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Instituto Superior `Josefina Contte Cursos de Extensin de Ingls para Adultos: Segundo Ao Modelo de examen 1

Criterios de evaluacin: Comprender consignas. Utilizar vocabulario especfico y estructuras correspondientes al nivel. Inferir informacin requerida. Utilizar informacin en ejercitacin diversa. Coherencia, cohesin y adecuacin a la consigna en la produccin escrita.

A. READING COMPREHENSION 1.- Read the text and say if the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. USE YOUR OWN WORDS 2 each / 10 marks

Unusual Festivals The traditions they tried to ban

Water throwing festival The weather in Thailand is very hot in spring, but if you are visiting that country in April, it might be a good idea to take an umbrella and a raincoat with you. Every year, on 13 April, which is New Year in Thailand, there is a water throwing festival. Young people run or drive through the streets with buckets of water or enormous water-guns and throw water at anybody they see. So, if you dont want to get wet, dont stand in the street. Participants must follow three important rules. Firstly, they mustnt throw water at old people. Secondly, they mustnt touch people. Thirdly, they mustnt throw water at car drivers. Every year people get killed or injured in road accidents during the festival. Some people are concerned about the number of casualties and want to ban the festival. However, the festival is a big tourist attraction, and will probably continue for many years. Cheese rolling Nobody knows exactly when this tradition at Coopers Hill in the centre of England started, but it was hundreds of years ago. The rules are simple: you have to chase a large, round cheese down a very steep hill. This dangerous event takes place every year at the end of May. Participants often break arms or legs, and even the spectators are at risk: one year, a cheese jumped into the air and hit a 59-year-old grandmother on the head. 1997 was particularly bad year for casualties. Up to 37 people were hurt, so in 1998, the local authorities banned the cheese rolling. However, because of all the protests, the ban lasted only a year and the tradition started again in 1999. To reduce the number of injuries, participants and spectators had to follow a few simple safety rules. Now, only about twelve people a year get injured! Bull running It is the most famous part of the Fiesta de San Fermn, a week-long festival that is held every July in Pamplona, Spain. Every morning at eight oclock, participants run through the streets in front of a group of six bulls, each about 600 kg. Anybody can take part. You neednt sign up you just have to stand in the street and wait for the bulls. But its a dangerous event. In 2004, eight participants were badly hurt when the bulls caught them with their horns. All spectators must stay behind the double line of fences along the road. This is because the participants need to jump over the first line of fences into an empty space to escape from the bulls. Each year, there are people who want to ban the bull running. They arent concerned about the number of injuries to the participants theyre protesting because, after the bull running, the bulls are killed in bull fights. a) b) c) d) e) In the Water Throwing Festival people can throw water to anybody (par. 1). Old people dont take part (par. 1) Cheese rolling wasnt allowed for some years (par. 2).. A lot of measures were taken to reduce the number of injured people (par.2). Its part of a longer festival (par. 3).

2. Answer the following questions using your own words. (2 each /10 marks) a) Why is it advisable to take an umbrella and a raincoat if you visit Thailand in spring? b) What are some people worried about? c) Who is in danger when the cheese rolling festival takes place? Why?

d) Do you have to register if you want to take part in a bull running? e) What do people complain about? B. USE OF ENGLISH 3. A reporter is interviewing local authorities. Write the questions for these answers. (2,5 each. 10 marks)
Reporter: a) ______________________________________________________________________? Thai City Mayor: Yes. People have to follow some rules to participate in the water throwing festival. Reporter: b) ______________________________________________________________________? Thai City Mayor: We want to ban the water throwing festival because many people are killed or hurt every year. Reporter: c) ______________________________________________________________________? British Citiy Mayor: We banned the festival in 1997 because thirty-seven people were hurt. Reporter d) _______________________________________________________________________? Spanish City Mayor: They are protesting because after the bull running, the bulls are killed in bull fights.

4. Circle the correct option. (1,5 each. 15 marks) 1. Mount Everest is the ________ mountain in the world. a) higher b)high c) highest d) most high 2. Nothing makes me __________than waiting on the phone, listening to a recorded music. a) angriest b) angry c) angrier d) more angry 3. How _______families with two cars are there in Canterbury? a) much b) many c) long d) often 4. Lettuce _____quite cheap. a) are b) is c) has d) cost 5. If you have a cold, _____ hot ginger tea twice a daily a) you take b) took c) take d) takes 6. To send an email, first _______in to your email provider, for example Gmail or Hotmail. a) sign b) signed c) signs d) singing 7. I havent finished the project _____. Im going to do it this afternoon. a) already b) just c) for d) yet 8. Im seeing Mrs. Johnson tomorrow. Im having tea with _______ a) him b) her c) he d) she 9. Students ____________to stand when the teacher comes in. a) Cant b) mustnt c) has d) dont have 10. In Britain boys and girls ________seventeen to star driving. a) Can be b) have to be c) mustnt be d) cant be 5.- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.(1.5 each/15 marks)
A: I (see / not) 1) ________________________ you last week. Where (you / be) 2) _______________________________? B: I (come / just) 3) _______________________________ back from Canada. A: Oh really? What did you do in Canada? B: I took a nature tour A: Wow! Did you see many wild animals there? B: Of course. One day when we 4)_______________(walk) in a national park we saw bears, and wolves. A: What 5)____________________(they /do) when you saw them? B: They were lying on the grass. These animals (be) 6)__________ so interesting. By the way, (you / spend / ever) 7) _______________________a holiday in Canada? A: No, but I (travel) 8)________________________________to Canada next winter. B: When (you / go) 9) _____________________________________________ ? A: In January, I 'm going to travel with some friends. B: (you / like) 10) _____________________________________skiing? A: I absolutely love it, that's why we chose Canada.

6.- Vocabulary . Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word bank. There are two extra words. (2 each/ 16

washing machine plaster tube stomachache gloves hostels crowded cartoon dish washer bored 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I ate a lot of chocolate and I've got a ________________ now. I broke my leg. The doctor put a ______________ on my leg. I'm going to have it for a month. If you are going skiing, take a scarf and some _______________. I forgot to take a _______ of toothpaste when I went on holiday, so I had to buy one. Students prefer to stay in ___________ because they are cheaper than hotels. If someone talks to me for hours about football or politics, I feel so_____________. New York is a very _________city. Eight million people live there. I hate washing. I really need a new ___________________.

C. WRITING 7.- Choose ONE of the following topics to write about. Use between 100 and120 words. (24 marks) a - Describe a favourite place you have visited. b- Write about the worst day you've ever had. c- Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about your plans for next holidays and invite him/her to join you. 1. Content: students convey meaning. They get the task 2. Accuracy: grammar mistakes, punctuation, spelling. 3. Coherence and cohesion. Length 10 10 4

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