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How Do We Load Tax Data From Taxware /Vertex Into Oracle? [ID 461084.

1] Applies to: Oracle Receivables - Version: 12.0 to 12.1.1 Oracle E-Business Tax - Version: 12.0 to 12.1.1 Goal How to load tax information into Release 12i when using Taxware/Vertex? Solution 1) Please get datafile from tax partners (Vertex or Taxware) in R12 format . 2) Copy file to a Linux or Unix directory. Filename - *.dat. Please note that loading the datafile into interface table is a part of the Request Set and will not need to be done manually. 3) Click "Tax Managers" resp 4) Click "Schedule Request Set" link under "Requests" 5) Select "E-Business US Sales and Use Tax Import Program" from the "Request SetName" LOV 6) In the first stage, a) Enter "File Location and Name" parameter (directory in which partner datafile has been placed, filename could be *.dat) e.g. "/home/user/zx/TMD2.dat" , b) select "2" (for Taxware) or "1" (for Vertex) for the "Tax Content Source" parameter, c) and select a Tax Regime Code (new or migrated) for "Tax Content Source Tax Regime Code" parameter. 7) Click "Next" twice to submit the request. 8) Check the status of programs 9) After completion, data will be loaded into TCA Geography model and EBTax entities - Tax, Status, Rates, Jurisdictions. Disclaimer - Data Upload cannot be run for two different regime codes in the same instance. A unique constraint error will arise if you attempt to run in another regime. Note: Oracle also recommends to apply the following 2 patches before attempting to load new data for the first time. Patches are development controlled, so please log a ticket with Support to gain passwords. <<9173870:R12.ZX.A >> DATAFIX FOR DELETING ALL ALTERNATE CITIES CREATED BY PARTNER DATA UPLOAD <<9173819:R12.ZX.A >>

How to Load a custom rate file in R12 E-Business Tax [ID 1072665.1] Abstract File Format for Non-Partner data loading for E-Business Tax in release 12 Document History Author: Simranjeet Singh Create Date 10-Mar-2010 Update Date 12-Mar-2010

How to Load a custom rate file in R12 E-Business Tax FAQ's Q. Are there any limitations? A. There are no limitations in Tax Content Data Upload for Other Tax Partner. It will work the same way as its working for other two tax partners - Vertex and Taxware. Q. Is this for US only or can it be used for any country? A. Yes. This is for US only. Q. Will this work like it does for tax partners and create the entire Tax to rate setup under an established regime? A. Yes. It will create the Tax to Rate setup under an established regime however we recommend customers manually create the taxes so that they can properly set the Accounting and Exemption handling methods. Q. Can it be used to maintain an upgraded regime? A. No Q. Can it be used to maintain a regime created manually? A. Yes however users cannot upload the Tax Content Data for two different regimes. The regime that user will use to upload the data first time should be used everytime. 1. RECORD TYPES
Record Type 00 01 03 06 08 09 Description Country State Geography Record County Geography Record City Geography Record Postal Code Record Tax Rate Record

The detailed examples of the records in a Content File are given in Section 4. 2. CONTENT FILE ATTRIBUTES DEFINITIONS

Content File Name 1 2 Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To


Si ze 3 2

Description This is a mandatory attribute identifying a country. It should be leading zeros filled if not of 3 digits. This is a mandatory attribute identifying a state geography code and/or state tax jurisdiction code. It should be leading zero filled if a state jurisdiction code is of one digit. This is a mandatory attribute in a county or city record identifying a county geography code and/or county tax jurisdiction code. It should be leading zeros filled if a county jurisdiction code is of less than three digits. This is a mandatory attribute in a city record identifying a city geography code and/or city tax jurisdiction code. It should be trailing spaces filled. Effective from date. The date should be provided in YYYYMMDD format. It is a mandatory attribute. Effective to date. This attribute should be filled with SPACES if there is no effective to date for a jurisdiction. The date should be provided in YYYYMMDD format. This attributes identifies the file version in which this record was first introduced. It is a mandatory attribute. This attributes identifies the file version in which this record was last updated. It is a mandatory attribute. This is a mandatory attribute giving the two characters alphabetic abbreviation for a country or state. This is also a mandatory attribute. In a state record it should have the state name, in a county record it should have the county name and in a city record it should have the city name. This field is trailing spaces filled. This is a mandatory attribute in a tax rate record. It identifies if the given tax rate is for STATE, COUNTY or CITY tax. This attribute can have only two values 0 or 1 These values represent outside and inside city limits respectively. This is an optional attribute. It is used for identifying geography with multiple parents e.g. a city in two counties. At present Multiple Parents are not supported and user should pass N only. This attribute is available only in zip range record. This is a mandatory attribute. This is a mandatory attribute. If there is a discrete zip code and not a range, same value should be given in both Zip Begin and Zip End. This attribute should have eight digits with no decimal point. First three digits are considered before decimal and the last five are considered after decimal. This field is zero filled e.g. a rate of 2.5 should be given as 00250000. It is a mandatory attribute.




5 6

8 8

7 8 9 10

Creation Version Last Updated Version Country/State Abbreviation Geography Name


5 5 2 30

11 12 13

Tax Authority Level Jurisdiction Serial Number Multiple Parent Flag Zip Begin Zip End Tax Rate


6 1 1

14 15 16

5 5 8


Tax Rate Active Flag Primary City Flag


This attribute is used for inactivating a tax rate. It is used in the situations when a wrong rate got published that needs to be disabled. It is a mandatory attribute. This attribute is mandatory for city geography records and used for identifying the primary city and alternate city names. This attribute should be passed only for City Geography records. Primary City Flag = Y for Primary City and = N for Alternate City Names.


3. RECORD LAYOUTS 3.1 Geography Records

Content File Column Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Country/State Abbreviation Geography Name Multiple Parent Flag Jurisdiction Serial Number Primary City Flag Si ze 2 3 2 3 23 8 8 5 5 2 30 1 1 1 Positio ns 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 41-49 50-54 55-59 60-61 62-91 92-92 93-93 94-94 Update Allowed? N N N N N N Y (Change is only allowed from a blank date to an actual effective to date). At present, geography end-dating is not supported in Tax Content Upload Program N Y (Can update to only a higher version) N N N N N


Content File Column Name 1 2 Record Type Country Code Siz e 2 3 Positions 1-2 3-5 Update Allowed N N

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Update Version Zip Begin Zip End Geography Name

2 3 23 8 8 5 5 5 5 30

6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-99

N N N N Y (Change is only allowed from a blank date to an actual effective to date) N Y (Can update to only a higher version) N N N


Content File Column Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag Tax Authority Level Siz e 2 3 2 3 23 8 8 5 5 8 1 6 Positions 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68 69-74 Update Allowed? N N N N N N Y (Change is only allowed from a blank date to an actual effective to date) N Y (Can update to only a higher version) N Y (Can only update the flag from A to N N


Attribute Name Tax Authority Level Tax Rate Active Flag Multiple Parent Flag Primary City Flag Jurisdiction Serial Number Possible Values STATE, COUNTY, CITY A (Active), N (In Active) Y (Yes), N (No) Y (Yes), N (No) 0, 1

4. EXAMPLES OF CONTENT FILE RECORDS The detailed examples of the records in a Content File are given in below: Note: - All the dates are in format YYYYMMDD. - Please note that Creation Version and Last Updated Versions are both 1 as the records are being first introduced in version 1 of the file and have not yet been updated in any subsequent versions. 4.1 Geography Record
Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Country/State Abbreviation Geography Name Multiple Parent Flag Jurisdiction Serial Number Primary City Flag Positi on 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-61 62-91 92-92 93-93 94-94 1 1 US United States N 1 1 1 CA California N 1 1 1 CA San Mateo N 1 1 1 CA Redwood City N 1 Y 1 1 CA Redwood Shores N 1 N 19900101 19900101 19900101 Country Record 00 001 State Record 01 001 05 County Record 03 001 05 081 Primary City Record 06 001 03 081 2790 19900101 Alternate City Record 06 001 03 081 2790 19900101

The table explains the country, state, county, primary city and alternate city name records in the content file. For a Country Record, the record type is 00. Country Code = 001 for United States. State, County and City jurisdiction code columns will have no values. Effective from is 01-Jan-1990 and Effective to is Null. Country/State Abbreviation = US. For a State Record, the record type is 01. Country Code = 001 and State Jurisdiction Code = 05 for California i.e. State California under Country US. County and City jurisdiction code columns will have no values. Effective from is 01-Jan-1990 and Effective to is Null. Country/State Abbreviation = CA. For a County Record, the record type is 03. Country Code = 001, State Jurisdiction Code = 05 and County Jurisdiction Code = 081 for San Mateo i.e. County San Mateo under State California under Country US. City jurisdiction code column will have no value. Effective from is 01-Jan-1990 and Effective to is Null. Country/State Abbreviation = CA.

For a Primary City Record, the record type is 06. Country Code = 001, State Jurisdiction Code = 05, County Jurisdiction Code = 081 and City Jurisdiction Code = 2790 for Redwood City i.e. City Redwood City under County San Mateo under State California under Country US. Effective from is 01-Jan-1990 and Effective to is Null. Country/State Abbreviation = CA. The Primary City Flag is Y. For an Alternate City Name Record, the values of columns record type, Country Code, State Jurisdiction Code, County Jurisdiction Code, City Jurisdiction Code, and Country/State Abbreviation are same as the Primary City record but the Primary City Flag is N. Also see that the Geography Name is different Redwood Shores (i.e. the city Redwood City is also known as Redwood Shores). Note: - Please note that Geography end dating is not supported by the Tax Content Upload Program.

Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Country/State Abbreviation Geography Name Multiple Parent Flag Jurisdiction Serial Number Primary City Flag

Positi on 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-61 62-91 92-92 93-93 94-94

Primary City Record 06 001 03 081 2790 19900101

Alternate City name Record 06 001 03 081 2790 19900101

Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To

Positi on 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 77-99

Primary City Zip Range 08 001 030 081 2790 19900101

Alternate City Zip Range 08 001 03 081 2790 19900101

1 1 CA Redwood City N 1 Y

1 1 CA Redwood Shores N 1 N

Creation Version Last Updated Version Zip Begin Zip End Geography Name

1 1 94061 64065 Redwood City

1 1 64065 94065 Redwood Shores

The table explains the postal code records for the primary city and alternate city record in the content file. For a Postal Code Record, the record type is 08. The value of columns Country Code, State Jurisdiction Code, County Jurisdiction Code, City Jurisdiction Code and Geography Name are same as the corresponding City Geography Record. Effective from is 01-Jan-1990 and Effective to is Null. Zip Begin is the Start Postal Code and Zip End is the End Postal Code of the postal range of the city. If the city has only one postal code for it then both Zip Begin and Zip End will be same. E.g. Postal Code Range for Redwood City is 94061 to 94065 and Postal Code for the Alternate City Redwood Shores is 94065. 4.2 Tax Rate Record

Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Update Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag Tax Authority Level

Position 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68 69-74

State Tax Rate Record 09 001 05

County Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 017

City Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 017 7600




1 1 00625000 A STATE

1 1 001000000 A COUNTY

1 1 000500000 A CITY

The table explains the tax rate records for the state, county and city record in the content file. The record type for the Tax Rate record is 09. For a State Tax Rate Record, the Tax Authority Level is STATE. The values of columns Country Code and State Jurisdiction Code are same as State Geography Code record. County and City jurisdiction code columns will have no values. Effective from is 01-Jan-2004 and Effective to is Null. Tax Rate = 00625000 i.e. 6.25% and Active Flag is A i.e. Yes. For a County Tax Rate Record, the Tax Authority Level is COUNTY. The values of columns Country Code, State Jurisdiction Code and County Jurisdiction Code are same as County Geography Code record. City jurisdiction code column will have no value. Effective from is 01-Jan-2004 and Effective to is Null. Tax Rate = 00100000 i.e. 1.0% and Active Flag is A i.e. Yes. For a City Tax Rate Record, the Tax Authority Level is CITY. The values of columns Country Code, State Jurisdiction Code, County Jurisdiction Code and City Jurisdiction Code are same as City Geography Code record. Effective from is 01-Jan-2004 and Effective to is Null. Tax Rate = 00050000 i.e. 0.5% and Active Flag is A i.e. Yes. Tax Authority level can be used to override the tax rate of a particular geography.
Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Position 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 20040701 County Tax Rate Record 09 001 48 044 City Tax Rate Record 09 001 48 044 1922 20040701

Effective To Creation Version Last Update Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag Tax Authority Level

42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68 69-74 1 1 00100000 A COUNTY 1 1 000500000 A COUNTY

The table explains the tax rate records with City Overriding the County Tax Rate record in the content file. The County tax rate record shows that the County 044 of State 48 has Tax-authority COUNTY and an active tax rate of 1%. In the City tax rate record, State, County and City Jurisdiction Codes are given but the tax authority level is specified as COUNTY. So the record identifies a city but the tax rate is of county tax. This means for the City 1922 of County 044 and State 48, the tax rate will be 0.5% for the county 044 in place of 1.0%. Similarly, we can have a County tax rate record with Tax-Authority STATE to override state tax rate and City tax rate record with Tax-Authority STATE to override state tax rate. 5 TAX RATE CHANGE AND ERROR CORRECTION Example 1: State Tax Rate Change Let us assume that the state tax rate of California (State Jurisdiction Code: 05) was changed to 7.25 effective from 1-Jul-2004. The existing record of California state tax rate is updated and a new tax rate record is added in the table below. Please notice the values in bold.
Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag Tax Authority Level Position 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68 69-74 20040101 20040630 1 2 00625000 A STATE 2 2 00725000 A STATE 20040701 State Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 State Tax Rate Record 09 001 05

Please note that in the first record, the Last Updated Version has been updated with 2 indicating the record has changed in file version 2. The Effective to has been changed to 30-Jun-2004. The second record has both Creation Version and Last Updated Version as 2 since this record is created in file version 2 and has not been updated since then. This record has been created with Effective From 01-Jul-2004 and Tax Rate 7.25%.

Example 2: County Tax Rate change with Data Error To extend the above example, let us assume that the county tax rate has changed to 1.25% effective 1-Jul-1990. However, the content in the file shows 1.5% instead of 1.25%.
Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag Tax Authority Level Position 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68 69-74 19900101 19900630 1 2 1 A COUNTY 2 2 1.5 A COUNTY 19900701 County Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 053 County Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 053

Example 3: Data Error Correction The incorrect county tax rate of 1.5% is corrected to 1.25% by inactivating the wrong data record and by providing a new record. Please note that Oracle does not provide any mechanism for partners to indicate deletion of a record. If the wrong rate has already been used, it can't be updated. Therefore, partners must make existing record inactive and provide a new record with correct tax rate.

Content File Column Name Record Type Country Code State Jurisdiction Code County Jurisdiction Code City Jurisdiction Code Effective From Effective To Creation Version Last Updated Version Tax Rate Tax Rate Active Flag

Position 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-33 34-41 42-49 50-54 55-59 60-67 68-68

State Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 053

State Tax Rate Record 09 001 05 053



2 3 1.5 N

3 3 1.25 A

Tax Authority Level




The Last Updated Version of the record introduced in version 2 has been updated with 3 indicating the record has changed in file version 3. The Active Flag has been changed to N. The second record has both Creation Version and Last Updated Version as 3 since this record is created in file version 3 and has not been updated since then. This record has been created with correct Tax rate 1.25%. In the examples explained above, state and county have been taken as an example to show data change and error correction. All these changes and error corrections apply to the state, county and city tax rate. Please note that this change affects only tax rate record.

How Oracle EBTax integrates with Vertex In Release 12, taxes are calculated for each line on an AR transaction. EBTax consolidates the various attributes and uses them to determine how taxes should be derived. The following shows how this logic is performed: Identifies the Operating Unit on the transaction and find Tax Regimes that are subscribed either directly or indirectly (through the Legal Entity or the operating unit owning tax content) 2. Determines if the Regime has an active subscription to Vertex in place 3. Identifies the relevant addresses(ship to, ship from, bill to, bill from, etc) 4. Converts addresses into locations or zones (zones are for zip code ranges) 5. Identifies the Jurisdiction for the location/zone 6. Identifies any relevant exemptions defined in EBTax (optionally can be defined in vertex instead) 7. Identifies the Geocode linked to the location/jurisdiction 8. Calls Vertex and passes all relevant data including (address geocodes, customer id, product code, transaction date, line amount, etc) 9. Vertex calculates the tax, considering exemptions, exceptions, location, etc 10. EBTax accepts the tax amount as a return and associates that to the generic STATE, COUNTY & CITY tax codes with null jurisdiction. (used to derive tax accounts to be charged and support reporting) The above example is simplified to exclude scenarios such as credit memo's where tax calculations take into account the taxes applied to the original transaction and the path is therefore slightly altered from that which is shown above. 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Troubleshooting possible defects and bugs related to vertex tax calculation Vertex tax calculations are vulnerable to many of the same bugs and defects that can occur in the core EBTax codeline however there are a few procedures and views that exist which are either unique to vertex or that are more likely to cause problems in a vertex environment. We strongly recommend you patch these files to the latest version as an early step in your troubleshooting. IMPORTANT NOTE: This table was updated to include the patches for release 12.1. With the general availability of 12.1, some patches are now showing up twice in the MetaLink patch download screen. It is critical that you select the proper patch for your code line. Refer to Note 837731.1 for details and instructions on how to distinguish between a 12.1 and 12.0 patch.
File Name Description R12.0 Latest Version/Patch 120.230.12000000.86 / <<Patc9469430h >> 120.32.12000000.27 / Patch 9316532 120.40.12000000.39 / Patch 9259550 3.3.14: Patch 7589330 3.3.15 + 11G: Patch 8680358 Patch 8766402 120.11.12000000.22 / Version in 12.0 July '09 AR CPC Patch 7828946 120.230.12000000.63 120.32.12000000.25 R12.1 Latest Version/Patch 120.246.12010000.45/ Patch 9469430 120.42.12010000.9/ Patch 9316532 120.49.12010000.15 / Patch 9096782 3.3.14: Patch 7589330

zxifsrvctypspkgb.pls zxvtxuserpkgb.pls

Builds the list of records to be taxed by vertex Calls custom code from Ebtax and vertex integration procedures Contains most of the standard code used to support the vertex handshake. Vertex Installation Script



Not in Rollup


Code used to find geocodes. Critical


120.17.12010000.12 /

Caution: Do not attempt to load vertex rates unless you have patched to a current version of this file zxapdefvalpkgb.pls

for rate/location loads and setting locations/jurisdictions

Patch 9173819

Patch 9173819

Validation used in Autoinvoice Import

120.73.12000000.28 / Patch 9151034 120.26.12000000.13 / Patch 9233549


120.80.12010000.14 / Patch 9263797 120.29.12010000.5 / Patch 8746079



To check these file versions run the following script: select text from all_source where name in ('ZX_VTX_USER_PKG', 'ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG', 'ZX_TAX_CONTENT_UPLOAD', 'ZX_R11I_TAX_PARTNER_PKG', 'ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG') and type = 'PACKAGE BODY' and text like '%$Header%';

Other Important Patches: Patch 8782338 Adds exception handling to ease identification of errors returned from partners Patch 7711375 fixes a bug related to jurisdictions not being stored on vertex trx in AR Note 603799.1 fixes a bug where transaction numbers are stored incorrectly as ~$~$$$ Patch 7166569 fixes an error related to duplicate zip codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Differences between EBTax calculations and Vertex Calculations When the Vertex tax engine is being used for tax calculation, there are several differences that should be understood. First, Oracle performs a handshake with vertex, passing a set of data about the transaction. If a tax is not being calculated properly a Tax Debug log should be obtained (see Note 417238.1 ). Use this log file to find the fields showing what information is passed to vertex. If the geocodes for the various addresses are passed as evidenced by this log and the resulting rate is incorrect then you should contact vertex for support. Oracle should be contacted if you believe that vertex is not receiving the expected transactional information. Note 786077.1 Jurisdiction is null after vertex calculates tax This note discusses some of the limitations to what we store in oracle after receiving the calculated tax from Vertex. Information such as the exact tax rate code used by Vertex, specific exemptions used and Jurisdictions are not always returned by the partner to Oracle and thus are only stored on Oracle Transactions if address validation is fully enabled for all levels. Special Setup Requirements for Vertex This section of the troubleshooting note documents some special setup requirements not captured in the Tax users or implementation guide for Vertex. Step 1 Make sure that you have the "Default Tax Classification" checkbox checked on the transaction type Navigation: Receivables Manager > Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types

This step is mandatory for vertex to be called during tax calculation but it should be noted that no tax classifications need be assigned to transaction lines. This checkbox acts as a "taxable" flag for the transaction type. To setup your system to not use tax classification codes in release 12, check the checkbox on the transaction type and then do the following: Navigation: Tax Managers > Defaults and Controls > Enter OU and pick "Receivables" as the application > Go > Update Remove all values from the defaulting order list and apply This will result in no default being used on the transaction line but taxes will still calculate. Step 2 Make sure that you have tax rate codes as follows if these were not seeded by Vertex: - Go Tax Configuration > Tax Rate 1) Click on the button Create - Select your vertex tax regime, configuration owner, tax as 'STATE', status, do not enter any value for tax jurisdiction code, Tax Rate Code as 'STATE'. 2) Click on the button Create - Select Tax Regime, configuration owner, tax as 'COUNTY', status, do not enter any value for tax jurisdiction code, Tax Rate Code as 'COUNTY'. 3) Click on the button Create - Select Tax Regime, configuration owner, tax as 'CITY', status, do not enter any value for tax jurisdiction code, Tax Rate Code as 'CITY'. These steps are required due to errors with the Vertex rate load program that fails to seed these default values (Bug 7526706 ). See Note 746573.1 for one of several example of where this causes issues. Also in the case of upgraded regimes, district tax rate must be defined. See note 783806.1 for an example of this requirement. Note that district tax must be "available for transactions" or international addresses will return errors (See Note 801451.1 and Bug 8423502 Note: For upgrades, if the upgraded regime is in use there are some situations where the name of the tax rate code must be different from those shown above. If you experience problems and are using an upgraded tax regime for loading rates in release 12 and you have not defined the above codes, log a service request and reference this note along with bug 8331561. Step 3 Make sure all tax exceptions are defined only in Vertex As discussed in Note 788642.1, a documentation error exists in the R12 materials that suggests tax exceptions can be created in Oracle and passed to vertex. This is not accurate and will be fixed in the next documentation update. Step 4 Make sure you define the "STATE", "COUNTY" and "CITY" tax rate codes manually Before your First Tax Rate Load When implementing Vertex the minimum required setup prior to running the first rate load includes the setup of a tax regime. You should additionally define the tax codes above manually at the "Global Configuration Owner" level prior to your first rate load in the following scenario: 1) You wish for the each state to use a unique tax account combination To accomplish this task you must set the Tax Account Creation Method to 'Use Tax Accounts from an existing tax' (Source Tax = State) on both the County and City taxes. This step must be done manually and prior to loading the first rate file. Failure to do this forces you to set up tax accounts at the jurisdiction or rate level for every combination (vertex loads 20,000 or so rates). See Note 885225.1 for more details on the tax accounting logic used in Release 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loading only the Vertex Rate File

If you purchased only the vertex rate file then the implementation steps are significantly reduced. Be sure to have applied the most current version of the file zxldgeorateb.pls which is the code used to load rates and locations. Also, make sure that you either have set up a fresh dedicated regime against which the load will be run or you are using an existing upgraded regime that was previously used for vertex in 11i. Note 461084.1 Documents the steps you should take when loading only the rate file. IMPORTANT: Do not load vertex rate files against a regime that you set up for other purposes or that you were previously using in AR, AP or other modules. Vertex loads will encounter contention when/if duplication is found causing unknown and unexpected results. See step #4 in the previous section regarding tax accounting setup. While rate-only setup will use the standard logic this is the only opportunity you have to set the system up to use the tax accounting from "STATE" at the lower city/county leels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Troubleshooting possible implementation causes for taxes that fail to calculate As with all troubleshooting, we strongly recommend that you apply the latest applications release (12.0.6 as of the publication date for this note) and the latest consolidated patchset for taxes (Rup 6 Patch 6728000 ) before proceeding with your implementation or upgrade. Step 1: Make sure your version is supported: As of the last update date for this note, Oracle only provides support for Vertex Q series. Vertex is actively working with Oracle Development to build a supported integration for O series however no date has been provided for when this might become generally available. Step 2: Confirm that profile option is set Profile Option Name: "eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitive" must be set to Yes Step 3: Confirm that the Zxtxptnr.Sh installation script installed the vertex objects. Note - This step is required for both fresh installs and for upgrades Most of the Procedures installed by the script are listed below. Spot checking some of these should be enough to confirm that the scripts were executed.
desc vertex.RegPreReturnsTbl This should show the table definition and thereby verify that it exists Select status from all_objects where object_name = 'QSU'; This should return 'Valid" confirming that the QSU procedure exists

QSU QSUCache GEO GeoGlobal QSUGlobal QSUIInit QSUIRec public functions used in API public functions used in API procedures and functions for the GeoCode API. functions that are needed to get and set global GeoCoder values set global invoice and line item values invoice initialization invoice reconciliation process


Writes invoice information to the Register Pre-Returns tables for the tax calculation proces Determines line item taxing jurisdiction and tax type line item initialization process line item tax calculation process procedures for the line item taxability determination process procedures for the line item rate determination process General use procedures

Note 472894.1 Documents issues that have been reported with the creation of synonyms while running the script. Review this note if you find that you have invalid ZX% objects after running the installation script. Note 567704.1 - Fails with ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Step 4 Make certain you have a regime and taxes defined The vertex regime should have been manually created (Regime details setup should have been added by rate loader programs). Confirm this by logging into the "Tax Managers" responsibility and then navigate: Tax Configuration > Tax Regime > Enter "United States" for country and select the "Regime to rate flow" icon on the right side. Use this page to confirm that you have all 3 taxes defined. Also confirm that the effective dates for the regime and taxes includes the date you are entering on your transaction.

If you already have run the loader programs you can additionally confirm that the tax status and tax rate codes are being displayed from this form by clicking on the (+) sign next to the City, County or State.

Step 5 Verify that you have properly defined the service subscriptions Service Subscriptions must be defined order for vertex to be called. You can determine if this is set by searching in a tax debug log (Note 417238.1) for the string below:

If not found in your log, check the setup shown in the screenshots below. Begin by navigating: Tax Managers > Home > Provider Service Details > Create Provider Service Mapping

Click the "Go to task" icon and you should see setup similar to that which is shown below:

Create Provider Service Extensions:

Step 6 - Make sure you have selected the tax calculation method of "Tax Regime Determination" If this is properly defined the debug log will show

To check this through the applications navigate: Tax Managers > Defaults and Controls > Configuration Owner Tax Options > Enter Configuration Owner > Enter Application Name = Receivables > Select "GO"> Select to update and confirm that the Regime Determination Set is set to "Determine Applicable Regimes" Step 7 - Create the party tax profile for your Legal Entity* that owns the operating units where you will use vertex for tax calculation as well as for each operating unit. Verify that you have defined a party tax profile for the Legal Entity where the subscription will be associated. Again as "Tax Managers" navigate: Parties > Party Tax Profiles > Party Type = First Party Legal Entity > Enter the name of the LE as party name and press Go. Select the Pencil icon to update the tax profile Click on the "Configuration Options" tab Make sure that a row exists for the tax regime you defined for Vertex. If you have subscribed vertex at the LE level, be sure that you check the checkbox to use the legal entity subscription for all operating units that you define and wish to use Vertex for tax calculations.

In the screenshot above, note that the Party Name will be your legal entity (LE). It is in this step that we establish a relationship between the legal entity and tax regime. The vertex subscription is then linked to the regime the next step closing the loop. A transaction associated to an LE will then find the regime and recognize that Vertex should be called instead of using the ebtax tax calculation engine. Next click on the Service Subscription icon for the vertex regime. Confirm that "Vertex" is showing as the service provider and that the "Order to Cash" business flow is listed. Verify that the effective dates cover the period against which your transaction is being entered.

*Note: You can optionally set up your vertex subscription at the operating unit level instead of the legal entity level. Step 8 - Make Certain that you have run the concurrent requests to complete the tax partner plugin request. Checking these tables will give you an idea if you have completed the registration a. select * from ZX_API_CODE_COMBINATIONS ;

b. select * ZX_SRVC_SUBSCRIPTIONS ; c. select * from ZX_SERVICE_TYPES; If data in these 3 tables shows that data exists then you can typically skip to the next step. If data is not shown then run the requests shown below as appropriate. NOTE: The two requests below MUST have been run at least once during your vertex setup. If not your taxes will not calculate. Request 1 1. Navigate to Tax Managers Responsibility. 2. Requests -> Schedule Requests 3. Submit the request 'Tax Partner Services Plug-in' with following parameters. Service Category: Tax Partner Service Service Owner: Vertex Inc Note: Run these once for either the operating unit and legal entity (not both). Also, if you have selected to use the legal entity subscription for the operating unit then make sure you run these with the Legal Entity name and not the operating unit. Also note that in some cases these must be re-run after patching or upgrades to the vertex client. Request 2 Request 'Tax Partner Services Plug-in' with following parameters. Service Category: Customized User Procedure Service Owner: <Party Name/OU name> One other check that can be done is to run the query: select text from all_source where name = 'ZX_THIRD_PARTY_1_PKG'; Make sure that a reference exists to "PROCEDURE CALCULATE_TAX" If this is missing then an error likely occurred during the partner plugin request and it must be re-run. Also confirm that this package is valid by running this query and confirming no rows are returned: select object_name from all_objects where object_name like 'ZX%' and status = 'INVALID' Step 9 Make certain that you have successfully loaded the most recent location and rate file. Vertex provides these files on a regular basis. Even though EBTax is not calculating taxes, the rate file seeds the tax rate codes which are then used to support the derivation of tax account combinations and to facilitate tax reporting through the seeded Oracle tax reports. Also included in these files are locations which are then used both to validate addresses and to map those addresses to geocodes which Vertex uses as the basis for tax applicability. Make sure that all of these programs completed without error.

What files are needed? 1- oramast - loaded via the E-Business US Sales and Use Tax Import Program referenced (this is the only file needed from the "Oracle side") 2- seqmast - loaded via the Vertex supplied Q Series utilities to update the Vertex Rate database. Used only by Vertex Client- Not used by Oracle in R12 3- geomast (and compress.txt) - loaded via the Vertex supplied Q Series utilities to update the Vertex GeoCode database. Used only by Vertex Client- Not used by Oracle in R12 Note that for Vertex you must load all files in succession (cannot skip) while for the Oramast file you only need to load the most recent file Submit the request set

The request set will launch the following programs:

Program Name E-Business Tax Content Upload File Load Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Process Data Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Post Processing Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Master Geography Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Exploded Zip Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Tax Zone Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Alternate City Geography Program E-Business Tax Content Upload Tax Rates Program Argument File Location and Name, Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code File Location and Name, Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code, Last Run Version Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code, Last Run Version Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code, Last Run Version Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code, Last Run Version Tax Content Source, Tax Regime Code, Last Run Version Description This program validates input parameters and calls another program to load data into interface table. This program processes interface tables data and calls other programs to create/update data. This program saves the current run information to be used by subsquent runs. This program creates all the master geography data, like state, county, city and their relationships and hierarchy. This program creates master geography data for each zip/postal code. This program creates/updates tax zones and jurisdictions. This program creates geography identifiers for alternate city names. This program creates/updates tax rates data.

Related Notes Note 605650.1 documents a problem that has surfaced periodically with Vertex loads resulting in the error ORA-00001: unique constraint (ZX.ZX_RATES_B_U2) violated. While this note states that the problem was with the stored procedure zxldgeorateb.pls, it has also been found on multiple occasions that the vertex file contained duplicate rates. If you encounter this error, check with Vertex first to see if they have a more up-to-date rate file available. Note 461084.1 How Do We Load Tax Data From Taxware/Vertex Into Oracle? Note 565895.1 Ebusiness Tax Content Upload Program Puts County Name In State Jurisdictions Step 10 - Verify that your combination of state, county, city and zip code exist in EBTax. The exchange between EBTax and Vertex relies on a mapping of locations to Geocode. Each taxable entity has a contribution to the Geocode as shown below: State: AL-Lamar-ST-010000000 (State - County) County: AL-Lamar-Beaverton-CO-010750000 (State - County - City) City: AL-Lamar-Beaverton-CI-010754451 (State - County- City) First 2 digits represent State Next 3 Represent the County Last 4 represent City This 9 digit number is interfaced to vertex and then used by vertex to calculate taxes. It is important that the city/county/state exist in the EBTax tables as jurisdicitons. Known Issue - See Note 565895.1 Ebusiness Tax Content Upload Program Puts County Name In State Jurisdictions

To verify the zip code is properly defined do the following: Tax Managers > Advanced Setup Options > Tax Zone Types > Tax Zone Type = %Vertex% > Go > View Existing Zones Enter the Geocode from the prior example 010754451 and press "Go" then "Update" to view details including the start date and end date if one exists. As noted earlier, EBTax interfaces the locations on the transaction to vertex so it is very important that each location be defined properly in the EBTax tables. Locations are interfaced (as Geocodes) for Ship To, Ship From, Bill To, Bill From, Point of Origin and Point of Acceptance. To find a Geocode (via the jurisdiction record) using SQL you can use the query below and modify the where clause as needed. This example is set to find the tax jurisdiction for New York

Step 11 - Run the Geography Name Referencing Program. This program should be run as part of the content load process. It is run from the TCA responsibilities and creates a link between the geography hierarchy (city, county, state, country) and a location ID. This mapping is vital as noted in step 9 to derive the Geocode and taxes. (See Note 438718.1 ) Debug log will show this if program was not run(Note 755857.1): Find no tax is calculated on transactions after migration: ZX.PLSQL.ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG.CALCULATE_TAX_API.No item lines exist to whom tax lines need to be created ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TPI_SERVICES_PKG.CALL_PARTNER_SERVICE. RETURN_STATUS = E ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.PTNR_CALCULATE_TAX_PVT. RETURN_STATUS = E ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.PTNR_BULK_CALC_TAX_PVT.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG: ptnr_calculate_tax_pvt returned errors Step 12 - Make sure you have corrected all addresses created and used prior to loading vertex If you are adding Vertex on to an existing implementation, you should take special care to make certain that you identify and disable any geographies that are no longer valid. For example, if you have a City by the name of "W. Sacramento" and Vertex loaded "West Sacramento", all customers who have the "W. Sacramento" address must have their customer record updated and the old geography should be disabled. Failure to execute this step could result in invalid taxes being applied since Vertex will not recognize the old city name. This is true for both rate-only subscription customers and customers who use the Vertex engine for tax calculation. Step 13 - Summary of Debug Log entries and meaning A) First entry showing that the tax calculation is starting

B) Entry that shows subscription was found for any regime


C) Entry that confirms proper tax determination method is set as Tax Regime Determination

D) First entry indicating that Tax Provider has been found


E) Beginning of logs showing search for and validation of locations


F) Entries that show how the system validates each location component
ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: Geography details populated1COUNTRYUnited States" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: g_geography_id_tbl(idx1): l_geography_id(m)5252 B: g_geography_type_tbl(idx1): l_geography_type(m)STATESTATE B: g_geography_name_tbl(idx1): l_geography_name(m)TNTN B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.event_class_mapping_id(k)4 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_id(k)72788 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_line_id(k)395459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_level_type(k)LINE B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_type(k)SHIP_TO B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_table_name(k)HZ _LOCATIONS B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_id(k)327459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_id(k)52 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_type(k)STATEB: LOCATI ON_INFO_TBL.geography_value(k)TN" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: Geography details populated52STATETN" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: g_geography_id_tbl(idx1): l_geography_id(m)1551115511 B: g_geography_type_ tbl(idx1): l_geography_type(m)COUNTYCOUNTY B: g_geography_name_tbl(idx1): l_geography_name(m)ShelbyShelby B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.event_class_mapping_id(k)4 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.t rx_id(k)72788 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_line_id(k)395459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_level_type(k)LINE B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_type(k)SHIP_TO B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_table_name(k)HZ_LOCATIONS B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_id(k)327459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_id(k )15511 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_type(k)COUNTYB: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_value(k)Shelby" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: Geography details populated15511COUNTYShelby" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: g_geography_id_tbl(idx1): l_geography_id(m)5076150761 B: g_geography_type_tbl(idx1): l_geography_type(m)CITYCITY B: g_geography_name_tbl(idx1): l_geography_name(m)MemphisMemphis B: LOCATI ON_INFO_TBL.event_class_mapping_id(k)4 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_id(k)72788 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_line_id(k)395459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_level_type(k)LINE B: LOCATION_ INFO_TBL.location_type(k)SHIP_TO B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_table_name(k)HZ_LOCATIONS B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_id(k)327459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_id(k )50761 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_type(k)CITYB: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_value(k)Memphis" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: Geography details populated50761CITYMemphis" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: g_geography_id_tbl(idx1): l_geography_id(m)123281123281 B: g_geography_type_tbl(idx1): l_geography_type(m)POSTAL_CODEPOSTAL_CODE B: g_geography_name_tbl(idx1): l_geography_name(m)3812038120 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.event_class_mapping_id(k)4 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx

_id(k)72788 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_line_id(k)395459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.trx_level_type(k)LINE B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_type(k)SHIP_TO B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_table_name(k)HZ_LOCATIONS B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.location_id(k)327459 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_id(k)123281 B: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_type(k)POSTAL_COD EB: LOCATION_INFO_TBL.geography_value(k)38120" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TCM_GEO_JUR_PKGpopulate_loc_geography_info,"B: Geography details populated123281POSTAL_CODE38120"

G) Validate that Regime in associated to the locations from above is subscribed to a tax partner
ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl.BEGIN,"ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG: populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl(+)" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl,"ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG: populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl, ptnr_srvc_subsrc_flag = Y" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl.END,"ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG: populate_ptnr_tax_regime_tbl(-)"

F) First reference to callout to Vertex for each invoice line


G) Attributes from trx header sent to vertex. This is where the arp_tax_view_Vertex callout occurs

H) Identify and pass exemptions stored in Oracle


I) Final verification of integration before handing data to vertex code


J) Parameters used in Vertex for calculation


K) Entry showing results returned from vertex

ZX.PLSQL.ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG.TAX_RESULTS_PROCESSING," p_tax_lines_tbl.tax_amount(1) = 160.64" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG.TAX_RESULTS_PROCESSING," p_tax_lines_tbl.tax_rate_percentage(1) = 7.6536" ZX.PLSQL.ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG.TAX_RESULTS_PROCESSING," p_tax_lines_tbl.taxable_amount(1) = 2098.86"

This completes the troubleshooting section on Implementation and Setup. Continue on to review other possible issues including upgrades, defects/bugs and how best to engage support. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual Maintenance Vertex sends a file each year with a listing of records that they cannot modify through the monthly rate load. You should watch for this file and manually change the records using the tax manager responsibility. Vertex Installation As part of any upgrade to the Vertex client that changes the major or minor release (ex: 3.3.13 has a major release of 3, minor release of 3, the 13 can be ignored) a corresponding patch must be obtained and applied from Oracle. For 3.3.14, Oracle has released Patch 7589330. This patch must be applied and, after applying, the shell script in the patch must be run following the instructions in the Vertex client install. Note 763205.1 along with the manual referenced at the top of this note provide some guidance on the Vertex client installation process. Failure to apply the patch will result in an error during tax calculation. Debug logs captured via Note 417238.1 will show the following if you upgrade to 3.3.14 and fail to apply the patch:

ZX.PL/SQL.ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE(+) ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE Call ZX_TAX_VERTEX_QSU.QSUGetVersionInfo to get version number ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE Version Number is== 3.3.14 ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE Release Date is 08-SEP-08 ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE MAJOR: 3 ZX_TAX_VERTEX_REV.GET_RELEASE MINOR: 3 ZX.PLSQL.ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG.CALCULATE_TAX_API ORA-0000: normal, successful completion ZX.PLSQL.ZX_TPI_SERVICES_PKG.CALL_PARTNER_SERVICE RETURN_STATUS = E ZX.PLSQL.ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.PTNR_CALCULATE_TAX_PVT RETURN_STATUS = E Vertex Exemptions Several special considerations exist with exemptions. Note 745067.1 /Bug 7380056 address some issues with point of entry exemptions, district, etc. Bug 8316285 deals with incorrect site level exemptions. Note that these are generally fixed if you have applied the code versions at the top of this note Exemptions can also be created in Vertex or Oracle. Unable to Link Customer/Suppliers with correct City Enhancement Request 7206593 was logged for this issue and a fix released off-cycle due to high customer demand. This issue presents when Vertex locations are loaded into the TCA module. The locations map to taxing authorities (ex: Queen's NY) instead of City Names (Ex: Little Neck, NY). A fix for this is available through controlled release. See Note 779544.1 for more details. Changing Tax Partners - Limitations Release 12 does not provide a mechanism to change tax partners. This is being evaluated however design changes are required and as of the last update date for this note, no solution is available for this requirement. Upgrades from 11i Vertex upgrades from release 11i will automatically generate a new tax regime in the ebtax environment. While it is safe to continue using this regime, many customers prefer to end date the regime and re-implement vertex in a new regime. There are several benefits for this approach. First, the installation drivers must be re-run after the R12 upgrade anyway which means that a good portion of the steps must be performed. Second and most significantly, in release 11i the tax rates were set to end with a date of 2199. In release 12, ebtax does not allow end dates to be changed so the system inserts duplicate records and differentiates between the two rates using non-visible flags on the records. This can be extremely confusing to users who query the ebtax rates and see the duplicate records (required if the rate load program were ever to error with duplicate rate messages. This occurs periodically as Vertex inadvertently sends records that Oracle views as duplicates in their file) Logging a Service Request If you find that Vertex is still not working as expected after completing the troubleshooting steps in this note, a service request may be in order. When logging a service request please provide the following information to help us expedite resolution of your issue: 1) Your version of Vertex 2) Versions of the files returned by this script: select text from all_source where name in ('ZX_R11I_TAX_PARTNER_PKG', 'ZX_TAX_CONTENT_UPLOAD', 'ZX_VERTEX_TAX_SERVICE_PKG', 'ZX_VTX_USER_PKG') and text like '%$Header%'

and type = 'PACKAGE BODY' 3) Confirmation that you have the default tax classification checkbox checked and the 3 tax rates added from the troubleshooting section titled "Special Setup Requirements for Vertex" 4) Provide a tax debug log using Note 417238.1 for the creation of a transaction where taxes are not calculating properly Contact Vertex for Support If your issue relates to the calculation of taxes or setup within the vertex client software you may need to contact Vertex support. You can reach Vertex Product Support at 800.281.1900 or at their website -

References NOTE:737320.1 - Troubleshooting R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) Reporting Issues NOTE:745968.1 - Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Tax Issues with R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) NOTE:750064.1 - Using and Troubleshooting Tax Exemptions in R 12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) NOTE:789455.1 - Troubleshooting Order Management R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) Calculation Issues NOTE:875894.1 - Using and Troubleshooting Tax Registration Number Issues with R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) NOTE:885225.1 - Setting Up Tax Accounting for R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) and Oracle Receivables

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