Book of Genesis 1

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Book of Genesis 1-4:16

(NKJV) Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void! and dar"ness #was$ on the face of the dee%. &nd the '%irit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said ()et there be *ight(! and there was *ight. 4 &nd God saw the *ight that #it was$ good! and God divided the *ight from the dar"ness. 5 God ca**ed the *ight +a, and the dar"ness -e ca**ed Night. 'o the evening and the morning were the first da,. 6 Then God said ()et there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and *et it divide the waters from the waters.( 7 Thus God made the firmament and divided the waters which #were$ under the firmament from the waters which #were$ above the firmament! and it was so. 8 &nd God ca**ed the firmament -eaven. 'o the evening and the morning were the second da,. 9 Then God said ()et the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one %*ace and *et the dr, #*and$ a%%ear(! and it was so. 10 &nd God ca**ed the dr, #*and$ .arth and the gathering together of the waters -e ca**ed 'eas. &nd God saw that #it was$ good. 11 Then God said ()et the earth bring forth grass the herb #that$ ,ie*ds seed #and$ the fruit tree #that$ ,ie*ds fruit according to its "ind whose seed #is$ in itse*f on the earth(! and it was so. 12 &nd the earth brought forth grass the herb #that$ ,ie*ds seed according to its "ind and the tree #that$ ,ie*ds fruit whose seed #is$ in itse*f according to its "ind. &nd God saw that #it was$ good. 13 'o the evening and the morning were the third da,. 14 Then God said ()et there be *ights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the da, from the night! and *et them be for signs and seasons and for da,s and ,ears! 15 (and *et them be for *ights in the firmament of the heavens to give *ight on the earth(! and it was so. 16 Then God made two great *ights: the greater *ight to ru*e the da, and the *esser *ight to ru*e the night. #-e made$ the stars a*so. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give *ight on the earth 18 and to ru*e over the da, and over the night and to divide the *ight from the dar"ness. &nd God saw that #it was$ good. 19 'o the evening and the morning were the fourth da,. 20 Then God said ()et the waters abound with an abundance of *iving creatures and *et birds f*, above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.( 21 'o God created great sea creatures and ever, *iving thing that moves with which the waters abounded according to their "ind and ever, winged bird according to its "ind. &nd God saw that #it was$ good. 22 &nd God b*essed them sa,ing (/e fruitfu* and mu*ti%*, and fi** the waters in the seas and *et birds mu*ti%*, on the earth.( 23 'o the evening and the morning were the fifth da,. 24 Then God said ()et the earth bring forth the *iving creature according to its "ind: catt*e and cree%ing thing and beast of the earth #each$ according to its "ind(! and it was so. 25 &nd God made the beast of the earth according to its "ind catt*e according to its "ind and ever,thing that cree%s on the earth according to its "ind. &nd God saw that #it was$ good. 26 Then God said ()et 0s ma"e man in 1ur image according to 1ur *i"eness! *et them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the catt*e over a** the earth and over ever, cree%ing thing that cree%s on the earth.( 27 'o God created man in -is #own$ image! in the image of God -e created him! ma*e and fema*e -e created them. 28 Then God b*essed them and God said to them (/e fruitfu* and mu*ti%*,! fi** the earth and subdue it! have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over ever, *iving thing that moves on the earth.( 29 &nd God said

('ee I have given ,ou ever, herb #that$ ,ie*ds seed which #is$ on the face of a** the earth and ever, tree whose fruit ,ie*ds seed! to ,ou it sha** be for food. 30 (&*so to ever, beast of the earth to ever, bird of the air and to ever,thing that cree%s on the earth in which #there is$ *ife #I have given$ ever, green herb for food(! and it was so. 31 Then God saw ever,thing that -e had made and indeed #it was$ ver, good. 'o the evening and the morning were the si2th da,. (NKJV) Genesis 3:1 Thus the heavens and the earth and a** the host of them were finished. 2 &nd on the seventh da, God ended -is wor" which -e had done and -e rested on the seventh da, from a** -is wor" which -e had done. 3 Then God b*essed the seventh da, and sanctified it because in it -e rested from a** -is wor" which God had created and made. 4 This #is$ the histor, of the heavens and the earth when the, were created in the da, that the )14+ God made the earth and the heavens 5 before an, %*ant of the fie*d was in the earth and before an, herb of the fie*d had grown. 5or the )14+ God had not caused it to rain on the earth and #there was$ no man to ti** the ground! 6 but a mist went u% from the earth and watered the who*e face of the ground. 7 &nd the )14+ God formed man #of$ the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostri*s the breath of *ife! and man became a *iving being. 8 The )14+ God %*anted a garden eastward in .den and there -e %ut the man whom -e had formed. 9 &nd out of the ground the )14+ God made ever, tree grow that is %*easant to the sight and good for food. The tree of *ife #was$ a*so in the midst of the garden and the tree of the "now*edge of good and evi*. 10 Now a river went out of .den to water the garden and from there it %arted and became four riverheads. 11 The name of the first #is$ 6ishon! it #is$ the one which s"irts the who*e *and of -avi*ah where #there is$ go*d. 12 &nd the go*d of that *and #is$ good. /de**ium and the on,2 stone #are$ there. 13 The name of the second river #is$ Gihon! it #is$ the one which goes around the who*e *and of 7ush. 14 The name of the third river #is$ -idde"e*! it #is$ the one which goes toward the east of &ss,ria. The fourth river #is$ the .u%hrates. 15 Then the )14+ God too" the man and %ut him in the garden of .den to tend and "ee% it. 16 &nd the )14+ God commanded the man sa,ing (1f ever, tree of the garden ,ou ma, free*, eat! 17 (but of the tree of the "now*edge of good and evi* ,ou sha** not eat for in the da, that ,ou eat of it ,ou sha** sure*, die.( 18 &nd the )14+ God said (#It is$ not good that man shou*d be a*one! I wi** ma"e him a he*%er com%arab*e to him.( 19 1ut of the ground the )14+ God formed ever, beast of the fie*d and ever, bird of the air and brought #them$ to &dam to see what he wou*d ca** them. &nd whatever &dam ca**ed each *iving creature that #was$ its name. 20 'o &dam gave names to a** catt*e to the birds of the air and to ever, beast of the fie*d. /ut for &dam there was not found a he*%er com%arab*e to him. 21 &nd the )14+ God caused a dee% s*ee% to fa** on &dam and he s*e%t! and -e too" one of his ribs and c*osed u% the f*esh in its %*ace. 22 Then the rib which the )14+ God had ta"en from man -e made into a woman and -e brought her to the man. 23 &nd &dam said: (This #is$ now bone of m, bones &nd f*esh of m, f*esh! 'he sha** be ca**ed 8oman /ecause she was ta"en out of 9an.( 24 Therefore a man sha** *eave his father and mother and be :oined to his wife and the, sha** become one f*esh. 25 &nd the, were both na"ed the man and his wife and were not ashamed.

(NKJV) Genesis ;:1 Now the ser%ent was more cunning than an, beast of the fie*d which the )14+ God had made. &nd he said to the woman (-as God indeed said <=ou sha** not eat of ever, tree of the garden<>( 2 &nd the woman said to the ser%ent (8e ma, eat the fruit of the trees of the garden! 3 (but of the fruit of the tree which #is$ in the midst of the garden God has said <=ou sha** not eat it nor sha** ,ou touch it *est ,ou die.< ( 4 Then the ser%ent said to the woman (=ou wi** not sure*, die. 5 (5or God "nows that in the da, ,ou eat of it ,our e,es wi** be o%ened and ,ou wi** be *i"e God "nowing good and evi*.( 6 'o when the woman saw that the tree #was$ good for food that it #was$ %*easant to the e,es and a tree desirab*e to ma"e #one$ wise she too" of its fruit and ate. 'he a*so gave to her husband with her and he ate. 7 Then the e,es of both of them were o%ened and the, "new that the, #were$ na"ed! and the, sewed fig *eaves together and made themse*ves coverings. 8 &nd the, heard the sound of the )14+ God wa*"ing in the garden in the coo* of the da, and &dam and his wife hid themse*ves from the %resence of the )14+ God among the trees of the garden. 9 Then the )14+ God ca**ed to &dam and said to him (8here #are$ ,ou>( 10 'o he said (I heard =our voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was na"ed! and I hid m,se*f.( 11 &nd -e said (8ho to*d ,ou that ,ou #were$ na"ed> -ave ,ou eaten from the tree of which I commanded ,ou that ,ou shou*d not eat>( 12 Then the man said (The woman whom =ou gave #to be$ with me she gave me of the tree and I ate.( 13 &nd the )14+ God said to the woman (8hat #is$ this ,ou have done>( The woman said (The ser%ent deceived me and I ate.( 14 'o the )14+ God said to the ser%ent: (/ecause ,ou have done this =ou #are$ cursed more than a** catt*e &nd more than ever, beast of the fie*d! 1n ,our be**, ,ou sha** go &nd ,ou sha** eat dust &** the da,s of ,our *ife. 15 &nd I wi** %ut enmit, /etween ,ou and the woman &nd between ,our seed and her 'eed! -e sha** bruise ,our head &nd ,ou sha** bruise -is hee*.( 16 To the woman -e said: (I wi** great*, mu*ti%*, ,our sorrow and ,our conce%tion! In %ain ,ou sha** bring forth chi*dren! =our desire #sha** be$ for ,our husband &nd he sha** ru*e over ,ou.( 17 Then to &dam -e said (/ecause ,ou have heeded the voice of ,our wife and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded ,ou sa,ing <=ou sha** not eat of it<: (7ursed #is$ the ground for ,our sa"e! In toi* ,ou sha** eat #of$ it &** the da,s of ,our *ife. 18 /oth thorns and thist*es it sha** bring forth for ,ou &nd ,ou sha** eat the herb of the fie*d. 19 In the sweat of ,our face ,ou sha** eat bread Ti** ,ou return to the ground 5or out of it ,ou were ta"en! 5or dust ,ou #are $ &nd to dust ,ou sha** return.( 20 &nd &dam ca**ed his wife<s name .ve because she was the mother of a** *iving. 21 &*so for &dam and his wife the )14+ God made tunics of s"in and c*othed them. 22 Then the )14+ God said (/eho*d the man has become *i"e one of 0s to "now good and evi*. &nd now *est he %ut out his hand and ta"e a*so of the tree of *ife and eat and *ive forever( ?? 23 therefore the )14+ God sent him out of the garden of .den to ti** the ground from which he was ta"en. 24 'o -e drove out the man! and -e %*aced cherubim at the east of the garden of .den and a f*aming sword which turned ever, wa, to guard the wa, to the tree of *ife. (NKJV) Genesis @:1 Now &dam "new .ve his wife and she conceived and bore 7ain and said (I have acAuired a man from the )14+.( 2 Then she bore again this time his brother &be*. Now &be* was a "ee%er of shee% but 7ain was a ti**er of the ground. 3 &nd in the %rocess of time it came to %ass that 7ain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the )14+. 4 &be* a*so brought of the firstborn of his f*oc" and of their fat.

&nd the )14+ res%ected &be* and his offering 5 but -e did not res%ect 7ain and his offering. &nd 7ain was ver, angr, and his countenance fe**. 6 'o the )14+ said to 7ain (8h, are ,ou angr,> &nd wh, has ,our countenance fa**en> 7 (If ,ou do we** wi** ,ou not be acce%ted> &nd if ,ou do not do we** sin *ies at the door. &nd its desire #is$ for ,ou but ,ou shou*d ru*e over it.( 8 Now 7ain ta*"ed with &be* his brother! and it came to %ass when the, were in the fie*d that 7ain rose u% against &be* his brother and "i**ed him. 9 Then the )14+ said to 7ain (8here #is$ &be* ,our brother>( -e said (I do not "now. #&m$ I m, brother<s "ee%er>( 10 &nd -e said (8hat have ,ou done> The voice of ,our brother<s b*ood cries out to 9e from the ground. 11 ('o now ,ou #are$ cursed from the earth which has o%ened its mouth to receive ,our brother<s b*ood from ,our hand. 12 (8hen ,ou ti** the ground it sha** no *onger ,ie*d its strength to ,ou. & fugitive and a vagabond ,ou sha** be on the earth.( 13 &nd 7ain said to the )14+ (9, %unishment #is$ greater than I can bearB 14 ('ure*, =ou have driven me out this da, from the face of the ground! I sha** be hidden from =our face! I sha** be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth and it wi** ha%%en #that$ an,one who finds me wi** "i** me.( 15 &nd the )14+ said to him (Therefore whoever "i**s 7ain vengeance sha** be ta"en on him sevenfo*d.( &nd the )14+ set a mar" on 7ain *est an,one finding him shou*d "i** him. 16 Then 7ain went out from the %resence of the )14+ and dwe*t in the *and of Nod on the east of .den.

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