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Social Strata: Student s Stigma in Life A Survey Encircle the Letters. 1. Which among the ff.

MAJOR FACTORS of a Students Stigma negatively affects you the most? (Choose One Only.) a. Financial Capability b. Talent Capability c. Healthiness (i.e. mental/physical) d. Physical Appearance e. Attitude OTHERS (specify): _____________ 2. How does it affect you positively? (You may choose more than one) a. It increases my determination to succeed in life b. I become more socialized c. It makes me accept my differences and other people s differences d. I am able to know and change my bad habits OTHERS (specify):_______________ 3. How does it affect you negatively? (You may choose more than one) a. Deteriorates my self-confidence b. Gives me the feeling of unimportance c. Deteriorates my Self-Esteem d. I refrain from joining activities where I have to express myself e. I tend to avoid certain people f. Pushes me to isolate myself from the society g. Gives me a vague imagination of suicide OTHERS (specify): _______________

Social Strata: Student s Stigma in Life A Survey Encircle the Letters. 3. Which among the ff. MAJOR FACTORS of a Students Stigma negatively affects you the most? (Choose One Only.) a. Financial Capability b. Talent Capability c. Healthiness (i.e. mental/physical) d. Physical Appearance e. Attitude OTHERS (specify): _____________ 4. How does it affect you positively? (You may choose more than one) a. It increases my determination to succeed in life b. I become more socialized c. It makes me accept my differences and other people s differences d. I am able to know and change my bad habits OTHERS (specify):_______________ 4. How does it affect you negatively? (You may choose more than one) h. Deteriorates my self-confidence i. Gives me the feeling of unimportance j. Deteriorates my Self-Esteem k. I refrain from joining activities where I have to express myself l. I tend to avoid certain people m. Pushes me to isolate myself from the society n. Gives me a vague imagination of suicide OTHERS (specify): _______________



Has there ever been a time in your life where you felt really down about yourself so much that you tend to dislike yourself? There probably has. It would be greatly amazing if anyone were able to live without experiencing such feeling. Yes, that would be impossible. Have you ever been discriminated by a bunch of people in the society? For example, you or some other person has a mental disorder and enters a public utility jeepney. The passengers stare at you or that person and review your whole appearance like youre some kind of alien from Mars then they would start murmuring obviously about you. This is discrimination. We have all seen photos of people in third-world countries like ours where the children are malnourished with their lung bones sticking out of their skin. There would be humans feeding on other humans and there would also be pregnant women with about 15 children, an unfaithful husband and a sturdy house made of straw. Now thats poverty. In a different situation, two women in a clothing shop quarrel over a red dress which is the cheapest and the last in stock of that kind. One of them was dressed in garbs made from really good cloth prettier than the dress they were quarreling about while the other who apparently had the red dress in her hand first was dressed in a not-so expensive garb. A saleslady walks closer to them and explained to the woman in a not-so expensive garb that there are many dresses in the store and that she hand over the red dress to the other woman. And why did she do that? The woman held the dress first! Wheres Justice? All three situations above have different interpretations with more situations. Discrimination, poverty and injustice are not the only problems in our society. There are a whole lot more! And they lead to one thing... What is it you say? Its Social Strata. Social Strata has existed in humans for centuries and millenniums. It is the division of our society into such levels wherein those at the top are able live freely or comfortably while the rest would have to cope with discrimination, poverty, injustice and more. Commonly, those at the top of the so-called social strata are financially Capable, Beautiful, Kind-hearted, or Healthy. But that is just a simplified list for there are more than just five. Social Strata can affect a person in negative and positive ways. But mostly, negative. Peoples lives are affected by social strata so when it affects a person positively. The persons life would change positively, much happiness. However, if it affects a person negatively. The persons life would also change negatively, much sadness.


In sociology, social stratification is a concept involving the classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions. A relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions. For Max Weber, social class pertaining broadly to material wealth is distinguished from status class which is based on such variables as honor, prestige and religious affiliation. Talcott Parsons argued that the forces of societal differentiation and the following pattern of institutionalized individualization would strongly diminish the role of class (as a major stratification factor) as social evolution went along. It is debatable whether the earliest hunter-gatherer groups may be defined as 'stratified', or if such differentials began with agriculture and broad acts of exchange between groups. One of the ongoing issues in determining social stratification arises from the point that status inequalities between individuals are common, so it becomes a quantitative issue to determine how much inequality qualifies as stratification. Social stratification has been shown to cause many social problems. A comprehensive study of major world economies revealed that homicide, infant mortality, obesity, teenage pregnancies, emotional depression, teen suicide, and prison population all correlate with higher social inequality. The rankings apply to social categories of people who share a common characteristic without necessarily interacting or identifying with each other. The process of being ranked can be changed by the person being ranked. Peoples life experiences and opportunities depend on their social category. This characteristic can be changed by the amount of work a person can put into their interests. The ranks of different social categories change slowly over time. This has occurred frequently and laws have been altered several times to specify rights for everyone. The effects of social class can be felt anywhere. Almost every aspect of society is influenced in some manner by social class. The magazines one reads, the television shows one watches, and the clothes a person buys affect social class. School, work, religious, and home lives are also linked to the influence of social classes. Schools and the workplace are greatly influenced by social class. The look of employment is changing because workers can no longer expect to work their way up through a company. Many companies look outside of the company for people with the right educational background instead of hiring from within. This greatly limits the potential for advancement of workers who lack formal education. For people to move up in the social hierarchy, they must obtain higher education. Instead of spending years at a lower level position, people are spending more time in school and moving directly into management. Thus the change in the workplace influences the educational system.

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