenly be raised considerably in all nations of the European Union, by what me ans the people suddenly won t have enough money for their livelihood, etc. - In particular, it will hit those people who have to live on a small pension a nd who, through the criminal and nationally unauthorized increase in food prices , etc., no longer have a livelihood. - But the national leaders and other responsible persons will be blind to this because they won t care about the misery of the poor, and through criminal overpay ments, secret profiteering, and through other illicit things and intrigues, they will have brought their own mite to dry land, as you once formulated the puttin g aside of money. War Crimes & the Wars in the new Millennium : - America, Israel, Palestine, Iraq - Bush, Sharon, Arafat & Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden - Fall of GDR - Sharon will separate the Israeli territories from the Palestinian areas with a high and long fence Billy wishes to stop all Wars: - B: If I had the power to stop everything and to create a better world and to teach the people what is better and love, then I would do this with great joy a nd fervor - But one insults me only as a spinner, lunatic, charlatan, and as a deceiver, and only very few, really reasonable people listen to my word and to the teachin g that I provide.

- Almost no Earth person wants to hear the truth because this is extremely pain ful and requires a lot of will, understanding, cognition, and energy to follow i t. - Q: Your words and feelings hit me, and I feel how hard it is working in you. - Your words are good and right, but it will still take many centuries before t he people of the Earth find their way to the real truth and to the true life in love, knowledge, and wisdom. - You are doing the hardest and the first work for this, as well as all those p eople who gather around you. - But overall, you will have a very difficult position because the real truth d oesn t want to be heard. - B: To further address what you said just now: on the Earth, rulers, politicia ns, and other powerful figures, psychopaths, and paranoiacs, as well as their he nchmen, may commit or order murders without hesitation and unhindered, carry out acts of terrorism, and cause wars in the name of justice, internal and external security, alleged peace-keeping or peace-making, as well as alleged freedom and love - Here, it asks itself, how immoral and degenerate in general such creatures m ust actually be, who order, carry out, or even just support such. - It doesn t matter whether it s about torture, the death penalty or its enforcemen t, or about open-ended wars or murderous acts of secret services, sectarians, re ligious extremists, fundamentalists, or terrorists - Everything is reprehensible which amounts to quarrel, war, murder and mayhem, slavery, bondage, discord, unkindness, hatred, revenge and retaliation, as well as sectarianism, terrorism, and destruction and everything that brings harm to human beings, life, and evolution. - Q: Unfortunately, there are no limits to the immorality and depravity of all those in the world who can exercise power in any way. - This boundlessness is also true with respect to the greed for money, wealth, resources, lands, countries, luxury, lust for power, revenge, retribution, selfperpetuation, pleasure, addiction and vice, as well as all imaginable material w orthlessness, etc. Bio-Weapons Testing: - I(B) refer to that which was perpetrated by the Japanese in China, during the occupation period of the Chinese people, in connection with bioweapon tests - B: As you(Q) mentioned, this fact is silenced, and consequently, very few of the Japanese people are aware of it - As this was also the case with the same or similar crimes under the Nazis, t he Swedes, the French, and the Americans, as well as in various other nations in a military or private and scientific form and is also kept secret up to this da y and denied, which, unfortunately, can only be proven in most cases with extrem e difficulty. UNIT 731:

- Q: Everything happened during the Japanese occupation in China. - In 1942, through the high leaders of the Japanese, and indeed, without the Ja panese population being informed about it, southern China became contaminated wi th cholera, plague, and with other diseases during a long-term and large-scale s ecret action. - Moreover, it concerned a large-scale and long-term series of tests involving bioweapons. - In this consequence, plague-infected fleas were dropped from Japanese airpla nes on various areas of southern China in large quantities, which were then main ly spread across the country by rats. - Many people, and also other animals besides rats, were directly affected by i t, by what means the plague could spread rapidly, and eventually, hundreds of th ousands became sick and very many died. - The people of the then affected areas still suffer from this war crime today, which also won t change in the coming decades because the plague can t be fought ea sily and, therefore, can t be eradicated quickly, which is why in southern China, cases of plague appear over and over again, and this will also be the case in th e future. - At the same time, one should consider the immeasurable quantities of rats, ov er which China doesn t become master and which are still today the carriers of the plague-infected fleas, which are transferred by these rodents to domestic anima ls and human beings and which allow illnesses to break out again and again, even if only sporadically. - A fact that, since the end of World War II, has also been concealed by the C hinese government from the general public of China and from the whole world and which will also continue to remain in such a way for some time into the future. - The authorship of the incredible war crime traces back to a renowned Japanese army doctor named Shiro Ishii, who in 1940, with the consent of the Japanese he avenly Showa Tenno, Hirohito, Emperor of Japan brought into being the so-called U nit 731 and also led the murderous command in this. - Through this unit, also tens of thousands of prisoners of war, Chinese, Kore ans, and Russians, who were designated as blocks of wood, were used as experimenta l subjects by the researchers who bred and produced terrible strains of pathogen s. - The entire laboratory and research facility was officially and deceitfully h andled as a wood-processing plant, so that the terrible secret, which was really hidden behind it, wouldn t become known among the population. - This happened in a laboratory in the northern part of China, in Manchuria, in a place with the name of Ping Fang. - However, not only were the plague pathogens investigated, bred, and produced in immense masses but also very dangerous pathogens of other diseases and epidem ics, such as anthracis, a pathogen by which Anthrax was released. - Moreover, pathogens of typhoid fever and cholera were also produced and so o n. - Then, the prisoners of war were infected with all kinds of bred pathogens, an d once they became sick, living organ samples were cut out of their bodies, with

out anesthesia, in order to examine and investigate the effects of the inoculate d disease strains in them as well as to make further tests and to pursue researc hes. - Of course, all victims didn t survive these tortures; rather, they died in such pain that one can say that they didn t just painfully die but rather miserably an d agonizingly perished. - Furthermore, it is still to be explained that a Japanese army special unit i n Ping Fang bred and produced deadly pathogens of diseases and epidemics and spr ead these all over the areas of southern China by airplanes as well as by railwa y and by all sorts of motorized road vehicles, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be inflicted by the diseases and epidemics, and very many died from it . - Then, in Tokyo, at the end of World War II, when the war crimes trials took p lace, none of the Japanese researchers were called to account, through whose cri mes 743,018 people were murdered. - A number that was criminally reduced in a truth-veiling manner by the respon sible persons of the court to just around 250,000, in order make everything seem somehow milder than it actually was. - In fact, only several generals were indicted. - For the researchers themselves, it was negotiated that they would remain unpu nished if they handed over the research results and all formulas, etc. to the Am ericans, which then actually happened, of course, and with which the American re searchers and scientists pursued researches in the following years and decades a nd up to now, and they will pursue and continue to pursue these in the coming ti me. - From this, from the acquired results, vicious and deadly weapons usable for b iological warfare naturally developed over time, which America also abundantly p roduced in large masses and has in stock. - But it is specifically to be said to everything again that the whole thing is n t at the expense of the Japanese people, for this people had no idea of all the terrible evil that the researchers and the army special unit brought upon hundre ds of thousands of human beings of the Chinese people. - Thus, the Japanese people can never be held responsible for such monstrous c rimes against humanity and war crimes. - The real culprits were the researchers and the army doctor, Shiro Ishii, and primarily the Showa Tenno, Hirohito, the Emperor of Japan, who approved everythi ng, and, of course, also all those who supported the criminal matter and all tho se who spread the deadly pathogens over the country. - And finally, it must still be said that at the end of the war, there were sti ll more than 600 survivors of the prisoners of war, but they were cruelly murder ed, so that they couldn t make any statements about the bestial, murderous, and de adly attempts of the butchers against the prisoners of war and against the peopl e concerned in southern China. - B: That is what I wanted to hear again, so that I can write it down and prese nt it to the public. The people of the Earth should know, by what bestial creatu res their world is inhabited - This, however, not only refers to this story with Japan but also to America,

Israel, Palestine, and Iraq, and otherwise to all nations whose criminal element s act in the way you mentioned or in a similar manner and bring death, suffering , murder, destruction, and annihilation over the people and entire nations and c an still be praised high into the sky for it and think that they are magnificent , humane, just, and infallible - These creatures must be denounced because of their criminal thoughts and acti ons, so that the people can finally learn the truth and don t continue to shout hu rray for these thugs and murderers. Refugees of Henok s line from the Sirius region : - B: In the old history of Henok and the travelers from afar from the depths of space and, with these, the refugees of Henok s line from the Sirius region, there is talk of the fact that these chose a system with an already-dying sun, in ord er to escape from the captors - This was so because the pursuers didn t expect it and, even today, don t expect that the refugees chose for themselves a dying or passing sun, which will only e xist for a few billion years and which only had three habitable planets in its s ystem, one of which could only be transitionally inhabited for a short time, nam ely Mars, while another, even Malona or Phaeton, was destroyed by its inhabitant s, which resulted in the asteroid belt. - Moreover, there was still the fact that the Sirius regions, from where the re fugees broke out, were in a different space-time configuration, and the refugees settled in another space-time plane, even in our space and our time, which was a foreign area to the Sirians and which couldn t be found by them up to this day, for on the one hand, there are simply too many of the most diverse space-time co nfigurations in the entire Universe, and on the other hand, the Sirians didn t hav e the Henok-technology of the space-time exchange SIRIANS : - But now, two specific questions about this: first of all, do the distant desc endants of the Sirians from their other space-time configuration, or from their other space-time plane, still presently search for the refugees of Henok s line, w hose most distant descendants are some of today's Earth people? - And secondly, are the distant descendants of these Sirians in a position toda y to penetrate into other space-time configurations? - And actually, this still gives rise to a third question that is related to th is: why, actually, was a solar system searched for, which only had a few inhabit able planets? - Q: The danger of the pursuit of the refugees, or rather their distant descen dants, by the distant descendants of the former inhabitants of Sirius is no long er existent because over many thousands of years, the disposition of the Sirians has changed for the better, and so now, they live in peace and without ambition s for power. - Today, their aspirations are more focused on consciousness-related and spirit ual progress than just on power, revenge, and retaliation, in consequence of whi ch also everything that had happened at the earliest times with the genetically manipulated ones and their work and escape was ordered into oblivion by a counci l s decision. - But still, they also developed their technology further in every form; conseq uently, they also became capable of changing from their space-time plane into an

other. SIRIAN MIB : - Q: But unfortunately, this was to the advantage of a small group of diehards who had taken over the old hatred and thoughts of revenge as well as the retalia tory desires of the old Sirians from generation to generation and also further m aintained them. - But today, these are now just 63 of their human beings who continue in the tr aditional hatred and try to cause harm to the most distant descendant of the Sir ius refugees, even in the way that they try to transport you from life and there by make your mission and the teaching of the spirit impossible. - Unfortunately, they also arrived into the possession of the technology that e nables them to change into the most diverse space-time planes, so even into this one, in which the SOL system exists, which they have, indeed, found after centu ries of searching. - They try to cause harm to you as well as to all those around you and to the t eaching and the mission and elsewhere, namely by intimidating and threatening th e Earth people who have observed our beamships or the ones of other extraterrest rial visitors to Earth or who have found any proofs of their existence. - Through these hateful elements that cooperated with the Giza Intelligences, h uman beings of the Earth were also injured or kidnapped, etc., but this only occ urred rarely - Moreover, these renegades and "Men in Black," as we also call them, and these have nothing to do with the so-called "Men in Black" who are of earthly origin and, thus, who are secret service-driven Earth people, strive to induce real vis ions and hallucinations through apparatus-driven, suggestive impulses in Earth p eople who are susceptible to these. - Their repertoire ranges from fake sightings and observations as well as alle ged abductions up to simulated contacts and sexual intercourse with extraterrest rials, from which alleged pregnancies occur that, if they already appear, are ca used quite normally with an earthly partner or by artificial manipulation of a m edical nature or one s own nature. - Also through these extraterrestrial Men in Black, the illusion is produced in s usceptible Earth people that somehow, through carelessness, etc., things penetra ted into their body unnoticed, such as the incidence of metal fragments or small projectiles, etc., implants of extraterrestrial forces and beings, which is abs urd, of course. - Since these Sirius renegades are too small in their numbers to inflict really major damage on Earth and its inhabitants, they have invested in their hatred, in order to create confusion in manifold forms all over the Earth among the peop le. - Moreover, as I already said, they try to destroy the teaching of the spirit a nd your mission, and indeed, even by instigating unstable Earth people to kill y ou or to make it impossible for you through lies, deceit, and slander and to rep resent you as a liar, swindler, forger, and fraud, which you will still experien ce, unfortunately, even in your own family, as I have seen through a look into t he future. - Unfortunately, we aren t able to catch these extraterrestrial "Men in Black"-el ements because they always vanish into a space-time plane whose coordinates we c

an t detect and can t register, for quite obviously, these Sirius renegades have a c oordinate-distorter or otherwise have a way to distort the coordinate data, wher eby we can t capture them and can t get a hold of the culprit. - In addition, the elements are extremely vigilant and clever, so it could take years or decades before we get them on track and dissuade them from their actio ns. - We have to wait until they make a mistake or until our scientists find a way to decipher their coordinates upon the disappearance of the renegades into anoth er space-time plane. Water & Microbes on MARS : - B: As Ptaah said and showed to me, there is a lot of water on and also under the surface Mars in the form of ice, mostly very close to the surface of Mars, whereby the South Pole is of special importance in this regard - As Ptaah explained, however, not all ice consists of water but also of other materials - Now, the question about this is whether you have foresight as to whether thi s water can one day be used by the Earth people, once they eventually colonize M ars and can, so to speak, bring it back to life - And in the coming time, will the fact of the presence of the enormous canyons and black sand dunes and water on Mars be discovered by probes, if such should be sent to the Red Planet and reach this at all? - Q: That will be the case several times in the coming time in reference to the water, namely that large occurrences of water in the form of ice and snow can b e proven by probes on Mars. - But the final certainty will first be attained at the beginning of the third millennium, and to be sure, by a Mars probe that will be called "2001 Mars Odys sey," as our look into the future has revealed. - B: And, will it also become clear through this then that Mars once supported life and that, in fact, exotic life exists on the planet? I mean microbes and th e like. - No, that will not yet be the case at that time. The time for that won t be unti l much later. Storms & Lightning on Mars : - B: And how does it stand with the storms on Mars; will these also be investig ated then, and will it also be discovered that there are something like flashes of lightning up there? - And since we re already at it: through the powerful flashes of lightning on the good old Earth, which shoot vertically into the air at around 100 kilometers pe r second, radio waves arise with such high frequencies that through these, the v ery sparsely settled air molecules are brought to radiating illumination - Is this a specific feature that only appears on Earth, or does this phenomen on also occur on other planets? - Q: This likewise applies to other worlds, both those that are of the same nat ure as the Earth and those that are of a different nature.

- B: You mean in terms of the various planetary spheres, if I understand you co rrectly? - By that, I mean the atmosphere or troposphere, stratosphere, stratopause, mes osphere, mesopause, thermosphere, exosphere or dissipation sphere, the neutrosph ere, homosphere, heterosphere, and ionosphere, as well as the geosphere and bios phere, the lithosphere, respectively the Earth's mantle layer and the Earth's cr ust, and the inner asthenosphere, etc. ISS or "International Space Station" : - B: But tell me, you recently said that around the turn of the millennium, a n ew space station would be built, which should orbit the Earth at a high altitude . - ISS or "International Space Station," you have called it. How high should th is float above the Earth or all around the Earth? And how high and low will the temperature be up there? - Q: The very large station will orbit the Earth at about 400 kilometers of al titude, and at this altitude, there prevails a positive temperature of about 120 degrees and a negative temperature of about 150 degrees, if I m not mistaken. Deep sea tour with Quetzal: - B: But tell me, when I took the deep sea tour with you, there I saw life form s in the deepest depths, which will certainly still remain invisible and unexpla inable to our deep sea researchers and scientists for a long time - As this will also be the case for many of the giant animals that live in hig her and middle sea-depths - As for example the giant snake fish which look like giant eels, which are up to 15 meters long, as you said - Then likewise the giant sharks that are up to 14 meters long and which have such large mouths that one might think that a third of the fish come from these. - But then, there were still the giant beasts, which you called deep sea eels and which had a kind of tentacle-mane and which, once they are fully grown and a s you also explained, can be up to 18 to 22 meters long - I was also impressed by the giant jellyfish, whose catching arms or tentacles were about 45 meters long, according to your explanation - Also those monstrous predatory sharks were to be regarded as enormous, which you described as rapacious and predatory creatures. - And when I think that these fish, according to your data, were 10, 12, and 14 meters long, then one could learn fear if one would face these beasts under oth er and unprotected circumstances, than just in such a way as we were protected i n your ship - But that there are deep sea squid, which have long, delicate, and fine tentac les, several of which you also let me see and observe, of this I also knew nothi ng, as well as not of the existence of all the other deep-sea creatures or deepsea life forms - And here, I wrote down the name that you told me in reference to that beast t

hat made a strange impression on me and concerning which you explained that it c oncerns a distant descendant form of the "Carcharodon megalodon," as you dictate d its name to me Number of Deep Sea Creatures : - Even more could be said of what was experienced and seen, but I want to conce rn you with a question, namely how many deep sea creatures of every kind and siz e can one still reckon, which have remained undiscovered up to now, if one can a ttach a number to this at all? - Q: That is also unknown to us, but we estimate that in the deep sea of the ea rthly oceans, about 12 million undiscovered genera and species of organisms stil l exist - And the number of individual species, according to their size, is probably i n the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or in the millions with the bigg est and largest creatures, and in the tens of millions, billions, trillions, qua drillions, up to innumerableness with the smallest and tiniest life forms. - B: With the innumerable life forms, it probably concerns microorganisms and s o on, right? And how large or tiny are they, for example, in relation to a fine tip of a hair? - Q: Yes, I speak of microorganisms. - However, these stand in no comparison in their size to a hair s tip because the y are so tiny that billions of specimens could be found on such. - B: Then these are probably thermal microorganisms, i.e. thermal bacteria or e ven thermophilic microorganisms, as you and Ptaah once called these super-small creatures, if I remember correctly - Unfortunately, I must inquire into this, for since my breakdown in 1982, I no longer have the memory capacity as before. You know that I am still working up what was lost and no longer reliably recall everything that I knew before. Sailor s Yarn & St. Elmo s Fire: - B: Then another question about the large and giant deep-sea life forms, such as the giant sharks, giant squid, giant eels, and giant snake fish, etc. - For centuries, stories from sailors wander through the world like ghosts, whi ch describe sea-monsters and deep-sea monsters that are said to have attacked sh ips on the seas and that have even sunk these and that also should have killed s ailors. Is this actually somewhat true, or is it all just storytelling? - Q: The stories have their validity, even if many things seem implausible due to a lot of exaggeration. - Of course, there are also many invented stories that have no truth content at all, so not everything that has been and that will be told can be accepted as g iven, as this is also the case with respect to many other things. - B: So I imagined, yes. But it is also clear to me that various stories are ju st so-called sailor s yarn, as this also applies to the alleged ship s kobold as wel l as to the unbelievable stories regarding St. Elmo s fire, which there actually i s, however, through the atmospheric electricity Dyslexia :

- B: dyslexia, which is also designated as a writing disorder or orthography di sorder, if I am correctly oriented, is this inheritable? - Q: That is correct. Dyslexia is inheritable through genetic misinformation or genetic deformation, i.e. genetic damage. Nelson Mandela & Apartheid system in South Africa : - B: I was asked about the apartheid system in South Africa and about the civil rights activist, Nelson Mandela, who has been imprisoned there for many years b ecause he made himself unpopular in the political struggle against the oppressio n and was condemned as a public enemy to lifelong imprisonment - How long will the oppressive apartheid system continue to exist, if it is ab olished at all, and Nelson Mandela, will he ever be free again? Have you had a l ook into the future in relation to this? - Q: Nelson Mandela will be released into freedom again after 27 years of impri sonment, through the intervention of an authoritative Swiss diplomacy, on the 11 th of February, 1990. - At a later time, and to be sure, in the month of April, 1994, the system of r acial segregation that has existed since 1948 will be canceled and placed perman ently out of power. - In the same year, Nelson Mandela will be proclaimed as the President of the R epublic of South Africa, but he will only hold the office of president until 199 9 and will resign at his own desire. - B: Then there are, therefore, only a few years of the terror of the whites ag ainst the various non-whites in South Africa. That s good to hear. Such progress i s praiseworthy. Colors of the Universe : - You(Q) surely remember Professor Janowski, the astrophysicist; we ve already di scussed a question of his once - He asked: what original color did the material Universe, i.e. the material C reation Belt, exhibit, what color followed thereafter, what is given today, and what colors will be given in the future and what will be given with the contract ion of the Universe - He also asks how these colors can be calculated and whether this is possible at all or whether the earthly scientists of astrophysics are presently in a posi tion to do this or will be in the future. - Q: I want to answer the first question first: - The color of the Universe can only be calculated in accordance with all sour ces of light of all galaxies in the form of a combination of the same, and to be sure, while a so-called cosmos spectrum or universe spectrum is created from th is. - This is an average value which isn t visible to the human eye and which result s from combinations of young blue and old red stars of the galaxies as well as f rom nebulous formations and gas clouds of a cosmic form. - From this, it also follows that the color of the Universe doesn t always remai

n the same but varies, because depending on the overall mass and luminosity of a ll sources of light, the color changes. - During the formation of the Universe, the greatest brightness was given: - A beaming, bright, white Zohar-light that resulted from the Big Bang explosio n. - Then came the blue phase of the galaxies development and stars development, etc ., from which the material form of the present Universe developed, which exhibit s a beige color that, over the course of time and evolutionary change, will be f ollowed by the colors of turquoise, green, red, and yellow, so since the origin of the Universe, there is the following series of colors up to its end 1) Beaming, bright, white Zohar-light Big Bang Phase 2) Beaming blue Existence-Development Phase 3) Beige 1st Existence Phase 4) Turquoise 2nd Existence Phase 5) Green 3rd Existence Phase 6) Red Final Existence Phase 7) Yellow Contraction Phase Nanga Parbat Mountain : - B: But now, again something else: as one knows, the mountains on Earth are st ill growing, but at the same time, erosion also takes place - An amateur geologist asked me as to what mountain on Earth has the greatest and fastest growth and, at the same time, the greatest erosion - And since you also occupy yourself with geology, and indeed, even in an earth ly relation, as you said, you should actually be able to answer this question, r ight? - Q: This is the Nanga Parbat Mountain in Pakistan, which belongs to the Himala yan Mountains and to the eight-thousanders. Atlantis : - B: So thus the next question, namely about Atlantis. - If I remember correctly, Semjase once said that there hadn t been only two Atl antises, the Great Atlantis and the Small Atlantis. Do you know about this? - Q: Yes. There were four different Atlantises, so the New Atlantis beyond the Pillars of Hercules, between the Azores and Spain. -Then there was the Small Atlantis that existed in the Mediterranean Sea in th e area of Santorini, and then Old Atlantis is to be mentioned, on which later, a fter its downfall, Troy was built, while Great Atlantis had its existence in the Atlantic. - The Atlanteans of Great Atlantis were the rulers over all four Atlantises and their peoples, for they all belonged to the same origin.

- Thus, a central government was given, but the administration of the various Atlantises took place through authorized representatives, who were called the Li tent. Pedophile Catholic priest : - B: Months ago, a young man was with me, who had severe psychological problem s that arose from sexual conduct during his childhood, and to be sure, by a pedo phile Catholic priest. - The man hesitated for a long time about the story, before he told it to me - And quite obviously, he was very seriously burdened by his experiences with t he priest, but out of shame and anxiety, he couldn t talk to anyone for over 17 ye ars about what had naturally burdened his psyche, by what means he became more a nd more closed and isolated - Thus, I had the greatest difficulty in assuring him that he could trust me and that I could surely give him some good advice - But the whole thing lasted for 4 hours, before he was finally ready for speak . - Now, it turned out, then, that the priest mentioned by him is known to me. M oreover, it concerns a man who is already older now, to whom I will read the rio t act with opportunity - But what I really want to say is that the young man, after he had expressed h imself to me and had told me the whole story, feels changed and liberated since then, and indeed, continuously, as he even told me last night on the telephone - Quite obviously, he could free himself from his age-old burden through the co nversation with me and now leads a reasonable and carefree life, liberated from the old burden - The question now is whether you can take me to this priest, so that I can ta ke him to task? You know that, because of my health, I can t go by train, and I do n t want someone to take me there by car, for one would have to ask me for the rea son behind the visit with the priest, and I would have to give an untruthful ans wer, which doesn t lie within me, however - Moreover, one would then also know where the priest exercises his office. - Q: Of course, it is good if you are silent over the name of the priest as wel l as over the place where he holds his office. But one thing you should be aware of regarding the pedophilic sexual abuse of the priest is that this isn t an isolated case, for among the Catholic priests, pe dophilia is widely spread, which is due, not in the least, to celibacy. - In the main form, homosexual offenses appear in this respect. - And in fact, there are thousands of Catholic priests throughout the world, wh o violate children and adolescents in a pedophilic manner. - An evil that will run more and more rampant in the coming time, and indeed, n ot just with Catholic priests but also with the teachers of schools and sports, as well as in child pornography and child prostitution and even with many parent s who sexually abuse their children.

Sexual Abuse In the coming time : - Q: In the coming time, it will all take on ever greater and worse proportions , which, on the one hand, is due to the fact that through Beate Uhse, the sexual taboo became destroyed, which led to the fact that worldwide, open prostitution and pornography can be publicly operated in many forms, without punitive measur es being taken against it - Which will lead in the coming time to blatant degeneracy, and on the other h and, this also traces back to the machinations of Beate Uhse, whereby all morals in reference to sexuality become violated, which will still worsen in the comin g years and decades, by what means practically the entire world will become a ce sspool of sexual degeneracy - And this will be tolerated by the authorities of the governments because man y of them will be involved in these machinations themselves in a profit-winning or vice-fulfilling way. - Of course, there will only be a few who will be called to account, while the majority of all fallible ones can pursue and indulge in their criminal, immoral, and degenerate sexual machinations undisturbed. - And also included in the majority of the offending perpetrators are all those who somehow advocate, contribute to, or who are even the beneficiaries of the m achinations; therefore, also included therein are all those who involve themselv es in these machinations, directly or indirectly. Human Origin climate change : - B: The climate change that is going on and that should progress more and more rapidly in the coming years, as you mentioned at another time, this is very wel l due, in part, to the senselessness of human beings, with their environmental p ollution, air pollution, land degradation, water degradation and, in general, th e overall environmental degradation in every respect - Of course, we ve already talked about this often, but I am still asked the sam e questions over and over again. - All the coming events in the upcoming years and decades, which are teeming wi th natural disasters of all kinds and which will demand many human lives and cau se enormous devastation, also trace back, however, to quite natural causes, as t hese have already be given by nature and cosmic influences for millions of years - Am I right in my acceptance that and more distant future, everything by two, that even about 50 percent of unreasonable, destructive human . Melting of Polar Ice in 2000 : - B: You said something about the ice of the Poles, namely what percent of the ice at the Poles will have melted by the year 2000, etc. - Q: That is correct. The explanation was that by the year 2000, through the cl imate change, i.e. global warming, about 40 percent of the Poles ice layers will have melted away in their density; already for quite some time and in the near related to this can approximately be divided is of natural origin and about 50 percent is origin?

- Q: That is correct. The ratio is to be regarded approximately in this measure

- Nevertheless, also another effect will appear, namely that enormous blocks of ice will break off and float through the seas as enormous icebergs several squa re kilometers in size. Atopic dermatitis (Eczema) : - B: Atopic dermatitis (eczema), by what means does this vile evil appear, whic h drives the poor people who are befallen to it half into insanity? - Q: This is an allergy with a very broad excitation spectrum, which can be cau sed genetically or by other internal or external influences. - Specifically, the following points are to be mentioned for external influence s, but I can only cite some of them because the spectrum is very broad: 1) Chemical agents and substances of all kinds. 2) Natural resources and substances of all kinds. 3) Food. 4) Beverages. 5) Gases. 6) Pollen of trees, flowers, bushes, grass, and grains of every kind. 7) Cleaning agents of every kind. 8) Hygiene products of every kind. 9) Insects of all kinds. 10) Fruits and vegetables of all kinds. 11) Animal products of all kinds. 12) Contacts with animals or things of all kinds. - These are the main factors that, depending on the case, can trigger atopic d ermatitis, if a person, as a result of an unstable immune system, reacts sensiti vely and susceptibly to one or more of their causative agents.



Contact Report 220, Wednesday, December 2, 1987 - Quetzal Private COnversation : - Q: It s cold today, so I m glad I can be here in your workroom. - I felt the urge to hold a private conversation with you. Genetically Engineered Medicine: - B: Some time ago, you promised to tell me something more about the upcoming r esearches relating to gene technology. What will be of particular significance i

n relation to this in the coming time and about when will this be? - Q: I only want to mention one of the important things relating to this, whic h will happen shortly after the turn of the millennium. - And if everything results in accordance with the correctness, without any cha nge in the upcoming events, then the event will arise in the month of September or October of the year 2002. - It concerns an experiment in genetically engineered medicine. - In the new millennium, earthly medicine will achieve greater progress, namel y with genetically altered bacteria that are released in human bodies. - The first experiment in this connection will be held in Holland, and as just explained, in the month of September or October, 2002. - This arises from foresight, but which, unfortunately, hasn t yielded complete c larity because certain factors caused a slight veiling. - Medicine will make great progress through this initial earthly experiment in genetic medicine, so in the future, genetically altered microorganisms will play a new and very important role in the therapeutic treatment of diseases in human beings and also in their domestic animals. - The same will also be the case in later times with viruses, which will likewi se become important therapeutic factors in the fight against diseases through ge ne manipulation. - The whole of this medical gene technology will also find further application against cancer. - However, this will still take a long time and, thus, won t already be the case after the turn of the millennium, for until then, several years will still pass in the third millennium. - Nevertheless, the development in genetic medicine in this regard isn t to be st opped, despite the unreasonable enemies of gene technology. Extreme caution Gene-Experiments : - Q: However, it should still be noted by the researchers and genetic engineers that extreme caution is required in their experiments, for the slightest carele ssness and wrong manipulation, etc. in gene therapy medicine and other genetic m anipulations, which are now emerging in the coming time and which can no longer be stopped, can cause immense disaster. - In fact, there is always a certain risk, so even also in the aforementioned f orm, because genetically manipulated germs can be transferred into humans by var ious circumstances and opportunities in natural bacteria species or bacterial st rains. - If this happens, then the genetically manipulated microbes, under certain co nditions, can be transferred from people who are therapeutically treated with th em to healthy people and be epidemically spread. - Therefore, the greatest caution is required during the handling of genetical ly altered microorganisms, not just in terms of medicine but also in terms of th e growth and the variation in species as well as the immunization, etc., which h as reference to bacteria and viruses, etc. and also to humans, animals, and plan

ts. - Nevertheless, if this condition is observed, then gene technology or gene man ipulation can become the true blessing of the Earth person and also be to his ad vantage and welfare. Natural Disasters in the new millennium: - B: It would still interest me now as to what you have to say about the more a nd more rampant thunderstorms, storms, torrential rainfalls and the resulting fl oods, as well as the volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters, if you can state anything else at all that is worth mentioning in this respect? - Q: Everything relating to this has actually been said already.

- An expansion can only be that in the future, particularly in the new millenni um, droughts, forest fires, thunderstorms of every kind, storms, rainfalls, floo ds, and destructions of vast areas, as well as earthquakes and volcanic eruption s and mountain shifts, etc. become worse and worse and more comprehensive and ca use damages and destructions that will no longer be able to be repaired for year s and decades by human beings and which will demand billions of amounts of finan cial resources. - Everything will assume such magnitudes as these have never been the case in a ll of human memory. - It will also lead to looting, for diseases will emerge and epidemics will sp read, to which human beings will fall victim, which will be caused, not in the l east, by the corpses of rotting animals that die by the storms, as well as by th e unsanitary conditions and immense vermin populations that result from the whol e thing. - Everything will stand in connection with the climate change, which will partl y be of natural origin but also about 50 percent of the Earth person s fault, and this percentage is constantly increasing. - A destruction and change of the global climate is caused by the steadily grow ing overpopulation and their needs and waste material, which results, however, t hrough the technologically caused environmental pollution, through huge dirt emi ssions in the form of smoke, steam, chemicals, gases, and exhaust fumes, etc., f rom which also a part of the environmental degradation takes place, like, among other things, also through the obstructing and building over of the vitally nece ssary fertile land and the destruction of the oxygen-lungs of the Earth, like ev en the rain forests and the many other green areas and the sea plankton. - A process that can hardly or no longer be stopped after the reaching of the t hird millennium. - As of now, the climate has already changed in such a way that it looks very bad. Thus, a fall of the climate is already preprogrammed at the current time an d isn t to be stopped any more. - And the faster the overpopulation grows, the faster all the evil brought fort h by human beings grows and the faster the already unavoidable climate change ar ises. - All storms and all other things, as they were mentioned, wouldn t be so catast rophic in their purely natural origin and occurrences if these would remain pure ly according to nature.

- But through the unreasonable involvement of the human being s evil, which he re leases through his overpopulation, everything becomes much worse and more viciou s than it could be caused by nature alone. - Already for quite some time, nature has begun to set itself to the defense ag ainst the humanly caused evil directed against it. - And that s exactly what it will still increasingly do in the coming time, and t hrough this, it will produce immense disasters - And if irresponsible scientists now still claim that all purely natural even ts are to be attributed to this and not to the guilt of the Earth people, and th us, the responsibility wants to be shifted from them, nevertheless, voices from the ranks of the scientists are still to be heard in the 90s, and especially in t he new millennium, that everything isn t due to purely natural processes, but that to a large extent, which still amounts to 50 percent today, the Earth person be ars the guilt for everything. Types of Electromagnetic radiations : - B: The electromagnetic spectrum, this comprises 7 main forms and naturally al so exhibits different high frequencies and wavelengths. The electromagnetic radi ations, which are known to our earthly scientists, are called gamma rays, X-rays , ultraviolet rays, light rays, infrared rays, microwaves, short waves, ultra-sh ort waves, and radio waves, and to my knowledge, gamma rays exhibit the smallest wavelengths and radio waves exhibit the largest - But now, you(Q) already told me some time ago that there are still other rays , and indeed, in addition to the radioactive radiation, also neutrino radiation, electron radiation, and also tachyon radiation. - Most forms of radiation are, however, invisible. - Cosmic-electromagnetic life energy as well as evolutive energy or evolutionary ene rgy, which are also based on radiations and oscillations in certain ranges of fre quencies, as this is well-known to you. Billy's Knowledge regarding 'cosmic-electromagnetic life energy' : - B: cosmic-electromagnetic life energy as well as evolutive energy or evolutionary energy, which are also based on radiations and oscillations in certain ranges of frequencies, as this is well-known to you. - Q: No, that isn t well-known to me. From where do you possess this knowledge? - It seems strange to me that you possess this knowledge that is still unknown to us. Somehow, I bump into secrets with you over and over again. - B: I really shouldn t say that, at least not at the present time. But if you ca n give me your word that you will be silent over this for the time being, then I will inform you of the origin of my knowledge. - You would still have to remain silent for at least 2 to 3 years - Well then: the knowledge comes from the spirit teaching, and it is contained in the memory banks of Henok, Henoch, and Nokodemion. - Q: And you are able to withdraw knowledge from these memory banks and learn f rom this?

- B: I can, yes. - Q: You give me a new riddle, which I will have to solve. Will you tell me how you do this? That isn t possible for us. - B: No, I m not allowed to do that yet. - Q: Is it possible, however, that you can instruct me in the teaching of the ev olutive energy and the cosmic electromagnetic life energy, so that I can retransmit it, too? - B: I can do that, but only at a later time, just when the time comes to do so . Working Class & Labour Class : - B: If you permit, I would like to ask another question regarding the financia l crisis and economic crisis and the breakdowns of the firms, etc. through misma nagement, huge settlements, and salaries in the hundreds of thousands and millio ns of financial sums for managers and boards of directors, etc. - Isn t it also true that the working class will go along with the greater deman ds for compensations and will also contribute to the whole disaster, whereby the workers organizations or labor unions will probably also contribute a lot to it? - Q: That is correct, for that will actually be the case. - Nevertheless, this evil also applies to the high state officials and leaders who have received outrageously huge and extensively translated remunerations and pensions since time immemorial, as I know from our investigations of a related form. - And this translation of the remunerations of the leaders and administrators, etc. will be shamelessly boosted further in the coming time, while various layer s of workers will only have pitiful incomes and livelihoods and will sometimes e ven live in bitter poverty. Health service, in terms of Health Insurances[Popi's doctor's bills and hospital bills]: B: And what about health service, in terms of health insurances; will the premi ums there be brought in line with the demands for high wages, making them more e xpensive? When I returned to Switzerland in 1969 and locked in health insurance for my wife, myself, Gilgamesha, and Atlantis with the Bretswiler Health Insurance Company, I paid around 35 Swiss francs a month for the four of us. - In 1973, I had to change the health insurance company because I moved with my family to Hinwil, and therefore, I joined Helvetia Health Insurance and as you can see here from the health insurance book in the month of June, I already paid 42.10 Swiss francs for the whole family. - Then, in July, it was already 54.50 Swiss francs. Then Methusalem was born, a fter which the premium increased to 60.50 Swiss francs. From then, the premium r ose further to 74.90 Swiss francs for 1974 and then to 86.30 Swiss francs as of January, 1975, after which the whole thing continued to increase year after year ; - Consequently, I already have to shell out 213.50 Swiss francs for this month of December, 1987. And the premiums are to increase enormously again next year, as has already been announced. If this continues in such a way, then I will soon

no longer know how I should still shell out the health insurance for the whole family. - To all of that is still coming 10 percent as well as a larger franchise amoun t per year, in addition to each doctor s bill. - And as you know, my wife constantly has horrendous doctor's bills and hospita l bills, as well as hospital bills for operations, etc. - Q: We have also looked into these concerns, and unfortunately, I have to tell you that the premiums will continue to increase rapidly, according to which you will soon have to pay about 300 Swiss francs per month for you alone. Densest Bodies in Universe : - B: I still have a question regarding neutron stars, which exhibit the greate st density in matter, as our scientists say - A thimble full of such a neutron star should weigh, as they say, about a bill ion tons. I would like to ask whether they haven t made a mistake in the weight, f or I find a billion tons somewhat steep. - Q: Nevertheless, it is correct. - However, it is to be rectified that neutron stars do not exhibit the densest and heaviest mass but rather other objects in the material Universe. - The matter of these tremendously heavier objects is also of a different kind than what is known to the earthly physical scientists and astrophysical scientis ts as well as astrophysical chemists. - B: Aha, and what do you call these objects, and at the same time, does it con cern stars? - Q: The second part of your question is to be affirmed in the way that, as a rule, it concerns former stars, so collapsed solar structures. - But still, such objects also exist in the form of still active suns. - We call the collapsed structures Meton-Darthelos, which translated into your la nguage means Dark Heavy Suns. - We call the still active suns of this kind ns or Active Heavy Suns. Saten-Darthelos, so Radiant Heavy Su

- These names correspond to traditions from very early times of our people. Density Ratio of MOON : - B: when I was allowed to make a lunar orbit once with Semjase in her beamsh ip, she explained a few things to me about our Earth s satellite - So among other things, that the side which is always facing the Earth, or the crust of the Moon, as this is called, is only about 35,000 meters thick; - The back of the satellite, however, is about 70,000 meters thick. - Moreover, the Earth with its moon is an absolutely special case in the SOL sy stem because out of all the inner planets, only it is orbited by such a large sa tellite, which stabilizes the rotational axis of the planet and which provides f

or the high and low tides and for the climate, which is relatively stable. - About the origin of the Moon, which drifted many millions of years ago out of your space-time configuration into ours and was captured by the Earth - The earthly scientists have the craziest ideas, one of which is that a large celestial body from the masses of Mars had already collided with the developing Earth in primeval times, by what means a huge piece of the developing Earth fro m its early days was torn out or ejected from this, in order to circle around th e Earth in the end and firmly settle to form the Moon. - At the same time, it isn t considered with this crazy assertion that if such a chunk would have actually been ejected from the Earth, just by the collision wit h a Mars-sized space projectile, then this chunk would have been shot so far out into space by the unimaginable force that it would have sought its own way as a wandering planet through the SOL system and wouldn t have settled around the Eart h. - But now, I would like to ask you: why does the density ratio of the Moon on the front and the back vary so much? This has to have its particular reason, I t hink. If you can still explain a few things about this to me, then I would be ve ry grateful to you. - Q: The whole thing is founded in the mass and the attractive force of the Ear th. - Through the Earth s attractive force, the Moon, during the course of its exist ence as an Earth satellite, has shifted the focal point of its mass away from th e Earth, by what means its geometric center has shifted. - This concerns an anomaly that can appear in any planetary satellite, but of c ourse, the mass and matter also play an important role, as well as the attractiv e forces of the respective planets and naturally the escape velocities of the sa tellites. - This fact ultimately determines how the density of the crust of the satellite forms on the side facing away from the planet - If it concerns a moon that is constantly rotating on its own axis, so not a s o-called "synchronous" one, like with the Earth s satellite, then an aggregate sat ellite and average symmetry results - But if it concerns a synchronous satellite, which, therefore, always has the same side facing the planet, then the side facing away from the planet condenses , whereby then just the escape velocity of the moon plays a significant role - The force of the escape velocity pushes the mass and, thus, the matter outwar dly and, therefore, to the side of the planet facing away from the satellite, bu t while it is held by the overall attractive force of the planet in its outer ar ea and in a specific orbit. - With the Earth s moon, it was such that at the time when it was pulled by the E arth into its course, it melted down into deep layers and began to draw its cour se around the planet as a glowing ball. - The liquid material of the Moon was influenced by the Earth s attractive force and shifted in such a way that through the escape velocity on the side facing aw ay from the Earth, a strong thickening arose. - The rotation around the Earth stabilized over time, and also the entire sea

of magma cooled off and solidified. - What still arose further on the Moon after that was a so-called acidic volcan ism. MOON as protective shield for the Earth : - Q: It should still be mentioned that the Moon was a very valuable and highly stressed protective shield for the Earth since its existence, still is and will still continue to be, namely with respect to small comets as well as meteorites that crashed down upon this thousands of times over the course of the existence of the Moon and beat countless craters into the surface of the satellite. - Through these space projectiles, the most diverse materials were also placed on the Moon or hurled up from the interior onto the surface, as this happened, f or example, via an enormous meteorite, whose impact was observed from the Earth by the people and which unleashed an unusually high level of potassium, phosphor us, and thorium, as well as various rare earth elements. Legendary Celtic kingdom of Noricum : - B: But now, I would like to ask you something else about the legendary Celt ic kingdom of Noricum, which should have been situated at Lake Chiem - Today, everything belongs to Germany. You told me that there, cultic blood s acrifices had been quite common among the Celts, and to be sure, in connection w ith the sea God Bedaius. Can you tell me more about this? - Q: It has now been more than 2,000 years since a water sanctuary, i.e. a cul t site, was built for the sea God Bedaius in the Celtic kingdom Noricum. - In the Celtic faith, there existed the idea with regard to this imaginary god that he would evoke storms and tempests through his wrath, whereby the wrath of the god could only be appeased through the sacrificing of human blood - Virgins were chosen for this, who were sacrificed on a special Bedaius altar, and indeed, as the carotid artery of their living bodies were split, and then t he hearts were cut out of their bodies. - The blood was collected in a blood-sacrifice bowl, which consisted of pure, 1 8 carat gold sheet metal, rolled by a blacksmith. - A vessel that weighed a little more than 10 kilograms and that was decorated all around by Celtic cult-motifs, etc. and that had a diameter of about 50 centi meters. - Then, the further cult action consisted of the fact that first, the blood was sacrificed to the sea God Bedaius, by being poured ritually, during the utterin g of incantations, into the waters of the lake, while the cut-out hearts of the virgins were hacked into the smallest pieces and then likewise thrown into the l ake under other incantations. - B: And, does this golden blood-sacrificial bowl of the cult still exist, or w as it melted by the Celts again? - Q: When the water god s cult site, i.e. the water sanctuary, was destroyed, the sacrificial bowl sank into the lake. - B: Then it must still be lying there today on the lake s bottom. Where could th is be found, then, at the present time? This certainly has a horrendous value.

- Q: It certainly is very valuable at the present time. Are you interested in it? - B: If that is the case, then I can be helpful to you in the recovery of the b owl, for I know its resting place, which is only about 80 meters from the shore, and to be sure, at a place that is now named Arlaching. - If you then sell it, then you will bring in a very high sum for yourself. - B: No, I m not interested in that. - First of all, I wouldn t want to enrich myself illegally through this, for here on the Earth, antiquity is legally protected and can t simply be sold; - Consequently, I would make myself liable to prosecution. And secondly, I m not interested in it because I am of the view that I must fulfill my task through my own strength and by honest means and, thus, in a modest manner - In a private manner, I am already not interested at all because I am absolute ly content with what I have, and thus, I have no desire for fortune or for other great possessions - With that, probably all is said, except that I still wanted to ask as to whet her the sacrificial bowl will one day be found by the Earth people? - Q: That escapes my knowledge.

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