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Community is a group of people with common characteristics or interests living together within a territory or geographical boundary and also defined as place where people under usual conditions are found. The above given definitions clearly defines what a community is. Some communities lack of provisions that cannot be fully supported by their local government like food, housing, clothing and health care services. Since there is a lack of health care services available at hand as more nurses prefer to be in hospital than community there is a scarcity of nurses in this field. With this, nursing schools includes community health nursing in the related learning experiences of students to take part in the lives of the community people and to receive real-life experiences one can only acquire with staying with the people of the community. Community health nursing is concerned with the health of the population and communities. It meets with the collective needs of the community and society. Community health nursing identifies the problems of the community, supports community participation, preserves health, and improves health. The primary focus of Community Health Nursing is health promotion and its primary responsibility is health teaching. The family is the unit of service in community health nursing. Community health services ultimate goal is to raise the level of health in the community. Community health nurses are generalists in their practice. Community health nursing uses available community resources and existing active organized groups in the community. With what the student nurses can contribute not merely on the health care services section but also in livelihood and leadership through gaining active participation from the people of the community. One of which to enhance active participation is through core group formation. Core Group Formation is the laying down of the foundation of a strong organization, brought about by bringing together several indigenous leaders to exchange knowledge and insights towards a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the community. Through this, these potential leaders personally handpicked will be trained to selected livelihood activities and actively participate in the local governments activities and will serve as an advocate of his people in the community they live in. As the biblical proverb goes, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Dont just merely spoon feed them with this and that but do livelihood programs that they can teach to other people and be utilized in the future so they will generate a source of income. Having a core group helps them gain advantage to exercise their rights and to have their voices be heard. Through

constant exposure of proper way of conversing and dealing with problems, a harmonious and peaceful relationship and camaraderie can be promoted among them. With these being implemented in the community, the imparted knowledge to the residents of the respective community can employ to improve and to change their lives significantly among the neighborhood. Cooperation is a must to achieve goals set by the core group for the community people, through working hand-in-hand nothing is impossible. Core group must serve as an inspiration to all not just merely accepting a position but wholeheartedly knowing its functions and how it can help their beloved community prosper.

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