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Town of Bartlett Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 03/1ll0j! Attendance: chairman GeneChandler.DougrasGarland.Jon Tanguay Torm Clerk Leslie lr4alietts\.

vore Jon Tanguayto office as our new Selectmanat 08:30 in AM. Meeting openedat 09:20AM. FranLiions of Lower Bartlett Water Precinctaddressed Board of Selectmen the the re: Mittenrvaldwater rvorksproject,He hasspokento their engineer response the letter in to that the Selectmen had sentto the precinct, Lyons gavethe Selectmen i of a letter "opy from the precinct Commissioner that had revisionsin it andthat givesthe town the opportunity to do a joint venture with them, Chairman Chandlerinquired if Lyons had checkedout hor.vmuch the costof the gravel would be that they are requestingthe town to suppl;i.The road agent,Travis Chick, had donesomecheckinginto ihis and he was giving a price of aroLrnd $25,000.00. Lyons stated that he had beenquoteda priceof $15,000'00 from A. J. Coleman. Selectman Garlandinquiredif that was a bulk price, Lyonssaidthat the $15.000.00 included delivery, Lyonsalsomentioned that Travis Chick had shown someinterestin changingthe culvertsandthis rvould give him the opportunityto do so. ChairmanChandlerinquired as to n,hatthe paving costswould be. Lyons hadn't broughtthe informationr.vithhim but believedit to be aro"und $50,000.00. Selectman Garland inquiredas to wherethe precinctwas headed the Linderhof in Development. Lyons statedthat ChristmasMtn. and Linderhofrvould be connected and that the precinct is going for a bond vote but evenif votedthey rvould be lucky to see anythinghappenuntil2006. Thereare also financeissues and the engineeringwould all be done in phases. ChairmanChandlerstatedthat the Boardof Selecimenare agreeable to doing the joint venture in Mittenwald but it would take a couple of weeks to get cerraindetails like the road quality that would be acceptablgtothe road agent worked out. Lyons stated that the contractorrvould be providing ihe To*tt with a p".forrnun". bond.
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Vr' Ed Furlongof Lil'Man Snowmobile Rentals(5R1'302-23-L00) camein to discuss the landusecitation he had beenserved.(Part way thru the discussion, Cfrief Connifey came in) Furlong statedhe tries to keep his snow machines parked35' from the right oi*uy but he leases touristsand he has no control over wherethe customerrides or parks. He to also statedthat no one told him of any restrictionsaboutthe snow machineson the ball field. He also mentionedthat he makesa contributionto the Bartiett Recreation Departmentto heip them with the maintenanceof the field, Chairman Chandler stated that ali machinesneedto be 35' from the sideiineand that no machineswere to be narked on the ball field. There is no issuewith riding on the trails or the ball field but the issueis wherethe machinesare being parked.Furlong statedthat it getschaotic on weekends and he can't regulate where people park. SelectmanTanguay inquired as to whether it is postedwith signsdirectingpeople'uvhere park, FurlongrJmarkedno not really. to SelectmanTanguay said that signs show that your best effort is beine done. Furlone remarkedthat he will trv to v,'ork rvith the Selectmenbut Saturdays chaotic. He"witt Jre {;

try to keepin complianceas much ashe can. Charman Chandlerstated that therels no areaas the set back requirements 35' from the right of rvay,Furlongwill instruct are $ray his employees to wherethe machines as shouldbe parked, Selectman Garlandinquiredif the patronscould departfrom the backof the business when former Selectman as David Shedd and Code ComplianceOfficer, JuliaKrng. had visitedthe site they had felt that by making use of the back of the property it would help to bring him into compliance. ChairmanChandler statedthat the machineshave to be parked 35' from the right of way andthat they have to start on his lot and perhapswhen they brought them back they could be lnstructedto park the machinesout back. Furlong statedthat he would have to cut a treeto be ableto do that. Selectman Garlandtold him not to do that, ashe hasto maintainthe side greenarea. He is grandfathered by today's ordinance can't take but he an)'thingout. Chairman Chandler suggested that in the summerthey could take a look at the treesto seeif any'thingcan be done, Selectman Garlandinquiredhow much land Furlongowned.Furlong statedabout1,8acres.Selectman Garlandwould like to seea planput into place, Selectman Garlandstated thai i'th?eeyearsbeforethe land usecitation was issued. Furlong askedaboutthe court procedures. Chief Connifey recommended that he obtain legal counseland that he did need to appearin court. Ir4r. Furlong statedthat he didn't want an attorneSr. Chief Connifey informedFurlongthat Prosecutor Perleyof CPD would probablyhandlethe caseso that therervouldnot be a conflict of interest. Furlong requested recomrnendation.Chief Connifey advised Furlong that he only deals with a crrninal issrres Furlong could speak the court for guidance, this is a civil issue. but to as
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Bob Sanborn Beechwoodsat intervale(lRT16A-218R00) wantedto checkto seeif of thp latestletter dated 03110105 Atty, Ken Cargill of Cooper,Deans& Cargill, P.A. that had sentto the Selectmen was the rvordingthat the Selectmen wantedon the deedsre: the roqdand catchbasinsnot meetingtown specifications.ChairmanChandlerstatedthat they do have a question on the u'ording and have called the town's attorneyto seeif the language Selectmen the want on the deedis permissible,Sanborn'sattomey,Ken Cargill, hasindicatedthat it isn't and wouldn't be binding, Lynn Jones,AA, remarked that allwe looking for is consistency, we shouldn'thave to look in numerous aro as placesto get information, Chairman Chandler informed Sanbom that our law firm is in Exeter and our attQrney was not in today, however, we have called and someonewill be getting back to us with an answer. Sanbornstatedthat he would talk to Atr"v". Cargill and get back to the Selectmen if what the Selectmenwant is not alegal problem then he will seeit gets put as into the deed. SelectmanGarland believesthis makes the buyer awarebefore any prablemsactually arise. Selectmen went into nonpublic session accordingto NH RSA 91 -A 3 at 10:40AM to interviewa requestfor aid. Selectmen endednonpublic session 11:00AM, at

Bob Sanbornof Beechwoods Intervale(1RT164-218R00) at returnedto the meetingand informedthe Selectmen he will have the requested that words put into the deeds. Chairman Chandler statedthat our attorney would fax up the wording that we want put in the deed.Oncethe language insertedin the deeds is thenthey would be setto go andthe Selectmen would write a letter so that the pennit to occup,v could be gotten. Robert Carperof Tennessee Homes addressed boardabout getting a permanent Log the sign for h-is property. Selectman own residential GarlandremindedCarperthat it hadto be an on premisesign and not overly large, lr4r.Carperagreedand the selectmen ok'd the sign. Sign permit wiil be sent in the mail. JeanMallett, Treasurer Tou'n of Bartlett. had obtained for from the bank a new si-unature card.which shebroughtin for the Selectmen sign so that the bank recordscouldbe to updated. Mallett alsoaskedpermissionfrom the Selectmen put orr accounts the to at bank into one new accountcailed a Super Su'eep Fundrvherewe would be getting2.76% interest.Right no\\i we are only getting .75Yoon the checkingaccount and lo/oon the pool account.The Selectmen agreedthat this was OK to do. ali Selectmen reviewedcorrespondences, building permitsand signedchecksand letters prior to andthroughout lneetixg. the Meetingadjourned 11:'15 AlU. at Respectfu submitted. lly

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