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Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter Necromancy, while a form of blood sorcery, is not as flexible or as formalized as Hermetic Sorcery

(Tremere Thaumaturgy). It has far fewer paths and even fewer rituals. However there are a few more pahts, and while associated with different bloodlines, they can be learned by any necromancer: * The Mortuus Path - The proprietary path of the Harbingers of Skulls, this path allows the necromancer to manipulate the actual state of undeath for personal utility and offensive applications. (Guide to the Sabbat) * The Vitreous Path - The proprietary path of the Nagaraja, allows for more refined control over wraiths than even the Sepulchre Path; a master of the path may gain sustenance from them. (Vampire: The Masquerade Storytellers Guide) * The Cenotaph Path - A rare path mainly practiced by the African Ghibberti family of the Giovanni which allows the necromancer control and even reassignment of a wraith's fetter. (Clanbook: Giovanni Revised) * The Path of Abombo - A path practiced by the Laibon of Africa, focusing on the connection between the dead and the living; similar to but distinct from the Cenotaph Path. (Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, p. 104). * Thanatosis - Used by the Samedi. Though presented as a Discipline of its own in 2nd and Revised Edition, it is very close to some Mortis (Dark Ages Necromancy, practiced by the Cappadocians), and might be presented as a necromantic path or two in V20. * The Mortis paths - There are several old paths that might be used. Remember that there essentially is no difference between Mortis and Necromancy. Note that some of it's practice survived in the form of the Mortuus path, and Thanatosis. It's easiest to call Mortis the old name of the same Discipline: Necromancy. Keeping with the themes, the old paths (collectively known as Mortis) are the primitive basis, which developed into something more with the knowledge presented by the Giovanni. Rather than offering Cappadocians (who certainly aren't using Giovanni libraries!) the Sepulcture Path, I'd instead suggest allowing the Nigrimancy Path, largely left behind by the Giovanni, as something that they may have picked up. Similarly, the first 5 levels of Thanatosis could be sensibly redrawn as a Path, with the higher levels being codified into ritual form (which also means that non-elder types could learn them). Given that second edition got retconned in favour of Revised, I would seriously get rid of the Mortuus Path. It has no link to the Cappadocian forebearers of the Harbingers. Instead, it harkens back to a defunct version of the Discipline that doesn't really fit well. Even before they did Revised, Mortis made no sense. It was described in fluff as having rituals, but in hard-set rules, it wasn't really magic at all. That said, I think that the Harbingers are better replacing Mortuus with the Nigrimancy Path. Given that Nigrimancy also allows feeding on ghosts, it makes some serious sense. As for the Nagaraja, the original write-up (in that blasphemous tome that shall go unnamed) suggested that they were created by means of vampires collaborating with a cabal of preeuthanatoi mages. The only ones who sound like they would have reasonably done this, some 1,000 years before the Tremere, are Cappadocians. I've always liked the idea that Cappadocian blood was used, although I doubt that they'd have any interest in contact with that lineage. In a Dark Ages game, I played a Nagaraja with that backdrop involved, and I had him posing as a graverobber.

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter

Anyway, it sounds like there's some great stuff coming. I'm going to be running a post-gahenna game online, so I definitely want to read the book, to see where it can further what I'll be using for that. Here's to hoping for a timely public release of this masterwork! O.K., here goes... Necromancy and Mortis are the same discipline. After the purge of the Cappadocians the discipline came to be referred to by a name that better captured Giovanni methods and philosophies, but in the end, it is the same. Just because I call my mental manipulation powers "Mind Magic" doesn't change the fact that it is still Dominate. I can understand many calling for the two to remain separate, so as to capture the different methods and techniques of the Cappadocians and Giovanni. But they all should be reprinted as the same discipline just in different sections. Here are the most "up to date" paths and where to find them: Ash Path: Vampire revised p.164 Bone Path: Vampire revised p.163 Cadaverous Animation: Dark Ages Vampire p.193 Cenotaph Path: Giovanni Clanbook revised p.67 Corpse In The Monster: Dark Ages Vampire p.192 Graves Decay: Dark Ages Vampire p.190 Path of the Four Humors: Dark Ages Storytellers Companion p.41 Path of Haunting: Players Guide to the High Clans p.196 Sepulchre Path: Players Guide to the High Clans p.193 (as Nigrimancy) Vitreous Path: Storytellers Handbook revised p.40 Special Cases: Mortuus Path: Guide to the Sabbat p.106: This path should probably not be reprinted. This was the first attempt to bring the former 1 thru 10 levels discipline Mortis and change it into a path and ritual discipline. It has now been cut up and cannibalized. All of its powers have been reprinted between the two paths Graves Decay and Corpse In The Monster, except the third level (Resume the Coil), which was remade as a level 4 ritual (Resurrection of Stirred Blood, Players Guide to the High Clans p.201). Path of Abombo: Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom p.104: This is a reprint of the Cenotaph Path from the Giovanni Clanbook. Literally. Almost word for word. They even make a point of this in Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom on page 95. Between the fact that it is merely a variant name and that it has been said repeatedly that Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom will in no way be included in 20th anniversary Vampire, the Path of Abombo should probably not even be mentioned. Bone Path VS Cadaverous Animation: Many would claim that these two path are the same. And indeed, they are very similar. But they probably are two different paths, even though they both animate corpses. The Bone Path is themed on placing and removing souls into and from

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter bodies. It creates zombies by using mindless ghosts called drones. It is these animating spirits that make zombies created by the Bone Path so long-lasting. However, they suffer a crippling weakness in that they can be defeated by any power that yanks souls out of bodies, such as the level four power of the Bone Path itself. Cadaverous Animation, on the other hand, is solely concerned with animating dead flesh. It uses the memories of life and movement that remain in dead flesh to achieve its results. With no true animating spirit the body continues on to decay and destruction. But good luck defeating one through any means other than physical damage. Sepulchre Path: This path is mostly fine as is, but it should probably use the updated rules in Players Guide to the High Clans (where its called Nigrimancy). This is especially true of the first level power. Originally, the first level was used to look in the eyes of a corpse to witness their last moments alive. It really had nothing to do with the rest of the path, which is about manipulating spirits. It was replaced with a new level one power, allowing for the perception of spirits. (Very different from the first power of the Ash Path which allows one to see into the shadowlands. Not all ghosts are in the shadowlands. Some have found ways into the real world.) The original first level has been remade as a level one ritual (Final Sight, Dark Ages Vampire p.196). Recommendations on what path should go where: The Ash Path, the Bone Path, the Cenotaph Path, the Path of Haunting and the Sepulchre Path should probably all go in the main body of Necromancy, printed in the disciplines chapter. Cadaverous Animation, Corpse In the Monster and Graves Decay should probably be printed in the section detailing the Cappadocians in the Bloodlines chapter. The Path of the Four Humors should obviously be printed in the section detailing the Lamia in the Bloodlines chapter. The Vitreous Path should obviously be printed in the section detailing the Nagaraja in the Bloodlines chapter. This leaves the Harbingers of Skulls with no special path of their own. Perhaps a simple note could be made that refers to the paths detailed under the Cappadocians and the Lamia. Or perhaps a new path could be written up. (The Mortuus Path is certainly a fantastic name it would be a shame to leave it to rot on the side of the road.) I dont envy the one who has to make the decision. Possible Variations Of all the Mortis paths to possibly have a place in the main body of Necromancy in the disciplines chapter, Graves Decay is probably the best candidate. Besides being very useful for disposing of bodies (something a Giovanni certainly has to deal with on a regular basis), it is the only path to have definite combative uses. It makes sense that this a path the Giovanni would still practice. (Also, it certainly the path that many Samedi would start with. But thats a discussion for their section.) As for Corpse in the Monster, I cant imagine the Anziani, resting beneath the waters of

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter Venice, not knowing the secrets of this path. As such it could go into the main body of Necromancy in the disciplines chapter, but I dont recommend it. My Two Cents So who am I to make such recommendations? Just one player/storyteller who really, really LOVES the Giovanni, the Samedi, the Harbingers of Skulls and, especially, the discipline of Necromancy. Its without a doubt, my favorite discipline. Both my group and I took the time after Vampire went out of print to catalog all the disciplines in print for ease of reference. We wound up spending a lot of time on Necromancy so as to iron out questions and conflictions. These are just our opinions and suggestions. But we feel theyre pretty good and well thought out opinions and suggestions. But thats for everyone else to decide. Thanks for your time and ears, fellow kindred! P.S. Ill be back tomorrow with a complete list of rituals and where to find them.

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter

I actually made a mistake at the close of my essay on Necromancy paths when I said Id be back with a list of every ritual in print. Actually, my intent was to merely list some of the lesser known and hard to find rituals for Russells sake. But since the response to my initial post has been so supportive, I will indeed include a complete list for everyones reference. However, Ill be starting with the punch-lines, so as to provide the info I most want to get to Russell (whom Im sure is well aware of the great rituals present in Vampire revised, Guide to the Sabbat, Giovanni Clanbook revised, Dark Ages Vampire, Players Guide to the High Clans, Blood Magic and Blood Sorcery). Lesser Known Rituals (and where to find them): Awaken the Quiet Heart, Level 4: Road of Humanity p.71 Call Upon the Shadows Grace, Level 4: Giovanni Clanbook (original) p.44 Caul the Living Mind, Level 4: Giovanni Chronicles IV, Nuova Malattia p. 120 Compel the Ghostly Guardian, Level 3: Right of Princes p. 76 Soulcrafting, Level 4: Victorian Age Companion p. 70 Spirit Beacon, Level 2: Giovanni Clanbook (original) p.44 It should probably be noted that, although originally presented as Thaumaturgy rituals, Spirit Beacon and Call Upon the Shadows Grace where officially updated to Necromancy rituals in Minds Eye Theatre: Laws of the Night (page 157). (Not that anyone really disputes this, since they where presented in the Giovanni Clanbook.) A Very Special Case: Dirty Secrets to the Black Hand. This one certainly has created conflict. The rituals presented in this book were originally presented as Thaumaturgy rituals, yet delt exclusively with corpses, ghosts and the shadowlands. (This is even true for Black Water, which empowers a waters surface with the properties of the shroud. You can see out, but you cant see in.) They were printed before Necromancy was a path and ritual system (much like Spirit Beacon and Call Upon the Shadows Grace in the Giovanni Clanbook), and many feel they should be converted to Necromancy (again, much like Spirit Beacon and Call Upon the Shadows Grace). But many players love the idea of leather trench coat wearing, katana wielding, secret warrior thaumaturgist vampires. (And who can blame them?) What to do? Given the rituals natures, the presence of the Nagaraja in the Black Hand and the updates to Necromancy, our group felt that these rituals HAD to be converted to Necromancy. And so they were. Preserve Corpse (level 1), Black Water (level 2), Moonlight Dancers (level 3), Haunting Breeze (level 5) and Mass Grave (level 6) mostly work well as printed. Preserve Corpse needs a note about how the flesh is ruined for most other purposes (paths, rituals, blood consumption, etc). Black Water needs a note about how many pints are created per successful ritual (I recommend 1 pint per success). Haunting Breeze needs a note of its duration (likely permanent, but possibly several nights or weeks) and it should probably also drop wraith

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter difficulties in the area by one or two. Shadowgate (level 4) is a probably overpowered, as it accomplishes the same effect as the Ash Path level four, but without having to learn an entire path first. This ritual could be moved to level five. Another possibility is to give it a negative aspect, such as taking damage or risking Humanity loss. In our game we changed this ritual completely, so that it permantly enchanted an area so that the fourth level of the Ash Path was easier to use there. Shadowland Passage (level 5) is likewise a little overpowered. It works well as a level five ritual (given that Orpheus Descent is a level 6 and provides passage to the Labyrinth), but it is very quick. The ritual inflicts two levels of damage in use, but of what type is not specified. Given the speed of the ritual, and that it may move the necromancer to any location in the shadowlands or tempest, it should probably inflict aggravated damage. A better way to limit the ritual is to have it inflict unsoakable lethal damage and have it only work for one location, a sample of which must be worked into the hilt of the knife. While on the subject of Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, two higher level powers of Nihilistics work great as rituals. The level six power, Black Blood (page 74) works great as a level six ritual. And the level seven power, Oblivions Dance (page 74) works great as a level seven ritual. But that would require some work and time to convert them, neither of which may be available. And now, I present Necromancy Rituals and Where to Find Them: Key: V=Vampire revised, GS=Guide to the Sabbat, BM=Blood Magic, PGHC=Players Guide to the High Clans Level One Call of the Hungry Dead (V p.165) (also called Howl from Beyond in PGHC p.198) Casting of Bones (PGHC p.197) Circle of Cerberus (BM p.105) Eldritch Beacon (GS p.110) (also found in PGHC p.197) Final Sight (Dark Ages Vampire p.196) Knell of Doom (PGHC p.198) Knowing Stone (BM p.111) Minestra di Morte (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.74) Preserve Corpse (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.79) Rape of Persephone (BM p.105) Revivify the Cold Vitae (Dark Ages Vampire p.196) Ritual of the Smoking Mirror (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.71) Level Two Black Water (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.79) Eyes of the Despondent Revelation (PGHC p.198) Eyes of the Grave (V p. 165)(also found in Dark Ages Vampire, p.196)

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter The Hand of Glory (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.74) Hungry Mold (PGHC p.198) Judgment of Rhadamanthus (BM p.105) Kiss of Ages (PGHC p.198) Occhio dUomo Morto (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.75) Part the Veil (Blood Sorcery p.85) Puppet (GS p.110) Ritual of Pochtli (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.44) Skull of Warning (PGHC p.199) Spirit Beacon (Giovanni Clanbook original p.44) Two Centimes (BM p.111) Unearth the Hidden Corpse (PGHC p.199) Level Three Blood Dance (BM p.112) Compel the Ghostly Guardian (Right of Princes p.76) Din of the Damned (GS p.110) Divine Sign (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.72) Drink of Styxs Waters (BM p.105) Eyes of the Dead (Blood Sacrifice p.85) Fettered Minion (PGHC p.199) Graveyard Mists (PGHC p.200) Implacable Vigor (PGHC p.200) Malediction of Fetid Veins (PGHC p.200) Moonlight Dancers (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.79) Nightmare Drums (BM p.112) Ritual of the Unearthed Fetter (V p.165) Tempesta Scudo (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.76) Level Four Awaken the Quiet Heart (Road of Humanity p.71) Baleful Doll (BM p.112) Bastone Diabolico (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.76) Cadavers Touch (V p.165) Call Upon the Shadows Grace (Giovanni Clanbook original p.44) Caul the Living Mind (Giovanni Chronicles IV, Nuova Malattia p.120) Drink of Lethes Waters (BM p.106) Mark of Despair (PGHC p.200) Peek Past the Shroud (GS p.110, also found in PGHC p.201) Resurrection of Stirred Blood (PGHC p.201) Ritual of Xipe Totec (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.72) Shadowgate (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.79) Soulcrafting (Victorian Age Companion p.70) Veil That Bars Eternity (PGHC p.201) Level Five

Anders Carlson, Vil, Chris Gunter Chair of Hades (BM p.106) Chill of Oblivion (GS p.110) Dead Mans Hand (BM p.113) Draught of Dust and Ashes (PGHC p.201) Esilio (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.76) Garb of Hades (Blood Sacrifice p.85) Grasp the Ghostly (V p.165) Haunting Breeze (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.79) Ritual of Teyolia (Giovanni Clanbook revised p.73) Sanctuary of Living Death (PGHC p.201) Shadowland Passage (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.80) Walk Through the Shroud (Dark Ages Vampire p.197) Level Six Mass Grave (Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand p.80) Orpheus Descent (PGHC p.202) And not a single level seven or eight! Arrgghh! Even with the time crunches involved with Vampire 20th Anniversery edition I hope this oversight is repaired! As for what rituals should go where in the book, it's probably not worth the trouble to seperate them. They should all simply be printed in the Necromancy section of the disciplines chapter. Thanks for your time and ears, fellow kindred!

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