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#@HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary Help@#

#@1. Overview@ HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary is a bi-directional talking dictionary specif ically designed and optimized for mobile devices. The dictionary comes with 60,0 00+ entries, pinyin (the Chinese phonetic system), simplified and traditional Ch inese, and a real persons voice pronunciation for each Chinese word. No matter yo u are a bilingual expert or a beginner who just started learning Chinese, you wi ll find this dictionary a powerful tool and a valuable reference. # #@2. Lookup an English word@ The Lookup screen is displayed after the program starts. From the menu, you sele ct "EN->CN" to look up an English word, or "CN->EN" to lookup a Chinese word. As you enter your word in the input box located at the top of the screen, the word list updates simultaneously to reflect the changes you have input. To move your focus from the input box to the word list, use the Select key. To mov e the focus from the word list back to the input box, use the Clear key. When your focus is in the word list, you use up/down arrow key to change your se lection, and use Select key to view the current words translation. # #@3. View a words translation@ The translation screen displays a word and its translation. You can use the up a nd down arrow key to scroll if the content is longer than one page. Scroll Left or Right for the previous or next word in the dictionary. Press the Action key w hen selecting a speaker icon to hear the Chinese pronunciation. # #@4. Input and lookup a Chinese word@ HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary comes with a built-in Pinyin based Chinese in put method. It is activated automatically in the "CN->EN" mode. Two input boxes are displayed right below the Lookup input area. On the left is the Pinyin box, and on the right is the Chinese box. You need to know a Chinese characters pinyin (pronunciation) to input it using yo ur keyboard. For example, to input Chinese character (Pinyin nan ), you input i ts Pinyin nan by pressing the letters on your keyboard. NOTE: if you use a device with a T9 keyboard where one key represents three Engl ish letters, you press a key only once even if the key is re-used. For example, on a device, to input nan, you press 6 once, 2 once, and 6 once. If your input matc ultiple Pinyin, they will all be listed in the Pinyin box. Scroll up and down to select one. The Chinese box displays all Chinese characters that match your Pin yin input. To move from the Pinyin box to the Chinese box, press Select key. To move from the Chinese box back to the Pinyin box, press Clear key. When your input focus is in the Chinese box, scroll left or right to move between the Chinese characters, pr ess Select key to make your selection. Here is a complete step by step example to input a Chinese character (Pinyin is d i): 1) Switch the dictionary to CN->EN mode. 2) Press key 3 and 4 (even if you use a keyboard where one key represents multiple l etters, press the key only once) 3) Scroll down to focus into the Pinyin box, located below the Lookup input box on the left. 4) Select di, press Select to move the focus to the Chinese box to the right. 5) Scroll right to highlight the Chinese character. 6) Press Select again to select the character. # #@5. Chinese Voice@ To help you learn Chinese pronunciation, HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary prov ides a real persons voice for each Chinese word. On the translation screen, there is a speaker icon following every Chinese word. You can use the up/down arrow k

ey to select an icon and press the Select key to hear the pronunciations. # #@6. Simplified/Traditional Chinese@ HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary provides simplified and traditional Chinese. You can change the setting from the Settings menu. # #@7. Study tool@ HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary allows you to maintain a list of words for st udy purposes. The study list is essentially a collection of words you want to re visit. You view the study list by choosing Study" from the menu. To add a word to your study list, choose Add study menu while you view the words tr anslation. From your study list, press the Select key to bring up the study window. The scr een is divided into two sections. The upper section shows the current word, and the lower section shows its translation. From the menu, you select "Show/Hide" t o show or hide the translation. This function helps you test if you have memoriz ed a word. Scroll left or right to go to the previous or next word in the study list. The study list also provides an auto-play (slideshow) function, which goes throu gh your study list and display the words one at a time. You select menu "Start" to start the slideshow and select Stop to stop it. To remove the current word from your study list, select "Rmv Study". # #@8. Registration@ HNHSoft provides a 30-day free trial. During the free trial, you can view the tr anslation of word begin with a , b or chinese character "one". When the trial period expires, you will be prompted to enter your registration code to continu e to use this product. If you decide to continue to use the product, please buy a registration code from or from where you downloaded it. # #@9. Contact and Support@ For more information about HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary, or other products , please visit our web page at "". For assistance, please visit h ttp:// or email to # #@Copyright 2002-2007 All rights reserved.@#

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