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Before getting in to any detail about the handling of MARG software, MARG wishes to familiarize the user with the following terms of Financial Accounting System in brief so that the user can handle the operations of the MARG software easily.


The major difference between MARG software and the other conventional accounting software available in the market is its Trade Based Inventory System. Unlike other conventional accounting software available in the market, MARG creates an indigenous inventory system according to the trade. That is, the inventory part of MARG software is specially designed for each trade. Whereas in the other conventional accounting software, the inventory system is common for all trade which is inadequate for any type of trade. Keeping in mind this type of inadequacy in provided by the conventional accounting software, and after deeply analysing the software requirement in each trade, (Based on the statistical information collected by the Team of Experts from MARG) presents this prestigious Financial Accounting Software which includes the Trade Based Inventory System.

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THE MAIN OBJECTIVE TO ESTABLISH An Institute providing training to the students in the field of Computer Accounts and Finance and preparing them for Middle Level Management Positions in the industry and the Corporate world & Giving them a stable career.

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Accounting as an information system is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating the economic events of the organization to interested users of the information.

The primary objective of accounting is to: Maintain records of business; Calculate profit or loss; Depict the financial position; and Make information available to various groups and users



Assets are the economic resources of an enterprise that can be expressed in monetary terms.

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Liabilities are obligations or debts that an enterprise must pay in money or services at sometime in the future. Capital is investment by the owners for use in the firm. It is equal to total assets minus total liabilities. Revenues are the amount a business earns by selling its products or providing services to the customers. Expenses are the costs incurred by a business in the process of earning revenue. Purchases are the total amount of goods procured by business on credit and for cash, for use, or sale. Sales are total revenues from goods sold and/or services provided to customers. Stock is the measure of something on hand-goods, spares and other items in a business. Debtors (account receivables) are persons or entities who owe to an enterprise an amount for receiving goods and services on credit. Creditors (accounts payables) are persons or entities who have to be paid by an enterprise an amount for providing the enterprise goods and services on credit. The Sub Systems in Financial Accounting System CASH SUB-SYSTEM SALES AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUB-SYSTEM INVENTORY SUB-SYSTEM ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUB-SYSTEM PAYROLL ACCOUNTING SUB-SYSTEM FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNTING SUB-SYSTEM COSTING SUB-SYSTEM BUDGET SUB -SYSTEM


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A Master Entry is a data entry screen for entering the Ledger Account.

A Ledger account may be defined as a summary statement of all the transactions relating to a person, asset, expense or income, which have taken place during a given period of time and show their net effect

PROCESS TO CREATE A NEW LEDGER: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Ledger master New ledger. 3. Mention all the necessary details regarding the Ledger. This includes: I. Ledger Name. II. Station III. Group-which states the prime group like sundry debtors, sundry creditors, etc IV. Balancing method-whether it is bill by bill, fifo (First in First out ) basis or on account. V. Opening balance. Also, mention whether your organisation has a credit or debit balance. VI. Registration No. ( D L No. VII. VAT- what should be the tax structure. Whether the transactions with the party subject to local sales tax or central sales tax, etc VIII. S.T. Heading ( CST NO.) IX. I.T. Pan No- Pan no which is given by the income tax department. X. Mention M.R. (means transactions taking place at the company counter or by a dealer in person) XI. Mention Area (area where transactions will take place). XII. Mention Route (primarily city in which transaction will take place) XIII. Accept the data entered. And save the data. XIV. Ledger master is created.


To predefine a Sale Type based on its Tax System

PROCESS TO CREATE A NEW SALES LEDGER: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Ledger masterNew Sales. 3. Enter the following details: I. Shortcut Name-this feature is to give a short cut name an organisation wish to create for a new sales entry. II. Mention the tax rate that has to be charged. III. Mention the sales group & create the sales type with government rules of applicability of VAT schedule . IV. Tax under- like what tax has to be charged on the Item. Like VAT, CST, Excise, etc
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V. VI. Mention the group. Like 7% VAT group means tax group would be VAT 7%. Mention the S.T>. form that is required to be issued when this sale transaction occurs.

4. Press Y/N to accept/reject. 5. Once the Sales Ledger is created by one name , No other Sales Ledger can be created in the same name. We cannot Alter /Modify the Sales Type Ledger i.e. If Vat rate is 7% & now it changed to 5% in the Interim Budget , NO Modifiactions can be made in the same ledger . We will have to create a new ledger


To predefine a Purchase Type based on its Tax System

THE STEPS TO CREATE THE PURCHASE LEDGER REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE EXPENSE BUDGET: The plan set the firm for the expenditure and earning of funds. This plan

can be altered according to the policies & procedures of the firm . And is divided among accounts and Budget Control Groups . It deals with the preparation of budget for the coming financial year as well as comparison with the current budget of the actual performances . The foregoing discussion brings about clearly that systems perspective enables one to see that accounting is one sub system interacting with the whole organisation.

Select the appropriate group head under which the new account head to be created. By default MARG generates certain pre-defined group heads. The user can create a new group using the Accounts Groups option from the Master Entries Menu. Some Major Groups are listed below

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Capital Account ,Reserves & Surplus, Current Assets, Bank Account, Cash-in-Hand, Loans & Advances (Assets) ,Securities & Deposits (Assets) ,Stock-in-Hand, Sundry Debtors, Current Liabilities , Duties & Taxes, Provisions/Expenses Payable, Sundry Creditors, Fixed Assets,Investments,Loans (Liability),Bank O/D Account, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans, Pre-Operative Expenses, Profit & Loss, Revenue Accounts. The secondary Account Groups under Revenue Accounts Account Group are: Expenses (Direct/Mfg.) Expenses (Indirect/Admn.) Income (Direct/Opr.) Income (Indirect) Purchase Sale

In the Financial System, these terms used together refer to contrasting transactions according to whether they were changes in the plan (budget) or changes in expenditures or revenue (actual.) When funds are transferred in or out of an account, the transaction is "actual", and can happen when cash or cheques are deposited, when cheques are issued from the account, or when a debit or credit is generated by a journal voucher. If the budget of an account is altered in any way, whether increased or decreased or simply shifted between object codes, this represents a "budget" transaction. Both actual and budget transactions affect the balance of an account. When a financial report prompts for "budget" or "actual" it will give you data according to your choice, and exclude the other. The ASR combines both budget and actual data to calculate the budget balance available.

This option is to create the item master for inventory purpose. Code : System displays default code for the new item master.
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Name :Enter the item name in this field. Packing Unit :Enter the abbreviated form of the unit of the item as required. Decimal: The decimal field is useful while preparing the bills for which are to be sold in fractions. Fast Search:short-cut name of the product so that the system locates the item from the huge master file with a rapid speed. Company :Enter the manufacturer / agency name of the product in this field. Salt Name :Enter the salt name of the item. This field is useful for grouping the products based on the salt name. Category :Enter the category name of the product in this field. Case Qty :Enter the quantities in each case (if applicable) Box Qty : Enter the quantities in each box (if applicable) Local Tax : Select the options Taxable or Exempted by pressing the space bar. Enter the tax percentage in under the relevant system field like VAT, Central Sales Tax or Local Sales Tax Excise Duty : Enter the excise duty percentage if applicable. S.C. (Surcharge) : Enter the surcharge percentage in this field if applicable. M.R.P (Maximum Retail Price):Enter the maximum sales rate of the item in this field. P. Rate (Purchase Rate):Enter the purchase rate of this item. Rates:The user can set up to 9 different sale rates(special rates for certain category of customers) according to its significance in the trade V. Disc (Volume Discount) On Volume On Unit Item Discount Special Discount Free Scheme UPTO : For certain items the free schemes are entitled only on the full purchase of specified number of quantities, and for certain items even the purchase of half of the specified number quantities, the free scheme is entitled, Margin: Enter the minimum margin of profit to be maintained while preparing the bill. The system will indicate if the item is billed below the minimum margin of profit after completion of all calculation on that bill. Reorder Day: Enter the number of days within which the item should be reordered in case the stock level of the item reaches the minimum level entered above. Mfr. Name:Enter the name of the manufacturer in this field Narcotics : Select Y if the drug belongs to Narcotics category Schedule H : Select Y if the drug belongs to Schedule H category New Company : As you select this option from the Master Entry Menu the following screen can be seen. Select this option to maintain the details of the companies from whom the stock is being purchased. Name : Enter the name of the Manufacturer in this field. Excise : Select the option Yes if the excise duty is chargeable on his item
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Preferences Sales Tax : Enter the percentage of sales tax to be calculated on the items of this company (group / manufacturers / brand). S.C. :Enter if there is any surcharge to be calculated on sales of the items of this company (group / manufacturers / brand). Purchase Tax :Enter the percentage of purchase tax to be calculated on the items of this company (group / manufacturers / brand) when making the purchase. S.C.: Enter if there is any surcharge to be calculated on sales of the items of this company (group / manufacturers / brand) when making the purchase.

New Store This option is very much useful to maintain the inventories of many stores. Once different stores are created, the user will have the option to make the purchases for different stores and make the sales invoices for different stores.


Select this option o set the rate(s) of each item and the discounts to be given for each item and for each customer. Price List: Selecting this option will initially show the list of all items / selected items / items of selected manufacturer / group/ category.

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PROCESS TO VIEW AN ALL ITEM PRICE LIST: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Rate/Discount MastersPrice ListAll Items. 3. All the items whose transactions occurs in your organisation appear on the screen 4. Each items several rate (Rate A, Rate B, etc) and actual M.R.P. is mentioned. 5. Also, whether the item is subjected to excise duty is stated.

6. Moreover you can also use following features: I. Tab- A page shows only three rate columns, however there are several rate columns so to view other rate columns you can press Tab and view them. II. F4-Composition. To know more about an item and its bar code. III. F5- Index 7. Moreover, you can click on any item to know all the rates at which it is offered. This window includes entire list of discounts schemes offered, its purchase rate, M.R.P., etc 8. Also, you can make necessary alterations through this window if required. IN THE SAME WAY WE CAN MODIFY/ DELETE THE ITEM & CREATE ITEM GROUPS

LEDGER OPENINGS: Select this option to feed the opening balance of Ledger Accounts of the previous financial year. PROCESS TO MAKE ENTRY IN LEDGER OPENINGS: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Opening Balances Ledger Openings.

3. All the Ledger account with their debit/credit balance appears on the screen.
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4. You have the facility to use the following operations: I. F3- to edit a Ledger. II. Enter- to make the alteration to the balance amount of the desired ledger if required. III. F7- to filter. All accounts with zero balance will disappear.

5. Select a Ledger account and press enter to make the alterations in the balance amount of that Ledger account. 6. New Balance amount would be updated. THE SAME PROCESS WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR THE OPENING BALANCE OF THE STOCKS &THE STOCK GROUPS & AT THE END PRESS F9 TO SAVE THE ENTRY.

Use this option to take the print outs of slips / list of shortage of items which are created while preparing the invoices.

SUPPLIER WISE / GROUP WISE /WHOLE SHORTAGE PROCESS TO MAKE ENTRY IN SUPPLIER WISE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Shortage Report Supplier Wise.

3. All of your suppliers will appear on the screen. 4. Select a supplier and press enter. 5. All the groups of items that are supplied by that supplier appear on the screen. 6. Select a group using a control box.

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7. Mention the items that are in short from that group(s). SAME STEPS WILL BE FOLLOWED TO SEE THE SHORTAGE GROUP WISE & WHOLE STORTAGE.


PROCESS TO MAKE ENTRY IN SUPPLIER WISE GROUP: Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. Click on transactions Masters Supplier v/s Group Supplier Wise Group. All the supplier Ledger groups appear on the screen. Select the Ledger group and press enter. All groups under the selected Ledger group will appear on the screen. Make the necessary alterations.

This feature of the Marg software helps in internal communication within an organisation. PROCESS TO CHAT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Chatting 3. Select whether you want to communicate with any one person or with the entire organisation. 4. Mention the matter that you want to communicate. 5. Send the message.

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1.Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Masters Marg Setup 3.This comprises of the configuration features the software.


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Transactions means recording of items sold or purchased, credit is extended or borrowed, income is made or expenses are assumed on a daily basis. Entering transactions means keeping a detailed account of entries in vouchers such as Sale, purchase, payment, receipt, etc. IT CONSISTS OF ENTRIES PERTAINING TO SALES & PURCHASES.: SALES: An activity involving selling goods or services in return for money or any other compensation. When goods are delivered for cash sales it is called CASH SALE and when goods are delivered on credit (which means payment is realised at a later date), then these sales are called CREDIT SALES. An organization normally issue an invoice (or a bill) or a challan while making sales. ENTRY OF A CHALLAN (CASH SALES/ CREDIT SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales challan. 3. Click on cash option/ Party name ( for credit option) 4. Enter the name of the party whom you have supplied goods/services 5. Enter his license no. issued by the regulatory authority (like government agency supervising that particular industry) (*for cash sales) 6. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc (* for cash sales) 7. Enter the challan no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu)
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8. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on sales. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 9. Similarly enter all the items you have issued in this challan. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MODIFY THE CHALLAN( SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales modify challan. 3. Enter the company with whom transaction has to be modified. 4. Mention the details of challan like challan no, date of issue, challan w/o bill (i.e. whether the bill for this challan has been generated or not). 5. Next, a window with all the details of the challan mentioned appears on the screen. 6. Go to modify option.

7. Make the required adjustments to the challan. 8. Press end to save the challan. 9. The modified challan would be recorded in the sales book and could be viewed in sales book option under Stocks menu (process already mentioned above). 10. Stock would be automatically updated and could be viewed under stock status option in Stocks menu. PROCESS TO VIEW SALES ENTRY( CHALLAN) IN THE SALES BOOK: If you want to view Challan Entry in sales Book in accordance with Party name , follow the Modification of Challan steps ( as mentioned above ) & if the entry is to be viewed as per the Accounting period . GO TO STOCKS SALES BOOK MODIFY CHALLAN PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A SALE ENTRY: ENTRY OF A BILL (CASH SALES/ CREDIT SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales bill. 3. Click on cash option/ credit option ( party name) 4. Enter the name of the party whom you have supplied goods/services 5. Enter his license no. issued by the regulatory authority (like government agency supervising that particular industry) (*only for cash sales) 6. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc (* only for cash sales) 7. Enter the bill no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu) OR SELECT
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8. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on sales. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 9. Similarly enter all the items you have issued in this bill. 10. Press end to save the bill and since you have received cash your cash balance would increase.& If it is Credit , accounts Receivable will be credited. 11. The bill would be recorded in the sales book and could be viewed in sales book option under Stocks menu. PROCESS TO VIEW SALES ENTRY IN THE SALES BOOK: If you want to view Sales Book in accordance with Party name , follow the steps & if the entry is to be viewed as per the Accounting period , GO TO STOCKS SALES BOOK Invoice. 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Sales book Invoice. 3. On screen will appear all the sales transactions.

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4. Click on the company whose transaction details you want to view. 5. Detailed entry of the required transaction would appear on the screen which could be used for modification (Press F8) or for taking a narration mode. 6. Press F3 to record a new bill. This would take you back to cash/credit sale window and you can follow the process mentioned above to record a new bill. PROCESS TO MODIFY A BILL (SALES) : IT FOLLOWS THE SAME STEPS AS GIVEN ABOVE IN MODIFICATION OF SALES CHALLAN.

An activity involving an attempt to acquire goods or services by an organisation to accomplish its goals. Normally the purchase activity occurs as the department of an organisation which requires goods or services requests the purchase department specifying its needs and requirements to buy these items from the supplier. The purchase department then identifies the supplier and after negotiating on cost, quality and other aspects signs a contract with the supplier who would supply goods or services as required by the department who requested for these items. When goods are purchased for cash payments it is called CASH PURCHASE When goods are purchased on credit (which means payment is realised at a later date), then these purchases are called CREDIT PURCHASES. FIRST OF ALL , THE GOODS ARE RECEIVED AGAINST CHALLAN. THIS PROCESS TO CREATE THE PURCHASE CHALLAN (CASH/CREDIT) , FOLLOWS THE VIEW THE CHALLAN ( PARTY WISE/ACCOUNTING PERIOD) SAME STEPS AS MODIFY THE CHALLAN DISCUSSED THEN , THE BILL OR INVOICE IS ISSUED , THIS ALSO INCLUDES STEPS : ABOVE IN THE ENTRY OF BILL ( CASH PURCHASES & CREDIT PURCHASES) STEPS TO VIEW PURCHASE ENTRY IN PURCHASE BOOKS SALES CASE PROCESS TO MODIFY THE BILL

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In normal day to day functioning of a business, goods/stocks which are sold, being returned is quite common. This can happen for a variety of reasons like defects in goods, quality standards not matching with the required quality demanded, buyer not requiring stock, etc. These transactions of goods being returned, like any other accounting transactions have to be recorded in books of account. This feature of the Marg software helps an organisation to trace all the stock/goods that is returned. For doing this an organisation has to issue a credit note which list the items that have to be re-delivered to the customer. Hence, it shows the amount of stock/goods that the organisation owes to its customers. THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF SALES RETURN: First is by issuing the Credit Note , Then what is the use of CHALLAN ? Credit Note has direct impact on the books of Accounts & Challan has no impact on the books of A/Cs , Therefore , Credit note is not issued & Challan is made so that the medicines ( which were received in sales return ) can be replaced by the company & then credit note can be issued . AND SECOND , At the time of preparing Invoice /Bill , all the entries are made & saved & just then the customer tells that I wanna return the medicine , then in the same bill PRESS SHIFT +*(STAR KEY), & select from the popup SALES RETURN OR BREAKAGE/EXPIRY or transaction that is required ,enter the items to be returned. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A SALE RETURN ENTRY: ENTRY OF A SALE RETURN (CASH SALES / CREDIT SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales return credit note. 3. Click on cash option / credit option 4. Enter the name of the party who have returned goods/services 5. Enter his license no. issued by the regulatory authority (like government agency supervising that particular industry) (*FOR RETURN OF CASH SALES) 6. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc (*FOR RETURN OF CASH SALES) 7. Enter the credit note no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu) 8. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on sales. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 9. Similarly enter all the items that you have received for replacement.

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10. Press end to save the credit note. 11. The credit note would be recorded in the sales return book and could be viewed in sales return books option under Stocks menu.

AND THE PROCESS TO VIEW THE SALES RETURN BOOK AND THE STEPS TO MODIFY THE CREDIT NOTE REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE. PURCHASE RETURN : In normal day to day functioning of a business, goods/stocks which are purchased, being returned is quite common. This can happen for a variety of reasons like defects in goods, quality standards not matching with the required quality demanded, buyer not requiring stock, etc. This feature of the Marg software helps an organization to trace all the

stock/goods that is returned by you to your suppliers. For doing this an organization has to issue a debit note which list the items that have to be re-issued by the supplier. Hence, it shows the amount of stock/goods that the suppliers owes to the organization.

SALES RETURN ( BREAKAGE & EXPIRY) : This feature facilitates in tracing all the goods/stock returned by the organization to its suppliers and which cannot be further used. Customers return goods/stocks for a variety of reason, for instance, if they return it on account of issuing excess inventory to them, then the goods/stock returned could be used at a later date by the organization, whereas, if the goods/stock returned by the customer on account of goods/stock supplied to them is either destroyed or defective, then these issues could not be used by the organization for further use. ENTRY OF A SALE RETURN (BREAKAGE & EXPIRY)-CASH SALES or CREDIT SALES: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales return (waste/scrap) credit note. 3. Click on cash option / CREDIT OPTION. 4. Enter the name of the party who have returned goods/services 5. Enter his license no. issued by the regulatory authority (like government agency supervising that particular industry) 6. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc 7. Enter the credit note no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu) 8. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on sales. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 9. Similarly enter all the items that you have received for replacement.

10. Press end to save the credit note.

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11. The credit note would be recorded in the scrap receive book and could be viewed in scrap receive books option under Stocks menu. 12. Since these returns are trash, so they are not updated in the Stocks. PROCESS TO VIEW SALE RETURN (BREAKAGE & EXPIRY) IN SCRAP RECEIVE BOOK & MODIFY THE SAME , FOLLOWS THE SAME STEPS AS DISCUSSED ABOVE. PURCHASE RETURN (BREAKAGE & EXPIRY): This feature facilitates in tracing all the goods/stock returned by the customer to an organisation and which cannot be further used. Organization return goods/stocks for a variety of reason, for instance, if they return it on account of excess inventory being issued to it, then the goods/stock returned could be used at a later date by the suppliers, whereas, if the goods/stock returned by the organization to its suppliers on account of goods/stock supplied to them are either destroyed or defective, then these issues could not be used by the suppliers for further use. AND THE SAME STEPS ARE FOLLOWED TO VIEW , MODIFY & MAKE AN ENTRY OF PURCHASE RETURN REPLACEMENT ISSUE: This is used to record all those transaction for which an organisation has provided replacement for goods and services which were returned by its customers on account of defects in goods, quality standards not matching with the required quality demanded, buyer not requiring stock, etc. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A REPLACEMENT ISSUE ENTRY: ENTRY OF REPLACEMENT ISSUE (CASH SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions replacement issue debit note. 3. Click on cash option / party name (credit option) 4. Enter the name of the party to whom you have replaced goods/services Enter his license no. issued by the regulatory authority (like government agency supervising that particular industry) 5. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc 6. Enter the debit note no of the bill issued by the supplier to you, date and type of purchase (whether it is purchased from a local dealer or a central dealer) 7. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on purchases. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 8. Similarly enter all the items you have replaced through this debit note.

9. Press end to save the debit note.

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10. The debit note would be recorded in the replacement issue book and could be viewed in replacement issue books option under Stocks menu. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN REPLACEMENT ISSUE BOOKS: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Replacement issue book debit note. 3. Enter the period from which you want to view the replacement issue.

4. On screen will appear all the required transactions. 5. Click on the company (or press F2) whose transaction details you want to

view. 6. Detailed entry of the required transaction would appear on the screen which could be used for modification (Press F8) or for taking a hard copy of the bill. 7. Press F3 to record a new debit note. This would take you back to replacement issue window and you can follow the process mentioned above to record a new bill. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MODIFY A DEBIT NOTE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions replacement issuemodify debit note. 3. Enter the debit note no. and date on which debit note was issued.

4. Next, a window with all the details of the debit note mentioned appears on the screen. 5. Go to modify option.

6. Make the required adjustments to the debit note. 7. Press end to save the debit note. 8. The modified debit note would be recorded in the replacement issue book and could be viewed in replacement issue book option under Stocks menu (process already mentioned above).

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Stock would be automatically updated and could be viewed under stock status option in Stocks menu. REPLACEMENT RECEIVE: This is used to record all those transaction for which an organisation has received replacement for goods and services which was returned by it to its suppliers on account of defects in goods, quality standards not matching with the required quality demanded, buyer not requiring stock, etc.And A Credit Note is issued for the same. AND THE STEPS INVOLVED TO CREATE A REPLACEMENT RECEIVE ENTRY & TO MODIFY THE CREDIT NOTE & VIEW THE REPLACEMENT RECEIVE BOOKS REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE UNDER THE REPLACEMENT ISSUE. REPLACEMENT CAN ALSO BE DONE AT THE TIME SALE INVOICE OR BILL PRESS SHIFT +*(STAR). STOCK ISSUE: It is also known as Stock Transfer. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A STOCK ISSUE ENTRY: ENTRY OF A STOCK ISSUE (CREDIT SALES): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions stock issue new. 3. Click on cash option / credit sale. 4. Enter the name of the party whom you have supplied goods/services 5. Enter the D .L No. 6. Enter the other details of the company like the address, person who booked the order, contact details of the company, etc 7. Enter the challan no and amount without tax . 8. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on sales. Total amount per item would be adjusted automatically. 9. Similarly enter all the items you have issued in this challan. 10. Press end to save the challan and since you have received cash your cash balance would increase. 11. The challan would be recorded in the stock issue book and could be viewed in stock issue book option under Stocks menu. 12. Stock would be automatically updated and could be viewed under stock status option in Stocks menu. 13. This process can also be used at the time of Issue of free samples to Medical representatives . This is also called as ZERO VALUED ENTRIES. PROCESS TO VIEW THE STOCK ISSUE ENTRY IN THE STOCK ISSUE BOOK : The process remains the same as discussed above & it can be used to view the details Party wise. & for over all details as per Accounting period GO TO STOCK STOCK PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MODIFY A STOCK ISSUE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions stock issue modify. 3. Enter the challan no. and date on which it was issued.

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4. Next, a window with all the details of the challan mentioned appears on the screen. 5. Go to modify option.

6. Make the required adjustments to the challan. 7. Press end to save the challan. 8. The modified challan would be recorded in the stock issue book and could be viewed in stock issue book option under Stocks menu (process already mentioned above). 9. Stock would be automatically updated and could be viewed under stock status option in Stocks menu. STOCK RECEIVE: This is used to record all the transaction for which an organization has received all goods and services from its suppliers. A track of all stocks/goods which are received by the organization from its suppliers can be maintained, after posting an entry under this option. This is different from replacement receive as it records a new set of stock issued to the customers whereas replacement receive is stock that was earlier issued but is now being replaced as it was returned on account of defects in goods, quality standards not matching with the required quality demanded, buyer not requiring stock, etc. Moreover this option records entry only of goods/stock supplied to customers by issuing a challan. AND THE STEPS INVOLVED TO RECORD THE STOCK RECEIVE, TO VIEW THE STOCK RECEIVE ENTRY IN BOOKS & MODIFICATION OF STOCK RECEIVE ENTRY REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE IN THE CASE OF STOCK ISSUE. QUOTATION: A document sent by the supplier to its customers to analyse the product it would be offering and to establish how quickly and at what cost this product could be supplied. This report generally includes cost break down, time estimates, resources needed, schedule of delivery, company information, list of potential issues, etc so that the customer may take an informed decision and is aware about what all the supplier intends to provide. This feature helps in tracing an account of all the quotations received from suppliers quoting the necessary details regarding cost, items to be issued, etc. AND THE STEPS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY &ITS VIEW & ITS MODIFICATION REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE . PRICE DIFFERENCE SALE:
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Many times in business it happens that you sell goods/stock not at the actual price of that product but at a higher/lower price without realising this. So to make a correction in the price listed when modification in bills/challans issued for sales is not possible then these entries are recorded under price difference sale. You issue a credit note if the actual price is less than price quoted and vice versa. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A CREDIT NOTE ENTRY (CHEQUE): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions price difference salecredit note. 3. Click on the company with whom transaction takes place. 4. List of all previous transaction appears on the screen.

5. Press any key and page to make a new entry will appear. 6. Enter the credit note no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu). 7. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on the item whose details you want to change. 8. Mention the old rate and MRP and the actual rate and MRP.

9. Press end to save the entry. 10. This would automatically adjust your bank balance.And a dialogue will appear if you want to adjust it with BILL or not . Click Yes. 11. This entry can be modified later if a need arises to change. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MODIFY A CREDIT NOTE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions price difference salemodify credit note. 3. Enter the credit note no. and date on which credit note was issued. 4. Next, a window with all the details of the credit note mentioned appears on the screen. 5. Go to modify option.

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6. Make the required adjustments to the credit note. 7. Press end to save the credit note. Similarly, if you have sold goods/stock at a lower price then you would issue a debit note (or for modification purposes) to your customer and the entry would be recorded under debit note by following the similar process as mentioned above. Moreover, this process can be used to add commission to debit/credit note entry if that is what causes the difference in price. However, these entry would be recorded under commission D/N option under modification is done through modify commission D/N. PRICE DIFFERENCE PURCHASE: Many times in business it happens that your supplier sell you goods/stock not at the actual price of that product but at a higher/lower price without realising this. So to make a correction in the price listed when modification in bills/challans issued for purchases is not possible then these entries are recorded under price difference purchases. Your supplier issue a debit note if the actual price is less than price quoted and vice versa. THE PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A CREDIT NOTE ENTRY AND ITS MODIFICATION REMAINS THE SAME AS DISCUSSED ABOVE. Similarly, if you have received goods/stock at a higher price then you would issue a debit note (or for modification purposes) to your supplier and the entry would be recorded under debit note . SALES ORDER: A sales order (SO) is an order issued by the business to its customers mentioning the goods and services it has supplied to its customers. A SO is an internal document of the company i.e. it is generated by the company itself which records the Purchase order (as given by the customer) which is an external document. The major reason why a SO is generated as it facilitates the company to allow the internal audit control of completeness to be monitored as a sequential sales order no. Moreover, this can be used as an official document by using it as a work order to show that work is about to begin to manufacture goods, build or engineer the products that a customer wants. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO CREATE A SALES ORDER (CHEQUE): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions sales ordernew order ( CAN BE PARTY ,ITEM WISE ) 3. Click on the company with whom transaction takes place. 4. List of all previous transaction appears on the screen.

5. Press any key and page to make a new entry will appear.
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6. Enter the entry no and amount of central sales tax charged (more details regarding tax structures could be seen in tax and duties menu). 7. Enter the code no, item no issued, quantity, rate and discount offered on the item, etc. 8. Mention the items whose order you have received.

9. Press end to save the entry. 10. This entry could be modified later if required. STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED FOR MODIFY OF SALES ORDER as steps has been discussed before. Further, you can also view order analysis, which allows you to view the no of goods ordered in this SO and also facilitates you to compare it with previous orders. PURCHASE ORDER: A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document issued by the buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, agreed prices for goods or services, quality of the product that the seller is supposed to provide it to the buyer. Sending a PO to the supplier constitutes a legal offer to buy goods and services from the supplier. Acceptance of the PO by the seller means he has accepted the contract which the buyer has proposed and until this happens no contract exists between the two. This helps the buyer to clearly and explicitly lay the conditions to the seller regarding what he is expecting from him. So if the seller doesnt go by what is expected of him then the contract can be cancelled and goods delivered could be returned. A SIMILAR PROCESS SIMILAR TO HOW TO CREATE/MODIFY SALES ORDER (AND ALL OTHER PROCESSES AS MENTIONED FOR SO) CAN BE USED FOR A PURCHASE ORDER ALSO, ONLY DIFFERENCE IS NOW YOU WOULD BE REQUIRED TO VISIT PURCHASE ORDER OPTION IN TRANSACTIONS MENU. PURCHASE IMPORT: This feature of the marg software allows you to import bills and challans in several standard formats like the standard marg format or All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) or Excel/DBF/CSV format. AIOCD is a Regulatory body of Pharma Industry all the Pharma Industry should be registered under this body. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO IMPORT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions purchase import required format. 3. If you want to import to Marg Import format then I. Click on marg import format. II. Save the entry in the required folder as per your convenience. III. Enter the details of the entry you would require to save in the Marg Import format.

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IV. Your entry would be saved in the required format. 4. Similarly you can import to the format of your choice by just clicking the option you would prefer to save the format to and following the same process as mentioned.


VOUCHER: A voucher is a basic recording document. It is a written record of expenditure, disbursement or completed transaction. ***Voucher types: 1. Receipt: A Receipt Voucher entry is prepared when a firm receives money in cash or by cheque, D.D., etc from a customer, supplier or by any other source. 2. Payment: A Payment Voucher entry is prepared when a firm pays money in cash or by cheque, D.D., etc to a customer, supplier or to any other source. 3. Journal: A journal voucher entry is prepared when a non cash transaction (like bank charges, sales/income tax, depreciation etc) has to be posted 4. Debit note: When goods are returned to the supplier a debit note voucher is prepared on his name i e purchase return, wrong quantity supplied, quality of product, rate difference, etc. 5. Credit note:. This provides evidence regarding a credit has been given to the buyer or when a buyer allows himself credit due to rate difference or discount, sales return etc. 6. Contra: It includes transferring cash from one bank to another, withdrawing from bank, depositing in bank and transferring of cash to petty cash i.e Cash & Bank Entries. 7. Sales: This voucher records all entries related to sales including cash and credit. 8. Purchase: This voucher records all entries related to purchases including cash and credit. 9. TDS Journal: This feature helps the company to calculate Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and therefore payment could be made adjusting TDS.

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10. Interest Journal: This feature helps the company to calculate interest it is supposed to receive from the securities it owns. PROCESS TO MAKE A VOUCHER ENTRY (Alt+ V): 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Account Voucher type of voucher you want to create (as given above) 3. If you want to create a Receipt voucher then I. Click on receipt option. II. Enter the date on which you would be receiving the payment from your source.. III. Enter the voucher no. IV. Select the company with which transaction has to be posted. V. Previous balance would be automatically updated with this company. VI. Since it is a receipt therefore amount will be credited to your account. VII. Enter the amount received. Press end and save your entry.

4. Similar process should be followed to create other types of voucher entry. These voucher entry is automatically registered in Account books and these records could be viewed by the following process: Click on Account books Entry Books type of voucher bookPeriodModify (If needed)Save. SINGLE ENTRY ACCOUNTS(Alt+I) CASH AND BANK ACCOUNTS: This method is used only when a journal has to be maintained for the purpose of recording transactions in an organization. DEFRAGMENTATION OF A/C : Short or Excess PROCESS FOLLOWED TO RECORD AN ENTRY IN CASH AND BANK ACCOUNT: 1. Login your username and password into your Marg software. 2. Click on Accounts Single Entry Cash & Bank. 3. If Payment is received/done in cash then following process is to be followed: I. Click on Cash.
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Enter the Area. Previous balance according to the area mentioned will appear. Now if payment is received, then credit the amount whereas if payment is made, then debit the amount from cash account. V. Enter the name of the party with whom transaction takes place. VI. Enter the date of transaction. VII. Enter the amount received or paid. VIII. Create a new reference against whom payment is received/made or adjust this transaction if this reference previously existed. IX. Give a remark, which is nothing but your new reference which is created. X. Press enter and save your entry. XI. New balance amount in Cash account will appear after adjusting payments received/paid. 4. A similar process is to be followed if payment is received/made in cheque only difference is you would be required to enter the cheque/DD no after step VIII. in the above process. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO ENTER CHEQUES/CASH RECEIPT: (DEFRAGMENTATION OF A/C) I. Enter the amount lost/gained due to short/excess. II. Do the required adjustments. III. Write off the discount amount if any. IV. Press enter and save your entry. V. Final report will be of the cash receipt from the customer company will be created and new balance amount will be updated. Similarly, if receipts are received through cheque then similar process is to be followed only difference would be is to enter the cheque/DD no POST DATED CHEQUE PAYMENTS/RECEIPTS: This is to record all the Post Dated cheques that you issue/receive to/from your suppliers/purchasers for making/receiving payments to them for goods or services received or provided. PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MAKE AN ENTRY OF POST DATED CHEQUE PAYMENT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on accounts PD Cheque Payment. 3. Mention the bank account from which you have made payment. 4. Then enter the name of the party to whom you have made the payment, cheque no. of cheque issued, cheque date and amount. 5. Enter the bill no and leave a remark 6. Press end to save the entry. 7. The details of this cheque would be registered. 8. To post the entry you have to go to bank pay-in-slip/clearance menu (the process has been mentioned under bank pay-in-slip/clearance menu). AND THE ABOVE SAME STEPS ARE FOLLOWED FOR POST DATED CHEQUE RECEIVED PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED TO MAKE AN ENTRY OF DISHONOURED CHEQUE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. II. III. IV.

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2. Click on accounts Cheques Dishonoured/Advances Cheques Dishonoured. 3. Mention the cheque no and the date on which cheque was received.

4. Enter the amount of bank charges that you had to pay and extra charges that you would charge to your customer. 5. Mention whether you would charge this extra amount in next bill or add it to the balance amount (account) that you maintain with that company. 6. The details of this cheque would be registered. 7. To post the entry you have to go to bank pay-in-slip/clearance menu (the process has been mentioned under bank pay-in-slip/clearance menu). PENDING DISHONOURED CHEQUES: This feature of the marg software facilitates in keeping an account of all the cheques yet to be received from the customers which were deemed dishonoured previously. UNCLEARED CASH: This feature facilitates in keeping an account of cash which is not to be reported for tax purposes. ADVANCE CHEQUE: When the payment made/received by on organisation for goods or services received/delivered before the actual receipt/delivery of goods or services then it is called payment received or made in advance. BANK PAY IN SLIP & CLEARANCE: we can view the cheque clearance /Pay In Slips either of the ways: Datawise Single Party Wise Whole party Wise Consolidated Cheue BANK PLANNING: This feature of the marg software helps in viewing the report of the funds received/paid by you from your bank account for the period mentioned. FUND PLANNING: This feature of the marg software helps in viewing the report of the funds received from customers and paid to suppliers for the period mentioned. PAYROLL: . It is the aggregate periodic amount a business pays its workers; list of employees and their compensation. It includes : EMPLOYEE MASTER HOLIDAY MASTER ATTENDANCE SHEET & SALARY

CASH & BANK BOOK: . This gives the amount held by the company at a particular time in cash and money held by the company in its bank account.

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DEPICTS THE STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED TO VIEW CASH/CHEQUE BALANCE OF THE COMPANY: HOW TO MODIFY A CASH/CHEQUE TRANSACTION ? LEDGER: (ALT+L) Ledger report displays account-wise information relating to all the transactions of the organisation sequentially for a specified date range HOW TO VIEW THE LEDGERS & MODIFY? ENTRY BOOKS: These books could be used to find all the transaction of one voucher type or more than one voucher type for a given period. This feature could also be used to modify voucher entries.

Following are categorised under entry book FOR A SPECIFIED DATE RANGE 1. Day book: THIS displays all the accounting transactions sequentially 2. Selected book: This feature shows the voucher entry of all the selected vouchers 3. Journal book: This feature records all the journal voucher entries 4. Debit note: This feature records all the debit note voucher entries. 5. Credit note: This feature records all the credit note voucher entries. 6. Receipt book: This feature records all the receipt voucher entries 7. It displays all the transactions for receipt through cash/bank by the company. 8. Payment book: This feature records all the payment voucher entries for a given period. It displays all the transactions for payment through cash/ bank by the company. 9. Contra book: This feature records all the contra voucher entries. 10. Sale book: This feature records all the Sales voucher entries. It displays both the cash and credit sales transactions. It contains information regarding the bill number, date, company name, amount and so on of all the sales transactions. 11. Purchase book: This feature records all the purchases voucher entries. It displays both the cash and credit purchase transactions with the bill number, date, party, amount and so on of all the purchase transactions.
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12. Item day book: This feature shows the item wise description of the transaction recorded for a given period. PURCHASE REGISTER & SALES REGISTER: Purchase register records all the items/ goods purchased by the organization with in the period. Sales Register helps in viewing or printing all the sale transactions that have taken place between an organisation and its customers in a given period. HOW TO VIEW ENTRY IN PURCHASE REGISTER & SALES REGISTER FOR THE GIVEN PERIOD & THEIR MODIFICATION? DUTIES AND TAXES: A dealer is required to maintain true & update account of quantity & value of goods purchased & manufactured Or sold by him or used in execution of works contract or held by him in the stock. The business with the annual turn over exceeding Rs 5 lacs , is required to have compulsory VAT registration.i.e.TIN NO. (11 digit number & totally numeric) which should be printed on all the Bills /Invoices . The books that business is required to maintain under the Vat Act along with the Input tax account , Output Tax Account & input tax Credit account in ledger & certain Statutory documents. There are 5 grades of VAT : EXEMPTED VAT for essential commodities / life saving drugs 1% on bullion and precious stones , tea leaves 4% on industrial inputs and capital goods and items of mass consumption , Declared goods , work contractors All other items 12.5% VAT 20% Petroleum products, tobacco, liquor etc., attract higher VAT rates that vary from State to state FIXED FORMAT OF TAX INVOICE : (a) It shall contain the words, TAX INVOICE in bold letters at the top or at any other prominent place; (b) date of sale; (c) date of challan or despatch as the case may be; (d) name and full postal address of the selling dealer; (e) telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, if any, of the selling dealer; (f) registration certificate number of the selling dealer; (g) name, full postal address, and registration certificate number of the purchasing dealer; (h) full description of the goods sold; (i) quantity or number, as the case may be, of the goods sold; (j) value of the goods sold; (k) rate and amount of tax charged in respect of taxable goods; (l) total amount of the invoice taking into consideration all the amount payable under different heads; and (m) signature of the selling dealer or his regular employee, duly authorised by him for
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such purpose. There shall be only one original copy of tax invoice and it is to be prominently marked as ORIGINAL BUYERS COPY , SELLERS COPY & TRANSPORTERS COPY A Central Sales Tax at the rate of 4% is also levied on inter-State sales. FOR ENTRIES , SEE THE VOUCHER ENTRIES INTEREST & COLLECTION: PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN INTEREST & TDS: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Accounts Books Multi Printing Interest and TDS. 3. Select the ledger account using the function mentioned in the control box. 4. Mention the date up to which you would like to view details. Mention the % of TDS to be deducted. 5. Next on screen would appear a detailed account of all the transaction that took place in cash or bank account with their opening balance and closing balance . It Depicts the Report on Collection Their Interest Calculation Party Wise MR Wise Route Wise Area Wise Bill wise Ledger Wise & Mahajani Interest Account Group Wise
OUTSTANDINGS (ALT +O): It provides the reports on Outstanding payments of Debtors & Creditors : As A Whole , Party Wise , M R Wise , Route Wise & Area Wise Account Group Wise Pending Credit & Debit Notes Pending Cash & MR adjustments Select the whole data & enter accounting period & can filter the data in accordance to our discretion i.e. date , amtg more or less than the reqrd denomination. DEPRECIATION:

Depreciation begins when a taxpayer places the asset in service for use in a trade or business or for the production of income. A taxpayer must identify several items to ensure the proper depreciation of the asset, like:
The depreciation method for the asset The class life of the asset Whether the asset is Listed Asset Whether the taxpayer elects to expense any portion of the asset Whether the taxpayer qualifies for any bonus first year depreciation The depreciable basis of the asset As you select this option the system will display the list of Ledger Accounts created under the group Fixed Assets. Prompt the cursor bar on the ledger account and press <Alt M> button to enter / (Prepared By Educational Department Of Marg) Page 34

change the depreciation percentage. Press the <Ctrl S> button to post / create the corresponding journal voucher for depreciation.


This feature facilitates to view/print a report of the cash and bank book or the daily sale and purchase book. The main purpose for this is to have a detailed account of all the transactions made by an organisation at one place.

This feature of the Marg software facilitates in viewing or printing multiple vouchers at the same time. These could be any kind of vouchers (sale/purchase/payment/receipt/ contra, etc) PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN MULTI VOUCHER PRINTING: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Accounts Books Multi Printing Multi Voucher Printing. 3. Mention the period for which you would want to view/print details. 4. Mention the voucher no. you would want to view within the mentioned period. 5. Mention type of voucher and also select the party (if you want to view details for a single party then mention that party and if you want to view multiple parties then mention the name of the parties). 6. It would give an update about the opening balance and closing balance in the account that you have mentioned DEBTORS & CREDITORS LEDGERS: This feature helps to view the Debtors & Creditors Ledgers ( Party wise)
BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT ( BRS) :It helps to compare our cash book with our

pass book .. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN BANK RECONCILIATION: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Accounts Books Account Books Bank Reconciliation. 3. Mention the bank account whose bank reconciliation statement you want to view. 4. You can follow in more details: I. D-for date range II. F10-filter III. F11-Reconcile any ledger. 5. After entering the bank account chose reconciliation report. 6. Click reconciliation to view or print the actual bank reconciliation statement for that period or click on clear if you would prefer to enter some other bank account or period for which you would want to view the details. 7. To find out the changes made click on that entry to know what adjustments have been made. 8. This could be modified if necessary by clicking on modify or a hard copy for reference can also be printed. 9. Also you can choose cleared or uncleared option after step 4.

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10. This would help you in viewing the adjustments cleared in the bank account (cleared option) or adjustments yet to be cleared in the bank account (uncleared option). We Can also do the BRS in a short cut way, Go to BRSselect BANKPress F8 (window will ask the format which we bought from the Bank in TXT format ) & selct the date format & it will directly get the BRS done. FBT: ( FRINGE BENEFIT TAX) N.A.


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Financial statements provide an overview of a business or person's financial condition in both short and long term. There are four basic financial statements. These are Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings and Cash Flow statement TRIAL BALANCE: A Trial Balance is a list of all the nominal/general ledger accounts contained in the ledger of a business. PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT: It displays the revenues recognized for a specific period, and the cost and expenses charged against these revenues, including write-offs (e.g., depreciation and amortization of various assets) and taxes. The purpose of the income statement is to show managers and investors whether the company made or lost money during the period being reported

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PROCESS TO VIEW PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Final ReportProfit & Loss. 3. On screen will appear three options regarding updating Profit & Loss Statement, one-No if you dont want to view updated Profit & Loss Statement, two-Current if you want to view Profit & Loss Statement for the current month and three All Months if you want to view Profit & Loss Statement for all months. 4. If you select No no update takes place in the Profit & Loss Statement and the previous date Profit & Loss Statement appear on the screen. You can click on any component to know more details regarding the transactions that have taken place under that head. Moreover you can view the ledger display by following the process to view ledger which is already explained in Account BooksAll Ledger. 5. If you select Current or All Month then updated Profit & Loss Statement according to value on (Rate E,F,G,H,I or Cost+Ext). Update Profit & Loss Statement according to the criteria appear on the screen. You can click on any component to know more details regarding the transactions that have taken place under that head. Moreover you can view the ledger display by following the process to view ledger which is already explained in Account BooksAll Ledger. 6. Also for each of the three option you can also view details according to: I. F2-As on date to view Profit & Loss Statement up to a particular date. II. F3-to view Balance Sheet. III. F7-to view balance only. ITEM TRADING ACCOUNT:This feature of the Marg software facilitates in viewing the details of all the items sold/purchased by the organisation. PROCESS TO VIEW ITEM TRADING A/C: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Final ReportItem Trading A/C. 3. Mention the period for which you want to view the report, mention the group/item(s), whether you want to view sale/purchase/both and opening on and closing on. 4. Click on view to view the details or print to take a print out of the transactions. You can also cancel the criteria set if you wish to change the criteria. 5. Select the supplier/customer whose details you wish to view. 6. Select the item using the Control Box. 7. On screen will appear all the transaction of that particular item with the company you have chosen. It would also give details whether it was sale by cash/credit or sale through invoice or challan. BALANCE SHEET:
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A balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business partnership or a company ASSETS = LIABILITIES+OWNERSHIP EQUITY VIEW THE BALANCE SHEET WILL BE SAME AS THE STEPS FOLLOWED IN P & L A/C GROUP SUMMARY: This feature of the Marg software facilitates in viewing the Account group ( Debit & C redit)created through Masters in detail PROCESS TO VIEW GROUP SUMMARY: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Final Report Group Summary. 3. On screen will appear all the account groups that have been created by the organisation. 4. You can also view by pressing F7 Balance only and by pressing F2 for setting up date change. 5. Moreover, you can click on any account group to view more details regarding it. 6. You can choose two options, one Ledger wise, two Month Wise. 7. Whatever option you choose you can further view Ledger Display by following the same process as to view ledger which is already explained in Account BooksAll Ledger. RATIO ANALYSIS: The relationship between two accounting figures expressed mathematically is known as financial ratio.This comparison can be same firm over time. selected firms in the same industry. standards or plans. IMPORTANCE OF RATIO ANALYSIS: It presents facts on a comparative basis and enables the drawing of inferences regarding the performance of the firm. It is relevant in assessing the performance of a firm in respect of: Liquidity position. Long term solvency. Operating efficiency. Overall profitability. Inter-firm comparison. Trend analysis. CURRENT RATIO= CURRENT ASSETS : CURRENT LIABILITIES QUICK RATIO= CURRENT RATIO : CURRENT LIABILITIES BANK OVERDRAFT GROSS PROFIT RATIO = GROSS PROFIT : NET SALES NET PROFIT RATIO = NET PROFIT : NET SALES OPERATING COST RATIO = OPERATING PROFIT : NET SALES
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WORKING CAPITAL TURNOVER= WORKING CAPITAL : SALES WORKING CAPITAL=CURRENT ASSET CURRENT LIABILITY WORKING CAPITAL TURNOVER RATIO= NET PROFIT : WORKING CAPITAL DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO: NET CREDIT SALES : AVERAGE DEBTORS DEBTORS COLLECTION PERIOD: 360 DAYS/12 MONTHS :DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO CREDITORS TURNOVER RATIO: NET CREDIT PURCHASES : AVERAGE CREDITORS CREDITORS COLLECTION PERIOD: 360 DAYS/12 MONTHS : CREDITORS TURNOVER RATIO TO VIEW RATIO ANALYSIS ,THE SAME STEPS WILL BE FOLLOWED AS DISCUSSED ABOVE CASH & FUND FLOW STATEMENT: Cash flow refers to the movement of cash into or out of a business, a project, or a financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, finite period of time. COMPONENTS OF CASH FLOW STATEMENT: OPERATING + INVESTING + FINANCING= NET CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD OPERATING: Cash received or expended as a result of the company's internal business activities. It includes cash earnings plus changes to working capital. (Cash flow from operations). INVESTING: Cash received from the sale of long-life assets, or spent on capital expenditure. (Cash flow from investing activities). FINANCING: Cash received from the issue of debt and equity, or paid out as dividends, share repurchases or debt repayments. (Cash flow from financing activities). COMPARISONS: This feature of Marg software facilitates in comparing the transactions between one ledger account with another ledger account or a ledger account with a group account or one group account with another group account. This gives the transactions that are made by each account and then that can be compared with other accounts. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN COMPARISONS: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Final ReportComparisons. 3. Select the two groups, two ledgers or ledger and a group whose comparison you wish to view.

4. Mention what kind of transaction you wish to view. Debit, credit or both. Mention the year. 5. Next on screen will appear the comparison statement of the two accounts which you have mentioned.

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6. This statement would give you the opening and closing balances in both accounts. Also it would give all the transactions that have taken place with those two accounts. 7. This also gives the difference in numerical value and percentages of the two accounts. LEDGER ANALYSIS: ALSO CALLED ONE PAGE ANALYSIS This is used analysing all the transactions that occur from a particular ledger account for a period. This would describe in detail what transaction happened from an account whether these resulted in a debit/credit balance and its mode of payment/receipt, etc. PROCESS TO VIEW LEDGER ANALYSIS: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Final Report Ledger Analysis. 3. Select group, whether sundry debtors or sundry creditors.

4. All the parties in the group chosen by you will appear on the screen. 5. You can view all party detail by pressing Alt+W-Whole Group, F10- filter and F2-to view details for a particular date range. 6. Also you can select a particular group, after doing this, select the party whose

ledger accounts transaction you wish to view. 7. Next on screen will appear all the transaction between the organisation and the party chosen. Mentioning each of the transactions which result in either

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debit or credit entry in the overall balance for the date range mentioned by you. IT-ST AUDITORS REPORTS : This gives the filtered report of Ledgers.
This depicts the filtered report: Part wise sales above Supplier wise Purchase above Sales above Purchase above Cash Transaction above Petty Cash Receipt Supplier Cash Payment Sundry Debtors above Sundry creditors above Trial balance Profit & loss A/C Balance Sheet Capital accounts Stock Summaries SALES TAX SUMMARY:

Purchase Register Select this option to view / print the detailed purchase register for the specific duration

Select the option (A to F) according to the requirement As you select any one option the following window for entering the filter & print settings for detailed purchase register appears.

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Enter the From & To dates to set the duration of the purchase register. Purchase Type: Select the options Central / Local / Both by pressing space bar. This will filter the purchase register based on the tax system you select here. Tax / Retail: Select the options Tax / Retail / Both by pressing the space bar. This will choose whether to print the retail purchases or tax purchases or all type of purchases. Purc. Type: This option is to further filtering the tax system like Local Tax 5% or Local Tax 8% etc. Voucher Type: The option you choose here will include either Inventory Entry details or Purchase Voucher Entry details or all the details in the register. Starting Page: Set the starting page number as you want it to be More Options : Selecting Yes here will prompt to enter some more settings for preparing the purchase register. The screen shot will be as below:


Select this option to view / print the pending sales tax forms receivable / issueable against the sale / purchase invoices. As you select this option the system will prompt the following window to enter the filtering details.

PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN FORMS ISSUABLE/RECEIVABLE: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software.
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2. Click on Stocks Final ReportForms Issuable/Receivable. 3. Select Area, Party, MR and Index in the window that appears on the screen. 4. Report according to your criteria selected by you will appear. SOME TERMS USED ON THE SCREEN IN THIS PROCESS:
Value On : Choose the options whether forms to be received / issued on the basis of the Bill or on the basis of the Goods Value ST. Add. & L : In the cases of transfer of stock from the head office to its branch / godown, then form F is required to be issued / received. Select Yes to include the stock transfer entries and No not to include the stock transfer entries Form : Select the option Whole to view / print / update all the types of tax forms and select the option Single to view / print only single tax form category. Party: Select Whole to view / print / update the form details of the invoices of all customers or select Single to view / print / update the form details of the invoices of one customer. Status : Select to view / print / update the details of Issueable forms / Receivable Forms / Issued Forms / Received Forms. Dates: Enter the duration dates of the report. Updating the form details received / issued Select Yes to update the form detail for all invoices of this customer and select No to update the form detail only for the selected invoice. Printing the list of forms to be issueable / receivable / received / issued Press <Ctrl P> and choose from the printing choice window to print the list of the pending forms receivable / issueable against each invoice. Choose the Index option to print the summary of parties whose forms are issueable / receivable / received / issued. Choose the Reminder option to send reminders to the customers whose forms are to be received against their sale invoices. Note: The reminder format can be modified according to the requirement using the control room commands. Unchecked Vouchers : Select this option to display the list of vouchers those are not been checked by the Chief Accounts Authority. As you select the system will prompt for the password of the Authorized Person to check & pass the vouchers, upon entering the password, the system will display the list of unchecked vouchers so that the person authorized can check & pass the vouchers by pressing the <F2> button or <+> button. Search Vouchers: Select this option to display the list of vouchers for a specific period so that the operator can check among the vouchers based on the filtering commands entered by pressing the <F5> button.

TDS Challans / Form 16A Tax Deducted at Source Tax deducted at source is also a method of collecting (deducting) the Income-tax from the payee (firm / individual receiving the income). The firm making the payment to an individual / another firm deducts the TDS at a fixed percentage from the payment and pays the balance amount to the individual / firm. The deducted tax is deposited The tax so deducted from the income of the recipient is considered to be the payment of Income-tax by the recipient at the time of his assessment. A few of the incomes subjected to T.D.S. are salary, interest, dividend, interest on securities, winnings from lottery, horse races, commission and brokerage, rent, fees for professional and technical services, payments to non-residents etc. Purpose of TDS The main purpose of imposing TDS is to keep the tax evaders in check and to increase the Tax Net since it is a compulsory method of deducting the tax from the subjected income(s) such as :
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Interest; Royalties; Rent; Any sum paid to architects, engineers, land surveyors, project managers in construction industry, property valuers and quantity surveyors as consideration for services rendered by them; Payments to contractors and sub-contractors. Nature of payment Rate of tax (TDS RATES) Interest 15% Royalties 10% Rent 5% Service Providers 3% Contractors and Sub-contractors 0.75% The steps to be Followed for Implementing the TDS System Get your firm registered with IT Department When making the subjected payment to any firm / individual deduct TDS Deposit the deducted TDS amount to the IT Department Issue Tax Certificate for Tax Credit to the firm / individual from whom the tax deducted File Quarterly & Annual Return The Steps to be Followed in MARG for a Complete TDS Process Step 1 Passing the TDS Journal Voucher Prepare the TDS Journal Voucher exactly as shown in the following Example: (The TDS deduction percentage shown is not an exact figure)

As you pass this voucher the system will prompt the following window to enter the TDS details of the customer who receives the payment (income)

Step 2 Making the Payment Voucher Prepare the payment voucher exactly as shown in the following example:

Step 3 Making the TDS Remittance Voucher Prepare the Payment Voucher for making the TDS Remittance Entry exactly as shown in the example: (The TDS deduction percentage shown is not an exact figure) (Prepared By Educational Department Of Marg) Page 45


Step 4 TDS Challan Entry Select the option TDS Challans / Form 16A from the IT-ST Auditor Reports and select the TDS Challans option from the window. Now the system will prompt the following window to make the Challan Entries for the TDS deductions:

Step 5 Printing of Form 16A Select the option TDS Challans / Form 16A from the IT-ST Auditor Reports and select the Form 16A option from the window. Select the customer ledger account for whom the Form 16A to be printed & issued. Now press <Alt P> button to enter the following details.

As you complete entering these details the system will now display the certificate of deduction of tax.


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This feature of the Marg software gives the report of all the stock updates i.e. maintains a report of all the transaction that takes place between the organisation with its suppliers and between organisation with its customers. It keeps a separate account of sales transactions (both through a bill and a challan), purchase transactions (both through a bill and a challan), etc. This menu includes the following options: STOCK STATUS: This feature allows you to view the entire stock that an organisation currently holds, total stock available after a sale activity takes place or total stock it has after a purchase activity takes place. Maximum/minimum level of stocks an organisation holds. PROCESS TO VIEW STOCK STATUS: AVAILABLE STOCK: This allows you to view the amount of stock available at a point in time. 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks stock status Available stock. 3. If you want to view total stock in hand, then: CLICK ON TOTAL STOCK / WHOLE STOCK/ COMP WISE/SALTS WISE/ NARCOTICS WISE I. You would get a detailed list of what you possess at that particular time.

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II. Press F5 to view the index and F2 to view stock available date wise. 4. Similarly you can view stock status group stock, rack wise , company wise , batch wise , salt wise, and Narcotics wise by following the same process but clicking on respective option. Similarly you can also view the amount of total Stock, stock valuation, maximum/minimum stock by clicking on the respective option and following the process mentioned above. SOME TERMS WITH THEIR MEANINGS: Total stockit depicts the status of the total stock available from the current financial year to the date specified. Whole stockit includes the zero value stock . Company Stockit depicts the stock status of a single company / selected company as per the specified date. Batch Stock The stock as per the batch details.

Expiry Beforeit gives the status of stock items which will expire beorete specified date. Old stock This gives the stock purchased before the specified date. Stock Life Statement NA Salt wise stock this gives the details of the stock items according to the salt contents as on the specified date. Narcotics Stock This gives the details of the stock items as per the narcotics as on the specified date.
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Minimum Level stock It helps in preparing the order for the new stock.i.e. the minimum stock that gives us the signal that the stock is lapsing & we have to order for a new one. Maximum level stock


This gives a detailed report of all the sales transactions made by an organisation. This may include cash/credit sale or sale by bill/challan. PROCESS TO VIEW SALE ENTRY (BILL) IN SALES BOOK: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Sales book Invoice. 3. On screen will appear all the sales transactions.

4. Click on the company (or press F2) whose transaction details you want to view. 5. Detailed entry of the required transaction would appear on the screen which could be used for modification (Press F8) or for taking a hard copy of the bill. 6. Press F3 to record a new bill. This would take you back to cash/credit sale window and you can follow the process mentioned above to record a new bill. PROCESS TO VIEW SALE ENTRY (CHALLAN) IN SALES BOOK: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on Stocks Sales book Challan.

3. Enter the period for which you want to view transactions 4. On screen will appear all the sales transactions.

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5. Click on the company (or press F2) whose transaction details you want to view. 6. Detailed entry of the required transaction would appear on the screen which could be used for modification (Press F8) or for taking a hard copy of the challan. 7. Press F3 to record a new challan. This would take you back to cash/credit sale window and you can follow the process mentioned above to record a new challan. This feature also allows you to view the report of the sales by challan for whom an invoice is still not been generated. This could be viewed through challan w/o invoice option from the sales book menu by following a similar process as done for viewing normal challan entry. In the same way , As it has already been discussed above , We can view the following in their Challan & Bill Format & can also modify the Bills & Challan AS PER THE ACCOUNTING PERIOD OR THE PERIOD MENTIONED : PURCHASE BOOK PURCHASE & SALES RETURN BOOK (BRE/ EXP) RECEIVE & RETURN BOOKS STOCK ISSUE & RECEIVE BOOKS REPLACEMENT ISSUE/ RECEIVE BOOKS PARTY TRANSACTION REPORTS (AS PER BILLS OR INVOICES OR BOTH)

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SALES REPORT:This report can be viewed through various ways: M.R. SALES STATEMENT:
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Select this option to view / print the sales statement during the day for the selected period M.R.-Wise (Salesman Wise). PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN M.R. SALES STATEMENT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Daily Reports Sales Report M.R. Sales Statement. 3. A window will appear on the screen with following options: I. Stock Less (during a sale activity stock of an organisations declines) II. Add Challan. III. Detail/Summary- if you select summary, you would get a report of all the bills in the sales report, however, if you choose details, you would also get the items sold through that bill in the sales report. IV. Report for- what report you wish to view. 1 for only sales report, 2 for sales and sales return report and so on. V. Mention the period for which you want to view the report. VI. Select Area and Route.

Click on view to view the report, print to take a print out of the report and cancel if you wish to again feed the data or wants to make some changes in the data entered. 4. Select the M.R. 5. You would get the sales statement according to the criteria mentioned by you. Sales report: This helps to view the sales report M.R Wise, Party wise, Company Wise & Sales Return Wise , And all these reports can be seen on : Monthly basis




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Daily Basis Bill wise Supplier wise Operator Wise NET SALES COMPANY WISE

And the Medical Representative( MR) Report on Sales again can be viewed through various means: MR Sales statement: MR WISE SALE BOOK : -

MR summary : ALL MR. ,, MONTHLY :-

MR / Company wise Summary: COMPANY WISE (WITH ITEM) : / MR SALE :-

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MR / Product wise summary :

Party Return Analysis This option to print the analysis report of the total sales made to a single buyer and returns made that buyer giving the break-up of the types of returns made by that buyer. The analysis report will be showing the total sales, percentage of total returns & total return quantities, total sales returns and percentage, total breakage returns / expiry returns and percentage to evaluate the performance of the buyer. WE CAN FILTER ALL THESE OPTIONS DAY WISE SUMMARY /MONTHWISE /BILL WISE & SUPPLIER WISE & AREA WISE. Select this option to print the DAY WISE /MONTHY WISE/ BILL WISE/ sales summary of Cash Sales, Credit Sales & Total sales of the day. PURCHASE REPORT : Similarly , We Can View The Purchase Reports : Supplier Wise Bill Wise Company Wise Item Wise & We Can Further Also Filter The Data : Area Wise & Month Wise & Product Wise SELF LIFE STATEMENT: This option IS USED to print the detailed statement of purchases showing the expiry date, life duration days, the period-in-between manufacturing date & purchase date and the period-in-between the purchase date and the expiry date of each item. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN SELF LIFE STATEMENT: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Daily Reports Purchase ReportSelf Life Statement.
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I. II. III. IV. V. 3. A window will appear on the screen with following options: Stock Add (during a purchase activity stock of an organisations increases) Add Challan. Mention the period for which you want to view the report. PURCHASE COSTING COMPARISON-MIS: Select this option to compare the costs of the items that were purchased from two different suppliers (sellers) at different time intervals. The detailed cost comparison statement will show the cost difference if the item has the same MRP as well as different MRPs. State whether you wish to view cash transactions, credit transactions or both.


Click on view to view the report, print to take a print out of the report and cancel if you wish to again feed the data or wants to make some changes in the data entered. 4. You would get the Self Life Statement according to the criteria mentioned by you. PURCHASE DIFFERENCE STATEMENT: Select this option to print the reports of the purchase entries for such bills / items where there is a difference between the billed amount and the actual paid amount. PURCHASE CHECKING STATEMENT: Select this option to print the detailed checklist of the purchased items (bill-wise), purchase details like MRP, Rate, Cost, Discount & Bill Amount and the corresponding sales details of that item like type of the Rate, Tax & Amount etc. This report is useful to verify the correctness of the purchase rate entries and the sales rate entries of each item. PURCHASE COSTING COMPARISON-MIS: Select this option to compare the costs of the items that were purchased from two different suppliers (sellers) at different time intervals. The detailed cost comparison statement will show the cost difference if the item has the same MRP as well as different MRPs. PURCHASE DISCOUNT MISMATCH: Certain firms have fixes an agreed amount of discount percentage with the suppliers / dealers / sellers for certain items or all of their items to be supplier. This agreed fixed discount percentage is normally entered when creating the master entry of that item. In case the supplier / dealer / seller prepares their bills for a less discount percentage and not abides by his agreement of providing the fixed discount, then this report helps to track such discount mismatched purchase bills. DAILY WORKING: DISPATCH SUMMARY: This option prints the summarised dispatch report of all the items on daily basis depending on the filter settings explained in the process below.
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PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN DISPATCH SUMMARY: 1. Enter username and password to login into your Marg software. 2. Click on transactions Daily Reports Purchase ReportDispatch Summary. 3. A window will appear on the screen with following options: I. Type- what type of report you wish to view. 1 for only sales report, 2 for sales and sales return report and so on. II. Mention the period for which you want to view the report. III. Mention the range of bill no you wish to view. IV. State whether you want to include challan or not. V. Mention the item supplied. VI. Mention the free samples, if any. VII. Mention the bill item/no.etc and line no. VIII. Bill index no. and whether you wish to merge two or more bills. IX. Item Index no. and whether you wish to view merge two or more than two items. X. Format. XI. Print MRP XII. Single or multi account group XIII. Mode of Transport. XIV. Select Party, Area, M.R. and Route. XV. Click on accept to accept the entries made by you or cancel if you wish to again feed the data or wants to make some changes in the data entered. 4. You would get the Dispatch Summary according to the criteria mentioned by you. 5. Select the Party whose bill and its details you want to view. 6. You can view and modify this bill. MULTI BILL/OTHER PRINTING: Select this option to print all the unprinted invoices one by one. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN MULTI BILL/OTHER PRINTING: 1. Click on transactions Daily Reports Purchase ReportMulti Bill/Other Printing. 2. A window will appear on the screen with following options: I. Type- what type of report you wish to view. 1 for only sales report, 2 for sales and sales return report and so on. II. What you wish to print- invoice, Bank Letter, etc III. Print For

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IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Mention the period for which you want to view the report. Mention the range of bill no you wish to view. State whether you want to include challan or not. Single or multi Party & Group. Select Party, Area, M.R. and Route. Click on accept to accept the entries made by you or cancel if you wish to again feed the data or wants to make some changes in the data entered. 3. You would get the Multi Bill/Other Printing Summary according to the criteria mentioned by you. 4. Select the Party whose bill and its details you want to view. 5. You can view and modify this bill. REORDER ON SALES/MINIMUM BASES: Select this option to print the detailed stock position of the items for reordering based on its minimum level of stock (to be maintained) as it was entered while creating the master item record (or) based on the frequency of sale of each item. For more details , view the screen shot which reflected at the time of master Item Creation. It is used to prepare the reorder / Purchase new stock on the basis of sales of previous 7 days

STOCK & SALES ANALYSIS : RATE COMPARISON STATEMENT: Select this option to compare two different rates of the item of each batch. For example the firm may want to compare the Purchase Rate with the MRP based on the selected numeric validation (<, >, =, =<, >=) and bring out the difference, bill details and the supplier detail. BILL TAGGING/ COLLECTION LIST & BILL TAGGING IN SINGLE O/S : In the firms which have a huge number of daily transactions, normally when sending their field person for collection of the outstanding payments, the firm will keep a written copy of the outstanding statement to be given to the clients and when the field person returns with
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the payment they make a note of the same detail against each invoice detail, in the written copy, and then update this payment information on each outstanding ledger account. To ease this tedious task MARG has an option called Bill Tagging The system operator will create a tag of each statement he issues to the field person by giving a separate tag number for each tag. Once the payments are received for all or part of the invoices of one tag, the system operator will open the respective tag using its tag number and feed in the amount received against each invoice. The invoices for which the total payment is received will automatically be removed from the tag file and the remaining invoices will be shown in the tag file next time. By this the system generates the receipt vouchers automatically and updates the debtors outstanding balances. MARG names this complete process as Bills Tagging Once you enter the indexing / sorting preferences the system will prompt to choose the pattern of the statement, that is, party-wise, area-wise, salesman-wise. THIS IS BASICALLY USED BY FMCG Companies. After completing all the process press the <TAB> button to enter the Tag number, Date & the name of the field person to whom the statement is issued. Now the all the selected bills are tagged and the Tag File for the outstanding statement is generated. The payment receipt entry against the tagged bills can be done through the receipt entry option from the transactions menu. In the Similar way , We can tag the Bill in Single Outstanding also. PENDING CHALLANS: Select this option to display / print the pending challans against which action has not been taken yet. PROCESS TO VIEW ENTRY IN PENDING CHALLANS: 1. Click on transactions Daily Reports Daily WorkingPending Challans. 2. A window will appear on the screen with following options: I. Type- what type of report you wish to view. 1 for only sales report, 2 for sales and sales return report and so on. II. Mention the period for which you wish to view the bills III. Mention the value of the challan (up to which or equal to or greater than) IV. Mention bill series V. Mention the range of challan no you wish to view VI. Mode of transport VII. Select Party, Group, Area, M.R., Route

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Click on accept to accept the entries made by you or cancel if you wish to again feed the data or wants to make some changes in the data entered. 3. You would get all the challans issued by your company according to the criteria mentioned by you. 4. Select any challan to view more details regarding it or to modify it. CHALLAN TO BILL: Select this option to prepare the corresponding bills against pending challans issued. PARTY NOT VISITED: This gives the report of the list of the parties who have not visited us for any transaction i.e.Sales or Purchases. BILL NOT PRINTED( MIS) : Select this option to check all the bills that are not printed and print them one by one. (When you prepare a bill the system keeps a record of how many copies of bills have been printed. In case no bill is printed this option shows the list of all the unprinted bills) . So this can be used to send the bills to party for payment. BILL NOT PRINTED (AFTER MODIFICATION): Selecting this option will display the list of bills for which some modifications has been made and the printout was not taken yet. SIGNED/UNSIGNED: In the firms having huge number of transactions per day, it is very difficult to maintain the track of the bills prepared, sent to the authority for signature & received back duly signed by the authority. ALSO CALLED VERIFICATION OF THE BILL. In MARG the user has the option of maintaining the bills that are sent for the signature of the authorized person of the firm and once they return the bills, duly signed, the user can enter the signed bills details. The system maintains the complete track of this process. DELIVERED & UNDELIVERED (MIS) :N.A.


TODAYS SALE, PURCHASE, CLOSING: Select this option to print the statement of sales, purchases & closing stock of each item for the specific period / day.

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VARIOUS TYPES OF ITEM LIST : This gives the report on the various types of item we have in

our stock( no rate & MRP is given) . The report can be filtered Company Wise, Alphabatic wise , Columnar wise, Salt wise, category wise. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO

Whereas in Report ManagerOther ReportsItem List . This Also Gives The Same Report Of Items But It Gives Rate & MRP Also. NEAR EXPIRY & EXPIRED REPORTS :This gives the report of the stock which are near to expiry Or Expired Stock so that it is not delivered to our consumer & so as To maintain the Goodwill & repo of the company & should be shifted to the Scrap store. DUMP STOCK REPORT This gives the report of the stock which have not been put into transaction i.e. Sale or Purchase from the no. of days defined (say 60 or 30 or 90 days ) are called DUMP STOCK. HOLD STOCK REPORT: This gives the report to see the particular bills, products, quantity, & Batch No. which have been set on hold. NEGATIVE STOCK REPORT : Select this option to print the report of the items that have reached the negative balance according to the system data. When the negative option is enabled from the control panel and bills / challans issued for certain items (due to the inter-branch / inter-store adjustments or due to any other reason) when the stock in hand is nil, then obviously the stock in hand of that item becomes negative. Although the system permits this type of working, but as per the accounting & inventory system this is an error. At one stage the user must update (correct) this type of error (negative balance of stock). In such case this report is needed to make the required entries. RATES DIFFERENCE STOCK LIST: This report gives the list of the items whose MRP has changed ( in accordance with MRP when it was purchased). BANK STATEMENT (Stock Valuation): This option is used to print the stock valuation statement (for bank purpose) based on various rates and filter settings.This report can also

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be used to get the loan sanctioned from the bank.

TODAYS GROSS PROFIT : This option is used to evaluate and print the gross turnover / gross loss of the business on a specific duration. STOCK REGISTER PLANNING: Select this option to print the detailed stock register of each item for the specific period.AND WE CAN SEE THIS REPORT FROM STOCK BOOK ALSO. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.. THIS OPTION GIVES A MORE FILTERED REPORT & GIVES THE COST OF THE ITEM ALSO. STOCK AGEING ANALYSIS: This option is used to print the ageing analysis of the amount value or the stock quantities of each item during different intervals of period. FAST AND SLOW MOVING ITEMS: Every firm will be very keen to know the pace of flow of each item to make appropriate changes / drastic decisions in the business. ITEM WISE TAX DIFFERENCE: This option is very much useful in cross checking the incorrectly taxed items while preparing the bill. The system will cross check the tax type applied in the billing with the tax type mentioned in the master item record and bring out the errors so that the user can correct these errors. BARCODE PRINTING : Barcode designing in marg software is as easy as the billing format designing in 98 formats.There is 2 different ways to takeout the barcode label printing in marg: 1. Through PRN file: This condition is valid only if the barcode label/thermal printer is of parallel port means if it takes the printout in LPT1 type. Now we will suggest you how to generate the PRN file of any printer. Step 1: Firstly you have to get the driver/installation CDs of the particular printer and then in that particular CD you will get the bartender software, we will show you some screen shots which will help you understand easily

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Now you can easily understand by the menu showing in the left hand of this picture and

you can select if you want to print any text in your label select Text, and if you want to print barcode font you have to select Barcode, and select the text for company name, item name, MRP, sales rate, etc for all this you have to select Text box icon and you can design in the right side of the picture as per your requirement. Step 2: after the designing is completed you have to select in Bartender software a File option and select Print option or press (ctrl+p) and select Print to file option as it is shown in the picture.

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After this the prn file which you have designed will be saved in text format in a notepad and now open marg software and come in margsetup/self format/barcode printing prn and then open any new format.& Name it as per your want select printer on option and then paste the particular prn which you have saved in text format or in notepad and save it and enjoy printing of the labels. Now we will show you and explain you some lines and its representation in marg software

prn file:-e.g.(476,91,15,180,0,0,"Arial","Company name") Now suppose this is the command to print your company name on barcode label, so the first is 476 it represent the space in X-coordinate, and then is 91 it represents the Ycoordinate, then 15 represents the size/height of the letters printed, then 180 represents the rotation of the letters, after that the 0 and 0 represents the darkness and boldness respectively. After this it is very to adjust all this figures as per the printing quality you need on your barcode/label printout. This is what you have to do while the printout is needed from barcode printer with parallel port. 2. Through DLL file:Now this type of barcode designing is used only when the printer supports the USB port for their barcode label printout so now we will provide you some steps which will help you to take out the barcode label with the help of DLL file. Step 1: First of all you have to get the driver CDs from the printer box and get the DLL extension file from the CD and you have to paste it in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll if it is TSC TTP printer or for other printer you have take out the Dll file and paste it in system folder and then you have to follow the instructions shown below: Suppose your printer is TSC TTP 243 and the label size is e.g., 38X25 mm so now we will show you screen shots which will clear concept to designing barcode label:
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Now you can see in this you have to put in number across the number of labels available in single line, then lines/ variable means in format how many numbers of command you want to put like shown in picture, first of all go in command option and see this:

Now in this picture you can see in the left corner its given BR_1_1, BR_1_2, BR_1_3 and so on, what you have to do is just put all the commands in front of this variables as it is shown here then come in design option as shown in this picture Now see the ways the commands have been designed in this format and put the commands in a similar manner.

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As you can see the line starting from setup("97.5","12","3","10","0","0.2","0") && Label Configuration in this 97.5 and 12 indicates the size of the label you have in mm and then after this in second line from this you can see the commands starts, in that command you can see all the variables like BR_1_1, BR_1_2, BR_1_3 and so on is used as a variables and its fonts are provided there with the help of this example you can easily set your barcode printer to print in USB mode printer. ***Note below*** After all this we prefer you to ask for the PRN and DLL file from the hardware person from where you have purchased the particular printer to save your time. ALL ACCOUNTING RECORDS: Selecting this option will print the complete daily transaction of the firm for the specific period. The statement will include the transactions like Purchase Book, Sale Book (Cash & Credit), Payment Collection Register, Payment Register, Sales Return, Purchase Return and the Accounting Records (Payment, Receipt, Journal) based on the following filter settings.

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ALWAYS BETTER CONTROL ANALYSIS: This option prints the analysis report of the complete stocks in hand of each item based on the following filter settings which facilitates the firm / management in the following ways: - to keep a complete control over the inventory items - to track down / reveal any pilferages by the staff / person in-charge - to find out the value of the dump stock of each item remaining unsold. - to find out which item(s) have a poor score of sales as on any date. PURCHASE PLANNINGThis gives report on the planning of the purchases i.e. purchased from which company , at what price ?? STOCK & SALES ANALYSIS (on Net): Select this option to view the report on Stock & Sales Analysis on the website( by uploading the same . BULK SMS : This feature help an organisation to send SMS to its customers informing several details whenever required.

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- RATE COMPARISON STATEMENT: This provides a more filtered report .

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ITEM SALES ANALYSIS: We can view item sales analysis for Item wise party analysis Party Wise Item sales Area/Party /Item Wise Sales Area Sales Summary.


FREE ISSUED: It comprises of the scheme granted by the company to increase the sales. EXTRA FREE ISSUED: This means the statement of goods which were purchased for cash but were offered free with the stock. FREE ISSUED STATEMENT : This includes the statement of the above FREE ISSUED & RECEIPT ANALYSIS :

S/R, BRK, OTHER REPORT: S/R, BRK, OTHER REPORT ON BILLS: Select this option to print the detailed report of sale bills against which the adjustment entries like sales return / replacements / breakage / price differences / expiry / free issues were made. MONTHLY ITEM REPORTS: Select this option to print the detailed monthly statement showing the details of sales returns, breakage issues, replacement issues, expiries & free issues for the specific duration.

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SALES/SALES TAX SUMMARY: Select this option to view / print the sales register. As you select this option the system shows the following window to choose the type of sales tax report. We can further filter the report .



Stock Valuation (Detailed) Select this option to print the stock valuation statement (for bank purpose) based on various rates and filter settings. DISPATCH REGISTER : This option prints the dispatch register of the outstation sales showing the transport details like transporter name, transport document number, date, total cases & freight charges and the corresponding invoice details. DISPATCH DOCUMENT: Select this option to print the following types of dispatch documents for the outstation bills: 1. Letter to the Banker intimating them about the transport details, bill details, amount to be collected from the buyer, rebates to be given for the timely receipt of the payment from the buyer & interests and interests to be levied on late payment. 2. Letter to the Buyer intimating them about the transport details, bill details, amount to be paid to the banker, rebates to be given for the timely receipt of the payment & interests and interests to be levied on late payment. SALES/AMENDMENT/COLLECTION: This Report can be viewed through various ways: ITEM SALES: This option is used to print the day-wise sales summary of all items for the specific period based on the following filter settings. AMENDED: This option is used to print the day-wise summary of only the invoices on which any amendments / corrections has been made on the specific duration. COLLECTION: This option to print the day-wise (& bill-wise) payment collection summary of only the bills on which any payment has been collected from the buyers (showing the bill detail, bill value, amount received, cheque or cash details & the balance amount to be collected on each bill) on a specific duration.

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COLLECTION AND SALES: This option is used to print the day-wise (& bill-wise) collection summary showing the bill details, bill value of cash & credit sales of a specific period. COLLECTION SUMMARY: Select this option to print the day-wise (& bill-wise) collection summary showing the bill details, bill value of cash & credit sales of a specific period. INCENTIVES AND CLAIMS: Field Staff Incentives (Salesmen) General Incentive : Using this option the user can fix the salesmen incentive (commission) percentage for the sales made to the retailer, stockist, distributor and other types of buyers separately by each salesman. Party Incentive : This option is used to fix the commission percentage to each salesman, incase a special incentive is allowed for the sales made to a specific buyer (party) Company Incentive: Select this option to fix the commission percentage to each salesman based on the sales made for a specific company / manufacturer / group / brand items. Item Incentive : Select this option to fix the commission percentage to each salesman on the sales made for selected item(s) Incentive Statement: This option prints the statement showing the commission (incentive) due for each salesman (General Commission, Buyer Special Commission, Brand / group Special Commission, and Item Special Commission due to the salesman). C & F COMMISSION: In case the user firm is a C&F Agency, then it may need to calculate the commission on the total sales of specific item (or group of items) / commission on the total sales to a single customer / commission on the total sales to selected area & route / commission on the total sales made by each salesman. The report will be showing the total sales based on the following filter settings, C&F commission receivable on the total sales, and the tax amount receivable on total sales. DISCOUNT STATEMENT Item-wise Discount Statement : This option prints the statement showing the net volume discounts, item discounts and bill discounts given on the bills for each item (company / group wise) Bill-wise Discount Statement : This option prints the statement showing the net volume discounts, item discounts and bill discounts given on the bills for each item (company / group wise) MONTHLY SUMMARIES: Party Sales Summary: This option prints the total of the net bill values of all bills issued to each buyer during every month (April to March) in the Table Format. By this report the user can easily compare the sales made by each buyer during every month at a glance. ITEM WISE SALES: Under this option the user can print numerous types of sales statements using various combinations and filter settings which are very important and often required by the management.
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Party/MR/Area/Route - Month Wise Sales summary - Single item sales, Party sales,MR Sales, Route sales, Area sales , Company sales. Report of sales can be filtered Item wise Monthly, Party wise, M.R. wise & Area & route wise Multi items Stock register, monthly item Sales & Closing Stock, & Multi item Day wise Sales. COMPANY WISE SALES : Similarly , the user can print the numerous types of sales statement & can filter the Company wise sales: Party , MR, area , route, items MONTH WISE Single Company sales , Company wise sales, Monthly Sales of each Company Supplier wise sales Company Sales Book, Company sale/ Purchase All CompaniesParty wise, MR wise, Area Wise & route Wise Sales of Company Route, area & M.R.sales


This option prints the sales report showing the net sale value of each bill of each buyerwise of each day for the specified period based on the filter settings. At the end the report will show the summary of total sales by each buyer for the specified period. Month wise- Items & Company All Parties Wise sales , All parties Sales Month wise , single party Sales Parties All Items & party Off take report . Outstanding : This option prints the report showing the bill-by-bill values, payments received, post dated cheques received and the outstanding amount of each buyer for the specified period. Sale / Collection / Outstanding : This option prints the report showing the opening balances (outstanding balance before the specified date) net transaction (all invoices) amount, net sales return amount, total payments received and the current outstanding balance (as on the specified date) of each buyer. Bill-wise Collection Ageing: This report prints the report of ageing of the outstanding balances and the interests to be collected against such outstanding amounts of each buyer on bill-by-bill basis based on the filter settings. Also the system posts the calculated interests on each outstanding bill to the ledger accounts of each buyer and updates the accounts (optional). Sale / Collection Analysis : This report shows the monthly net sale amount of each buyer and total amount received from each buyer in each month. Bill-wise Sales & Cost This report compares the purchase cost and the sales cost of the sold items so that the management can compare the cost difference between the actual purchase rate and the sold rate of each bill to each party. Break & Replacement Report

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This report shows the breakages (purchased / sold) and the replacements (issued / received) to a single buyer / seller / supplier (bill-by-bill basis) based on the following filter settings. Break & Replacement Summary
This report shows the total of all the breakages (purchased / sold) and the replacements (issued / received) to a single buyer / seller / supplier based on the following filter settings (summarized).

Item / Month-wise :This option prints the statement of sales of each item sold by a single salesman (M.R.) during each month Company / Month-wise :This option prints the statement of sales of each company / brand / group sold by a single salesman during each month . All M.R. / Month (All Salesman / Monthly): This option prints the statement of net sales made to each salesman during each month M.R. Wise Sales: Detailed & Summarised: This report shows the bill-by-bill detail OR the net sales value (in amount) sold by each salesman (during the specified period) based on the filter settings. Single M.R. Sales (Single Salesman): Detailed & Summarised: Same as above M.R. / All Items: This option prints the statement of net sales made by each salesman of each item during each month . Outstanding: This option prints the report showing the bill-by-bill values, payments received, post dated cheques received and the outstanding amount of the sales made by each salesman for the specified period. Sale / Collection Analysis: This report shows the monthly net sale amount of each buyer and total amount received from each buyer in each month . Sale / Collection / Outstanding: This option prints the report showing the opening balances (outstanding balance before the specified date) net transaction (all invoices) amount, net sales return amount, total payments received and the current outstanding balance (as on the specified date) of the sales made by each salesman. Bill-wise Collection Ageing: This report prints the report of ageing of the outstanding balances and the interests to be collected against such outstanding amounts of the sales made by each salesman on bill-by-bill basis based on filter settings. Also the system posts the calculated interests on each outstanding bill to the ledger accounts of each buyer and updates the accounts (optional). Bill-wise Sales & Cost :This report compares the purchase cost and the sales cost of the items sold by each salesman so that the management can compare the cost difference between the actual purchase rate and the sold rate of each bill to each party.


Item / Month-wise : This option prints the statement of sales of each item to the buyers of each route during each month . Company / Month-wise:This option prints the statement of sales of each company / brand / group sold to the buyers of a single route during each month All Route / Month :This option prints the statement of net sales made to the buyers of all routes during each month .

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Route Wise Sales: Detailed & Summarized:This report shows the bill-by-bill detail/ net value sales ( in amount) sold in each route (during the specified period) This report shows the net sales value (in amount) of the items sold in each route during the period specified based on the filter settings. Single Route Sales : Detailed & Summarized Route / All Items: This option prints the statement of net sales made to the buyers of each route of each item during each month Outstanding: This option prints the report showing the bill-by-bill values, payments received, post dated cheques received and the outstanding amount of the sales made to the buyers of each route for the specified period. Sale / Collection Analysis : This report shows the monthly net sale amount of the sales made to the buyers of each route and total amount received from the buyers of each route during each month Sale / Collection / Outstanding:This option prints the report showing the opening balances (outstanding balance before the specified date) net transaction (all invoices) amount, net sales return amount, total payments received and the current outstanding balance (as on the specified date) of the sales made to the buyers of each route. Bill-wise Collection Ageing:This report prints the report of ageing of the outstanding balances and the interests to be collected against such outstanding amounts of the sales made to the buyers of each route on bill-by-bill basis based on the following filter settings. Also the system posts the calculated interests on each outstanding bill to the ledger accounts of each buyer and updates the accounts (optional). Bill-wise Sales & Cost: This report compares the purchase cost and the sales cost of the items sold to the buyers of each route so that the management can compare the cost difference between the actual purchase rate and the sold rate of each bill to each party.

AREA WISE SALES: Like wise ROUTE WISE SALES this prints the statement of sales in accordance with AREA.. PURCHASE ANALYSIS:

CONSOLIDATED PURCHASE BOOK: Select this option to print the consolidated purchase book (the net purchases by deducting any type of purchase return) showing the bill-by-bill detail of the purchases including the tax & other details of the transaction . PURCHASE BOOK PURCHASE RETURN BOOK MISC PURCHASE REPORT Item-wise Purchase / Breakage / Expiry Report Purchase statement with item Purchase statement without item Rate comparison statement Free Receive statement Challan adjustment Report Purchase Cost Bi-fercation: Select this option to see the break-up details of the purchase cost of each item. The printout will show the break-up figures of the
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purchase cost as shown below: Purchase Cost = Purchase Rate + Excise + Tax Discount + Other Expenses (direct / indirect expenses incurred while purchasing the item) ITEM WISE PURCHASE & % PURCHASE SUMMARY P/R, Brk/Exp & ### ON BILLS: Select this option to print the detailed report of purchase bills against which the adjustment entries like purchase return / replacements / breakage / price differences / expiry / free receipts were made. & this report can be filtered further on Monthly basis. ITEM DISCOUNT SUMMARY : This option prints the statement showing the net volume discounts, item discounts and bill discounts given by the suppliers on the purchase bills for each item (company / group wise. MONTHLY SUMARRIES ITEM WISE PURCHASE: Under this option the user can print numerous types of purchase statements using various combinations and filter settings such as: Party / Month wise Single item Purchase Whole Item Purchase Company Purchase Summary All Items / Parties Item , Day Wise purchase COMPANY WISE PURCHASE: This option prints the statement of the total purchases & total purchase returns of each item for each supplier during each month & can be further filtered : Monthly Basis: Party/item /company Company wise purchase/ Single company/ all companies Company Purchase book PARTY WISE PURCHASE : THIS IS SAME AS ITEM WISE PURCHASE AS GIVEN ABOVE.


STOCK REGISTER PRINTING : Select this option to print the detailed stock register of each item for the specific period. This Report can be viewed through DAILY REPORTINVENTORY REPORTSTOCK REGISTER PRINTING.( BOTH REPORTS ARE SAME) STOCK & SALES ANALYSIS : Select this option to print the detailed analysis report of the sales, purchase & stock in hand. (Flow of all the items). & THE SAME REPORT CAN BE VIEWED THROUGH DAILY REPORTSDAILY WORKINGSTOCK & SALES ANALYSIS.

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CURRENT STOCK STATUS: Different types of stock positions based on various filter settings can be taken out by selecting this option. The following types of stock status reports can be printed out. STOCK AGEING ANALYSIS: Select this option to print the ageing analysis of the amount value or the stock quantities of each item during different intervals of period. And we can view the same report from DAILY REPORTS INVENTORY REPORTSSTOCK AGEING ANALYSIS VALUATION OF CLOSING STOCK: Select this option to print the valuation statement in terms of rupees of the stock of each item. AVERAGE STOCK VALUATION = WHOLE STOCK- AVAILABLE STOCK (including the stock sold & the remaining stock) (remaining stock)

TODAYS SALE , PURCHASE & CLOSING : Select this option to print the statement of sales, purchases & closing stock of each item for the specific period / day. WE CAN VIEW THE SAME REPORT FROM THIS PATH ALSO : DAILY REPORTSINVENTORY REPORTSTODAY SALE PUR & CLOSING RE ORDER / EXCESS ON SALES BASIS: Select this option to print the detailed stock position of the items for reordering based on the frequency of sale of each item based on filter settings. RE-ORDER ON MINIMUM STOCK BASIS: Select this option to print the detailed stock position of the items for reordering based on its minimum level of stock (to be maintained) as it was entered while creating the master item record based on filter settings. WE CAN VIEW BOTH THESE REPORTS FROM: DAILY REPORTS DAILY WORKINGRE ORDER/EXCESS ON SALES OR STOCK BASIS , ALSO. MAXIMUM LEVEL STOCK: Select this option to know the maximum stock level and the stock available to compare & find out the excess stock dumped of each item of the complete stock ledger.We can view the same report from this path also STOCK STOCK STATUSMAX. LEVEL STOCK OLD STOCK LIST: Select this option to print the stock position of each item as on a specified date (previous date). View the same report from STOCKSSTOCK STATUSAVAILABLE STOCKOLD STOCK. EXPIRY STOCK LIST: Select this option to print the list of items which are crossed the expiry dates and items nearing the expiry dates.We can view the same report from DAILY REPORTSINVENTORY REPORTSNEAR EXPIRY/EXPIRED REPORTS. STOCK LIFE REPORT: Select this option to view / print the duration of days from the date of purchase of a selected item and the flow of this item as on date. We can view the same report from this path also STOCKSSTOCK STATUSWHOLE STOCKSTOCK LIFE STATEMENT .
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NEGATIVE STOCK CHECKING: Select this option to print the report of the items that have reached the negative balance according to the system data. When the negative option is enabled from the control panel and bills / challans issued for certain items (due to the inter-branch / inter-store adjustments or due to any other reason) when the stock in hand is nil, then obviously the stock in hand of that item becomes negative. Although the system permits this type of working, but as per the accounting & inventory system this is an error.

WHOLE SPECIAL DEALINGS: This option prints the report of special dealings, that is special rates & discounts obtained from the suppliers (sellers) and special rates & discounts given to the buyers based on the filter settings. ITEM SPECIAL DEALINGS:This option prints the report of special dealings like special rates & discounts obtained from the suppliers (sellers) and special rates & discounts given to the buyers for a single item or selected items based on the filter settings. PARTY SPECIAL DEALINGS:This option prints the report of special dealings like special rates & discounts obtained from a single supplier (or selected suppliers) (or) special rates & discounts given to a single buyer (or selected buyers) for each item based on the filter settings . RATE LISTS:This option prints the report showing the purchase rate, M.R.P., and the selling rate(s) of each item (or) selected items (or) selected companies / brands LIST OF SCHEMES & DISCOUNTS :This option prints the report showing the list of company / brands that are launching special schemes (free schemes on purchase of certain number of quantities) (or) giving special discounts, volume discounts on its each item.


GROSS PROFIT ANALYSIS: GROSS PROFIT ON CONSOLIDATED SALES/ SALES AND GROSS LOSS ON SALES RETURN: Select this option to evaluate and print the consolidated turnover / consolidated loss (net profit / loss) of the business on bill-by-bill basis (by deducting all types of sales returns from the sales) for the specified duration.

MONTHLY GROSS PROFIT: This option is used to evaluate & print the gross profit on monthly basis / on a specified period based the filter settings i.e. Either party wise, M R Wise , Route wise OR Area wise .

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ITEM GROSS PROFIT SUMMARIES: Select this option to evaluate & print the gross profit of each item (sold) during each month to a single (selected) buyer based on the subsequent filter settings: PARTY WISE/M R WISE/AREA WISE & ROUTE WISE. ITEM WISE GROSS PROFIT & SINGLE ITEM GROSS PROFIT GROSS PROFIT SUMMARIES : Further we can filter the report on GP Summary : PARTY WISE,MR WISE, ROUTE WISE, AREA WISE OR COMPANY WISE. AS per the requirement of the management , ALL the items GP Summary can be filtered : MONTH WISE/ PARTY WISE/ MR WISE /AEA WISE/ ROUTE WISE. COMPANY GROSS PROFIT SUMMARY: Through this option we can evaluate & print the Gross Profit of the Company during a specified time period & filter the report PARTY WISE/ M R WISE/AREA WISE /ROUTE WISE/ITEM WISE ( IN EACH MONTH) ALL COMPANY GP MONTH WISE COMPANY WISE GP/ SINGLE COMPANY GP SUPPLIER WISE GP COMPANY SALE / PURCHASE BOOK ALL COMPANY GP- PARTY WISE/MR WISE/AREA WISE/ ROUTE WISE. COMPANY GP- ROUTE /AREA / MR SALE WISE PARTY GROSS PROFIT SUMMARY: Select this option to print & evaluate the Party Gross profit Summary during a specified time period (monthly ) & filter the same ITEM WISE/ COMPANY WISE ALL PARTIES GP MONTHLY PARTY WISE GP / SINGLE PARTY GP PARTIES ALL ITEMS MR/ ROUTE / AREA GROSS PROFIT SUMMARIES : Similarly all the MR , ROUTE & AREA GROSS PROFIT SUMMARIES can be filtered during given time period Or MONTHLY: ITEM WISE/COMPANY WISE ALL MR GP/ SINGLE MR GP/MR WISE GP MR /ALL ITEMS BILL WISE GROSS PROFIT

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MIS REPORTS & GRAPHS: This option analysis various aspects of outcome of the business of the current financial year and shows the reports as well as graphical illustration of the business flow and the profit or loss of the business during the current financial year. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS MONTHLY: This option analysis & prints the outcome of the business (profit or loss) during a specific month of the current financial year and show the graphical illustration of the business flow and the profit or loss of the business during the specified month. PROFESSIONAL GRAPHS : Select this option to print the professional graphical illustration of the flow of the business under the following ledger account heads (or ledger groups) during the current financial year: Sundry Debtors , Sundry Creditors , Expenses, Account Groups, Debtors (Debit / Credit) , Party Sale (Gross Profit) , Salesman , Wholesale, Product / Party (Buyer-wise sales of each Product), Product / Salesman (Salesman-wise sales of each Product), Party Sales Graphs (Buying Potentiality of Buyer). DAILY ANALYSIS: This is the report that is to be shown to the management (required by the management) which includes the complete report about the current day (or specified period) business activities taken place based on the consecutive filter settings. THIS IS THE

BEST REPORT WHERE WE CAN MAKE FILTERATION ACCORDING TO OUR USE. COMPANY WISE MARGIN: This report actually depicts the Average profit Margin (in percentage) of the company (difference between the rate & cost of the item ) it can be filtered Company wise & Item Wise. MASTER RATES & SCHEME UPDATION: This helps to update the rate & scheme on the Masters of the company .

VIEW OPERATOR LOG BOOK: Log Book is a useful report which shows the activities performed by each operator of Marg day-wise & time-wise. It will be very useful for tracing out the wrong handling / misuse of Marg by any operator and to trace-out the erring users of Marg. The report shows the operator name, log-in date, time-in & time-out, the works done during this time (the detail of the works like any data entry / master record entry, modification of any record, deletions of any record, printing of any report etc.)

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DELETE RECORDS UP TO: Using this option, one can delete the unwanted & outdated Log Book entries for a specified period by entering the serial number of the log book record.

DELETE SPECIAL RATES & DISCOUNTS: Select this option to delete the special rates / discounts that are given on specific items for all buyers and to delete the special rates & discounts given for specific buyers on certain items and the special rates & discount settings made for the items of a specific company / brand / group. Note: In any case, deleting these settings will not affect the bills that are already had been prepared. This can be used to delete the settings of special rates & discounts in the Master Item/s/ single Company / all companies/ single party / all parties/ company special rates. MULTI DELETION: Select this option to delete various types of deletion of unwanted entries and settings in the master records as discussed below. COMPANY & NON WORKING ITEMS : Select this option to delete the Master Items or company items / group of items those are no-more useful, that is items that has zero stock for a long period and no purchase / sales were made in the current financial year so far hence the management decided to delete since these master item records deemed useless to maintain. NON WORKING LEDGERS: Select this option to delete the Ledger Accounts under selected ledger groups which carries no transaction in the current financial year and the outstanding balance is nil and hence the management decided to delete them since these ledger accounts deemed useless maintain. PRINTER PORT SETTINGS: Select this option to clear / remove the printer port settings those are no more functional or in use. The user may also want to delete a printer port setting to generate a new printer port setting. BILL HEADING SETTINGS: Incase the user wants to change / create a new bill heading and hence wants to delete / clear the earlier bill headings than select this option. INVOICE FORMAT SETTINGS: Incase the user wants to change / create a new invoice format and hence wants to delete the earlier bill headings than select this option. COMPANY DISCOUNTS = MASTER DISCOUNTS: Incase the discount settings made in the Master Item is the same as the company-wise (group-wise / brand-wise) discount setting of that item then the user may deem the duplicate discount setting in the master item record as unnecessary and hence may want to delete such duplicate discount settings (repetition of same settings using multiple methods) then the user may select this option. MULTI EDITING: Select this option to make changes in the master records, if the same type of changes and settings to be made in multiple records then to avoid the repetition of work and save the time the user can select this option and make the changes / settings in all selected master records. ITEM MASTER MULTI EDITING: Select this option to make changes / to make master settings in the selected master item (one company items or all company items) records in one go. ITEM MASTER: This option opens the item master database in the interactive mode so that the user can make change in the item master record one by one. ITEM / COMPANY MASTERS: Select this option to change the company name / supplier name of each item / any item to a new company name / supplier name. This option is very
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much useful when the manufacturer / supplier of any item is changed and the same is item is to be purchased from another company / supplier / manufacturer. PARTY MASTER MULTI EDITING: The user may want to make changes in all ledger accounts of the buyers in one go which are common to all buyers (like credit limit amount, credit bills limitation, credit period, selling rate etc.) . PARTY CREDIT LIMIT: Selecting this option the user can make changes like credit limit value, bills allowed on credit, credit period, discounts & special discounts to each buyer account one by one. PARTY AREA / ROUTE / M.R. : Select this option to change the details of the buyer. Like the user may want to change the area or route of the buyers firm since the address is changed and may want to change the salesman who is handling that buyer. PARTY MASTER: Selecting this option the user can make change in the buyer master record one by one like change of address, change of name, Phone number, TIN Number or any other particulars. REPLACE LEDGER REMARKS: The user may want to change the remarks of all ledger account and enter a new remark to all ledger accounts in one go. REPLACE CST /LST HEADING WITH TIN: Select this option to change the CST / LST headings and ST headings with TIN heading. CHANGE ALL DISCOUNTS WITH ? WHOLE: Select this option to change all discounts to a common discount amount in percentage. ITEM: Select this option to CHANGE & ENTER the old rates & discounts to a new rate for each item one by one. TAX STRUCTURE: Select this option to change the sales tax type and the sales tax percentage for a single or whole company / group / brand. RE-ARRANGE MY BILL NO: Select this option to re-arrange the billing series, bill numbering / Challan numbering method, length of bill numbers / Challan numbers, to add prefix or to add suffixes to bill numbers / challan numbers, for all type of bills or selected bill types like sale bill / sale Challan, sales return bills / challans etc. RE-ARRANGE MY RECEIPT NUMBERS: Select this option to change the payment / receipt numbering method that is to change length of the numbering of the receipt or payments. RE-ARRANGE BILL / TAX HEADINGS: Select this option to re-arrange the billing series of retail bills and tax bills for selected bill types (sale / sales return / breakage & expiry return / purchase / purchase return etc) based on billing series or master & tin date. MERGE ITEM/COMPANY/BATCH/STORE/RACK : ITEM : Select this option to merge one Item with another item incase the rates / discounts and most of the things has become common between any two items and hence the management decided to merge these two items for administration purpose. COMPANY: Select this option to merge the items of two different company / supplier / manufacturer in to one company / supplier in exclusive conditions / cases due to any reason. BATCH: Select this option to merge one batch (lot) of item with another batch (lot) of the same item. STORES: Select this option to merge one stores stocks with another stores stocks and close the other stock for administrational purposes.
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RACK: Select this option to merge the item of one rack with the same item of another rack to re-arrange the rack numberings and spaces. MERGE PARTY /AREA/ROUTE/MR: PARTY: Select this option to merge the accounting & inventory records of one buyer with the records of another buyer. This option may be required in case two firms merge themselves or due to any other reasons. AREA: Select this option to merge the records of one area with the records of another area due to change of area name or due to political / administrational reasons. ROUTE: Select this option to merge one records of one route with the records of another records, due to administrational purposes. M.R.: Select this option to merge the records of one salesman with the records of another salesman due to any administrational reasons. EDIT STOCK BALANCES: STOCK FEEDING : Select this option to change / modify the master item records (rates, discounts, tax types etc.& we can refresh the same : SINGLE ITEM WISE/ COMPANY WISE/ALL UNMATCHED. ADD/ LESS : STOCK & SALES: COMPANY & ITEM: This option is used to modify (add or subtract ) the stock & sales of one company & add it to other. STOCK OUTSTANDING: REFRESH ON FIFO SINGLE PARTY : Select this option to change the posting method of receipts from a single selected buyer against his outstanding bills (balancing method) to FIFO base from Bill-by-Bill method & from On Account method. REFRESH ON FIFO SUNDRY DEBTORS: Select this option to change the posting method of receipts from all Sundry Debtors against their outstanding bills (balancing method) to FIFO base from Bill-by-Bill method & from On Account method. REFRESH ON FIFO SUNDRY CREDITORS : Select this option to change the posting method of payments to all Sundry Creditors against outstanding bills (balancing method) to FIFO base from Bill-by-Bill method & from On Account method. REFRESH ON FIFO SUNDRY DEBTORS & CREDITORS : Select this option to change the posting method of receipts from all Sundry Debtors & Creditors against their outstanding bills (balancing method) to FIFO base from Bill-by-Bill method & from On Account method. DELETE ON ACCOUNT LEDGER OUTSTANDING: For the convenience of the users the conversion of the On Account balancing method to FIFO Base balancing method is protected for certain reasons. Anyhow if the user needs to convert the On Account balancing methods to FIFO Base balancing method, then the user must clear the setting of On Account balancing method first. Select this option to clear / remove the On Account balancing method settings from all party / customer ledger accounts in one go. MANUAL EDIT: EDIT PARTY OUTSTANDING :Select this option to manually adjust the outstanding balance amounts of each sale bill of the buyers one by one & bill by bill (feed the adjustment receipt entry against each bill directly). MANUAL EDIT: EDIT PARTY OUTSTANDING: Select this option to manually adjust the outstanding balance amounts of each bill of the debtors or creditors one by one & bill by bill (feed the adjustment receipt/payment entry against each sale / purchase bill directly).

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DIFFERENCE LIST DEBTORS: This option shows the list of debtor accounts which has a difference between the ledger account balance and the actual outstanding balance (by calculating the sale bills and the receipts from the buyers). DIFFERENCE LIST CREDITORS: This option shows the list of creditor accounts which has a difference between the ledger account balance and the actual outstanding balance (by calculating the bills and the receipts from the buyers / payments to the suppliers. DIFFERENCE LIST WHOLE PARTIES: This option shows the list of party accounts which has a difference between the ledger account balance and the actual outstanding balance (by calculating all the transactions). DIFFERENCE LIST: ON ACCOUNT TO FIFO: This option shows the list of party accounts which has become outstanding account because of the conversion to FIFO Base balancing method from On Account balancing method. The difference may be due to the newly calculated interests posted on the party account due to the change of balancing method to FIFO Base.


PAYMENT REMINDERS: This feature of the Marg software helps in viewing all the Ledger accounts from whom an organisations have to receive payment or have to make payments. ST FORM REMINDERS: This feature of the Marg software helps in viewing all the Sales Tax Forms that an organisation have to fill to make or receive payment or have to make payments. GENERAL LETTERS WRITING: This feature of the Marg software is used to store Letters that an organisation needs to keep an account of for which it has received from its customers or suppliers. A letter could also be used by the organisation for self information which it may have to provide it to its employees.


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