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Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-

Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls: TERCER AO ADOLESCENTES EXAMEN FINAL: FEBRERO 2011 Date: Group: 36 Profesora: Miriam Acua Name and surname: ....... I. C. N:

Criterios de evaluacin: Comprender consignas. Utilizar vocabulario especfico y estructuras correspondientes al nivel en diferentes tipos de ejercitacin. Inferir y extraer informacin requerida. Elaborar preguntas de manera correcta utilizando diferentes tiempos verbales. Producir textos coherentes, cohesivos y adecuados a la consigna. 1. A. READ THE ARTICLE.

Camp Hideaway
You want to take a vacation, but you are worried about your pet. Who will take care of Fluffy, Roger, or Princess? Now you can leave town with confidence. Just take your pet to Camp Hideaway-an all-season camp for your favorite animal. Camp Hideaway is a high-class place. It's just like summer camp for children! Campers have pool time, and they also have special play times. Camp Hideaway has indoor heated dog runs and a big outdoor area for playful, social dogs. In some ways, it's better than summer camps children enjoy. Camp Hideaway has television. Sparky can go to the doggie TV room, sit on the couch, and watch television with his friends. Individual personalities are also respected. Is your pet shy?There is a separate exercise area for dogs or cats that like to be alone. Like your dog, your cat won't be bored either. She can have a private room with windows. She can look outside and see birds and fish. She can also have lots of toys to play with.To help all the animals relax, there is classical music 24 hours a day. Camp Hideaway's counselors also follow your pet's daily schedule. If you want, you can bring in your pet's own food, treats, toys, and bed. Your little camper is going to be so happy that he may never want to go home!


a) Camp Hideaway is for only for pets.. ___


b) Camp Hideaway also has services for birds and fish.___


c) The camp is only for social animals..___


d) Pet owners have to bring their pet's own food and bed. .___

e) All pets follow the same daily schedule at the camp. . ___

1. B. READ THE ARTICLE AGAIN AND ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS. a. What activities can pets do at Camp Hideaways ?

(3 each- 12 MARKS)


b. Do they take all types of dogs and cats? Why? / Why not?

Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-

c.How is Camp Hideaway like a camp for children?


d.What special things does Camp Hideaway have for cats? For dogs? ...................................................................................... .................................................................................................. 2. VOCABULARY: A. MATCH EACH WORD WITH THE CORRECT DEFINITION. THERE IS AN EXTRA WORD YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE. a. Foreign f.Cartoon k. Sunbathe . . . . . . . . . . b.Factory g. Tired l.Carton 2) a film that uses drawings. 3) to sit or lie under the sun to make your skin brown 4) a long wollen piece of clothing that you wear round your neck. 5) building where things are made 6) a plastic or paper container that is like a box. 7) a large area of water in the countryside 8) a person who studies the substances that exists in the world. 9) from a different country 10) a small hotel or house where you pay to stay. c. Physicist h.Lake m.Bed and Breakfast d.Tie i.Boring ( 1 each - 10 MARKS) e. Lazy j. Scarf

1) describes a person or thing that is not interesting or exciting

3. CIRCLE THE CORRECT OPTION TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. (1.5 each-15 MARKS) 1. I doexercise every day. b) any c) some

a) a lot 2.

My .. husband likes going on treks. b) friends c) friends

a) friends 3.

I'm not hungry. I have ..................had lunch. b) just c) yet

a) never 4.

I think Bodicea was very..because she fought the Romans. b) braver c) brave

a) bravest 5.

My uncle Jimmy is .person I know b) funniest c) the funniest

a) the funnier 6.

We have some vegetables but we don't have ........meat. b) Any c) much

a) Some 7.

I'm really bad Everytime I tried to cook something I burn it.

Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-

a) with 8.

b) in

c) on

We.a lot of fun at Sues birthday party last Saturday. b) did c) had

a) have 9.

My grandma always turns . the TV at 11 p.m. and goes to bed. b) on c) over

a) off

10. A: Are these my tickets? No,are on the table a) mine b) your c) yours

4. WRITE QUESTIONS FOR THESE ANSWERS. The weather was awful, it rained all day.

(3 each 15 MARKS)

a) ..? b) ..? I've got 2 children, a boy and a girl. c) ...? I never eat fish, I hate it. d) How long...............? We've lived in this house since 1991 e) ...? I met him at a birthday party. 5. PUT THE VERBS IN THE CORRECT TENSE: PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT CONTINUOUS, PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS, PRESENT PERFECT, GOING TO. ( 1.5 each 15 MARKS)

a) The new James Bond film __________________________(just/ come) out. I can't wait to see it. b) My car broke down when I ________________________________(go) to work. c) What ________Bill ___________(do) when you got home? Sitting in front of the TV. d) We moved to this house 10 years ago, so we ____________________(live) here since 2000. e) During the 1990s, the Spice Girls _________(be) one of the most successful groups in the world. f) How long __________you __________(have) that dress? Since my birthday. g) My brother ________(get) married last year. They had a great party. h) She ________________________(often/ eat) at home, but right now she's eating a fruit in the office. i) Right now I cant answer the phone because I ___________________________ spaghetti. j)A: ____________you_________________________ (ever/ see)? summer. B: Yeap, I saw Brad Pitt last (cook) some

Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-


(23 MARKS)

Imagine you are Flick. Write a letter to your sister and tell her what happened in Pine Crest. (What happened to Janine? What did you do? What did you find out? Imagine you are Murjana. Write a letter to your best friend and tell her what happened to your master and his brother. (what did they do? What did the thieves do to them? How did you help Ali? etc.) Write a story about the following pictures. (What did you see? What happened? - Why? - How did it end?)

Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-

Evaluacin oral:

CRITERIOS EVALUACIN EXAMEN ORAL: 1) Interaction: (role-plays) Ability to convey meaning through a dialogue. 2) Vocabulary range. 3) Pronunciation. 4) Accuracy: word order, tenses, etc. 5) Knowledge of short stories.

ACTIVITIES: Picture description: people description (body, clothes and personal characteristics); place description (furniture, weather, etc.); actions and students personal opinion on the actions depicted on the picture. Role-playing: situations taken from the book. Retelling stories: from book and readers. (only one story)

Instituto Superior Josefina Contte Cursos Regulares de Extensin de Ingls-

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