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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all the delegates of SEAMEO trip, the officers from the Ministry of Education (Malaysia), teachers and members of the floor. On behalf of the school, we are glad to welcome you all and we really hope that everyone will have a pleasant time here. We really appreciate your presence here and hopefully this visit will be a good time for us to enhance the understanding and co-operation in order to achieve a better quality of education.

Without further a due, I would like to invite Madam Sapiah bt Hj. Jumat, the headmistress of SK Kpg. Selanyau to give her welcoming speech. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome.

Thank you to Madam Sapiah for the speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, now I would like to invite Madam Sapiah once again to make a short briefing on the school progress and development.

Thank you to Madam Sapiah. We hope the details and explanations in the briefing just now will benefits us in many ways. Weve heard from Mdm Sapiah about the school, and now I would like to invite the representative from the delegates to share their knowledge or opinions about this trip. Please welcome

Thank you .

Now, this slot is open for the Questioning & Answering session. Those who interested to ask or maybe to share their experience regarding to education, you are welcome to do so. Ladies and gentlemen, is there any???

Thank you for the question.

Ladies and gentlemen, with the answers just now, its the end of our Q & A session. Thank you for your participation. Now, we proceed to our next agenda.

Once again, I would like to express our greatest gratitude for your visit. The school together with the community here really appreciate your presence. Thanks again. So, as a token of appreciation, the school and the Parent Teachers Association already prepared something for you all to bring home.

Without further a due, I would like to invite Madam Sapiah once again on behalf of the school and Parent Teachers Association to give away the souvenirs to all the delegates.









Thank you to everyone. With that slot just now, actually we come to the end of our ceremony. Thanks to everyone for your presence here. Its a great honor for the school to be the host for this visit and we really hope that you all had a pleasant time here. We are looking forward for your visits again in future and have a safe journey home after this. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, before you leave, please have some refreshment that had been prepared for you downstairs. Thank you and hope to see you again.

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