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Over $800bn

of Institutional Capital Represented

January 22-25, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Raton, FL

Exclusive investor Content More one-on-one Meetings no Exhibits nightly social Events

Aligned with the needs of the institutional investor, a fully reimagined hedge fund event to facilitate even more one-on-one meetings and high quality networking
TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS Ronnie Jung, PA/PFS, Executive Liaison to the Board CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES John F. Casey, Chairman & Founding Partner STATE OF WISCONSIN INVESTMENT BOARD (SWIB) David C. Villa, CIO & Chairman of the Investment Committee FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) Ashbel C. Ash Williams, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer NORTH CAROLINA The Honorable Janet Cowell, State Treasurer UNCF, INC. ENDOWMENT Gerald Alain P . Chen-Young, Chief Investment Officer CERN PENSION FUND Theodore Economou, Chief Executive Officer PENSION RESERVES INVESTMENT TRUST (PRIT) FUND, MASS PRIM Stanley Mavromates, Chief Investment Officer STATE OF CALIFORNIA The Honorable Bill W. Lockyer, State Treasurer ANGELO, GORDON & CO. John Angelo, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer BALYASNY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Dmitry Balyasny, Chief Executive Officer

MASSIF PARTNERS Donald Putnam, Founder and Partner

THE ROCK CREEK GROUP Afsaneh Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer

ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC Christopher Vogt, Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Hedge Funds MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC Benjamin S. Appen, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, Founding Partner

THE WORLD BANK PENSION Daniela Klingebiel, Principal Investment Officer CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUBEC Mario Therrien, Senior Vice President, Hedge Funds - Private Equity


PAAMCO Jane Buchan, Chief Executive Officer

TUDOR INVESTMENT CORPORATION Dr. Alberto R. Musalem, Managing Director


One-On-One Meetings For Every Hedge Fund Manager In Attendance Exclusive Investor Content and Networking
Pre-Event: Schedule meetings in advance via GAIM Connect At Event: A wHOLE AFTERNOON DEDICATED to connecting managers and investors in one-on-one meetings 50+ Hours of Investor-Driven Programming
Conduct DUE DILIGENCE on your current hedge fund managers Hear both hedge fund legends AND rising stars on the BEST INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES of 2012 Discover how LEADING INVESTORS are pushing the envelope of institutional investing Gain expert insight on the GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK for 2012 Take part in the NATIONAL CONVERSATION ON RETIREMENT in focused meetings on plan underfunding and possible solutions Meet with your peer group at exclusive CLOSED DOOR BREAKFASTS Attend the exclusive ENDINVESTOR DINNER with the most influential global investors in hedge funds
See p.8

Closed-Door Breakfast Meetings for Investors, Including:


An End to the Traditional Exhibit Hall: Introducing The GAIM ROOM High Quality Networking on Each of the 4 Days of the Event

Experience a new meeting environment which will provide a host of places to connect and get business done:
The GAIM Caf The Demo Zone The Lounge The Meet up The Newsroom The Office The Power Bar The Quickfire
See p.16

Enjoy a unique combination of intimate meetings, facilitated interactions and an extensive menu of high-end networking dinners, cocktail receptions and after hours social events, including: SUNDAY
GAIM USA Golf Tournament Boca Sunset welcome Reception The EndInvestor Dinner (Invitation Only)

Gala Cocktail Reception The Late Night Lounge vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

One-on-One Meetings Gala Cocktail Reception The BIG GAIMING Night Social vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

See p.11



Exclusive Investor Content More One-On-One Meetings No Exhibits Nightly Social Events
Aligned with the needs of the institutional investor, a fully reimagined hedge fund event to facilitate even more one-on-one meetings and high quality networking at one of the nations most prestigious resorts

Dear Colleague,


while retaining the best of whats made it the most respected event for the alternative investment industry for over a decade. You will find a reinvigorated GAIM USA, connecting hedge fund managers and investors, facilitating the conversations you need to drive your business forward.

ExClusivE invEsTor ConTEnT And pEEr To pEEr nETworking opporTuniTiEs

GAIM USA offers several benefits that make it a uniquely valuable educational experience and networking opportunity for institutional investors. During 4 days, investors will have the opportunity to: Conduct due diligence on current hedge fund managers in a time efficient manner Meet both established managers and the rising stars to hear the most promising hedge fund strategies of 2012 Hear how other leading investors are pushing the envelope of institutional investing Gain expert insight on the markets and investment opportunities for 2012 from a handpicked, independent speaker faculty Take part in a forum dedicated to addressing plan underfunding and the financial crisis in public pension plans Meet with their peer group at exclusive, closed-door breakfasts Attend the exclusive End-Investor Dinner attended by some of the most influential global investors in hedge funds (now in its 6th year) INVESTOR RELATIONS All investors attending have an additional resource to help plan meetings and navigate the educational opportunities at GAIM USA. Jeffrey Leschen can be reached at 646 895 7427 or

Following our attendance at GAIM USA we made allocations to several managers who had been on our radar for a while. GAIM USA gave us the opportunity to get to know them better. Its a helpful event for us to continue our on-going due diligence and we value the opportunity to meet with the high quality managers and other institutional investors who attend GAIM USA.
Leading institutional investor with over $1bn currently allocated direct to hedge funds and over 5 years of hedge fund investment experience.

inviTATion only ClosEd-door brEAkFAsT sEssions For invEsTors

Investors return to GAIM USA to meet the talent of the hedge fund industry. They also need time away from the masses to talk with their peers in a more exclusive environment. So well be closing the door more often to give them space AND introducing a code of conduct to allow investors to initiate card exchange while helping schedule meetings with the managers and potential partners they want to meet. New investor meetings include: THE PUBLIC PLAN INVESTOR BREAKFAST THE CORPORATE PLAN INVESTOR BREAKFAST THE SINGLE FAMILY OFFICE BREAKFAST THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST I (Small to medium institutions) THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST II (Medium to large institutions) THE $100 MILLION WIRE CLUB BREAKFAST FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION on the Investor Meetings please refer to page 7.

An End To ThE TrAdiTionAl ExhibiTion hAll MorE EssEnTiAl sidE-bAr ConvErsATions

You will experience a new meeting environment which will provide a host of places to connect and get business done, including: The GAIM Caf, The Demo Zone, The Lounge, The Meet up, The Newsroom, The Office, The Power Bar and The Quickfire. FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION on the new experience please refer to page 16.

onE-on-onE MEETings For All hEdgE Fund MAnAgErs

Every hedge fund attending the event will have the opportunity to schedule one-on-one meetings in advance, with a full afternoon dedicated to meetings for managers and investors. PRE-EVENT GAIM CONNECT, LIVE ONE MONTH PRIOR TO THE EVENT The ONLINE NETwORKING SITE FOR ALL MANAGERS AND INvESTORS will go live ONE MONTH before the event. Managers can list their funds profile so its readily searchable by investors. Book early to maximize your exposure and time to schedule meetings. FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION please refer to page 8. DURING THE EVENT A DEDICATED AFTERNOON OF ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS Every hedge fund attending the event will have a dedicated meeting space during the GAIM USA One-on-One Meeting Afternoon. To make it easier for investors to find the high quality managers who attend GAIM USA, two full hours have been set aside. Fund names will be clearly identified so investors can find managers easily. These are just some of the many ways in which the managers attending will be able to get their funds on the radar of investors. FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION on additional opportunities please refer to page 8.

high QuAliTy nETworking EvEnTs on EACh oF ThE 4 dAys oF ThE EvEnT

2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

To provide as many opportunities as possible for you to make new contacts and reconnect with friends and colleagues, were introducing a new roster of high-end networking events. You will enjoy a unique combination of intimate meetings, facilitated interactions and an extensive menu of networking dinners, cocktail receptions and after hours social events. GAIM USA Golf Tournament SUNDAY Come in early on Sunday and show off your skills on the links at one of the most exclusive championship courses in South Florida. Boca Sunset Welcome Reception SUNDAY Kick off GAIM USA and get an early jump on your networking by meeting the GAIM Speakers and your fellow industry professionals prior to the start of the main event. Gala Cocktail Receptions MONDAY & TUESDAY Mingle with your friends, clients and prospects while enjoying a cocktail immediately following each days events. The Late Night Lounge MONDAY Network into the night and enjoy an after dinner drink or perhaps a cigar while shooting a few rounds of pool. The BIG GAIMING Night Social TUESDAY Join us for a night under the stars to enjoy a gala reception featuring gaming tables, food and open bar. VIP Lunch Tables MONDAY & TUESDAY Sign up early and share conversations with legendary investors, speakers and special guests. FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION on these exceptional networking events please refer to page 11.

ThE highEsT QuAliTy spEAkEr FACulTy oF indusTry lEgEnds, rising sTArs And inFluEnTiAl AlloCATors
You can rely on meeting an unrivalled speaker faculty, independently selected to reveal the best investment opportunities of 2012. FOr MOrE INFOrMAtION turn to pages 6-10. And you will hear from a unique line-up of influential allocators who will offer valuable insight into where and how they will commit capital in 2012. FOr thE FUll lINE Up, please refer to pages 12-15.

I hope you enjoy reading more about GAIM USA 2012 and how it offers you an extraordinary opportunity to get business done at the start of 2012.
I look forward to seeing you in Florida, January 22nd 25th Amanda Rodrigues-Cheung Event Director GAIM USA

PRE-CONFERENCE Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
1.00 pm 1.00 5.00 pm 4.00 6.00 pm

Pre-Conference Networking Events GAIM USA Golf Tournament Conference Pre-Registration Meet the Seeders & Providers of First Capital Showcase
Meet the cream of hedge fund seeders, incubators and other providers of first capital at this brand new GAIM Showcase. Speakers will explain the best ways to get on their radar screens and the types of opportunities on which they are currently focused. Chris Acito, CEO, GAPSTOW CAPITAL PARTNERS Robert Discolo, Managing Director, PINEBRIDGE INVESTMENTS Patric de Gentile-williams, Chief Operating Officer, FRM CAPITAL ADVISORS LTD David Katz, President & COO, LARCH LANE Randall Yanker, Senior Partner & CIO, ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGERS, L.P (AAM) .

Get an ROI from the Very First Afternoon

Meet five top seeders who will share exactly what they are looking for when investing in the next generation of hedge fund rising stars.

5.00 6.00 pm

6.00 7.30 pm 8.00 pm

GAIM BOCA Sunset Welcome Reception 6th Annual End-Investor Dinner (Invitation Only)

DAY ONE MAIN CONFERENCE Monday, January 23rd, 2012

7.00 am Registration & Breakfast

Peer To Peer Networking for Investors

Investors start each day with an exclusive breakfast to meet and exchange ideas.

7.15 am

Public plans with less than $2bn allocated to hedge funds will be able to share their experiences of investing in the current environment. (Plans with allocations over $2bn have breakfast on wednesday January 25th)


Corporate plans with less than $2bn allocated to hedge funds will be able to share their experiences of alternative investment in the current environment. (Plans with allocations over $2bn have breakfast on wednesday January 25th) 8.00 am Opening Remarks from the Conference Chairman

THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC & MARKET OUTLOOK Authoritative Insight into The Macroeconomic Headwinds Shaping Investment Conditions In 2012
Benefit from the insights of top global economists. 9.00 am 8.15 am

The GAIM USA 2012 Global Economic Outlook

Top global economists offer attendees authoritative insight into the macroeconomic headwinds shaping investment conditions in 2012. Economists with Asian, Latin American, European, as well as North American market expertise debate the global economic outlook, regional imbalances as well as, the impact of policy on international capital flows for both developed and emerging markets. Prof. Kristin Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson, Professor of Management and Global Economics, MIT SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Dr. Li Gang Liu, Head of China Economic Research, Global Markets, ANZ BANKING GROUP HONG KONG , Lena Komileva, Senior Vice President, Global Head of G10 Strategy, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN Moderated by: Dr. Laurence H. Meyer, Vice Chairman and Director, Former Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (1996 2002), MACROECONOMIC ADVISERS

TOP MANAGER PANEL Generating Alpha In 2012 Legendary Managers Share their Unique Insights into Where the Best Sources of Return Lie in the Year Ahead
Bruce J. Richards, CEO & President, MARATHON ASSET MANAGEMENT Seth Birnbaum, Portfolio Strategist, BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES Dmitry Balyasny, Chief Executive Officer, BALYASNY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Moderated by: Ashbel C. Ash williams, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer, FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA)

Top Manager Panel

Hear Bridgewater, Marathon and Balyasny. 9.50 am

Extended Morning Networking Break & Quickfire Showcase


10.20 am


David C. villa, Chief Investment Officer and Chairman of the Investment Committee, STATE OF WISCONSIN INVESTMENT BOARD (SWIB). Teresa Ghillarducci, Bernard L. and Irene Schwartz Chair in economic policy analysis and director of SCEPA, the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, THE NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY

Top Investor Keynote Interview

Hear from the executive director of one of the most influential investors in the US, expected to raise their allocation from 5-10% in 2012.

11.20 am

Meeting the Challenges of Delivering Solvent Retirement Systems in the Public Plan Sector
Kevin E. Lynch, CFA, CFP Managing Director, Global Markets Financing & Services, BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNCH, , interviewing Ronnie Jung, CPA/PFS, Executive Liaison to the Board, TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (TRS)

11.50 am

THE 2012 INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR ADDRESS Changing Markets, Needs and Expectations The Reinvigoration of Institutional Investing
In the new investment environment its increasingly important for investors to be able to make tactical as well as strategic allocations. But how are leading institutions changing their own investment processes and governance structures? In the face of what many consider disappointing risk adjusted returns from hedge funds, how have investors changed their expectations of managers and how can hedge funds meet the needs of institutional investors for a strategic partner on portfolio-wide initiatives? This session will examine the experiences of top global institutional investors as they reorient their allocations and commit capital in 2012. Ashbel C. Ash williams, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer, FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) Bei Saville, CFA, CAIA, Director of Alternative Investments, THE HELMSLEY CHARITABLE TRUST Gerald Alain P Chen-Young, Chief Investment Officer, UNCF, INC. ENDOWMENT . Mario Therrien, Senior Vice President, Hedge Funds - Private Equity, CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUBEC

12.40 pm

Luncheon for all attendees

DAY ONE MAIN CONFERENCE Monday, January 23rd, 2012





2.00 pm

Investing in Commodities How Effective are the Different Investment Vehicles and Structures at Providing A Hedge Against Inflation and to What Degree Will They be Impacted by Commodity Speculation
Rene Haugerud, Managing Principal & CIO, GALTERE LTD.

Managing the Investment Selection and Business Risk of Allocating to Smaller Managers
J. Alan Lenahan, CFA, Managing Principal, Director of Hedged Strategies, FUND EVALUATION GROUP Paul Zummo, Chief Investment Officer, JP MORGAN Jenny Chan, Investment Officer, DORIS DUKE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION william Bassin, Managing Director, UBP ASSET MANAGEMENT (UBPAM)

Is Hedge Fund Activism the Most Effective Way of Generating Alpha from Developed World Equity Markets in 2012?
Clifton S. Robbins, Chief Executive Officer &Portfolio Manager, BLUE HARBOUR GROUP , L.P . Ed Garden, Chief Investment Officer, TRIAN PARTNERS

Building Portfolios with Duration and Alternatives to Create Outperformance Merging Alternatives with LDI
George I. Main, CFA, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DIVERSIFIED GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT (DGAM) Donald Putnam, Founder and a Partner, MASSIF PARTNERS

Hear Top Managers Discuss the Outlook for Activist, Event Driven, Distressed, Credit and Arbitrage Strategies

2.45 pm

Using Global Real Assets in a LDI Framework

Michael Underhill, Chief Investment Officer, CAPITAL INNOVATIONS Jerry Stevens, Ph.D., Senior Consultant & Economist, VANTAGE CONSULTING Greg Putnam, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, SAVANNAH RIVER NUCLEAR SOLUTIONS (SRNS)

After Raj How Will the Insider Trading Convictions Of 2011 Impact the Industry and the Way in Which it Does Business in the Future?
Hilary Shane, Principal, ODS CAPITAL LLC

Opportunities in Event CASE STUDY A Driven, Merger and Quantum Leap in Risk Arbitrage Asset Allocation Using a Hybrid william L. Collins, Strategy Solution to Chairman & CEO, BRENCOURT ADVISORS Bring the Skill Set of Alternatives into the Traditional Space for a Radically Improved Return to Risk Profile for Your Fund
Theodore Economou, Chief Executive Officer, CERN PENSION FUND

3.30 pm 4.00 pm

Afternoon Networking Break & Quickfire Showcase





Understanding the Geopolitical Landscape of 2012 and the Potential Implications for Investment in Natural Resources Special Focus on Operational Due Diligence
Put your questions directly to top investors to make sure your firm can comply with industry best practice. Ken Chiang, PM for Asian Strategies, CHILTON GLOBAL NATURAL RESOURCES FUND Constance L. Hunter, Managing Director, Chief Economist, ALADDIN CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC

EXTENDED SESSION The New Bar for Operational Due Diligence Discover the Critical Steps You Need to Take to be Prepared
In this special session top investors will share the new standards to which they are holding managers, outlining the key processes, controls and reporting standards that they require. Additional time is provided for attendees to put their questions direct to the investors in small group sessions straight after the panel discussion. Emily Lehrer, Head of Operational Due Diligence, GUGGENHEIM PARTNERS LLC Simon Fludgate, Principal Operational Due Diligence, AKSIA Charles Cassidy, Co-director, Hedge Fund Research, CAMBRIDGE ASSOCIATES Moderated by: Alan J. Andreini, Chairman Executive Committee, BRENCOURT ADVISORS LLC

Distressed Opportunities in 2012 Including Opportunities Presented by the Capital Relief Trade on European Bank Debt
Scott D. Krase, Portfolio Manager & Senior Partner, OAK HILL ADVISORS Jean-Louis Lelogeais, CoFounder, Senior Managing Director, STRATEGIC VALUE PARTNERS George Siguler, Managing Director & Founding Partner, SIGULER GUFF

Determining the Effects of Financial Crises on Hedge Fund Risk

Examining the behavior and appearance of liquidity, credit, equity market, and volatility risk factors on various hedge fund strategies during crises and the importance of identifying latent (idiosyncratic) risk factor exposures to accurately estimate hedge fund risk. Professor Mila Getmansky Sherman, Assistant Professor of Finance, ISENBERG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT - UMASS AMHERST

4.45 pm

Legends of Hedge Interview

Enjoy this rare conference appearance from a true hedge fund legend, interviewed by one of the foremost hedge fund industry leaders.

Understanding the Investment Opportunities and Geopolitical Risks of Investing in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ex South Africa)
Terrence Duffy, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer, LIONHART (USA) L.L.C.

In the Absence of Directional Opportunities Where are the Most Promising Investment Opportunities in Relative Value Credit?
Joyce C. DeLucca, Managing Principal, KINGSLAND CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Don Morgan, Founder & Managing Partner, BRIGADE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Stephen Siderow, Co-founder & President, BLUEMOUNTAIN CAPITAL

Practicalities of Managing Your Asset Allocation from a Risk Management Perspective

Practicalities of understanding risks from as many perspectives as possible Knowing how risk factors behave in different environments and impact each other Aligning staff and the organization to ensure you invest to optimize returns and risk across the enterprise

2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

Three Full Hours of Networking

Reconnect with friends, make new contacts and enjoy a wellearned drink!

5.30 pm

John F Casey, . Chairman & Founding Partner, CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES Interviewing John Angelo, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, ANGELO, GORDON & CO.

6.30 7.30 pm 10.00 pm 12.00 am

Evening Cocktail Reception on the Grand Lawn Sponsored by: The Late Night Lounge Sponsored by:

DAY TWO MAIN CONFERENCE Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

7.30 am


Single family offices with significant allocations to hedge funds will share experiences of direct investment in the current environment. Howard Cooper, CEO, COOPER FAMILY OFFICE Shalin Madan, Investment Officer, W FAMILY OFFICE Jonathan D. Fischer, Portfolio Analyst, FORRESTAL CAPITAL Invitation Only


Managing assets and maintaining fiduciary responsibility with limited resources. Specially designed for investment staff at endowments and foundations managing $500m-$3bn in assets, this session will share best practices on key issues including risk management, exposure reporting and performance measurement in a resource constrained environment. Apurva A. Mehta, Director of Portfolio Investments, THE JUILLIARD SCHOOL Invitation Only

Legends of Hedge Interview

Enjoy this rare conference appearance from a true hedge fund legend, interviewed by one of the foremost family office global investors.

C THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST II (Medium to large institutions)

Specially designed for investment staff at endowments and foundations managing $3bn in assets and above, this session will share experiences of achieving alignment between the endowment and institution at large with particular attention to risk allocation and asset liability management. Invitation Only 7.30 am 8.45 am Refreshments for all attendees Opening Remarks from the Conference Chairman


Opportunities For Managers To Get Their Funds In Front Of An Inuential Panel Of Investors And Win One Of Fifteen Slots To Speak At GAIM USA 2012 So that investors can learn more about the best alpha-generating talent at GAIM USA, the How Robust is your Alpha platform has been designed to turn the spotlight on FIFTEEN specially selected hedge fund managers who will be put through live due diligence at the event by a panel of investors. WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 1.45pm 2.30pm 3 platforms are offered: Liquid Strategies (Managers 1-5) Managers eligible to take part offer monthly liquidity or better. Strategies to include: macro/ CTA, stat arb, hi-frequency trading, liquid long short equity. (AUM must be MORE than $200m) Less Liquid Strategies (Managers 6-10) Managers eligible to take part offer a minimum of quarterly liquidity. Strategies to include: distressed, opportunistic special situations, event driven and emerging markets. (AUM must be MORE than $200m) Small & Emerging Managers (Managers 11-15) Managers from any strategy may apply (AUM must be less than $200m)


9.00 am

INDUSTRY PANEL Asset Flows, Capacity and the Impact of the Next Phase of Institutionalization What Directions Will the Hedge Fund Industry Take in 2012 and Beyond?
Afsaneh Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer, THE ROCK CREEK GROUP Tomas Arlia, Chief Investment Officer & Sr. Managing Director, GE ASSET MANAGEMENT Daniel Celeghin, Partner, CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES LLC Orla M. Nallen, Managing Director, BNY MELLON ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT SERVICES

9.45 am

Howard Cooper, CEO, COOPER FAMILY OFFICE interviewing Eric Sprott, Founder & CEO, SPROTT ASSET MANAGEMENT

10.30 am

Extended Morning Networking Break & Quickfire Showcase


11.00 am

Where are We in the Process of the Resolution of Global Imbalances and How Will this Impact Developed and Emerging World Growth in the Medium to Long Term?
Oliver Fratzscher, EVP and Strategic Advisor, CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUEBEC Scott Booth, Portfolio Manager, EASTERN ADVISORS Dr. Alberto R. Musalem, Managing Director, TUDOR INVESTMENT CORPORATION Robert E. Kiernan III, Chief Executive Officer, ADVANCED PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT LLC

11.40 am


The Honorable Janet Cowell, State Treasurer, NORTH CAROLINA State Treasurer Janet Cowell will speak about how diversification and risk management strategies have made the North Carolina pension fund one of the healthiest and best funded plans in the nation. She will also explain how the Investment Management Division positions the fund to achieve robust returns in strong markets while successfully weathering challenging economic climates.

12.15 pm

Luncheon for all attendees Sponsored by:


1.45 pm

See page 8 for more details.

HOW ROBUST IS YOUR ALPHA Small and Emerging Managers

HOW ROBUST IS YOUR ALPHA Medium Sized Managers Less Liquid Strategies

HOW ROBUST IS YOUR ALPHA Medium Sized Managers Liquid Strategies

2.30 pm

Every hedge fund attending the event will have a dedicated meeting space during the GAIM USA One-on-One Meetings Afternoon. To make it easier for investors to find the high quality managers who attend GAIM USA and to schedule essential face time, two full hours of the event will be dedicated to one-on-one meetings. Fund names will be clearly identified so investors can find managers easily.

Over Three Hours Dedicated To Connecting Managers and Investors in One-on-One Meetings

DAY TWO MAIN CONFERENCE Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

4.30 pm




GLOBAL MACRO Why Top Investors Are Bullish On the Macro Outlook In 2012
Samer Nsouli, Chief Investment Officer, LYFORD GROUP Sami Robbana, Head of Global Macro Strategy, CREDIT SUISSE Christopher vogt, Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Hedge Funds, ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC

How Could Regulation Ultimately Affect The Hedge Fund Industry And How Should Investors Take Account Of Regulatory Risk Within Their Portfolios?
Andrew Rabinowitz, Chief Operating Officer, Partner & Executive Committee Member, MARATHON ASSET MANAGEMENT Jonathan Hitchon, Managing Director and Global Head of Markets Clearing, DEUTSCHE BANK

Selecting An Appropriate Governance Model For Your Fund

Steven P Goldberg, . Principal, Advisory Services, GRANT THORNTON

5.15 pm

Examining The Practicalities Of Global Frontier Investing From Getting Comfortable With An Imperfect Knowledge About The Macro Picture To Opening Accounts And Sizing Portfolio Exposures
Alison Graham, Chief Investment Officer, VOLTAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Douglas Clayton, Chief Executive Officer, LEOPARD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT william D. Luterman, President & CIO, BROOKS CAPITAL GROUP

Marking The Credit Book Obtaining Independent Verification Of Pricing Of Hard To Value Securities

Improving the Independence of the Board Structure as a Mechanism to Prevent Conflicts Of Interest and Protect Investor Rights
Jonathan Morgan, Founding Principal, SOUND FUND ADVISORS LLC.

The Big GAIMING Night Social

Join us for a night under the stars to enjoy a gala reception featuring gaming tables, food and an open bar.

6.00 7.00 pm

COCKTAIL HOUR Sponsored by:

9.30 pm


DAY THREE MAIN CONFERENCE Wednesday January 25th, 2012

7.30 am


At this closed door breakfast meeting investors with over $2bn in allocation to hedge funds will discuss the issues of investing at scale. Subjects to be discussed will include custody of assets, structuring and execution and fund governance. Jane Buchan, CEO, PAAMCO Invitation Only

Top Institutional Investors

Hear leading investors discuss the role of hedge funds in an institutional investment strategy.

7.30 am 8.15 am 8.30 am

Refreshments for all attendees

Opening Remarks from the Conference Chairman INVESTOR ADDRESS The Changing Role of Hedge Funds in an Institutional Investment Strategy
Stanley Mavromates, Chief Investment Officer, PENSION RESERVES INVESTMENT TRUST (PRIT) FUND, MASS PRIM Daniele Klingebiel, Principal Investment Officer, THE WORLD BANK PENSION

9.15 am

SPECIAL ADDRESS The Rise of the East and Decline of the West: Six Myths and Half-Truths
Dr. Brock will first review the true determinants of the growth of wealth of nations. It will then appraise the Chinese Model from this standpoint, demonstrating that China has illegitimately achieved some 25% of her growth during the past quarter century. Brock will then discuss the reasons for the decline in the west. He will conclude by showing how the rise of the East will greatly help the west manage its problems in future years. Horace w. Brock, Ph.D., President, STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DECISIONS, INC.

10.15 am

SOLVING THE FINANCIAL CRISIS IN THE PUBLIC PLAN SECTOR How Can The Alternative Investment Industry Provide Solutions To Plan Underfunding, Its Needs For Diversification And Meeting Actuarial Rates Of Assumption?
The Honorable Bill w. Lockyer, State Treasurer, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Orin Kramer, Former Chairman, New Jersey State Investment Council, General Partner, BOSTON PROVIDENT PARTNERS LP
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

Back by Popular Demand!

The Brilliant woody Brock enlightens, intrigues, engages and entertains 11.00 am 11.30 am

Morning Networking Break

What Institutional Advisory Structure (Consultant Mediated Direct to HF, FOF Bespoke, or FOF Commingled) Maximizes the Prospect that Institutional End Clients Get What Theyre Looking for When Investing in Hedge Funds?
Benjamin S. Appen, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, Founding Partner, MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC Peter Hill, Head of Hedge Fund Research, HEWITT ENNISKNUPP Eric Siegel, CFA, Senior Managing Director, MESIROW ADVANCED STRATEGIES, INC.


12.15 pm

Latest Innovations in Hedge Fund Mutual Funds New Opportunities in Distribution or Challenge to the Long Term Viability of the Long Short Strategy?
Josh Kernan, Founder, SIMPLE ALTERNATIVES LLC Brad Stephan, Senior Managing Consultant, PFM ADVISORS J. Alan Lenahan, CFA, Managing Principal, Director of Hedged Strategies, FUND EVALUATION GROUP

1.00 pm

End of Conference


Time and again investors tell us that GAIM USA is one of the most effective uses of their time at the start of the year.

In the space of just 4 days in January, investors will have the opportunity to:

Following our attendance at GAIM USA we made allocations to several managers who had been on our radar for a while. GAIM USA gave us the opportunity to get to know them better. Its a helpful event for us to continue our on-going due diligence and we value the opportunity to meet with the high quality managers and other institutional investors who attend GAIM USA.
Leading institutional investor with over $1bn currently allocated direct to hedge funds and over 5 years of hedge fund investment experience

Conduct due diligence on current hedge fund managers in a time efficient manner Hear from both established managers and the rising stars of the industry on the outlook for the most promising hedge fund strategies of 2012 Hear how other leading investors are pushing the envelope of institutional investing in terms of managing their asset allocations, meeting liabilities, revisiting risk budgeting and using hedge funds in new ways within an institutional allocation Gain expert insight on the markets and investment opportunities for 2012 from a handpicked, independent speaker faculty (tied to no single prime broker)

Take part in the National Conversation on Retirement in focused meetings dedicated to sharing expert insights into plan underfunding and possible solutions from top academics, state treasurers and other key individuals engaged in addressing this most critical of issues impacting the nations pensions plans today Meet with peer groups at exclusive closed door breakfasts (dedicated to specific types of institutions) Attend the exclusive End-Investor Dinner attended by some of the most influential global investors in hedge funds, now in its 6th year (by invitation only)


Changing Markets, Needs And Expectations The Reinvigoration Of Institutional Investing
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 11.50am 12.40pm In the new investment environment its increasingly important for investors to be able to make tactical as well as strategic allocations. But how are leading institutions changing their own investment processes and governance structures? In the face of what many consider disappointing risk adjusted returns from hedge funds, how have investors changed their expectations of managers and how can hedge funds meet the needs of institutional investors for a strategic partner on portfolio-wide initiatives? This session will examine the experiences of global institutional investors as they reorient their allocations and commit capital in 2012.


(All investor meetings are by invitation only. To request an invitation please email The 6th Annual End-Investor Dinner
WHEN: Sunday, January 22nd 7.00pm 10.00pm Attended by some of the most influential global investors in hedge


WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 7.00am Open to public plans with less than $2bn allocated to hedge funds

Improving Governance And Moving Towards A Better Hedge Fund Industry

WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 4.45pm 5.30pm


WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 7.00am Open to corporate plans with less than $2bn allocated to hedge funds

The Changing Role Of Hedge Funds In An Institutional Investment Strategy

WHEN: Wednesday, January 25th 8.30am 9.15am How are top institutions changing the ways in which they are deploying assets to hedge fund strategies to meet their risk adjusted return objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible? This session will contrast the approaches of leading institutions who invest directly as part of a core allocation, who have recently moved from using funds of hedge funds to direct investment and others who retain some exposure to funds of hedge funds to identify where and how funds and funds of hedge funds can continue to deliver value to institutional investors.


WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 7.30am Single family offices with significant allocations to hedge funds will share experiences of direct investment in the current environment

The National Challenge Of Retirement Savings

WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 10.20am 11.20am New Research from The CIO of the fully funded State of wisconsin that features a unique risk sharing arrangement between employer and employee.

THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST I (Small to medium institutions)

WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 7.30am Open to institutions with endowments and foundations managing $500m-$2bn

Solving The Financial Crisis In The Public Plan Sector

WHEN: Wednesday, January 25th 10.15am 11.00am How can the alternative investment industry provide solutions to plan underfunding, its needs for diversification and meeting actuarial rates of assumption?

THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST II (Medium to large institutions)

WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 7.30am Open to institutions with over $2bn AUM

What Institutional Advisory Structure (Consultant Mediated Direct To HF, FoF Bespoke, Or FoF Commingled) Maximizes The Prospect That Institutional End Clients Get What Theyre Looking For When Investing In Hedge Funds?
WHEN: Wednesday, January 25th 11.30am 12.15pm


WHEN: Wednesday, January 25th 7.30am Investors with over $2bn in allocation to hedge funds will discuss the issues of investing at scale

Investor Relations for GAIM USA 2012 Latest Innovations in Hedge Fund Mutual Funds New Opportunities in Distribution or Challenge to the Long Term Viability of the Long Short Strategy?
WHEN: Wednesday, January 25th 12.15pm 1.00pm NEW Investors have an additional resource to answer questions, help plan meetings and navigate the educational and networking activities at GAIM USA. Jeffrey Leschen can be reached at 646 895 7427 or For more information on the institutional investors that you will meet at GAIM USA refer to pages 12-13.


The investors who attend GAIM USA are committed to doing business in alternatives and are looking to meet the best and brightest of the hedge fund industry. Regardless of your fund strategy, size or structure, you will find a unique platform to position your fund in front of influential investors
Here are just a few of the many ways in which managers & investors will have the opportunity to connect in 2012:

WHEN: Goes LIvE on December 19th, 2011 The online networking site for all managers and investors will go live ONE MONTH before the event. Managers can list their funds profile so its readily searchable by the investors. Remember you can only use GAIM Connect when you are registered and paid to attend, so reserve your seats early to maximize your opportunity to gain exposure and request meetings.


WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 2.30pm 4.30pm Every hedge fund attending the event will have a dedicated meeting space during the GAIM USA One-on-One Meeting session. To make it easier for investors to find the high quality managers who attend GAIM USA and to schedule essential face time two full hours of the event will be dedicated to one-on-one meetings. Fund names will be clearly identified so investors can find you easily.


WHEN: Tuesday January 24th 1.45pm 2.30pm Opportunities For Managers To Get Their Funds In Front Of An Inuential Panel Of Investors And Win One Of Fifteen Slots To Speak At GAIM USA 2012 So that investors can learn more about the best alpha-generating talent at GAIM USA, the How Robust is your Alpha platform has been designed to turn the spotlight on FIFTEEN specially selected hedge fund managers who will be put through live due diligence at the event by a panel of investors. 3 platforms are offered: Liquid Strategies (Managers 1-5) Managers eligible to take part offer monthly liquidity or better. Strategies to include: macro/ CTA, stat arb, hi-frequency trading, liquid long short equity (AUM must be MORE than $200m)

WHEN: Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and wednesday 25th during the morning networking breaks AND Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th during the afternoon networking breaks Every manager attending the event will be able to enter the Quickfire lottery for a much coveted spot on the Quickfire stage so they can pitch their fund for 2 minutes in front of the assembled investors at GAIM USA. Email your submission to by December 15th to qualify for entry. All managers must be registered and paid to attend GAIM USA 2012.

Less Liquid Strategies (Managers 6-10) Managers eligible to take part offer a minimum of quarterly liquidity. Strategies to include: distressed, opportunistic special situations, event driven and emerging markets (AUM must be MORE than $200m) Small & Emerging Managers (Managers 11-15) Managers from any strategy may apply (AUM must be less than $200m) How the Platform works: All managers registered and paid to attend GAIM USA 2012 who believe their fund delivers robust, uncorrelated, non-directional and scalable alpha opportunities are invited to submit their funds profile to be evaluated by the expert panel of investors for one of the above three platforms. Managers are invited to email their submission to

Meet the Seeders & Providers of First Capital Showcase

WHEN: Sunday, January 22nd 5.00pm 6.00pm Meet the cream of hedge fund seeders, incubators and other providers of first capital at this brand new GAIM Showcase. Speakers will update attendees on the best ways to get on their radar screens and the types of opportunities on which they are currently focused. Points of discussion will include: What are the best ways for managers to make initial approaches and what is the key information to convey? What types of manager are they looking for? Whats the current short list of strategies of interest? What size tickets can managers expect? How many managers are actively engaged each year? Capacity if a seeder has already backed a particular strategy will they consider investing in a second? Chris Acito, CEO, GAPSTOW CAPITAL PARTNERS Robert Discolo, Managing Director, PINEBRIDGE INVESTMENTS Patric de Gentile-williams, Chief Operating Officer, FRM CAPITAL ADVISORS LTD David Katz, President & COO, LARCH LANE Randall Yanker, Senior Partner & CIO, ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGERS, L.P (AAM) .

Submissions should include the following information, in the body of an email by December 15th 2011: The name of the fund The name, job title and full contact details of the individual who is requesting to take part in the How Robust is your Alpha session at the event A brief description of the funds strategy including clear identification of how it purports to generate uncorrelated, non-directional and scaleable alpha for its investors (200-250 words max) Whether you are submitting for Liquid, Less Liquid Strategies or Small & Emerging Managers Platforms
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

GAIM Boca Sunset Welcome Reception

WHEN: Sunday, January 22nd 6.00pm 7.30pm Relax with colleagues and see who is in town at the first cocktail of the event. A perfect opportunity to plan meetings for the remainder of your stay at GAIM USA 2012 and enjoy a drink with with senior industry executives and influential investors.

John Angelo, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, ANGELO, GORDON & CO. Angelo, Gordon is one of the oldest and most successful Alternative Investment Firms in the world. The firm presently manages $24 billion dollars primarily in credit, corporate restructuring, as well as real estate both in the U.S. and Asia. The firms goal has always been generous returns with low volatility and without the use of leverage. John M. Angelo is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Angelo, Gordon & Co. He manages the firms growth and is focused on its strategic direction. John is well known as a pioneer in the hedge fund industry as well as in the distressed markets. WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 5.30pm 6.15pm Eric Sprott, Founder & CEO, SPROTT ASSET MANAGEMENT Eric Sprott is one of Canadas most successful money managers and is well known for his macroeconomic views and stock-picking ability. He is the CEO of Sprott Asset Management LP a Toronto-based investment firm , that manages over $10 billion in assets. Eric has acurately predicted many of the decades key events, including the NASDAQ collapse, the housing bubble and the commodity bull market. Erics long/short equity hedge fund strategy was recently awarded Fund of the Year at the 2010 Absolute Return Awards in New York. WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 9.10am 9.50am


At GAIM USA 2012, top global economists, hedge funds and investors offer authoritative insight into the macroeconomic headwinds shaping investment conditions in 2012.
The GAIM USA 2012 Global Economic Forecast
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 8.30am 9.30am For a truly global perspective, economists with Asian, Latin American, European, as well as North American market expertise will engage in debating the global economic outlook, regional imbalances, the impact of policy on international capital flows for both developed and emerging markets. Kristin Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson, Professor of Management and Global Economics, MIT SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Kristin Forbes is the Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Global Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Sloan School of Management. She has recently rotated between academia and economic policy positions in the U.S. government. From 2003 to 2005 Forbes served as a Member of the white Houses Council of Economic Advisers. From 2001-2002 she was a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the U.S. Treasury Department. Her academic research explores policy-related issues in international finance, including financial crises, contagion, international capital flows, capital controls, tax policy, and exchange rate movements. Forbes is a member of the Governors Council of Economic Advisers for Massachusetts, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. She was named a Young Global Leader by the world Economic Forum. She is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a vice-chair of the academic advisory board for the Peterson Institute for International Economic. Forbes is also on the academic advisory board for the Center for Global Development and Council on Foreign Relations and on the board of Deworm the world, an organization that improves education in developing countries through school-based deworming. She has won numerous teaching awards at MIT. She received her PhD in Economics at MIT and her BA, summa cum laude with highest honors from williams College. Dr. Li Gang Liu, Head of China Economic Research, Global Markets, ANZ BANKING GROUP HONG KONG , Li-Gang Liu is Head of Greater China Economics, ANZ Banking Group, Hong Kong, covering macroeconomics, foreign exchange, capital markets, and strategy research for the bank. His previous professional experiences, among others, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority as a senior manager at the Research Department, the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo as a senior fellow, the Office of Chief Economist for the East Asian and Pacific Region, the world Bank Group as an economist, and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, washington DC as a research associate. His recent publications include Honor Thy Creditors Before Thy Shareholders: Are the Profits of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Real? Asian Economic Papers, MIT Press (2010) and Do Foreign Political Pressures Affect the RMB Exchange Rate? An Event Study, Journal of International Money and Finance (forthcoming). He was also a co-author of a book, The Global Economic Effect of Asian Currency Devaluations (Institute for International Economics, 1998). He has published many other scholarly articles in refereed journals, among others, Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of Finance, Journal of world Trade, China Economic Review, and Journal of Policy Reform. His views on China have been widely cited by international and Chinese press. He is also an invited columnist for and contributes regularly to Caijing, Caixin, and the Shanghai Securities Journal. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Johns Hopkins University, Maryland. Lena Komileva, Senior Vice President, Global Head of G10 Strategy, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN Lena Komileva joined Brown Brothers Harriman in March 2011, as Senior vice President and Global Head of G10 Strategy. Prior to joining BBH, Lena was the Group Head of G7 Market Economics at Tullett Prebon. Lena has written extensively on the G10 economies, analyzing the links between financial and fundamentals developments in a globalized economy, the implications for fiscal and monetary policy and the impact on market behavior. Lena has made frequent appearances on CNBC,, Bloomberg Tv, Sky, Reuters Insider, Bloomberg Radio and US National Public Radio and has written articles and contributed views to the Financial Times, The wall Street Journal, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Dow Jones Newswires, The International Herald Tribune, Barrons, the BBC, the Nikkei and across the G20 national press. She has written articles for Financial Times, Thomson Reuters, FX week, International Financing Review (IFR), the CSFIs Financial World and FX&MM Magazine. Lena has a BA in Economics and an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She began her career as an economist in the City in 1997 covering the Asian and Russian crises.

Where are We in the Process of the Resolution of Global Imbalances and How Will This Impact Developed and Emerging World Growth in the Medium to Long Term? WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 11.00am 11.40am Top managers and investors debate one of the issues central to the outlook for global market. with continued uncertainty over global central bank policy and the competing inflationary and deflationary pressures that ensue, this session offers investors insight into factors that will be pivotal in putting pressure on their investment portfolios in 2012 and potentially for the next investment cycle. Oliver Fratzscher, EvP and Strategic Advisor, CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUEBEC Oliver Fratzscher is Executive vice-President and Strategic Advisor with focus on emerging markets. He contributes to strategic asset allocation and investment decisions and also acts as a spokesperson for the Caisse in its dealings with partners, the financial media and various stakeholders. Mr. Fratzscher is also a member of the Sovereign wealth Funds Advisory Board and a frequent speaker at global leadership events. Mr. Fratzscher has two decades of experience on global capital markets, both from policy and investment perspectives, having served in senior roles at the world Bank (IFC), the International Monetary Fund, ABN AMRO Bank and Deutsche Bank. He holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University as well as M.Sc. in economics (U Montral) and B.Sc. in industrial engineering (U Karlsruhe). As an expert on emerging markets, Mr. Fratzscher has been widely quoted in the financial press. He has led several research studies, including at the Brookings Institution, the EU Commission, and the Polish Council of Ministers, and has been invited to speak at various central banks, finance departments and leading academic institutes. He holds distinctions and awards from the German National Science Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and Harvard University. Robert E. Kiernan III, Chief Executive Officer, ADVANCED PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT LLC Robert E. Kiernan III is the Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Portfolio Management LLC (APM), and a Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Before forming APM, Mr. Kiernan spent twenty years in the capital markets, based in New York and London, with Salomon Brothers and Lehman Brothers during which he was responsible for building and leading multiple global businesses. Prior to entering the private sector, he held foreign policy positions at the National Security Council, USIA, and the Department of State during the first Reagan administration. Mr. Kiernan was educated at Boston College, the University of Chicago, and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Educate Girls Globally, the Research Foundation Review Board of the CFA Institute, the Liquidity Risk Committee of the International Association of Financial Engineers, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Alberto R. Musalem, Managing Director, TUDOR INVESTMENT CORPORATION


Hear from industry legends at the same time as meeting the next generation of hedge fund rising stars at GAIM USA.
The unrivalled speaker faculty is handpicked through a meticulous research process with investors and industry leaders. Its designed to identify not only the strategies best positioned to generate alpha in 2012, but the managers best positioned to exploit the alpha generating opportunities.

I liked the quality of the speakers and valued the opportunity to gather with a substantial group of managers and to know their opinions regarding the market and their strategies to ride it.

John Goodman, Chief Financial Officer, Itamby Participacao eDesenvolvimento Ltda

TOP MANAGER PANEL Generating Alpha In 2012
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 9.00am 9.50am Bruce J. Richards, CEO & President, MARATHON ASSET MANAGEMENT Seth Birnbaum, Portfolio Strategist, BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES Dmitry Balyasny, Chief Executive Officer, BALYASNY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC

GLOBAL MACRO Why Top Investors Are Bullish On the Macro Outlook In 2012
WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 4.30pm 5.15pm Samer Nsouli Chief Investment Officer, LYFORD GROUP Sami Robbana, Head of Global Macro Strategy, CREDIT SUISSE Christopher vogt, Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Hedge Funds, ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC

Is Hedge Fund Activism The Most Effective Way of Generating Alpha From Developed World Equity Markets In 2012?
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 2.00pm 2.45pm Clifton S. Robbins, Chief Executive Officer & Portfolio Manager, BLUE HARBOUR GROUP L.P , . Ed Garden, Chief Investment Officer, TRIAN PARTNERS

Distressed Opportunities In 2012 Including Opportunities Presented By The Capital Relief Trade On European Bank Debt
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 4.00pm 4.45pm Scott D. Krase, Portfolio Manager & Senior Partner, OAK HILL ADVISORS Jean-Louis Lelogeais, Co-Founder, Senior Managing Director, STRATEGIC VALUE PARTNERS George Siguler, Managing Director & Founding Partner, SIGULER GUFF

Understanding The Geopolitical Landscape Of 2012 And The Potential Implications For Investment In Natural Resources
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 4.00pm 4.45pm Ken Chiang, PM for Asian Strategies, CHILTON GLOBAL NATURAL RESOURCES FUND Constance L. Hunter, Managing Director, Chief Economist, ALADDIN CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC

Understanding The Investment Opportunities And Geopolitical Risks Of Investing In Sub-Saharan Africa (Ex South Africa)
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 4.45pm 5.30pm Terrence Duffy, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer, LIONHART (USA) L.L.C.

Examining The Practicalities Of Global Frontier Investing From Getting Comfortable With An Imperfect Knowledge About The Macro Picture To Opening Accounts And Sizing Portfolio Exposures
WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 5.15pm 6.00pm Alison Graham, Chief Investment Officer, VOLTAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Douglas Clayton, Chief Executive Officer, LEOPARD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT william D. Luterman, President & CIO, BROOKS CAPITAL GROUP

In the Absence of Directional Opportunities Where are the Most Promising Investment Opportunities in Relative Value Credit?
WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 4.45pm 5.30pm Joyce C. DeLucca, Managing Principal, KINGSLAND CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Don Morgan, Founder & Managing Partner, BRIGADE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Stephen Siderow, Co-founder & President, BLUEMOUNTAIN CAPITAL

Regardless of your fund strategy, size or structure, you will find a unique platform to position your fund in front of influential investors at GAIM USA. THE QUICKFIRE
WHEN: The Quickfire will be LIvE Monday at 10.30am and 3.30pm, Tuesday at 10.30am and on wednesday at 11.00am wildly popular with investors looking to unearth the next generation of hedge fund outperformers, The Quickfire offers a unique opportunity for funds to share what makes them unique in a brief but high profile 2 minute address on the QuickFire stage. Its the perfect opportunity for investors to hear from the outstanding talent at GAIM USA before the One-on-One Meetings commence on Tuesday afternoon. Meet your Judges Andrew Godfrey, Executive Managing Director, REVERE CAPITAL ADVISORS J. Alan Lenahan, CFA, Managing Principal, Director of Hedged Strategies, FUND EVALUATION GROUP See page 8 to find out how to submit your funds details.
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved


WHEN: How Robust will be LIvE Tuesday at 1.45pm 2.30pm, directly before the one-on-one meetings A resounding success at GAIM USA 2010 AND 2011, managers have 5 minutes to discuss how they generate alpha and are put through their paces in a live due diligence questioning by a well qualified panel of investors. See page 8 to find out how to submit your funds details.



is the only hedge fund conference with a multi-year track record of convening thousands of the industrys leading practitioners, hedge funds and asset allocators from across the globe. Each year 500 plus members of the industry, representing the highest concentration of senior decision makers putting capital to work, gather to determine where the best investment opportunities lie in the year ahead. The event attracts an influential audience representing key decision makers at many of the most influential investment institutions in the world. The seniority of the audience, combined with a program conducive to effective networking, guarantees a level of interaction quite unsurpassed at other events and the potential for high quality conversations and introductions.


Asset Managers
Include: Hedge Funds, Traditional Asset Managers, Real Estate and Private Equity Funds

Industry Specialists

41% 26% 9%
Banks & Prime Brokers
Include firms offering: Banking, Custody Services, Derivatives, Financing, Securities Lending, Structured Products, Investment Banking and Brokerage Services

Include: Legal, Accounting, Risk Management, Administration, valuation and Software Experts, Providers of Research, Business Information and Other Financial Services, Regulatory Bodies and Industry Associations


Asset Allocators
Include: Sovereign Wealth Funds, Public & Corporate Pension Plans, Endowments & Foundations, Single Family Offices, Fund of Hedge Funds, Multi Family Offices, Seeders & Incubators, Consultants, Treasury and Broker Dealer Investment Platforms

NEW For the full list of organizations who have attended GAIM USA in recent years please visit the event website at


GAIM USA offers multiple opportunities to ensure you make the connections you need to both drive your business forward and continue to develop your personal network.
A unique combination of glamorous evening social activities, intimate small group networking, one-on-one meetings, seated lunches and exclusive dinners, combined with a newly imagined meeting space offer more opportunities for you to catch up with old friends and meet new business partners in one of the most nations most exclusive resorts. Some of the networking highlights that you wont want to miss include:

GAIM Boca Sunset Welcome Cocktail

WHEN: Sunday, January 22nd 6.00pm 7.30pm Mingle with your friends, clients and prospects while enjoying a cocktail immediately following the days events while getting an early jump on your networking by meeting the GAIM Speakers and your fellow industry professionals prior to the start of the main conference.

The Late Night Lounge

WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 10.00pm 12.00am After the exclusive industry dinners you are sure to attend, continue to network into the night and enjoy an after dinner drink or perhaps cigar while shooting a few rounds of pool.

Networking Cocktail Receptions

WHEN: Monday, January 23rd 6.30pm 7.30pm WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 6.00pm 7.00pm In the high quality and exclusive surrounds available only at GAIM, reconnect with those youve met during the day in addition to meeting many more of the 500 + senior industry members in attendance. A prime opportunity to get business done in a superior environment.

Golf Tournament
WHEN: Sunday, January 22nd 1.00pm 5.00pm Come in early on Sunday and show off your skills on the links at one of the most exclusive championship courses in South Florida.

VIP Lunch Tables

WHEN: Monday, January 23rd and Tuesday, January 24th 12.30pm 2.00pm Sign up early when you arrive at the event to share conversations with legendary investors, speakers and special guests.

The Big GAIMING Night Social

WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th 9.30pm 11.30pm Join us for a night under the stars to enjoy a gala reception featuring gaming tables, food and open bar.


Alan J. Andreini, Chairman Executive Committee, BRENCOURT ADVISORS LLC
Alan Andreini is Chairman of the Executive Committee and works with Bill Collins in all areas related to firm management. Mr. Andreini has extensive experience building and managing firms and over the last 35 years has run three public companies while raising billions of dollars in public financing and private investments to fuel their growth. Prior to joining Brencourt in 2010, Mr. Andreini was CEO of the hedge fund manager Armored wolf, LLC, which he helped launch and grow to over $200 million in assets under management. Prior to Armored wolf, Mr. Andreini was with the hedge fund manager Money Management Group, LP , where as a general partner, he transitioned a small friends and family hedge fund with 4 employees and $41 million under management into a global institutional asset management firm with 34 employees and over $1 billion in assets under management. Mr. Andreini holds a B.A. from Princeton University and a J.D. from Rutgers University Law School. banking business. Previous to GE, he worked at McKinsey & Co., serving a wide range of Fortune 100 clients in varied industries focusing on corporate and Business Unit strategy and Sales and Marketing strategy. Previous to McKinsey, Toms professional experience includes other corporate positions, M&A advisory, and 3 years in financial services in the equity research and trading arenas. Toms holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College where he graduated with honors.

John F Casey, Chairman, . CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES

John is a founding partner of Casey, Quirk & Associates, a management consulting firm focused on advising investment management organizations. Prior to the formation of Casey Quirk, John was Chairman of both RogersCasey and Barra Strategic Consulting Group, of which he was also a co-founder in 1976. He was a member of the Barra Board of Directors from 1996 through mid-2001. John has over 40 years of experience in the investment industry. Following its founding and during Johns tenure as Chairman, RogersCasey grew to be among the largest and most influential pension consultants to Corporate and Public pension funds in the U.S. Barra Strategic Consulting Group, predecessor to Casey, Quirk & Associates, emerged as the premier management consultant to investment management firms. John has participated in the firms highly-regarded investment management industry whitepapers. Before co-founding RogersCasey in 1976, he and Stephen Rogers worked together at Dreher, Rogers & Associates. Prior to that, John was a founder of investment manager research at Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis (1969), predecessor to Evaluation Associates, and served as a Director and head of manager research at Callan Associates (1972). John received, along with Ed Callan, the first McArthur award from the Investment Management Consultants Association in 2000 in recognition of his leadership and innovation in the investment consulting profession. John earned a B.A. at Milton College in wisconsin.

Gerald Alain P Chen-Young, Chief . Investment Officer, UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. (UNCF)
Gerald Alain P Chen-Young is the Chief Invest. ment Officer for the United Negro College Fund, Inc. (UNCF). Mr. Chen-Young joined UNCF in September 2002 and manages UNCFs three (3) investment portfolios totaling approximately $1 billion. The largest is a dedicated, fixed-income portfolio representing a special scholarship program created in conjunction with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is managed using an active management strategy of immunizing cash flows, similar to that of a pension plan; the second is a traditional endowment portfolio that is fully diversified across multiple asset classes; and the third is a short-term, treasury-type of portfolio that typically has staggered maturities across a variety of short-term instruments. Prior to UNCF Mr. , Chen-Young spent six-and-a-half years with UBS/Painewebber, first in institutional sales and then in retail brokering. Before UBS/ Painewebber, he worked in the commercial banking division of Riggs National Bank in washington D.C., and then briefly as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Economics at York University in Canada. Mr. Chen-Young holds post-graduate degrees in Economics from the London School of Economics (Dip. Econ.) and York University (M.A. (Monetary Economics)), and in Law from the University of Miami (J.D.) and the washington College of Law (LL.M (Law & Government)). He completed his undergraduate studies in Economics at American University in washington, D.C. with honors.

Dmitry Balyasny, Chief Executive Officer, BALYASNY CAPITAL MGMT LLC

Mr. Balyasny began his trading career with Schonfeld Securities, LLC in 1994, has been an active investor in hedge funds since 1999 and founded BAM in December 2001. Mr. Balyasny is actively involved in daily firm investing and chairs the Executive Committee. Mr. Balyasny earned a bachelors degree in Finance from Loyola University in Chicago. Mr. Balyasny serves as a Board Member, Teach For America Chicago.

John Angelo, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, ANGELO, GORDON & CO.
Angelo, Gordon is one of the oldest and most successful Alternative Investment Firms in the world. The firm presently manages $24 billion dollars primarily in credit, corporate restructuring, as well as real estate both in the U.S. and Asia. The firms goal has always been generous returns with low volatility and without the use of leverage. John M. Angelo is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Angelo, Gordon & Co. He manages the firms growth and is focused on its strategic direction. John is well known as a pioneer in the hedge fund industry as well as in the distressed markets. Prior to Angelo, Gordon, Mr. Angelo was associated with L.F Rothschild for 18 years. At Rothschild . he managed the firms proprietary capital in world markets with particular emphasis on derivatives. Born and raised in New York City, Mr. Angelo has been married for 44 years to the songwriter Judy Hart Angelo. The Angelos have three grown children. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo sit on several non-profit boards within the NYC and washington area. John holds a B.A. degree from St. Lawrence University.

Afsaneh Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer, THE ROCK CREEK GROUP
Ms. Beschloss is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Rock Creek Group. Prior to this, Ms. Beschloss was the Treasurer and Chief Investment Officer of the world Bank, responsible for managing $65 billion in assets and a $30 billion funding strategy, as well as $160 billion in derivatives and structured products. In this position, Ms. Beschloss was instrumental in developing a $3 billion portfolio of alternative investment funds. Her previous responsibilities at the world Bank included Senior Manager of the Derivatives and Structured Products Group and Fixed-Income Portfolio Manager. Ms. Beschloss previously worked for J.P Morgan in New York and London, for . Shell International Group Planning in London, and she taught international trade at Oxford University. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation, where she has chaired the Investment Committee. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Colonial williamsburg Foundation and is on the Investment Committee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. She advises international pension funds and central banks and has written a number of journal articles and books. She holds an MPhil (Honors) in Economics from Oxford University.

Charles Cassidy, Co-director, Hedge Fund Research, CAMBRIDGE ASSOCIATES

Charles is the Director of Hedge Fund Investment Management and Operations. In this role he is responsible for managing all investment and operational due diligence in the marketable alternatives group. He joined the firm in 2006 as the Director of Business Risk Management. In this role he was responsible for building and managing a team that conducts formalized business risk management reviews of hedge funds. These activities include reviewing hedge funds organization and management teams; evaluating risk, compliance and control functions; reviewing accounting, trading operations and business continuity plans. This team is also responsible for the detailed tracking and evaluation of business terms in hedge fund documents, overseeing appropriate background checks, and reviewing hedge fund service providers.

Douglas Clayton, Chief Executive Officer, LEOPARD CAPITAL

Founded Leopard Capital in 2007, and has over 25 years experience in emerging markets investments. As a senior executive at CLSA Securities, Indosuez wI Carr Securities, and Kerry Securities, he managed investment teams in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, New York City, Mexico, Brazil, venezuela, Argentina, and Chile. In 1999 Douglas founded Abacus Equity Partners which arranged and participated in several of Thailands most successful private equity investments. He serves as Technical Advisor to the Director-General of the Securities & Exchange Commission of Cambodia, and Trustee of the Center for Khmer Studies. Douglas holds a MM from Thailands Chulalongkorn University and a BA (History) from Cornell University.

Benjamin S. Appen, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, Founding Partner, MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC
Ben Appen is Chief Executive Officer and a Founding Partner at Magnitude Capital, a $2.3 billion fund of hedge funds based in New York. He serves as Co-Chair of Magnitudes Investment Committee. Mr. Appen was previously a Senior Vice President at D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P ., a New York-based investment firm focusing on quantitative trading and technology venture capital activities. During his seven-year tenure, he co-founded and managed the firms fund of funds business, which grew to approximately $600 million in hedge fund investments. In this role, he oversaw the evaluation of all investment strategies, manager selection, and quantitative research, including the development of new tools for monitoring portfolio risk. D. E. Shaw & Co.s fund of funds business was known for its quantitative sophistication and rigorous due diligence process. Mr. Appen also managed D. E. Shaw & Co.s venture capital investments, and served on the board of directors of Schrdinger, Inc., a computational chemistry software pioneer. Immediately before joining Magnitude Capital, Mr. Appen was the Chief Executive Officer of Alkindi, Inc., based in New York City. He was responsible for overseeing the development of a collaborative filtering application based on n-dimensional clustering algorithms. Alkindis improvements to this technology led to the companys software being rated highest in user tests. Mr. Appen has been invited to speak about hedge funds as a guest lecturer at Columbia University and New York University. He is the chairman of the board of directors of Credit where Credit Is Due, Inc., a non-profit organization focused on financial literacy and economic empowerment in communities that are underserved by traditional institutions. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Harlem Success Academy Charter School 3. In 1992, Mr. Appen graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University; he was awarded the CFA designation in 1999.

Seth M. Birnbaum, CFA / Portfolio Strategist, BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES

Seth is a Portfolio Strategist at Bridgewater Associates. He is a senior member of the research group with expertise in portfolio structuring and the foreign exchange, interest rate, commodity, and equity markets. He also works with Bridgewaters clients to develop investment strategies that meet their objectives and to provide insight into the research groups thinking on global markets and economic conditions. Seth has been with the firm since 2002. He received his B.A. from Amherst College (magna cum laude) with majors in economics, political science, and philosophy.


william L. Collins is the Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Brencourt Advisors. Prior to founding Brencourt, Bill was a Senior Managing Director at ING Furman Selz Asset Management, where he managed over $1 billion in customer assets through Taurus Partners and Taurus Capital International, two collective event-driven investment funds. Bill joined Furman Selz in 1980 and served on the firms Management Committee and Board of Directors from 1989 until its acquisition by ING Group in 1997. During his time at Furman Selz, Bill was responsible for event-driven departments growth, development, and performance from its inception in 1986 until he started Brencourt in 2001. Prior to joining Furman Selz, Bill managed the proprietary options department at Bache Halsey Stuart Shields and prior to that he took his first job on wall Street in 1976 as a trader on Lehman Brothers risk arbitrage desk. Bill completed an MBA from New York University in 1981 and a BA from St. Johns University in 1976. Born and raised in Queens, New York, today Bill lives in Bergen County, New Jersey with his wife of 30 years, Lesley walsh Collins, and their three children: Brian, Jennifer and Courtney. Mr. Collins serves on the Board of Trustees of St. Johns University and is a past president of the Board of Trustees of the Dwight-Englewood School in Englewood, NJ.

Kenneth Chiang, Managing Director & Portfolio Manager of Asian Equity Strategies, CHILTON INVESTMENT COMPANY
Prior to joining Chilton Investment Company, Mr. Chiang spent 13 years at Merrill Lynch as the portfolio manager of the Merrill Lynch Global Small Cap Fund and Co-Manager of the Emerging Market Fund. Mr. Chiang also spent one year as a Managing Partner at Samuel Asset Management. Mr. Chiang has a B.A. in Political Science from Stanford University, and an M.B.A. from The wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Jane Buchan is the Chief Executive Officer and one of the four original founders of Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company (PAAMCO). Clients include large public and private pension plans, foundations, endowments and financial institutions. Jane is highly credentialed with eighteen years of experience in investment management and portfolio construction, beginning with her career at JP Morgan Investment Management. Prior to forming PAAMCO, she held positions ranging from Director of Quantitative Analysis to CIO of non-directional strategies at Collin Associates, an institutional fund-of-funds and consulting firm. Jane received her undergraduate degree in Economics from Yale University and her Masters and Ph.D. in Business Economics (Finance) from Harvard University. She is a member of the Investment Management Committee. In the field of market neutral and alternative investment strategies, Jane has numerous professional publications. Jane has also served as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Jane currently serves on the advisory board of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA).

Daniel Celeghin, Partner, CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES

Since joining Casey Quirk as an Associate in 2002, Daniel has worked on over one hundred engagements for asset management businesses covering business management and strategy, distribution strategy and organizational structure, investment quality and benchmarking, product development, and economic alignment restructuring. Client organizations have included managers focused on the global institutional, retail, and high-net-worth markets and based in the U.S., Europe, Australia, the Middle East, and the Far East. In addition, Daniel has worked on multiple transactions, both in sourcing and due diligence. Daniel has focused on alternative investment managers throughout his tenure at Casey Quirk, resulting in the development of Casey Quirks proprietary hedge fund and fund-ofhedge fund benchmarking frameworks, as well as the Casey Quirk fixed income evaluation framework. He has worked closely with the majority of the firms fund-of-hedge fund and hedge fund clients, and was named one of Institutional Investors 2010 Hedge Fund Rising Stars. Daniel graduated in 2002 with a B.S. in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University.

2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved


Howard Cooper began his career aggressively trading equities for his own account, becoming a full-time trader in the mid-80s. In 2006, Mr. Cooper established a single-family office to manage his family assets, which were derived from his stock trading endeavors. His SFO has transitioned to global investing primarily in alternative investments, including hedge and private equity funds. He is an honors graduate of Princeton University. Mr. Coopers spare time is devoted to his favorite philanthropic endeavor of supporting music and art education among underprivileged students, and he has established a family foundation to support these causes. He is the chairman of the new

Tomas Arlia, CIO, Senior Managing Director, Hedge Funds, GE ASSET MANAGEMENT
Toms joined GEAM in 2009 with responsibility for the firms hedge fund portfolio. Previously, he was vP of Strategy globally for GE Money, GE Capitals consumer finance and retail


board on Family Offices, Endowments and Foundations at Princetons School of Finance and chairs the new Family Office Council at the NYU Stern School of Business which he coordinates with the faculty. Howard Cooper is a an advisor to the Princeton University Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Chairman of the University of Florida Dept. of Astronomy Advisory Council, a member of the Board of Directors of Florida Atlantic University and an advisor to several university academic advisory councils. He serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations and foundations and is the chairman of the advisory board to the Family Office Association. Howard Cooper resides in Palm Beach with his wife and 4 children. The Cooper Family Office is invested in over 80 funds, in North and South America, Europe and Asia, as limited partners, in managed accounts and as direct equity investors. The Cooper Family Office also partners with a number of Asian and European FOs, with which they research and invest in opportunities in China, Australia and Eastern Europe, along with frontier markets. The Office is especially proud of working with numerous other family offices throughout the world in evaluating funds, building family office investment committees, seeking new opportunities and funding direct investments. convertible arbitrage. In addition, at OConnor & Associates he developed a leading edge trading system that helped make significant profits during the Crash of 1987. Terrence holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Purdue University.

Rene Haugerud, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, GALTERE LTD.

Rene Haugerud is the Founder, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Principal of Galtere Ltd., a registered investment advisor that manages several commodity-based global macro strategies. Ms. Haugerud began trading the global financial and commodity markets in 1981 at Cargill Inc. Prior to founding Galtere in 1997, Ms. Haugerud led Proprietary Trading for Natwest in Hong Kong, after which she returned to the U.S. as Financial Trading Manager for Hunter Douglas. Ms. Haugerud is active in the community of women and business leaders, and an advocate for numerous global education initiatives.

Thodore Econmou, Chief Executive Officer, CERN PENSION FUND

Thodore Econmou is Chief Executive of the pension fund management unit of CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The fund has approximately 4 billion Swiss Francs in assets, managed both internally and externally. CERN, funded by 20 European member states, is the worlds leading laboratory for particle physics and currently operates the worlds most powerful nuclear particle accelerator. Prior to joining CERN, Thodore spent 16 years with New Yorkbased ITT Corporation, most recently serving as assistant treasurer responsible for the management of ITTs worldwide pension assets and liabilities, and overseeing capital markets activities. Before that, he was a consultant with Accentures Financial Services Group. He holds degrees from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Northwestern Universitys J.L. Kellogg School of Management. He is fluent in French, German, and Greek.

Ronnie Jung, CPA/PFS, Executive Liaison to the Board, TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS
Ronnie Jung served as the Executive Director of the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) of Texas from September 2003 until August 2011. He also served as Acting Chief Investment Officer May through December 2006. while serving as Executive Director the fund received numerous awards including: the Public Fund Investor of the Year for 2008 and Public Plan of the Year, Plan Sponsor of the Year, and Limited Partner of the Year in North America all in 2009. He currently serves as the Executive Liaison to the TRS Board. Prior to being appointed Executive Director he served as Deputy Director for two years and as the Chief Financial Officer for the system for five years. He previously worked for twenty years at the Texas State Auditors Office and two years at the Texas Legislative Budget Board. Mr. Jung previously served as a member of the Governmental Accounting Standards Boards task force for higher education financial reporting which lead to the development of GASB #35 and was recognized as 2002 Administrator of the Year by the Texas State Agency Business Administrators Association. He currently serves as President of the National Council on Teacher Retirement and as a member of the board of the National Institute for Retirement Security. Jung earned a B.B.A. in accounting from the University of Texas at Austin in 1974 and a Masters of Public Affairs from the LBJ School of Public Affairs in 1991. He is a Certified Public Accountant with a Personal Financial Specialist Designation and a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Texas Society of CPAs.

custody with Schwab Institutional Services. Through these platforms, Schwab offers a wide variety of investment products that include hedge funds, private equity, private real estate, private energy, managed futures and other alternative investment strategies. Josh has become a sought after commentator on alternative investment and managed account use by registered investment advisors. He speaks regularly at industry conferences and has been interviewed for industry publications that include Investment News, Investment Advisor, Hedgeworld and Barrons. He is a member of the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA), participates in the SIFMA Alternative Investment Roundtable and is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). Josh graduated with a bachelors degree in English Literature from Ohio wesleyan University and is registered with the FINRA Series 7, 9, 10, 63 & 66. Josh is married and has twin boys.

Robert E. Kiernan III, Chief Executive Officer, ADVANCED PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT LLC
See page 9 for bio.

The Honorable Janet Cowell, State Treasurer, NORTH CAROLINA

Janet Cowell is the State Treasurer of North Carolina and is the states first woman to win the post. Treasurer Cowell oversees nearly $75 billion in pension fund investments for the 850,000 teachers, firefighters, and public employees of North Carolina. Under her executive leadership as Treasurer, the state has maintained a triple-A Bond rating for strong financial and debt management practices, and is recognized as one of only seven states to earn the rating by the three major credit rating agencies. In addition, North Carolina has outperformed the national average for public pension funds by 32%, ranking 2nd in the United States by Standard and Poors in 2009. Born the daughter of a Methodist minister and a public school teacher in Memphis, Tennessee, Cowell grew up primarily in the Southeast until attending college at the University of Pennsylvania. She graduated with Honors and went on to earn a Master of Business Administration degree from the wharton School of Business as well as a Masters degree in International Studies from the Lauder Institute. Cowell worked as a financial analyst with organizations including HSBC Bank and Lehman Brothers in Asia before making her home in North Carolina in 1997. Living in Raleigh, North Carolina, she provided business consulting to various Fortune 500 companies and served as an adjunct professor at two institutions of higher learning in the state. In 2001, Cowell began contributing her financial expertise and leadership to work for the citizens of North Carolina. She was twice elected to Raleigh City Council and served three years, representing more than 350,000 constituents. In 2004, she was elected to the North Carolina State Senate, representing Raleigh and the Research Triangle Park. Cowells career encompasses 20 years of ethical leadership and financial management for organizations locally, nationally, and internationally, in both the public and private sectors. Her policies on economic development, innovation, and making government work for the citizens of North Carolina have earned her two Legislator of the Year awards including Environmental Legislator of the Year as a North Carolina senator. Now in her 10th year of elected office, and with the nation facing unprecedented economic challenges, Cowell continues the conservative debt practices and solid economic development policies that keep North Carolina in secure financial standing. She is proud to serve the citizens of North Carolina as State Treasurer and remains committed to working each day to build and maintain a financially strong and prosperous North Carolina.

Daniele Klingebiel, Principal Investment Officer, THE WORLD BANK PENSION

Ms. Klingebiel is a Principal Portfolio Manager for the world Banks Pension and Endowment Department where she is co-managing the USD 2.4 bn hedge fund portfolio. Previously, she was responsible for the Plans international equities portfolios, the currency portfolio and the Global Tactical Asset Allocation portfolio. In that capacity, she developed a currency trading model for 11 developed market currencies. Ms. Klingebiel has also worked in the world Banks Research and Financial Sector Policy and Strategy Departments as well as in various regional departments. She has published extensively in the areas of pension management, capital markets, banking, financial crises, and enterprise and financial sector restructuring in leading professional and academic journals. Ms. Klingebiel joined the world Bank in 1995. She holds a Ph. D. and Master of Science in Economics and a Master of Arts in Political Science from the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany.

Simon Fludgate, Principal Operational Due Diligence, AKSIA

Simon has 17 years of audit, hedge fund credit and operational due diligence experience. Simon joined Aksia at its inception in October 2006 and currently serves as the Head of the Operational Due Diligence team. Simon manages a dedicated team of research professionals who are responsible for performing operational due diligence of hedge fund and fund of hedge funds investments on behalf of clients. Prior to Aksia, Simon worked at Credit Suisse, where he was the head of operational due diligence and deputy head of risk management for Credit Suisses fund of hedge funds activities. Prior to Credit Suisse, Simon worked for KBC Financial Products (formerly D. E. Shaw Financial Products), as a risk manager working on market risk and hedge fund counterparty risk. Simon joined D. E. Shaw in 1997, as an accounting supervisor in their financial and operations group. Simon started his professional career in 1993 working for Richard A. Eisner & Company (Eisner LLP) in the audit department. Simon graduated from The State University of New York at Albany in 1993 with a B.S. in Accounting. Simon is a Trustee for the Friends of the New York Transit Museum.

Lena Komileva, Senior vice President, Global Head of G10 Strategy, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN
See page 9 for bio.

David Katz, President & COO, LARCH LANE

David Katz is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Larch Lane Advisors LLC. Mr. Katz joined Larch Lane in 2011. Mr. Katz was previously a co-founder and Partner of Rocaton Investment Advisors, an institutional investment consulting firm with $300 billion of assets under advisement. Prior to founding Rocaton, Mr. Katz was a Managing Director at BARRA RogersCasey, also an institutional investment consulting firm. He began his career in 1989 at Goldman Sachs. Mr. Katz has more than 20 years of business development, sales, marketing, client service, operations, and management experience. Mr. Katz received his B.A from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.B.A. from New York Universitys Stern School of Business. He currently serves on the Board of Overseers of the Annenberg Center of the University of Pennsylvania and as member of the Investment Committee of the westport (CT) Public Library Endowment.

Kristin Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson, Professor of Management and Global Economics, MIT SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT
See page 9 for bio.

Orin Kramer, Former Chairman, New Jersey State Investment Council, General Partner, BOSTON PROVIDENT PARTNERS LP
Orin S. Kramer is a managing partner of Boston Provident, L.P which manages investment ., vehicles focusing on the financial services industry. He is a director of Ariel Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda reinsurance company, and has served on the boards of other financial services firms, public and private. He chaired the New Jersey State Investment Council from 2002 to 2010 and was recently appointed to the New York State Council of Economic and Fiscal Advisors by Gov. Cuomo. He is Chair of the board of the Robert F Kennedy Center for . Justice and Human Rights. He is a member of the executive committee of the board of directors of the Alliance for Climate Protection, the organization founded and chaired by former vice President Al Gore. He is also on the advisory board of the Toigo Foundation, which promotes opportunities for minorities in the financial services industry. He is a member of the Samsung Advisory Council. In 2007, he was appointed by the Pennsylvania State Treasurer as a member of the Financial Asset Management Commission, which reviewed the States investment practices. He was named by President Clinton as a member of the Commission to Study Capital Budgeting. In 1995, he was designated by the Secretary of Treasury to serve as a member of the Advisory Commission on Financial Services. In 1992, he served as a coordinator of President-elect Clintons transition team on financial services issues. In 1990, he was appointed by the Governor of California as executive director of the California Commission on Ratemaking for workers Compensation Insurance. In 1986, he served as vice-chairman and executive director of a special commission appointed by Governor Cuomo to study the liability insurance crisis and civil justice reform, and he co-authored the New York Dewind Commission report on product deregulation for banks. Mr. Kramer has published two books and a number of studies on the financial services industry. He has taught financial institutions law at Columbia Law School.

Oliver Fratzscher, EvP and Strategic Advisor, CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUEBEC
See page 9 for bio.

Ed Garden, Chief Investment Officer, TRIAN PARTNERS

Since its inception in November 2005. Mr. Garden currently serves as a director of The wendys Company (formerly wendys/Arbys Group, Inc.). Prior to forming Trian, Mr. Garden was a managing director of Credit Suisse First Boston, where he had served as a senior investment banker in the Financial Sponsors Group since 1999. Mr. Garden graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in Economics.

Josh Kernan, Member Of The Investment Committee, SIMPLE ALTERNATIVES LLC

Josh oversees all aspects of sales, marketing, education and client implementation activities. Josh is a member of the investment committee. In this role, he is responsible for setting the direction and guiding the implementation of all distribution activities of the Fund to the RIAs/IBDs across multiple channels. Josh comes to Simple Alternatives after resigning from Charles Schwab & Co., where he served for over 16 years, most recently as National Sales Director of Alternative Investments & Managed Accounts. In this role, Josh was responsible for educating Registered Investment Advisors who custody with Schwab Institutional Services about the benefits of Schwabs alternative investment and managed account platforms. Josh founded Schwabs alternative investment business in 1996. In 2003, Josh created Schwab Alternative Investment SourceTM, Schwabs alternative investment platform for registered alternative investment funds. More recently, Josh pioneered the offering of select alternative investment strategies for qualified purchaser clients of advisors who

Alison Graham, Chief Investment Officer, VOLTAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT

Alison Graham is Chief Investment Officer of voltan Capital Management and portfolio manager of voltan Frontier Markets Fund. Ms. Graham has over seventeen years experience in emerging and frontier markets finance. Until 1998, she was a partner and senior analyst for Latin American equities at the investment bank Caspian Securities. In 1998, she moved to Moscow to join United Financial Group where she was responsible for equity analysis and corporate due diligence on the Russian power sector. Since 2000, Ms. Graham has managed voltans frontier markets advisory business including trading across the funds universe of sixty early-stage emerging markets. She holds a Masters degree from the University of California at Berkeley, is a Chartered Financial Analyst and is fluent in six languages.

Terrence Duffy, Chief Executive Officer / Chief Investment Officer, LIONHART (USA) LLC.
In 1993, Terrence Duffy founded Lionhart. As a trader and portfolio manager, Terrence has generated profits in nineteen of the last twenty years. His impressive background includes over 20 years of alternative investment industry experience. Terrence has held several key roles prior to forming Lionhart. As Head Trader of Global Equity Derivatives at First Interstate Capital Markets, he was instrumental in producing significant profits for the banks proprietary accounts. As Senior Manager at Continental Bank, he developed substantial trading experience in Japanese warrant and


From 1981 to 1983, Mr. Kramer was a member of the financial institutions group at the management consulting firm of McKinsey & Co. From 1977 to 1981, he served as Associate Director of the white House Domestic Policy Staff. Previously, Mr. Kramer had been an associate with the law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett and executive director of the New York State Commission on Living Costs and the Economy. He received his B.A. from Yale College and J.D. from Columbia Law School. improved transportation, quality health care, more affordable housing and a cleaner environment. And the Treasurer handles those duties while sitting on the governing boards of the nations two largest public pension funds the California Public Employees Retirement System and the California State Teachers Retirement System. Its a big job. Here are some of what Treasurer Lockyer has accomplished: Managed the States multi-billion dollar Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) through the 2007-09 recession without losing a penny of principal. Protected taxpayers from unjustifiably high-interest rates by winning major reforms of the way credit rating agencies grade bonds issued by states and local governments. Led the successful effort to keep corruption out of public pension funds and ensure investment decisions serve workers and taxpayers, not special interests and their politically-connected middlemen. Launched unprecedented campaign to increase the purchase of California bonds by individual investors, including radio ads and a first-of-its-kind web site that connects investors with brokers. Sold more bonds than any Treasurer in California history to finance critical infrastructure projects and generate thousands of jobs. Directed more than $1.3 billion of financial assistance to California small businesses that helped create or preserve 73,120 jobs. Revitalized agency that provides financial assistance to manufacturers of electric vehicles and renewable energy products, and sponsored successful legislation that makes it less expensive for schools to supply their facilities with renewable energy. Expanded access to health care for Californians who depend on small and rural clinics by increasing the availability of low-cost loans to build facilities and buy equipment. Helped families cope with rising college costs by expanding ScholarShare, Californias 529 college savings program number of account holders increased by 55.3 percent and assets under management up by 57.5 percent. Lockyers public service career has spanned more than three decades. From 1999-2006, he served as California Attorney General and fashioned one of the most impressive records of accomplishments in the offices history. He created the nations most effective and sophisticated DNA forensic crime laboratory. He cracked down on Medi-Cal fraud, established the Megans Law website to track registered sex offenders, and recovered billions of dollars for defrauded energy ratepayers, consumers and taxpayers. Prior to his election as Attorney General in 1998, Lockyer served 25 years in the California Legislature. He culminated his Capitol career as Senate President pro Tempore, crafting agreements to balance the state budget and make government work better for taxpayers. Lockyer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. Lockyer earned his law degree from McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento while serving in the State Senate. He also received a teaching credential from California State University, Hayward. He is married to Nadia Maria Lockyer and has a daughter, Lisa, and a son, Diego. and Employees Retirement Systems and the assets of county, authority, district, and municipal systems that choose to invest in the fund. His responsibilities are to provide the overall investment strategy and asset allocation for the fund and to evaluate, select, monitor and manage external investment managers. As CIO, he supervises internal investment professionals, support staff and outside consultants and advises the Investment and Real Estate/ Timber Committees and Board. Prior to joining PRIM, Stan was an investment consultant for John Hancock Financial Services, responsible for investment oversight, due diligence, and selection of investment managers for Hancocks variable products, 401K, and pension plans. He is a graduate of Bentley Colleges MBA program and a graduate of Northeastern University, with a concentration in international business and finance. Stan served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 5 years and is an IEEE Investment Committee Member At Large.

Samer Nsouli, Chief Investment Officer, LYFORD GROUP

Samer has been Lyford Group Internationals CIO since its founding. He has 20 years of investment industry experience. Mr. Nsouli began his investment career in 1988 after graduating from Boston College with a degree in finance, joining Drexel Burnham Lambert in Paris as a foreign-exchange trader. He left Drexel to earn an MBA at Columbia Business School in New York, graduating in 1992. Mr. Nsouli joined Lehman Brothers as a non-dollar government bond trader and market maker; he also traded Treasury STRIPs. In 1995 he joined UBS, also as a U.S. Treasury trader, making markets for the entire STRIPs curve, off-the-run bonds and high-coupon callable bonds. Mr. Nsouli left UBS in 1996 to oversee Fuji Banks zero-coupon bond desk, making markets in STRIPs, off-the-run bonds and high-coupon callable Treasuries. In 1997, Mr. Nsouli founded Scorpio Fund Advisors, where he managed multi-asset private client portfolios in fixed income, currencies, and equity indices using both Fundamental and technical analysis, with a focus on tactical trades. In 2001 Mr. Nsouli joined JPMorgan as a European Equities Sales-Trader. In early 2002, partnering with a family office he had known for several years, he launched the Lyford Fund. Mr. Nsouli lives in New York City.

Emily Lehrer, Head of Operational Due Diligence, GUGGENHEIM PARTNERS

Emily Lehrer is the Head of Operational Due Diligence at Guggenheim Partners, LLC, a privately held global financial services firm with more than $100 billion in assets under supervision and more than $80 billion in assets under management. In this capacity, Ms. Lehrer leads hedge fund business and operations review for the firms wealth management, managed account fund of funds, fund placement and advisory businesses. She has a Masters Degree in Public Policy from the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from Yale University. Emily is married with one daughter.

Apurva Mehta, Director of Portfolio Investments, JUILLIARD SCHOOL

Apurva Mehta joined the Juilliard School in 2008. As Director of Portfolio Investments of The Juilliard School, Apurva oversees strategic and tactical asset allocation recommendations, investment manager selections, manager performance evaluation, spending policy management and performance reporting. From 2004 to 2008, Mr. Mehta was a vice President at Lehman Brothers in the Investment Banking Division and Investment Management Division, focusing on Business Planning and Strategy. Prior to Lehman Brothers, Mr. Mehta worked from 2001 to 2004 as a Senior Investment Analyst for Citi Institutional Consulting in washington, DC, focusing on asset allocation and manager due diligence for endowments, foundations and pension funds. Mr. Mehta received his B.B.A. in Finance and Accounting from The George washington University. The Juilliard School is a performing arts school founded in 1905 and is located at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City. At Juilliard, students are trained in drama, dance and music at undergraduate and graduate levels. The Juilliard School has an endowment of roughly $850mm which helps support the operating budget of the School.

Jean-Louis Lelogeais, Co-Founder, Senior Managing Director, STRATEGIC VALUE PARTNERS

Jean-Louis Lelogeais, Co-Founder and Senior Managing Director, 52. Mr. Lelogeais is a member of the Investment Committee and is also responsible for business development. From 1999 to 2001, Mr. Lelogeais had similar responsibilities for Moore Strategic value Partners, a joint venture with Moore Capital. From 1997 to 1999, Mr. Lelogeais headed Lelogeais & Co., LLC, an advisory firm focused on strategic management issues in global wholesale financial services. From 1994 to 1997, he was a Managing Director at Chase Manhattan Bank, where he led the Global Bank strategic repositioning, and after the merger with Chemical Bank, implemented the merger integration of the Global Client Management business. From 1985 to 1994, Mr. Lelogeais was a Partner with Booz Allen Hamilton, where he managed the wholesale Banking and Capital Markets practice. During his more than 10 years as a management consultant, Mr. Lelogeais acquired significant experience across corporate banking and capital markets businesses and in turnaround and growth strategies. Mr. Lelogeais received an M.S. in Management Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1985 and a Masters in Engineering from Ecole des Mines in 1981.

Donald Putnam, Founder and Partner, MASSIF PARTNERS

Mr. Putnam is founder and a Partner at Massif Partners. Prior to joining Massif Partners, Mr. Putnam founded Grail Partners LLC in early 2005 and is Managing Partner. Prior to founding Grail, he led Putnam Lovell Securities, which Mr. Putnam founded in 1987. At Putnam Lovell Mr. Putnam served as Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director in the firms investment banking group. From 1980 to 1986, Mr. Putnam held senior positions at SEI Investments. He was an Executive vice President and Division President of SEI, founder and President of SEI Financial Services Company. Prior to joining SEI, Mr. Putnam was a Senior Consultant at Catallactics Corporation (a subsidiary of SunGard), where he devised new quantitative products and strategies for major banks, including J.P Morgan, The Bos. ton Company, and Northern Trust Company. From 1973 to 1978, Mr. Putnam designed quantitative investment products and other trust services at Bankers Trust Company.

Dr. Laurence H. Meyer, vice Chairman and Director, Former Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (1996 2002), MACROECONOMIC ADVISERS
Laurence H. Meyer is a former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and currently Senior Managing Director and Co-Founder of Macroeconomic Advisers and a distinguished scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in washington D.C. while serving as a Fed governor from June 1996 through January 2002, Dr. Meyer became widely known as an influential member of the Federal Open Market Committee and built a reputation for independent thinking and straight talk about monetary policy. He has been widely acclaimed for his ability to bring clarity to the chaos of economic data and to demystify the art and science of monetary policymaking. Dr. Meyer was born on March 8, 1944 in the Bronx, New York. He received a B.A. (magna cum laude) from Yale University in 1965 and a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1970. Dr. Meyer offers Monetary Policy Insightscommentaries and analyses of the U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy prospectsthrough Macroeconomic Advisers to financial firms around the world. He is a fellow of the National Association of Business Economics, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers for the Congressional Budget Office. He is also the author of A TERM AT THE FED: An Insiders view, published by HarperBusiness in July 2004.

Bruce Richards, CEO & Founding Partner, MARATHON ASSET MANAGEMENT

Bruce Richards is the Chief Executive Officer of Marathon Asset Management, and is responsible for general oversight of $10 billion of capital that the firm manages on behalf of its institutional investors. Marathon was founded in January 1998 and focuses on the global credit markets with a focus on corporate debt, structured debt and emerging market debt. Marathon employs 130 professionals and maintains its headquarters in New York, with investment offices in London and Singapore. Mr. Richards received his B.A. in Economics, summa cum laude, from Tulane University in 1982 and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

J. Alan Lenahan, CFA, Managing Principal / Director of Hedged Strategies, FUND EVALUATION GROUP
Alan is Director of Hedged Strategies within the research group at Fund Evaluation Group. FEG is an institutional investment consultant with over $33 billion in assets under advisement located in Cincinnati Ohio. Alans focus is on the hedge fund industry and his responsibilities include hedge fund manager sourcing and selection, strategy research, portfolio construction, and client education. FEGs efforts in hedge fund research include sourcing and full due diligence of both fund of funds and hedge funds across the full spectrum of alternative strategies. Alan also works in a consulting capacity with clients that have an alternative only or alternative focused mandate. Alan joined FEG in 2002. Prior experience includes investment manager acquisition analysis and portfolio company analysis for The western and Southern Life Insurance Co. From 1997 to 2000, Alan was a Senior Associate in the valuation Services practice at Arthur Andersen. He received a BSBA from Xavier University in Finance and Marketing and has been a CFA chartholder since 2002. In 2007, Alan was named one of the 20 Rising Stars in Hedge Funds by Institutional Investor News.

Sami Robbana, Head of Tactical Trading Strategies & Portfolio Manager for Global Macro products, CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved Mr. Robbana joined Credit Suisse in October 2000, he initially joined the Hedge Fund Investments Group at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) as an Associate. His responsibilities included the analysis and selection of global macro focused hedge funds, as well as managing the CSAM Low volatility fund. In November 2004, Mr. Robbana launched the SAPIC Global Macro fund and in March 2006, he launched a customized tactical trading portfolio for an established European-based pension plan. Mr. Robbana manages both portfolios since respective inception. In 2007, shortly after the consolidation of Credit Suisse various hedge fund platforms, Mr. Robbana was promoted to Global Macro Sector Head. In May 2011, he was promoted Co-Head of Tactical Trading Strategies. Prior to joining DLJ Asset Management Group, Mr. Robbana was a hedge fund analyst at EIM Group, based in New York. Prior to EIM, Mr. Robbana began his career in 1997 as a hedge fund analyst at AIA Group, based in New York. Mr. Robbana earned a BBA in Finance from L Ecole des Hautes Commerciales (HEC) de Montreal, a Minor in Economic Sciences from Universite de Montreal, and attended McGill University Graduate Business School.

Mr. Main is a co-founder and is responsible for overall firm management and direction, in addition to investment decision-making including hedge fund selection, hedge fund portfolio construction and tail hedge overlay management. He is a member of the Board, the Management Committee, and the Investment Committee. He is also a member of the Investment Committee for the Endowment and Pension Funds at Trinity College, University of Toronto. In 2007, Mr. Main was appointed to the Hedge Fund Investors Committee of the Presidents working Group on Financial Markets. Prior to joining the firm, he was Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Northwater Capital Management.

Dr. Li Gang Liu, Head of China Economic Research, Global Markets, ANZ BANKING GROUP HONG KONG ,
See page 9 for bio.

Orla M. Nallen, Managing Director, U.S. Alternative Investment Services, THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON
After spending several years as head of The Bank of New York Mellons Hedge Fund Corporate Banking Group, Orla recently transitioned into a senior sales role in the companys Hedge Fund Administration business to continue to build out The Bank of New York Mellons business with Fund of Hedge Funds. In her previous role, Orla built and managed a team that was responsible for the global client management of The Bank of New York Mellons Hedge Fund clients, which included credit.

The Honorable Bill w. Lockyer, State Treasurer, STATE OF CALIFORNIA

Bill Lockyer was elected on November 7, 2006 as Californias 32nd State Treasurer and reelected on November 2, 2010. The Treasurer is the States banker. Its a bank that processes trillions of dollars in transactions every year. The Treasurer sells Californias bonds, invests its money and manages its cash. In addition, the Treasurer manages financing authorities that help provide good-paying jobs, better schools,

Stan Mavromates is the Chief Investment Officer of the $50 billion PRIT Fund.The fund invests the assets of the Massachusetts State Teachers


Bei Saville, CFA, CAIA, Director of Alternative Investments, THE HELMSLEY CHARITABLE TRUST
Bei Saville is Director of Alternative Investments at the Helmsley Charitable Trust. She oversees the deployment and management of the Trusts investments in private equity, venture capital, hedge funds and real assets. Prior to joining the Trust, Ms. Saville managed the alternative investments for Pfizers pension fund. She was also responsible for Pfizers Defined Contribution plans. Prior to Pfizer, Ms. Saville was a vice president in Morgan Stanleys Global Portfolio Solutions group, where she designed and managed alternative investment portfolios and advised on asset allocation decisions for large institutional investors. Prior to that, she held strategic planning / finance roles at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan and David J. Greene. Ms. Saville began her career in real estate development with China National Real Estate Development Group, the largest real estate developer in China. Ms. Saville received an MBA with honors from Old Dominion University and a BS from the Renmin University of China. She also holds the CFA and CAIA designations, and has served on multiple advisory boards of private equity, venture capital, and real estate funds. Corporation. He is also a member of RANDs U.S.-Russia Business Leaders Forum, the Russell 20/20 Group and Pacific Pension Institute. He currently serves on the Pension Advisory Committee of the International Monetary Fund and on the Board of Directors of MSCI Barra. Mr. Siguler is also a member of the Board of Overseers of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and a member of the Investment Committee of the wildlife Conservation Society. Mr. Siguler is a past Director of the Investor Responsibility Research Center, The Perkins School for the Blind and the New England Aquarium. He has been a Director of the Harvard Community Health Plan (the largest HMO in New England), a member of the Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Health Professional Education and a member of the white House Task Force on Medicare Prospective Payments. Mr. Siguler holds an A.B. in History from Amherst College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. American financial markets have been captured throughout the last several years in an investment strategy article that he authors titled Markets At A Glance . 300 individuals across a variety of investment disciplines. Mr. vogt is the portfolio manager of hedge fund investing at Allstate Investments, LLC and is responsible for all hedge fund related activities across the Allstate Insurance enterprise. Prior to joining Allstate, Mr. vogt was Managing Director of a Chicago based managed futures boutique investment and trading firm. Prior to this work, Mr. vogt was a founding partner in a proprietary trading group, Chrisdom Partners. while there, Mr. vogt developed and traded equity index option systems. Before his trading systems work, Mr. vogt worked on the listed derivatives sales and electronic trading desk for Bank of America Futures, Inc. in Chicago. Mr. vogt began his financial career with a subsidiary of Rosenthal Collins Group as an option trader on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Mr. vogt earned a BA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a MBA with honors from the University of Chicago

Brad Stephan, Senior Managing Consultant, PFM ADVISORS

Brad Stephan joined PFM Advisors in 2008 and brings over 12 years of institutional investment experience to the group. Mr. Stephan is responsible for leading the internal research efforts across markets and participating in the direction of the firms asset allocation efforts. In addition, he oversees the investment management and consulting services provided to healthcare, endowment, and foundation clients and is a member of the PFM Advisors investment committee. Prior to joining PFM, Mr. Stephan was Investment Director for SEI Investments Global Institutional Group, focusing on Endowment, Foundation, and Healthcare clients across the globe. within this role, Mr. Stephan was a key advisor to clients around issues such as portfolio construction and investment implementation, and also led the research and development efforts in this area that resulted in the release of new and innovative investment approaches for institutional investors. Mr. Stephan conducted his undergraduate education in Finance at the University of Delaware and received an MBA in Finance from villanova University. He is also a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia, NACUBO, and the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).

Clifton S. Robbins, Chief Executive Officer, BLUE HARBOUR GROUP LP

Clifton Robbins is the Founder and CEO of Blue Harbour Group LP an investment firm that , pursues a value-oriented, active ownership investment strategy in public markets. The firm serves as a lead minority shareholder in public companies and works collaboratively with management and boards on initiatives to create and unlock shareholder value. A veteran investor with 25 years of experience, Robbins founded Blue Harbour in 2004. He was previously a Managing Member of General Atlantic Partners LLC, a global private equity firm, and served on General Atlantics Executive, Investment and Portfolio Review Committees. Prior to joining General Atlantic Partners in 2000, Robbins was a General Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., which he joined in 1987. He is a member of the Boards of Overseers and Managers of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and chairs its Funding and Finance Committee, overseeing its $3 billion endowment. Robbins received a Bachelors degree from Harvard College and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.

Ashbel C. Ash williams, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer, FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA)
Ashbel C. Ash williams is the Executive Director & CIO of the Florida State Board of Administration (SBA), one of the nations leading public investment institutions. The SBA manages assets under broad investment authority granted by the Boards Trustees. The Trustees are Floridas Governor, Chief Financial Officer, and Attorney General. Among the over $150 billion in assets under management are those of the Florida Retirement System (FRS) Trust Fund. The FRS is one the largest public pension funds in the United States. Prior to joining the SBA, Mr. williams was a Managing Director at Fir Tree Partners and previously was President and CEO of Schroder Capital Management, both headquartered in New York City. He has extensive experience with both the SBA and Florida government, having previously served as Executive Director of the SBA from 1991 to 1996 and in senior management positions in Floridas executive and legislative branches. Mr. williams holds both BS and MBA degrees from Florida State University (FSU) and completed post graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvanias wharton School and Harvards John F Kennedy School of Gov. ernment. Mr. williams serves as Chairman of the Florida State University Foundation, an advisory board member of the Robert Toigo Foundation, and a leadership council member of the Robert F Kennedy Center for Justice and . Human Rights and is an Episcopal lay minister.

Stephen Siderow, Co-founder & President, BLUEMOUNTAIN CAPITAL

Stephen Siderow is a co-founder and the President of BlueMountain Capital, overseeing the Firms business development and strategic growth initiatives. Mr. Siderow is also a member of the Firms Management Committee. Prior to co-founding BlueMountain in 2003, Mr. Siderow was a Senior Consultant with McKinsey & Companys New York Office, where he focused on the financial services industry, serving senior management executives and CEOs on a variety of issues in business strategy, organization and operations. Prior to that, Mr. Siderow was a corporate attorney with Cleary, Gottlieb in New York. Mr. Siderow serves on the Board of Directors of The Civilians, an investigative theater organization supporting the development and production of new theater initiatives, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of Ars Nova, which provides training and development programs to young performing artists. In addition, Mr. Siderow is a member of the Board of the New York City Council of Taglit-Birthright Israel. Mr. Siderow holds a J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School and B.A. magna cum laude in Philosophy from Amherst College. Mr. Siderow was also a Fulbright and Sheldon Scholar in Israel.

Mario Therrien, Senior vice President, Hedge Funds - Private Equity, CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUBEC
Mario Therrien was appointed Senior vicePresident, Fund Management, with the Private Equity group on June 15, 2009. In this capacity, he manages the teams responsible for investments in external private equity funds, including venture capital funds in the information technology and life sciences sectors, leveraged buyout funds and hedge funds. Mr. Therrien has a solid financial background. He joined the Caisses Alternative Tactical Investments team in 1992 as a financial analyst and was successively promoted to Assistant Manager and Manager. He was then assigned to the position of vice-President of varan Tactical Asset Management, a fund specializing in global tactical investments, until 2002. Prior to his latest appointment, he carried out the functions of vice-President, Funds of Hedge Funds, Absolute Return, and oversaw the team in charge of developing investment strategies using hedge funds on an international scale.


Eric Sprott has over 40 years of experience in the investment industry and has established a reputation as one of Canadas most highly regarded asset managers. Eric began his career as a research analyst at Merrill Lynch after earning his designation as a chartered accountant in 1968, and joined Loewen Ondaatje, a prominent Canadian broker/dealer, in 1972. Eric founded Sprott Securities Inc., a Torontobased broker/dealer specializing in smallcap institutional brokerage, in 1981. He began managing money for friends and family the following year, and by the early 1990s was managing multiple discretionary investment accounts. In 1997, due to high client volume and increasing demand for his management services, Eric consolidated the accounts and launched the Sprott Canadian Equity Fund, a long-only mutual fund, which has won numerous investment awards and generated an annualized return of 20% since inception. Eric established Sprott Asset Management LP (SAM) in 2000, and launched the Sprott Hedge Fund L.P in November of that year in order to . better position clients for a secular bear market it was the third hedge fund to be launched in Canada at the time. After establishing SAM as a separate entity in December 2001, he divested his entire ownership of Sprott Securities to its employees (now Cormark Securities Inc.), and began focusing solely on the investment management business. Sprott Asset Management LP has since grown into the largest hedge fund company in Canada and now manages over $10 billion in assets (as of July 20th, 2011). Eric has won numerous awards for his investment performance. The Sprott Offshore Fund Ltd. was awarded the 2006 MarHedge Annual Performance Award under the Canada-Based Manager category. In October 2006, Eric was the recipient of the 2006 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award (Financial Services) and the 2006 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for Ontario. In December 2007, Eric was named Fund Manager of the Year by Investment Executive, a widely circulated publication for Canadian financial advisors. In October 2008, the Sprott Offshore Fund Ltd. won the award for the Best Long/ Short Hedge Fund globally by HFM week, a leading publication for the global hedge fund industry. In 2010, the Sprott Capital LP Fund, the US-onshore version of Erics long/short equity hedge fund, won Fund of the Year at the 2010 Absolute Return Awards. In 2011, Eric was named Top Financial visionary in Canada by Erics predictions on the state of the North

Professor Mila Getmansky Sherman, Assistant Professor of Finance, ISENBERG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AT UMASS, AMHERST
Mila Getmansky Sherman is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Isenberg School of Management, UMASS-Amherst. She specializes in empirical asset pricing, hedge funds, performance of investment trading strategies, and system dynamics. She published in the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Investment Management, and Journal of Alternative Investments, as well as contributed to half a dozen books and book chapters. Professor Getmansky Sherman is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Alternative Investments. She is a recipient of numerous awards and grants from the Q-Group, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inquire-Europe, and National Science Foundation, and a recipient of the College Outstanding Research Award. Professor Getmansky Sherman teaches courses in corporate finance and financial modeling in MBA and undergraduate programs.

Patric de Gentile-williams, Chief Operating Officer, FRM CAPITAL ADVISORS (FCA)

Patric de Gentile-williams is COO and a member of the Investment Committee of FRM Capital Advisors (FCA). FCA is the hedge fund seeding division of Financial Risk Management (FRM), a global hedge fund investment specialist managing $9 billion in fund of hedge funds portfolios for institutional and other sophisticated investors. Previously, Patric was CEO and a founder of PCE Investors Ltd, a hedge fund platform managing over $1 billion. Prior to this, Patric was COO of Liquid Capital between 2000 and 2002 and between 1997 and 2000 was CEO of TARMS, an Australian software company specialising in trading and risk management systems. He previously built and ran investment and trading businesses at Banque Indosuez, James Capel & Co. and Morgan Grenfell Securities. Patric studied Engineering and Mathematics at Cambridge and London Universities and has a 1st Class degree in Mathematics and a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics from Kings College London.

Michael Underhill, Chief Investment Officer, CAPITAL INNOVATIONS, LLC

Over his 18year career, Michael D. Underhill has endeavored to bridge the worlds of academic theorists and financial markets. His success in doing so has resulted in a reputation as one of the worlds most provocative and respected financial analysts. Michael has pioneered several unconventional portfolio strategies that are now widely applied, including listed infrastructure, listed timber, and listed agriculture investment strategies. In 2007, he established Capital Innovations, LLC as a researchintensive asset management firm that focuses on innovative alternative products. The firm explores novel approaches to real asset investment, optimal portfolio construction, and more efficient forms of capital deployment. Capital Innovations distributes investment products globally in partnership with leading financial institutions and invests on behalf of some of the largest government pension and sovereign wealth funds in the world. He is author of The Handbook of Infrastructure Investing (wiley 2010) and a faculty member at the CFA Institute teaching their infrastructure investing class.

George Siguler, Managing Director & Founding Partner, SIGULER GUFF

Mr. Siguler was a founding partner of the Harvard Management Company in the early 1970s, and initiated and managed its venture capital, buyout and hedge fund activity. He also served as Associate Treasurer of Harvard University. Mr. Siguler served in the Reagan Administration from 1983 to 1984 as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with oversight responsibility for a $300 billion budget and 150,000 employees. In 1988, Mr. Siguler was instrumental in setting up Commonfund Capital, the private equity arm of The Common Fund, and for many years served as one of its directors. He has served as a director of numerous public and private companies. Mr. Siguler is a Director of the Emerging Market Private Equity Association and a member of the advisory board of the Center for Asian Pacific Policy at the RAND

Paul Zummo, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, J.P MORGAN ALTERNATIVE . ASSET MANAGEMENT
Mr. Zummo is Co-Head of J.P Morgan Alterna. tive Asset Management and Chief Investment Officer. He is head of the Portfolio Management Group and a member of the JPMAAM Investment Committee. Mr. Zummo cofounded JPMAAM in 1994. Prior to that, Mr. Zummo served as the manager of retirement plan investments for the Interpublic Group of Companies from 1992 to 1994, where he was responsible for analysis, asset allocation and manager selection. From 1990 to 1992 he worked at the former Chase organization as an investment analyst and consultant for institutional clients of the Chase Consulting Group. Mr. Zummo received a B.S. from the State University of New York at Albany and an M.B.A. from New York University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.

Christopher vogt, Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Hedge Funds, ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC
The Allstate Corporation (NYSE: ALL) is the nations largest publicly held personal lines insurer. widely known through its Youre In Good Hands with Allstate slogan, Allstate provides insurance products to more than 14 million households. The Allstate Investment Group manages $118 billion of assets for internal clients including the insurance companies, two ERISA plans, and non-insurance subsidiaries. The Allstate Investment Group strives to provide sustainable, competitive, risk-adjusted investment returns and investment-related services for the benefit of the Allstate Corporation. The size of the Investment Group exceeds



After our 2011 event we surveyed and met face-to-face with our attendees, asking them how we could improve our event for 2012 and keep GAIM USA as the hedge fund event where business gets done. Based on their overwhelming response, were changing the GAIM rules There Will Be No Exhibit Hall at GAIM USA.


Still at the heart of the event, the central hall of GAIM USA has been renamed THE GAIM ROOM. This unique space is where attendees will spend their time in between sessions. Your firm can become a valued part of the attendee experience by hosting or co-hosting one of the destination areas within the GAIM ROOM.


Great places to get a snack, grab a drink and interact with your fellow attendees. Need a recharge? Your smartphone will never be more than a few steps away from its very own juice bar! Chat with your fellow crackberry fiends while your phone powers up. Multiple seating areas for on-site meetings and impromptu conversations. video screens located throughout the event will keep you up to date on the latest financial happenings, plus give your firm a chance to showcase a unique message directly to attendees. Internet workstations to keep our attendees connected to their team while at the event. An annual favorite at GAIM, Investors turn the spotlight on the brightest fund managers to hear what sets their fund apart. Dedicated Meeting Spaces for you to sit down and speak with clients. Up to 10 firms will have the opportunity to showcase their leading technology in The Demo Zone to provide attendees the chance to see their platform or product first-hand.
























Association with these destination areas will allow your firm the chance to own a unique part of the attendee experience and includes multiple benefits for your organization.

Kim Griffiths | +1 646 616 7638 |


Sponsorships are customized to meet your specific business development objectives and goals GAIM USA offers unique sponsorship opportunities to meet senior level decision makers.
All solutions are customizable and include the following base items:
Delegate List so you can pre-analyze and set up meetings prior to the event Logo Prominence in documentation book, on-site signage and website, our most highly visible media Delegate Passes Customized marketing campaign on your behalf at no additional cost


thOUGht lEADErShIp Chairman Sponsorship
Position your companys expertise in the industry


Host the day and invite other alternative investment professionals to join for a day on one of the most prestigious courses in S. Florida

BrANDING AND EXpOSUrE late Night lounge

End the evening with a few rounds of pool, darts, cordials and cigars.

Knowledge partner
Showcase your thought leadership as panelist on one of our cutting-edge topics

Branded Sponsorships
Your company will be physically present throughout the entire conference branded Lanyards SOLD , Room Keys, Tote bags, Pens & Pads and more!
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

host the Big GAIMING Night

Profile your company and invite all attendees to a night under the stars and enjoy a gala reception featuring gaming tables, food and open bar

host a Champagne roundtable

Extend your brand and share your expertise in an intimate group interested in your topic

White paper release & Distribution

Showcase your research and industry surveys through pre-marketing and onsite distribution

VIp luncheon
Highly visible opportunity to speak directly with your targeted prospects and clients while enjoying lunch in a relaxed setting

thE GAIM rOOM - Unique Spaces to Serve as Meeting points

Forget the traditional booth: Reserve an innovative space to greet your clients and host meetings right on site.

Welcoming Cocktail reception

Where the industry first comes together to start 2012 business


we work with you to identify whom you want to meet and will connect you with them. whichever customizable option you choose, GAIM USA enables you to achieve your business objective.

For more information and to select your Sponsorship position, contact: Kim Griffiths | +1 646 616 7638 |



BNY Mellon is a global financial services company focused on helping clients manage and service their financial assets, operating in 36 countries and serving more than 100 markets. BNY Mellon is a leading provider of financial services for institutions, corporations and high-net-worth individuals, offering superior investment management and investment services through a worldwide client-focused team. It has $26.3 trillion in assets under custody and administration and $1.3 trillion in assets under management, services $11.8 trillion in outstanding debt and processes global payments averaging $1.7 trillion per day. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK). Learn more at and through Twitter@bnymellon. CACEIS is a solid business partner with an innovative service offering. we have a long history of providing cutting edge services to demanding institutional and corporate clients worldwide. with $3.2 trillion under custody and $1.6 trillion under administration, we are a leading player in the global asset servicing industry, ranking among the worlds top 10 custodians and top 5 administrators. Through a network of offices across Europe, North America and Asia, we deliver high quality services covering depositary/trustee - custody, fund administration, middle-office and transfer agency. Our considerable expertise in Alternative Investment servicing, together with substantial level of assets under administration, gives CACEIS a ranking among the top 10 global service providers for these sophisticated funds. Contact: Elizabeth whitehouse, Business Development Associate, CACEIS (USA) Inc., 295 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017-6304, The Corporate & Investment Bank Group Division, or CIB, is responsible for Deutsche Banks capital markets business, comprising origination, sales and trading of capital markets products including debt, equity, and other securities, together with our corporate advisory, corporate lending and transaction banking businesses. Our clients are institutions, both public sector, including sovereign states and supranational bodies, and private sector entities, from medium-sized businesses to large multinational corporations. with 16,000 employees in 72 countries, Deutsche Banks CIB business competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people. The Alternative Fund Services team provides a full range of administration and accounting services to onshore and offshore hedge funds, fund of funds, PE/RE and other alternative investment products at all points of the fund life cycle - from start-up through growth and maturity. These services also include: transfer agency services, trustee services, securities custody, cash management and specialist corporate services. dbClear is Deutsche Banks OTC and Listed derivatives clearing platform. The full range of services includes cost and impact modelling, expedient legal and client onboarding processes, detailed testing and certification processes, sophisticated collateral substitution, collateral efficient strategies, market leading pre-trade and post-clear portfolio analytic tools, margin financing and tailored reporting suites across all asset classes, ensuring clients operating models are present and future proofed. Copyright 2011 Deutsche Bank AG The people in the independent firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd provide personalized attention and the highest quality service to public and private clients in more than 100 countries. Grant Thornton LLP is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the six global audit, tax and advisory organizations. Grant Thornton International Ltd and its member firms are not a worldwide partnership, as each member firm is a separate and distinct legal entity. visit J.P Morgan worldwide Securities Services (wSS) . offers comprehensive solutions for hedge funds or fund of hedge seeking to optimize efficiency, mitigate risk and enhance revenue. A division of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., wSS offers a vast array of services to hedge fund managers, including: fund administration, middle office services, derivative and collateral management, custody, tri-party repo, performance measurement, and cash management. For more information, visit us at Around the globe, KPMG has more than 3,000 professionals in 60 international jurisdictions serving investment funds. Our Alternative Investment team is comprised of more than 1800 Audit, Tax, and Advisory professionals, including 160 partners, who focus on serving alternative funds and their sponsors in all of the significant industry locations. KPMG can provide dedicated local resources in key major international financial centers and offshore jurisdictions knowledgeable in local regulations and operations. For more information on how KPMG can help you achieve your business objectives in alternative investments, please contact Mikael Johnson, Lead Partner, Alternative Investments at 212-954-3789. Pershing Prime Services delivers an unconflicted, comprehensive suite of global prime brokerage solutions, including extensive access to securities lending, dedicated client service, robust technology and reporting tools, worldwide execution and order management capabilities, a broad array of cash management products and the integrated platform of BNY Mellon. Pershing Prime Services is a service of Pershing LLC. Rothstein Kass is a premier professional services firm that has served privately held and publicly traded companies, individuals, and families for more than 50 years. Rothstein Kass is consistently ranked as a top CPA firm to the alternative investment industry in independent, third-party surveys. The Rothstein Kass Financial Services Group provides services to many high-profile and respected clients including hedge funds, fund of funds, private equity and venture capital funds. The Rothstein Kass Financial Advisory Services practice is a division of the firms Advisory Services Group that provides independent and objective guidance on matters spanning all aspects of the client relationship. The Financial Advisory Service practice advises Rothstein Kass clients in tactical service areas including strategy, operations, technology, compliance and risk. Strategic services include infrastructure and operations, service provider evaluation, and organizational advisory. Clients include hedge fund and private equity fund managers, institutional investors, mutual funds, broker / dealers and insurance companies. SEI has been at the forefront of providing backand middle-office solutions to investment managers around the world. with a proven ability to deliver leading-edge technologies and processes, SEI helps managers keep up with the changing regulatory landscape, the growing demand for transparency and the changing needs of their businesses all in a cost-effective, resource-efficient, and scalable manner. SEI provides comprehensive alternative investment administration, accounting, investor servicing, trustee, and custody services, as well as key middle-office functions, to key domiciles including the U.S., Ireland, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, BvI, and the Bahamas. As of June 30, 2011, through its subsidiaries and partnerships in which the company has a significant interest, SEI administers $430 billion in mutual fund and pooled assets. The division has been recognized by HFMweek as Most Innovative Fund Administrator (Over $30bn AUA) and Best Funds of Hedge Funds Administrator (Over $30bn AUA). Tel: 610-676-1270 E-mail: Website: ims Contact: John Alshefski, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Investment Manager Services. For more information, visit Select Sector SPDRs are unique ETFs that divide the S&P 500 into nine sector index funds. These nine funds are highly liquid, allowing investors to customize investments by picking and weighting these sectors to meet specific investment goals. Select Sector SPDRs have the diversity of a mutual fund, the focus of a sector fund, and the tradability of a stock. You can buy or sell Select Sector SPDR shares on NYSE Arca throughout the trading day. Terry Digan Director of Institutional Sales 516-992-3416 direct email Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP Tannenbaum Helpern maintains a leading practice serving a global roster of clients in investment management, investment funds and related financial services law. within this space, the firm assists clients with issues which include hedge and private equity fund structures and organization, (US-based and offshore); multi manager and fund of funds platforms; investment management policy development and regulation; SEC and CFTC and FINRA regulatory, inspection, compliance issues and registrations under Dodd Frank; ERISA matters; blue sky compliance; family office estate planning and advisory issues; employment and executive compensation matters; seed arrangements; operating agreements; derivatives; taxation for US and non- US individuals and entities; dispute resolution (litigation, arbitration and mediation); and consolidation, reorganization and merger and acquisition matters. For further information, please visit: Thomson Reuters is a leading source of intelligent information for hedge funds and their investors, powered by the worlds most trusted news organization. we combine value-added content, transactions and innovative technology to deliver workflows for analysts, investment managers and traders, as well as solutions for quantitative research, high frequency trading and risk management.




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The Tower Pool at the Main Resort and the Pool Oasis at the Beach Club are the perfect spots for relaxing, sunning, swimming and fun. Tower Pool and Beach Club Cabana rentals are available with a full service lunch menu, exotic drinks, refreshments, ice cream and snacks.

SERENDIPITY - New York Citys legendary dessert

restaurant features ice cream sundaes sprinkled with candy morsels and their world famous Frrrozen hot Chocolate.


whatever your speed, the ocean beckons with beach volleyball, standup paddle board, water hammock or an ocean kayak.


GAZEBO BAR & GRILL - located at the Tower Pool, the Resorts most popular lunch and snack spots, features frozen drinks, salads, grilled burgers, creative sandwiches and ice cream novelties. BAR LUNA - Enjoy specialty cocktails, martinis, a wide assortment of fine wines by the glass, single malt scotches and light fare. A great spot to catch sporting events on our 4 plasma screen televisions. MULLIGANS - A sporty outdoor snack bar at the Golf Clubhouse, the ideal spot for light lunch fare and refreshments.
2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved 2011 Institute for International Research, Inc. All rights reserved

cocktails and a casual menu of sandwiches, salads, and burgers. Join us on Saturday night for our famous happy hour!


Ride-A-wave offers rentals of 19 and 21 Sea Ray power boats and a selection of Yamaha waverunners. Captains available for charter.

OCEAN BAR - opening onto a terrace overlooking

the pools below and the atlantic ocean beyond, the contemporary ocean Bar offers a high level of comfort and style. offering signature cocktail, appetizers and light fare. Join us on Friday night for our famous happy hour!


Close proximity to the Gulf Stream, the Boca Raton Resort & Club has a 32 slip, full-service marina.


GRILLE ROOM - offering casual dining at the Country Club, the Grille Room features casual lunches and special themed dinners.

Enjoy an exhilarating ocean sail on a 55 Catamaran Sailing Yacht, snorkel, take a swim, or simply sit back and relax.

To find out about all the opportunities available to you within the exclusive surrounds of The Boca Raton & Club, please visit





Call +1 888.670.8200 or +1 941.951.7885



Please Select Your Package

4 Day Package (January 22-25, 2012)
End Investors (subject to qualification) Standard Asset Managers and Allocators

Complimentary* $4,295 $3,395**

Complimentary* $4,495 $3,595**

Complimentary* $4,695 $3,795**

Complimentary* $4,995 $4,095**

Asset Managers and Allocators include: Fund of Hedge Funds, Multi Family Offices, Seeders & Incubators, Consultants and Broker Dealer Investment Platforms, Hedge Funds, Traditional Asset Managers, Real Estate and Private Equity Funds **Asset Allocator and Asset Manager registrations are subject to approval. Institutional End-Investors include: organizations that are solely investing on their own behalf in alternatives and do not sell any alternative investment products or services to clients including; sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, endowments, foundations, single family offices, private clients and treasury. *All complimentary registrations are subject to qualification. To request approval please email:

Investor Relations at GAIM USA: Investors have an additional resource to answer questions, help plan meetings and navigate the educational and networking activities. Jeffrey Leschen can be reached at +1 646.895.7427 or for these and any other requests for help and information. Complimentary registrations will not be available on site and must be requested and approved in advance of the start of the event GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE: Please contact Alex Siegel at +1 646 895 7421. No two discounts can be combined.

GAIM PRESS POLICY while in the past GAIM events have been closed to the media, this year, GAIM is exploring opening the event to representatives of respected media outlets to cover our NY and FL conferences. Our purpose in allowing only select media to attend is to widen the debate and more broadly disseminate our speakers ideas while preserving the same level of open discussion that has become the hallmark of GAIM conferences. Media will have access to limited portions of the conference and must agree to abide by a set of strict ground rules that GAIM has set to protect the privacy of our speakers and maintain attendees ability to speak with candor. GAIM will only permit media coverage of panels and keynotes with permission of the speakers and will honor the requests of any who prefer to give their remarks in closed sessions. For more information on media participation please contact Ali Saland at +1 646 895 7309 or FEE CANCELLATION POLICY PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

The standard fee for attending IIRs GAIM USA 2012 is outlined on the registration form. This includes the luncheon and refreshments, and the conference documentation and materials submitted by the speakers. You may enclose payment with your registration or we will send an invoice. Payment is due within 30 days of registering. If registering within 30 days of the event, payment is due immediately. Payments can be made by check, visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club or American Express. Please make all checks payable to the Institute for International Research, Inc. and write the name of the delegate(s) on the face of the check, as well as our reference code: U2730. If payment has not been received prior to registration the morning of the conference, a credit card hold will be required.


January 22-25, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33432


GAIM USA has reserved a limited number of Tower, Cloister Deluxe and Yacht Club rooms and this room block often sells out well before the event dates. These rooms will be available on a first come, first served basis. All hotel bookings must be made directly with the hotel by calling +1 (888) 557 6375 or +1 (561) 447 3000. when you call, please notify the agent that you are with GAIM USA to receive the negotiated rate. All hotel rooms require a deposit at booking, and may be booked at the negotiated rate until Monday, January 9, 2012.

If you need to make any changes or have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at register@iirusa. com. Cancellations must be in writing and must be received by IIR prior to 10 business days before the start of the event. Upon receipt of a timely cancellation notice, IIR will issue a credit voucher for the full amount of your payment, which may be applied towards registration fees at any future IIR event held within 6 months after issuance (the Expiration Date). All credit vouchers shall automatically expire on the Expiration Date and shall thereupon become void. In lieu of issuance of a credit voucher, at your request, IIR will issue a refund less a $795 processing fee per registration. Registrants are advised that no credit vouchers or refunds will be issued for cancellations received less than ten business days prior to start of the event, including cancellations due to weather or other causes beyond the Registrants control. IIR therefore recommends that registrants allow for unexpected delays in making travel plans. Substitutions are welcome at any time. If for any reason IIR decides to cancel this conference, IIR accepts no responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registrants, including delegates, sponsors, speakers and guests.

with competition for the markets attention stronger than ever, we understand that your company needs to extend its reach in order to build relationships and connect with attendees. Partnerships with GAIM USA offer a variety of ways to raise your companys awareness in this valued market both pre-event and on-site. There are more unique opportunities this year than ever before and we offer multiple levels to accommodate companies of all sizes.

For Thought Leadership and Sponsorship Opportunities

Kim Griffiths +1 646 616 7638

To feature your company in THE GAIM ROOM

Jay williams +1 646 616 7627


For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at (888) 670-8200 or +1 (941) 951-7885. Institute for International Research is registered with the National Associate of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. web site :


If you are unable to attend the program, or would simply like to order additional sets of documentation for your colleagues, they are available for $395 per set, including taxes, postage and shipping in the U.S. Please fill out the order form on the back of the brochure. The documentation is available two weeks after the conference takes place. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT ONLY.



Any disabled individual desiring an auxiliary aid for this conference should notify IIR at least 3 weeks prior to the conference in writing by faxing +1 (212) 661 6045.

If you are receiving multiple mailings, have updated information or would like to be removed from our database, please contact our database team at +1 212.661.3876. Please keep in mind that amendments can take up to 6 weeks.







About the GAIM USA 2012 Philanthropic Partner -



Robert F Kennedy boldly faced tough problems and challenged the comfortable and . complacent. To realize his dream of a more just and peaceful world, his family and friends founded a living memorial in 1968. Today the Robert F Kennedy Center for Justice and . Human Rights is dedicated to advancing human rights. Through long-term partnerships and cutting edge methods, we assist advocates who have won the RFK Human Rights Award. we support investigative journalists and authors who bring light to injustice through the RFK Book and Journalism Awards. Our Speak Truth to Power program educates the public and provides students with a toolkit for action to create change in the classroom, the community, nationally and internationally. In addition, as part of a continuing program of fiduciary education, the RFK Compass Program works with institutional investors to advance a discussion of the connections among investment performance, fiduciary duty and public interest issues to optimize riskadjusted rates of returns and address current and future global challenges. For more information please visit


Over $800bn

of Institutional Capital Represented

January 22-25, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Raton, FL

Exclusive investor Content More one-on-one Meetings no Exhibits nightly social Events

Aligned with the needs of the institutional investor, a fully reimagined hedge fund event to facilitate even more one-on-one meetings and high quality networking
TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS Ronnie Jung, PA/PFS, Executive Liaison to the Board CASEY, QUIRK & ASSOCIATES John F. Casey, Chairman & Founding Partner STATE OF WISCONSIN INVESTMENT BOARD (SWIB) David C. Villa, CIO & Chairman of the Investment Committee


FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) Ashbel C. Ash Williams, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer

NORTH CAROLINA The Honorable Janet Cowell, State Treasurer

STATE OF CALIFORNIA The Honorable Bill W. Lockyer, State Treasurer

ANGELO, GORDON & CO. John Angelo, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

MASSIF PARTNERS Donald Putnam, Founder and Partner

UNCF, INC. ENDOWMENT Gerald Alain P . Chen-Young, Chief Investment Officer

THE ROCK CREEK GROUP Afsaneh Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer

BALYASNY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Dmitry Balyasny, Chief Executive Officer

ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC Christopher Vogt, Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Hedge Funds

CERN PENSION FUND Theodore Economou, Chief Executive Officer

THE WORLD BANK PENSION Daniela Klingebiel, Principal Investment Officer


PAAMCO Jane Buchan, Chief Executive Officer

MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC Benjamin S. Appen, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, Founding Partner


CAISSE DE DPT ET PLACEMENT DU QUBEC Mario Therrien, Senior Vice President, Hedge Funds - Private Equity

TUDOR INVESTMENT CORPORATION Dr. Alberto R. Musalem, Managing Director


One-On-One Meetings For Every Hedge Fund Manager In Attendance Exclusive Investor Content and Networking

Pre-Event: Schedule meetings in advance via GAIM Connect

At Event: A wHOLE AFTERNOON DEDICATED to connecting managers and investors in one-on-one meetings

See p.8

50+ Hours of Investor-Driven Programming

Conduct DUE DILIGENCE on your current hedge fund managers

Hear both hedge fund legends AND rising stars on the BEST INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES of 2012

Discover how LEADING INVESTORS are pushing the envelope of institutional investing

Gain expert insight on the GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK for 2012

Take part in the NATIONAL CONVERSATION ON RETIREMENT in focused meetings on plan underfunding and possible solutions

Meet with your peer group at exclusive CLOSED DOOR BREAKFASTS

Closed-Door Breakfast Meetings for Investors, Including:

Attend the exclusive ENDINVESTOR DINNER with the most influential global investors in hedge funds




Institute for International Research 708 Third Ave New York, NY 10017

THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST I (Small to medium institutions)

THE ENDOWMENT & FOUNDATION BREAKFAST II (Medium to large institutions)


An End to the Traditional Exhibit Hall: Introducing The GAIM ROOM High Quality Networking On Each of the 4 Days of the Event

Experience a new meeting environment which will provide a host of places to connect and get business done:

The GAIM Caf

The Lounge

The Newsroom

The Power Bar

The Demo Zone

The Meet up

The Office

The Quickfire

See p.16

Enjoy a unique combination of intimate meetings, facilitated interactions and an extensive menu of high-end networking dinners, cocktail receptions and after hours social events, including: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SUNDAY


GAIM USA Golf Tournament Boca Sunset welcome Reception The EndInvestor Dinner (Invitation Only)

Gala Cocktail Reception The Late Night Lounge vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

One-on-One Meetings Gala Cocktail Reception The BIG GAIMING Night Social vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

vIP Lunch Tables The Quickfire

See p.11

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