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1. Introduction Company profile 2. Objectives of the study 3. Research Methodology a. Research Design b. Sampling Plan c. Data Collection . 4. Bibliography

INTRODUCTION Company Profile

The roots of Nokia go back to the year 1865 with the establishment of a Forest industry enterprise in southwestern Finland by mining engineer Fredrik idestam. Elsewhere, the year 1898 witnessed the foundation of finish rubber works ltd, in 1912 Finnish cable works began operations. Gradually, the ownership of these two companies and nokia began to shift into hands of just a few owners.finally in 1967 the three companies were merged to form Nokia Corporation. At the beginning of the 1980s,Nokia strengthened its position in the teleCommunications and consumer electronics market through the acquisitions of mobira, salora, televa and luxor of Sweden. In 1987, nokia acquired the Consumer electronics operations and part of the component business of the German standard elektrik Lorenz,as well as the French consumer electronics Company oceanic. In 1987, Nokia also purchased the swiss cable machinery Company maillefer. In the late 1980s, Nokia became the largest Scandinavian information company through the acquisition of Ericssons data systems division. In 1989, Nokia conducted a significant expansion of its cable industry into continental Europe by acquiring the dutch cable company .Since the beginning of the 1990s,Nokia has concentrated on its core business, Telecommunications, by divesting its information technology and basic Industry operations.

It took a technological breakthrough and a change in the political climate to create the wire-fire world are increasingly demanding today.The technology was the digital standard, GSM which

could carry data in addition to high Quality voice. In 1987 the political goal was set to adopt GSM throughout on July 1st 1991. Finland met the deadline, thanks to nokia and the operaters. Politics and technology have continued to shape the industry. The80s and 90s Saw widespread deregulation, which stimulated competition and customer expectations. Nokia changed too and in 1992 jorma ollila, then president of Nokia Mobile phones , was appointed to head the entire nokia group. The corporation divested the non-core operations and focused on telecommunications in the Digital age.

2001 and into the future

Nokia is harnessing its experience in mobility and networks to generate vision of the future. Meeting rooms, office and homes will be smart enough to there human visitors and give them whatever they want by listening to their requests Nokia welcomes change and improvement and can embrace new ideas at great speed such characteristics will never change but, as to the rest, the story has only just begun. Nokia will provide a range of competitive specifically target Handsets, platforms, and connectivity solutions so enterprises can boost productivity through the power of mobility. On January 1, 2004 Nokia restructured into four business Groups-mobile phones, multimedia, enterprise solution and networks-to betters Focus and capitalize on opportunities in each of these areas. Throughout all these, the networks business group provides the infrastructure backbone and enables end-to-end communications.

Mission connecting people :

By connecting people, we help fulfill a fundamental human need for social Connections and contact. Nokia builds bridges between people.

Industry development and trends The mobile communications industry continues to undergo as more users in Growth markets gain access to mobile communications enterprise becomes increasingly mobile, the importance of end-to-end solutions increases, and technology continues to evolve. Another trend is an increased emphasis of the role of customization in mobile devices. These changes have demanded agility and flexibility from industry players to adopt to new market conditions

Converging industries The mobile communications, information technology, media, and consumer electronics industries are converging in some areas into one broader industry. Some of the first examples of this convergence include camera phones, as well As the use of mobile devices, for email, web browseing and applications, and Music downloading. Multi radio solutions and devices, which automatically transfer connectivity among cellur networks and complementary access technology such as wireless LAN and blue tooth, are another example. Although this convergence presents new challenges, we believe that these trends also expand the potential for future growth in the mobile communications industry.

End-to-end solutions Nokia sees the ability to offer tailored end- to-end solutions as being important to meet the needs of operartors, and consumers. A solution is considered end-to-end solutions as being important to meet the needs of operators, enterprises, and consumers. A solution is considered end-to-end when it provides the hardware and software elements, including infrastruture, applications or service platforms and mobile devices.


NOKIA operate in so many different economic &culture environment around. The world dictating very different types of operation. Although nokia does not sell the same type of model nor does it have identical store in each country. Customer will recognize common element to the Nokia experience everywhere in the world.

These common elements are the Nokia leadership point:

1. The best product Nokia Company offers to its customer new & designing model and accessories specifically for the needs of the local market.

2. The best service Whether in India or outside nokia sales associates offer conistantly first class service. They are well trained to ensure a proper fit and nokia company pledge customer satisfaction.

3. The best value and quality Through the efficient sourcing and distribution of nokia product. We can control the cost and quality at every step to ensure value to our customer.

4. The best location Nokia showrooms are modern, attractive and located conveniently to our customer Nokia company utilize innovative promotions and display our products in attractive.


1. To know the factors which affect the customer preference while selecting a Nokia mobile. 2. To know the awarness level of customer regarding various models of Nokia mobile phone in Faridabad city.


Research methodology has many dimensions, it includes not only. The research methods but also consists the logic behind the Methods used in the context of the study and explains why only A particular method of technique had been used so that search lend themselves to proper evaluation. Thus in a way it is a written game plan for concluding research. Therefore in order to solve our research problem it is necessary to design a research methodology for the problem as the same may differ from problem to problem.

Research methodology is mainly of two types

1. Exploratory Research

2. Descriptive Research

1). Exploratory research

An explanatory research focuses on the discovery of ideas and is generally based on secondary data. It is preliminary investigation which does not have a rigid design. This is because a researcher engaged in an explanatory study may have to change his focus as result of new ideas and relationship among the variables.

2). Descriptive Research Descriptive research studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group.

The research study carried out is descriptive or diagnostic in nature.

A) Research Design:
Research design is the conceptual structure with in which the research is conducted. Its function is to provide for the collection of relevant evidence with minimum expenditure of effort, time and money. But how this can be achieved depends on the research purpose. In my study the research purpose is exploratory research study i.e. to gain familiarity with phenomena or to achieve new insights in it. To analyze the buying behaviour is regard of insurance, of the residents of Rohtak sample survey method has been implement. Though other methods important, this method is given prime

significance in modern research because if its extensive use to study the relationship of different factors, attitudes and practices of society and to explore the problem that can not be treated by experimental methods.

B) Sampling plan:

The following factors have to be deciding the scope of sampling plan:-

1. Sampling unit- It defines the target population that will be sampled it answer that is to be surveyed.

2. Sampling size- It indicates the number of people to be surveyed. Through large sample give more reliable result than small samples but due to constraints of time and money the sample size was restricted to 100 respondents.

3. Sampling Technique -This refers to the procdure by which the respondents should be chosen. In order to obtain a representative sample of the population was drawn. Probability sampling can be of the following types: -

a. Simple random sample b. Stratified random sample c. Cluster sample.

For the present study the techniques of convenience sampling (Non probability sampling) is used a due consideration should be given to the data collection so that the conclusion comes out to be accurate.

C) Data Collection: The data can be collected from primary and secondary sources. The basics premises of my study are primary data but at the same time it is supplemented with the secondary data. Random sample that was rapresentative of the target market was chosen, the respondents were contacted personally and the research instrument use of collecting data was the questionnaire. To get insight in to the research problem interview regarding their buying practices too was made. This was done to cross check the authenticity of the information provided.

BIBLOGRAPHY Books: 1. Kothri, C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi, New age international Pvt Limited, 2008 2. Kotler Philip, marketing management, New Delhi, Millennium edition, 2000 Website: 1.

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